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The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1960, p. 4

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0 TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON NOTICE T0 THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON Elizabeth crescent, and their son Hane Peter, will spend Christmas i571 4" 8 70 THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE CITY OF OSHAWA, SHIPS OF EAST WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, MANVERS AND CLARKE WHOSE LANDS ABUT LANDS SITUATED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Rowsld and Mr. Hanson Turner will he ending the Chrismas holiday: im Nova Seotia as the guests of and Mrz. Bruce Tarner and I Mr. and Mrs. B. Toyier Christmas hbiday guests at (he home of their parents, Mr, and F. G. Gosthis, will he Wr and Mrs. Robert Gosthn and dasgmer Kimneriey, of Toronts Mr. and Mrz. J. K. Goodman will he spending Christmas day in Cameron, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wilson Mr, and Mrs, Peter Giehen, of Mr. and Mrs. Thome: Morton will have ss Christmas dinner guests Mr, and Mrs, Glen Jenes, of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs J Morton, of Whithy Mr. and Mrs. DD. B. Fry will spend Christmas day in Cooke | | Ville as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Topple, parents of Yrs, A 8. Topple 'puranis' THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD iB Fry IN THE MATTER OF Section 270 of The Plonning Act, 1955 ne ' 4 f -- -- : ) a reel Canstion BIN THE MATTER OF on application of The Corporation of the Township of Derlington for epproval of its Restricted Ares By-laws, BY-LAW NUMBER FINALLY PASSED ROUGH RIDERS IN YULE SPIRIT Che bias and wl be ising FILE NUMBER P.F.M. 9817.59 2132 August 25, 1959 P.F.M. 9793.59 2136 November 5, 1950 Three members of the Ous- Christmas project, are, left to | and Bob Simpson and admiring inte the spi of things 19F jus parents, Mr. and Mrs ' nation Ferguson, of Perry streel THE ONTARIC MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints ' wa Rough Riders turned toy right: End Ted Smale, Full- the handiwork is Li-yearold Christmas, according to 1 MONDAY the 9th day of January, 196 repairmen to help the Ditaws hack Dave Thelen, Lee Hum Dennis Stewart. The Grey Cup picture 8 Andrew's Preshyteens held 1} al the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon Kinsmen Club with their anpual mel. Kinsman Club president winners appear to he geting is weekly meeting in the form of ion : & Christmas party held at the AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, in the Township of Darlington for the hearing of oll parties interested in supporting or opposing this oppliésiion, ' fd loyalty and iriendline they children and the congregations, home of Carol Wright, The mem {would find among the people. The ehildren then eachy received! hers enjoyed dancing and | ld 18sionar Mr. Creighton Devitt, Mr. Fred a gift and a treat Refreshments were serve The group went skating at the arena DATED AT TORONTO this Bth day of December, 1960. B, VICKERS, Acting Secretary Willan and Mr. George Carter Sunday evening Mi WwW Ww g } The all of Bowmanville, bit formerly Van Camp was hostess to 25 or 10 end a Pleasant prema 4 of Cartwright Parish, each spoke more friends and neighbors who NEXl Meeting will he id dan Tr u Meets for a few minutes spent i delightful evening singing After friendly intermingling Christmas Carols, both old and ith one another, the Women's new, with Mrs, H. Taylor accom. Masons Elect BLACKSTOCK -- Twelve hadies olfices he has held and the work Association erved a delicion panist. and Blake Gunter leading and four children attended the he has done The Scouts and Guides held Alter u dajnty lunch and social » December = meeting of the Canon Ashmore his spent #1) their Christmas party in the Com- half hour, Canon Ashmore dis ff Women's Missiopary Boel ety his vears in the ministry in