Yu * DEMOCRATS HOLD POLICY PROGRAM CONFERENCE Leaning over closer to mi erophones, Rep, John J, Roon- ey, (D-NY) answers questions from reporters aftér two days | of conferences with the Presi- dent-elect at the Kennedy home /ONTARIO RECORD ad microphonés to get a few words from Pierre Salinger, (D, Okla), Rep, Rooney, vice- | press secretary fo the Presi in Palm Beach, Florida, Left to right: Sen. Robert 8, Kerr, Mass TB Survey Was Big Success The recent mass chest Xrayberculosis in Oshawa In. 195% and skin testing tuberculosis sur-|there were 78 new cases of tu vey conducted in Oshawa by the berewlosis discovered, 14 admis. isions to the sanitarium, and two sociation was an owistending suc. deaths from tuberculosis in Osh x] cent of theleases of tuber b awa. In 1950 there were 32 new popu wa #ilended 23 admissions to the sanitarium the clinic making it the highest snd no desths from tuberculosis community participation cliniclin Oshawa, to date in Ontario, At the 1955! Along the periodic mass chest clinic local participation was 38 surverys, conducted by the On per cent, tario nty Tulerculosls asso #6 CLINICS BELD |eiation, the Joes) tuberculosis pre- There vere 6 clinics in the {vention program is effected eity, with 33 clinic days spentithrough the following channels: giving TB peich tests, and 33 The private physicians of Osh- clinic days spent reading the|sws, atch results and giving. X-rays. The chest clinic of the loesl he most sons tested in one/bosrd of health snd the Ontario "he were 656, County. Oshawa Tuberculosis as- worked with six nurses from the ree local ed nurses sociation, Jegioten The routine chest X-rays of Ontario Department of Health|food-handlers, hair-dressers, bar. with the three clinic teams, Ten bers and other special groups local volunteers assisted at each|through the local board of th of the 66 clinics, will not be available for some|culosis Association, time, as a thorough clinical check-| The annual skin test surveys in up and further X-rays must be|the tary and dary taken of sll suspect esses, schools, and in the homes and Other abnormalities noted on among the contacts of the posi- the X-rays such as heart trouble, |tive reactors, carried out by the are brought to the attention of Local Board of Health, the person concerned and the, The pre-employment and sur- family doctor, \vey chest X-rays in industry car. 33 NE WCASES {ried out by the plant medical City of Oshawa health depart- staffs and the Ontario Depart. ment records are not available ment of Health, {for 1960, but in 1955 there were| The Oshawa General Hospital 3 new cases of tuberculosis dis-|admission chest Y.ray program, covered, Twenty-eight were ad-| The chest X-rays offered those president-elect Lyndon B, John- | dent-elect, son who turns away from the (AP Wirephoto) OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF MRS, FLORETTA KEYWORTH Funeral services for Mrs, Flor- etta Louise Keyworth, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital, Friday, Dec. 24, in her 80th year, were held at the Armstrong Yuners! Home, Tuesday, Dec, 27, at 2 pm, Rev, C. D. Cross, rector of St, George's Anglican Church, con ducted the services, Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery The pallbearers were Everett Lovell, Donald Storie, James Skinner, Robert Gray, Harry Donald and Donald McLean ALFRED T, NEAL MARMORA Alfred Till Neal, #2, of Belleville, died Christmas night at the home of his son, Clayton Neal, in Oshawa Mr, Neal was born and educat od in Rawdon Township and was the son of the late William Neal| and the former Charlotte Potts He was a cheesemaker In the distriet for many years and he later owned and operated the Marble Point Inn at Crowe Lake, | | | He retired 20 years ago the former Dora Mac! some years #80, Burviving are one daughter, COMING EVENTS NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $170 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door price $15 # WHITBY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW Wednesday, December 28th Special Game $25, extra in S51 Nos, Jackpots 51 and 51 Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal New Year's Draw LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH RIDING CLUB'S NEW YEAR'S EVE Dance Party Top Hits and Square in Hi-Fi $5 a couple; $4 to members Noisemalk Hats, Balloc ipot Dances Turkey Buffet rved at | ers ns Hot am RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 5.2737 BINGO WEDNESDAY, DEC 28th BPM AT ST. MARY'S OF THE PEQPLE AUDITORIUM ° STEVENSON RD. N AT MARION 5 King street bus at door. Bus will be after bingo is over 16 GAMES OF $8 | GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA-- - 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD FREE TURKEY TICKETS TO BE DRAWN DEC, 28th CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED waiting at auditorium |was a lifelong resident of the Port | Perry-Manchester area, {{Vera), Mrs, Kenneth Doan (Edna) of {Port Colborne, and two sons, Clayton, of Oshawa, and Ralph, of Marmora, Also surviving are three grandchildren Mr, Neal was 8 member of Bt, Paul's Anglican Church, Mar- mora, and a member of Loyal {Orange Lodge 172 of Wellman's Corners, The funeral was held Tuesday, {Dee, 27, at 2.30 p.m. from the Howden funeral home, Marmora, |with the Rev, R, G, Fleming of St, Paul's Anglican Church offi ciating, Entombment was In Mar- |mora vault, WALTER HOWSAM The death occurred suddenly, as the result of a heart attack, in Toronto on Tuesday, Dec, 27, of Walter Howsam, of RR 4, Port | Perry, The deceased was in his H0th year, A son of the late Mr, and Mrs, | George Howsam, the deceas- ed was horn at Port Perry and Mr, Howsam had operated a garage at Manchester since 1047, He was a mi Manches- of ty Tovey 7 "and up. y ity Lodge, ¥ and Port Perry, He 1s survived by his wife, the former Meta Miller; three daugd- ters, Mrs, Donald Carnegie (Lous ise), of Port Perry; Mrs, How: ard Forder (Dorothy), of Osh. awa and Mrs, David Richardson of Toronto and a son, Robert, of Port Perry, Also surviving are two brothers, Air Vide Marshal George How- sam, of Edmonton and Farl How. sam, of Uxbridge and seven grandchildren, | The funeral service will be [held from the McDermott. Pana | 'The proud family of John B, | Connally, Ft, Worth attorney, gives him a look of admiration mitted to the sanitorium, and receiving old age pensions or financially supported by the On| The final results of the clinicitario County ~ Oshawa Tuber- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednosley, Decomber 38, 1960 3 MODEL HOME GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT The three daughters of Dr, and Mrs, W, L, Percival of Windsor look hungrily on this model house which looks good enough to eat, In fact, that will with Miss Hermise Brandner, the Pereival's housekeeper, whe was the architect and builder of the house, (CP Wirephoto) frame, Admiring the mouth. watering house are, from left, the Percival daughters, Wendy, 11; Marlee, 16; and Judy 13, be the eventual fate of the house, about a threefool-by- twodoot model made out of cookies, candies, marshmallow and chocolate on a cardboard | OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS there were three deaths from tu-'welfare assistance, » NEW U.S. SECRETARY OF NAVY nally, Their daughter, Sharon, 11, was not present, ointed Secretary of the Navy Pe President - elect Kennedy, Surrounding him are Mark, 8, John II, 14, and Mrs, Con- {baker Funeral Chapel, Port { Perry, at 2 p.m, Friday, Dee, 30, {Interment will be In Kendal Ce. | melery, Ut'ea, Rev. Mr, Braham, minister of Manchester United Church, will conduct the ser. vices * By STEWART MacLEOD Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)-It was danger- of ously close to pub-closing time [603 Athol street east, received a|@nd the executive of the Wood. out nose and bruised right knee, ridge Bowls Club still hadn't Tuesday, when his car collided | Wound up its annual meeting with a tree beside Athol street| So In the best gporting tradi. east. The street was ley at the tion, members whipped through {time of the accident, Police sald,|the final resolution with scarcely Damage to the ear was estimat./a glance, approved it with flying ed at $300. No other aceldents|colors, then made a lunge for the were. reported hy