12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, December 39, 1940 EE THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 8 AM, to 5 P.M MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 (47 --Automobiles For Sele HS TORD imo door, many ies, new pein hy SharvA oy." May coll 448--Rooms For Rent Be ma | (44--Houses For Rent i SMA, & Flows FULLY furvished home, or Rent Ei Wii row to group of Er me Sy V0 MONTHLY, six room hones, no naee, 91 Nassau Blieet, Teleph $598 Vor further wariewars, SIX - room sarey and hal hal brick boar, Ho oi ho hotted, with dil V4 J 37 Male Help Weonted MULTI-LINE INSURANCE SALES Well established auto insur once compeny, heving re- cently entered life insuronce field, requires edditionel en ergetic and relioble represen- tonves Applicants mst hove high de gree of personal integrity, be willing to werk herd, includ. ing evenings, end be prepared to study to become preles sionelly qualified career une derwriters, Applicants who ore married, 25 to 40 veers of 0ge, with good education, proven soles record not neces. sarily in Insurence end deter- minetion 16 improve thelr status, will receive preference. In return, we offer a stable position end opportunity for advencement with oll the assistance of 6 rapidly ex panding multiple - line pro gram, Position provides selary plus bonus arrangement and generous smployee benefits, including pension Please stating td details, work experience Personnel and Sales Manage CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 30 Bloor Street Ves Torontd {41=--Room & Board I moow and hoard for two gentlemen fre or mare, home cooked mess, lunches I ARGE tiree packed, 1411 Evangehne [irive hoards, hot walter, heavy Park Rosd houth, BA 3-3865 newly decoried, new Hnoleams ment, shaved thres . piece bath ROOM snd board for Wik Quiet house, exeelient me good hed CENTR continuous hot water, parking, bus sl pea AL door, Bl Park Road bouth veasanahle rent GENTUEMEN hosrders wanted, good FOUR large rooms home IV, home cooking, lunches separate line for telephone, SGM ean packed. Central, near North GM end he repened hy walking close 0 hospital, 81 Colborne Est, RA 57687. [stop and store $25 Loiraine Sirest SPECIAL permanent ver, 86,80. Kd. (ROOM und board less than five |TWo hedroam Spartment in modern | Beaut Parlor, 5 Celing Bireet, [Wes from Bouth General Motors | apartment bulldin availiable now | appointment please telephone privileges, lunches packed, parking, | "phone MO 8506 niter 5 pom, or 10) Telephone RA 8:4920 for information Craydon Street, Apt Ad 1 Adeoumants HONTEITH, MONTEITH, La, Chavared Assointents 44 Shimane Street Bork, 17 wowey ¥ eriovie to ions on A a 3 CONSECUTIVE IMVSERT IOP 7248 & COMECUTIVE INSERT 18S 375 4.13 i not poid within 7 doves the Charge rate will epply Aoovs 1018s aply only 16 wrigingl wars of SOrseciive Inserhions wisp sant insernions ordered 61 4 later date conshihiie a new wigingl ps Profewiondl and Busing listing $7.50 per month for 3 lines deity fash additional line $1 por month fac initial $ ond € ogy word Box eho A Cigssrtied mt bw S pm. the doy ber fore publication except Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted unt 9 em, Deadiine for Lost and Found ond Cancanation $30 am Office wry. Daily 8-5, Setwdey 8-12 irs LA TIONS The Oshawa Times will net be responsitie for errors in advertise ments submitted Aherwie than in writing, nor fer more they correct Insertion of ' tisernent, nor beyond charged for v insertion the advertisement In which gkcurs, And also reserve he right to classi wvertising according 19 fications display will nat 25 I. CLASSIFIED AD RATES - BEWARE snd co, nA Audion Axamimtants 4, Codey Glan Widg., 1 On | Ontarie. BA 0 PONTIAM and 0 Ponies , Enaetient motors Good (res, cheng reiaine Bens portation, Make & good sesond family esr. Phone WHitehall 24979 MASIATE Sula Insuiance, Bove og» 2 per cept, Bix w poy, For peradhnt service ot pour home, esll KA ed ante is (Fsom, cents ; Cort SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA B-8180 OSHAWA T.V. sements of seis. Lows y Wing Hiss East, Oshowse, BA CITENTY money to ohn on fleet morn r -- ne wad BUBROWS, Chartered As intants Simicon Brent South, (uh. | on iy F.0D Wise, CA; 6. BA mond Burrows Ch WA B71 | Ban CLARY fntsria Accommting oo THY howse, 18 inwies o_O Fs the a BWR, SEVER TOOIRS, MORE, hone | om