the. munity Hall on Baturday night, missed the gathering with a Ben ew icers vhich was held at (he home of northern missions of the Anghcan pec 17, All report a very enjoy- edietion Mes Noy Taylor received. (Yom Diovent ol baskat ewal Hear able evening Mr. and Mrs, Harold McLaugh. Composite Lodge, AF and AM, onations wer ives UN ing the appes or men from lin and family were Bunday sn f thy recently hel Mrs. Clarence Marlow, Mrs, All Bishop G. E. Loyd, Canon Ash HOLD MEETING in and family were Sunday wins. 9 of Whitby recently heid (SEAL) ert Wright and Mrs, ¥redimore volunteered as a summer Blackstock LOL No. 134 held McLaughlin and family, Colum: fficers-for- 106) frewin, Plans were completed student, coming from Wycliffe its annual meeting Dee. 6. County hus for preparing good cheer hoxes! College in the spring of 1926 and Master W. Taylor conducted the for sick and shut-in: going to the field of Provost, election which resulted as fol . ke a pd Mrs, J. Beott sent a note asking Ais, then in the undivided dio: Jow sent fas week ) ith Dy ad Mrs Elected were: Bro. Harry ladie to save used psolage| cese Worshipiul Master, Earl Dor daey Marlow and family, Lively Town, master elect; Bro. kL damps from letters, cards apd ge was ordained by Bishop rell; Deputy Master, Stanford "My and My Vred: Trewin Inkpen, wnios warden Bre. Wi parcels, These stamps are sent Liovd in April 1930 in Bt. Albans Van Camp Chaplain, Herb Lioyd and Earl, visited Mr: and liam ¥. Gut Iie gor) arde fo Jamaica to help pay tition] Cathedral, During his years as Swain; secretary, George Wolfe; vis. Earl Trewin and family V. Wor pro. | red ars, hap fees for a Divinity student there, minister he served under Bishops financial secretary, Richard Van! ganiskillen, Sunda lain; Bro, Fred 0 ol HG ea The roll call was answered byiLlovd, Hallam, Burd and Martin Camp; treasurer, Bill Ferguson "Me : Bill Fors surer; V Wor Bro 6 August Christmas Customs of Oe) jy simost every corner of the dio- director of ceremonies, Edmund PERTH Roy and. Bill Ferguson us, secretary; Wor, Bro, seh, I Land Cent Harris; lecturer, Ernest Swain;| ore Sunday supper guests of Mv. Gouldburn, director of ceremon y or' 5 " vers and Mrs. Noel Morton and David, ies: Bro, Ivan Davie; senior dea Lipa Td a erod| In 194 he was appointed travel wer wiih Bren, Sommilies Oshawa con; Bro. J. H. Breckenridge gratifying TING Wan FECRIVEE) ug priest for the north, and Carl Wright, Hoy Ferguson, La- "7g "5 \ bla hh Chas, W ( / e Carnaghan ud " evi py Pi p 5 Mr. and I Cecil Neals, junior deacon Bro has by lice lig ainaghan di chose to make his home ih pod: vern Devi, Wallace Marto pavid, Ruth and Paul, Peterhoy- Stafford, inner guard: Bro. W | 10 club met at the home doekwood, so that he wou I District Master R, Gibhs con: ough and Mr, and Mrs, Cox, Osh I'he ON among the settlers who were then ducted the installation. Visitors Installing master was W. Bro Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow John R. Town The Corporation of the Township of Darlington BY-LAW NUMBER 2132 A BY.LAW to amend By-law Ne, 2111 physicians and their patients for the as amended by By-law No, 2126, being a by-law purpose of medical consultation, diagnos te regulate the use of land end the character, is, and dffice treatment ' location and use of buildings and structures b) 2(n) (1) Hospital' means a private or within the boundaries of the Corporation of public hospital as defined by "The the Township of Darlington, Private Hospitals Act, R. 5 ©. 