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The Oshawa Times, 24 Dec 1960, p. 5

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\ WHITBY And DISTRICT | w ie 2k B ' y i donate all gifts to less fortun ate families. This is the fourth year thal pupils al the schon! have donated gifts, Two chil dren who are contribitin Pupils al Dundas Sireel Public School are showing the true spirit of Christmas Again this year. Instead of exchang ing gifts with each other, they Expect Appeal To Cost $20,000 Ontario County Council expects that the sum of $20,000 be (hat the total cost to the county |propriated to legal expenses Irom of the recent appeal against theithe following sources equalized assessment bylaw willi $15,000, fury ex cost $20,000, The council A penses, $7000, The 1960 estimate meeting this week in Whith Li Cre amended as follows: 14 aside that amount Io meel (he nenses he increased. from cost in $22,000; Jury expense Included 1h ne eased from $15.000 to county are the fees for he official | reporter who took note during! The the 14-day hearing, legal fees, and |lenant fees hy two firms of consuliani the vetained hy the county. Added to Fagualized the county costs are the of Ontario fees of the three-man hoard which [that the costs of the heard the appeal the Court shall he The three municipalities, Ajax, County of Ontario, It is antiel Whithy and Pickering Township, pate that an. order will re which brought the appeal, pay ceived from the Lieutenant Gover (heir own costs nor-in-Counell auth izing the Following is the finance com- payments to the members of the mittee report on the financing of [Court within the next few days the appeal We estimate these payments to "In order to provide funds for he $3600, We recommend (hal the legal costs to defend the Ap-|your Finance Commiitee he em als against the 1060 Assessment powered (o authorize the payment 2quslised hy the Council of the County of Ontario, we recommend WHITBY PERSONALS Gabrielle Zeller, Ronny and Peter Pillman and Gloria Mintz ap a 1959 surplus gal ex he de the cost $H000 Court appointed hy Lieu Gavernor «in Cy Appeals Aj Assessment ha member paid hy mei te the he ins! of hear actual | County ordered of the he od," Mr. and Mrs, Jack Forrester and Mr, Ross Bryant are motor ing to Montreal, Heloell and : p } Ahristmas dinner guests at the Shawinigan Falls for the Christ J } A where they willl tome of Mr. and Mrs. J, Jacob visit relatives son, 1014 Centre sireef south will he: Mr. and My Andrew Petterson and family, of Hamp ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Craig, of Oshawa The Wednesday euchre met at the home of Mrs [ Hieks, Byron street north Mr Jack Tohnston IN| th members played at Youngstown, Hlinol where hel .hles. The Tueky winners attended the funeral of hs bros rivst. Mrs. Winnie Covyeau ther-in law, the late Thomas Hill {Poronto: second, Mr Anne therson, of Whithy: low Mrs. E. Davis, of Taeronto, | ay y wih : Grace Hicks, Whithy spending the Christmas holidays carved hy (he hostes Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Johnson will] he Christmas dinner guests atl the home of their daughter and| son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hannam, of RR 1, Breoklin club Grace when wn were of Ra Mi Lunch wa Mrs, Rose 1] with her daughter and son-in-law, Barrington and member of the! Frie Johnston, of outh Mrs treet Mr and Centre club, Christmas gifts were changed. The next euchre he held at the home of Mr My Wayne Johnson : and dauziiler Kimberly| ™ Sawyer of Whith Ann, are pending the holiday| week end in Picton as the guests) rg nf their parent Mr. and Mi I'he Ben Beghie On Dec. 28, Kimber gn | Ann celebrated her fist hirthda Friends of the family Best wishes for wish her many happy returns of covery are extended the das Flemming. of Brooklin her friend Mr and Mrs. Walter Weller, of North Bay, are holiday week end fuatts 198 phone Mr eit Red Cross Thanks For Xmas Help Mri Herman Jones and family velatives The Whithy Branch. Canadian abroad is celebrating her birth. Red Cross Society, desires to ex day, her many Whithy friends press thanks to all those who wigh her many happy returns of helped make the Christmas