- Women, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3.3474 -- . | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, December 27, 1960 7 HOLIDAY NOTES The following students of the in touch, Why not follow the pop Junior Oshawa General war trend and let us know if yon Hospital, School of Nursing are ob gre having visitors or are spend- Christmas leave: the Misses Dale ing the holiday out of town? The Bteenburgh, Picton; Judy Smith, Social Depariment would be Picton; Betty Miller, Belleville: pleased to publish this informa Norma Beott, New Liskeard; Ena tion without charge, Telephone Robbins, Toronto; Helen McDon- pa 3.2474 extension 18 sid, Bowmanville; Alma Hixt Kingston; Margaret Imrie {Ottawa Class, Mrs, TH. Everson, King street east, is expected home tomorrow " hae . after spending the Christmas boli- Stall purses of Oshawa General ds chee. brs, BR, H. Hall ospital who will be out of town! 787 0 Queh ordisd # { Ho Rs holidays include Mount Royal, entertained for her | Mrs, Robert Woolcott, Hamilton; Mother on Christmas Eve, Mrs Mrs, Anne Hawke, Colborne; Mrs, Everson's 9rd birthday, and I Lief Olsen, Forest; Mrs, Fred. Christmas Day she was the honor lerick Jackson, Hamilton; Miss ed guest of her son, Mr, Ewart Janet McDonald, Boston; Mrs, Everson and Mis, Everson and James Bell, Montreal; Mrs, Rex family st Verdrewil, Mrs, Ever. King, Hamilton and Miss Mary son was accompanied by Mr Wilkins who is skiing in the Laur- Stanley Everson snd Miss Eve: | entians lyn Everson travelling com . panions, Mrs, Frederick Gregor street, and Mr Gay William street east, were guest of Miss May McMullen on Thurs day evening Perry Mc CB Lindsay Mr, and ¥ A relative VB Warren avenue, visited 4 n Havelock during the Christmas eckend : Pic recen VE WEDDING PRINCIPALS and the late Mr, Rosinskl and the bridegroom the son of Mrs I street, H were Baldwin Yuletide M Mr, and Masson guests Mrs. W Mr ! hore and, and M A street os in Orillia holiday E. Shaw visited the on rela Christ ! home of sham the Gr al G L Powe both the Ves wy er nassy mas Peter wh Rosinski - and Wiech, both of Oshawa, were d a is Mr. and Mrs. William Park Mr. and Mrs, 1. W, McConkey Catholic St. Gertrude's CWL Pot-Luck Supper Business, Pleasure | Bt. Gertrude"s CWL held » most suecessiul pot luk supper recently with Mrs, Cleo Ouelietie B85 CONVERT It was 2 mest enjoyable even ing, several guests were intro duced: Mrs. C. J. Cunningham, | Miss Louis Romanhy, Mrs. 8] Smith A prize donsied hy the presi dent was won by Miss Eval Bruckner, a draw was held on Christmas decorations, the win-| ning tickets were held by Mrs | J. Gabourie, Mrs, Lowis Roman | hy, Mrs. J, Driscoll and Mrs. J.| Melnychuk, also a doll was won| by Monique Poiman | Carols were sung with Mrs} Gordon Patiefson at the organ | Following the festivities # meeting took place with Walter Branch presiding secretary, M. Poiman read the minutes and Mrs, James Krae | mer, treasurer, gave a financial! report The conveners of Various com mittees gave their reports Mrs | 8, Sheridan asked the mempers to give suitable books to jhe school Jibrary Mrs, ¥. Doreen reported i 8 rs, re LX 1S 0 NUPTIA Powers CATHOLIC tured after their tly at Holy ( Church Violet Franz Wimbauer The bride | Mr, and Mrs ceiving a letter from the Red BROTHER AND SISTER Cross thanking the ladies who : have assisted at the Tuck BY0p. Children of Mr. snd Mrs, Allen and Mr, and Mrs, Kivi Mrs, John Adama thanked he Ronald Roberts. Alexandra | i . aeat» grande CMT for their donations towerds! syreet are Donsid Bruce and Rohe de ti making up Christmas baskets or Judih Ann, Donald is one year children of Mrs, Reginald Gray the nee sities of the parish.' oid and Judy Is three and' a and Mrs, Leslie Allen, all of also for ms of clothing half, They are the grandehil- Yarmouth, Nova Scotia