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The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1960, p. 1

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THOUCHT FOR TODAY Learn to control your comsciencd $0 that you won't have to take sleeping pills, dhe Osha Sone shnny weather, with some coud is forecast, Temperatures will be milder, Bome snow, VOL, 89--NO. 296 Price Hot 6 Corts Pav 8 ROYAL CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY left, and Princess Ame, arrive London's Liverpool street enroute to Sandring Britain's royal family, Queen Elizabeth holding haby Frinee Andrew, with Prince Charles Russians Ready For Friendship MOBCOW (AP)--Foreign Min.| An expected foreign poney ister Andrei Gromyko said today speech hy Khrushchev did not the Soviet Union is .2ady to Im-|take place and the session ended prove its relations with the following unanimous approval of United States following the in-ithe government's foreign policy auguration of President elect! The Bupreme Boviet is due to John Kennedy, meet again in the spring, The 2 § " 8a. | Russian leader, who has heen Wid oh florian down with a bout of influenza ernment hopes U.8.-Boviel rela has made no speech to the Bu tions after Kennedy's inaugura-|Preme Soviet since it pened i tion will revert to the state they|sessions four days ago were ih during the administra-| Gromyke's review---lasting an tion of Franklin D, Roosevelt--alhour and 45 minules--was a re hope previously expressed by hash of previously-stated Boyiel Premier Khrushehev in a cable positions: He gave no indication last month congratulating Ken [that Soviet poliey would be modi nedy on his vietory, [fied to improve relations. with "The Soviet government ex-/the United States presses its hope that the present | Once more he blamed the unfavorable atmosphere will be) Eisenhower Nixon administra cleared," Gromyko said, "This/tion" for the present state of would help by 100 times the solu. UA-dgvist relations and the fail- { many probilems now un: we the Paris summit eon: i hy authorized to state that again for a special art of the Boviet govern-[summit session of the UN Gen: | ere is full veadiness toleral Assembly in the spring on better-|disarmament and attacked the rela. | Western powers as "opponents not only of disarmament but also| Khrushehev was on the plat: of control over disarmament," form as Gromyke reviewed the!He claimed that all neutral international situation and Soviet states now support the Boviet de foreign polley for the Joint ses- mand for speedy complete dis sion of the Bupreme Soviet larmament, Brain Surgeon's Christmas Gift (AP) station, on the 4 ment § promote the all-around ment of Boviet-American tions," | lshowed mothing That night Stephen Bloom, stands hy! Stephen turned rapidly worse the family Christmas tree, He |Next morning doctors advised greets a visitor with a friendly his transfer to Boston Children's hi!" His eager brown eyes re-|Medical Centre fined the shining of the ChrIStmas pa DAMAGED i ar Tests showed brain damage A miracle," his Dr.John Shillite, Boston neuro mur to the visitor surgeon, discovered what: the Stephen through a/x-rays could not show, that the horrifying aceldent and one of [plastic knob from the end of the the most delicate brain opera: antenna was lodged several tions ever performed New inches behing Stephen's right eye England in his brain, The eye itself was At the all right nough Hacteria alveady had started a had, Mes, John D. Bloom heard possibly fatal infeetion, Dr, Shil a fall last June as Stephen lito said all that could be done and one of his two sisters played was to operate "and pray." in the hasement, She rushed Aftera sealp incision from ear 'down, Stephen was pulling the to ear, the surgeon moved deeper tp of a rabbit-ear television an: inte little Stephen's brain, For §'% enna from under his right eye, hours Dr, Shillite worked through He had fallen on it the mage of delicate tissues and At Newport Hospital four nerve cells, He removed the knob titehes closed the wound. X-rays while oelleagues assisted Grim Yule In Belgium RRUSSELS (AP) Millions of trains were Belgians today faced the pros: schedule or pect of a grim Christmas as the Belgium . anth-austerity strike continued to! The strike centred in the spread Frenoh-speaking southern Wal Gas and eleetrie workers 100m area, where the Soelalist throughout the country were rade unions are powerful in the called oul. Socialist unions in Industrial centres. Liege ordered cafes, restaurants, |. a mavie houses and theatres te go hui Withouy PAY on strike in the hig eastern in In Charleral, big Industrial cen dustrial centre, Holiday mail de. T% WARY firms were unable to liveries nearly everywhere were PRY thelr workers