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The Oshawa Times, 10 Jan 1961, p. 4

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A THE CSHAWA TIES, Yessdey, Jonuery 19, WV y MARKS JERUSALEM INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Emmerson, W, Bros, H, G, | YW Bro, Rev. A, G, Scott; | tion the members and their | Grand Lodge of Canada in L C. White, 1, A, | Treasurer, YW Bro, ¥, RK, | visitors enjoyed a delicious | the Province of Ontario, W Jas. Marr, W. B.! Cowling; Secretary, RW Bro, | turkey dinner served hy the | Bro. Chas. L. Warren pro- CB. Loh, John | 1. 8. Emmerson; Senior Der- | Bt. Jo's Ladies' Guild, The | posed the (oast ta the visitors Warren, 1. C. | eon, Bro. Alan B, Loh; Jun- | newly installed master, W, | Response was m hy W Clements, C. E, Allin, W. | lor Deacon, Bro. D, W, White; | Bro, RB, BH. Graham presided | Bro, Allred Perrin, WM of Teeple, O, Nichols, BR, J, Dill- | Director of Ceremonies, W. | at the banquet table YW Ere, | Durham lodge, V. W. Bro ing, The following officers | Bro, W, Teeple; Inner Guard, | A G, Scott seid grace. The | W, G. Fascoe proposed a were installed Worship. | Bro, K. A. Billet; Senior | toast to Grand Vodge was | toast to the newly installed ful Master, W. Bro, RB. H,| Steward, Bro, W. H, Goode; | proposed by W. Bro, W, | officers to which Bro. K, A Graham; Senior Warden, Bro, | Junior Steward, Bro, A, ¥, | Teeple and response was | Filleit responded. Bro, A, F R. E, Hendry; Junior Werden, | Stacey; Tyler, Bro. H, D. | made by V. Wor, Bro. A. G, | Blacey thanked the ladies for Bro. I, C. Gatchell; Chaplain, | Sutton. Following the installa- | Beott, assistant chaplain of the | the delicious dinner LIBRARY WORLD Settler's Guide To Sunshine State (socially inferior, and that it is mast difficult for the average dog to compete with such dogs as Laika who hecame an inter national overnight Camplemented the clever cartoons of | Gurney this hook will provide 8 most amus INE evening During the past our Canadiana section has heen augmented by important books dealing with various phases of sive cere ville under VW Ere, Northeutt, the salem Todge and AM, were in I on Tuesday, ng the ceremony it was assist: BR. Cowl Stevens, W, G A, G, Beott, RW Brown, J, 8 i ade Dec. 27 VV Biro ed hy ng, RB Pasco Bros { Rev iH " Clobal Trade For Canada Urged By Dr. Percy Vivian ff) Dr. Percy marketing legislation of Durham Riding, government is providing night that trade|framework in which the farmers way 7A has been reconstructed) arvied on with 8lliof this county are obtaining from Bethany west to Highway n such a way as more control over the market-'35 and further construction 1s in prestige of ling of their products, This is re: progr t to the held in the flected particularly in the im: at Laks i |proved status of the tobacen in. under construction e peo oyment problem dustry in Durham and will be ple of that area v ave suf- hy mith, irrected after ani further reflected in the hog mar: fered great inconvenience from| MW you are visiting Florida for | heen made be: keting industry when agree flooding conditions, | am sure!the first time or planning on re and lahor to cor: iments are reached and will be (his is a welcome sight, The con |(ring there, this is a hook to between the reached within that industry truction of the Waverly Road be consulted with profit and read in his ad-| "The expansion program of Cloverleaf at Bowmanville is with pleasure, ven if you have Durham County the department of highways In now under serious consideration @iready spent a season basking ation Durham County has heen most for this year and will provide a In the Florida sunshine the con which ben: extensive during the past Yesr| greatly improved entrance to|l€mts will provide entertainment | cence, "ices ivian, "tend and will continue to he during that town attractions, outstanding events, | 56 to the major: the months ahead providing &| 'The co-operation of the De. historical facts to be enjoyed onl HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY large winter works program 10/partment of Transport and the Your next trip, Both the inland 1670-1870 BY EB, E, Rich is deal with the present economic liquor eontral hoard in providing regions and the coastal Areas|three volume history eovering situation, The eampletion of [facilities in the Millbrook area Are discussed fully, as well a8 the first two centuries in the Highway 401 through the county has resulted in improved eco. practical advice on land pur |activities of the company has heen a major step In the nomic conditions and the at. chase, busness opportunities,) TO ALL MEN hy McKengle extension of those ribbons of (raction of business to that area reassuring information on hurr: Porter is the story of the Cana pavement leading to the Quebec which was formerly henefitting canes, summer and winter eli-\ dian Red Cross Society how horder other communities, The same matic conditions of each area it began, and how it grew into "One of the most heavily results: will he apparent I am|Add to the enjoyment of yourithe huge organization we know Dr. Vivian, Alec|travelled secondary roads in the sure when the present project|Vlorida vacation hy reading today, Carruthers, MPP for Durham, county and one which will dolunderway in Bwmanville is com. |this valuable travel hook THE PEOPLE'S POWER hy briefly remarked on Federal|muych to expand the tourist area pleted," | THE SUMMIT AND BEYOND Merrill Denison is the history problems closely related to those hy Margaret Clark Shand and of Ontario Hydro from the strug of Ontari C . . Ora