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The Oshawa Times, 29 Dec 1960, p. 8

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B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thendey, Deconber 39, 1968 (VIE FOR TITLE SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' OSHAWA'S 16th snnusl "Ontario Teachers Bon~ wiel" was held here yesterday and once again proved #n outstanding success, Chairman Joe Walsh and Secre~ tery Trvirg Macloud had a total of 53 applicants for the 32 berths in their entry list, proof of the event's popu~ Jarity, Started back in 1946, by the late Doug Waugh, then & member of the OCVI teaching staff, 8 former Queen's football star who took to curling like a duck to water, once he started here, this bonspiel hes an en~ vigble record, Today there are several "teachers bon- spiels" throughout the Province but the popularity of the Oshewe edition is apparently increasing. Teachers, who enjoy curling in this Christmas-holiday sitraction, were on hand from such centres ss $6, Thomas, Brant- ford, Nisgara Falls, Barrie and Perth, Familiar faces of teacners who have been coming to Oshawa now for almost sll of the 15 years of this event included Art Louden, Byd Reynolds, Wes Switzer, "Robby" Robinson, Bill Breese, Len Peer, Bert Tancock, Carmen Burton, Burritt Smitheram and of course, local enthusiasts such as "Ab" Robins, Elgin Munday, "Ink" Macloud, Joe Walsh, Ewart Nichol, ete. Joe Walsh snd his rink rep~ resenting Oshawa Donevan Collegiate, won the J, Doug las Waugh Memorial Trophy and top prizes yesterday One of the happy notes of the day snd typical of the fellowship thst permeates this annual event was the inclusion of O, Steer of Peterborough, His entry too. late tc make the deadline this year but he came in for the bonspiel anyway because he has been coming ever since it started, Jack Judge, an intended member of the Walsh rink, stepped aside to permit the Liftlock City veteran to get in the "spiel and of course, winning the top honors made the 1960 Teachers' Bon spiel a resl highlight for the popular Mr, Steer, Inci- dentally, that sbout concludes the curling aetivity at the Oshewa Club for this yesr, Bill Brownlee is run-~ ning a "chicken oll" tonight, for the first 64 curlers to report at seven dclock, There will be no curling after that until Monday night of next week, when the Parsons Trophy schedule ets under way, Starting Friday, ice maker Joe Roberts and his assistant will give the rings a fresh cont of paint and the ice a major flood all part of the preparation for the big annual 3«day bon- spiel, which opens here on Monday, January § was Three-Way Pennant Race In City League Bantam With only three games remain: ton, Masterson, Currie and Kelly, wh gost, Pollard; A , Marlowe, French, #5 i B' Nal B'Rith, Local 2164 and Nowkes, Griffen; forwards, Balds- Local 205 have the inside track to 16%, Dionne, Sone, Assen, Rajko- capture the pennant, vie, Cullen, Muir, Hansen, Brown. Alter last pight's five James «il, Abbott, Andrews and Budiey were skated off in the Children's ¢ . DUPLATE Arena, Wai WRith and Loew) oA TIRE - DUPLATE = . 4 Canadian Tire wpset Duplat 2764 were demlocked In top 909% 50 "100" Lavine, Ruse Davies, with 14 points apiece with Toes po (Loven oh Mike Mothersitl Wo In second spot Just, B DOWNS cog "Ron Selleck eollected the back with 11 winners' gol In the action played, B'Nal Scoring for Duplate was Fadie B'Rith shaded Local 206, 54; Dawe and Garry West Canadian Tire upset Duplate 52; CANADIAN TIRE -- goal, Hall; Westmount Kiwanis defented win- defence, Selleck, Clark, Werry, less Civitan 32; Local 1817 trim- Pierce; forwards, Hanewich, med Howdaille Industries 4-1 and Mothersitl, Judge, Hanowski, Salt Local 2764 maintained their wn- er, Maynard, Glendenning, |e beaten record doubling the score vine, Wragg, Davies and Bab over Police Association 64 wok The Bantam loop will not see, DUPLATE ~ goal, Bremner; action until Monday, January § defence, McQuade, Burke, West due Lo the holiday next Monday, Murdock, Sutton; forwards, Dawe Parry, Russell, Gow, Thompson LOCAL 205 - WNAI WRITH - Reid, Murdock, Gilves, Thomp B'Nal B'Rith squeaked out an kins, and White important 5-4 win ovef Loesl 205 Nim dix to maintain coleadership for first! W. KIWANIS - CIVITAN place with Local 2784, Boh Waters! Sherpshooter Johwny Neate sparked the winners' attack with Iriggered the decisive (0 earn two goals and an assist Westmount Kiwanis a 3-2 decision Phil Solomon, the league's lead 4, h ' ! ing point-getier, Chuck ¥die and isd him Dave Luke counted the others, Luke's marker was the eventual TIE A winner Marker wa y ventual Larry Cockerton and Timmy p okehed Civ arkers Denny Noakes, Marion Balds: | wpm sous KIWANIS gs) ek, Al Griffen, ond Gerry gmith: defence, Brown, Reed Abbott were "205" marksmen Clapp, Thing, Neate; forwards WNAL B'RITH-- goal, McCann; Kaplan, Tonkin, Slack, Howden, defence, Luke, Noakes, Zaporan, Clarke, Wright, and Todenburgh Solomon; forwards, V.die, Waters CIVITAN goal, Stevenson Kehoe, Hamilton, Sholdrs, Pey- defence, Potter, Bills, Peel, Town League-Leader i looks over luckless Civitan snipers for Westmount were Jimmie Clapp snd Defeated By Hawks send; lorwards, Hartshorn, Dar Hobbs, Graham, Salter, Eneider rowski, Bradley, Bowckiey, D. Peiderbeki, Holi, Planke, Graper Cockerion, , Cockert, Dick, and Rosnick, Kroontse, MeCillough, Barkisy, POLICE ASSOCIATION Vallancowrt. and Hayward C 7 defence, DeMille, Cameron, Zulert; for: LOCAL 1817 - HWOUDANAE wards, Smith, Densham, Daw- Dougie Sutton rammed home #8 son, Waldinsperger, Wilson, Grim. pair of gots to pace Local 1517 mings, Richmond, Zimmerman to # 41 win over Houdaille In. and Anderson dustries, Alex Talkacholf and Bob. Referees Jim Hutchison, Gleeokl were the Insmplighters, Vinee Genge, Lucky Wills, Tom Bob Hayes tallied the orphan Wilson end Gary Copeland; Houdsille gos) scorer, Jim Shaw, ; HOUDALLE -- gout, Moore; | " been in, et) B,C, Lions Prepared To Spend Bauman; | Hayes, Clark, Chernick, Siacey, VANCOUVER (CP) British Columbia Lions served notice O'Connor, Logeman, Seatlergood, Wednesday that they will o and Taylor LOCAL, 1817 gon), Trotter; the fattest wallet in Canadian foothall to compete with players defence, Ranonickl, Sewart, Tay- lor, Button; forwards, Cole, Weeks, Totkachoff, Elliott, Garri- son, Telesnicki, Myshynski, Gil lette, Ewart, Thompson snd Gle- against the United States foothal) Jeagues Club president Ralph Hender son said some players drafled hy Manon Football League clubs eolf in Philadelphia Tuesday were high in Lions' plans for the 196) Western Interprovincial ¥ootbhal) Union season "It hurts us a little bit to see some of the hoys we wanted claimed in the early rounds by the NFL," Henderson said "But what it really means Is that we'll have to hid higher, The fact that the NFL has drafted them doesn't mean they are lost to us, or that we'll give up try- ing to gel them.' PRICE GOES UP Two years ago Lions snapped up Randy Duncan, first draft [choice of Green Bay Packers |The higher the player is on a {draft the higher price tag on him, ' " v LOCAL 2784 - POLICE Local 2784 remained the only unbeaten Bantam club whipping Police Association 6-3, The Union pucksters have six wins and two draws in eight games, Larry Lloyd and Doug Green wood were two gosl performers for "2764", Bingles were register ed hy Bill Pakosis snd Mike Planke John Baron counted (wo and Rownie Wilson added the other in Police Association's losing effort LOCAL 2764 defence, Pokosta, Greenwood; forwards, s Are gosl, Metcalfe Lloyd, Myers, Diek, BRIGHT BITS» Canadi night and whipped Toronto goal and assist to boost hi game last night could well mn of a slump for the Mapleos ens stopped Mahovlich last Leafs 4-1, Geoffrion gol a NHL, scoring lead, This ark the beginning of a bit KEN WHARRAM scored the tying goal in the second period and the win- ner in the third frame, to gi ve Chicago a 4-3 win over Baturday morning al exciting games being played ithe Y's Men Major League In the first game of the morn. 4, Brain 7. Total 47 Jaycee Rocketls eked out a 2% 27 victory over On. ut | narrow to 27 vietory o Ou dord 33, Baramak 4 He? (was very close with both