THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 30, 1960 vy Him. In Paris where he was studying | his bride, the former Martha metallurgy and she was a sing- | Hees, leave Church of St, Ed ing student, ward, King and Martyr, follow- groom, Canadian engineer Jo- seph Coyle, 26, leave Brompton Oratory, London, after their wedding Wednesday, They met Yama Saki, 21-year-old Jap- snese-born star of the London West End musical, "Flower Drum Bong", and her bride MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Son At College Has Trouble | With A Hostile Roommate language; that they get on each other's nerves and that this is a needless and avoidable waste of| time and energy when the same time and energy might be profit-| ably spent in more congenial company, Let the parents talk frankly to By ELEANOR ROSS Bill about their inquiries and the| Moving can be a mighty costly school head's response, Then let] * Wid : him decide whether he wants to| Proposition in terms of time DEAR MARY HAWORTH: Bill out his own problem? E, K ask for a change or have his par-\money and nerves, And with Is a freshman in college, He has DEAR E, K.: I see no good rea: ents pull the string, Either way|husiness constantly expanding, it been subject to asthmatic at-|son why Bill should punish him-|i." okay The important thing is]... that there ways tacks since early childhood, His|self trying to share close quarters that Bill shouldn't perpetuate | © ms tha ere are Away diet is severely restricted and he| with a fellow student who plainly pointless long suffering, M, H [families who have to pull up has lost a year's schooling due) dislikes him, when he can get a Mary Haworth counsel s|stakes and settle in another com to this illness new deal for the asking | through her column, not by mail| munity, He Is a Protestant and goes to] Your recital, here condensed, pr personal interview, Write her| With advance planning, the a church-supported school of his, makes abundantly clear that the in care of (name of newspaper),| wear and tear of both person and denomination in the midwest, He| New Yorker--let's Sail him Abe shares a dorm room with two|~isn't trying to get along wit other students of quite different Bill, On the contrary, he is de-| KEEP IN TRIM faiths, one from New York, the|liberately giving Bill a hard time, | other from Philadelphia, using disputation as opportunity Bill is greatly distressed by the|to personally sneer at and reject : : New Yorker's heckling, 1f' Bill him~in the spirit of spitting con How To igure alories says one thing, the New Yorker|tempt at a sycophant, says another, just for the sake of| As you say, Bill poi Ane dave » argument, Bill describes him as/no common ground, Abe belongs F hed I Al h | B a typical New York playboy, alto the school of thought which urnis Il Co 0 everage good gambler and a racing fan{respects ruthless, self - serving and a sloppy roommate, He has| competence as the dominant By IDA JEAN KAIN place of food, The dieter there seriously damaged Bill's hi-fi set.| character trait, His code of honor| As the old year slips beyond fore has this cholce--a cocktail It is only Bill's pride that keeps| requires an eye for an eye and a/time's horizon, it's the merry or dessert , , , not both him from asking for a change of tooth for a tooth, From his view: custom to drink a toast to the An easy way to remember the room (or roommate, He would point, turning the other cheek|New Year, And that brings to calories is to figure that one like to believe he can get along| when slapped is either pure corn, mind another source of calories ounce of 100 proof liquor fur With anybody and is trying tolas an ideology, or belly-crawling|, , , those furnished In alcoholic|nishes 100 calories: and one practise the Christian precept of weakness it put into practice, | beverages. ounce of 86 proof liquor furnishes "turning the other cheek", HUMILITY NOBLER | There seems to be some con-|86 calories, The calorie count of PARENTAL DILEMMA You say Bill's pride stands in|fusion regarding the behavior of mixed drinks varies with the The meaning of the Holy Trin-{the way of his asking for a|these potent calories, As one ingredients, An eggnog contains ity, from the Protestant view, change of room or roommate, reader queried logically enough, 250 calories for four ounces; a was the subject of one dispute| Well, this is false pride, because | How can alcohol calories be Manhattan, 160 calories; dry and when Bill's explanation didn't if he can't turn the other cheek|fattening . , , since they burn martini, 135; the count on cor satisfy the New Yorker, Bill without becoming a wreck in do-|right up?" dials, 1 ounce, varies from 75 to made an appointment with the|ing so, he just isn't ready to take| It's true, alcohol calories are 110, Beer, 12 ounce boltle, fur school chaplain, who met with|that size cross upon himself, And|quickly burned up. The body nishes 150 calories both boys to expound it the essence of real Christian burns them to get rid of them, All