these wilh be more Gishes lo come By Canada Glow |p, Gave Time and Energy = "rm. ven wear Precedes Meeting codire hetween courses is hardy By ELEANOR ROSS Mi she Is aie to snare 3 mem iced by the who ne The members of the Woman's: While experience may be the her of the family or close friend Y eh pussies pBut Fv Association of Westmount Church best teacher, somebody else's ex- 1o help clear the table after the het & Dig he | it can make nivel a Pot Wek supper al their perience may prove just as help. mes, thet individusl ts advised Tu. fomity Sishwasher #ILer the December meeting on Tuesday tul and easier on the nerves than of the procedure to be followed celebration is over! eB evening al the church. The tales your own! As plates pre removed from the do Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Diel KA 3- His "decorated Christmas. Consider holiday dinners Plates are removed rs | The most disconnging part of Sue Supper (Suggests Ways For Hostess Lusot lor" these. chores, pekome EVE with candies and the bullet supper. Chances are there will be more ale, Leftovers are scraped washing wp alter a Wig mest is THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Fridey, Diiemins 23, 1960 Tuas eaten by the glow of conde people at the table than wsual sy ino, poper bogs i aot the work ie, 1 iia d ght while the chimes paved Surely, the menus will be larger Plates are sacked nb nest pile {the pH disor EHgne {Christmas carols and more var Capacity Audience Rewarded |," ue wumn, rest "So ire "5i%e more ais 580 1 wh pa the secretary's reper esd the obs wad pans to Jide. mare EMPTIED AND RINSED the rofl en ie iso ates Lo TemOvE Delween Courses stacked and ready for wash, B rt t Kin Str t anmugl report and i poem "N0iasd of course, & Kitchen ust Be and Masses ore omplied cuiery y SS Conce a J ee Fime". Mrs, BW. Boville read puiging with things 16 he wamed!ycier Cution ie put temporarily receptacle and the sink Wot the lreasirer's report, MIS after the feasts are over i cardboard box which is cleared of clutter, then dish-wash- > " i s } f the manse nie A a d | my Stanley Gomme, superin-ity as a fitting closing and Mr. Stuart Hall spoke for Ih 80 don't Bimit your planning to Gisearied later {ing presents no mental hazards, 1] -- ---- ------ or ------------------------ tendent of King Street Sunday Gomme asked ali to Join in sing commitiee and ig Myle % the preparation alone. Give School welcomed a capacity ing Silent Night Stoughton on the sale of cards long thought to the aftermath, 4 p Santa Cl 5 tered for audience to the Christmas con-| BSantp Claus arrived in a jolly A banquet is heing es . i cert held in the Centennial Halllmood and brought a treat for Janusry 14, It was decided that TIME * BAVING PLAN ; -- L1H . H on Monday evening every boy and gr to complete five handred dolars he donated! One hostess we know, whe is of : He explained the theme of the the pleasure of the evening ia the huliding (uid ol the pi a omens on hr lavish fests. ( ES vy 1, "we M Vv iy " LM Busy car are as follows: Honorary has worked out 8 plan Br y y festival, The program 'Exchange Teachers» president Mrs, Frank Ward:| The doy before holiday feasts : sii with the carol "Joy lo sident, Mrs. J. B, Jackson:! or, indeed, before any hig din- - , M the World." R : Ch ni vice-president, Mrs, Percy per party--she clears all kitchen mn», The making of the Christmas eceive eques, | Neal; secretary, Mrs Kenneth work counters of odds and ends th e li } ' was 8 humorous skit, well | Markle; corresponding secretary, of packaged goods, the appliances a% } [14 its of Christma® ge - Cake 4 3 | Mrs. Rupert Harrison; treasurer, eed for th t resented by Mr. and Mrs | Mr Wy N she won't ne or the momen i Oshorne and their son Colleagues Gifts Mrs. B. W. Boville; press report-' and so forth Grant, "Christmas Shopping Was! mhroughout the world at this ©F Mrs James Preston, Ware . y " eng acted by the hoys and girls of coocon of the year the theme ture, Mrs Murray Ma Ton r,. ( GI had fun wrapping Sifts ond Mol? is erohasized doa Harris; Jointing, com | surprises. for friends he nex In the teaching gLrofession In IN haa OV LT & ; playiet revealed Mr, # nd Mrs Ontario this theme actised hy M 3: iy i Me Wy, In a Hurry ? Daisies ¥ yf wily din and he Federation of Women Teach op leaders, Mrs, Gordon Bruse, Bh y no 4 ers' Associations of Ontario Wherry Mrs, Gordon Brown Decorating