the Police De-|local bar, partment, Tuesday Happily, they made it, And, SEVEN AMBULANCE CALLS Chances are, a good time was The Oshawa Fire Department had by all, DISTRICT | NOSE CUT Francis Xavier Chireop, very PLANS CAPTURE 'OF U.S. MARKET Japan's largest sewing ma- chine maker has heen authors ized by its government to fi. nance purchase of New Home, U.S, manufacturer of sowing machines. Object? To capture at least 23 per cent of U.S. market in five years Sell your old sewing ma. chine for cash with a depend. able Oshawa Times Classified Ad, Call RA 35-3492 today to place your ad. Jan, Jan, Jan Dee, 30 Jan, Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan, § WOMEN LEGISLATORS Jan, 24 cported only a false alarm since Bult next morning team cap Tuesday morning, The alarm/tain Leslie Clarke awoke with a came at 9.98 p.m., Tuesday, There shattering thought. That final were seven routine ambulance resolution, he remembered, had ; Tuesday and this morning, [some fine print in it that would TWO RELOW ZERO $ | low temperature during| v . the night in Oshawa was reported | District Dates 1% two degrees below zero The | high temperature Tuesday was . 14 degrees above zero Minor Hockey ROADS SLIPPERY While the main travelled] A delegation from the Ux. streets In Oshawa are In good| bridge Minor Hockey Association condition, side streets are slip-|attended a meeting in the Whitby pery following Monday's fall of arena and through the co-opera- wet snow. Roads In the rural/tion of Gord Hawes, distriet co areas are also reported to bejordinator for the OMHA, man. slippery, lagged to return with Midget and Bantam schedules, The delegates from various towns failed to agree on a satis. actory Peewee schedule, but it is hoped that this will be worked out In the near future, Following is the Midget and Bantam schedule: MIDGET $~Bowmanville at Ux 7-Ux. at Bowmanville 12--Ux, at Stouffville BANTAM Fr, Bay at Uxhridge Ux, at Stouffville Stouffville at Ux, Ux, at Pt, Perry Pt. Perry at Ux, Ux, at Frenchman's Ray Frenchman's Ray at Ux, 24--Ux, at Stouffville The two.chamber federal peo Jan. 27--Stouffville at Ux ple's assembly, or parliament, of Frenchman's Bay will play IY ugoslavia has 41 women aniong|their home games in the Brooklin its total B87 deputies, Arena, Bad Blooper CITY AND By Bowlers way: "It would be intolerable to have women in the club, "Within a couple of years they would outnumber us and over. rule us on every major question, It would be petticoat govern. ment in a man's field, "We have nothing against women playing bowls--as long as _|they do It on their own," perish the thought - admit| Then with true British char women members to the cluby (acter he assessed the implica- What an unmitigated disaster! |tions of the decision with a sim. {The Woodbridge Bowls Club, for|ple understatement. {100 years a firm fortress aglinst| "The wives," he announced, {female Invasion, appeared on the "are not very pleased," verge of destruction, To any sell - - SAN respecting E n glish gentleman, this could not be tolerated, And it wasn't, An cextraordi-| CHICAGO (AP) Baseball nary general meeting was called great Ted Immediately and the bleak facts Slgped a contract disclosed. A vote was demanded, [than five years"---with the mail order firm Sears, Roebuck and FEARED REPRISAL SIGNS WITH SEARS (Co. Williams sald he will serve "The ballot was In secret," ex. 8% an adviser in the promotion plains Clarke, "because some of and marketing of baseball, fish. those who voted against the Ing, hunting, camping, and other {women are tradespeople and family recreational equipment, (were a bit scared that they Financial terms were not dis. [might lose business," closed, With this protection, needless to say, the defeat was turned| ONE.QUARTER Into a resounding victory, The, Women now comprise about 25 resolution was beaten to a pulp, per cent of Canada's working Clarke explained the result this/ population, | N IANCINO OVERNIGHT WINDS from the west brought moderating ally milder weather and some cloudiness will cover southern temperatures to Ontario and | Ontario, Northern Ontario and | Quebec today, the weather of | Quebec, with