teams|Btimming 10, Lee 2 ing tario Steel A's, The first OCVI, by Winters with 20 points while there were three more fast and Goddard got 15 in a losing cause Hawks; 10.55 a.m Ontario Slee) A's vs Eagles VOICES THANKS On behalf of the Oshawa Y's Men's Club, we would now like to thank Marcel Boivin (for the write-ups on all Major League games), the Referees Board of Oshawa for the help which they EAGLES Winters 20, Spar ling 7, Hooey Bb, Cawker 4, Bathe Fouls 9-for n God 10, Kl) ONTARIO STEEL "B's" 2, Milosh Total Boston Bruins last night while Norm Ullman sparkled as Red Wings rallied to beat out N.Y, Rangers by the same score , , , , DARRYL SLY of Galt Terriers leaves tomorrow to join Trail Smoke Eaters in their world tournament bid , . . , LOU JANKOWSKI and his line~ mate Ron Leopold are setting a sizzling scoring pace for Calgary in the Western League, simlar to the year Lou and Alex Delvecchio had a one-two race in the OHA Junior "A" scoring , , , , TENNIS EXPERTS, some of them, say the Italians didn't really give it an all-out effort in the Davis Cup finals against Australia , . RUSSIA'S Junior hockey team arrived in New York yesterday, for a five-game tour , , , STEVE OWEN has been named general manager of Calgary Stampeders, Owen spent 20 years as a player and coach with the N.Y. Giants, before joining Toronto Argos in 1057 vor BOB McKILLOP, 18-year-old Toronto baseball player has signed a healthy bonus contract with Chicago White Sox , , , , WINNIPEG MAROONS were held to a tie by the Czech Juniors, vesterday FLOYD CURRY, coach of Montreal Royals, figures his hockey club is the hardest-hit of them all this season, in the matter of injuries, illness, ete, He has nine on the in- jured and out=of-action list at the moment and has lost five others at various times, since the schedule opened THEY'VE AGREED that when Johansson and Patterson meet in Miami on March 13 that will be their third and final meeting, In short it seems oh- vious that Ingemar intends to retire, win=or=lose If the fight draws $4,000,000 as they expect (via TV closed eireuit) then he need fight either! Cay Lumberkings shouldn't to any more, playing eautiously, but Dejong of Yous 3-for 10 . (the A's and bis mates held a 15 HAWKS TRIM BARBERS to 11 lead In the third game and final of . the morning, Hawks downed the In the second half, Clarke and slumping Wall's Barbershop by Kelly "started hitting and the) i. Cove of 35 to 30, In the first Meet hoys caught off halance for| juli "she Hawks took a slim 13 to (most of the half, ended up on the 8 lead as both teams played it | lasing end ak the Rockets won a cautiously and waited for the close one breaks The Rockets were led hy a f " the last half, the me Clarke and Kelly to thelr victory In ast 1a le Fame with 11 and 9 respectively, while opened up a little more as each pspective! 4 ! team pumped in 22 points, but for the A's it was Dejong who F | Pou y the 6 point lead the Hawks had tried to keep his team in the jn" he 'first half stood up for the {game victory, For the Hawks it was ONTARIO STEEL. "A's" Tunnieliffe and Fuller with 10 and Graham 4, Dejong 9, Dulny 2,/14 points respectively while Dalidowicz 8, Rudy 2, Rowden 2 O'Reilly played a strong game in Total 27, Fouls 14orH a losing cause by hooping seven JAYCEE ROCKETS Brady! HAWKS Fuller 14, Tunni- 4, Breen 8, Kurhan, Clarke 11,|cliffe 10, Beneco 7, Harrison 2, McHugh 2, Kelly Total 20, Breau 2, Total 88, Fouls 9-for-21 Fouls 8-for-11 WALT'S BARBERSHOP Fd. mondson 4, Derry, Nichol 6, Hick EAGLES WIN ey 4, Esmits 5, Reeson 5, O'Reilly The second game saw the 7, Total 80, Fouls 7-for-15 Fagles, led hy playing coach Schedule for games (o he play. Winters, who hooped 20 pointsied Jan, 7: 0.25 a.m Walls Bar out = hustle and out - ply heir ber Shop vs Ontario Steel B's: rivals the Ontario Steel fs by 10.06 a.m. Jaycee Rockels vs the score of 47 to 39 In the first 'half the Eagles held a slim 24 to 20 lead as Win ters showed the vest of his charges how {o do it as he hoop ed no less than 12 points, while Goddard was keeping the Steel boys In the game | In the second half, Eagles