Durham Region Newspapers banner

The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1960, p. 12

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, = THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS -- " : 17--~Money to Loon 22--TY - Rodio Repairs 137~~Male Help Wonted (44--Houses For Rent MONTEITH, MONTEITH, = "ud CLASSIFIED AD RATES CLIEWIW money to oan on Dist MOTE sELEVISION, HiFi, radio ml UIA ) : | 1 von jx dom; THOR) RECA RANGE. hesrs 5 we 4 nent le ] -- ies, pant Apply 295 Bherhot Co, Chartered Accounients, RA 53927, oP sont Basel Lio Boi gn Be vig Br LLL A i] A CAR SALESMAN [Borin wii rent warkss, Helophons DUNS Ce tree + som Wel Rented, SEI hers vie Hoy well ol Betordey end | site b # eich mers $oaet "North, Mas. YW» consecutiv Creighton, Fraser Diynen and Mor ou ga eanss, od Som, Sos speriment, Er Sunder BIKAR raion rr. rar 1° INSERTIONS 226 248 [loch a rss | T-------- - WANTED Leos MONTHLY, on room _---- y monly. )ns | ALISTATE Ale Vanurubos Bare 97, To | neater cov or or wi on HE YEWAR ond Co, Accountants | § CONSECUTIVE FIRST "Ind second morigege, sale pace. 91 Dass Bireut } erin Berd A PURNISHED two 120 per cent, months 9 poy or trie razors, fast LI vay and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg, 11 Op INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 [agreements purchased and sold, Hen SAMSON (54992 for further Pertiiviars, rooms, chen po) personal servies 4 your home, coll BA King Sues West. RA 3489, taria Sirest, Oshawa, Opinio. BAL CC 0 he | Mek snd Hennick, Barristers, 3i King] Sales experience neces. |. Luton, wee oh Smandry Ancien, > BF. GOODRICH Blores ~ es, A rm ~~ Charge rote wil opply Birest Kast, RA 37201 V TOWERS SIX - oom warey and hall brick house, | water, centisl Apply B55 Aho VONTIAL Laurentian 8, awto- terias Berinator WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Ae-ll Sapove rates apply only 16 origingl | WE WAVE clients' monies avaliable sary, 23-35 years of age, Session. Telephone Rh SI Wmmadiate pov | Kant, BA 5H, LL | metia, radio, wheel discs, two tone #16, | vison, ThiWty Wedge sountants, 34 Simeoe Street South, ON o.ae,s for consecutive insertions, ||for 1oans on first and second morigeges vor - nated How wilengn, how Tom coRBn [7% OFFICE, pwn. Ronald F.0, Wilson, CA; 6, B8- | Copooc ant insertions ordered of o | and slso purchase of mortgages and RA B-8180 Territ County of On COUNTRY house, 16 Bd To Om hOvR oom boar : WOE | be HA SHIN mond Burrows, CA, RA 8-257) loter date constitute & new orignal | sEresments of seis, Louis 6 Hymen, erritory - Sounty © "ww, seven rooms, modern. Telephone DEC BC, SEER on Smd | oon. a MERCURY Iwo door hardiop, iy BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | order GC, 47 King Street East, Oshawa, BA OSH AW A : § V io. PI te to B Orono WRIZ tor more Worwation. _|Lo" Telephone BA 5494 for further powered, equipped, iow mileage. Can Womiion, Airs Services offer Somplete bovkke Wk] Protessionol and Business Wistings 4043 S/OBONG 31 tario ease write 10 Pox SIART now 7s oo TOF OWR ome. inkor mation Hnonce BA 81205 for further Hori Vib, ENCVOLOPAEIIAS, sl services for small business. pond il $7.50 per month for 3 hnes doi MONEY svailshle tor losn on secon 361 GIBBONS 5 ol ind exactly whet you wei - an, iA hot Ww Atlas, 12 Wi Wen, Hoom 1. Office BA 5-009] Bach addtional line $160 Der |morteates, aha 61s. pUrehuse of TOM: | emm--goncte rt meee) 343 Oshawa Times giving (ie Oshawa Times Classitied Section. | TWO Garge) room apartment; furnish. ia BIN NE dan orid's Gre. swidence, RA 3760 month gages, Wie Box 317 Oshawa Times SUPERIOR : Look now! A (gd, nawly degoraiad, large Worsrotm woo Chey. snow Biss, radi, sis. BA RA SII YALE, Xb Tianter and Coy Each initial letier, abbreviation, for further partioulars APPLIANCE SERVICE details of experience, re: |WovsE -- ior rent wn Vie, BET, WE oom bh monibly, Ws. ove $4 7 apply 18 Wontar Wrest AWNINGS, pain & Accountants and ona i TR oni $ and « sgn, figura, counts os 4 p | {rooms, #85, Phone WA 41652 or wits wo with one pos PR welcomed i y | 1061 CHEVROLEN, deluxe conch, auth service, ires Lo Frisian, 10 Baniruvier, Voie Feud 4 work Box, sharte Vos Sadiional ™ 19 ersonal i Television « Radio - Range ferences, eic wi Broadview Avene, Toronto Glens Avenue or phone RB, 18, | matic transmission. This one even rns Chair, table fr ast, Of § " , € J Classified vErtisemen b ps 5 Friedlander, B., Comm, CPA must be in by 5 pm. the day be- | Waosk rs Dryers and Oven n 7 & Boord CENTRALLY ousted fiveoom. Mele [APARTMENT in new speriment build fad. Py Bi a avaey Motors pas 2 os In the sity for FE a bt -- ---r-- 0 slicatis Births, Ont rol 6 f)¢ Decialis { Room " p57 y ' v Edi 8 7. HOPKINS and Company, Certl fore Sublication I whl d | RESERVE NOW trol Reg auf, eis hdd phone BA $2185 % Sour rooma nd, bath, stave, Sridss, NEW 1960 Ford 6 cylinder sedan 0eluxe, weed furmilire Frwy ys Used Wed Public Accountants, vi Bing " ¢ accept d wil 9 m PH RA 8 4673 ROOM snd hosrd, gentlemen, single FIVE room, storey and Ball hose BA 5461 selling # invoices piles. One only wn ture Bors, RA 3927 4 Simeone Both, Fit Kent, Oshavs, Omiario A Hn y #o ond found am SLEIGHRIDING & A9 BURK STREET and share, lunches packed, porking. ¥ newly decorsied, new oil fornsce and Ving eeniss Aerk metallic green. Van Heusen Motors THREE ROOMS he of | i only "en, : Canceliotions 8:30 am Office DANCE PARTIES Fost Service » Sensible Rotes Albert Street, Telephone BA 8-445] plumbing, aysilahie immediately APY FOUR » room apsrtment, ath, rein. opponile Brewery on King This Wehudes che dhe "i 2-~Barristers Hoors: Daily 8:5, Sotuwrday 8:12, |i : = - ROOM and board for two geptiemen, 78 Toulon Rosd East erator, move, nd eufhonits, private jos METEOR sedon, custom radio. bedroom suite pot ribaiy . ar REGULATIONS FOR JAN. AND FEB, | , . . a rer week. laundry CORY five room Hause, Enclosed <oirance, Apply 3 Wing Street Kast, One owner, Just had compete valve and coffer tables, howdote 7.7, GALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl The Oshawa Times will not be : ' R h SERVICE WHEN YOL WANT included, In private home, Telephone poreh, new oil furnace, sir conditioning, Apt, 1 \ Joh," Only $995. Vin Heusen Moors, lamps, pillows, ete tor, ele, 13% Bimeoe Street North sponsible for erors in advertise: | Little Buc karoo ancn | 7 DAY OR NIGHT | {#100 64250 Sarge yard, reasonable resi, 297 Gray. | opposite brewery on King Tuas aiiesd best Office HA 53741; Residence, RA 55642 nents submitted otherwise than in |i RA 5. 737 RAD burn- Avenue, BA 3921) or BA 5-250, | T bo WILLYN Jeep, one ton, Ionr-wheel Homa Furnishings, 404 Simeos Brest GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar wilting, nor for me than one TV. and RADIO | kom and owrd for twa gentlemen hree room Ser rive, Kool mechenicsl condition, res South " ha GREE! Ai iu and Notaries Public, || Incorrect insertion of any adver -- or more, home covhed menle, lunches 44A--Apts, & Flots apartment wrivate en sanabie, For more intormation, wie: PORK RENE = "Felovielon wr pe 6 King Street Bast, RA 54717, Russell] tisement, nor beyond the price CALL RA 8-5 6 packed, 1411 Evangeline Drive, est F Rent f + F ; YU 548) lamps, dehumidifiers, record Players, J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, || charged for a single insertion of ELECTROLYSIS Wark ond South, BA 3905 or Ren trance, three piece bath, me he, Muagher's, b Hong Sheet West, All Work Guaranteed CASH FLECTROWGWY. RCA Victor, Adm Admirik the advertisement in which error BOOM and board for gentleman, clean NEW modern two bedroom spert f | oe, foe / y : » " a ? laundry acl ities, eos The finest in TY, BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Soliel . a Hh tor, 3 Simeoe South, WA 59993, Resi.|| 2curs. And alee reserve ihe right " tr " ; OSHAWA quiet house, excellent mesls, Koos bed, ment, Ww new apartment building, Wid fo classify advertising according to emoval of superfiyous hair CTRC ¢ continue Wot water, parking, bus sl figerstor and stove, paved parking, th jn'g included, Highest trade-in shlowances of ss is own classif r " Wardot will be. i ELECTRONICS a FOR YOUR CAR (Television, 918 Bimeos grie Murdufl w | 9 monthly, 25% Malugs Nosd, KA monthly Telephone RA | Color TY on dispiny dence, HA 8.0254 HGTIRON snd ARTE Bairivion: Ln Fass) he Bl Park Road South five minules walk ta General Motor fg , ' py play advertise Bolicitors. Clients funds uvallable (orl ments The TimesSwill not be held Oshawa, Jan, 10th and 11th {GENTLEMEN hourders wanied, £008 54674 B-6522 VAN HEUSEN RELTING TuriiureT We ay ie TV TOWERS home, TY, home cooking Lunches 52 (PANG | 7 , : first mortgages. 20 pimeoe Street North sil ow Ore pace thor packed, Central, near North GM and NEW modern two bedroom speriment, WA 53566. Charles C, MeGibbon, QC; ' i sich the actual error Phone Genosha Hotel on ¢ ! Bastedn, QC . shers Vous pe ; ne hetid A A aenr in mew apartment balding, relies sloves, ste, For oh olier con agar ¥_Bastedo, occupies, The publishers endeavou these doles for: GENO hospital, 3) Colborne Kant, BA 1001. |, Petove, paved parking. One bine bg 44B--Rooms For Rent MOTORS tact 14 Prince rit? 3 Phone BA BAIN WYMPRREVS, Rovehon me Hillman oe 1 pl vertising matter = EE ( elf porting tower d hourd less then five min- school or shop; minly, 72 yr -- Barristers, Bolieitors Hum ly & sumes no Habllity ipporting tow ROOM and hoard less thin A (A A BEIH ed MONTHLY two clesn unfurnieh INGLIS, fully sulomatic washer, AA plireys, QC; G, 5. Boyehyn, a WA y Inaecuracies In any form FC R 1 f Ivanized, No paint utes from South