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The Oshawa Times, 27 Dec 1960, p. 14

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Davee 8 aie] 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Peconber 27, 1909 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 2 | 3--Gardening & Supplies 19--Personel ELECTROLYSIS PE ANY ERE 9 gaiSen werk By SEP TH sapoomaiie rates BA BIT cf wi OWEN ERS CO TREE EXPERTS WOSTEITN, MONTEITH wm, fa (hpitares bacmmioniy, Wa SI wat Dosth As Fy NE WEWAKE snd (4p WE AARas, Lafuy tien Bidg erie Spent, Oshaws, OWE wi OHAON ard BEEKOWS. (5 es ae SIRs SR, awe. Bowed F. 0. Wie, C5; 6 ond Burrows. (A RA 829) BOR CILABCY ¥ Ostarw vr ds om Ba 4 artayns Au 2) ermiinsl PHONE RA 5.528 Ferre these do a sd hank piapese hh Bons | 4 ousehold Repos hen BA EWERTERFIF Live HORTA [eh wt Mesern Seri we FURNIFE RE seared. Sex aE. Brvce BK BA itt CHESTER IE LIS rREWY RIERA wy ke pew. Why pay merely OF rales 2 orristers GIR TRA ANIE. Sati action gusinmiecd BOWMAN, De Barrio Sor ARR saes W. Oshawe Upholstery y » nw BA 590 Ben (4 § Bond Street West. Dhl BA wif PROFESSION A ENT AARON HOVE itn % we Street Worth, | potion ctes. Ab Lom wih fo Bais Ie WE mene fre ast nd Fr tha YALE. Fi ALARA BE ¥ PHAALTIRH Ea BA E8851 fy # | tat Py Fists Fant, "oi anid NOVEins (Fh whi Company uae Oehaws yl Camm IRpRired anf TRNAS merase thy recover 75 Charis direst fraitom ------------------ wh "a | "hp ih and BARTEDO. fund Ghost Met {siadadt $ KA Shh ¥rAua Ww BEAVERS ye Barrister sie Voy PART, GaperREs ger nd mpieninie. Free wi, BA RAW nthe whey now, Gils FEMTICAL i Beslan pers Ge Spotter nL find ght from ERY CWA that piepae y ONE YOreE is » " leaner. Chine wings Free ast gus JOHN A CAMERON. § ; ) 4 & Stpaet ' K ¥ HA GY ale OREER CuphoRifs wid ] al work weghone BA repairs. Es hed maternly wranieed, | BOOMS papered Printing and on free. Can fore HA 512% na up, labor nales ind sited KALVH as wi We now to "i FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE 5.5954 . Fant HA HORUS THOMAS DEYSA CE IGHION FRASER WEKDOEH. # # Pub iM RA EGERS 3 and UPHOL! LEANERS RA 5-748 8 beite y TERY nonns oN Al » BLAKY k Bing MANGAN 1OSEPH ¥ ro nd GREER phy # Mas 4 BECORATIN iy ka OF REMODELL INC IAL THAT'S ARGH CALL AJAX Andes) of people. RN ted, reason RA OF 5--Nursing. Services SUNNYBEAY Care ALL tor elderly Oshawa 8.5103 57, E., OSHAWA "6 Optometrists MH OTLER meoounta AIAK REPAIR AND STRUCTION LIMITED wo 1 Flows at Burk aptomets downtown Street, In Disl RA " Dominion IN Bank or nined home 15--Instruction RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom the examination of eyes, contact SPANINK 136 Simeoe North (al Colbo hy appointment. RA 419) CH TUCK, BRO. aptametns!. Please pay accounts a downtown Doininion Bank or 74 Burk Street invalids amined at home, Dial BA 5.4587 £x lids 47 Wl ¥ ety lenses RYENINES instruction. A Himiied tdents will dual Insti Whithy guitar number of he al guitar avallah MO B30 LILLIAN dancing rahitie Siturday PRIVATE It years Act no HARVEY fap, Ra Reg dance educator tap, baton, ae character Friday Temple, RA 37258 counsellor rview only Mae Marsh school, ballet pre schon) Masonic 7 Surveyors HORTON student by inte tearher experience HA 51054 DANCE Al now on er West Assorintes Professiong Dendus Breet Wi, A 748 FLEISCHMAN commerein) Street East " and ACADEMY Ballet 424 King West Baton High RA Wihith " DONEVAN AND Land Surveyor ning Bloor or ster 4 LF] SSING greatest HAIRDR anted LEARN Prollope, Oniara Land Adelaide Avenue East w 5-6 unity H rum Burve Phone men 0s HA "8--Building Trades and berter plea pay mom-- atalogue free Hairdressing Hamilton National heating Harold and South plumbing R engineer anada eating Street ren Dial Hr vy FLOORING and « Free estimate Hilleourt Drive Whithy 16--Insuranr~ ALINTATE A Insurance ALL ia ave For val roofing 2 pay Ide hullding fepain nmneys 406 fA HN Gordon Mi pe PRrSOnal ser at home HA 37418 ho MBING fit hang pe and heatin Pipe 7 --Money to Loan and