New M iracle Story Found NEW YORK (AP)--A copy of an ancient letter thet ascribes a new gospel to Bt, Mark-the nar ization. of 8 miracle absent in ithe present gospel of St, Mark was disclosed Thursday night Dr. Morton Smith, associate iprofessor of history st Columbia (University, presented the letter at 8 meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and Vxegesis | He said he found the letter two years ago while studying ancient manuseripls at the monastery of iMar Saba near Jerusalem | Dr. Smith slso presented evi dence which he said indicates the letter was originally written by as having heen wrilien by Clem ent, opinions about the teachings of Jesus and the origin and char: acter of the gospels probably will § have to be reconsidered, Jobs Depend | On Coal Company | HALIFAX (CP)--C. A. Patter. son of Montreal, public relations manager for Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, says 95000 Nova Scotia enal miners will lose their jobs if Dominion Cosl Com. Clement of Alexandria, an author pany goes bankrupt opersting lwho wrote between 120 and 202 non-profitable Cape Breton coal IAD ines, | {| He generally is considered to. Mr, Patterson says in a letter! {have either created or 181d the published in The Chronicle-Her-! {foundation of Christian theology. sid Thursday that if three A $I6000000 order for 24 DHC-4 Caribou aircraft for the United States Army was #an Bowmanville Shamrocks Top Trenton Flyers, 4 To 3 By PETER GROEN Bowmanville Shamrocks in creased their first place lead by defeating the Trenton Fiyers 4 in 8 io a fast but loosely played game Wednesday night #t the Bowmanville Memorial Arens with Trenton taking seven of the 10 penalties The Shamrocks took an esrly lead with a goal scored in the first minutes of play by Ted Fairy, assisted by B, Cowle Poor team play and passing was displayed for the next 10 minules A break for the Shamrocks was thelr second gosl scored by Boh Majjerison on a pass from B Welsh. Hank Lane dumped in the third goal, Trenton being shor handed with Killan off for trip opening minutes $16 MILLION ORDER FROM U.S. pounced in Toronto Thursday | the total number ordered since the first planes were sccepled for evaluation in 1959, The Cari by de Havilland Aircraft of Can ads. The order increases to Hl ping, Assist on the third goal was credited 'to Ray Preston Two mioute pensities were given to B, Fairy of the Sham: rocks and B. Shaw of Trenton at 15.05 for slashing, This was the only display of temper in the game In the last minutes of the first period Trenton's Bob Bhaw on an assist from Killan snd Strinar scored ending the period 31 for Bowmanville Trenton came right back in the of the second with a goal scored b, with Killan assisting 3.12 mark Bob Sheridan the Shamrocks' final gon! assisted by 1, Hamilton and D, Masters period Shaw Al the scored SLOW DOWN Bowmanville Both teams slowed down in Lhe last of the second period with Le grande moved from the game for To Celebrate ference, misconduct and of the Flyers being re inter: game misconduct The New Year | BOWMANVILLE (Stafh Service clubs and the Flying Dutehman Motor Hotel of Bow manville are preparing for the final hours of the old year and the ushering in of the new in the traditional "Old Lang Syne' fes tive merry-making, The Badminton Club New Year's Kve party will be limited this year to 120 couples, Mrs Fred 8, Cole reports, Those at tending will dance to music of the Swing Masters Orchestra from Ajax. Favors and nolsemak ers for all with a turkey dinner to be served at midnight 4 The Canadian Legion's dance will feature the dance musie by Ried Virtues' Orchestra, nolse. makers, spot dances, prizes; hats and favors along with a turkey lunch ! Abby Darch and his Toronto Orchestra will lead the dancers through their steps at the annual Lions Centre party, A. buffet lupeh will be prepared for the merry-makers along with a good supply of noise-makers and bal loons "The most" In dine and dance will he that. of the Flying Dutch. man Motor Hotel, Eaton's of Toronto are to decorate the Motel as specially planned fore this program | The melodious music of Cliffe Lockers' "Toronto Orchestra, Alex Ried on the plano in an excep: tional comic act and the ultimate) in buffet will he remembered hylof Kalyan, a teeming township| Since independence, the two coun fence Command, the United Na to/ocoupled by Hindu refugees from tries have heen spending largetions and Ctnada 4 public | amounts to rehabilitate the tribes.