sopriment, torsion Orohy WRIE for mare information. | wily Aesorsied, he wted, i wn nek START now (8 own your own home. soem, winks, You'll find exactly whet you want h in Sougle with ope ehild welenined BA 5 the Osheny Times Classified Avenue or phone i Rooms For Row HOUNE rooms, 85 | HAHONTRIY -- ed rooms, with on ah nee iy . APH Wha Brosdview Avenie, machine and 44A--Apts, & Flats 143 Casiine. South shar 5, INICELY furnished, large silly room, For Rent win beds A ---- with wing priv FIVE - voom hungelow speriment, lege. 46 Drew or RA 8-404 alter 4 3, Lh mamthly, het, are LARGE Turnished, Ne Close to Powers store KA 1444 suitable for one B2841 plier 8 p.m. RA B48, ral Telephone RA 5 FOUR - room apartment TWO furnished privile entrance and hath kitchen with One child welcome. Apply 116 sod Wert befure 6, pny time on weekend AVARTMENY two large furnished TOMS, reinigerstor, BRK, Wo -piese bath, suit couple, one or two gentle. | men, Apply 71 Cadiline Avenue South We PONTIAC Laurention 6, sute matic, radio, wheel Macs, two lone wx, , ow mea ge, haw rim rondition a8 bw finenced, BA 58132 ho MERCURY two dew hasty, tty (powered, equipped, low lon BA 81298 for Al Thi aehaesing room purchased BA 5 A far further inlor Creighton, Fraser Ld d rimer na sevond morgage, agreements purchased and sold. Hen 361 GIBBONS 57 ck and Wenmick, Barristers, 31 King: - Brest East, RA Vina | SUPERIOR | | APPLIANCE SERVICE MONEY TO | Testun ican pe LOAN Washers Dryers and Oven Control Repair Specialists, PH, RA 8-4873 Monies tor oll types of mert- gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of reel 49 BURK STREFT Fast Service « Sensible Rores gestae including vacant lands; short term morigoge for builders; first ond second mortgages ond agresmeunts for sale purchased Apply M, Swartz, 264 Ving Street East, Oshowa, Telephone RA 34697 19-Personal RESERVE NOW SLEIGHRIDING & DANCE PARTIES | FOR JAN. AND FEB | | Litfle Buckaroo Ranch RA 5-273/ i ELECTROLYSIS ot ier ty Drynen and i usinese Tons | Wo i, Office Fd 087 AFTRAUTIVE turnisned rooms, my ara) #lvis in privels hems up Worth, 57 pm. "Ww ad] ister, aire iation figure, comnts as @ ge |5¢ additional Ady ert isamernty YiiE Vrandonter Hunter and 5, il, widiiors, |Acensed Con 2 isiee 5 JR MM King Mrest LE ¥ CAF po Oshawa; B niediander, B. Comm v fad | WE ad om RAL [+74 , Oshews, Ontaris. RK 2-Barristers GREER, Viurphy and Machionsid, War | risters, Soketiors and Notaries Public, | © Hing Birest BA 54717, Ruseeil| J. Murphy "aad ¥ mes A Sischonsia J BOWMAN, David 1, Barrister, Wolel tor, Ws Simone South 59993. Rest dence, RA s0084. WGIRNON snd BARTEND, Barriers, Soligitors Clients' funds available for firel morigages, U0 Simeon Breet North, RA 85566 Chaties €. MeGinhon, QC; Edgar ¥ Basteds MPHREYS Sir and Willman, | arrioters, Solicitors; RK. H Hum ghee, eo; 6 iman, LLE; 3% Kini ~ for pont or sale Phone WA 4160 irs wilte . ' Foren ot PONTIAC, Ts rasta, fies : ogi i 48-- Automobiles Wonted bE di VARERROE Avie Wrohers wank » for Ld Hi a son Toeation,| vi Shin Novis 995 Alber 13 rt Sires, HA -- WANTED ~ A one a | OWE Tovely furnished room As gentle: ed 5 or 'B1 awe ul ring By ig A motor Dave, RA 52508 OOS, Dearmem nd man, privele home. Apply 444 Fern | or erator, uti ook, vd BA 57076, " Hitson Pond South ra single room, good hed, 86 weakly, " 0 Taree Worm rooms, {near Bouth End, sonvenlept tn down {furnished "for light housekeeping ion Bulable for gentleman. HA cluding electric refrigersior, HERE TIR--_--__ ---- faht and continuous hol water, use room suitable for one or RECA self threes roam Washing machine and dryer, Coplralitwe pin; PETSans, cooking privileges ' al. good location, refvigeraiar, 10 downtown and shoping centre, Suit| ing, sil conveniences, nest Park Hoad slave included TV outlet, plenty of one or two working girs, BA 55480 | ond King Street, 57 Montrave Avene, | Ww. Posseswon dJanusry Lo BA GEE [5ge unturnished room, essen: | 1 45---Real Estote For Sole | 84240 . oils vent 4h "rinee Street HE MONTHLY three room apart rm -- A ---------------------- p---- " WORE for sale ~ close to south plant, | ment, on Rove Sroet, west " Lentre, 45--Real Estate for Sele two bedrooms snd bath, upstairs New| " nie hit water, w yin eup -- {Garage Extra lot, conveniences i as = een JOHN F. DE WITH: couny REALTOR AND 4 GENERAL INSURANCE lo DOWN, new brick bungalow with| PHONE 334) large attached garage, west of (sh NEWCASTLE By SLEEPING room, | we from plant, ideal for anarage orn, Sli conVeniences, Ample PArking BA S472, ng, pe SERVICE parking IT WHEN YOU WANT DAY OR NIGHT | TV. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 CASH FOR YOUR JUR CAR Tide Up oi Down Paid Of WILBAK MOTORS 137 King W RA 50732 HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- 1" 0 RES, good soll, six room house, PLETE BRAKE SERVICE |i F conveniansen god barn, hydro and MOTOR TUNE-UP yl Terms, or exchange for| rindsll Kewl Estate, WA] GENERAL REPAIRS ! 67 KING 57 RA 3.7822 CASH gny choice clean Trade up or down MACKIE'S MOORS KING 57, E VARCOE'S RD. RA 5-5743 50---Articles For Sole UNET Turniture bought and sold; alse akin and skates wanted, Neighborhood 108 William the Liens write ir mfidence wing " reed minined 04 HAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS upporing tower, anized, No paint with Moring antenng wr in the case of ments The Time ep bie for more spaces then that in which the 'actual eer occupies, The publishers endeavour 10 reproduce all advertising matter Phones: Offies BA 511775 corect it assumes no lability $4604 or Whithy, MO 82761; HA 1 ony Money ta loan vation 3 " JOHN A, CAMERON, barrister, sollel . tor snd notary public, 18s King Breet East. BA 32006. NHA and private | martgages arranged 1 ardenin & Su fies ! BREE wd Kelly, Barrisiars, so ng Ld tors ele, 1% Mimeos treet £ Dial fA B28 Residence AURORA SAND & J. M Gresr Se. HA 5308; Ter GRAVEL Brick, Send, Crushed Road Gravel, Pit Run BA ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA B3032| VALLEY FARM RD RALPH JONES, BA and Thoms | Pi Mobile Gres Associate Barrister and Sol TEmple 9 2.4) eitors, 130 King Street East, RA 1.6246 OWEN BROTHERS CO, LTD Mortgage loans avaliable TREE EXPERTS THOMAS M. RUNDLY fn / Ve tree pru nota free 1» oriiee ine tine held EA SALLE # artment fully ' wilabie January 15, Two weeks Telephone BA B6474 form ie od - 1 mom equipped rent 40-01. self 17 Hot dip gul ( AND mplete new i i propRILY / Tote JUGrar Alss pr channel room flat, Blin eup w ly wiring lise RA tolled and ear $59.95 sel Service TV Enterprises 253 Drew RA 3-358 Baliel th, | phones rie ir price eo eed | - er-------- {ave Goll Club. One morigege far hel Many extras, Joseph Bosco Real RA 56670 {HERE is 5 way to heat living and he close to work or downtown, sp less brick duplex with two separsie apariments on Mary Breet, 82500 with terms. Joseph Bosco Realior. RA npt b gentleman, clean p iy nee f {or w {00 + TOOM private, hot weler heated | | HA 35211 or RA id bath, mt water, | ne partment, eons " Kendal, For cor stream, large farm near workable, bankbarm 5. roomed frame duty wired Terms 100-0cre 50 oeres 70 ry drive shed house heavy Asking $11,000 St '23--Women's Column x Orie Operator Buk as 50070 $395 DOWN DETACHED--OIL HEAT drive shed, garage; 7-roomed $66.00 MONTHLY Rules Koon. RA B08, home with bathroom, running ONE NHA MORTGAGE Blreet East hot and cold water. Asking th PER CENT off on all spplian 13.000 with $2,500 down den, refrigerators, washers, fre $ trade in allowance, Barons' Rad Fleetrie, 426 Bimeos Street South, GUNS, ammunition snd hunting sup plies, uew kind used, terms 10 per cont down, Dominion Tire Store, Bond |Blreel West, HA 5-6811 IBANKRL PY stock of ehildre shoe, alling al on 160. Name brands, REPEAT savas Walcot, sie, Midlown Furniture 111 Brock Strest North, Whithy, MO LEE PAINT, Interior, anterior, $9.08 gallon All enlors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss, Osh. laws Hardware and Eleetrig, § Chured [wtreet, HA 87684 ELECTROROME, RCA Vietor, Adm Ihe finest in TV, Hifi and jars Highest trade-in allowanees st Par WE REPEAT [Television, 918 Simoos Street North, {Color TV on display [WELLING furniture? frigerators, V's, stoves, elo, For p tact 18 Prince Streel, Phone RA INGLIS, fully sulomatie wi pondition, inspection invited, Yelepl none {HA 88604 for further information: - ---- soll ng barrister miblie, W% WK one HA BAH CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Bain balieitor | tary Publis mmeree Bldg 8 Bimene Street North, BA 5.3466; TK | Removal tPh Marie Murduft will be min home Oshawa 10th Phone these Jar near Mils workable, bankbarn 8, Whithy SECOND block from Shopping ei four rooms snd private beth, parking. | 112 Stevenson Hosd North FURNISHED (we close in hospitsl LL) with wirigerator B-6420. 