used from septic I ation and est plumbing shile . the Oshawa Infor Call BA 5.3402 Clan now to plies MONEY mortgage Rages Write furthe HAVE wn first hase i nates tree on an ified ea Mal RA a J GERALD FULTON WELL DRILLING table 10 tor loan on se. of 1 Oshawa Times A160 PUFeh Ae Hox 7 toul partioula chent ivillahle Novigage nye and Hyman HA wi ¢ for Anil we nil ani anid Morty HRPORIMENES QC, 47 King RTT) CULIEN Ih money i Mortgage purchased NHA Frases Street Kast Oshawa juarantee water RA 5-4067 YOUR BATHROOM A NEW LOOK kitchen Call atrer 10a0 an (rst mort Agreement of sale arranged and Mur nie anid Drynan GIVE reighton fael RLY) ( o ale Hen Ning n Wid morgage nd Barvisters (RFE) Anite) sold expert 1 qr Henne HA MONEY TO LOAN tile a TILE 132 11--Business "Opportunities Ror AB |} Copp plash $1 95 AMHERST SERVICE AM | restaurant aval nd Mf f real ve cauple eauived. will b acant land Welle m1 Hon 1aage tar We J ind 12-Dressmaking All typos ire na Felephone RA B03 HENEURIBLE » 5 a A TBAT Kk Hoad South DRESSMAKER AND FURPER Alterations ahd alterations pecially. Mina alan oii WE 19--Personal CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION remodeling , K and: | 22 ROWE §1 a hame 1g PHONE RA 8 ¢706 13--Gardening & Supplies COMPLETE GARDEN SERVIC ILEEN ther and und. They and RA 8-1798 AURORA SAND & GRAVEL and, A VALLEY Pp M o Tl mple 9.2541 di ORON TX ushed Pit Rus FARM RD bile Qpe y Erviso 2604 ne / RESERVE NOW SLEIGHRIDING & DANCE PARTIES FOR JA MN AND FEB Little Buckaroo Ranch 2737 PHILCO-BENDIX EQUIPPED COIN OPERATED LAUNDERETTE Featuring Commercial 1 ype Double-Load Double-Profit Washers and Dryers plus C Dry Cleanir g Machines COB with ERS v0 phases of p and equipped aveilable Gn your. Grea F 11 WRITE KOIN LAUN 20 ( Telephor promi wil NDI X Jererte COMMERC AND D able lgnning ng Lour RYERS OMMER PHILCO-BEN RY Ie i: OR PH SALE Hreet 20~~Cartage JOHN'S Moving and Storage Heasonanle whith ped ano jnsured FOR HIRE stak oh too small 14018 rate 0 Fhone RA 8-366) € truck ana diver reasonable rates MOVING? DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT A TRUCK Trucks Call 45 KING RA 1] a TILDEN STREET 5.6553 EAST ha wquip ~oin Operated va no HA 2) 4 TER PAN Ny ) years, Mond 30 from $15 Wi Bim f A PALM RE by adv) N or on ¢ Open 10 Reading daily pm $ os South 22-TV . Radio Repairs SERVICE IT Wh DA Tv MRS reery ay fo monthly coe ND N appointment fr ie 1.00 m {EN Y OR Sehool Frida CR ADINGS ANN affair sonal Service ehild B30 Contaet Street YS 10 ial p 14 YOIL ll North TAL of life ary am Hol 0 aim WAN MT! and RADIO bren to Wp HA to jay I CALL RA 8-5286 All a0' 30 20" ROOF Completely With é-Year waranteed 0 THAWA ELECTRONICS TOWERS ROOF ANTENNAS ANTENNAS $45 Installed Warranty LEN & LOU'S CY 1.V. RA 5-7844 802 TV very DID YC Expert 1961 Ww All Did You Kn Have ar Employ Take S¢ TRY SIMCOE Call ce ou Wave W Qa i" ne Xe vice SEE ans 1" us Y. § J 00 QUR NEW ALL GALVANIZED RADES TOWERS A TR.1O. TELEVISION 171 BOND ST S ip EAST RA 8.6781 TV TOWERS anteed Alia i fe npt set TV Enterprises RA D Jah i $30 $22 22-TVY - Radio Repairs " as oi "vw 11 an FMY we Wout APPL IANCE SERVICE 5 ap #4 WA 4 hi pik ni riephone ' HA HONEY kita pe 25 Pets and Livestock CHIHEANEA we rH roonLEs pi Cedar ha [| id " wo w 26--Farmer's Column Go LL Fh Mu 27 aNOW ¥72 ne 31--Articles For Rent 32:Articles Wanted yr on yh, 164 fA M. GREENBERG & SONS 35. REFINED Oxperien HA frit HNC stat ahle i Thi 136 HELIABLY oha dren WA Ae vant C wecretarial Over 100Q¢ ' 11 CASH lene 15 ve 74 [36~Femaole Help Wonted |44---Houses For Rent WASTER roperienced intanioy decor | BEVEN room Wick Rowe, festarng way fo wink BEWAIRETE NyRas OR [OW Bediomme, WMoGErn knehen, [ing REPPARCIRERE OWT, Io Joon) rRtan form rooms, Gn row, Biesty decorated pi Lurk Move, on # art fame esis. Reply | 0 West, garage, private devveway, Vos ad REG TEDENE in wring, wating aeanhicitions to Box session Jeswary |, Ressonatie rent Was an service. KARE 340 Oswaws Thies Telephone RA 52000 Contre, 91 