| It sald deliveries of the CFJo4 blue-hatted UN troops those attending for come months alt" FIVE G A holiday reunion at a home | in Hyde Park. outside London, | Ont, hrought together five gen erations of the same family Leftdoright are, Mrs, Charles | End of the second period saw he Shamrocks leading 4-2 At 1,17 of the final period Tren. tons' Bisson on an assist Indian Priests Kidnappers? BOMBAY (CP) India's holy men have become the target of a whispering campaigh accusing them of being child-kidnappers The campaign has resulted in the killing in public of a beggar suspected to have attempted to kidnap a child A howling mob of 2,000 gath ered outside a police post in a suburb of Bombay where a lone constable was guarding a man arrested earlier on a charge of "ehild-lifting,"! He was dragged out and heaten to death It is not known whether the man was really a kidnapper or just an innocent beggar, The like lthood ia that he was just a vie tim of mob hysteria Bombay and its suburbs re cently have been in the grip of kidnapping rumors, Police say no actual case of kidnapping had come to their attention but sen sational reports splashed across evening newspapers have wor ried many parents Three holy men of the suburb Pakistan, were given a -a ENERATIONS TOGETHER | seated, Mis Satchell, of St. Mary's, great great grandmother; ( Satchel! Fort Erie great grandfather; Clifford Satchell, Hyde Park, grandfather, and, | The lef ter incorporates the doomed Cape Breton pits remain bou is a troop transport and cargo plane specifically design ed for short takeoff fields Crop And Soil story of Jesus' raising Lazarus (from the dead and atiributes the account to Bt Mark HAS NEW WITNESS Previously the gospel accord. ing to 8$t. John has been the only one of the four gospels fo in corporate the story of Lazarus, A new witness (o the miracle, Sa lome, also is Introduced in the fetter In the Bi New Testament Mark gospel of the Salome watches the Crucifixion "afar off" with other women and shares the task of announcing Jesus alter his death in operation "it would not be & question of 2.500 men losing their jobs but 91000 men." The three closures, scheduled) for next year, will displace about 2.500 miners, Mr, Patterson says his latter is intended to give the reasons for the closures, sought in several letters to the newspa- per recently "The sad pari of this stoty is that the company has little choice in this grave matier, It cannot swim against the tide." | BAND BRAND LONDON (CP) from| A sad thought has occurred lo musicians of the | third US. Air Force Band In Britain, With the appointment of } Robert 8. McNamera as US defence secretary, they are doomed to be known ss "Me. Namera's band." } Dr. Smith said the letler pre sumably is a 17th or 18th' cen fury copy and hand-written on the hack of pages on 8 Duich Body To Hold Annual Meet nie one The Durham County Boil and| The teacher said that if the let Crop Improvement Association ter receives scholarly acceptance annual meeting to be held in thel~ In a final attempt lo sCOFe, gi" youn's Parish Hall in Bow Trenton pulled their goslie but| on iiie on Thursday, Jan, 12 were unable to pass the Bowman:| should he of interest to all live ville's blue line stock farmers as well as the cash Vinal score being Shamrocks 4 crop growers of Durham County Flyers 3 y The directors have arranged for Referee Ivan Locke; Linesman,'a free lunch of sandwiches, Ab Barnes doughnuts and coffee for all who TRENTON LINEUP Goal,' attend the day's program den, Gavelle and Bisson; for The program will start st 10.00 ward: Collins, Gronden, Strinar, a.m, with a short safety film as Dickason, Shaw, Chaluk, Killan well as a film on alfalfa growing, | Clark and Bt, Plerre planned to complete the} BOWMANVILLE day's program by 3.30 pm Al goal, Vanstone; defence nominating eommitiee will pre-| Cowle, Pollard and ent their hut business ] . will be ke minimum, Mim forward: 71 Fairy f / " eographed reporie of the year's Lane, Masters, program will be available at the fon, Majjerison, { Welsh door am elsn v Ken Fallis from the Field Crops Penalties first period: Kil y 4 "x " Branch in Toronto