1950, ' ! - m- Chapter 289" or "The Public Hospitals Tripp, senior steward; Bro. Stan THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL of the Act, R. 5 O 1950, Chapter 307" ' (vie T sd g awa, were Sunday callers of Mrs. 1, Smith, junior steward: Bro a 5 J of Jeu oy 25 Dios: moving north from the drought were present from No. 43 and' john MeKee Ivor ith, Jn org, and Bro Corporation of the Township eof Darlington ent. Plans were made for a bow! | areas No. 764 Lodge Mrs. Phena Mountjoy, Oshawa, A. F. Foote, tyler enacts as follows ¥ ng party in January, Roll call In 1924 he married Gwendaline Speeches were made contirming, spent the week with My, and Mrs. | ---------- I That Schedule "A to By-law No. 211} way -= My Favorite Fancy Wrap: Adela Dobbin, Mrs, Ashmore held loyalty to the Crown and main! Harold Swain and family and My NER vy : ! bhi bud oY Na R19 bs a ( For Ad Present "office in various departments of taining the Protestant religion. | Lawrence Mountjoy, Warkworth EVERYTHING GROWS as amended by By-law 0 2126 b the Women's Association, Twelve Lunch was served and a social| spent Thursday with them some soil on the Caribbean is amended as follows To rezone parts of lots 29, 30 and 31, con- 20x) (1) School" means an authorized academic school under the jurisdiction of a Public School Board, a High School Board, a Separate School Board or a Board of Education' OLD MEE y B § sident of the diocese hour spent, Next meeting J 2 Mrs. John MeKee, M and 1a Martinigue is so fertile . a . HOLD MEET Cars as Presi of Ur Spe an ) I. and land of Martinigu 4 (x) (2) "Scheal, Cammercial" means a The December meeting of 50. hoard and was active in Sunday| 1061 at & p.m The John's Women's Association was school work, camps and youth held "in the Parish Hall Thurs: work as well as community ae. hy day, Dee, 15. The president, Mrs. | tivitie Canon and Mrs. Ashmore occupy. (pq Sask, school trustees, di- ed ing the rectory partner. Minutes were read and|for war service, the Provincial reporis received from the treas:| Red Cross Service Badge, life urer and corresponding secretary. membership in the National Red Cond cheer boxes were planned | Cross and the Coronation Medal 0 900, 98 98 le, le le, le WE, ole vie When children need new parents for sick and shut-ins and a hox|of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 1# to be sent to Mrs, Chaperlin, 11 who leaves for Jamaica, Dec, 260 He 1s a member of the Odd on the advice of her doctor fellows, Masonic Order and is The election of officers resulted presently Grand Master of the as follows: president. Mrs. John Grand Orange Lodge of British Scott; vice president, Mrs. John America Hamilton recording secretary Serving over the years in val Mrs, Charles Fee: corresponding ous capacities on different secretary, Mrs, W, W VanCampi | hoards of the church, he has heen treasurer, Mrs, Frank Staniland:| a member of the executive com:| Doreas seerelary Mrs. Evalmittee of the diocese since 1004.) Parr; Living Message. Mrs, HW. He was named Honorary Canon MeLaughlin; Little Helpers, Mrs.[of St. Alban's Cathedral by the Ashmore; Junior Auxiligry, Mrs.| Ri, Rev. H. D. Martin I. A MeArthur; Chancel com gighon funt, Sulfragon Bishop mittee, Mrs. ¥ Staniland, Mrs of Toronto, gave a very interest YR 'r C. 8mith. Mrs, J, Hamilton, Mrs ling talk and welcomed the Canon! H, Hamilton, Miss BE. Par and, Cartwhight Parish Mrs, J. A, McArthur: group lead " A \ # Canon Ashmore thanked (he ers, Mrs. Avge, Mrs, Shemilt! gidion and Mr, Wolfe for their and Mrs, H, Bailey kind words and recounted inter Mrs. Hamilton closed the meel: asting events in his ministry, He ing with prayer ald that in 1958 11 health seemed The ladic pent their social to close a door for him, but he hour preparing the hall for the felt now, that in his callito Cart peception Friday evening wright Parish. another door ha On Friday evening, Dee, 16, a heen opened very pleasant evening was spent 8 | in the Parish Hall when a recep: Oh) FS TALK tion was held for Canon and Mrs, no ih Neil Bailey snoke as the Ashmore who have "recently People's Warden, of the wark {hat . : haa been done at the Rectory apd taken up residence at the rectory the financial help they have ' In the veeeiving line were gajved Rishop and Mrs, Hunt of Toronto Mrs, Ashmore spoke words of Canon and My Ashmore, ME qnpreciation to the women of the Coarge Wolfe, the Rectory's War WA for their work at the Rectory den, and Mrs. Wolfe, Mr. Nell Roy. Romeril of