real ly turned it on with Winters and Sparling hitting frequently while Milosh tried hard for the B's hut It wasn't enough, The Eagles were led to their terrifie vietory By CLIFF GORDON Whithy Huierests won a hard fough® exhibition game in Bramp home team 3-2, in a closely con have extended to us on referee ing in 1060, and to all the other DETSONs or organizations which ave helped in the handling and planning of this league from top to hottom throughout 60"! and to wish all a very Happy New Year WLP 4 4 4 is, 3 268 270 27 266 27% 244 Wall's Kagles Ont, Steel Jaycee R's 4 Hawks 4 Ont, Steel A's 2 3 A a 4 bh] Individual scoring F Pls, A Pls, 282 0 2M 240 225 268 race top ten; PT, Pls, Ave, fi fi L) [1] Bob Goddard Marcis Esmits G, Gum Bob Winters Geo, Fuller [] B, Tunnicliffe 7 M, Hobbs h] Roy Clarke 7 8, Dalidowice fi P, Goldstein 1 The above are 04 0 an 02 mm 07 2 72 il a up to and 15.8 15.6 14.5 13.6 13.1 124 12.4 10:2 10,1 0.5 ns cluding games played on Decem ber 17, compiled by League sta tisticlan Paul Edmondso lead held good for period The Brampton the score early in th the team ton last night, as they edged the back strongly however and tied Whitby Hillcrests Win In Brampton first battled second Lose Twin-Bill Ernie Cay Lumberkings travel led to Ajax on Friday evening lo play the league leading Ajax squad in an Oshawa Industrial Basketball League twin-hill and the home team came up with two more victories, their seventh and eighth without a defeat, hy stop ping Cays 67-40, in the first game and 70:31 in the nightcap, FIRST GAME Ajax won this first game in the apening quarter starting out like a "ball of fire", pumping home 28 points to Cay's 10 to take a command ng lead, Ted Plotrow ski, Garno Watehorn, Ed, Bibeau and playing coach Joe Dickson scored almost every shot which they took to lead the victors, while Chuck Tuscon and Marcel Boivin netted the losers' points Both teams matched basket for-basket in the second stanza, fighting te a 13:13 draw, Rill depma and Malcolm Longley scored well for Cay's while Watchorn and Ribeau kept pace for Ajax to leave their squad well out in front by 41.28 at the half. way mark Lumberkings fought back gamely in the third quarter, com ing back to outscore the front run ners 18:14, Tuscon, with eight points, along with Barry Appleby and Longley scored for Cays while Plotrowski and Ribeau held for Ajax Ajax made sure of their win in the final period as they outnetied Cays 12 to seven In a very low scoring affair Longley and Appleby netted the "Kings" points with the winners dividing their dozen between themselves The local Ajax team paced to this vietory hy Ed Ribean, Garnie Watchorn, and Ted Plotrowski with 18, 18 and 16 points vespectively, while for the Lumberkings, Chuek Tuscon and Malcolm Longley were best with 14 and 13 points AJAX Ribeau, 12 Dickson, &;: Hill, 2: Piotrowski 168; Watchorn, 18: Daniels, 2 Royd; Barry, 1, Total 67. Fouls 4 out of 13, were Daze, 4 CAYS depma, #; Bolvin MacMillan; Tuscon, 14; Appleh 7; Longley, 13, Total 49, Fouls § out of 20 Officials Gingerich, SECOND GAME Ajax started the second game much the same as the opener, limping inte a commanding lead in the initial quarter hy eutscor ing Cays 20 to six, Garnle Watch orn, Reg. Daze and Wayne Daniels pushed the winners into their lead while holding the losers at bay, Ernie Cay wasted no time al all in making.a-comeback bid as they outhustied the first place squad 17-13 to cut the lead down a bit. Rill Jepma sank 11 polnts for Cays along with Maree! loivin's six to pace thelr team while Ed, Ribeau and Gary Hill combined to keep Ajax out in front, 33:21, hy halftime, Ajax went farther ahead in the thind quarter as they outhit the "Kings" 1813. Ted Piotrowski and Ribeau took care of the win ners' scoring while Chuck Tuscon and Jepma led their team The victors again came. out on top in the final stanza as they outscared the losers 19:17 to wrap up the game. Watchorn, Ribeau, Daze, and Hill sunk the winners' points while Jepma and Longley tried hard for Cays . Alax were led to their eighth straight victory hy Ed, Ribeau