the Tree"! was per During the past few days the Mrs. Arthur MeDougell; mission CALL formed hy the primary juniors Goodwill Commitice of Federa- ary monthly and World Friends with Judith Cutler as narrator, tion has sent Christma cheques Mrs. Bernard Owen: visiting Sylvia Holmes, Danny Deering 0 the amount of 875 each to Brit: committee, Mrs, Earl Landon and Debbie Conlin sang a trie 18h elementary school women Mrs Frank Owen, pianist, Mrs nd taking part were Bonnie teachers on exchange in Ontario. Frank Owen; cards, Mrs Myles Holmes, Robert Millison, Pamela, The gifts sent in the names of Stoughton Cowan: Carl Weldrick. Brian the Federation's 22,500 members. Mrs, Gordon Wherry presided + Flaine Godfrey and Mark have gone to teachers in London, at the meeting and read the J Ottawa, Port Credit, Hamilton, story of how "0 Little Town Of RA 5-4771 op The junior boys sang carols Weston, Scarborough Richmond Bethlehem' came to he writien from door to door to close (he Hill and Toronto after the carol had heen sung | aii Miss Frances McLeod of Osh. Mrs. Myles Stoughton Jend ihe | Oshawa's Largest and N , Christrgas story from the serip erend Mervin Bury awa, the provincial convener of a A io YH hi Finest Taxi Service ¥ spoke heiefly thanking the Bun: (he Goodwill Committee, in an- HF y Me Dougall dai yi day School teachers for thelr pouncing the Christmas remem: d in praver. The members par. 45 KING E OSHAWA T rk in preparing the concert hrance said These gifts ave Heipated in several contests con " CHECKERBOARD SHIR and the audience who came 10 sent to assist these teachers on ducted hy Mrs, Clarence Me enioy it exchange over the Christmas Sea Inroy and the winners received hd A study in leisure time this ( for in-hetween-times. When the | ope ph ten cents for handing The second half opened With son and to make it possible for PF checkerboard shirt is the bu blocks are doled this shirt fits | to the Needlecraft Department ing hoys and girls taking them to enjoy their stay in Can sizes small, medium and large, | paper and ask parcels to shut-ins; the Explor: ada a little more girl's portable project, Fach If you would like directions for dod ! Ad p ! EF Wl» Pr 3 Ca square, made individually, is | making It. simply send a | for CHECKERBOARD SHIRT, ers at p Christmas practice and mye gifts are made possinle r® he 0 od aller : he kindergarten having a Chris. g.eou0n the voluntar contribu the perfect purse companion | stamped, self-addressed envel- | Leaflet No, CPC #713 a party, The primary depart Blue Grass Hand end Body 50 tions of members of Federation Lotion, Both Seep, ' ' : Lor | mistia Snow is Falling" and|'0 the Goodwill ¥und. ¥rom the S Christ Church Evening Guild Temp the Pamily 'fein perc zs JANUARY SALE By Serving Broccoli Kiittering with tinsel the junior Recipients of the Federation's Supper Meeting And Election formed an angelic tableau HC ° Paderakions Ar i five girls from the senior CNTistMAas gills are I With Cream Sauce choir, accompanied hy Carolyn Woodrow Hamilton Miss G CHRISTMAS uns The annual meeting, election of ley Sunshine eonvener Vy Pascoe »ang "Star of the Bast" Dickson London Mise 1 i 4 of li y This popular variety of cauli- | y 9 / tel . officers and pot luck suppe ro Itichard Evan Daas i a ae n an effec five Slow tempo | Ayre and Miss M, Griffiths, Oita the Evening Guild, of Christ Md Following the election of offi. HOM WAS W y i I'he senior primary presented ' el 3 n \ yo morial Church was held recently. cers: there was an exchange. of #1 aly in the sixteenth ce " the manger seene of the Nativi wa Mas, R hy Silman Po ri on The president xpressed her iii : tur owever, it Va little hi redit; Miss A, | arton, Bear Blue B Flo " The | a gilts, The next meeting of the wool, nic country before 1920 horough; Miss C. ¥. Coe, Rich ve Grow Mower Mish, Dusting v. a anks # sciation of the | y Thursday es " 8 2 Powder, Ho thanks and appreciation of Ihe Guild will be on Thursday eve: oocoring to the Ontario Depart. 