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The Oshawa Times, 27 Dec 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTR Whithy Burean Office: 111 Dundas 51, West Tel Manarer: Lloyd Robertson PRESENT TROPHIES TO LACROSSE CHAMPS Omigrio Coupty sixth report of the county roads snd bridges com iter was Toad and BPPIOVE: apiloy members of conneil. The report was ps follows PROGRESS REPORT From # standpon road provement, 196 has been the usiest yeer in the County's ree ord, The otal expenditure for the year Is estimated at $1400, on, which includes ail categories of expenditure. For this expendi ture some 1) miles of rod were lpaved, 18.7 widened and recon ructed to meet recommended andards Nine pew bridges were constructed, together with count Last werk Council the 5 ; " sf even this measure was Virtually inetlective, In the five week pe riod from September 16 to Octo her 23. the available number of wank bongs was TH. Ow records fw that the maimem lime worked by any repisl unit was spproximaiely % per vent, The average time worked by other earthmoving units for thet period wis 79 howrs of 31% per cent Approximately one mile east of Leaskdnle additional problems were encountered wn the form oA springs and unstable base cond tions, The combinetion of rain and cdyerse conditions resulied in Road 10 being closed to traffic for an unusually long. period of TCT Make Progress Report «..» On Ont. County Roads Highway Improvement Act, # ely or seperated lawn 8 required lo support. Conmty B Brvaris wp lo the extent of the proceeds from # levy of one hall wll on the City Assessment. By an agreement between the Cy and County this amount can be ex ceeded wp to » maximum of (we mills. The pmount of Money Fake ed by the City mst be cantly by the County fn view of the foregong nd possibilhy that a levy slightly # excess of one hall mill may he revived wind recommend #5 Ioblows That the 1960 Council of the Corpination of the County of On- we ! | rm-- Lacrosse THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 27, 1948 § Champs Edge Hockey Club By CLIFF GORDON A most edlortddl and meres ing finckey game wee staged at the Whithy arenas yesterday aller noon, I brought together twa of Whithy champions. The Whithy Red Wings the Eastern Canada Ir. A lscrosse champions and the Whithy Hillcrests the Jr. ( hockey champions of last season The game was won by the 1a crosse team who swapped their gutted sticks and running shoes for hockey sticks and skate Barry Campbell whe played for the Hillerests last year but| also played for the lacrosse team, was in goal for the Red Wings and was the big difference in the libition game and (hen wil play # league fixture in Picton om Tharsday might SUMMARY VIRST PERIOD fed Wings: Tushinghasm (iibsem Hitleresis: Brown SS aphentgow ski Hed Wings P, Tran Red Wings: Lotion, (itmon 5. Hillerests: Kadwell, Roberts, E, Tran Hitlerests: Burke, Brown Penalties MeCready Mackey 19 : Halt, LJ 9 nther fnwn of from Lhe Commu # WINNER OF TWO | ( ind a by Red ada pion Monday A BANNER wrist Win Fastern ( Tunios yound night wa I MARK ent ir even Mesh being valuable MeCullough hi and Tew named he player; he won Jeweller hest also von the ler Whit I'n maosl eh a hi phy foi in Lacrosse Cham the on | Trophy a Glen Lotton his team up their yea the corer on H valteh Red Wings Meet At Whith runner-up | ql on friends ner to Vea I'he Hon the auditor arena in which the Hiller Followin ident Jac) manager | Davie call figantrill tanle Accept a brought fo Westminster hy obtained while they I i i nn Canada Lacro ih wind which following a the Year End competition Hinto Cu Later, 1 ended thank he club manager « of Mh ini rman ein, of Hed Win Mi I n nr i framed photograph in autographed la ind flow og called on hehall the ih ponsor buflet 3 ith awed team wm of the | m« hal NOeKs Red Win (18 ont LLY] hi Hn cap ind wweepl ta hanno the hutiel { the Foy oe wart m. The hanne Kastern ( which wil to "mark iehievement hy 1] placed rena another n Anada i will hanner | Irwin, whic of the Wii h mark th My 4 the \ ! Dunlop Tock ( falen Loto h most valuahle sen hy yer Hn male As Lhe BROCK-WHITRBY now Lavine nOHRRY UME MITCHUM LONDON THE L pee ~~ NRE DUN RETRY TA LS LIREL pd RY Na SHOWS 7 AND R30» A EVENING M hi MeCullough Jewellery a | wa displ thove, | left corer. Shown I" the Frank the trophies to to ht MoeCullongh eh hold Glen Lotton player this year, then accepted ind a Fhe a frophy leweller, was: pre Ivan Davi of MeCullough ented hoth eh highest 9 point trophic itch ayer aw priee of a isl w valuabl hy ( J One rank Tew | most It ard Viesher hy manager MoeCullough elle pre in Gillen for col team the ndy ied nil Hetory iptain ening endes nd playe upon Manager with I, lean rr Klgi Hey \ Like coach Lirove Davie and ented each platie m of received DAY-BY-DAY 0 BLESS SCHOO Puesday, Dee. 27 Hist Moroeen Hie hl the \ | i t off ire Hyver engraved