The Marion Group re ported 8 dren of Mr. and Mrs, Judson | Photo by Trelend coming ecard party to he held o shi January 17 in the parish hall Kraemer on be 1Zue presen ed the dow cracks by cutting strips of latex foam sheeting and applying Reverend J, ¥ Myers wilh i it to the wood at the edge of the cheaue, Vather Myers: expressed from erceping through your win-igiy with rubber cement and bridegroom of and Mrs, Franz Wimbauer Munich, Germany Isaac the Mir of marriage Roman the IW HOUSEHOLD HINTS pre t cold breezes James alf of be Mrs ida son the You ean vey 416 rs and of Oshawa aughter of married recently $i, Hed wig's Roman Catholic Church The bride the daughter of Felix Rosi Poland a hurst and Mr. Robert Eke Grooms avenue, were Christmas Day guests at the home of Mr and Orwell Muirhead an Mr, Adam Wiech. of Poland and the late Mr, Wiech Photo hy Mary spent a few days in Montreal during the Christmas holidays GR ki of $s Studio Mr. and Mrs. K, Hadley, Tren his thanks for the work done for Mrs family, Gibb street ers on Christmas Day Fred Britton, Sr Crowell and daught Mr, Pred Williams and thew Halik, all of Osh: Other call Aher Mr were gue in Oshawa over ¥ The tice ere Ir "1 istma Canadian Woman Seeks Return Of Flag, War Time Souvenir n the British Isles, she had asked oc a1, snd Mrs, Doug that an effort he made Lo IBC [ou onlin Carnegie avenue, wer: ts present custodians Mr, and Mrs, W Mathesor In her letter, Mrs of Timmins SAY As my qrent war Holland our children ice and thi a proud po n to them." LODGES AND SOCIETIES HADASSAH Phe regular meeting of Piyah Chapter of Hadassah was held Beverly { ir, Mal Mrs treet nd Mi Thoma sdalr, pent Chr Alcor horn Mr tmas with Toronto hold wi theme The MacGr i" k in py Christmas guests st the home Me My ad pent ( Vir and Gary Stuart A, Sleeman Rosehill bhoulevard as the guests ol hers i parents, Mr, and Christr Mrs, Waller Langmaid, Kingston ' ; road north, Also guest wa th Mrs, Langmaid's father, Mr, Wil Wilfred glist "liam Lind Harmony road Mr th | MeINTY RE HOOD he Oshawa Times A Car oman of| ( 0 By M special to 1 as wristmas Mrs, Bleeman's in Td Preston Stanton Stanton earching for one hushand served in both a and our son was killed wish to preserve fq es of the ed Second Mr, and Mrs Gillette and Mr, and Mr the tradition of and Allan spent Christma red duster would Toronto. as the IT! f ¢ hand Mrs, Jack Gillette ind-death nor . B 15 « and ¢ er ol on to is be some belfast Ire Mi Stanton is trying| ent custodian the flag of} 10.000 ton motor tanker, "San ised va M David had as their Christ. Mr, and Mrs, Leon Markham and Miss of Oshawa Mr, and Ravine road guests Cox Cardner I Sleven aver $5000 dow lleved where land to locate I the Demetri vaged by ing hadl vessel in the 1939-1945 war Mr, and Bonniebrae Lodge, snd Mr, and Mrs, Charles Eder, Fernhill bou levard, spent Christmas Day with Mr, Aldwinckle ister, Mrs Hoss MeAnulf and Mr, Anuff, To ronto, Mr, Erie Aldwinckle, Rose dale joined the family party Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle tn he mas ard Jean ¢ n B Northern of d il p Mr treet vith P.H east, relative, Gilmore spent in To Mr, and Colborne Christmas ronto, i red ef in wa hip gallant ere damaged by a German arl ears of the Mrs, G, D, Conant, Mr, and Mrs Arthur Manning and Mr nu the hall of The Beth Zion Con- Mrs, Douglas Conant, Mr, and|Willis Manbing, Adelaide avenue ; ; gregation recently, Mrs, Jacek Mpg, Roger Conant and families east, Spent Christmas in Toronto PRESENTED T0 CREWMEN Appleby, the president, presided. and Mr, and Mrs, J R, Walker as the guests of Mr, and Mrs | After the vessels had been safes) phe Chapter was fortunate in were a gay party at the Granite Robert Skerratf, brought. to port, HAVIOR haying as guest, Mrs, Bally Kert Club for dinner on Christmas | survived the action