Generis) Motors, home | 7 estMONR enue, RA BH1H ed ms th beth, TV outlet, use of 149 KING 5ST. W condition, inspection invited, Tele Hitiman, LLB; 36% King Street East advertisement « contained CHILD J p with w Morina io Hieges Ww yr 3 Jed : Jan WE AWH furnish roo large closet, washing i "nd telephone, Apply - commer: | [A B8604 for further infarmation, Phones; Office. RA 61177; Res, KA thereis OTH hanne Wenn: ddd slats y nr Iermara Priva d central, vacant, ah 242 Cadillae South after § . ' I -------- 54604 or Whitby, MO 8.2761; RA 55203 , ADOPTION ; nn ANTENNG. | NT furnished room with or without stainers, close to Shopping Ceple' aml Soy ry far si ANDY NAGY'S Money to loan CHRISTIE a lively / INCE alled a aq board, for one gentleman, in new home, downtown 51° Nassou Street hes with sink, DONSEKEEIDE § | BODY SHOP | All gluminum products == MEN needed! Turn io the Oshavs 13..Gardening & Supplies! B year old girl is waiting for guarar teed for year $99.99 good men Telephone BA B41, S81 SMRIE roumn snd hath, seil-contained, | ewer 15 Trew or RA 8.1566 sitar 430, MERCEDES BENZ Doors windows. shower doors, Times Classified Ads now to find & § % | ) prompt 6 ice Jean Avene private entrance, on hus lpe, adults awnings VY towers, paving. Ym | sarents of her very owr " " LARGE furmshed, Nght housekeeping gs, N) better job ANY kina of garden work oy expen, | f v he ery own, | BOARD snd room Tor gentlemen three | abstainers, 187 Huron, RA 55260 I oT a Satan yi DKW One controct, nothing down, JOUN A. CAMERON, barrister, solicl. | reasonable rates RA 81534 -- ALAR SPY TV Enterprise prinutes from four corners Wome eook: WRIGHT, clean upper duplex, seli-con | (rel, Telephone RA 349205 SALES AND SERVICE | For free estimates coll == tor and notary publie, 18% King Street piexion and hair dR | en mea Ud did aries Dire tained, Wing room, bedroom, dineiis 0 feria / - v y ET at - East. HA 42260. NHA and private! COMPLE rE most black, Christie is a hea 253 Drew 9 BOARD and room, close to North GM kitchen, modern sink, cuphosrds, hth ™ 2 ig ILL hrdroom f 1) 408 KING WW. OSHAWA Al m S | C mortgages arranied thy, normal child and was pre RA 3.3553 wid hospital, home cooked meals block 100m, good location, parking JeMERY |Log" ou ononrds, ull conveniences. Ap RA 5.7132 uma ea (eB GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Soliel GARDEN SERVICE moted to Grade 3 a to hus. Telephone RA 5-2305 |, BA BH303 ply B87 Ritson Mowsd South . » b RA 5.9365 ANYTIME tors, ele 7% Simeoe Street South NILE clean i rooms, hoard in. FIVE mom bungalow apartment, TWO ire warm. rooms, eompielely BE ------ ' 4 Gardens ploughed disced with honour There /] ( ON 6 $45 " Dial HA 3.8278. Residence phones id ploughed 40" TOWERS %45 ude pmen only, single and $105 monthly, heat, hydro included, § WE eres wi 5 y 06 es ary « dr / i ' a H urnished for light housekeeping, In J. M. Greer, BA, Se., BA 53368; Ter landscaping, wood cut, trees tory of blindness i y 30! ROOF ANTENNAS $30 5047s Parking. Apply, alter Saturday, Close to Powers store. Daviime, BA ESE Lo tr heat SABYAN MOTOR! BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS ) Ie A AD ow Albert Street Bab41 piter 6 p.m. RA B6623 I and rantinuons hot water, use of | BOATS | FIBRE GLASS BOAT | "ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, HA 5.35832 removed own family, but she has been j RALFH JONES, BA. and Thomas H examined year! ince birth 200) Koom id board, for gentlemen, with FOUR . room apsriment, unfurnished, washing machine and dryer, Central RA B-1798 4 20° ROOF ANTENNAS $22 hal Bll private entrance. and Wath, parking. (to downtown and shopping centre, Suit h, AL . BR an ATS IWERING Greer, Associate Barrister and Soll and doctors feel there privileges pply - 666 Simoor i eitors, 130 King Street Fast, RA 58-6246 . tle ch f het | ? S 8255 | One ehild weleomé, Apply VIE Adelaide one op two working girls, BA 88227, | i eg chance of her becoming | Mortgage loans available . . 1 | | THOMAS M, RONDLE, barrisier, soii-| OWEN BROTHERS CO, LTD blind We think Christie wil | dies, privates hom separate rooms AVARTM) NT two large furnished uwilc rent. 26 Vines Street | r eitor and notary publi, 26% King TREF EXPERTS bring delight to the couple very eentral. MOhawk 5.4365, Whith " refngerstor, sink, IWOPIRCR pera snished housekeeping rooms, | 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH Street East. Phone HA 81763 who adopts her, fully aware | EN & LOU! S bath, sult couple, one or we gentle bedroom and Kitchen with sink, and | OSHAWA, ONT age CREIGHTON, PRARER, DRYNAN a0d| We specialize in tree prun of her backgroand and able 42-~Room & Board Wanted "e" Avely 72 Cadillac Avenue BoWh. |, inouras, aise private tollet, Apply 156 | Tel, RAndolph 3-3461 TANNAN MARINE SALES MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors. No tenting to accept it { . SPECIAL, self-contained three room| Agnes Hireet tary Public Bank of Commerce Bidg.,| ng, tree planting, tree re om Cl TY T.V. WE are looking for a home In OShaws apartment, Good cation, FeRKEIRON, | suo jure e fom AB--Automobiles Wanted _20RAY ST. RAS RA 53 f Roman Catholic couple 5 Simeone Street North, RA 3.3466; T. K.