to mark their the an preciatl leadership they had (im 0 pm of Tarontn ne yvint There Anderson I the HTT { da in on [} pm the vemn High Ma i Evangelist Chur Whithy, will mar) Anniversary St sh in Whithy hop ent ame day a lohn the Giffard street 100th h fe ol 1) it Tohn Ma Home League Has Xmas Party W Christma ovenin devotional Mrs. E. Arehy Christmas Christmas om it the plano hy M J ac de dq salva Ue Thursday A sl led hy them wp on Army men's Han &¢ part IT held it at tadel wt 106 Her I'he Ws accompanied Mrs. Earl J Santa it Following bers sat down served under the My Archer, as Donnithorng \ AM Robe Mrs, Locke wa Wa in whe trihuting th the mpm to iti convenership wo ssted hy Mn He on M Ca 1} Clan a hot ho | the re Wilh and lub | he win {raphy 0 i Of C Plan (Communion | . Breakfast I'he Whit Counel 0 piembmaonth Mi "re ident Jack haw hy | N ly fiosday Mee, 2 Livangolisg A night Jan | neeting wl ul holdin titne As a result of the physical con ditions which developed Mr. FE Taylor who lives adjacent to Road 19 dams ther he was denied #eeess to Wis property and this condition oecurred by resson of negligent eonstruction on the part of the County x Prior to issuance of # sum mons fo the County, an allempl was made fo explain the rea sons, for the situation which de veloped, to Mr. Taylor and hi solicitor. Nevertheless Hm mons was issued which wediately referred lo our ance Company Because of the claim denial of does not come with our surance coverage quently our Insurance eomld not he required behalf of the Loum As # vice Io Ontario the Insurance has agreed to undertake the ind defence of the claim provid ed that a Nonwailver Agreement ean In summar iarin recommend the 1961 Council that (a) favorable consideration he given io the temptive program of construction for improvement of County Suburban Road Na. 2 and (hi that i a tax levy In excess one half mill on the City ssment be required to 6 nance the proposed construction for 19%) an agreement be exe culed for this purpose with the Corporation of the City of Osh Ap . INTERSECTION SIGNALS For your information we wish tn ndvise thal requests have been received for additions] sefely it measures al the following inter sertiims ess smaller culverts that were tn replaced ns a result of new road leonstruction | 1 has not been possible n com. plete every phase of work origin y listed in the budget, How: ever, the only incompleied works lare those which involved sue. veys and preengineering for sub. sequent construction, Even on the tno projects not completed, sub stantial progress has heen made Much of the improvement that has been carried out during the past year could not have been fi nanced without special assistance from the Onterio Department of Highways. While most persons are aware of normal 50 per cent and #0 per cent subsidies paid, it is interesting to note that on the past year's operation the Prov financed approximately 65 cent of our total expendi This has been, and we hope we to he. a favorahle for the County of On oA i Wit in nature of LE n the terme of Con Compa fr # tar Junction of Roads | and 5 in Claremont I Fei wiginaled Bis al hom ince 4 act st for traffic lights with the Claremont and Community Assor) There is an element of wazard at this intersection be cause of the existing Jog and also hecause a building obstruets visi bility at the south west corner At the present time the east-west traffic stops while north-south proceeds with caution, The rlop signs are supplemented with a flashing signal hi dunction of County Road and County Suburban Road (Taunton and Harmony Rds,) hi request originated representation to the Council of Fast Whithy Township and a wtition directed to the Oshawa suburban Road Commission, The concern of the pet toners is the safety of children attending public school al the north east corner Any action other than (hat which has heen applied or sug- gested must receive approval of the Onlario Department of Transport, Because of (his fact the Engineer met with the Direc tor of Traffic Engineering for the Department and inspected these nlersections., I wus agreed that the Department would make a complete study of hoth intersec tions and consider such factors as traffic and pedestrigsn vol umes, traffic speeds, turning movements, ele, After completion of the studies, recommendations will be submitted for considera- tion of Council eon # the County of oe talon Compan ap ost One other favorable aspect of Commit ght annual program without re ng ite the 5 financing f he execuled this agreement provides that our insurer will act on behalf of the County but that any award aginst the County would not he the insurer's responsibility unless eh award fon which h Fry onl the oad improvement ting long term . horrow on this the requ rite consider ah! RVETH F alls throughout the 1 hasis till on hie avinee P BROAD SUPERINTENDENTS ARSOCIATION 4 sh to draw