King Srest wANYEN wk liar Evtins to fim phonn 37 Male Help Wanted EEK hoy ae, aw da atiad "a he TEpae iat famias vYIVL (Fred wl 7 Ay high LEViniOon win bar vian ae 82 SAMSON and all rien heise imate poe alld # refine howsekanper 16, 0% - room storey Rome with one eid, ove I. 00 Rested, wil garage commence alter CRNSmas. ssvion. Telephone RA vi " YW sow FELLY fuemishen Rowe, Bwscws Steent Borth. Wiki rami to growp of Puswess wirls, (anchars or Werses. Taiephone WA hd gERer Ei Belper ih down VER. BPPRRIENCr, ain 8-17 T.V. TOWERS RA 6-815 ners Of SHA WA T.V, Ghee tia ¢ 5. Mast he ant Work Wi 2284) 8 MONTHLY. sin room Rowse ¥ US, pace, W1 Wasenn Serer, Telephone RA VIVE bow Ler hey partials for work Ww Apes. OW SIAR. lowe : Ae 18 Benign ole and | Hove wad "Enger ion i dew » WE PrOBUEL Bev IW cigse (6 HOPING NE Sehonis the shop. PRone Ain, phone WH 14066 pa OFFICE SPACE SENIOR DESIGNER FOR RENT J refi fate Bedrnamm hone " mo SUPERIOR Ho wo Tels w Pudi HH asher c Range Oven RCI 8-4873 TREET Dryers ana tro Pri 49 Repair RA RK Fast Service Ser preperation end of working drowings cared for new projec Po Mew oted a Gani 1ation erg sibhe Rates checking building Miri mum per of five veers ex pony 3--Women's Column AIA i ward Maoderore available THE TIMES BUILDING ndustrigl 16m mobile equipment Educational p commer Compony 37 ENCE. OF mo 9. chine #t Berit 14 Cetinn ' desig rating Vien HNC or Eng Solar sig ex d AIG e with po week y DETIENGE ie, amber ad wv 1h a and golden 2 he AREY SON { " na ¢ Fhone RBA d 1444 . 0 Jor AW A benefits AI onditio nN oe Phone RA 3-3474 por : 44A--Apts, & Flot ooh und lone conte, MULTI-LINE or em - Pele NSURANCE SALES AGF, PY 3 4 og ¢ hed outo LL hav ¢ Wea er II fe insure ar TIMES sh i p-4 FURNISHED basemer ob VAIS re 4 ] vn ny ed es additional en fa ent 55 MONTHLY ment, on Roy CODEINE Tier apirt Centre Wn eup oak ond reliable HA Ii represen Henne Hn HOND puppie Wy with wre HA 44 COURY heated homrds Telephone LA SALLE ' Apartment and grown dog Cedar mst have F ae #e pe ree ful Ywo BAGATA nal integrity, be i grity. equipped hard rent ond be » 7 wilable Jununr wht free. Telephone RA LARGE hokrds newly ment WITH Cosy apariment on Inge rator supplied Ahstainer RA 5476 CENTRAL =~ large warm reasonable rent APARTMENT Montrave Avene stove, TV aerial Shopping Centre ALTIFL ' prepored profe areer whe year hilt heavy tity new linoleum three . piece bath three - room flat hot water decorated shared n eup wiring hse RA ARDING olly qualified Applicont 25 to 40 qo0d re vor ur Serwriter are of ] 0 pone ne dale in married te WH 43 hod £ with educatior tht es room eli contained street level Stove and re Central location and sida ie n ord not nece sarily in insurance and deter mination to improve their on hes ed Telephone AD farm i two + room apartment private, hot water hented BA 33211 or RA 65-2539 Vid 12 rm hi Heh will receive preference offer a stable apportunity for with all the ropidly e line Orone 34 Ir po return, we 100k Hum Farm, 1 poked ip prompt COWax 327121 rome villeet ion and Fur 29 und close hailing refrigernto washer, dryer HA 5-816) n new on rawill ement --Fuel & Wood | Cron Position arrangement f nce of o x tn FOUR large separate line be renched by top and slore wo bedroom apartment in write apartment building. available now full ephone MO B3002 alter & pm. or Craydon Street, Apt, 5, Whith EXPETIENCE | Personnel and les Manager SECOND block from Shopping y four rooms and private hath PEFR * L | CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE [112 stevenson Road North Canadian silver dollars ASSOCIATION [NICELY furnished three - room apart 948. For prices 30 Bloor West {ment ink and euphoards, private bhi bd Torgnto {bith and entrance, adults only. Avail able January |, Telephone RA 5.3004 WANTE D 39hgonts Wanted CENTRALLY Pleasant RAF apartments ns Ni per hour AND multiple pre rooms hath hot water for telephone walking, close ¥25 Lorraine PLOWING, woud cu ood tor HA ting alary and aro