| moving, cavity work an § WF or district for father with two ehiidren, | sinve included TV outlet, plenty of floor, private entrance, heated, thres Creighton, QC; NC, Fraser, QC; 6G, K > = ing to inquire further with a where landlady Is willing 10 care 100 parking, Possession January 1, RA A Reside ii Drynan, G, L, Murdoch, NHA mort PHONE RA 5.5287 d ; scl ori y ro niin nile ary rie ADIT | Lark) minutes to new General Motors For LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want SPOT CASH iA ga LR ' lew to adoption wuld write Jr A 7844 ill Bag Bhi more information telephone KA 37877, | cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid wi 5 . hy ' wi 5 - | prt | to HA MONLY sree TO ARTY | FURNISWED room, sulable for one BA 51161 PAID FOR MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister ---- i g | x ante . , 14-Household Repairs THE MINISTER OF 802 SIMCOE ST. & 43---~Wanted To Rent Pomtinins hot water, with Dein eup. | Sentleman, in quiet' ome, WA" #8010, | WANTED Xone ok i Good clean cars, Trade wp Solicitor, Notary, Money to ioan. Asso. A A UBLIC WELFARE } 250 Celing 5 or PUBLIC WELF hoards Telephone RA 3.3078 RAE fg or down. Liens ciate, Brugce V. Mackey, BA, Henry CHESYERFIELDS and old chairs re t id off nh | ' \ partment. 1and Bioek, 264 King Street East, RA 3-4087 | covered like new, Gel the best for less| PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TV. Service Calls, $3.00 WANTED furnished apartmen AVIRACTIVE clean furnished hed " ror Residence, dial RA 35-4029 Modern Upholsiering, 142 Simeoe TORONT( ady to care for children in eve LARGE three = room fat, bulltdn ep: icon "eu ai not water, spring mut: |™ " --- DODD MOTOR SALES Call RA 8-6451 for tres esti JROMNTO 'i nings while mother works, would con hoards, hot water, hedvy duly wiring, (0 parking, 114 Elgin Streef East . 4 DONALD BLAKE DODDS Barister wb ol for » 23----~Women's Column sider sharing. Phone RA B-4685 after newly decorated, new linoleums, bas av HA Pi 4 4 | CASH FOR YOUR CAR I PARK AD. ¥ tpm ment, shared three piece bath and Soheitor, 2644 King Street Eg 2 Telephone. 7 RA 32201. Resi [FURNITURE repaired and re-uphl. | PHILCO BENDIX SPECIAL permanent waves, $6.80 "1 3 3078 SINGLE Firishet Heated rom) also Trade Up or Down . ence stered. See our materials for recover - wards Beauty Parlor, 5 Celina Street -- ; furnished ronm with small kitchen, use| nT 4 TONEPH PF, MANGAN, GC. barrister, ink Bruce R. Dalton, 78 Charles Stree! For an appointment please mo: 44 Houses For Rent FOUR latge Jooms,_ hath, ht Sater, of telephone, central. 180 Bruce | Liens Paid Off Al UMINUM DOOR solicitor Money to loan. Office, 144 bid | {HA 3-763 FOUR - yoom, self-contained apartment po" ouoned hy walking, close to bus FORNISHED rooms, 85 per week, Gen King Street East, Oshawa, RA 85-8292 |ORESTERFIELDA rebullt, recovered, | EQUIPPED pd Lad foo well SiVad, central stop and store 525 Lorraine Brest tman ony. Telephone RA 35-2653 WILBAK MOTORS AND WINDOWS! Residence, RA 5.3408 like new Why pay more! Our rates 24--Market Bosket acent now, $78 monthly, Phone ius yA d are reasonable. Batistaction. guaranteed 3.7244 SECOND black from Shopping Centre, CENTRAL location, housekeeping room 137 King W RA 5.0732 5--Nursing Services Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa "Upholstery COIN OPERATED HONEY White, amber and golden, MODERN (wa = edroom Fankaiow on 11a goems an brivete bath, parking. Telephone RA 89751 for further infor Special Reduced Price, Sj In Co, 10 Bond Street West, Dial - liquid or processed, 'K. P, Anderson, |Grierson Bireet, e 10, BOVE, PE: | or a | [3 NIL 8 SUNNYBRAE, (formerly Anden) of |5:0311 " uh Ritson Road North, Phone HRA |frigerator, automatic. washer Hniuded | FOUR room apariment, tied hath, sen: ATERACFIVE furnished rooms, avail HOU STON'S GARAGE or We Sell, Cash Oshawa, Care for elderly people, RN | SRGFURRIONAL painter rE LAUNDERETTE A [Available January 0, Telephone RA (Ural location, private' entrance. Mr. able in private home J Park Road! AND SERVICE STATION and Carry, Siberviand aa ipiisy invited, reason |vusranteed work and materials F 2 {#0542 afer 5 p.m Joseph Bosco Realtor, KA 59870 orth, 8-7 pm bod BRAKE SPECIALISTS. COM [estimates Al Conroy, RA 80086 Featuring |25~-Pets and Livestock FIGHT. room brick home sxeelient oon (BRAND new spurtments, we, hed: | NICELY furnished single room, liable PLETE BRAKE SERVICE CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE | by ; he » hospital, oil heath vooms, hyosdioom throughout, drapes, | for lady or gentleman, Apply 208 Cha d y i " 6---Optometrist RRACTICAL gift headquarters in the c 1 ROARING, trimming, bathing, defies ition, else 0 hospital, pil Beating Ea (ove: reliigerator, New bullding. Im. bum Bireet, RA 3.7970 | MOTOR TUNE-UP AND . hdbbbbbbi Hit Spotter in Clagsified, Shop MI ommercial ype ink, Waubens Kennels, RA 54 Mon Realtors HA 8 i079 mediate: possession, Adelaide West, HA geil GENERAL REPAIRS ALEX VAJDA FF WIOWARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom. |right from your easy chair mow, Gifts| D f | oy ian Sento, 39929. Apply janitor, 320 Adelaide West, |PVEEFING room, across from Nerth| © plat airy, the examination of eyes, contact thst please everyone se ouble-Load [GERMAN Shepherd puppies, six weeks FIVE . room bungalow and garage plant, ideal for General Motors 67 KING ST. W 48] DREW ST RA 3.9851 lenses, 136 Mimpos North at Colborne), [YOUR ineal chimney sleaner. Ghim Double Pr "fit [out all, black purebred, very reason {newly decorated, ofl heated, Children Aids off hedmom Apartment, heated; ors, Avene ample pathing RA 3.7822 ol, E iin svenings by appointment, RA 34101, |neyy hullt and repaired, gas linings in "Fr Able elephone RA 3.6448 weleame, 875 monthly, Apply 248 Olive HrouM Roa, Parking! alee have | om . . -- - fn RA 8-0110 apartment, healed, p ¥ ally ONE love pam for two gentlemen, © BH TUCK, BRO, optometrist, Plea alled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti W {TWO male thoroughbred Dachshund | Avenue Dey accounts St dawtiown Dominion mates, RA 32997 ashers and Dryers {puppies for sale, also mother, Tele:| FOUR-room two-bedroom Bungalow. hot | Jracy, one Mock from shopping centre | furni hed, ynele beds, central Tocation Bank or 74 Burk Street, Invalides ex , enter. cupboards phone RA 81875 p " pply 328 Albert Birest A BME C A S H ani ur v FIRET cians carpenter, cuphoards, plus Coin Operated TINT Fendi walter heating, All eonveniences, Rea amined at home. Dial HA 34587, stairways, trim, floor tiles 1aid, il work iw onthe | sonable rent, sult small family, Tele. [TWO furnished rooms with large mod. | gogo 3 + he Rk i lovely furnished room for gentle TO ------------------------ we guaranteed. Telephones RA 8.2838 Dry Cleaning old. Registered and of champion Mook. | Phone RA 5:0340 for more information, (€n kitchen, sink, euphoards, FRRKes, | op Toute home Apply 444 A For any choice clean cor Street Mouth or telephone RA Installed We elure Bb )y i on weken With 2-Year Warramy ACCOMMODATION for (wn elderly Ta | ost bel any time on weekend, [GN Targe unfurnished room, resson ( mpl SALES and SERVICE nails. Boots repaired, painting and varnishing, Motor stor STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN | Brass scraws, - anchor fom 1 at hin chine, | y |Yelephone RA 59034 for further de: [RENT 865, six + room twostorey ex [refriae Ll ole of Watling mag hill Bivd RA 3.7070. Trade up or down 7-=Surveyors ROOMN papered, 88 and up, 1abor Machines hivin h i _ 5. 7 at Or. only, Painting and vepairs, Estimates BS cellent condition, oil heated, available | = : ONE single yoom, good bed, 86 weekly, | M S M " rin La tt En. given free, Can furnished materials af . CHUNUATUA puppies and adull stock, | January 1, 1061, North - East ares, Also| THEE Tree modern wooms and sun |e) gouih End,' convenient to down ACKIE'S MOTORS Retrbgy, 6 Drndgs Set Won, fow prices. RA 5.7297 PHILCO-BENDIX coin oper. [smooth and fong coats. Varley of three - room furnished apartment on room, a, go RA [Lown Suitable for gentioman. RA KING ST, E _VARCOE'S RD Whithy, "Mo 8.5081 Ajax 738 TURN siorake goods into fast oash,| ated launderettes equipped [00 "hh, Shampionship stock. Heister. | Second finery adulis any, JV inontliy basking, sails, Ais RA 5.5743 Advertise them for slle in the fule (VY |ed. Telephone MO 84338, Whithy Fier aul a PR LR dd foi : ] [| | od -- 0 BONE VIN "AND FLEISCHMAN, olan {action Oshawa Times Classified Ads With San REAL big |BEAGLE puppies, 944 months, regis [Wherit. 9A 3.4001. 