the United Bailey, the people's Warden, and Church and Mr, Herron of the Mrs. Halley Preshyterian Chureh welcomed Later Mr. Wolle introduced the the Rector and Mrs, Ashmore to Canon and told of some of the the church, and each spoke of the MERRY MENAGERIE © 1080 Walt Disney Produstiags World BR ghts Rwarved J | 8, Yi TN ws ) Ms LAY @tenry Muted By King Faatuons Sua 12:23 "He never actually DOES anything bad, he just thinks about doing it!" vector of rural education, and Bethlehem ONTARIO Mrs, Gordon Strong and Beth, at- ime annual Christmas service tended Mr. and Vrs Fd. Law that singposts sometimes Behool of Bi] son's Silver Wedding Anniversary | "9% John's Church was held Sunday|in Yelverton Hall Saturday eve fohn Hamilton, presiding, opened] Canon Ashmore also devoted, afternoon with Canon Ashmore in| ning Harvey Thompson and the meeting and expressed the uch time to the Canadian Le. charge [ il society's pleasure In having gion, Provincial and National Red divection of their leaders present-| Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and! Rey Romeril delivered a fine t "The Road tolfamily Miss Ethel Thomp: sermon from the (heme wa inter: son and Mr. and Mrs. Donald! Room' Sunday morning to a full The Canon led in general pray-| Provincial Home and School, He, spersed throughout with the sing Thompson of Nestleton were Sun-|ehureh, The choir sang "0 Night ars and In prayer for the prayer| holds the Canada Service Medal| Ing of t and sprout leaves, under the, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Thompson,| Oshawa Carols by the'day guests of Mr. and Mrs ! Divine" Ihese are found for them by Children's Aid Societies through adoption, When, for whatever reason, children cannot be maintained in their own homes and must be made wards of a Society, they are placed in 4 foster home or parent's institution until they may be returned to their parents of until permanent new parents are found hixty-thousand children have been placed in secure and happy homes under adoption laws approved by the Ontario Legislature, While infants are naturally in the greatest demand, there are many older, handicapped children and those of mixed racial origin whe could find happiness and bring happiness to the right families adopting them 120 Personal CHILD FOR ADOPTION | ROGER (8 a pleasant 11-yearold | looking, fair nplexioned young | | Anglo-dason parentage His features are | vegiilar and his hale light heawn and | | wavy. His progress at sohool has been | eseellent. Roger fa quick-tempored hut | Win outbursts evaporate quickly and he tn accept discipline. This hid} | 4 needa the security of a hama | { nts of his awn. In hi | orth a try Wa are leak o who would {ike to give n ehanoe. Protestant couples interested 1a inquiriog further about Roger with 3 view to his adaption, should write ta he MA uhlic HH . Parliament Buildings amnte The Dept. of Public Welfare sponsor want ad advertising each week to bring to the attention of the public the needs of these children. It has been demonstrated that older and handicapped children can be as rewarding to adopting parents as any other children Your local Children's Aid Society would be pleased 10 confer with you if you would like to know mare about adopting an Ontario child DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Louis P, Cecile, Q.C., LL.D, James N. Bond Minister Deputy Minister SON NNO NNN 0 00 NN 0 HE NE | Serving Ontario's Children 's6 #3 cession B. F. being bounded on the north by Highway No 401, on the east by the Courtice Rood, on the south by a line drawn parallel to and distant pne thousand (1000) feet northerly from the high water mark of Lake Ontario, and on the west by the westerly limit of the east half of Lot 31 being the easterly limit of lands owned by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, from Aaricultural (A) to Restricted Industrial (MI That Section 2 of By-law Ne. 211) as amended by By-law No, 2126 be amended by adding thereto the following