123 Elgin Wes FOUR roon BOARD and voom for gentlemen three ' minutes from four corners, Home cook from 65 acres large L-shaped 100 broo acré k " senoshe fo Hote dates appointment PHILCO-BENDIX EQUIPPED COIN OPERATED LAUNDERETTE Featuring | ype Creighton, QC; NC, Fraser, G0 GK Drynan, © I. Murdoch, NHA art BAger arranged MANNING SWARTZ Boiieitoy ar foney ta loan ciate, Broe ) BA Block, 2614 King Street Fast RB Resioence, dial RA 3.4026 DONALD BLAKE DODDS Har and Boveiter 8% King Stre Yeiephone Busines s RA vind Ra dence. HA 85374 YORE PH FP. MANGAN harrisier solicitor Money to loan. Oifice 144 Ring Street East, Oshawa, RA "osnst | dence, RA 53405 i ¥. SALMPRN, BA. barrister, soiiel-| for, ste, 13% Simeone Street North Office RA 55741, Residence RA 3.5542 S5--Nursing Services SONKYBRAE, (formerly Anden) of Oshawa. Care for elderly people. BN pervised inquiries invited, resson | able rates, RA 5.23%) 6--Optometrists RICHARD WLAOK, Br of Oplom etry, the examination of eyes, eontact tatigns L306 Bimeoe North al Colborne) evenings by appointment, RA 34181 € WH TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please my accounts at downtown Deminion 74 Burk Street, invalids ox amined at home, Dial RA 54587 T--Surveyons GF HORTON and Associa bd Land Surveyors, Prof ing, 306 Dendas Str Vithy MO B5001, Ajax 72 ONE furnished room with or without hosrd, for 0 entieman, in new home LARGE Collie pup, six months o", food meals Phone RA 8-077, 07 ry Boa with ehlidres ahediont | Man Avenue 2 Elena Avenue or telephone HA ROOM and hosrd dd private hath {BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflen: (home privileges ing, Waubens Kennels, RA 58931 i " [GERMAN Shepherd puppies, sty weeks old, all black, purebred, very reason: isd meals Appl U Charles Street able, Telephone KA 35448. Luh . BOARD and room, clase to North GM Two thoroughbred Dachshund | snd hospital, hame enoked meals block pi sale, alas mother, 'Tele: |1o hus Telephone RA 52305 phon NICE clean warm rooms, PLATINUM Pekinese pup, two months eluded, gentlemen only old, Regisiered and of champion stock, share. Parking. Apply alter Jelephane BA 30034 tor further de: 07 Albert Strest all ROOM and hoard, a adult stock, home privileges Btreet South or ACCOMMODATION im dies, private home | very central, MOhawk 8.4363 We specialize in 25-~Pets and Livestock In Trae planting ving, cavity work PHONE RA 5.5287 "SNOW REMOVAL SIDEWALKS CLEANED FAST SERVICE OSHAWA HOME| LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 14---~Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS and old covered like new, Gel the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simeoe South, Call RA 86451 for & free esti male FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol. stared, Bee our materials for re-cover: Ing. Bruce BR. Dalton, 75 Charles Street KA B5%1% CHENTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, Ty NN. On lke new Why pay more? Our rates HONE VAN AND FLEMOIMAN blue. 41% veasonable, Satisfastion guaranteed Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholster Pantin 13 Bloor Street East RA 10 Bond Street West Nal ! Foon spartment, Well equipped kiteh rangette, RA Barriste Hen in private pi willing to share RA 32415 home eentral | He ann Don't wait till prices go away up. A limited number of bun galows still left at $12,095 See our models and have one constructed in your choice of ted hath, entrance IL ' Toseph Basco HA 50870 THREE voom furnished suitable for single ladies or One or two children welcome 148 Kligin Bireet East BRAND rooms stove mediate Re cen: | Mr. | apartment, vale Hewltor, 150 acres shoped tarm arge UV bankbam, drive shed, water bowls, steel stanchions, etc 12-r0omed stone house with 31 sath, running hot end cold Asking $25,000 with Jorat 200-acre workghle apartment, wentleinen ol Apply color two hed: | drapes, hullding, Im Adelaide West, RA 120 Adelnide West THREE bedroon ent, healed, ground floor, parking three room apartment, heated, parking: deslly lo vuled, one block fram shopping eentre RA 5-166 [Twa furnished rooms with ern kitchen, sink, cupboards refrigerator, use washing Apply 248 Taronta Avenue THREE large room, heated parking, adits, 8.0360, MODERN four room apartment, near | hopping Centre; refrigerator, stove, bamboo