with the onemy, the flag was. presented to| Of Toronto, who presented a most) Day, | a member of the erew, Oswald Y. Preston, at the unanimous re- quest of his shipmates, It was be stowed on him in recognition of the outstanding part whieh he played in the salvaging operation Preston refused an offer.of over $5000 for the ensign, On his way ly Mr, and Mrs, John Delvin and | daughter, Mary, Law street, were view on the book Eva' by Meyer! No matter the distance, once|{Christmas guests al the home of Levin, This was very well re- more the Christmas season is Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Tomlinson, ceived and thoroughly enjoyed by drawing families and friends to. Belleville the members present, gether, The list of Christmas! . a . : The annual bazaar, which willl personals puts old acquaintances nr. a Sas. Murdie Mac ead) take place In May, was enlarged west, and Mr, and Mrs, Mansel | upon and CORVENOrs for the var each member of the family had! MacLeod and sons, Ronnie and back to the United States, he call. lous booths were lined up, Bev. 0 put in the basket Leslie, Mary street, spent Christ ed at Belfast to visit some|eral new constructive sugges ™n Co 0 Te exchanged after mas in Dunvegan, Ontario, as the friends, He gave them the flag|tions for fund raising were volun: qin" conowed by the initiation guests of Mr, and Mrs, N, B to keep as a souvenir for a short teered from the floor into the club of Miss Diane Rol. MacLeod time, promising to call for it, Refreshments were served alijinc Migs Margaret Russell and | later, He never did so, and has|the close of the meeting (Mrs: J. R. Grieve. The three new |. Mr:+and Mrs: R, 8, McCallum ossland road west, were holiday sit lied, He died without giving vin smbers we of sonted |B wee die e died 101 i BETA SIGM/. PHI member were each presented at the home of Mrs. Mo his relatives any clue as to the] | with a pink rose Huests parties with whom he had left the. The Phi Phi of Beta Sigma Phi "0 © Jk oo. 4|Callum's brother, Mr, George EA prized ensign held its annual Christmas party, oc of her trip te Ives and Mrs, Ives, Port Credit, | on December 20, at the South | 4 | ee 4 Colorado and other states, Ku ' i. Ja | g ANTS FLAG ( End Grill . Mr, and Mrs, W, G, Jackson, Sev wa J ie AC BACK The chicken dinner was served | iE Nay 'ie NE centre of al-igarhert avenue, were Christmas Tish Quebe "Wis sister, She hadlat 6.30 p.m, with the social spon. action yu nl ni Barhats Grelg guests at the home of Mr. and One fc heard the story of the flag, and is\sor, Mrs, J, R, Grieve, saying|f or | Res of the trip she Mrs, D, W, Cirdy and daughters,| - Brig now anxious to have it hack in|grace During supper it was men Alter the Hm re; ia_al Janice and Lesley Ann, Agin.| these the family, In a let! she has(tioned that the food basket fora, = 0 0% } I ures ore 10WI court a your written to the Belfast Telegraph,| needy family in Oshawa had heen party broke up with all -the Patter {members wishing each other e of the Thoms wapapers'ordere small present for Wola one o eo Thomson newspapers'ordered and a small present fc very merry Christma The next meeting at the home of Mi Blears January 3, CHILD GUIDANCE Lacking In Basic Skills Will Frustrate Bright Boy By G; CLEVELAND MYERS !ural sciences. He collects Many a smart boy or girl, full and rocks, mounts insects, | of curiosity, has picked up a vast! those models avallable, | deal of information without mast-| what he can about oring the fundamentals, espe. animals cially reading "We spend considerable | Although he may amaze adults at the local - Washington { at home and his teacher at school! seums, He wants to read by what he knows, he may earn! about these things and only average or helow-average! can't," grades because he lacks skill in My reply in part reading, spelling