conviviality calories must Bill's parents are deeply con. character in those circumstances Nonetheless, alcohol is a poten./be figured in the grand total, cerned, They have talked with !8 to have the true humility to(tial weight maker, In case this the proper school authorities, realize one's limitations and pro-|sounds a bit contradictory, here's without Bill's knowledge, apd the| ceed Jccordiagly, Th oF e's 20 the explanation: headmaster has said that he will[Christian virtue in professing to n y 3 change Bill's room on request,|De more saintly than one is diol am loud behave qulle But the dilemma is--shoulti they| That's pious humbug, [too, With food, what you burn Is| (the parents) go ahead and ask| So my advice to Bill Is to face determined by activity, Not sol for the change without telling) the fact that he and Abe clash;|with alcohol , , | you burn it off| Bu; or leave it to Bill to work'that they don't talk the Same at a steady rate of seven cal. ories per gram, There Is no| control over the burning, so to! speak, | The paradox of alcohol calor. {les is that they cannot be stored| {as fat, but can add to poundage| |nonetheless, It might seem that| {since alcohol .calories cannot be| stored, they could make no fat,| But the catch is that while al.| cohol calories are burned, the food calories which would other. wise have been used to furnish| energy are spared, so they are! stored as fat, Of course, it's well known that a beforedinner cocktail stimu. lates the appetite , , . and calorie caution is generally abandoned, But just to keep the record straight, it's the total calorie score that counts, When alco. holic beverages plus food boosts the total calories beyond one's {energy requirements, the result IIs added weight, | One the calorie score, alcohol | counts the same as food---hbut| {there the similarity ends, Alcohol is completely devoid of the es. sential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, In short, alcohol cannot be used safely in AULD LANG SYNE As the clock strikes 12 and the man with the scythe takes his leave -- toast the diapered new: | comer with this welcoming Tom and Jerry, Beat 3 eggs and % cup of confectioner's sugar until very thick. Heat 5 cups of Cana. dian sweet Sherry and 2% cups {of water to simmering, Pre-heat mugs or cups with very hot water, Place 3 tablespoons egg- sugar mixture in each mug and add 3% cup of Whe heated Sherry { mixture, Stir well and dust with | nutmeg. (About 10 servings.) | FACTS OF LIFE HATFIELD, England (CP)! Girls and boys of 13 and 14 who WEDDING PRINCIPALS Mrs Roka of Bowmanville and the are members of a youth club in/ this Hertfordshire town are to be shown a 'facts of life" film, The dress that will be just right for Oshawa will be the home of | Mr, and Mrs, Walter Bier! whose marriage was solem nized recently at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bow manville, Formerly Miss Hilda Roka, the bride is the daugh- | ter of Mr, and Jofeph bridegroom is the son of Mr, Here Is an impressive party and Mrs, Hans Bieri of Zurich, film is followed by a discussion Switzerland, ¢ {with marriage guidance council ~Photo by Mary's Studio (lors, seeing the New Year in and the Old Year out, Using an | unusual color combination of | David Ambery Goodings and | ing their wedding yesterday at | Cambridge, England, The bride How To Save Time And Mone When Preparing To Move GREETING THE NEW YEA CANADIANS FEATURE IN YULETIDE WEDDINGS OF NOTE IN ENGLAND The Safest Way To Wash Glasses Didn't you find that the case sity rate in glassware rose sharply during the past few weeks? 5 though it may be only on A scale, most ofks do | more entertaining during the big holiday season. perhaps ternoon party to return hospital | ity we have enjoyed, of entertaining alls | COULD BE PREVENTED | This is a pity, because just a : (little more care at the kitchen i (sink could help prevent is an atomic research worker at Harwell, England (AP Wirephoto from London) is the daughter of Canada's trade minister, George Hees Goodings is from Toronto and via radio are four or five layers of news- | paper between each object For heirloom dishes or other very precious and fragile items, | line the container with a sheeting of latex foam rubber, which now is purchasable by the yard Pack linens in cartons, not in dresser drawers, say the moving van experts, They point out that modern dressers are too lightly constructed to carry heavy- weight and many's the disaster they've witnessed because of this! pocketbook can be cul consider. ably Of course it's all very nice when money is no object and the whole job is undertaken by pro- fessionals, But when the pocket- book must be considered, much can be done to cut down costs, One way is to do the prepara tory packing yourself, ; : carton and never to fill a carton 108 yon MOVERS only. ones too full so that its top bulges Move p p equipped to handle your large, All boxes should be clearly pieces of furniture--such as up- labeled when packed, the labels holstered