drapes, parking. Available, RA 34870 or RA 5.0101 CENTRALLY apartments new apartments ace throughout, WE MN.H. A. morigage carries $66.00 monthly WE REPEAT bungalows are detach private drives board In single. and palurday hrosdinom refrigerator JB be sion Apply Janitor A walter One for term Commercial Double-Load Double-Profit Washers and Dryers plus Coin Operated Dry Cleaning Machines PHILCO-BENDIX oted lounderettes equipped with COMMERCIAL WASH. ERS AND DRYERS are deliv ering full-time profits with spare time management 100-0cre farm sogh Pont Perry, 70 acres workable, 70 30' bankbarn, drive shed hen house, ete; 9:roomed home with furnace, Asking $12,000 with $1,500 down for gentlemen, with Apply 666 Bimoeoe telephone HA 5-8258 twn elderly separate 100; w hithy para Championship Ly oe of! x Telephone MO B5-4338, Whithy BEAGLE puppies, 3% months, Fesis tered field trial stock. Ideal Christmas gift. K. H. Stephenson, KR 1, Orono, Ly --- Houses For Rent Phone 16R10 POODLES heautiful white miniature EIGHT room brick home, excellent eon: puppies and . grown stock registered, dition, elose to hospital, oil heating, gar Cedar View Kennels. RA 5-5082 ake, Immediate possession. Winse Brad BEAUTIFUL baby buddies, reddy for Millen Rasltors; BA 8:1079, tratming talking strain. Apply Mrs, APARTMENT for vent Broad. 114 Elgin Strest Bast couple, enmg ely furnished ---- [MO 84610, thy Hive room bungalow and garage, wiy decorated, ofl heated, Children GOOD heavy mixed grain, truck lows, ink AR $75 monthly, Apply 245 Olive delivered, Telephone Orono 34 R 1 Avenue, RA 58110 DEAD farm stock pleked up A 0 h ol walter Phone eollect, Hampton, COWax 32781, dun bedroom: hinghlow. hot " A Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone veniences. Reasonable rent, Four-room, |Perier RA 37844 hedroom bungalow, hol water | YWO « hedroom apartment on Simeoe 27 «Fuel & Wood eating. All conveniences. Reasonable! Sireet North, fully equipped, Telephone ep. ent, suit small family, Telephone RAHA 5-0043 hetween 8 a.m, and § p.m ANOW PLOWING, wood cutting, trees|i.0349 for more information removed, wood for sale, Telephone RA | IMODERN fully furnished aul hasement anartment, private entrance and hath, TV aerial, gli conveniences, DRY hardwood ends [sult Disiness oouple, Phone RA 32003 NAces, stoves load delivered {THREE - room apaytment, heavy duly wiring hullit-in hoards shop ping centre, private entrance, eontin uous hot walter parking Telephone RA B.0858 4 T™o headroom apartment, in modern Apartment hullding unviable now, parking IV aerial. MOhawk B-5008 after n ed with arge mod ranges, machine. | of } home: are oil heated six 1 and decorated oils, Sewers, schools, shop ping at your doorstep AND $395 IS THE FULL DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-8831 W, T. LAMSON REAL ESTATI LTD 47 Automobiles For Sale RECONDITIONED motor and 1850 Chev,, snow tires, radio, ele 85:8500 or apply 100 Hunter Street 1051 CHEVROLET matle transmission well, Only $185 opposite Brewery with These we'll buy It lo Osh 200-acre DAIRY FARM excellent set of building: cated 12 miles from awa, Barn with steel stan chions, waterbowls, ete; B roomed home with all modern conveniences, Consider house fos down payment 150 - acre south Port bankbarn waterbow! bulkeooler B:-roomed home, all convenience Asking 000. Terms arranged 92:acre L-shaped shed, garage, roomed house, heavy wired 000 Terms om in modern vonms. and sun ' 5 minutes bo downtown $75, Avaliable, RA| top ¢ coin oper hd lt young h hairs Telephone " 26~Farmer's : hs Column aluminum products = windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down For free estimates call Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME All two bedroom Doors sleotrieally equipped $80 and 895 monthly A. Weinherger Real tor HA BA145. Call Mrs. Irene Wein loenied DAIRY FARM, Perry, L-shaped stanchion ele; modern $310 Complete information en top locations, valuable help in all phases of planning, financing and promoting equipped Lounderette | s ovoilable from the leading coin laundry distributor in your aree IF IT'S COMMERCIAL IT'S PHILCO-BENDIX WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, LTD 20 College Street Ontaric WA 5.451! eel a lendix three poom, room two-storey ex , oil heated, avaliable North - East ares, Also furnished apartment on| [ second floor, adults only, 