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The Oshawa Times, 29 Dec 1960, p. 13

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» 50 Anvicles for Sole Angeles 'moves ahead, TAT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Decomber 29, 1960 13 1 - - PO -- -- -- cols. (Foran Even Choice 722 °%" Ts common ge" mnt Po 4 S T RS -- By Jack Sords ven e 1" Fea loti fo the 14-gome She Bo; 4 with & 280008 & InNew Pro = aay ase | ro y Jot Lows os Angsins moi: Rygpd In Scoring I y Final in individusl rushing with 5 VICTORIA (CP) -- C BA 34907 to pecs your #4 | EW YORK (CP)--Names fa BL tow fuither inlormating CHORE your pew sary WB from ow : Caigary Houstow's Billy Cannon, linemates Low Jonkowski and oe o% Anguies led - with 644 yards, and Deve Suith, Rom Leopold are steadily pulting 51lost & Found iar to Canadian footy fans HOUSTON (AP) -- Besson sie- en ne tia Milstesd of Hous. WEAVY sei Wiaek and tan hovnd low, were sprinkled through the ist lorgs seiaction of Elsstenhome, Clatr tone, snd RCA st Parkw "a tdasatioend abd ad with 648, ranked Nos, 3 and 4. sway from the field in what for tisties leave litle choice hetween 4 has been thelr private ton ranked No ws Other team AVETRESS 4 TR an ao of Soars. \W ednear when Te mericas (Los Angeies Chargers and Fons 3m] } aver for fight for the Western verter aay, ils Phone soles BA JHB: | Poot Tongue olf 1 ion Oilers who mest Sunday 16 PASS DEFENCE LEAKED Semes: bie i. Toner Patent Phen: HA' SIME mantel OIHAIL REE sor teams ithe American Foothull League's Houston's leaky pase defence Rushing offence--Houston 115 ond al ¢ , OFFICE, ore sad Tamamsel Co |S, Soh 1a, amers 0 as "i| The offensive and defensive fini. shamghymany Som ve Wp 28 louchdowns and aiyards, los A 7, soy erm. Anping i 50001, reverse ERREERS teams--plus a lst of honorable Tord odde-makers i the 2767-yard per me RYETRES. A LOST = Monday, small femule beagle, MENtions, were picked for The narrow point spread avon lew neeies pre 2) touch og + pos Houston 31.2, " . I" ' or 4 i, ENCEOLOFAVIIAS, oorih , a, 1b hour = Monday, mi | tla beagle, 'Asani Pros by 3 panel of {fay ring Houston results primar. downs "nd # Hyned average ua ol amas World Ais bh ne fue new, | wmowary ts Sally. Telephone collect BA sports writers and broadcasters lily from the fact the Ofless will Jack Kemp of Los Ang led B ' be playing at home, sll AFL passers but the Houston Los Angeles 98.4, The figure who hit the No, 1 The teams broke even in alr prodused 31 touch tal deh league play inst each other downs, 10 more (hen CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING $50---Articles For Sele BANE, Feary Ants; 18 mn 0 reirig oreiors Lazy Boy shale. Coli BA 3071) ser § ocak ELECTRIC rouev Reads, node, sa, lov WH makes of gle raves, aot serviae. Masghers, § King Styant West BA JUS BF, GOODRICH Stores Katvinator of widely separited aid ropigre Catling RA 40 id " i - . _- whl ' AWNINGE a or cer aot, Hiky Crome rf Wristmas Eve lease | all-stor spot was Jack: Kemp of oh 5 5 Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fou, 42 Feburn, DEpurs, very important, Rewsrd. {os Angeles Chargers, me of = [while winning division titles with Chargers, and the league 92.1, Houston 950.1 eer SPORTRMEN with cash, check th enh four men the Callforiia lest : Lidentical 104 mecords, Houston with & 299 4yerd average. Los Beoring--Houston ud (he th 00% | pinced on the 22-men firsi-siring {holds & 50-62 point advantage for Angeles ranked No, 4 with a pmenis 205; Los | the (wo league games but Los 200 A-yerd average, Los Angeles oppoments 239. washing machine Arnon wa Times Clasoibied Ads 4s television wits, two roil-awey eds, Junior bef, chests Arawers, rangeiie, sm , toys, Rerden levis Wighest es In the city for weed Harnitises Prevty's Used Furs ture Stars. RA 39271, 444 Bimeoe South LANGE selection of reconditioned wie Must clesr now at the lowest eee aver, Parkway Television, is ave Worth TYPEWRITERS machines, cash ragisiars, office chairs, fireproof sais, fling sabinet. Bi Hamilton Ashburn piding repairs all makes oris, Attachments, Brushes, EURran ed rebullt machines, Estimates free Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repris fery fee. BA 80001 anytime USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up B. ¥. Goodrich Stores, BA 54543 FoR RENT Telavision sete. oun lamps, dehumidifiers, record players ote, Mesgher's, b King