provide plu GeENEerou vill whe. Telephone bon . tp hus employee benefits bet hardwood ef a wplnge Phone uitable tor fur large i] ¥ ' including pension Please tating modern fel 101 Loves, | ole HA i" onfidence derail aelive - including wor Centre, parking %0 INN wanied 647 eall Street two equipped bedroom electrical $90 A. Weinberger Ret Ca Mrs. Irene Wein lorated outdoor work. Aver V0 experience neces Dept. L3l0-VV and 595 monthly IRON, PO TRY tor RA BH145 ary Write Rawleigh's, herger RA 57244 FEATHER Tie KS 1005 Richelien Montreal THREE room TURNER CHRINTMAS Card agents, Nell Can suitable for single ladies or 4. . wda's best selection of personalized One or two children welcome RA 3.33 greeting cards. Over 80 cards Lo choose 128 Kigin Street Kasi rom eel \ '] 1 from, Snecial husiness cards, Write tor GUETRNISHED three » room ApAri your tree albnm todny WL, Smith and associates Lid, Alax, Ont. ment, heavy wiring, TV eutlet, bus line, . He -- ' ' | reasonable, storage space adults, HA 15-1618, 301 Gibbons Street ---- | a Room 4 Board REARONABLE three "OOM ment, private entrance, hath, private parking, heavy wiring rv near NGM, Children welcome RA #6607 n or DUPLEX consisting of a four room Wo A three room apartment ver (rally located, 8105 monthly, A berger, Realtor RA BH145. Call . | BOARD and room for gentiemen (hree [rane Weinberger TA 57414 FOR {1 [minutes from four corners. Home cook g lod meals Apply 24 Charles Street KING and Gibbon ares, new VE BUY | oom apartment Yefrigavalol stove METAL BATTERIES BOARD and room, close to North GM | 00 own vent thermostat, free laundry J [und hospital, home eaoked meals block | {colt SER EE EEO 00 PAPER, RAGS, Et ve furnished apartment gentlemen Apply ect) SHAW | AUTO WRECKING CO Want Part f room apart central antenna Vacant home central and hath privileges hoard willing HA boarders nome RA in private to share 12414 ars for al rap iron bought sil day. P 11 89 BLOOR wrecking ale {home et Open GENTLEMEN English speaking call "after 5 o'clock Drew Street winied Telephone HT06 or and cen Wein Mrs ne SCRAP two-hed TEEL to bus, Telephone RA 5:2305 N BRAND ApuItments, two bed ICE clean warm rooms, rooms, broadioom throughout, drapes, |Cludea, gentlemen only stove, refrigerator. New building. Im share. Parking. Apply after mediate possession, Adelaide West, RA LTD {97_Albert treet 36023. Apply janitor, 320 Adelaide West ROOM and board, for gentlemen, with yyw bedroom apartment, heated, 108 Bloor {home privileges. Apply 666 Simeoe!| ground floor, parking; alse three room Mreet Routh or telephone RA 08235. 1504 ment, heated, parking: ideally lo ACCOMMODATION wo olde Ta: | cated, ane block from shopping centre dies, private home, separate rodms, | RA 5-166) [very central. MOhawk 8.4363, Whithy, |gwo "furnished rooms with Iarge mod _ ---------- =lern kitchen, sink, cupboards, range 43---~Wanted To Rent refrigerator, use of washing machine DUTCH in vieinis new bounrd single and Saturday Open All iurday I --Employment Wanted for middie aged housekeeper widow seeks with nursing telephone ton a 7 » MEE tra aver. bolida 20 {Apply 248 Toronte Avenue THREE large modern room, heated, § minutes parking, adults, 875 #0369 THIEF private bath arated wiring MODERN. four for two sepgvate |Shopping Centre and ane 3-100m (hamhoo drape located, newly | 5.4370 or RA A. Weinberger Mr. T. Wein. THREE room mont, private entrance, ties, available Janyary | Lane Avenue or telephone wir of unfurnished A Wants North Oshawn ATHY s For Rent bungalow hented near hus line Available A044, BIR Grierson Street information om ana p dewipe Reads musi Part Perry x YUkon rooms and sun to downtown Available RA Htore Ww plowing, an and driveway Telephone Glenn We Joh, serviee Very reason Muni ui HA room modern apartment and entrance. newly de round floor, parking, heay near bus, NG Motor Foun TV aerial now. RA furthey roo oll 07 RA room apartment refrigerator parking, Available SUL for ne nr ilove RA| Female Help Wanted