subs sections 2b) (1) "Clinic'" means a building er part of a building that is used solely by school conducted for hire ar gain, other than an academic school, and includes the studio of a dancing teacher, music teacher, an art school, golf school, school of calisthenics, business 'or trade school This By-law shall come inte effect on the day it is passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board READ a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 25th day of August, 1959 Signed RW. NICHOLS, Reeve Signed W. E. RUNDLE, ' Clerk The Corporation of the Township of Darlington BY-LAW NUMBER 2136 A By-law te Amend Zoning By-law Ne, 2111, WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town, ship of Darlington passed a zoning By-law No, 2111 on the 5th day of February, 1959, and subsequently passed an amending By-law No, 2126 on the 2nd day of July, 1959, both of the said By-laws being approved by an order of The Ontario Municipal Board dated the 7th day of July, 1959, AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it advisable to further amend the said Zoning By-law Number 2111, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington ENACTS that By-law No, 2111 of the Town: ship of Darlington be amended as follows; 1, That new paragraphs vii) and viii) be added to paragraph 11 (a) Uses permitted in an Agricultural Zone, as follows Farmer Retaining Lot Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law ta the contrary "in the Agricultural Zone a bona fide farmer whose chief source of income is derived from farming operations consisting in whale or in part of growing grain or apples, raising cattle or livestock or operating a dairy farm, may retain a lot having 100 feet frontage on a public road and 200 feet in depth, from the sale of his farm and build thereona one storey house having a minimum ground floor area of 200 square feet provided all other provisions of this By.law con. cerning minimum yards are complied with Farmer conveying lots to Sons and Daughter Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-low toa the contrary in the Agricultural Zone a bona fide farmer whose chief source of income 1s derived from farming operations consisting in whole ar in part of the activities mention. ed in paragraph vii) above, may convey daughter may construct on a lot so conveyed a one storey house with a minimum floor area of Yoso square feet, provided all other provisions of this By- law concerning minimum yards are coms plied with That paragraph 4 (f) of By-law Number 2111 as amended by paragraph 11 of By. law Number 2126 be amended by adding the words "Save and except in the case of a summer cottage erected in an agri cultural zone under paragraph 11" so that the section will read as follows Il. Par. 4 (f) (f) Frontage on Public Street No person shall erect any build- ing or structure in any zone un- less the lot upon which such building or structure is ta be erected fronts upon an improved public street which has a width of 66 feet or more, save and ex cept in case of a summer cottage erected in an agricultural zone under paragraph || That the Zone Requirements Table in paragraph 12 be amended so as to pro. vide for a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet and a minimum lot frontage of 100 feet in connection with summer cottages in Zone A That Schedule "A" be amended by re- zoning Lot 9 registered Plan 650, owned by Victor Cookson, being a Lot having 234 feet 6 inches frontage on Highway No. 2 and 74 feet 21% inches frontage on Road No. 9 (the Maple Grove Road) at the North West intersection of Highway No 2 and the Maple Grove Road from Agri- cultural to Highway Commercial (C2) Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this Sth day of November AD. 1959 ROY W. NICHOLS Reeve a lot having @ minimum frontage of 100 (SEAL) feet on a public road and 200 feet in depth to his sin ar dauahter and such son ar W E RUNDLE Clerk

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