because banks a standacl Natfs were tut Sirthe Pionets at The Socialists are fighting the ak ) 4 Witahoes tun Ana Who Bove op Ligh Bh ohiklren arriving for morning BT "Pon von Wy] qt Dl Sarid parame raising taxes and cutting social and government buildings. Pre a : mier Gaston Evskens rentained tar determined to press for adaption Public transportation was oper of his government's econamio re ating normally in Brussels, butjiorm law before the end of the Year Opposition Socialist [PRIS Such a nalsy parliament Thursday night that the president, Baron Pawk Kron acker, suspended the session dis CUSSIng the legislation, The de {hate vesumed today Under the government's pro gram 00.0000 would be owt Tom state expenditures and axes raised $100.000.000. i, NEWPORT parents mur has come in was had knew how hoginning it but nehody 2 running behind stopped in' southern classes is We deputies WPTOAr in CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 3.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 { | [Great Lakes in whieh registered OVEAWA (CP) ~The 196141 de fence budget will amount 1s shout $1,600,000,00, relighie in formants seid today, Defence expenditures, in other words, will he shout the same as in the current fiscal year wineh ends March 31, 1961, The 19606) idefence budget is $1,596 000 500, | Spending on defence takes up about one-quarter of all feders outlays The treasury board commitiee, has approved the de- fence budget hut HW had a dif cult time keeping it at about the 1960-61 level Main reason for this that $150,000,000 had to be found for lthe CF 104 reconnpissance homber program in 1961 ~ 62 double the amount required in the current fiscal year PAY BOOST 18 FACTOR Pay increases for the i a eahinet is ham, in Norfolk, for the Christ mas holidays, AF Wirephoto arma land spending will rise on $120,000 000 program two -Bomare anti-aireraft mis More Snow pr ew radars and the At Owen Sound 2, cs mer rae in for air defence e Defence Budget Figures | torees will cost about $40,000,000 the to provide OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMEER 23 1960 Auvorized os Gesond Clos Mod Post fice Department, Hows TWENTY PAGES 18tormpn said savings wih have to be made in armed force operations apd mainienance 10 leave funds lor new weapons, Procurement of weapons and equipment amounted Lo less than $500,000 0 this yesr or shoul 18 per cent of the defence hudget, The defence department 1s put: URE OB B New economy drive and this will result in such things as fewer transters of personnel and ess consumption of fuel The size of the 196142 defence budget would appear to rule oul purchase of the American Yoo doo jet interceplor as a replace ment for the CFM jet Inquiry Evidence Conflicts (AP J ' Aging A naval has heard eon-| timon on who Was for spilling the diesel] NEW YORK court of Hieting | inquiry f len Le MATURE OVERTIME ian Bay city today--hringing the total that has fallen so far this winter (0 #0 Inches City works department erews worked all day aod night elean-| GREENFIELD, Ma ing up after Thursday morning's! (AP) Mrs, Charles Field didn't go home Thursday from her joh as a purse in the maternity ward of Frank lin County Publie Hospital nine-ineh fall A grader 'and snow hlower had just cleared the husiness section hy 4 a.m, today when the new Bhe stayed on as a4 pa tient After she had reported for work, she delivered her ses storm started, The machines went hack to work and had the| ond daughter, a month ahead of schedule husiness area cleared hefore the stoves opened, The highways department re ported a 19-inch fall in the Tobey responsible fuel that fire ahoard Constellation he multi-million-doliar blaze last Monday gutted the glam carrier, under construetion at the Yards, and killed Workers convenes ed the disastrous the arcrafl earrier | Brooklyn 49 civilian The court da Test ond da again to al the see of the hearings at the navy vard dealt primarily with [he whereabouts of the operator of the fork lift teuck that appar | ently eontributed to the cause of the nony Thursda) | | accident Pwelve thousand military and mary area at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, " Air Guidance System Remains The! recording of radio conversations WABHINGTON (AF) Federal Aviation Ageney intends) AMON . twaftia the planes, ta continue the air traffic guid. that "we know of nothing now ance system around New Yorkithat requires a change" But if as it 1s, af least until the investi-| was explained that this will de gation hy the Civil Aeronauties| pend on what the CAB inquiry, Board into the disastrous eolli- now under way, might develop sion of two airliners there a week! [5 New York, The Herald Trib ago today une sald one navigation Meanwhile Senator Mike Mon: receiver