will discuss lan (tripping), B, Fairy and Shaw (ye subject "What's New In (slashing) Chemical Weed Conirol for 1961" Penalties, second period: Shaw This feature will be presented (tripping), T. Falpy and Collins| during the morning's program Canadian Press Staff Writer [in the local press which once (charging), legrgnde (interfer D. L. Parks, field crops special] LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) Can- "'promoted" him to "General" in ence, misconductdand game, mis ist from the Kemptville Agricul: ada is performing a vital job for a news story conduct) tural School will be guest speakeriihe United Nations in The Congo, Other Canadians, in small Penalties, third period: Collins! during the afternoon, He will dis- and from all accounts is doing ways, have succeeded in winning (tripping and hoarding), Ray cuss "Forage Crops for 1061"|{ well over a few Congolese, Preston (interference) with special reference to hay and| The bulk of the Canadian con.) One is Cpl, Hans M, Breiter, 30, pasture management and the (pibution is a 250-man suitability of newer varieties of unit whose task is to pass mes. born hygiene assistant in the grass and clovers Isages, some In code, between Royal Canadian Army Medical Prizes will be presented to they aonoldville hes d quarters and Corps who is stationed at Gem. winners in the pasture competl- seven regional UN offices tion as well as the top farmers| rhe 57 Canadian Signals Unit/ince is Gavelle and Dickason, scored Lhe lust gos! of the game Que., generally regarded as the |only UN officer who has the ear ind trust of Col, Joseph Mobutu The Congo's current boss CALL HIM PAPA The Congolese call him "Papa Berthiaume," a nickname he en courages, especially in his pri vate visits to the African quarter where he keeps in touch with opinion His standing as a trusted UN By BERNARD DUFRESNE - [officer has not gone unrecognized gnallers in The Congo work directly for the United Nation their pre ence has little direct effect on the Congolese. In this story Bernard Dufresne, Canadian Press reporter just back in Canada -after being in The Congo since mid-August de scribes their duties and living conditions and their contact | with the native people Canada LINEUP Preston Ric B Sherdan, Lyle, renn Hamil Crossey It han.|with more thatched huts than nor modern houses and where a sig- detachment This situation results from clr- stant vigilance against the threat but! the conclusion of the day's pro-|.umstance and design of tropical disease, So far, Jan! gram The available Canadian man. one has been affected, competition and elvilian. authorities Special attendance prizes of ios no Congolese traffic, the newer varieties of ClOvers goes it train Congolese signallers, nals thrashing by local ruftians, They! and grasses will be drawn for al protested thelr innocence could not speak the local guage and be com: {n intense heat and humidity, is|giving first a big country and the unit could|the town fol So more without reduced ef- 'PRACTICALLY GOD* een "He's the best kind of ambas. HOLY MEN ANGERED ly at 1000 am The slaying of the beggur an pleted by 3.30 p.m gered th Bharat Sadhu Sama) (Association f India's Holy Men) N S b * unnecessarily blamed for kidnap. ew u marin | In addition, UN policy, to which sdor we: vould AVE th " pings and quoted police and gov. Canada adheres closely, prohibits €or A ¢ Soll Jy : Wb § ore, erament repos o "wow" but [Attack Method [imisieral wv s tance to moe iid 2, fice ube, Ml Sem stories of kidnappings have heen Congo from member countries, |=" 8 pri y G 0 the It's quite a sight to Swami Sambuddhananda, one and techniques are evolving tobe channelled impersonally . of India's front-rank religlous improve the air force's anti-sub. through the UN and iis spocial- on hia kue After treating them leaders, sald that "'nothing can|marine capability, the RCAF ized agencies he more outragecus than to Ing; Ti ny sar-end re a ' Bo ald Thursday in a year-end 71 UN HANDLES MONEY dents, real or imaginary," Hel He said considerable research | sald criminals sometimes donned was done during the year on de. government pai $0100 into A Red Cross team of three the saffron robes of holy men to|tection and destruction of sub |sheial § Noa Ly fo. factors yepresen] he, ouly Cana | slude the police the arrest Yelive f 