Bireet West FEATER, new and used, sold and ex changed. Largest selection in (own Drayton's Cyoie, Wh Bond Street Fast RED parts and repairs for sll makes of wringer type washers, mts $5 to #10, guaranteed Te washers and stoves, Paddy' Hamplon, CO 3201 FENFTH iransisior radios (rom $39.95 | ts $115. Also complels stock of Bat teres for all makes of radios, | Mesgher's, 5 King Street West DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold &t Paddy's Market, Hampion, A complete Hoe of VACUUM cleaner using. Plage your used sports ger for | FV ls { "ohons K3 340 101 sat | Kemp was with Cal } sale tafe) section ad LOWY Beagle found fonds" 13 inches; in the vicinity of Apple Hill, on December 36. Telewhone BA S697. Re: ward 52--Legol 1, Mike Breda, wil not he responsihie for any debts contracied In my Bame by my wile, Joan Edns Breds, on or sitar this dele, December 39, without my writien consent - Breda Jr "1 End Art Tenders for snow remov- ol ot Meadowecrest School, Brooklin, will be received till 6 p.m. Jan: wary 3rd, state hourly rate and type of equip- ment Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted, W. D, Thomsen, Secretary, Brooklin, On- tario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF FRED ERICK JOHN TANTON, de "Tiger Cats ry Bam. peders in 19% for abot seven weeks, played in 8 couple of ex hibition games and was let go He was named quarterback on ithe all-star AFL squad It will be largely on Kemp's throwing erm that Chargers will pin thelr hopes in. Houston next et Sunday when they meet the Of LWBMAYYON TWEETER MD r-- WHHAER I PLACHG | CEPR C BURRS | LL hy The SAVERS MICH ABE CRE PRON Tie hike Criticism Irks Coach Of Trail ers for the AFL fitle, Powell of New once with Toronto Argonsuls and Monires! Aloueties, made the first - string offensive squad but the others all made the honorable mention list Quarterback M Dorow, once of the B( Lions, Saskatchewan Roughriders snd Toronto Argo nauts, now with New York Quarterback Yrank Tripucks of Denver, formerly with Baskatche wan and Ottawa Rough Riders Backfielders Buteh Songin of Boston, formerly with Hamilton Wray Carlton snd John Green of Buffalo, both for mer Argonaut laborers; Fddie {Macon of Oakland, once a Tiger Cat The teams York By BOB TRIMBEE Canadian Press Staff Writer VANCOUVER (CP) -- Playing coach Bobby Kromm of the West ern International Hockey League Trail Smoke Eaters Is ir The source of his irritation oomy comments from Fastern Canada on the prospects of his | | But it irks me to have Chatham and eastern geribes telling west ern clubs what they should do They must remember the West has never lost in world competi. tion and we intend to uphold that record." Kromm added there is & pos sibility Trail could lose, "But ean J NOW IN ONTARIO PARK & Offence--FEnds: Lionel Taylor, Smoke Eaters in the 1961 world we not accept defesl as nobly as Denver Powell, New York hockey championship in Switzer: other countries? Do we always poor. havi " Taeles Ron Mix Los Angeles lod iow) Wath hom have to win," | " claims Al Jamison ouston. Guards n a telephone interview from . : Fd t the estate of the said |i "Krisher, Dalles; Boh Mis-|Trail, B.C, the pepper-pot Smoke BETTER THAN CHATHAM? rederich John, Tamton, late {ehak, New York, Centre: Jim| Eaters conch rebuked eastern) The Smoke Eaters' style of 4 ie vit of Oshawe, Inthe nite, Oakland, Quarterback: hockey officials for "pr.seing the play Is hetter suited to European ouny @ aria, Retired |xono' 1os Angeles, Halfbacks: panic button" because Chatham competition than that of Chat- Bailiff, deceased, who died on | 440 Waynes, Dallas; Paul Maroons could win bul one game ham, says Kromm about the 30th doy of [7 ue Tos Angeles, Fullback: and tie another in a seven-game appliances. at hard lo bes! prices CO ; fl Leased THREE BROOME of furniture, only $399 This includes chesterfield, chrome sel, ALL pedroam suite. mativess, spring, sep and coffer tables, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, ele, $25 down delivers! "Guaranteed best value!" Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeos Street South | WT CONSOLE model television, in ex | salient working condition, sirsetivel oy ""Bodychecking is 8 small pari | | case. Telephone RA 32968 after 7 p.m the Albert W, Ammstrong Administrator By CREIGHTON, FRASER DRYNAN & MURDOCH 5. Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, his solicitors herein CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 481 DREW ST. RA 3.985) FOR RENT five bedrooms, heated, available January | centres Ra P&T CANADIAN WHISKIES ROYAL COMMAND 10 year old with 15 year old added PASSPORT 6 year old with 12 year old added MEDALLION 5 year old with 10 year old added THREE FEATHERS 4 year old with 8 year old added LANCER 3 year old with 8 year old added also available: PARK &TILFORD LONDON DRY GIN games newt to Barons' deceased on or before the | oo' chuck MeMurtry, Buffalo, year with the addition of four or Tuten In Svery Satiess Ware 0 PCL LOW m tly whiski ER ee. oar ore COSUYy 18kles to an / . |factors in international compet). Peacosh of the Kelowna-Pentle.| Special Reduced Price, L d g . Chatham team that went to Rus- McLeod, a former Western g They were missing three players of the Ontario Hockey Associa: i = Gilbert and Jean Ralelle--have| (defenceman) Copper Leyte and ener Waterloo In the 1060 Olym. Stout Steven {sociation Junlor A race thelat our best form, Still all the! Trail has won 21 of the 23 | same positions they held a Year| games could have gone either WIHL siarts this season and out Large 7Troom house CUE squad for Toronto Argonauts sists in 22 games for a league bedroom: eantrally located; available Owen; who spent 20 years as a each for 41 points shop parking, OL Bahl k of hoping, Parking Yer Bae 00k: the Big Four club released head St. Catharines Teepees. Peter-|Pounds, a good idea Is to goland Industrial kick off with Ar | plan, No down payment, For further | Ly Al a lot of passing Saturday against/!on, Prairie View and Arkansas erate 4 tele. hullding), parking, refrigerator, stovei| gap. Stampeders head coach Otis|league"s eager forwards, allows] Both were No. 1 pro draft Vised le April, 1958, are required to of our game, We depend u ; | Dav ith i exhibition series In Russia dur pon ; ' of Fuge with fis of Jubber heels oF file proof of the same with Pave Sm : Hote Mel Branch. ing November and December, speed, passing, conditioning and ) ; ., paired men's or ladies, time limited, undersigned Administra: |natias: Laverne Torczon, Buf.'The Maroons defeated Trail in desire, We have a lot of youth i Den. the 1960 Allan Cup final last/and we'll be ready fo play 6) 4 ' PREE Christman Turkey, $14.95 per 19th day of January, AD. i 4 teur / 1} X slides Wek 3 Y Linebackers: Archie Matsos, Buf-|five gud ex-pros or amaleirs p week for Jomily of four, includes, Ws 108]. phir which date 'the am id Hendrick. Dallas; |will give us the best possible am. team from 20 players with the said Administrator will pro- 11 nty Grantham, New York, ateur club Canada could send, [club in early January. He will tion RA 39541, No obligation iu ' carry two goalies, five defence estate, having regard only to 4 G ( Ye I' ALUMINUM DOOR the claims of which he shall [iow Austins Gontoulin. I enver:| "We're a hungry lub. We have fo far three outside players |: ' " ' a lot of desire, We know that have accepted invitations to join this 29th day of December | AD. 1960 | {tion and we have both ton Combines, who is second in| : : 4 or We Sell, Cash ue P ayers "1 would like to play Chatham |the Okanagan League's individ-| en 1re 1n -- and Carry before we leave Jan, 20. Thelual scoring race; veteran Jackie ; sia wasn't nearly as strong as|League star re - instated this : 4d the one that heat us last year. month; and Darryl ly from Galt an extra measure 0 Ua 1 TORONTO (CP) The flying who did a lot to cause our down-|tlon senior series, a player| Frenchmen from Guelph Rod | fall (goalie) Cesare Maniago, | Kromm says stood out for Kiteh| 4 : . {captured the top two seoring po | (forward) Gary Sharp {ple championships at Squaw ale| a Pp easure in e V e rice sitions in the Ontario Hockey As-| "And in that series we weren't | ley, Calif | . . ago way, 1 feel we are 40-per-cent scored its opposition 164-74, Both CLASSIFIED 0ac ing gain Official statistics released Wed. better this year losses eame when Trail was | } ; pA! Y | a . night's game show Gilbert, ajto strengthen and are doing so. of Injuries early this month } 3 ' REGINA (CP) Steve Owen, |erafly right-winger, has scored al TH - EE I : all conveniences, ofl land Calgary Stampeders, today leading 52 points Monsters } orce MO 88135 after 5 p.m Teleshon® wus named head coach of 8as-| His teamamates DEALER in live poultry and feathers katchewan Roughriders