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The Oshawa Times, 24 Dec 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Desomber 24, 1960 "» \ Pv ' lhe) 1 X HOQEDY | CS) ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Seripture~iuke 2:82, The Roman government of Israel de to be Joseph clared a tax on everyone each in his own city Mary went to Galilge David, "which is « to be Mxed Luke BIBLE LESSON led 2:14 Holy Festival Time Of By NEWMAN CAMPBELL Christmas time again, What memories it must bring to older people who have celebrated many Christmases, It is a time of giv ing of gifts to family and close friends. But don't forget those who are too poor to buy gifts and some who may have no families or friends with whom to cele brate GOLDEN Be not afraid; for which shall be to all people the city of David a Saviour person, invite whoe to share out festivities him feel that he do¢ hay friends and try to convince Wim he is not alone in a friendless world On the and make, night of Christ birth "there were shepherds abiding in| the field, keeping walch over| " their flock by night. And, lo an! angel of the Lord came upon them: and the glory of the Lord shone around about them; and they were sore afraid, And the angel said unto them. Fear not for behold, 1 bring you good tid-| ings of great joy For unto is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, whieh is Christ the Lord And this shall be 4 sign unto you Ye shall find youl to the city of Bethlehem," Let us, if we know such a the shepherds went to Bethlehem hehold, | bring you good tiding for unto you | which Is Christ ver it may bejto watching thelr flocks hy night were afraid when an "angel of the Lord came upon them, and (he u glory of the Lord shone round about a them' as the angel spoke to them Luke 2:8 | Weathe wag expecting a child, "And so shepherds that, while they were "there she brought forth her firstborn and wrapped Him in swaddling and laid Him in a ms 4 Luke 2 Rail Freight | Down In 1960 OTTAWA (CP With little more than two weeks to go in the year, the 1960 freight business of Canadian railways & down 5.0 per - cent from last the Dominion Bureau ties reported today A total 3,507,600 car Venue ght loaded in the year up to Dee, 14, compared ith 3,711,000 in the comparable period of 1959 Mary paid it was and bon clothes By R. Barciay In the next five have a greater variety of wea conditions: cloud. and sun, 1 leet and drifting snow, an vide range of temperat Wouldn't it be wonderful if all determine be about it"? Warren Gifts the Babe wrapped in clothes, lying in a Luke 2:8:12 "And suddenly there was the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God saying, Glory to God in highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men Luke 2:3-14 When the angels went awa year swaddling of Stati manger of raliway with were the and the pe frei to One day ed Isn't thi His parishioner but the look on his rebuke, The weather is neve; ten or wicked, Neither is able, But let a p absurd comment and he adds the misery of world: "misery to others anc himself, A clerk in a store marked how depressive it rotien WANT TO LEARN? made Would like dance, se make play bridge? Or Just make friends" Plan to visit your nearest YWCA during National YWCA Week this week, and find vha oing on there every day and evening There's a YWCA Branch near ou listed on Page 1069 in your To onto telephone book, Call today You'll he glad you did to learn lo copper jewel you TEXT ! new son make of gi during the cul Jo born this da Lord Larke ad to the out St Au 2:10:11 see (his wondrous Child, and they had Him the peak adversely of the wea told everyone about Him when Seen and all "Fear you months 'we'll con we'd cheer cleryman comment. wedlhe no reply face was IL miser hear a couple of hundred people hath made not," said the angel good tidings of great nto you is born in the city Saviour, which is Christ the Luke Luke 2 oy GOLDEN TEXT r Never Really Rotten People about the during the day tualy grumble would grumble where, And