yom on to the possible formation of a d and Works Buperintender heh may be future. This asso limited tn Super local munici County of On i was made ered Ome 1 tem en the 3 phiey We recommend that a hylaw he ecution of Iloyds of of On FW ler with ed authorizing in igreement hetween and the Count 7] f in Lamdon taro OSHAWA SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1961 BUDGET Within the financial limitations provided in Highway }m provement Act Oshawa bub urban Road Commission has heen adhering to a definite sched je of road improvement nee 1957. The program for 1961 in cludes three miles of heavy grad ng and widening from the new sihway, north of Raglan, to the northern outskirts of the Hamlet of Columbus. All of the factors involved in this project illustrate the desirability of joining the two points mentioned, It is estimated that a tax levy approximalely The opportunity of meeting one tenth of a mill higher than (other road Superintendents and that of 1960 will be necessary lo « [discussing such matters as eom-| finance the proposed construction {bined purchases or contracts pro. | Under the provisions of the An opportunity to mest fal Pentecostal Assembly Wins Gold Seal ly regularly with the Distriet| The headquarters of the Pente- Hoss Lee, nursery wiation form un the nea ahion would he WImary fromm the within the m intendent palitic ociations n other 1ario ar a hav Counties ueeess and it hoped thal an equally sueeess tablished in 1 heen organized the Ih considerahnle mip could he ¢ ain ims of this type usual eral times each following purpose opportunity of meeting mutual problems con maintenance construe equipment and expenditures The opportunity of meeting Ho hear speakers of practical in lterest to Buperintendents meet se year iT I. The 0 diseu erning tion | 2 cede 4 repre Mrs. John or Is expected a Money the hil he aperation of i order (o« in the Man requested {Municipal Engineer {In summary, the hasie purpose | ol such an association is eduea-| tional and hoth the Buperintend.| {ents and (he municipalities they ent should henefit from the issociation, The attitude of thel Department of Highways towards | costal Assemblies of Canada an-|Bearr, Beginners; Mrs, E, Mac eh anizations favorable nounced this week that the Bun-|Donald, Beginners; Mrs, Carl ind it 1s understood that any ex. day School Department of the! Harnett Primary Boys; Mrs [penses a Superintendent might in. [Whithy Pentecostal Tabernacle Leona Braiser, Primary Girls; eur through attendance would he [had heen awarded the Gold{Mr, Carl Harnelt, Intermediate; eligible for subsidy, It 1s not|Crown seal, the highest such Mr. Ross Lee, Junior; Mrs, H that large sum of laward for a high standard of Michelson, Young People, and vould necessary for efficiency in Christian educa. [Rev John Dar Adult Bible the association, Hon class tablish a solvent] Rev, John Scary, pastor of the! There are 12 features position, each municipality might {ehureh, told the Times that the Pentecostal 8 'ay School hi to contribute ten [Sunday School attendance had dard in which the leaders dollars for participating member tripled sinee 1058, with its pres {attain over 00 per cent in order hip lent enrolment heing well over (to win the Gold Seal award We would recommend (hat the | 00 students The Whithy Pentecostal Tahe members of County Couneil give] 14 of nacle attained this standard the association their en-| oj 11/11 of the features, which are list Sunday the [ed chureh an thusiastic upport at the local I Crown coerbifivale L were awarded fo he School leaders of who Jointly achieved proposed level [ Attendance of pastor and super DAMAGE CLAIM AND NON-WAIVER AGREEMENT During construction of County | standard Road No. 10, in the fall season of] Those 1059, heavy rain created serious/were Mrs. Harold Michelson, [5 hool, adequate records, | in the progress of work. superintendent Reginald Mae. |gellsm in the school, increase in In attempt to complete the!Donald, assistant superintendent; [attendance and offerings, attend. vork as rapidly as possible, addi. Harold Mic helson, treasurer tional equipment was engaged but Mrs I) Foster, eradle roll; Mrs, efficient cradle roll, lin the National Sunday Se ho olland officers, attendance at con ferences and meetings, training certificates courses, a properly grouped Fvan receiving dela in \ . % | As pari Sm was [ eh + members Hrother Napoleon He er, ( wil activity chairman he Christm hildrea he hieh wa hanked hh iMendid med fw Year wenttoned vill date he new received vere tance ) rand Kni nk at St loaded in waked far ve his work I AS al O'Connor. ( man, tl | upp Redard i h 5 party Id Ve that ¥ that he ul h \ hall oun ted on tor member Opn vind ve dances ined from member Mard nn meh their th lu nl wth he fast would take lan. 13 man 196 Greg A Vole ol n din ending « Helfore \ with praver ry wit the itilated bh reporter nin