chairs, sofas, beds and held by cellopane tape, Then tables, Mountains of pad if the there'll he no guessing game in moving van keep these pleces| the mew quarters when setting up from damage, the household again, If your upholstered pieces are cushioned in lightweight foam| p rubber, that's all to the good,| because you've cut dawn on weight, 8ame goes for foam rub. ber mattresses, Movers using interstate rates charge on the basis of weight as well as mileage, So families that trek from city to city every few years find lightweight furnish. ings perfect in more ways than one, As for other welght-cutting ideas, books can be sent ahead by parcel post, which has a special low rate for book ship- ments, Then, too, go through every. thing carefully, and be firm about discarding things that should be replaced, Pack dishes In barrels or drums, wrapping each dish in| { ordinary newspaper so that there e F greige and brown satin, and richly embroidered in gold and white, it features a bateau neckline, a fitted bodice and a belled skirt, By Tracy Adrian, They also advise never to put| more than 50 pounds in a single such damage, | You're usually in a hurry to | get the washing-up Job done af ter : pany. [og fre | quently get stacked on ithe counter in order fo | more elbow room, | Often, also, sufficient time | {not allowed for the fey glass reach room temperature befor: | plunging it into hot suds. And | temptat to do » quickie to wash glasses right under the | faucet with water too hot--this, foo, may cause a calamity, When glasses are stacked, they are likely to get stuck inside each other, and trying to force them apart can result in a cracked glass and, what is worse, eut hands, Allow the cold glasses to reach room temperature while you wash other dishes, It's a good idea to temper them filling with barely tepid water from the faucet after the ice has been emptied, USK. WARM SUDS Then after the other dishes are| done, fill your dishpan or sink with clean, warm suds--not too hot to start with, Put the glasses in carefully, pot too many at & time As they warm up, increase the temoerature of the suds till it's as hot as your hands can com-|ed fortably stand, A long-handled sponge mop made especially for washing glassware is helpful, Once the» wash water has heated the glasses, you ean safely pour very hot rinse water over them, And if you did stack them af- ter all, and one glass gets stuck inside another, dont tug to loosen them, Heat expands and coolness contracts, so the two glasses will part gently and safely after this treatment, VALUABLE GOWN MONTREAL (CP)-A 300-year- old gown that belonged to Prin. [cess Isabella of Hungary was {shown in a fashion evening or- {ganized by the Hungarian Stu. |dent Association at the University [of Montreal, Valued at $20,000, the gown is embroidered in pearls and diamonds, ~|ing WINTERTIME WEDDING Brides who are planning a | jeweled embroidered Alencon winter wedding will love this | jace, A side sash, batesy neck. beautiful bridal gown that is a ¥ happy combination of the mod- | line, elhow-length sleevs and a em and the traditional, The belled skirt are other charming dress is of white taffeta acetate | details, and is draped and studded with Device Locks Plugs in Sockets = Keeps Baby's Fingers Out A new home safety device that pitals and factories fo prevent keeps electric plugs firmly lock-| accidental power shut-offs to im. ed into wall sockets, and . chil-| portant equipment like ice cream dren's fingers safely locked out/freezers, anaesthetic equipment of them, has finally been invent. and assembly line machinery, , 4 Now they are movivg ino the Designed to prevent that bud. most accident-prone place in the get - sinking moment when a world -- the home, woman opens the family freez-| er to find the contents thawed and ruined because Junior play-| fully pulled the plug out of the wall yesterday, the safety plug lock can bé installed on any HEAT DESTROYS Vitamin C, which is contained in varying amounts In most vege. tables and fruits, i inlable to a heat and alr, Therefore, the max. electric outlet in moments, imum amount of this vitamin is An inconspicuous two-piece ohtained from good sources such plastic arm, the 49-cent lock at- ag cabbage, turnip and caulis taches easily to the faceplate of flower when these vegetables are the outlet, Nesting firmly ov er served raw and as soon after the plug, it prevents it from be- preparation as possible, advises accidently dislodged by the Food and Nutrition Depart. youngsters, pets or routine house- ment of Macdonald Institute, cleaning chores, And when in|Guelph, place, children cannot probe, or) - poke toys into the connection, Zz When necessary, the lock can ¥ 8K LD HINT be removed in seconds to discon-| Patch smar-holes in linoleum nect the cord, The only tool ne.|by filling them with a mixture of cessary is a screwdriver, finely grated cork and liquid glue, The safety plug lock is already|Let dry thoroughly, then coat with being widely used in stores, hos-|clear varnish,