was out of order on the poney (Dem, Okla.) said his Ben: UAL Jet at the time of the col ate alr safety committee will|lision {open an inquiry Into the New| A Washington dispateh to the order, but alrports Pr 08 | design of the (AP) today waters WASHINGTON dent Eisenhower ated American U.S, and foreign vessels must have a registered pilot aboard The pilot may he registered either in Canada or the United Nlates Canada also (real Lakes ships must carey a registered Canadian. or US, pilot, Both pountries are aetipg as a vesull of the increased number of for eign ships using the Great Lakes since the opening of the St, Law? rence Seaway, designating in which Is waters York erash and other aspects of newspaper sald the jet pilot had | A spokesman for the FAA re: quency to United Air Lines" that plied na' when asked by ve. one of his navigation radio re {result of the collision of the| | United DCA jet and TWO piston: | La Guardia [ made in either procedure or per:| Radio tapes released Wednes? { air|/day hy the FAA showed ground traffic region of the metropolis [On the basis of presemt infors|hoth airliners as they sped on a collision course Sl » A R ] westward of a line running from Sandusky pierhead light at Cedar waters contained within the ar of a circle of onemile radius light; the Detroit River; Lake St Clair; the St, Clair River, and Distriet - 3-Waters of the Si Marys River, Sault Ste, Mavie Iroquois light to the westward tangent of Jackson Island at the aly safety on Feb, [reported "over a company fre porters Thursday whether, as a celvers was out of | engined liners, changes would he aware of it, sonnel in the high density [both ain had lost contact with mation, which ineludes a tape Distriet 3-Waters of Lake Erie Point to Southeast Shoal light, All eastward of Sandusky pierhead north orn approaches thereto locks and approaches fram Point northern approach, ground control points and the spokehman said radio] | vrs wit, af don, i Mal ground controllers a dowil «| More a ays civilian personnel Thursday al tended memorial services for the workmen wha died on the Con: stellation A tablet honoring the memory of the vietims will he placed aboard the carrier when it finally i commissioned, the navy sald, One theory presented to the court sald the diesel fuel on which the flames fed was spewed aut when a fork Lift, In removing a trash container on the hangar deck, perhaps nudged a heavy [steel plate which sheared off a [valve from a tank of diesel fuel The flammable liquid gushed out to lower decks and caught five, But the fork lift epevator, Leroy | Davis, 46, testified Thursday thal [he was away from his truck for ahout 15 minutes at the time when this could have happened Another witness, William; Brown, a vigger, said he had | seen the fork Lift "five to 10 feet, mayhe more," from the trash hin when he noticed the spread Hing liquid § El § 8 | For The Congo KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) in The Malayan government today announced It has decided to in It |epease its force serving under the|¥ United Nations command in The fe Congo |v It said the UN has accepted an 4 offer to add a rifle company of] ahout 120 men to the 618 Malayan idiers already serving in The!h Congo under the UN flag I 1 N.C | Steelworkers' Boss Back In PITTSRURGH (AM) Head quarters of the United Steelwork ers reported today that steels| worker Donald Raviek has failed | to gain sufficient nominations to run a second time for president of union | This means 0 a the USW President | David MeDonald, who defeated | Ravick hy slightly than a 210-1 majority in the 1957 elee tion, is assured of re-election Feb, 4. Rarick was his only lg apponent, ty less while I I Ww from the crew SNOW SQUALLS SNARL TRAFFIC er -------------- sr IS SANTA D Twelve-year-old Coleta Burns of near Viola, Ark,, wrote a let ter to the New York Police asks ing, "Is there a real Santa in New York? ,,, He doesn't know where I live , , . If he doesn't come this time, 1 know he must he dead,'" Coleta hope- fully Hated the presents she Engineer Stays On Wrec NORFOLK, Va, (AP) = A de troyer sped most of the 20 sur vivars of the storm-hroken tanker | ine Ridge toward shore today the UB, Coast Guard earched the Atlantic for eight eamen still missing, Still aboard the bobbing stern ection is ehiel engineer John tichart, 86, of Wilmington, De le may he joined today If eather permits-=hy volunteers who would assist | salvage operations, The commercial tug Lamberts Point stood hy (0 take the ship Wo tow for Norfolk, BUrVIVOIS were om the aireraft ecarvier Valley orge to the destroyer Conway w the run to Norfolk, The con: oy 1s expected to arrive about pm, EST today, The Pine Ridge was ripped part Wednesday in 100-mile-an our winds that