939 Argus The UN decides dian medical assistance, Six| slude the police aid the arrest of marines, Delivery -o FEU toward job-producingtothers who arrived Aug. 1 for a! N 3 a" 5 | had given a false Impression Air Command was completed, (public works or helps roe He three-month : about the whole community The RCAF said it flew hun. high operating costs o Canada in the fall Kidnapping In India and Pakis- dreds of thousands of miles in here ele now. noting anadian representation fig tan was practised in the past bylcarrving out commitments to The Congolese Kno¥ ures in civil aviation, but only] the whole, they make no distine. {tional Civil Aviation Organization tion between Canadians and other mission happens to he a Cana dian, Jean So far, Canada has done little Montreal, | which said holy men are being Congolese + ed, Tr sw syste y olley, all ald must exaggerated OTTAWA (CP)--New systems Under this pol ! watch him bounce black babies volve sadhus in kidnapping incl vie ofits 1960 activities ping view of For example, the Canadianidone little for The Congo. a number of thieves in such garb|sub-hunting planes to Maritime MONEY goes tour returned to some backward tribes of gypsies, NATO, North American Alr De. about Canada and don't care. On hecause the chief of the Interna. | Fournier has prepared plans tn {low level Jet bomber to the alr! . division In Europe are scheduled to try to make itself known here, {to begin in late 1061 apart from social contacts indi. start | Siting was completed for five vidual Canadians have with thelfor Congolese radio technicians heavy radar units on the Prair.|Congolese. They, however, are and air traffic controllers, airport | {ies and sites were established for good a m b a s sadors, especially jobs now held by a few Euro {nearly all the 45 gapfiller ra.|with the 60.0dd Congolese who|peans, Americans and Canadians, | !dars so that consiruction can be. work 'around the Canadian camp| Apart from the effects of polit. | \ 1 gain next spring, Contracts were as cleaners, houseboys, Kitchen|ical and military ups-and-downs| RT {let for construction of heavy ra. help, waiters and agsistant cooks, in the steamy Congo, morale of | Bd dars al Moosonee, Ont., and Chi-/These Congolese appear intensely the Canadian troops Is generally Lamp ll DOURAMAU, Que loyal to their new bosses, It's a good, Morale usually dips after| | Construct | on progressed on loyalty bred of kindness such as such incidents as the beatings of | bases for the Bomare anti-a ¢- [holding a Christmas party for the Canadians by Congo troops last craft missile at North Bay, andiihildren of Congolese workers, or August or the Tunisian-Congolese La Macaza, Que, and started o nding flowers to the funeral of battle al the Ghanaian embassy the SAGE electronic system alfa relative Nov 21.22, when the Canadian North Bay, The SAGE systen | Apart from the signallers officers mess was caught in the will overcome the current neces:|ihere are a few small Canadian!!ine of fire sty for manual operation of ra-lslements in the UN organization GRIPE ABOUT PAY L | | / / ars POLICE IN CAPITAL At such Times the desire to ry SEE A group of 10 Canadian Pro. leave the country becomes more Renewed Attack a Canadians Pert Vital Congo Task signals of Oromocto, N.B,, a German-| {the outposts | capital Paul Fournier -of| On detachments, the smaller orders from a superior, and that| {boards were banned from central | ESCAPED FIERY DEATH Abel Voshurgh, whose wile and 11 children died in a fire at Noyan, Que,, Thursday, is seen here with his 11-year-old | orming The biggest gripe is about the Canadian government's delay in {announcing a generally-expected {special allowance for service In I'he Congo I'he signallers have been here since mid . August without any sign when the allowance will be {announced or how much it will be. Apart from their pay and minimum foreign service allow. ance of $0 a month, the Cana. dians are pald 65 francs ($1.30) a day by the UN. Because UN civilians get an al. lowance of $20 a day, plus their regular phy, and the headquar. ters' military staff get a UN (allowance of $12 a day, the 65. francs-a day "poor relations." Canadians serving with the UN Emergency Force in Egypt re ceive a special Canadian allow. troops feel like ena, in northern Equator prov. ance of $30 a