Gamie Watchorn, Reg. Daze, and Gary Hill with 18, 13, 12, and 10 points while for Cays Bill Jepma topped all scorers on the night's play netting 23 points along with Marcel Boivin whe added 10 AJAX Ribeau, 16; Daze, 12 Dickson, 5: Hill, 10; Piotrowski 1 Watchorn Daniels, 23 Rarry, 2 Fouls: 8 out of 33 CAY'S -- Jopma, 23; Boivin, 10: MacMillan, 2: Tuscon. & Apple: hy, 3. Longley, 7. Total 31. Fouls 11 out of 26 Officials (Dave Kelly, L] y, Dave Kelly and Bill n Total 0 Bill Gingerich and HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS | [tested game, The game. all but period, The locals were not to be {broke into a wild donnybrook at outdone and they fired a lone the end of the second period as |!ally as hard working Elmer Tran three players received game mis. [found the mark and this one conduct penalties proved to be the game winner, By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League WLTP 4120 9 7138 0 7 100 100 # 9a 101 § 05 115 710 0 M8115 Wednesday's Results Montreal 4 Toronto | Detroit 4 New York 3 Hoston 4 Chicago 4 Games Thursday Detroit at Montreal American League WWLTPF B10 0179 WM 114 0104 103 17 21 1 118 146 16 16 1 131 196 1517 1 97101 Rochester W17 313 18 Providence 13 22 0 104 151 Wednesday's Resulis Rochester 3 Quebec 4 | Hershey 3 Ruffalo 4 Spri Id & Providence 3 "Chin's Games Providence at Cleveland Ruffalo at Rochester OHA Senior rh 1 "71 10 4 112 ] 11 12 13 14 10 19 Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago New York Roston 20 17 1 { 1] Springfield Cleveland Quebec Ruffalo Hershey " hl WN #1 (1) Lh) Windsor Chatham Stratford Woodstock 912 Galt aa Strathroy A104 Wednesday's Result Galt 8 Chatham 7 (Overtime) Friday's Games Galt at Stratford Windsor at Woodstock International League Fort Wayne 1 Omaha 2 Eastern League Charlotte § Greenshoro 4 Clinton 12 New York 1 New Haven 9 Johnston 1 Saskatchewan Senior Yorkton § Regina ¥ Neva Scotia Senior Halifax 3 Brookfield & Cape Rreton Senior L) 1 1 hi) Sydney 6 Glace Ray § (overtime) of players outside of the league Mahovlich New Rrunswick League Fredericton 4 Moncton 3 Saskatchewan Suniory- {Regina 3 Flin Floa ¢ A Pts, ning Whitby team with Smith and A Pus A Pix tolthal 108 4 Butch Kadwell, Ron Moore and | Ne ther team managed to fot a {Elmer Tian scored for the win rally organized In the final 20 | minutes as both teams were checking close and hard, Ist Period | 1, Whithy: Kadwell (Bremner) vans 9.00 2, Whithy! Moore | AR Arthurs scoring for the losers 41/The Hillerests will travel to 47 Peterborough on Monday night for Mia game with the Jr, Canucks and Aiithen will play host to the Helle J 0d 23 ville McFarlands here next Satur (Kadwell, Tushingham) 11,02} day night, The Hillerests are still Penalties: Smith 5.24, Kadwell | smarting from the defeat handed %™, Arthurs 8,30, Pettibone 8.30, them here on opening night by MeClure 9.25, Pelosse 12.34 and the Belleville team, and are more TUshingham 19.55, than ready to make amends for Ind Period that one, Rrampton: Smith | Hillorests were really fired up (Riddell) for the game last night as man. 4 Brampton: Arthurs Wager Ivan Davie was on the (Smith, Digham) Hihench and had made several| 5 Whitby: E. Tran Ninlayer changes for last night's (Ashby) { 0 game, He brought tp a pair of Penalties: Pettibone, Naplor- a midget players and a Juvenile Kowski 4.3% Pellose 15.06, Pettis wn and they all gigured In the scor: bone 18.10, Middleton (miscon: ling. The HilleFests built up a two. duet) 18.37, Segar (misconduct) goal lead in the first period as 20.00, Kadwéll, Pettibone and Radwell triggered a goal follow. Naplorkowski (@me miscon. ed hy Moore who was making his duets), | first start in Jr, B ranks, The _ dvd Period Scoring: None . Penalties: Burke 5.40. Reighton Prince Albert Jrs. 0 845, Arthurs 11.30.