S100 Duplex, $100 only PRELMENtA one d-ronm of home Must be fond of ohil. Both with bath, centrally live in, Telephone RA K6013 fop decorated, vacant now o information Realtor, RA B34, Call NTED ; berger, RA 3.7344 I odanuary 1 COUNTRY awa Oronn TWO large furnished waman tn take complete It self-contained apart laundry facili #7 Park RA 60828 perionoed Telephone halrdresser 1086, New house, 15 minutes rooms, modern for more tn Osh Telephone information seven HH BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2:bedroom Apartments trically best loca tion Apply 498 Apt. 15 NTED FOI ANUARY 1it warm TEACHER FOR HOME EC. AND GIRLS' PHYS. EC further nt Mis B Ontari rooms, completely for Light housekeeping, in. | cluding eleotrie refrigerator heat Hilt and continuous hot water, wie of | wishing machine and dryer. Centrall 10 downtown and shopping centre. Suit ane or two working girls, RA 3.4007 NPECIAL three room | $100 apartment, good location, refrigerator c ye tove included TV outlet, plenty of imcoe St. North thing. Possession January 1 RA RA 8.8676 oy APARTMENT SIMCOF AT ROSSLAND Five refrigera elec equipped ma self-pontainect Roamer! [TEMPORARY OFFICE HELP room duplex, or two. (hee apartment, available January 14 All conveniences. RA 8.2058 or 368 Wind iw Nive San You'll the Look now oom rove tind Oshawa EIGHT coom briok dition, close to he o lmmediate § Millen Realtors HOUSE 0 own exactly Times VOUur own home want in section what Classified von adult $100 MONTHLY RA 5-3302 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Brae Available i" o up tor, parking home, exeellent con Mial, oll heating, gar ession. Winse Brad RA 8.1670 nile, new. xis L632 or write Foranta for vent or SBS Phone WA WE readview Avene hotter olan Ariveway Stoel Rath Felephone RA ATTRACTIVE bedroom 3101 OWL to sublet for nine month v Gardens Oeeupaney RA Sam NEW STORE FOR RENT on | ATERACTIVY five ponm wi } $85 Telephone ved m wo oand eos apartment al best Kk RA 8-8676 | A 3 ABA tion Services thee BUNA Grand MO \Q 8.8 Jan ONE early ATTEN 1) Three room basement apartment private en u have an Avon three piece bath facilities trance laundry thing monthly 8.6522 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS d lease every $55 RA entative Hing ) ¢ Hing 0( included Telephone Pi RA 8.1296 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Excellent New bu location with without without like ng LOYD REALTY © LLOYD REALTY RA 8.5123 RA 8 you would lease ing, with or BGM ean 8 44A--Apts, & Flots For Rent WANTED mature RR IERE mation, pleas call young lady to share n Oshawn. Fay move ior Ykon 52047 FOUR room apartment, tied bath, cen. tril location, privite esteanes, Wi.) Joseph basen Heston BA 59970 FLEN ISHED jose 16 oh, wHH lL dad BAT $2 Kigin West CLEAN, comioniatie apartment, seps FRle entrances Wath, Hove and washer i desired. Rezsonaie BA 8545 EE WOT TR Aton Two partly Jumith wrt Earnie CAI, faciiten BA 52014 ONE MONTH _ FREE RENT we ne bedroom Wo wlding toe 0 APRTLINERT, "i et i Call WH, MATL g fReihitios shed om 2 Flens Avenue A Sy sey shy kept Cen 3 moder Ale oted belconies hing MO 8-4770 APARTMENT elec laundry facil rr of new oport 9 Mor Y] WIPpe d, 456 washer dryer tree, ir wilding, near Apply: 213 Apt, | Shoppin or + 44B--Rooms For Rent FURNI=HED gentler 2 Ce ONE alle ATTRACTIVY for "A one 89279 ihe hone Wan, que na uolurnished room, 2% Prince Street 1nrge rent reason furnished pring Street clean hed mat East ns tre Kigin HA SINGLE fun furnished room of telephone parking O70 also use hed heated room; with small kitchen, central, 180 Bruee FUR'AMED rooms, 85 per week, Gen th man Felephone RA 32853 CENTRAL location, housekeeping room Felephone RA 53761 for further infor mation ATTRACTIVE able in North, § ony avail Foad furnished rooms, private home. 82 Park 7 pom. RA 6-867) NICELY furnished single room, suitable for lady or gentle man. Apply 203 Chad hurn Street. RA SLEEPING plant room, across from ali conveniences #2472 amples parking RA ONE lovely furnished, single Apply 922 Albert ONK man il Bivd ONK room for two gentlemen, beds, central location 5:2 Street, RA 5-2348 furnished room for gentle home, Apply 37070. lovel Private RA ingle room South Knd, Suitable good bed convenient for 8 weekly to down gentleman > FURNISHED room suitable wo single cooking privilege rig, all convenlences, near Park and King Street. 