month, It is under. REVENGE SCORNED {stood the recommendation to the in the soil and land use Judging | works strictly for the UN military| Gemena is a small bush town government from the Army is for young lawyer in Jerusalem when where it has been lying for years more than that, After a rough start In August requires con-| and September, rations served to the destruction of European {the Canadians are improving and |Ve¥TY. n0/more plentiful but there is not! ; e ¢ {as much variety as in messes jn|in Poland had perished in th The program will start prompt power, working for the most part| To keep busy, Breiter has been|Canada, R ald and practical |the UN. taxed to the limit, The Congo Is nursing care lo the Congolese in| ations are supplied by MAN SEVEN OUTPOSTS The signallers man their equip. ment 24 hours a day here and in the port of Matadi; Coquilhatville and Gemena in Equator; Stanley ville in Ori. ental; Luluabourg in Kasai; and |Kamina and Elizabethville in Ka |tanga, Gemena is scheduled to close shortly, to be replaced hy {another detachment in Albertville, ent asked Hausner. Outside the scope of the UN,|in Kivu Canadians, as individuals, have| Outside their work, the Cana. |dians in Leopoldville have little geance," he replied. "It is not {to do: a movie three nights; an even a matter of punishment, for afternoon swim 'when off duty; a bit of outdoor sport such as tennis; an occasional afternoon or evening on pass downtown They live comfortably, one to # cubicle in the boarding wings of a large private school in the best residential district of the groups of eight to 10 men usu. ally occupy a villa or apart. tional facilities than here The absence of any UN policy | or facilities for leave is probably the major factor in the Canadian government's decision to limit the Congo tour of duty to six months, Instead of a year as originally planned, Rotation is to start In January, | but some troops will not leave] until about April, | BROKE BYLAWS [ LONDON (CP)-Eighty Father Christmasses with sandwich south of Montreal. The father suffered burns son Allan. The boy was one of four children not at home when an exploding stove sent flames through their tiny home 35 miles ~-CP Wirephoto No Witnesses Against Butcher' JERUSALEM (Reuters) -- The asserted, "but the whole picture chief prosecutor in the ecaselof Nazi crimes against the Jews against Adolf Eichmann leaned|will have to be submitted as the forward over his desk and sald background for his deeds." slowly: "The evidence we pro-| yor weeks, the stooping pris- pose fo submit will be mainly oner with the frozen expression documentary--piles and piles of hag been husy in his cell writing official records, letters, direc-\his memoirs tives, written testimony, affida Last May, when capiured in 'What Argentina by Jewish volunteers, Hausner?" Eichmam hive ped 3 dost piv ment in which he sa e 'wi : Ghosts of the millions assed do all possible to express with: and butchered cannot be called to the witness stand," he an. out adornment the facts of my swered drily last Juams of servite in Getany Gideon Hausner, lsrael's 45.0 order thal a frue picture ol year-old attorney-general, will|!he facts be transmitled to future lead the prosecution at the forth generations coming war crimes trial of Ober.| Hundreds of pages since have sturmbannfuhrer Adolf Eich. come from Eichmann's pen. |mann, 54-year-old former head] Wil they figure among the of the Bureau IV Ad, entrusted by prosecution's exhibits during the | Hitler and Himmler with the task trial? of implementing th "final solu-| Hausner keeps his own coun- tion of the Jewish problem." sel about such matters, although {he did say that most of the vi dence which he will submit has struggling heen dug out from archives about witnesses, Mr | Hausner was a the Nazi 88 officer was appointed | gathering dust, The news that all his relatives) e in 1042 to direct and supervise | Couple Charged death camps of Eastern Europe| [reached the Jerusalem awyer| I Holdup the destruction of European] Jewry, LONDON, Ont. (CP)=Two men and a woman -appeared in court | The news that all his relatives in Poland had perished in the iy, cqay charged with the armed holdup of a London drug store death camps of Eastern Europe reached the Jerusalem lawyer |r asday night Gordon Alvin Ross, 38, for. | after the end of the Second World [War you not a feeling of merly of Hazel Park, Mich.; Gore sweet revenge in ° prosecuting|don Alfred Davis, 33, alias Harry |Adolf Eichmann?" a correspond.