other basic I's wonderful that your son Is subjects interested in 80 many worthwhile A Maryland mother writes things "Perhaps you can help me help READ TO WIM my son through his frustrations I' hope you go on reading to |B § not an acutely serious prob- him from advanced sources. Oc lem but one I've observed with cagionally, when his interest in {several boys his age--whieh is/sueh is 'at its highest, find an ten excuse to be too busy to read He is an average fifth grader further, hoping he will feel the His teacher says that he can do urge to dig out some facts from better work than he does and he| (he printed page for himself is slow at some of the basies My guess Is that he is a rather HIS PROBLEM poor reader, even at his present "However, he has great grade level, Perhaps you should curiosity and has been able to| require him to read some from supply considerable interesting and stimulating re. showe Montana Stanton, off Mr, and Mrs, ¥, C. Salmon and Mig Marilyn Salmon, Hortop Send will be held street, were Christmas guests at (coins Margaret|the home of Mr and Mrs, FE, R Salmon and family, a cannot awa T {Oshaw NAME 1961 Sarnia Needle igns | Tashlor {der, w design Quick shells make | studies prehistoric! . time mu more Just | or background! his textbooks in science or social to many of the school discussions science and summarize each par in the sciences agraph for you in a few words of "But the problem is that the his own, Also, require him to material available for him to{work under your supervision to read and to work with he con-(bring up his skills in his other siders much too simple and ele: basic subjects mentary, That is, the material] Obviously, he's allergic to ex which he is honestly able td read|erting effort on doing required and comprehend mental of physical jobs "That material which he wants - Be sure he has a few regular to study Is quite beyond his read- chores he must do promptly and ing ability faithfully, Such practice at phys "Now what T want to know is ical work should earry over to what is there to read and experi: mare effort at mental work, Un ment with that can satisfy the fortunately, he has been able to intellect and curiosity of a mind|{win the approval of adults with-| that is several years ahead of{out exerting much effort itself in some respects but that PARENTS' QUESTIONS is actually only the mind an. Q. Can a child two to 14 gain javerage ten-year-old? in vocabulary much from Short of my reading the TV ax reading advanced material and sort of being read to an equa predigesting it for him, there amount of time? seems little else A. "Breaths there a man "He is fascinated by the nal-belieygs he could? A 1 TO LIVE IN OSHAWA vi { of Oshawa interest solemnized recently at igwond Christian Chureh, ffville, when M Wl Mrs Ter Hoo \ was Ri dd Hall Skinner Mr, and Mrs Stouttville the Martin the daughter of 0 H, Skinner of € ridegroom Mr. and Mrs Hoolsma of Oshawa ~Photo by Cadieux | ) as from for \ vd of { \ a the Bb more, viewing or| Whe na \ m ed ptial vows The who ride, the former Miss Pal cla the home averaging NUMBER gifts, bazaar items RIENDSHIP GROUP J nited ited endshio Group of Cour- 19 by a carol sung e COT of Westmount United met at BF Church held its annual candle light service on Sunday, Decem 8, assisted hy the junior the catering to DE Explorers and 17i-C Group jet Miss Patricia Ward presided at ne the piano for the service Miss he Margaret Neal gav. the esl anh! and invoca'ion, Mi will Saunders read the Scrip son, Miss Eleanor Calvert "A Christmas y up iby tol The hich those who the bazaar the banquet g thanked Plans are being made celebration of the ersary of the group he in February Joyed, gifts exchanged and freshments served ( The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. James Mac Gregor on January 9 ch WA Percy D meeting v Chy I Photo by Mary's Studio | pe parish and the meeting closed OUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Westmount CGIT 174 Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa @OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M.) was rded, a verse ot» ime. 12. Christmas Service Specials! Wed. & Thurs. BUTTER™ *" . 