3 Marka Reali y Mob) BN fous room Apartment nent | 48 Real Estote For Sale h BR RENT | v Call RA 3.3454 no 10 1a } -] ¥ J are deli {tere fle) # § private ae contained Wapping entre re Ara 1] 3 6) ATEe mom house RA | Co ow (0 place your af 3 [tered field trial stock, Ideal Christmas Available, RA [100 ACRER, good soil, six room house, | 30==Articles For Sale five, tadimomn. aE ao oy at frinting, 13 Bloor Btrest East ering full-time profits with git. K, 1. Stephenson, BR 1; Orono, | #Partment, three vonms and hath, street |hamhoo drapes, parkin, ho [Phone 18K 10 level, stove refrigerator supplied, | 34578 ar RA 5.010) all conveniences, good barn, hydro and URET furniture bought and sold: ale hegted, available January 1. Telephones a. spare tim: anagemen | | A 9 ' & vO ant" delat Oniarie Jan FURNACE SALES ib management [POODLEN beautiful white miniature | fre han iH J euphoards, abstain: | GESRHRALLY loonted, twa . hedroam oly ropery. nnd: OF suchange ™ skis and skates wanted. Neighborhood MO 88133 after § pm " Phoue RA 5-686 Complete information on top |Pippies: and grown stoek registered. |. dd apartments electrically equipped Mo S040, , ' Sales Room, RA 8.5836, 108 William FOR SALE 180 only used wooden AND SERVICE | On on tof {Cedar View Kennels RA 58-5062 AJAX, four hedroom home, 8110 month: [and $695 monthly. A, Weinherger Re | Street East | barrels We each Apply Whith ry B locations, valuable help in all ly, stove and refrigerator Mf desired, [tor RA AA145, Cull Mrs, Irene wen 5100 DOWN, new brick hungalow with 1 PER OENT off on ail appliances Malleuble Tron and Brass Company, * 0 Building Trades H. M. Maekie Co, Ltd phases of planning, financing [WEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready For | close to shopping and. schools, Tele: berger RA 37844 large aitached garage, west of Osh (to EER CURE OH 00 Wl APEUAnCos | Brock Street South, Whithy = raim ' p ' ALL pumbing and healing supplies RA 5.5954 and promoting ao Bendix (rund. 14') Elin sont East" Mrs, phone WH 2-404 TWO bedroom apartment on Aimee #8 Golf € lub, One mortgage for bal Tare I wane ie ain HOR RENT or Tor sale: maw" raneh Phone HA 53521, Harold R. Stark equipped Launderette is neem | FIVE room brick bungalow, close to Street North, fully equipped, Telephone tor ' and Eleetrie, 426 Simoeoe. Street South, | sivie bungalow, with garage, sva'lable A A BBT0. South General Motors, newly decorat:| HA 56343 between 0 a.m, and § p.m R 7 GUNB, ammunition and hunting sup. now. Telephone MOhawk 84182 for fume Lid, plumbing, heating and engineer | I ' \ ing, 955 Simons' Street South i on ut or ice availabe from the leading |26----Farmer' Column ed, available January 1 Call RA S479 | \ionp nN three-room, fully furnished [TERE Is gay to beat Living costs | gicl™ ou Sad ily tering 10 per oent | her Information BULLDOZING and excavating, Dial _.¥ abor plus parts LL. coin laundry distributor in GOOD heavy mixed grain, truck Joads|*fter 7 p.m hasement "apartment, private entrance and he : fond 10 work ih dowhtowh, fy down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond DEALER in live poultry and feathors, JO 8-561. Free estimates. Tavior Bro your area |delivered. Telephone Orono 34 KR 12 FOUB~- room bungalow, oll heated, and bath, TV aerial, all conveniences in BLA tars Brent saat) aan Street West, RA 8.6511 {Contuet Jake Parker, MO 8.5644 collet, 3 " y § poup! ) 32005 N | thers, 36 Hillcourt Drive, Whith IF IT'S CONMIERCIA DEAD farm slack pioked up promptiy, (1, 4eTIAL, neat nia" line Available it business couple, Phone RA 3 RRATTIORIE 0 ay Hiren SBOE wih CARKUUPT stock of shildren's" shoes. | FO RENT Bre parti Torninhad KUL types building repairs, roofing, * 3 V RCIAL, {Phone calleot, Hampton, COlax 52781, | NOW. HRA 33044 irlerson CCL THREE - room apartment, heavy duty | 5.8670 Iselling at only 81.09, Name brands, |hedroom: centrally located: available pAvestrough, ehimneys, fireplaces, side § PHILCE 101% Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone for further information wiring, bullt-in suphosrds, near shop: | Savage Waloot, ete. Midtown Furniture immediately, Telephone MO 85-4487 bes IT'S PHILCO-BENDI 111 Broek Street North, Whithy, MO tween 8 and 7 p.m Watks, sioops. RA 8.0384 Gordon May. | RUG and UPHOLSTERY w [FURNISHED house, in excellent cond): [ping centre, private entrance, eontin . " , Y ous hot water, parking. Telephone] PRIVATE « MODERN [#401 PLUMBING and heating pipes, fib a ¢ WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE | 27 ==Fuel & Wood tion, for ahout four months, ofl heat, you ONE = hodroom apartments, in apart Hinks, fixtures, new and used, chang CLEANERS NN & x A very central, ahstainevs, references, (RA 8.3653 | FAINT, Tntorior, exterior, $2.95 Ballon, | ment building. heated, olose to sehoois, KOIN LAUNDRY SALI LTD, [SNOW PLOWING, wood cutting, trees Apply 20 Charles Street TWO - bedroom apartment, in modern Three-bedroom brick bunge All golors, Guaranteed, fat, gloss, Osh: shopping, parking. OLiver 83611, Brooks WE from seplio tank to sewer a spe 3 SNOW PLOWING. wood outtin eer : £iilty, intaliations af reasonable Tales. - 20 College Street Add ale, Telephone NEW home for x nt furniahe a " un Apartment, hullding, _avalanle haw, low, fireplace, paved drive, [Iioet, WA" S000 Kleotrie, § Chureh|lin, for further Information WT furnishes ohildren weloamed Pa I nerip i iH » 10 : ype of plumbing, Dial RA 5.4841, J A clean rug looks better and Toronto, Ontar DRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur: (monthly, Immediate possession. Tele: [5 pom, 101 Craydon Road, Apt. 2 Sloss 2 ne hops 4 Ts hip R ig A ley kh LLL lasts longer Telephone: WA 5 1 naces, sloves fireplaces elo, 85 large (phone MO 8.5004 for further Informa: SEL MENT for rent, sult young | centre, schoo uit years I Fini, Pronser and Bohnelder's fi 3 load delivered, Phone HA 8-0818 tion aouple, completely furnished Telephone | For appointment SAL ihouse Froerer and Schneide riod Be BI Be BB Ww WARD -- _- -- 14 MONTHLY In Brooklin f MO B4610, Whithy Al \ Products of th information. Phone MO #5381 ne obli WELL DIGGING BY ADD A ROOM? 20--Cartage 32-Articles Wanted a bedrooms avy Wh | RA 5-6927 Evenings | peut auolity af the. best |¥stion ji . v | JOHN'S Moving and Storage shawa 8 wanted. Canadian. a | TV outlet, gavage, ahstainers, Va. ug 8 ¥ N J y 1st MACHINE | PANEL A WALL Whithy, Honwnnaiie: rates. Fully hea ON ayn mel, Canadian sliver Soriart cant, OF BAB, TWO BEDROOM prices, fully guaranteed, « | FOR RENT - Jroary i BR n SPECIALIZING IM 30" TILE REPAIRS OR ped ana insured. Phone HA 8-661 RA '5.5307 REASONARLE Tent itn responsible len $395 DOWN Double hung windows only [huiiding), parking, refrigeratar, WHITBY, ONTARIO | REMODELLING . a rt . - - ant, six larie roamett house avaliable APARTMENTS ne ( oll now ¢ 2 ihrer bedroun aw LL Hal ' . + nen anuary 9, moder ro oy + d ¢ } " oe MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 LARGE OR SMALL MOVING? { CASH FOR SCRAP I! [SiN inion. 'Apply 330 Rosedale Drive DETACHED--OIL HEAT yer 4 grim 0 FOR RENT -- Avarimant, Tan, Wi 204 CHESTNUT ST, W { ' ¢ ) € WF BUY Whithy wt loeation. Naw bull ohen, refrigerator and stove, hea OR 320 A A TT TAL RENT A TRUCK «| STEEL, METALS BATTERIES, (numer Tm garipat yan, vam foe Feat, Be Bol $66.00 MONTHLY m-- HAAR HE ldo y " " PAPER, RAGS, Fy refrigerator, wo itis oF Business ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE _ KROOM EQUIPMENT [CLEARANCE Sale: Between now a A on New Year We are cleaving our | {! 11---Business Opportunities | 110 KING ST, OSHAWA Trucks of all size Open A 3 § \ cks of all si pen All Day Saturda couple only, $55 monthly, RA 3.4573 4 SIVENT variner, $10,000 needed fog AJAX REPAIR AND Call TILDEN [| M. GREENBERG & SONS | LLOYD REALTY Don't wait till prices go away Hospital beds, wheel chairs, |gloek ope ow Join generator business, ATlantic 4.1395 CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 45 ] of t v | hubaids , ) - 116 3 KING STREET EAST OD up. A limited number of bun invalid walkers bedsides, television $49 up; oh T i a RINEATMAN wihts lo Purchase - MU ---- RA 5.6553 LTD PAR KWO RA 8-5] 23 galows still left at $12,095 commodes, crutches and [vonassessed bedroom suites, Ik -- aaund business or will consider active 15 Instruction RA 3.7333 308 Bloor § See our models and have one canes, also roll-away beds [New five Fide "lawn Fureien @ artnership. Apply Hox 346, Oshawa t | PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor 21-~Personal Service | MANOR | APARTMENT construgted in your choice of Phone Aid Rentals RA §-1644 11_Rrock Street, North, MO _ #4001, color FULLY furnished apartment, hen 16 years' experience, hy interview anly of 510 PETER PAN Nursery Sohool, ehildre q At now HA 51034 #5 years, Monday to Friday 8.30. to WANTED . APARTMENTS SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND [stove and vervigeratar. ete. in new RUTERATIONS of ail kinds Tor men. SPANISH guitar instruction. A Timited 5:50 from $15 monthly, Contact Sup SCRAP IRON. PO | WE REPEAT ALUMINUM DOORS | | plex, nice location, 508 Colborne We . af alk MEN: | lriher of students will be Accepted ervisar S81 Bimode Street North RA "LR RON, POULTRY p » stove, refrigera | Whliby MO_ 823%, © women and children. Formal dresses, | ' ) | . Five rooms, stove 0 One NH. A, mortgage carries AND WINDOWS 2 Teveruibie skirts a specialty. RA 3aiwe, (0 Private individual ineirugtion Heat: &3604 | AND FEATHER TICKS ON * tor, parking: adults TE Of roarange 0 [NETIC Tanke cleaned the sanilary way, BEVERSIRLE skirt ty, Minor V > , | ) 2 ; : x new tanks installed, Walt " w= MEVERRIRLE skirts » specialty, Mino LILLIAN. Mae 'Marsh, dance edueator TRY OUR | TURNER SAGUENAY AVENUE | $100 MONTHLY 'WE REPEAT We Sell the Best [Chostaut West. Phone MO 83883, dren's RA 5341, commer of Elmgrove (LCF MIC QATEL LE, hata 4 BAR.B-QUED CHICKEN | RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 ond Repair the Rest HOLIDAY Special open 84 hours, Let yenue, Park Road South Saturday. Masonite Temple. HA 37250 Chick oy hai" ch | teallant} | (PARK RD. & KING ST RA 5 3302 These bungalows are detach Replacing Glass, Screens, ete ue te the dey ine Sitch ol UH wrve Weken plate a chicken Calin [ - ha Whey . ¢ [HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY --Rafo