overnight tems fice at Toronto reports, Geners | peratures about 15 to 20 below \ (AF Wirephoto) } Willlams Tuesday = 'for more NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE This week's bowling gave us our fin 300 game with F¥, Taylor gelling » 323, Nice going, Fred n int category, we find the | Gyros (aking A100, leking from the Polishers, The Tankers taking the Auto matics 340-1 and the same for the Shiners over the Mixers, In the High triple column, we have F, Taylor 712, Thornbury 685, J Smith 646, D, Wilson 615 organ 270, V, Williamson 234, J, Ruit: er 231, J, Catton 228, A, Vylschaft 227, W, Beach 211, E. Wakely 201 snd R Lmdensmith 201 The Lemon Leaguers are D, Vander: oop 99, G. Vitches #7 and C, Williams 3 COF LEAGUE Three good iriples were rolled this week, though the rest of us seemed to have trouble, Congratulations te Art Peeling 746 (261, 243, 242); Norm O'Reil ly 745 (218, 248, 278), Arn Green 7% (212, 251, 28) | $00 Triples --~ Ron Swartz #02 (261, 221, 210), Wes Stata 662 (214, 256), Doug Kerr 685 (201, 260), Dick Stata 645 (200, 239), Jim Nemish 639 (214, 227), Molly Hartshorn 626 (272), Sid Hurlock 610 (219, 221), Bud Pipher 608 (200, 211), Orm Yourth 600 (214, 227) Just one 300 single - Steve Chom nink 302, 200 Singles -- Maury Pipher 208, Hor ace Hartshorn 241, Don Brown 232, Wes Richards 226, Fred Glover 228, John Pisani 223, Bill Eiliott 221, Millie [frown 222 Art Brown 208, 246, Ron Vandewalker 206, 216, Flo Tippett 200, Ron Flewell 200, Points taken ~ Losers 0, M 8; Hornets 0, Jets 5; Go-Karts 2 fits 1; Winners 0, Dagmas 3, Half way through the second section and the race has tightened up, Dagmas 11, Lefties 9 Misfits 9, Go-Karts 9, Hor- nets 9, Maybe's 8, Jets 7, Duds 7, Win ners 6, Loser's 0. fee at the Alleys Friday and Happy New Year to all, hear Edna Richards is on the sick Hat Hope you're feeling much better, Kdna, and sorry to hear of your broken finger, Elaine, Your best night of bowling, too, | aybe's , Mis FAMILY DOUBLES PLAZA Mayhees Winners of the first half, #8 points pinfall 47,122, Bashers points pinfall 46,011, Pesquidpedalinns Sud In pinfall without handicap with There were two 700 games Friday night, Flo Lovelock with 750 (220, 267, 243) and Helen Read 740 (273, 244, 224) #00 triples Carl Leslie 600 (243, 213, 234), Blanche Norton 686 (204, 306), Peigle Fayle 679 (245, 23), Fred Mo. Kee 675 (350), Elsie Smith 660 (211, 46, 203), Joan Gray 664 (236, 205, 229), de Branton 633 (227, 208, 218), Mavis Taylor 650 (276, 209), Bill Barta 42 (227, 241), Ril Gutsell 640 (233, o Jim Huxtable 634 (234, 212), Norton 634 (237, 210), Woward Read 63 (218, 238), Ralph Shemiit 025 (211, 2346), Millle Corneal 624 (210, 206, 208), Bd, Leslie 621 (232, 218), Tal Ryan 620 (228, 204), Bill Baker 613 (223, 245), Kd, Salmon 611 (208, 243), Bey, Guisell (300), Bert Mewett 603 (206), Gren Williams 603 (263), and Oscar Morrison 600 (210), 200 Games Gwen McKonkey 261, Keith Whitney 258, John Hobbs 243, 210; Olive McIntosh 237, Alex Alex. ander 236, Mildred Wright (236, 200), Steve Lovelock 234, Ben Fisher 23, i ames Include D. Gutsole 248, 202, G,| 5 gram Be 3D CAPSULE NEWS rates Students Go To Quebec Ede Rysn 205, Dot Paradise 200 » Les Gray 200, Points are as 338, Keydetls , Pesquidpedalians 431, Maybees 0-38, Goons 231, Eure kas 234, Skippers 428, Raybees 0-28, Termites 330, Tumblers 1431, Barten. ders 3-36, Bandits 128, Beshees 229, Cookies 193 and Tiddie Winks 119, "" QUEBEC (CP)~Some 80 high 1958, and was beaten, strangled school students from all paris of and raped Ontario arrived here by train Tuesday for a week's visit, The DAVIS EXPECTING visit is a yearly event sponsored! NEW YORK (AP)~Entertainer by Interprovincial Visits, an as-|Sammy Davis Jr, and his bride, sociation which organizes inter-\aciress May Britt, announced change of students between Tuesday they are expecting a French- and English - Canada, baby next August, Davis, a Ne mainly between Quebec and On- gro, sald he and his wife, whe is white, "are the happiest two |tario | people In New York,"They were married Nov, 13, Ji MeKon| 2 follows Bashers MOTOR CITY LADIES LEAGUE 600 Triples ~~ Isabelle