875 monthly {includes all services Contact Juek Aheriftf, RA B-4661, 8, Macko, Realtor ENTRAL private self - gontained | ve dollars GENERA 1 = Porivate "wall. ontained apartment, three rooms and hath, street --llVel, stove refrigerator supplied kitehen sink and cuphoards abstain {ers, RA 6.5676 | AJAX, four bedroom home, $110 month. | FOUR Iy, stove and refrigerator if desired, | *Tator drive Ontario La excellent Avenus Fast VLIW RRA Trollope Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Phone RA 5.606) 8--Building Trades plumbing and BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE GLASS BOAT COVERING KITS Bra screws, anchor fast nalls, Boats repdired, painting and varnishing: Moter stor age HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST RA 8.8853 farm bankbarn silo, ete; B water on tap, Asking $16, suitable for fu fireplaces, eto, 88 larg Phone RA 68-0818, 32--Articles Wanted COINS wanted, Canadian silv L038, 1046, 1947, 1048, For RA '5-5807 WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY parts PROVEBSIONAL HA printer, \ree «room LU |estimates. Al Conroy, RA boost PRACTICAL gift Gift Spotter in right from youy oo y heir now, Gifts that pleases everyones deluxe conch, auto This one even runs Van Heusen Motors, on King heating supplies hn Phone RA 53821, Harold R. Stark tad, plumbing, heating and enginesr ing, 25) Simcoe Street South BULLunzING Mo ) 8961 NASH Metropolitan hardiop and '8 panel truck, both In excellent private, Can be financed, $25 RA 3.826% from § to 6 pm 8 Chey condition, per month, only NEW 1860 Ford 8 oylinder sedan deluxe, farm near Bowman large bam, silo; with all med Asking 10-acre ville with 8-roomed home conveniences |YOUR local chimney and avating., Dial neys built and repaired, gas linings in patimates. Taylor Bro: stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Fres asth ihe ourt Drive, Whithy | mates. KA 3.2007 " i a ALL types building repairs, roofing, cleaner, Chim: 101 Craydon Road, Apt, 2 tment, hath cuphourds treet K TL vefrig | private LL) Taronte, roam api stove, and Apply 368 King Telephone em clans ouphoards, | and schools savesirough, chimneys, fireplaces, side walks stoops HA 50304 Gordon May FUMING and healing tings, fixtures, new and from septio tank t elmity. Installations at v ' Information and estimates fr I type of plumbing, Dial RA 5.4341 Foley W. WARD pes ohan woe A001 | any [lo J LALLY slalr {guaranteed LiL] 0 ROOMS onl TURN storage goods Advertise carpenter trim, Aoor tie id, all work! Telephone RA 8.2058 NAY ipered, Painting and Can fun RA 51300 8 and up, repalis, Estimates an free hed materials Ww prices | cash quie Ady, | inte sie in Clas fast the sified for Times them tion Oshawa Call RA 3:3404 now to place your ad tahor | YOR WIRE stake truck ana driver 20 Cartage 3 job HA ton small, reasonable vates Oshawa, squip JOHN'S Moving and Storage Whithy, Ressonable vates Full ped ano insured i, Phone RA 8-366) [2Y Personal Service AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3.3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Lolose to shopping | Phone WH 2.4044 | ARIGHY tained, living room kitehen, modern sink ron, gond lopation 1, RA B-Ai03 FIVE room brick bungalow {Routh General Motors, new! el, available January 1, Call HA alter ¥ pow clean upper duplex, hed room euphoards parking dinett hal lone Tele ju self-gon 1) h decorat iL] iranee pt. 1 APARTMENT UMCOF AT ROSSLANI Five m Tove adult réfrigera tor, parking $100 MONTHLY $16,000 50 ac Hope large drive rOOME em ¢ $22 000 Term re tarm 100 L shape hed 1 new acre house onven ence Term west arranged Port workable bankbarn tream ele with med Asking arranged [s olling at invoiee price dirk metallic green. Van Heusen Mofork One | opposite Brewery on King i WA METE me owner ly Only W AUYIN S803 Rosiie brewery on King on Just sedan had Van IG OR SE custo compl Heuser LLING only "m ele in radio Vilve i Motors, SPOT CASH PAID FOR clean ears. Trade or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3.9421 Good up :] TED CAMPIN MOTORS QSHAWA Wilson Road) Res. 5.5574 Foun room bungalow, oll heated |TV aerigl, near hus line Avi [now, RA 58044, R18 Grierson {for = further information FURNISHED house, In excellent cond {ton, far about four months, oil heat, | 150.aere farm near Newion ille with 50 30' bank barn, garage; 8-roomed home with hydro. Asking $15,000 with $3,000 down i7-acre DAIRY FARM 6'y coms milk quota bam, another 100 rented; B-roomed home with running water, bulk Asking $15,000 WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2543 MO B-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST W PO. BOX 1329 GERALD FULTON! r plus parts WELL DRILLING Reasonable rates Honest SEGERS workmanship, Under ¢ | RUG and UPHOLSTERY | an { antee wat ' tract, we can guarantee water Cl EAN. RS 5-4067 RA 5.7488 GIVE YOUR BATHROOM Al los | A NEW LOOK AB gn ng COKS Detter and Genuine ceramic wall tile ins tolled by an expert 90¢ sq ft. Copper tile for kitchen plash §1.95:5q. ft. Call after AMHERST TILE SERVICE Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron Contact Sup| and metals, etc bought. Open North HA| Saturda all day Phone [very central abstainers, referenves. | RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E, | [Apply 29 Charles Street 35---Employment Wanted |xiiw inne for rent, hirnished of un | MIDDLE-AGED furnished, Shildren h hed, i monthly. imme possession. Tels ah oRrelaker, general leaning. mainte: ¥ jas a and minor repairs, References [hone MO 0-000 for further informa RA # SALE Products at [FRTER FAN Nursery Sh years, Monday to (8130 from $15 monthly |erviser B81 Simeos Street #2004 School, ehlldren | Friday 2:50 taf x FURNACE SALES When | AND SERVICE H RA 5-3302 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments trically equipped, best tion $100 Apply Simcoe St. Narth, Apt RA L] 8676 of the the best fully guaranteed hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8.5385 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, VAN HEUSEN | vosnal beds, | cho MOTORS | commodes, chitches amt canes, also roll-away beds, 149 WwW nes, a KING . Phane Aid Rentals RA S.1644 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP ALUMINUM DOORS MERCEDES - BENZ AND WINDOWS DKW We Sell the Best SALES AND SERVIC Aral te 408 KING W OSHAWA | op nd Repair the Rest RA 5.7132 | SABYAN MOTOR] SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT RAN Iph i Alumi best price Double num quality 607. KING §7 (Just East of | RA 3.4494 CASH FOR YOUR CAR RA S $7 Tab: Mackie Ce. 5-5954 Ser Ly TRY OUR B-QUED CHICKEN plate, halt chicken french fries, fish and hamburg hot shake MODERN GRIL WE DELIVER RA 5.3887 [22-TV Radio Repairs ehlldren Works |eonvenienoes, 40' TOWERS $45 small {elephant HA 33068 after ¥ pom [fo * 130° ROOF ANTENNAS $30, [WOUSEKEEVER veuuired for iy [ies | ' of four, $40 monthly. Phone OLiver Do RC ) (Rartly furnished AE RA 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22 taut for furiher inforivation [Fatrigorator, we i Naf EXPERIENCED househesper for couple only, #45 monthly PANEL A WALL? home in country, near Hrooklin, friend. | CORY five TOOom REPAIRS OF Iv family of five, private oom, TV, a new oll furnace, alr og onditinnin REMODEL L {Bun days free, 5100 monthly, OLiver [1a PeasonAble rent. 947 ( AM 1.1323 | A-3810 | RA 3 | XI LARGE OR SMALL A 33011 or HA \ | pd iy TB bt Bh ns | AEARONARL rent to responsible ten | b BMA o b hay Ants, six | y 11 --Business Opportunit CALL AJAX---THAT'S Columba Own transportation aeoes (Syne 8780, Joan Meuie Miao | HURTNEREMAN Wiahes RA 8.5103 | Bou business wl by | \ 1o Ki ST. OSHAWA sary. Telephone OL 54831 fo hiss TI bi " F more 0 Apply 338 Retwlaly Drive, partaarahip. Apply Bos WANTED expevie COLLPaE Thnes to work | nenstomers' homes on [poe S Ets ---- AJAX REPAIR ANIC intent only, fo il velall fund | ooniity 12--Dre making CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ALTERATIONS of - women amd ehiidren Forma reversible skirts a specially 5 with bank acres BAR Chicken with it ice couple desire position ele loca AYE 15 | | } supplied 00 |ANOW |ntatinns | able hey we! 30mFemois Help Wanted | COMPETENT {eamplete charge and ehif furnace, milk dogs y ME MONTHLY « In Brooklin four room house, two hedroams, heavy wir RANE TV outlet, garage, ahstainers, Va OARt, OL 31848. CENTRALLY located five-room ment, private hath and entrance phone RA 8.2184 Ake | HOUNE = five roan Awad | openiral, monthly information room apartment with bath, neluding stove and ar business RA 457% house, service cooler TeARON: job, very Munroe, plowing, any aise and driveways Telephone Glenn Term ONE MONTH FREE RENT twe bad 5 n 100 with age hydro i, gars with 200 acre farm near Baner