57 Montrave Avenue person. warped kite | RA refrigeratoy | North | BANKRUPT Aeal for General Motors work: | .elling at only HA TYPEWRITERS, for one or|fnfes Road | pRE.CHRI g, A 48 Ay obiles Wonted LAKESWORY, Aalto Wreckers arn for wrecking. Wighest prices pwd WA ddd WANTED 3 iti pedandd od '9 or 9 GMC; wisn Go Kart imotor. Dave, BA 5 ad CASH FOR YOUR CAR Trade Up or Down 4 Lier Paid OFf WILBAK MOTORS 137 King W RA 50732 nam] AGEL want COMBINATION laos loran seiaction of Electyohome, 50--Articles for Sole radio record player reaiomatie. Telephone RA Fresh In ation your mew stern Wifi from ows Pwiltigs BOSE for CHORE, Hone, and RCA #t Parkwey Television. - (IB Simone | : North URED ot furnses 115.000 BEY comdition. Telephone WO 59846 tov ture ther ior nation AHAWA Times raise your stindards of Ww {your Be longer used articles KA 13401 to place your ad. La Clasnitied Ads will Sail Calf THREE ROOWS of furniture, only § "This includes chesterfield, chrome hedraom suite. matiress, WINE, 50--Articles For Sale USEF furniture ought and sold; skis and skates wanted hiles Room, "a ne, Stress Kast tw PER CENT off FARGES, TRINBRERLGTS, WASHETS, freaiars Best trade wn alowance. Barons' and Kiectnie, 426 Mimeoe Breet South Fir length Hewsonanie GUNS phot down. Dominion Tire Store Street West. BA 5651) ELECTRIC razor repairs. heads, cords, ele. for all makes of elec tric razors, last servige ager Ll King Street West. RE 3942 HALLICKAFTER radio ih KE 31 ME, Keysone movie cameras BA B07 VIANG Player Cecilian, good cond) tion and tone, S225. Apply 1% Roxber ough Avene for more information HEAVY duty deluxe Mollat range ery good condition, also rangeiis sell very reasenable. Apply 118 Glad stone Avenue BV, GOODRICH Blores tires, teries Kelvinator refrigerators vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA OFFICE, store and restaurant nent, We buy and sell, hew Fasy terms. Anything in Hamilton, Ashburn, Brookly ih, ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, volumes World Atlas, 12 est Literature, with boo RA 83325 --- AWNINGS, plain service, (ree Chair, table Bimeoe North PAINT, interior, exterior All eolors, Guaranteed, flat awn Hardware and Electric street, RA 37624 x LECTROMOME, RCA Vietor he finest in TV, Hifi and on wll cont, Mouton, dark brows, size 14 16 16, in good condition. Telephone RBA 84076 Ammunition nd hurting sup " - 5 WD single in hat 544% enuip orid's Great ase, Like new ~ or striped estimates, Order rentals, Cleve Fox, nov $2.95 gallon Kloss, Osh Television, 918 Simeoe Street North Color TV on display SELLING furniture? Irigerators, TV's stoves, ete, For top tact 19 Prince Street We'll buy washers, gash offer it. Re stock of 51.09 Savage Walcot, ete 111 Broek Street BAG WE pay highest used furniture, Pretly's ture Store, RA 3-327) Name North, Whithy Used Furni Must clear now at the prices ever. Parkway Television, Kimeoe North a1 adding office chairs, cabinet, Bill eash registers, filing Ashburn MAN Bale, loys, unting supplies, eampin equipment 43-Real Estate for Sale we 10 I down alse 150 exchange for 2 Prince #4765 LOVELY we big lot Sacrifice BUNGALOW room, $85 4: 168% or «oronto or acres and six-room nore house wtreet farm w for sale ¢ McAuley Real RA 549 or sale rent, new ix brick mowers Faunton Road Fast district $2000) Store, 48 Bond Street West or VAC HA 32512 or MO PATS, ApRTIMENt house on ri #911, 47 --Automobiles For Sale 1 PONTIAC and "52 motors. good tires, cheap reliable trans portation, Make » good second family eir. Phone WHitehall 2.4570 RECONDITIONED motor 1060 Chev, snow tires, radio, ete 