King was tops with 723 (250, 296); Isabelle Creamer 62 (253, 223); Kv, State 639 (203, 256); Marg MacDonald 620 (239); Mary King 615 (260); Helen Macko 614 (223); Ev, Redpath 612 (252, 215); Blanche Nor- ton 611 (234, 206) and Gladys Blythe 610 (a1, ) 200 Singles - Lois Burden was tops with 250, Evelyn Stinson 241, Josie Hurrie 238, Dot Cooper 225, Vi, Taylor 203, 223, Donalds Williams 223, Nettle Pullen 217, Mazel Weddy » as, 3 Med dock 213, Vera Bint EA Tee. . man 206, Pru Whittick, Lyla Huxtable CARS DERAILED 22, Marion Cooper and Susie Greer] GRAND'MERE, Que. (CP)-- yo |Two diesel locomotives and three ADDS DURUM gl Il 4 t . " Ir a etl shing Welle 0, | baggage cars left the tracks in a] WASHINGTON (AP)~The U.S, Cokes, Lucky Sr Honey Hees, Lucky spectacular derailment early agriculture department an FE rons ies: | Tuesday morning near the Cana- nounced Tuesday the addition of Beavers, and Chippers who took one dian National Railways station in/Durum wheat to a list of farm point each Buttons and Bows andthig communityl2s miles north- products on which it offers ex fatont wl with Ivo polete shel eon of Montreal, No one was port subsidies, The subsidies are §, Cokes, Honey Bees 6, Lemons, Lucky [reported injured, The wreck was| designed to make the commodi fix, Atomics, Lucky Kleven and Busy reported caused by a broken|ties competitive in foreign mare Bees 4; Echoes, Bluebirds, and Wish: (1.0) kets, Other classes of wheat have. been on the list for some time, ing Wells 3; Buitons and Bows av. ers, Chippers 2 and Kitty Raia 1 a MONTREAL (CP)--Canadians, MAY FORM CABINET averaging 530 Sonvebsations al THE HAGUE (Reuters) «= CANADIANS TOPS Happy New, Year to ALBERT #7, UNITED OHURON of \year each, list of Queen Juliana of The Nether world telephone users in 1960,|}ands Tuesday asked a leader of the Bell Telephone Company of|the Anti-Revolutionary pa to 233, Jim Scott 231, Fred Coleman 237, w cabinet 204 (618), Bill Grandy 214 and Frank Cooper the George Ford was high for the men with handicap with his games of 206, 219 (675), Ernie Rundle 208, Cliff 254, 201; Bruce Hurst 251, 210( Gord Shemilt 248, Perce Bent 226, £19, 204 (640); Mark Hill 224, 218; Alan Venema 231, Ken Mossey 221, Roy Corbman 219, Lawson Parks 208, Norm Marnien 212 and Bill Hamilion 205, Only two serateh bowlers for the la. dies and Betty Grandy had a nice high single of 204 and also 221 with a high tiple of 676, Marg, Jacklin was next with 271, 361 and a high triple of 704, Those bowling over 200 with handi eap were Flo Boyle 268, Evelyn Haw. ley 236, 219 (606); Glenys Clark 228, Pearl Marlowe 224, 202; Pearl Cooper 221, Helen Corbman 218, Ivy Gibbs 213, Naney Mood 213, Dorothy Coleman 203 and Gladys Shemilt 203 The Beavers are still out In front with 17 points and the I # Hustlers 14, Echoes 13, Pals 13, Chums 11, Stars 11, Lucky-Six 10, Canaries and Suckers 8, Canada reported Tuesday, In its|attempt to form a ne annual edition of The World's|composed of members of Telephones it placed Icelanders|cabinet which fell last Friday. second with B08 conversations each and Americans third with CHECK FOR DRUNKS 96 TORONTO (CP)~Metropolitan Toronto police sald Tuesday that starting Thursday they net up a net of check points to catch drinking drivers during the New Year's celebrations, Insurance Firm Holds Area Rally More than 100 representat! of the State Farm Torrance Companies, with HEADS ENGINEERS TORONTO (CP)~--Lawrence C. Sentance, 47, of Burlington, Tues- day was elected president of the 20,000 - member Assoclation of Professional Engineers of On. tarlo, HOLD CORRESPONDENT HAVANA (AP)~Cuban intelli. gence agents Tuesday held NBC correspondent Wilson Hall, 39, i leado without charges despite a protest from the U.S, |Embassy, He was detained at We have elght In our Lemon League Havana alrport Monday as he, Fy Mar) Clark Cy EL Mood | a8 preparing to leave for New 74, Rita Code 70, Ethel Westlake 65, York, Luva Allman 54 and Ivy Gibbs 48, There will be bowling next week at Stan Johnson 222 Ray Branton 221, thelr wi are attending a méeting in Hotel Genosha today, Those attendin EXPECTS AID BELGRADE (AP) -- Finance the usual time, WEATHER