for the telle and Bob Cunningham, share Contaet Jake Parker, MO 8.3644 collect immediately, Telephone MO he: player and coach with New York| Peterborough Petes' Doug sen: | tween § and 7 p.m. (Giants of the National League,llor holds fourth spot with 19) SAN FRANCISCO (AP)---When Texas, brings Utah State and ANY © hedroom apartments, in apart: came to Canada in 1957 as de. goals and 21 assits for 40 points, |YO" face a pair of defensive] New Mexico state together at 4| iin, for further information FREE Christmas turkey. $1085 per coach Hampton Pool in the mid: horough caplain Wayne Boddy around or over them kansas Tech at 8 pm, EST in week for family of four meludes West: (dle of the 1050 season, Owen took returning to action after missing] So you can expect the west/the Great Southwest Bowl at information. Phone MO 8.8381 ne bli: | In 1060, he was retained by with 35 points gation i | Argos as a scout, when Lou| Niagara Falls Flyers' goal the east anchored hy 240 pound |01ash in the Prairie View Bow FOR RENT = January isl or hetore, Agase took over as head coach keeper Wayne Rutledge con: Joe Rutgens of Miinols and M45 heginning at # p.m. EST, No ol will be alse_threhedronm house. MO Mgt Douglas resigned and Stamped ly 69 1 22 f FOR RENT Apartment. two Rl vl LJ o Stamp ing only 69 goals in 22 games [or ohojees ravin y Bee \ ' A rooms, hed iting patty it ers hrought In Owen to finish out|a league-leading 2.68 goals - a ty ry wo ah ey hicee a lon Bona. yo Fa ns a __'Rame average [plicates the job of the weat's|this year are being played Jan 12 Shoe Service, 426 Simene Street South! tor of the estate of the said |r in Tackles: Bud MeFad d minutes in every game,' M . ' No down payment. For further informa 18t1 er to a u older and ceed to distribute the said . Backs: Dick Harris, Los Ange WE'RE WUNGRY' men and 10 forwards then hgve notice Mec AND WINDOWS! | MeCabe, Buffalo speed and conditioning are key Trall. They are speedy Walt range--at no extra cost "" | ' nesday which include Tuesday We still understand we have shorthanded because of a string ' M02, who formed a onk-man res. pace-setting 28 goals and 24 as IM Western Interprovinclal second place with identical ree:| FOR WENT = One sarily Naraished Football Union season ords of 14 goals and 27 assists nN - weep ul 1S ment building, healed, clase to schools: | fongive coach of Argos, When|two more than Murray Hall of tackles ' weighing M0 and 245 p.m, EST, Texas Agricultural | inghouse Fraever and Schneider's 100d ouer for the rest of the season, |three games, Is In sixth place|squad to sweep the ends and do| Grand Prairie, Tex, And at Hous. two - bedroom apartment apartment (Midway through last season, Cal. tinued his mastery over theipound Ken Rice of Auburn of these shan, refrigerator and stove heal, Eht (the season {conch Billy Barnes . v supplied. Private entrance. | . ---- LR Stree! meen s® Big NFL Payoff #49 up; heavy duty stoves, $18 up; 91" television 2 upi ohesterfields 519 up; repossessed bedroom suites, Uke new New five piece chrome suites, $37.93 Terms available Midtown Furniture, | 11 Brook Streat, North, MO # | FOLLY furnished apartment, including | stove and refrigerator, eto, In new trl: | Rex nice location, 508 Colborne West hithy, MO 8-537, A He worked his squad in seorel today, putting in "some new NBC WILL COVER wrinkles for the offence | Minnesotda was practis Game time Is 4:50 pm, EST. ix Rose Bowl pi with Wath The event, expected to be ingion at Pasadena, Calif. Game watched by 60,000 in Kesar 8ta-iime is 5 pm. EST and NBC dium, will be televised by NBC. will cover the game - INORTHSOUTH CLASH The most talked about foothal By JACK SULLIVAN This is something the pro} Saturday's inn college all. Player as the Cotton Bowl battle Canadian Press Staff Writer [player Wm Canada has been talk: star game brings together the) (3:40 p.m. FST kickoff) between new tanks installed, Walter Ward, 304) Canadian pro football clubs ing about for several years, And blue (north) and the grey (south) Puke and Arkansas nears is al Chestaut West. Phone MO 8.2563 wheat the works in August|"len they read of the plaveriat Montgomery, Ala, at 3 pm [big fellow named Claude (Tee)| WOLIDAY Spevial open 84 TTR | September in one g Moola In the baseball world series, FST, NHC will also televise this Moorman, described as being) dena, Guen officiont aeryr and September 1h wi