people about the weather about many other thing ther am d a ure There had spell on the come wheat One he tood in ' & ched POL ore been a long prairie soon or there crop. Il Hal vould he came in farmer 0 happ walked oul of the house it till he wa folk having disappointed but Vi vr" some the uch aay the I to lel u I'he "I'hi try When we sa mean it. 1d Py ald Good Da re 1184 to will rejoice I used this ther be glad of it' "I bring For of David, Lord 2: 10411 10-11 who hab) weather about it any who grumble oon grumble Rain must no time that and unaay well dren a plenic rain was a great-thing for fhe coun a good day vhich the LORD and text lone Sunday evening in a service held by lamplight, That after noon an ice storm had swept across the country doing much) Old Cars Must sumac, mang ioe sav) Pass Test tricity. That was one of the best] Old cars are cherished in Bri- services) in which I have mini- tain, But under a new reguls- stered, God was pleased that we tion cars ever 10 years old| readily acknowledged His sov- cannot be licenced unless they ereignty and rejoiced in Him pass a special test, designed to The man who forecs is the reveal any dangerous mechanical weather is sometimes wring hut deficiences. Early figures show God is always right, 11 His ©d that 52 per cent of the "10 righteous judgment upon the plus" cars were failing the test; ungodly in Noah's day He rain. of these about one-third had ed upon the earth for 40 days faulty steering, and one-third In Elijah's day He withheld rain had laulty brakes, says the On- for 3% years that the people tario Safely League. The Minis-| might hear and respond to the ter of Transport, Mr, Ernest Mar- | prophet's call to repentance, ples, revealed that his own two-| Elijah knew how to pray year-old car had been tested Let us glorify God when and falled! He sald 1 was sveak about the weather! shocked to find that the track pea : rod has been fouling a nut. In time the rod would have snapped. | fancy And my car had just been servie- de- ed, too!" He mentiontd, though, il that 2 vehicle over 50 years old had passed the test easil we | Padlock keys worn as bronze finger rings were igned hy locksmiths in ancieni | TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Bowmanville REV, W. K. HOUSLANDER, B.A MR. A. COLLISON, MUS. BACH, B.D., Minister LRSM. Organist Hebron Christian Reformed Church Thickson Rd church? Church of the "Back to God Hour" every Sundoy, 3 pm. CKLB, SERVICES and you ses SUNDAY, DEC 25 IH AM Rey, John YanHermelen "Christ the Saviour wes born" yy Sunday School Program Parents and Children tor One block north of highway 2 on | the SOUTHMINSTER United Church 1109 CEDAR SY CL Lewis, Shudent r Minister 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP "CHRISTMAS COME IN THE MORNING" 11:00 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, BA. 80D, Minister Ross Metcolt, ARLCT., ACLM. Orgonist and Cholrmaster WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD SY, AT GIBBONS Marie Taylor, ARCT, , AS £ Riviold Choir REV, FRANK HW, WARD, B.A, 11:00 AM, THE FAMILY SERVICE EVERYONE 1§ WELCOME 10 AM School withdrawn this week 11:00 AM, KINDERGARTEN CLASS 11:00 AM CHRISTMAS DAY FAMILY SERVICE A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Sunday CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 8:00 P.M, 11,00 AM --MORNING WORSHIP Evening Service and Sunday School withdrawn Family Christmas Service PENTECOSTAL CHURCH STREET REV, JAS, PIERCE, MINISTER RA 3.4477 245 SIMCOE Telephone vondered But Mary His Mother, kept all these thin and pondered them in her heart Luke 2.1719 chamber 1.000 feel Fach of the 12 lock of the Panama Canal | and 110 feel wide ALBERT REV ( 1 BRUCE SEARI ong ME The Christian and Missionary Alliance v, freeme: ALBERT ST. HF TMA ERVICES 1100 AM "THE POVERTY OF JESUS" What really happened that first Christmas?" CHRISTMAS 11:00 P.M. ST. JyLIED ATKINS E, Organist EVE SERVICE UNITED CHURCH Carols by Candlelight 10.00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL Transportation number 11:00 AM.