66° BREAD %=° 2 - 33° SLICED POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES «3.09 FOR YOUR NEW YEAR'S FEAST! " Swift's Premium "BUTTERBALL" TURKEYS Ib. 21 c We also have Turkeys from 6 to 20 Ibs, as well as a good selection of Roasting Chickens, Capons, Geese and Ducks, minute had nd a ol were read and December helped to make arried out in the fma were Jame mem ng ident, Mrs welcomed the { poem pre eRor for second which Games were to and read ] nia iT h Ihe worship Sharon "ure le sang a andle," Three Beripture solo cGy girls lighted candles representing the three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, followed by the Explorers 'land CGIT's purpose, Mrs, Gor don Holbrook presented Miss Lois Werry with her graduation pin on behslf of the Women's Association The secretary's Wn Junior choir Jang Jur p - ra Irisimas Carols directeg 0 | | bend bY id 25a Deron) Mrs, Frank Ward and Miss Jud.| Suddard, This year, nstead of ith Broad, president of the HC { excharging gifts, each member group, read A Christman Sor yo prought a suitable gift to bel During the singin 1" » wid. presented {0 residents of Hills.C8%01 the COIL and Cuxplorers dale Manor, Conveners for the|cireled the church with of ied] cubs' Christmas party are Mrs, | candles, The henediction was pro. wounced by the Reverend Frank | Ray Harrison, Mrs, Leonard] , " H Fowler and Mrs, Arthur Bargent, Ward, and the singing of "Taps" | Mrs, Ray Harrison presented the immediate past president, Mrs, William Richardson, a past president pin in appreciation of SOCIAL NOTICE her exceptional and unselfish AT HOME Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hopkins, bs 143 Albert street, will be at home| to their relatives, friends and Service in the past three years, The meeting was closed with ithe Scouts' Mizpak, neighbors on Wednesday, Decem ber 28, from 2 to 4 pom, and 7 to § p.m, on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary, ISTH SCOUT The 15th Scout Mothers' Aux iliary held its December meeting in the form of a potluck supper "al the home of the president, [or Ray Harrison MOTHERS' three report was SY STITCHERY | By ALICE BROOKS n happy helpers for your these sunhonnet - girls! reach day of the week hten up your kitchen with easy-to-emborider matifs igster would enjoy them n 7363: transfer of 7 motifs Oodles of juicy Tangerines, Oranges, Tangelos, Grapes, Nuts, Chocolates and Candi WIFE PRESERVERS Plastic items, such as shower curtains and raincoats, can be I % 7% inches laundered in an antomatic wash THIRTY FIVE. CENTS ©" easily, Uke lukewarm water for this pattern (stamps with. a short wash cycle, then be accepted- to The Osh hang up or spread flat to dry, imes Household Arts Dept a, Onfario, Print plainly ADDRESS, PATTERN JUST OUT! Our 1061 Rook: Over 125 de home furnishings ,for| knit, ¢rochet, embrol.| quilt | FREE for popular veil send 26¢, today * VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY TRACKS "RUGS - SPREADS, DRAPE ) 3 RIES 26 SIMCO, SIMCOE SMe The Management and Staff of Glecoff's extend to all, Best Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! 7 Oshawa Family Budget to Beat Debt 14.PAGE FEATURE STORY JANUARY CHATELAINE werafl for 18 eave, sew, gi Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S » ' ad VISTLLERS poppy MONTREAL . ls $3 Ration | ui, CANADA, " BURNETT'S WHITE SATIN MORE CANADIANS BUY BURNETT'S THAN ANY OTHER DRY GIN , GIN Also: BURNETT'S Celebrated LONDON DRY GIN