8500 or apply 100 Hunter Street ALINTATE Auto Insurance 20 per pent, Six months to pay, For pel onal service al your home, call RA 2002 Fs PONTIAC mautie, radio {low mileage | be financed Ponting Laurentian 6, auto. show RA H.8102 CHEVROLET well, awner 100 must HA good leaving running country. oar, 1006 small OLDEMOBILE down payment ments. Telephone RA 1050 CHEVROLET a fair. 517 Park Road RA 5-0300 HH MERCURY two door hardtop, fully powered, equipped, low mileage. Can inanoe. RA B-1208 for further informa tion condition, over pay Hood lake 17118, good motor body South after 5 pom BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS OSHAWA Wilson Re CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST W | KING $7 tast of 1494 607 Road) 5.5574 Just RA 3 ANDY BODY MERCEDES DKW ALES AND SERVICE KING W., OSHAWA RA 5.7132 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. yTUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT RAndolph 3 NAGY'S SHOP BENZ 408 134 Tel Jae 48-- Automobiles Wanted HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION £ SPECIALISTS, COM ERVICE NE.UP § AND CASH FC any Trade clean car MACKIE'S MOTORS KING ST E VARCOE'S RD RA 35-5743 excellent [FOR "WE NT |ete NK and parts, [changed RA [Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond Street Fast, wheel discs, two tone ete, inets, drop-leal typewriter desk room condition. Can secretary's {¥ an 865, |EENTEW transistor radios from The finest | bl law! appliances by Sunbeam Eleetrohome Hi-Fi record players cycles, radios, barbecues and Budget terms M cleaner attachments, teed rebuilt machines | Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner RA 80601 anytime, CHRISTMAS week special, repairs,all brushes, Repair adding machines, offic nings RA 3-445 USED tires, 18 ¥, RA Television dehumidifiers, record agher's, 5 King Street Goodrich Stores, sets lamps, M West ATE Largest selection in USED parts and repairs for $5 to 810, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves Hampton, CO 3.2241 {OFFICE furniture, Two large filing cab desk West office King chairs, Motors. one Heusen 156 {Oshawa of bal radios lo $115, Also complete stock tevies for all makes of Meagher's, 5 King Street West DOMINION Appliances (a division Realty Bros) now sold at Market, Hampton, A complete line appliances at hard to beat prices 12241 SALE Products of the at the best guaranteed Aluminum best quality prices, fully Double hung window $18 Call IW Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8.5385 only ne SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs invalid walker bedsides commodes, crutches and canes, also roll-away beds Phone Aid Rentals RA 5-1644 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS and Repair Replacing Glass, FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 Variety of 15" car wheels $3 each, also body solder and plastic solder SHAW AUTO WRECKING 89 BLOOR EAST RA 5.2311 SEE HOME APPLIANCES | OSHAWA LTD 920 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE WAL AND SERVICE and RA 5. 5332 STORM WINDOWS DOORS, CABINETS Price Prompt Service JERMYN'S Woodworking Shop Phone MO 8.8554 or 8.3895 the Best the Rest Screens, ete nestic ommercial LX on request wisn Neighborhood wz Wiliam apviianees, Radin Wor new and sed, terms 10 per cont Bond) Cutting i lenoe Wil tele. vorth ib 15 Prompt fz § Chureh Admiral service, Highest trade-in allowances at Parkway | pianos, | con Phone RA 8.1131 children's shoes i brands Midtown Furniture MO prices in the ety for 444 Simeoe South A Fern [LARGE selection of reconditioned tele {Visions lowest machines, fireproof Hamilton, electrical Dominion Tire makes, BUBRran Estimates free Berv: 30 per cent off on typewriters, new and used; cash Dovedale Drive Whithy, WH | registers, write 263 Broadview Aysnue, desks, filing abinets, RA B1211; eve: most all sizes, $3 and up. A543 wun players, , new and used, sold and ex town, all makes Save up