EFealiwhioh 1s figured on receipts for|game |able to catch anything thrown in| fee. Downey Cah, MO 8.8151 |uwending aplep ahd wouder why the first four games only of the| Here's a rundown on the howl [his vicinity PARTMENT (0 apartment ballding, |} 8 Te emp) best-of-seven series, 'we gel a games picture: Mor | {hres rooms, heavy uir wiriag, park Pecomber. hay a well fue it little itchy," the footballer said,| At Jacksonville, Fla, the Bay: on a , ig Bad Telonnans RA S014 The 4 wh Ja ) we He nk The baseball players' cut us| lor Bears are working extra hard to pass every down, He has been FOR WENT = Furnished Tom. wilh | Toh. oh about thelr Grey CUR ually runs around $10.000 each/in the final days before thelr|causing coach Frank Broyles of rivets entiaice, In respectable home, |PAYOT a {for those on the winning team clash with Florida in the Gator Arkansas much concern --- at Call MO 84087, as a-- It's a crying shame," ex- and about $7,000 for those on the Bowl at 2:18 pm, EST, The Ga. (least Broyles "has been talking IN vinter months during mid souls ploded a player this week after losing side. First-place teams injtors are working at Gainsville, about him more than anybody reading that the players' pool Inthe National and American, The Sun Bowl at El Paso, else, men al reasonable rates. Fras esti Green Bay Philadelphia League each recelve 70 per cent SEPTIL Tanks pieaned the saniiary way, mates on voofing, siding, savestrough the ---------------------------- roan Whithy MO PH Harper, 39 noijonal Football League finaliaf the total receipts of the first OR RENT Tari ton Tom" eari | Was 70 per cent of the $501 458 four games of the series and room, ground floor net receipts. This amounted to 8/other clubs get money on a grad. uated scale "I'm not bawling about the ant. with sun Na pov stove, Self conlained. Phone healthy $414,018 A money they get, because the FOUR NFL SHARES STORM WINDOWS players deserve every nickel off In the NFL only the second DOORS, CABINETS it. hut 1 fail to se ewhy we can't Place teams in the eastern and Prices on request got something like this in Can western divisions get a out along Prompt Service ada. The owners in our leagues With the division winners JERMYN'S [take all the money. But one day,| The Canadian Football League Woodworking St and maybe not too far off, we're PAYS off on a graduating scale a op going to get a fair shake in the to clubs in the Rig Four and Ph: MO 8-8554 or MO 8.3898 Grey Cup dough." [Western Interprovincial Unions, The players in Canada have a but the division of the money is case not announced Their share in the Cup final) Canadian players have been amounts to $30,000, or $500 a man [talking about a hetler shake in for each of the 38 dressed play: (Playoff money since 1057 and ers on the winning and losing thelr case now is .the strongest teams. The individual clubs may|it has ever been. With introduc pay other players on the roster, [ton of the partial East-West in but it is entirely up to them [terlncking schedule in 1961 for a : a | two-year trial period, it is ex: [WANT SAME CUT pected that the four teams in the Compare this with the $5,116 East and five In the West will HELP THE NEEDY each Philadelphia Eagle player attract bigger crowds and more 3 received from the winners' share money----than ever before | We need children's clothing, {and $3,106 a man for each of the] Many players aired their views toys, stoves, beds, shoes, fury [losing Green Bay Packers in a Canadian Press interview in niture, 'We're not asking for this kind Vancouver during Grey Cup week 187 BROCK ST. § on ener Rach wt Retails | AM the talk then was that they'd e Lire) up wou ™h a tilike to have representatives at SALVATION ARMY [$00,000 compared with ihe the CFL annual meeting in Win WELFARE STORE hearty 2000.00 in the NFL faa) ey Feb. 5:11. The Green Ray HT d want a percentage just tladelphia payoff could get t MO 8-8002 like they get." {players psd is 5 | FOR RENT Box, boat and cabin trailers, chain sows, skill saws, cement mixers, paint sprayers shotguns, rifles, etc WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 14185 Dundas E. MO 8.3226 HELP US CANADIAN PARK&TILFORD LTD. TORONTO + MONTREAL + WINNIPEG « EDMONTON + VANCOUVER 12-29 "Oh, well, thair ide enjoy it, and there isn't a tree Distributed by King Featores Bvadieate or miles!" &

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