DISTRICT) \ ad with private drives i DRESSMAKER {Tam Maval Academy. Bait Hugh | Ih french fries, fish and | SHAW | WE REPEAT FOR FAST EFFICIENT ARTF 0 Sent uiidiag \ {land Register now, 484 King West. RA| chips, hamburgs, hot G » Oui esidential street E Hh 4 ng, AND FURRIER fii ik shoke AUTO WRECKING CO niki BAAAL BUCKINGHAM Nee Wa SERVICE | sa waniui aban Seoiper liga svat ERN GF Wan q wreckiy 1 frigs, TV. outlet \ 'ese homes are oll heate " X ; . Alterations, remodeling LEARN HAIRDRESSING MODERN GRILL nts cars | wrecking ¢ io utle MANOR SX roo: Bhd: deearated He JIM ELLIOTT FOR WPNY Furnished room vith private . : a% Parts for sale, al rap ron drapes, parking, el AR < 22 ROWE S71 Women. wanted. greatest wi DELIVER - | AS38087 | CHI at stle ol sen , jean i" Rants fran 300" monthiv : APARTMENTS | oll Se wers Yehools shop RA 3.2866 Call MO A A207 PHONE RA 8 6706 opportunity, better pay, plea 22--TV . Radio Repairs wurday all day. Phone PHONE bedroom Apartments, elec ping at vour ¢ op = wl IN WINE months during mild apelin, sant work catalogue free RA 5.2 31 1 89 BLOOR E RA 5.7272 RA 5.5787 | trically equipped, best loca AND . {auiside work oan _be a ne RJ skit Write: Marvel Hairdressing | TVy radio, "ar radia repairs. Al h -- Hon $100 Apply 498 Variety of 15" car wheels |i," PPR by sing. oavestion he 13---Gardening & Su lies | p rR ren makes Thompson Eleolronios, 147 Bl mmm limeae. St. Marth. Apt 15; | =U 9 PPUOS | Schools. Branches, Hamilton, lio HY | gimeos i $395 IS THE FULL $3 each, also body solder [{F, Ani nauiatan "Phil. Harper, Avenue : (Fred) 35--Employment Wanted RA B.BA&76 Ottawa. "Canada ation | | 84-8676 AURGIRA SAND & | awe Io's National | DID YOU SEE OUR MIDDLEAGER couple desire position NEW STORE DOWN PAYMENT | and plastic solder FOR WENT =~ Lavie two rom snark -- 14 A's CAretukor, general oleaning, mails | | (ment, with sun room, grown oor Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, | 16=--Insuranes NEW ALL GALVANIZED [Sinmiod ha su or eferenoes) FOR RENT ONE MONTH SHAW AUTO WRECKING (Rie; Ant tvs, Self santana. Phone | | BREE nciiai sai RARE Le col bh ry i> | Telephone RA 4.3814 SREB FRR basta bn b supplied. BHA 8 2400 Road Gravel, Pit Run ry ae HEC ag rg - ----- p-- | . . | > ] 89 BLOOR EAST -- VALLEY FARM RD ei he uitntey ave 36--Female Help Wanted An ut: 1,300 square test FREE RENT RA 5-883 y " FOR RENT -- Box, bial and pe S ample parking. 2 imeon Ne RA 5.2311 nal servies al Ar heme, oa COMPETENT housekeeper to lake StS. Phone RA 8.1296 W. T. LAMION REAL ESTATE : cabin trailers, chain saws, Phone Mobile Operat HA 5.0413 lote harge {how NG wo room yritmen 3 an H ) | v 7 ences ---- TOWERS FEAT RT Ha i FR AA oom apartments. $83 and Ln SEE HOME APPLIANCES E KIL saws, coment mixers, | lern one and twe bed ry TEmple 9 24) 17--Money to Loan na Awhile mother works | up, best location Telephone paint prayers shotguns, telephone RA 3236 after 7 fm | 47---Aufomobiles For Sal g pert workm HOUSEREE REN requived for famil OFFICE ¢ SPACE RA 8- 8676 hd Sale QSHAWA LTD rifles et Al . four SE monthly. Phone OLiver WM FORD Fairlane 800, automatie, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH ABER , " vadio, in lmmaculate condition inside WILDE REM] Al ervice and Sales | SNOW REMOVAL hone 10 Ei rte (Soe) FOR RENT (700 yy gy BEES Toil) FOR FRGIDAKE | uty Sonim 0 Employ Expert \ iy of Hye ivate room, TV Passenge " AN | 1ke Servic thin ree, Vibe" amu Shaver | npn elec sevice | La a Lakh ante dt] | Domestic and Commerc! | HELP' US vous [Sw ww) (0d os | FREE RENT Eesti TRASG32 | HELE Goer SIDEWALKS CLEANED istomers' homes on) FAST SERVICE far oeal retail urn vailable . ' mortgages or all types of real i ave Only two one-bedroom suites BUYING OR SELLING SEE STORM WINDOWS | We need children's clothing, toys, stoves, beds, shoes, fur | hantgeges an off ype of sel TRIO : ATR 81H | n'a modem, spotiessly kept DOORS, CABINETS OSHAWA HOME shart for | Hi Oahawa Tes THE TIMES apartment building Cen. TED CAMPIN i ; % h | mitre gages, for first ond second | Monies tor all types of mort | art term A nd ot b 2 " SALES) AIRY required for permanent hall alec aleonies ! IT Nn LANDSCAPING | hers ft ond Jecend | TELEVISION [i Snedilihe "wie BUILDING ad Sere MOTORS et de sou of REET. 8 for sale puichased. Al | 17] BOND ST, EAST |Dinaus Sharing cont Lodi 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA JERMYN'S SALVATION ARMY M. Swartz, 26%4 King Street SUCCESSFUL businesses have heen Contact TL WILSON RA 8-6366 East, Oshawa. Telephone RA i bill on ihe strength of inexpensive 4 i Oust Bost of Wilson Rood Woodworking Shop WELFARE STORE 3.4697, RA 8-678] Ae in wv tl Phone RA 3-3474 | RA 3.4494 Res. 5.5574 Phone MO 8 Rg, 8.389% MO 8-8002 iplace your ad in this well read medium, |

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