--"THE BIRTH OF A KING" 7.00 P.M. --"THE KING RETURNS" 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 2:00 P.M Women's P.M 5.4558 Tue Young People Wed Prayer, Praise and Preaching Thur Prayer 7:00 Crusaders Albert Street United Church REV, §, C. H. ATKINSON, Minister BRUCE SEARLE, Orgonist end Cholr-leader 1 I. 00 AM. - CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE Winter. Without Christmas" Sunday School worships with congregation 7:00 P.M.----BROADCAST CKLB CANTATA: "CHILD OF HEAVEN" NO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH 9.50~FRIENDLY CHAT CKLB 11:00 P.M CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE MRS St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., D.D. Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM, CHRISTMAS SERVICE 11:00 AM--"A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM" Senior, Intermediate and Junier Closses Nursery, Beginners end Primary Classes 7:00 P.M.--NO EVENING SERVICE 9:50 AM. --~ 1 am = We extend a cordial invitation te wership with us 7.00 P.M ~--"CHRISTMAS CONTRASTS" + an | Chisiadeiohions Some startling comparisons in the Christmas story Wed, 8:00 PM Mid-Week Meeting THE SALV [Sinn Toe f CHRIY WH BRETHREN - . 368 THEW 12:46 vite. ns ri 2 ruth to apply for Free Bible literature NO OBLIGATION Write CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshawa Ontario BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL MAJOR AND MRS, MAF BAHAI'S BELIEVE in Harmony 11.00 AM 7.00 PM Religion and Science are AND Aid pred 2:00 P.M CLAS WATURDA 11:00 PM Baha the great relig there and the SIMCOE AND JOHN "CHRISTMAS FAMILY THE CHR SONG . SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE SES "WATCH NIGHT ATION ARMY STS RSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers SERVICE" ISTMAS STORY IN MUSIC Y, DECEMBER 31st SERVICE" a door which God has opened Write 5.7578 For further information Please 29 GLADSTONE PHONE RA CHURCH Telephone RA 8.2426 CENTRE A Pastor: REV, G, A. CARROLL 10:30 AM WPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE Talent I¢ Duet Instrumental Specia Message 'God's Good Will To Men EVERYONE WELCOME GRACE LUTHERAN Affiliated with the Fellowship of W. A, McMILLAN, Pastor REV 17 ERIE ST, Dial 5-3872 REV Pastor Carvary Baptist NO JOHN STREETS Evangelical Baptist Ch W NIVEN AITKEN hes in Canada 9:45 AM 11:00 AM BIBLE ree METHODIST CHURCH World-Wide In § srested In you SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES, CHRISTMAS MESSAGE CAROLS day h for Music by 7.00 PM Centered in Chr ope. 4» PECIAL C MISSIONARY Miss 10 AM =~ WED 45 11 AM 7 PM 245 AM Ye are always we Listen Every Sunday NEW ToT Ler All at Rossland Read yme at the Friendly Church of the Light 800 PMA VISIT 9 a.m. = CHML Hamilton Aap Ages & Lite Hour CHURCH 10:30 PM Guest Spea EA Lovell Schoo! lohn & Centre Sts Rev: Carl A Kartechner SERVICES 10:30 AM SUNDAY 2.158 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL "THIS Til FE REGULARLY ON Pre MacAULEY ident WILL A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | - CHRISTMAS BAPTISMAL Audre WATCHNIGHT CHOOL for all age SERVICE Junior and SERVICE HRISTMAS MUSIC MEETING y Hurlbert | Sen M YEAR'S EVE HE OLD COUNTRY wry (illustrated SERVICE ker; DR. J. C. MacAULEY London Bible Institute LSO PREACH ON JANUARY FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist Bostor Massachusetts a "EC UNDAY SCHOOL--11.00 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11. AM SUBJECT: LAKEVIE 1351 UNDAY SC WELCOME CEDAR W CHURCH STREET COL AT 3.00 PM = NURSERY TO ADULTS KING sT. PENTECOSTAL cHurcH 611 KING ST, WEST Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Pastor RA 5-1661 Residence Church RA 8.5371 CHRISTMAS SERVICES 7.00 PM CANDLELIGHT SERVICE special Musical and Vocal Arrangement Christmas Message "TO ALL PEOPLE" CHRISTMAS -WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:00 AM 2.45 AM jcenine STREET UNITED CHURCH: Warren G, Dickson, B.A, Minister R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster Rev