churned waters 0 miles east of Cape Hatleras, graveyard of the Atlantie Twenty-eight survivors were transferred plucked from the tossing stern breaking up Wednesday, distress [seotion Thursday by navy heli: 8lEnals \ [copters from the Valley Forge. | Forge from Florida waters, Earl: [But Richart kept a lonely guard|ler in the week the carrier had aboard the stern to protect his/fished a missile capsule out of wners' rights to salvage Hight men were missing and pparently lost, but the search) Radio May Be Crash Cause NEW YORK (AP)=A federal ficial sald today a personal ansistor radio was believed to (he in the wreckage of the United | A The U.S areas are Distriet 1-Waters of the Si Si. Lawrence River between the| international houndary at 1] LATE NEWS FLASHES Regis and lying at the head of the river running between Car ruthers Point light and southside light extending to the New York shave Baby's Cry Saves Family LONDON, Oat, (OM) ory roused household and probably saved their lives when fire destroyed a Delaware Township farm home early to day Donald Bear came home from Wallaceburg to find his house flames Mr, and Mrs Lloyd Kemp, wp stairs tenants, were awakened hy their baby's ory, Mr, Kemp, in nearsera temperatures and biting wind, walked barefoot to a nelghboring farm to call fire men he house was destraved Charged In Motel Rob WINDSOR (CM) without plea to Dee, 20 on a Two Children Burned ST. HILAIRE, Que. (CP death today and a third is mis Mr. and Mrs, Albert Nolsoux of the Notgeux children, were flames, Police were searching 15 15 miles southeast of A hahy's a of six, RONN (Reuters Solgewasser, Communist East ( church relations, has fled to the West German Social Democrat More Snow Hits Buifal BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP) A whipped in off neighboring Lake off Metropolitan Buffalo. The st Thruway from Buffalo to Batay Thruway which rans to Niagars William Morrison charged today with armed robbery in connection with the early | morning holdup of the Elmwood Mator Hotel, He was remanded hotel of $208, Bail was set at $10,000 Montreal Red Official's Son Defects Guenther bery h Ayear-ald laborer, was fe | charge of pobbing the mater To 'Death Twa children Sing after a ft Denis, 13, and Fapped in thelr mr ihe third eh burned to the home of Therese, 10, twa hedroom hy the ad. S. Hilaire Were a W w ¢ de a pr 5 Hans for The geowa nol ANN Ary of state a ouneed erm ¢ Dp West for po PaTly an ASRS th today wo mingle 0 present 0 RATT ¥ ary OW band of driving show i AR virinally sealed shel the New York State a anit the northbound Niagara A Falls ® hy od he W Ww evidence 8 ir Lines DCA jot plane that| collided with another plane last riday aver New Yark, Philip N: Goldstein, coordina: | af the Civil Aeronauties | oard erash investigation, said! he had sent two experts to cheek | into the situation, Goldstein sald there was no that sueh a radio al poled the fatal flight but that) there have been oases where wey affected flight instruments," Defeated Cabinet Requested To Stay| THE HAGUE, (Reuters) Inliana today asked Pre Jan de Quav's cabinet to AMAR In A 1eMParary capacity spite its defeat in parliament! hursday night over a - housing vier afoot The queen's request was an need alter de Quay paid a 4 to Soestdlk Palace] his resignation The government was defeated A vole of W 10 30 in the lower] the majority felt plan for west year meagre Visit WIR hecause housing oo f er By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bnow plow crews fought against stiff winds and drifting snow io (day to keep open roads in various | parts of Southern Ontario follow ng heavy spowsquells Thursday which forced hundreds of motor {ists Lo seek refuge in home, pub lic halls and wherever they coud find shelter Provincial police in Belleville | reported Highway 2 open after theing blocked for several hours {py the storm in that area, which {swept in off Lake Ontario, The highways department weather office at Toronto sald 18 inches of snow fell in the Brighton and Trenton area, R On the north shore of Lake On tario, at least 50 travellers aban doned thelr vehicles Thursday night and crowded into the one hotel, community halls and homes of the small village of Colborne, ahout 30 miles west of Belleville, MAIN HIGHWAY BLOCKED Colborne main slreel crowded with parked cars, buses! and transport trucks, and High way 2, principal road link he tween Toronto and Kingston, was blocked -for three miles east and west for several hours, The pocket storms, caused hy warm winds meeting a cold alr mass over the land, dumped from 5ix to 18 inches of snow in less than 12 hours, The freak' stegm in the Belle ville area stayed near the Lake Ontario shore, There was almost no snow al Foxhorough six miles north, The