to/of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors Paddy's Market, $39.95 and coffer (abies, houdoir and table fampe, pillows, ete. $25 down delivers! "Guaranteed bes value!" Batons' Home Fuormishings, $24 Street Both BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE GLASS BOAT COVERING KITS wrews, onchor fost Boots repaired, pointing shing. Motor stor. Bross nails and - varni po HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY 57 RA 8.8853 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Trade wp paid off, SALES Good cars or down. Liens DODD MOTOR 314 PARK RD RA 3-942) 52--Legal cleon NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Credit and others hoving claims ageinst the estate of GERTRUDE EMILY FOGAL, late 'of the City of Oshawa, are required to send full por-, ticulars of such claims to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Executor, on before the 23rd day of January, 1961, ofter which date the Estate's assets will be distributed hay thot on or ing regard only to claims been received ERNEST MARKS, QC, Solicitor, | 17 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR WALTER FRANCIS DENYER deceased have All having claims against the estate of the soid Arthur Walter Francis Denyer, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of One tario, Baker, deceased, whe died on or about the 3rd day al of January 58, are re fh quired to file proof of the n same with the undersigned Administrator of the estate of the said deceased on or before the 10th day of Janus ary, 1961, after which date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the soid estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice DATED ot Oshawa, Ontario, this 19th day of December, 1960 THOMAS KELSO CREIGHTON Administrator by CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, \ Solicitors herein person # e (Continued on Page 15) BOBBED BBB BBID PDN WHITBY three i CLASSIFIED ofl co WEBB BPDP BIND IDNPNN ONE { « bedroom apartments, in aparte {ment build heated, close to schools, shopping, parking, OLiver 53611, Brook. lin, for further information FREF week tor inghouse plan, No information gation FOR RENT Christmas turkey, 814.05 pey tamily of four eludes West. Freezer and Schoeider's food down payment. For further Phone MO 85381 no obli January 1st or before, two + bedroom - apartment (apartment building), parking, refrigerator, stove; also three-bedroom house. MO 8-391, FOR RENT Apartment, two nicely furnished rooms, bed sitting room, Kite orator and stove, heat, light upplied. Private entrance, 21 Street CLEARANCE Sale: Rotween now and Now Year We are clearing our used stock, at new low prices, Refrigerators S40 upt heavy duty stoves, $19 up; 21° television 849 upi chesterfields 819 up: repossessed Ledroom suites, like new, New five piece chrome suites, 837.95, Terms available Midtown Furniture, Brock Street, North, MO 8.4981, FULLY furnished apartment, including stove and refrigerator, ete, in new tris plex. nice location 508 Colborne West, Whithy MO 8.5379 SEPTIC tanks oleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 28-2563. HOLIDAY open 24 hours, Let uy do the Quick efficient serve ee, Downey MO 88151 APARTMENT in apartment building three vooms, heavy duty wiring, p ing. 860 monthly available December 1 Iolephone RA A024 FOR RENT private enh Call MO #4257 IN winter months outside work can men a! reasonable mates on voofing. siding, ing and msulation Phil Green, Whithy. MO 8.4358 FOR RENT Large two room apart Hii with sun voom, ground floor ge and stove. Sell contained. Phone io 2.2398 Palace Special driving Cab Furnished voom with oe, In respectable home, mild spells, by skilled Free esti eavestrongh- Harper, 223 during be done rates RENT 8 boat and chain saws x cement mixer shotguns RENTAL MO 8.3226 and das § FOR RENT Box, boat and SOWS, mixers, shotguns, traile chain QWs cement prayer E RENTAL Sales MO 8.3226 and £ 1415 Dunda

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