15 Well to stand the bunches ub mond Hill, Miss A. 1. P. Bell Fowgar) Sud dod 1056 HY 0 Ast ining, danudry 19, 1061 in the oon" Agriculture in hoiling walter, Using one Weston; Miss P, M, Feest, Miss "FUR SALON" ' P year. | Parish Hall pound of trimmed hroceoll, hollig p Miss J, M. Hunt Paras 5 " Gillet, Mrs. Fred Porter gave he. of Fresh broceoli should be wash. yy cups of water for 10 to 12| Miss A, L. Kingston, Miss A, K relaty's report and Mi £4 1 Plunging We, heads wh and minutes; steam for 10 minutes; Mackenzie, Toronto, J 26 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5.2722 Proctor gave the financial Sate Revive The Spirit Hae drained Pare the stalks or cook In a pressure Satieepan / ment, The parish council report Lo Buco nila ili % a cup of water for 2 min: HOUSEHOLD HINT OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK \ was given by Mrs, Garnet White in s tough auler leaves, Une. the ules at 16 pounds pressure i aad bad h 3 war announced: hit dhe Of Christmas Past he 4 eh ig saves Une ihli Me, outed ways to serve hrov Movers aren't allowed to han y 8 MN 4 y AY platés; with a picture of the A colorful custom of the Dick IKS thicker than an ineh coli include buttered hroceoli fie mited plants. Flan to in . hun Oe WK sean aw Q pa churgh, were still available and onc ora can be revived this hroccoli with hollandaise sauce, you felh J Ahly In they Blue Grass Flawer Mist, Hand ean he had by contacting the sec: Christmas by toasting carollers » cooking than the heads. it Proecoll with cheese sauce, hroe amily ear, . and Body Lotion, Bafh Mit retary : and guests with Port Negus. This! Te Fooling than the hel "cali with lemon butter. sauce Alomizer, $5.50 Members were invited to attend delightful warm wine drink was : haked broccoli, hrogeoli au gra the pages y JA 10 he held a hospitality stand-by of jolly 2 tablespoons sugar tin, broccoli with cream sauce oS oH. i. oil ~ . Bo) We oo. " . oo. oe. [| Since the stalks require much pageant hy the on January 8 from 4 to § o'clock, | Mr, and Mrs, Ferziwig at their | cup hoiling water Rraceoli and tomato salad calls Mrs. H, D. Cleverdon conduct-|Christhas parties long before! Pare off the yellow rind of the fbr diced fresh broccoli, which is ed the election of officers as fol- Scrooge was haunted hy spirits lemon, Place rind and juice of placed in boiling water and let lows and repelled the warmth of lemon in top of double holler, stand for two minutes, Then a : Christmastime Add sugar and Port, and heat to drain well and marinate in salad Honorary president, Mrs. 1H. D | hailing. Stir in 1 cup boiling dressing for an hour, Drain again Cleverdon; president, Mrs. W, G PORT NEGUS | water strain into mug or and chill, Serve in lettuce cups Vackson; 1st vice president, Mr (KF servings) glasses, If glasses are used, pul with tomato wedges, using dress. Nolfe Miller; 2nd vice president [! hottle of Canadian Port la spoon in each while pouring. ing in which broccoli was marin: Hrs. I. G. Knowler ecvetary | 1emon Fleck with nutmeg and serve, ated Mis, Fred Porter; parish council, Mrs. Garnet White telephone convener, Mrs. GG. A. Leslie 0 EF ay) aud Fatt Mak BE BEBEBER elal convener, Mi Fred Porter [+] press convener, Mrs, 1, GG, Know Mue Grass Bath Cubes (4), Bath Mit, $2.25 Blue Grass Hand and Body Lotion, Bath Mit, Balh Petals 3 SIZES ; 123-22% Rue Grass Lusury Bath Sas, Dusting Pawder, Hand 11080 Lem lp h by Blue Grave Fluffy Milk Bath, Bath Mir, 2.25 a Ee Blue Grass Hand and Body Lotion, Hand Soap, Bath Saap, $425 Like the Wise Men of old, may you find treasures of the heart and the spirit this Noel! Christmas Greetings! FOR HALF-SIZES | Time forcJou.. - E | Som asTime for 8 Solemnity Adeep-descending collar frames you in softest flattery above a slimming skirt. Smart in daytime colton or woo elegant in silk for gala evening among nations and justice throughout the world. May the blessings of the Printed Pattern 4704 Half season be upon you may peace be bestowed upon mankind, Sizes 12's, 141g, 16) 1a 200 22%. Size 16% requires 3% vards Winch fabric CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY Send FIFTY CENTS 5 RIRI VES oa coins (stamps cannot he accep | ~| A vel RL TEWELY. MONE RA 3.2205 OSHAWA "a0 iMCOE $1.8 STYLE NUMBER R$ - PHONE RA 3.2245 U0 PHONE RAS 3546 Send order to ANNE ADAMS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE g 1 Y ) ROSSLYN PLAZA - RAS . We join with all men of 200d Will in a prayer for harmony ) Codmelce Deparlmen care of The Oshawa Times, Pat ALSO 3 leo tern Dept., Oshawa, O ration inspired hy AMrechi D 5 "Th ALOU STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY § SENT AGW! dia. eas Paling fain : p 431 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 5.4719 COLO ( a W le Pattern Catalo ha n IT LA sivies to sew