storm the Kingston area overnight, six Inches of snow had there by # am, hut the seemed to he dying out, The snow dropped in irregular patterns, At Cobourg, ahout miles west of Belleville, all hotel|r and motel rooms were filled witha {motorists who decided to walt] feared out the storm, But the commu of hi sl th tk Ll 8 EAD? would like, including one for brother Gary, 5, at left, and posted it to New York in the hope the Pride of the finest gould find Banta "and read this letler to him," Coleta lives ahout five miles southwest of Viola in the foothills of the Orark --AP Wivgphoto moved into fallen I storm ked Ship Among went on those drowned is the master, 44-year. My of Camborne, only six miles| heavy snow st old Capt, Clark Snyder north, reported no snow at all Bnyder is no stranger lo peril in at sea, He had two ships top: pedoed from under him on Car ihhean runs in the Second World ' Bnowplow crews worked around | in @ clock to keep the roads clear| {but high winds drifted snow back | in almost as soon as It was pushed aside, Many rural roads are still fy blocked, RESEMBLES CARLSEN Richart's vigil aboard the stern half of the Pine Ridge may par:| Christmas allel the feat of Capt, Kurt Carl:| . . sen, who stayed aboard the| Will Be White American freighter Flying Enter: TORONTO (CP) A freshly prise for two weeks before it sank whitened Christmas was forecast | Should the engineer leave the by the weather office today | docks, the hulk becomes fair sal-| Snow depths in the north are vage prige for anyone daring predicted to range from a foot enough to hoard her, In the lastiin the Lake Nipigon avea to six two years two ships in American |inches in the Timagami district, | waters have heen salvaged hy|so the runners on Santa's sleigh fy wildeat crews, one not far from| will have plenty to ride on, | th the stricken Pine Ridge and the| Skiers, too, are well provided | other off the Louisiana coast infor, with the snowbelt areas ad. the Gulf of Mexico, Joining Lake Huron and Georgian When the Pine Bay reporting depths of than twa feel, Additional light snow Is fore east for Southern Ontario late| Saturday and early Sunday, Tem eratures are ex he mid-20s, n G A a Ridge began summoned the Valley sl the South Atlante, 8 POPE GIVES Pape John XXII records his Christmas mm Ws pri vate library at the Vatican to day. The Poatitf is shown in front of a lighted montage of St. Peter's Sque. as he will message | I$ them on a standby basis Colborne shoreline vis BUS BOGS DOWN served stranded Ho! years ern coast, northern Texas and Lous isiana, | Ineluded Tallahassee, » Roads Clogged Hundreds Stuck Provincial police ordered cruis off the highway and kept The area from Bimeoe to Port slong the Lake Erig reported npear-blizzard onditions Thursday night with ihility reduced Lo a car lengih, Near Lake Huron at Clinton, 46 miles north of London, Ont, a Us carrying 10 passengers was randed after: haitling snows covered roads and deep drifts, The hotel, passengers moved oto a Al oyal Colborne, members of the Canadian Legion branch food and coffee to travellers packed into ie Legion hall and the village arena, Mrs, Charles Wood, owner of ie Queen's Hotel, sald her lobby was crammed with people, "Most of them were shivering nd wet," she said, "None were was Warned that conditions were so ad,' East U.S. Gripped By Cold Spell CHICAGO (APY = A severe eold wave stung much of the eastern two. Ahout | States thirds of the United today, And more snow 1aded across the snow-covered northern sections from the Rocks |les Inte New England, The ielest weather in several toppled temperatures to ecard lows for the date in some reas, Not much rellef was in ight, The middle west, hit hy a orm earlier (hig [weelk, got the zippiest weither, eluding a honechilling 24 below zero in Jollet, 111, and 23 below i International Falls, Mim, South of the bitter cold, the eezing line extended into north. Florida, the central Gulf Snow flurries peppered (he Ohio valley southward inte Tens essee and northern Georgia, The ead alr swept from the highlands 0 the eorgia, Carolinas into Mississippi, parts of Alabama and west-central Florida, Some southern eity low marks Fla, 26; tlanta 21; Mobile, Ala., 26; Mis mi, 48, Below-zero marks were general om the eastern Dakotas into ie upper Great Lakes region, northeast Towa, Illinois, northern Indiana and northwest Ohio, In | Chicago, some 40 miles northeast more of Jollet, the 11 helow reading | was the lowest mark since Dec, 16, 1051, The 2-below reading in Lan. ng, Mich, and 1 below in De. pected to he fn) drt were record marks for Dee, 23. CHRISTMAS MESSAGE appear on television in the tape ne sage, carding of his Christmas mes» AP Wirephato

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