mall bam house $1 S5-roomed north-east Newcastle with water under pressure, large hen house on 1 acre, Asking $5,000 with $1,000 down art ele. tream 8 roomed tn Full price housekeeper of home while mother for rent, all immediate pos Telephone § 5858 Modern one and room apartments 5 and up, best location, Telephone RA 8-8676 ONE MONTH FREE RENT one-bedroom tl house tart enclosed Ce Installed Warra mpletely 6-roomed brick home in Osh vith all mo venience Upstair reation rom In base ment Asking $14,700 down $3,000 ere FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE JIM ELLIOTT RA 3.2866 Variety oft 15" car whee $3 each, also body solder and plastie solder SHAW AUTO WRECKING 89 'BLOOR EAST RA 5.2311 HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGICAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5.5332 [ORM WINDOWS ORS, CABINETS Prices on request, ompt Service JERMYN'S Woodworking Sho Ph MO A R554 or 5.380% ING | With 2 ler al rented Yea n LEN & LOU'S CHY 1.V. RA 5.7844 802 SIMCOE ST. § TV $3.00 ty Mi a wed interior decor Only tw uite a moder Pp Will = slean three hedroom all heat, modern kitohen Also three POO DABRIN with hath, he wing, $30 Telephone RA 8.307% 6 modem omed house, Oshawa, all nveniences, Upstairs | Tel for $70.00 monthly | ee |45~Real Estate For Sale $11,600 with $1,000 40 KINGST. E DIAL RA 8-4678 RICHMOND ST. E loft in this popular location plan at $1,176 00 down on the m at $1,550.00 down re included with in ssl key fing. Cs bal laundr apartment ui trally located paved parking | ties. Phone | | NEW STORE FOR RENT MO 84770 About 1,500 square apartment ample parking 295 Sime St. S. Phone RA 8.1296 three piece bath facilities, every OFFICE SPACE | ia i" ove FOR RENT thins ki RA | 8.6522 Only 2 lov Passenge ele ! fd | TWO BEDROOM | iii" APARTMENTS hon witho ture stare, on 4 part Hime basis. Reply apartment in writing, stating qualifications to Bex apa 4 {341 Oshawa Times -- |37 Male Help Wanted [WANTED = Man [among consumers {and Oshawa DID YOU SEE QUR NEW ALL GALVANIZED [AN on raaanent | hustior considervd. Write 'tia, R A D E S S Poih v,_ Dept LAI0AA1, 00s HE len. | ator K hoy and general heiper in down | T OW E R S town Mare Neat Anoearance, age WT, | oquired, Write Rox 83 ha | CAR SALESMAN WANTED experience rented Asking down all Kinds for men ren 1g Instruction RA Adams Pay E leacher pes of Sieasmakl " ratio AN by pes of diosa Kig and alterations | v experience Velen RA #0302 Act now. RA 31084 HEVERNIRLE skirts a specialty, Mino [spANINH 4 4 guitar instruction Allavations on Iadies' wear, alsa ohll [ni mner of students will be scoepte dren's RA 33473, corner of Elmgrove for ori adi \ Avenues, Park Road South al Pabhag Bi ig BU Wo ont hati Satire Alterations, remodeling Hand 22 ROWE ST [4130 pon apportunity, better pay, plea ANY Hie ™ sant wark, catalogue free , Mie C National GARDEN SERVICE | Service Calls RA 5.2974 MA 3 3950 Claske-3231 Frank Hunter 1461 Donald Mountjoy LA student counsellor, hy interview only. | | - travel County annection reliable | for n Meady Durham Permanent ne A limited Perrault tes! » basement en room private Marsh halla, dance educator, , Daten, ao SEE trance, Masons DANCE ACADEMY laundry Royal Academy Ballet Register none 4M King West workmanst All Wa That Expert . 196) Did Y Have Day ee Employ Expert Technicia = Take Service Calls nil 8.30 Baton, | \ High | An | r 1) Ww WANE Your Willoughby orm at Contra All these 1€ neces. ca node i M of age. | ava erate rent. | ------ THE TIMES Excellent Please write to Box | Ing, with G | BUILDING LLOYD REALTY | Phone RA 3 RA 8-5123 DRESSMAK ER dancing semen AND FURIMER HARVEY | Fan. PHONE RA 8 6706 | | EARN HAIRDRESSING 13--Gardening & Supplies | Women wanted greatest Mashable MR Cn -- Write: Marvel Hairdressing | sary. 23-35 years . ap COMPLETE by hools. Branches. Hamilton FOR RENT fowntown building Territory . County of On TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST as RA 8-6781 iti nade s New build n new V Mem", tari ut lease 1é6--Insurane= ALESTYATE Auto 0 30 par ceni, PearsOng) BA ATH pleughed a \ bungalow wl location } wood ced trees Gardens landscaping, removed. RA 8.1798 143 Oshawa Times Qiving § AFTER § CALL Marion Drew Dick Barriage ut Tasurance. Save Si months 0 pay wrvies al your hams up For eal 290 7410 4243 experience, re Jog Moge RA 3 RA 3 tah Ke RA § R474 ele