|Carter, allas Gordon Moore, of | n : |8imcoe, and Mrs, Irene Isobelle |Caverley, 37, alias Irene Isobelle (Cole, of Simcoe, were arrested in |Cayuga Wednesday, They were remanded fo Jan, §, The lawyer sat up, surprised. "There is no question of ven. {what conceivable penalty could" The 1045 (rials of Nauzi war criminals in Nuernberg, in his genocide are accountable for| Science now knows the cause their deeds even if they acted on of most headaches! January meet the case?" PRECEDENT CITED » You Can DoSomething view, established the concept that perpetrators of crimes of About Headaches! | Reader's Digest tells why cure punishment should be meted out| for acts contrary to morality, re.| 18 possible in practically every in 1901 a training program ments, They have fewer recrea-|gardless of the law that had pre. case without the use of drugs!. .. vailed. In other words, the de. Tells how you may be able to fence of having "obeyed orders" | get relief by using four simple was made invalid. | rules, Get your Reader's Digest "The prosecution's case against| yoday |, , 35 articles of lasting Eichmann will deal with crimes of which he is accused as an in: interest including two full-length dividual," the attorney-general Dook-condensations, COMMENCING TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 London streets because they were breaking two little-known bylaws ~using fancy dress for advertis. ing and carrying oversize hoards vost Corps police is kept busy in|acute : { On Trading Stamps Leopoldville investigating auto - accidents, thefts and other incl. | dents involving UN personne! | EDMONTON (CP) -- The Al berta government has made a new attempt to prevent the is The key men in UN air opera. | tions are from the RCAF, but| suance of trading stamps in the province, Travellin here again the job is limited to] g An ordersin-council, effective UN movements of troops and supplies, Only occasionally, un.| der special circumstances, does| WH y N Thursday, was assed by the the UN fly Congo troops and cabinet Wednesday prohibiting|supplies. f the offering of gifts, premiums, At the start of operations Can-| and services to a customer injada offered six Caribou aireraft| order to further sales, with crews; hut because Canada| The order - in - council was wanted to retain control of these assed under a provision in thelaireraft. the UN sald no. The UN ndustry and Development Act.|insists on control of all national It is the first time since 1934 that/contributions a general code covering all busi:| Even the twice-weekly RCAF | {nesses has been implemented, [North Star supply flights from | The new general code is de./Trenton, Ont, to Leopoldville signed to clarify a ruling of anjcome under UN command once Edmonton magistrate who saidi{the planes land at Pisa, Italy, a the powers of the minister to/refuelling point and UN staging limit or control trading stamps area, ! are not complele under the li] There are eight Canadian army | consing of trades and businesses. officers on the UN Headquarters | + Wh _-- staff here and all but one have URANIUM MINE {duties dealing almost wholly with The carefully guarded Shinko \'N matters and generally out of lobwe mine in the Congo province direct touch with the Congolese of Katanga is one of the largest! The exception is Lt.-Col Jean (CP Wirephote) {producers of uranium, |Berthiaume of St. Hyaciothe, | / | hy any form of travel . Wa have & direct Torente telephone Edward Komeka, Clifford's with her son, Kenneth Waugh daughter a For information regarding | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SWMCOFE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA Owned and operated by Thomas Meadow and Co, Canede Lid Overseas | OT FLY | The modern way to travel is by air.' | I | +» DIAL RA 3-944] line tor prompt Airline Reservations DIAL RA 3.944) ENQUIRY CLASSES on THE TEACHING OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH for CATHOLICS AND NON-CATHOLICS TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS at 8:00 P.M. HOLY CROSS SCHOOL 359 SIMCOE ST. S. For Further Information Call REV. M. A, BERIAULT RA 5.1908