par the day ties such a sucoes Special ' thanks are due to the Perfection Mi and Mrs, Frank Duclos are Bakery, for the lovely cake they pending the Christmas holidays made and to Hambly. Beverage in Windsor with their davghter joy the generons 'gift ol and son-n-daw, Mr. and Mrs . Flavd Dupnis Mr A G. Edwards and his daughter, Migs Karen Fdwards are spending the Christmas hell days nv Ottawa guests of Cor poral! and Mr. Robert Edwards ex will Mr. and Kd thelr Friends of Mr. Jame sorry to learn of hi vish him a Hannah ilne peedy recon Ie M from 4 prompl tn ll On Monday, Dee, 26, Mrs, Jos Clark now visiting Coca Cola Partie were held 36 eral cottages at the Ontario Hos pital, at the Senior Cit Clyh and at Fairview Lodge Santa Claus distributing gift Many people are given pleasure through the efforts of our many Janice, daughter of Mr. and /loval volunteer workers, not only Mrs. R. PP Foster will be cele at Christmas, but throughout the hrating her hirthday on Monday, year, and to all these workers attending her party will he herjand upporters the Whithy sisters, Debra and Brenda, Gary! Branch Executive says a grateful and Christine Jack, Stanley and{thank-vou en vith BROCK, WHITBY -- STARTS MONDAY § J o NE ~ - % y LAST TIME TODAY , Tt Los Wonto- In Caley Michae! Renna n wows » $2000 Cf OTHERS (iraves and An sti Ale Frank Pery preseqnl :, of Peg Bu dersaon street treet er, 12. of WH Hoth dey in Grade 7 Ohaw County Favors Federal Aid resolu! from the County of Peel calling for more federal and Ore for con heen endorsed hy the County of On which came Whithy thi Are a Times Vholp inn pro ad hospital Erie the co on ha mel of he nition he wine in follo the arin hefore re of of 4 A of hospital heren onl eto fo remain nd wherea rants to pital construction pre paid hy the Dominios il Cio ideale ernment are local municipal individually or a vith providing of funds not from the Provincial Governments the local municial manner raised yherea either faced " the pro Domin ithe hody are major vided bh ion or grant vherea limited in the may he and ities are hy which, fund through taxation therefore he 1 resolved County request the Do and Provineial to review NOW that this minion |elal Government mediately the question of hospital Govern im i this account when it is re. financing with a view to either) ceived, [increasing grants or | providing funds hy some other means," | Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Mea. WHITBY BRASS BAND CLONED Christmas and New Year's Lvs ot Nam aren Christmas and Mew Year's Day trom 1} am te WHITBY DAIRY BAR DUNBAY fem Mm Ww WHITRY Industry -Observes Holiday Week End The hotlday schedide at variou local intustiries indicates many employees will enjoy 19 lengthy weekends. (his season The 440 hourly rated and 136 alaried employees at Dunlop will get off from Bam, Saturday moron to Tuesday at 6 a.m. Ion both Christmas and New Year weekends Bathurst Containers iad | ing its WH employees (wo weekends in a row. Official that there will be no production mn either Mondays Halston Pouring Co close down al midnight (Dee, 23 and Friday, Des will open again the Tuesdays al 8 am. There are employess pl Halston Puring The 106 employees at Croven 14d. will he off work from 4.36 4 4 neg tale Lid Friday wana following 5 WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY | pio Friday unt New Year weekends Andrew Antenna Corp, employ. ees will have two holidey week. ends from Friday Tuesday # nm $ovely Camp of Canada Id is letting its employees off al 4 p.m. Friday until Tuesday at # am. for both weekends. They | will also he working from 95 dur. ne the next Vek OVER ANTARCTICA The first man. io use pn Air: plane over Antarctica was Hue hert Wilkins of Britain in 1928, IFFERING VIEWS PRINTED PAGES Almost. half the newspaper pages in the free world are printed on Canadian newsprint Vian {nile CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION will be celebrated IN THE WHITBY UNITED CHURCH TONIGHT Dec. 24th, 11:30 p.m, Family Monuments f rem STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8.3552 In # Bam the ol- Whitby page of the Osh aw i wes rolled Dee 1H lowing Tuesday for Christmas #04 7ines (Dee