Mr, 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, --"THE BIRTH OF CHRIST" Special Christmas Music by the Choir EVERYBODY WELCOME Recitation Boys' and Girls' Choral DECEMBER 31st ANNUAL WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Refreshments 'THE GREAT LIGHT", one of the must outstanding gospel films available, A story of Severe Persecution, outstanding dedication but alternate victory 9.30 pm 10:30 p.m. SUPERVISED NURSERY TOTS CHURCH TINY AMPLE OFF-STREET PARKING THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM IN BOTH SERVICES St. George's Anglican Church Streets) ~ L.Th (Bagot and Centre Rector: Rev. Clinton D. Cross, B.A NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD ; MINISTER --- REV, MH, A. MELLOW, B.A, bo ORGANIST MR, J. R, ROBERTSON 4 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th of 8:30 P.M, : CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE LED BY THE YOUNG PEOPLE | SUNDAY--11:00 AM.--"GOD IS FOR US" Baby-sitting service by Come Double Club ' NO EVENING SERVICE : 50 P.M.~~Friendly Chat over CKLB , , , Rev, H. Atkinson will speak : Christmastide Services SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th. CHRISTMAS EVE 11:00 PM Christmas Midnight Communion SUNDAY, 92.00 AM. 11:00 AM DECEMBER 25th. CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Communion Christmas Family Service Rev. C. Cross -Evensong and Carols 7:00 PM CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonials of healing through Christian Science READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE Monday 7:00 pm. to 9:00 pv Tuesday ond Thursday 2:00 pm. to 4:30 p.m EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS THE PRESBY1 KNOX 2.45 AM Church Scho 11 AM CHRISTIAN CHRISTMAS Givin PM HEALING NEWS ERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA LUKE ST PAUL'S T EE & WILSON ev. Derek Allen BA, TCD Ministe Boveri RA 8.6014 Ar Frank Walle Maste 11.00 AM 930 and 11.00 AM SPECIAL TMAS SERVICE CHRISTMAS SERVICE THE VIRGIN ; MOTHER" hammer, BA . Philp, Musical Director 8] "A SAVIOUR THE AM WHO | LORD 4 PM VESPER CAROL ERVICE Organ, Choir ¢ | ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA | SUNDAY SERVICES | CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH | Mary and Hillcroft Streets King Street nied Ghee REV. MERVIN A BURY MA. BD. Minister Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Mr BABY CRECHE, NURSERY Alb EN CHURCH SCHOOL --""A BLESSED CHRISTMAS" Read: St. John 1: 1-14, 'Angels We Have Heard On High" (French Carol) 'Gesu Bambino" (Yon) Soloist: Mr, Fred Densham "The Holy City" (Adams) Mrs. Gordon Hawker and Miss Hazel Rundle ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY PAMILY CHURCH YOUTH DEPARTMENT 10:00 AM 11:00 AM. Jhgior Choir: Anthems Soloists Rector: The Ven, WH, D, Cleverdon == Phone §. 5795 8:00 AM, = 11:90 AM, == 7:00 P.M, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, and Block Gast of Albert REV. H. G, D. RICHEY, L.th CHRISTMAS SERVICES BLESSING OF THE CRIB, FOLLOWED BY THE MIDNIGHT EUCHARIST FAMILY EUCHARIST AND BLESSING OF THI CHILDREN EVENSONG PRAYER (Said) ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE Incumbent: The Rev. R, A Sharp -- RA 5.7064 8:00 PM, 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM 11:45 PM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM ST. MARKS CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE Rev, A. Woolcock --- RA 8.3058 800 AM -- 11:00 AM 7:00 P.M Nursery Facilities at 11:00 AM. Service SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr, R, G. Geen, L.T.CM, CHRISTMAS DAY 11.00 AM. --"THE MESSAGE FROM A MANGER" Special Christmas Music SUNDAY SCHOOL Junior Department = Open Session The Christmas Story in Pictures" cared for in the hall Kindergarten, Primary. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 11:00 P.M, Special Music by the choir Violin soles by Edward Bartlew 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 AM Infants Nursery

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