FORECAST Minister Nikola Mincev said Tuesday that Yugoslavia is lib. eralizing its foreign trade and are drawn from the area incl Ing Toronto and extending east to Cornwall and Ottawa, Warmer Chance TORONTO (CP)--Official fore. casts issued at 5 am: Synopsis--Winds shifted to the southwest during the night over most of Ontario, bringing mod. erating temperatures, Light snow spread across most of Northern Ontario, Increasing cloudiness Is expected over most of Southern Ontario today, partial clearing over Northern Ontario, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron, Niagara regions, Wind. Among those attending is Zen Warenycia, Oshawa boulevard north, The rally is one of 108 such gatherings held simultaneously throughout the United States and Canada, Featured at the meeting wa closed-circuit Dropdoaty of : speech by Adlal H, Rust, chair. man of the board of directors of the State Farm Insurance Come panies, Rust predicted a growing economy for the decade and fore. cast continued growth In both human and automobile populas [tions ~~ and a resulting increase In need for insurance coverage. Included in the audience, esti. mated at over 20,000, were a= gents, managers and other per sonnel of the State Farm Come panies. Production goals for 1961 and the remainder of the 60's were outlined and a special come reforming exchange rates. The aim Is closer trade tles with the West, Large-scale ald is also ex: pected from the United States and other Western countries. WILL VISIT YUKON OTTAWA (CP) -- Resources Minister Dinsdale and Mrs, Dins- dale will bring in the New Year at Whitehorse, the department sald Tuesday. OFFICIAL ARRESTED NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Police have arrested an official of the Indian external affairs ministry under the official Secrets Act, the Press Trust of India news agency reported Tuesday, The agency said it was the sixth in a series of arrests on charges of passing government secrets to foreign powers, Today Of Snow cloudiness today, becoming mainly cloudy with occasional light snowflurries tonight and Thursday, a little milder, Winds light southwesterly, Northern Lake Huron, Georg. lan Bay regions: Mainly cloudy with snowflurries today and on Thursday, not quite so cold, Winds southwest 10-20, Lake Ontario, Haliburton re- glons, Toronto: Sunny with a few cloudy intervals and a few snow- flurries today. Local snowfalls sor, London, Hamilton: Increasing WAT he [oir AN Alt , Mane ad '+ sero, will be warmer today but | clear, cool weather is expect. ed tonight, | ~(CP Wirephoto) | along north shore Lake Ontario, test for agents was announced. Mainly cloudy with scattered snowflurries tonight and Thurs. day, not quite so cold, Winds wouthwest 10-15, Kirkland Lake region, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with inter. mittent snow today, Clearing to- night, becoming mainly sunny on Thursday. Milder today, turning colder late tonight, Winds south. west 15-25 today, shifting to west 10-15 tonight, Timmins-Kapuskasing region: Cloudy with light snow clearing this morning, colder, Thursday mainly clear and cold, Winds northwest 15.20, Forecast Temperatures Low tonight and high Thursday Windsor wae 10 2 St. Thomas ... London .., Kitchener "uueeee Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines ., Toronto eens Peterborough ,...... Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton A Kapuskasing ., White River ., : MOOSONR® 1uvvivies STRANDED THOUSANDS LONDON (Reuters)--A strike by more than 10,000 bus drivers In scattered areas of Britain Tuesday left thousands of Christ mas travellers stranded, JAILED FOR RAPE GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, (AP) Convicted as the rape-slayer of a 10-year-old Negro girl, a 54 year-old white man, Robert Mul. ford was sentenced Tuesday to life imprisonment Michigan's maximum punishment for crime The child, Sandra Washington was taken from her bed Oct, 14, WATCH FOR Kinloch's Men's Wear 10 10 25 25 2% 2% 28 bh 4) TTT TTY) WEEK-END SPECIAL aot NEW YEAR "Clearance SALE" NEW MODELS 5 P.M. FRIDAY TO 9 AM. MONDAY $14.93 plus mileage 45 King St, E, RA 5.6553 TILDEN RENT-A-CAR