erroneously al 5 pm. to William Arnoid until Jan. 10 Tor sg oi 00i sentence manded until guilty" to a charge M1 having Edith Watker, Ke Clark care and control of an awomo- Moore CORRECTION ROLL WINNERS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 24, 1960 § (evision Oct, 8, was winner of the first Emmy award {or » [emsle singer in 19% LIVELY SONGSTRESS Dinah Shore, who staris her) 16th season of Sundsy might tel) om---- Iie furkey roll whe 12 creased keen 22) wae lated, competition among the bowlers thet Magistrate Following |) list of the win a hist §. Ebbs has remanded John MT Hon glory appearing on the annial Pascoe, Con Hewis, Al Mildred Peggs Vie fon Childs, Diane lon Black Pear! Jackie Marshall Hazel Mickey This should read "re: fgdlesden Jan, 10 for judg Haneoek. "Arnold is pleading 'not Capmphel Josnne Black, while intoxicated Lewis and Hose Melvor friends and customers, o very "Merry Christmas" Management and Stall Albert Randall & Sons Ltd. WHITEY a AYA merry... the hap WHI rr-- Just slipping in our little wish that your Christmas will he bright and viest one ever for you and your famdy, JAMES SAWDON & SONS ~.. ~ - dah a ha Ay A . ES ESL LEE Let Ea EERE S83 TBY ToToieTe TTT IRITITTRITEICTYT BUTT RADIO (R, Catton & V ' \ 9 i " N \ | | bey 1b 0-0 Th db Tb hh Oe fh OY WHITHRY a Td ttt ttt | JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST 124 DUNDAS ST, WEST WHITBY MOOD OOECCOOOE% FRIENDS... and thank you [ for your kind patronage this past year, HILDA B. SLEEMAN & STAFF wHITRY | We Wish You A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year COLLINS SHOES and STAFF WHITBY Whithy Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN Third Concession Road West of Na, 12 Highway ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. MARSHALL Byron St at St, John St, & APPLIANCES Graham, Props.) EB 3B -» Prayer MIMNAWA A Christmas Let us rejoice not, for the Prince of Peace is born agam, bringing us a renewal of faith and hope, PERFECTION BAKERY ! WHITRY 4 If we had but one wish this Christmas « it would be that every little wish of yours would come true for you... QQ nROREOne MANAGEMENT AND STAFF WHITBY MOTORS 103 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY A Dei Bec Bie In Na 3 Bull De BeBe Be ei Bon Bed Bu eB P45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM COMMUNION Rey, David MeCulla 11:00 PM SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th Watch Night Service' conducted 0 10:30. Halland Service, Whithy, 10130==English Sunday Behoel, Whithy. 2:30--English Warship at Bowmen. ville (in Pentecostal Churgh), 3:305unday School at Bowman AND Fraacher igh ville 7:100English Worship at Whitby, hy ¢ Prasbyteeny" Everyones Heartlly Welcome "Whitby Baptist Church J. M. Ward, Minister Summers, A T.CM, FAITH BAPTIST 419 Broek 5t. N., Whithy Pastor; Rev, E. C. Corbett, 5. Th AM Rev Mrs, W, E 92:15 ~Radio Broadcast CKLB AM Bible Scheel Hour Pastor Speaking Music by the Choral Group 7:00 PM Christmas Musi cal Programme ALL WELCOME WHITBY UNITED CHURCH John M. Smith, BA, BD Mrs: J. Beaten, ARTCC Minister Organist Rev. A. M, Butler, BA, Assistant Minister 045 10:00 AM Sunday School 11,00 AM SCOUT AND CUB SERVICE 7:00 P.M EVENING SERVICI 11:00 AM Corbett Rev -- TWO MORNING SERVICES of CHRISTMAS PRAISE SUNDAY 9:30 AM, DECEMBER 25th 11,00 AM, CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION 11:00 P.M SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th Christmas is a time for worship COME AND WORSHIP Whitby Baptist Church M Rev. } Ward, Minister Mrs WE Summers ATC M SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES 11.00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11,00 AM "THE GIFT" 7:00 PM.--CANDLE LIGHT, STORY SERVICE These are Mr Ward's Farewell Services PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 307 BROCK. N REV. JOHN SCARR, Pastor Phone MO R.5772 845 AM Radio Broadcast, CKLB, Oshawa Qur Growing Sunday School 00 AM Christmas Wership Service 7.00 PM "The Manger Road SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH ON CHRISTMAS EVERYONE WELCOME inl Christmas Sunday Sch 945 AM 1B (A Spe 1) "GE

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