% Pettibone 12.04, MeClure 12.30, Roberts 13.16 "Under Suspension | R REGINA (OP)--Indefinite sui | NHL BIG SEVEN |and Forbes 18.33 4 pension gf Prince Albert Mintos was anounced Wednesday hy Roucher, commissioner of the Bernie Geoffrion scored a goall Saskatchewan Junior Hockey and an assist Wednesday night gue as Montreal Canadiens defeated he suspension followed the Toronto Maple Leafs 41 and con sale of defencaman Jim Neilson tinued his domination of the Na by Prince Albert owner-manager tional Hockey League's individ Steve Ruzinsky to Rrandon ual scoring race Wheat Kings of the Manitoba' The points gave the rights Junior League. winger 26 goals and 28 assists Boucher sald that under league for 3 points in 33 games--hall regulations veteran players way mark of the NHL season should have been placed in the The leaders league player pool He added that the Mintos had Geoffrion, Mil been advised Monday that under Moore, Mtl the league constitution the sale Beliveau. Montreal | Tor wane 121 7.47 Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS GQ 2% N 3 A | would lead to suspension Ullman, Det nN Rusnisky sald he would ap Richard. Mtl 18 3 peal to the Saskatchewan Ama: Howe, Detroit teur Heckey Association, {Rathgate, N.Y, A Pls NM N WN "® | 4a | ha an an 18 3 | wi 380 Henderson said the Lions "really want' Bill Brown, 1 | nols fullback « linebacker picked | in the second round by Chicago Bears, Other players B.( Minois tackle Joe Rutgens and Wake Forest's Norm Snead, Li- ons coach Wayne Robinson was fo scout Rutgens this week dur-| ing the east-west game in San| Francisco Better news for fact that Boh Schloredt, All: American quarterback at the University of Washinglon, not picked up in the first nine| rounds, Lions also want Big Tom Brown, everybody's All « Ameri: can guard from Minnesota, who! was claimed by Baltimore Colts| last year when he was a junior Packers Rate Six Berths On All-Star Teams NEW YORK (AP)--Green Bay Packers dominated the annual all - star team of the National Foothall League selected for The Associated Press by United States sport writers and sports. casters, Four Packers made the offen: sive team and two the defensive unit, Norm Van Brocklin, quarters back star for the champion Phil: adelphia Eagles, was an over. whelming choice, Johnny Unitas, | ace passer for Baltimore Colts) who was first-string quarterback a year ago, didn't make either| the first or second teams, Milt Plum of Cleveland Browns was the second choice, End Ray Berry and tackle Jim Parker of Baltimore, guard Jim Ray Smith of Cleveland, centre covels are B.C, was the Was B _MOLSON'S EXPORT + f r-- fini aim , Wa 4, ia Wl Jim Ringo of Green Bay, half-| F® back Lenny Moore of Baltimore and fullback Jimmy Brown of Cleveland were the repeaters on the offensive team, They were) Joined by end Sonny Randle of St est Gregg, guard Jerry Kramer and haltback Paul Hornung of Green Bay and Van Brocklin, Ends Gino Marchetti of Ball: Louis Cardinals, tackle For-| more, Andy Robustelli of New, ' York Glants, safety Jimmy Pat. ton of New York, linebacker Bill| George of Chicago Bears and halfback Abe Woodson of San] Francisco "40ers again made the all-star defensive unit, Sly To Join Trail Outfit GALT (CP) «= Darryl Sly of Galt Terviers leaves for Trail, RC, Thursday to join the world tournament-bound Smoke Eaters, | Sly picked up 13 points, includ: ing five goals, in 11 games for the Terriers of the OHA senior hoekey series, He'll be available to "Galt for playoff action should the club qualify, But Galt will not he permitted a replacement in the meantime Smoke Eaters ave strengthen ing with members of the other sender elubs and ex-pros for the world tournament in Switzerland March 313, College Draftees Prefer NFL Bids SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A majority of the 11 first-round Na tional Football League draftees) currently on the east and west Shrine squads here indicate they favor the NFL over the new American Football League that drafted them earlier Several of the players said they planned to confer with both clubs before making up their minds Six of the seven draftees with the east squad evpeared to be leaning toward the National Fool | ball League, CANADA'S | LARGEST SELLING ALE MOLSON'S BREWERY (ONTARIO) LTD, -- INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786+ )

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