place l. The | would be held in \n f hrothey hy next n \ y at 8 yn hall A attendance n the | Announg od that the charte eA ET -- the top of the town hall shell | ized on the contruction of the in the pieture is a crane which | public Works Department has been employed to lift out, De Vie - . intact, six 4381, span trusses ehol an Vielaria street ih Port The limber trusses and all other | Whithy project fown's winter works program re-usable materials salvaged from the building will be uuil «Oshawa Times Photo we. | wod | ty | monthly Vex and Kan Ni G OLD HA Whithy Winter ts the demaoli- town hall on The project men and the demalition 1s being carvied out town, Protrikling from nuary Part won Works fhe ton Broek is employing of the progr the Am id olith street ! nine another on the by the must efficiency vating of 01 per cent intendent, attendance of teachers | i OND PERIOD WH Tran McCready Ross, [12 7. Bed Wings VP. Tran #. Red Wing §. Red Wings Davis 10. Hillerests Penalties two teams. He made several fre mendous saves #5 was the best man on the ice, har none : There was narry a repeat seo er as the (fellows divided the! scoring very well, Tom Tushing ham, Phil Hall, Glen Lotion, Herb Tran, Boh MeCready and Ken Ross did the scoring for the win. ingham 7.30, Biggs 8.00, Nagi . ners, with Ross firing the winner kowski 12.0, G. Luke 12.44, % fate in the second period, For the well 13.45. Carnegie 1345 losers it was Mel Brown, Buteh)| THIRD PERIOD Kadwell, Harvey Burke, Ken 11. Hillerests: Naplorkowski 2.27 Roberts and Ted Napiorkowsk Penaltic Tushingham 4.30, with one each Middleton and McCready majors The Hillerests will play tomor- 1230, Biggs 13.25, MeCready row night in Brampton in an ex 17.50 U.S. BUSINESS Weather Belts Selling Hopes sald séltle rd um» , 18.43 Hiaherts 17.58 Gibson 3.35, Tush NEW YORK (AP) Christmas Association brings only moderate cheer to.would happily American business men this year's volume year. Their hopes of 8 new record They are loting up the gener. were belted hy blizzardy weather ally disappointing results of a and, the NEMA said, the custom. year that was supposed to be the ers' caution in spending money springhoard for the "soaring There was another increase in ties,' the cost of living There were bright spots A boost in food prices nudged higher automobile production and living costs to & new high in Noe personal ineome--hul many com vember, the index rising to 127.4 panies found profits trimmed by feom 127.3 in October, One hun: greater cosls » RABIES. 2 i) | Merchants struggled this week rig ag el ad prices to push Chrismas sales (0 BL" pye sieel and automobile in. least equal to 1009, a record sea |dustries curtailed production son ? ne Steel plants were shy of orders The National Rela Merchants and the automakers had placed a big inventory In dealers' hands, Steel output sagged to 46.9 per » . Special Services leent of capacity, the lowest jon . " nage produced in a non « strike At Faith Baptist | week since the 1950s | Automobile plants sliced pro- Special Christmas Services will duction to an estimated 114,000 he held this Lord's Day in ¥aith| passenger cars, compared with Baptist Church, Starting al 9.15) 130,620 last week and 103.413 a over CKLB special Christmas| year ago | service will he heard on "Faith Tidings", | Pastor Corbett will he minister: | ing at the morning worship serv-| {lee and the adult choral group {will be singing special Christmas selections The evening service will he in the form of an illustrated Christ mas musical program under the) direction of Mrs, May Knudsen of Bearboro, with various selec tions hy the children's eholr, The adult choral group men's quartet, the ladies tet, the trumpet trio Come and join with us Sunday in celebrating the birth of om Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ storekeepers for last six New Year's Eve FROLIC PPM TILLY? SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL A full night of fun $10.00 PER COUPLE Limited number of tickets RESERVE EARLY PH. MO 8-3386 Tickets available at the front desk of the Spruce Villa Hotel the qua DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. §,, WHITBY MO 8-5231 YOUR C.I.L. Paint Dealer Painting & Decorating Contractors tex, Paperhanging wll Wall Murals PHONE SHIRT LAUNDERERS 1 MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN WHITBY RA 5.3555 There's no Substitute for Experience! Grp ijance at morning services and an ale DN Pf 06s na x7 lida eed 5/4 Just in time for all the festive occasions of the holiday season tlamorous shoes, fashioned to tat ter your feet, in gale styles colors. Comfortable ton SPARKLING pumps with tor SANDALS wisp of a shoe beauties, alitter trim, 9.95 ond wp feminine high heel, 9.95 and wp FOOTWEAR 107 Dundas St. West OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY MO 8.488)

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