M, Shand, gles ang eriticlm of H0 years anadian Ships NE Cuban Headlines Baid Mr ' ; it is today, one re aling With the Kien {of the largest single producers dike gold rush rank very Meh In gng dictributors of electricity in popularity, This is the story o | By JOHN BLAND (hetween 260 and 1,000 persons,lover Chilkoot Pass hut due to Canada of her people, her HAVANA (Reuters) Every Cubans are not vet ready to/her husband's poor health and|places, her history has heen Canadian ship that arrives in| transfer their former neighborly a series of misfortunes they de-|distilled from past ues of The welcome is as effusive as occasional murmers of "'Cubaltained herself for over 30 vears:| Tr p ' | h A E | NEY that reserved for shipments of si, Yankee no," it is also trueleven after Davy's death. At na JACKE Nai . INO crude oil from the Soviet Union| that Soviet visitors have not yet her hotel, all were welcome - (apsaill makes Wai R tape this'in and around Rice 1.ake, In the a northern part of the riding High ORONO | Vivian, MP seid Monda must be counts to not Canada highest The eouln areas tween rect the two, he dress hefore Conservali "Too often efit few to create ity URGES TRADE He then added that, through trade, hetis tionships could be reached en Bovern ments and Canada must promote "g a8 An ex ample to those countries In volved | Following for The following hook re views were written by & member of the staff of the Mclaughlin Public Library FINRA, A WAY OF LIVE h fe the wie CAUSEWAY is also] h 1s Scugog which celebrity i hy or he ¢ differ few months 2 A trike 1 aL hi that 1a! fi 0 Carruthers, "On Noy nd session of the was opened, In the speech fi the throne given by the Lieutenant Governor, a 18-point program was outlined to the members of the Legislature, Rf progr igned to foster econni th and to In erease opportunities in ovder pace with the growth a program which I ma 15 hut a further devel nt of the progressive progran this government since 1 office Hh ult Visi « m ¢ the } Peggy Shand, who with her hus:|'"e World band Davy was among the] MACLEAN'S CANADA, Por: first to be off for the Klondike !trait of a country edited hy Les in 1807, Together they climbed|lie Hannon, The character of 1 n A J | ork Havana harbor with a cargo of feeling towards the United cided to purchase a roadhouse | anada's National Magazine potatoes or fresh vegetables is States to the distant Soviet Un {on Btewart Island, at the june.(and is presented here in one mi greeted with headlines in the|ion ture of the Btewart River with beautifully designed and lavish of Cuban press If American visitors overhear|the Yukon, Here, Peggy main|ly ustrated volume tool the recent| minister of agrie ule] re aces ATLMENY DIAGHOSED CHIPLEY, Fla. (AF) Film mje ior FRET Waa found Wn of yese-oid boy whe had swllercd frows respiratory iments and ng miections ETRE: 0 artiingion apperenily swatiow £4 Ihe oie! bon JERE REN Pt HN went BRGciaried Will Bg Was aiitiad 15 BesiniEl for treatment of PRENIBONG WEE TEN EA Wy SWIEEFY | A a |Councillors Urged To Go On Strike | TOROWEO (CP)~'The mayor of swhwrben Richmond Hill University Expert 'Had Shaky Start c ®y Paamerette Villenenve istration of Europesn anadia Ld respondent | sities Fe py Soren Hick " nt - wed Lown cones sores On Was sare seemed 16 have SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY tario Monday 19 £0 on #irike pointed Wm loward # carey by # Canada Council and even go 19 Jai In protest WIOITnE the French language grent, he Bas visited the great SERInSt TINE costs, | BOER IR # predominantly French wmtversities of Bor | Mayor John H py French spesiding wrea of novth- 060%, - Mx and Marseille He By i ager Hity RETR Alberta, he later Pas been to Kaly, England, Ger the Ai 2 Hichiond ver bosrded with & French-spesidng many wna Austng mnd planned province shovid family In Vancowver while 10 Visit Greece educations costs, studying for fave years at the The Hickmens hed missed | "I know every member of Upiversity of Entish Columbia. Fane and hold many nostalgic eomneit contd he thrown in $81. "in tits way, Witle by hitle, memones of the ety ior (ollowing throwgh this sg | learned the language," he Mrs. Hickman wlso recalls her {fection the mayor god. "bit says, However Wis first expe NR restions of Canada 1 iL somit we should withing riences were difficult ones i" Et # hvely city Montreal ito face mn jail sentence W need "| hardly dared slammer Was, And o pretty" ihe in order tn bring justice 10 more then B few words. You. She was also struck by Can the people we represent," know, one has reason io believe ada's bilingualism ~ Mnner in | What he called "dormitory Eagloh-speaking Canadians are French in Quahes and in Eng nif Y face choice timid." 0 RETOES The Country A une faced a 10 or The reauaintance with French. "Victoria is # typical little vide good educations facilities Prompied Hickman 16 purse British ety for the retired," and keeping taxes down to the Ms studies at the Sorbonne in she sald. "No industries, no detriment of the ehildren 19 and he hiaimed his doctor. nies, 80, ideal climate, It is all y, #H ple there with 2 thesis el i Comin i showid i ask sreny ottoy poet Jules 1afforgue As an mdvocate of Wilingusl nieipality - q ane, 2 Now, after a lengthy teaching ism, Hickman says he fears lew OF EXaIMPIE ad | career, he and his wife have re- students would bother with a, turned to Europe and to Pans second language if it were not! SAXON KING lwhere they met, Hickman, 4 obligatory Harold, last Saxon king of rector of Victoria College, an "When one speaks to the sty-| England, was stein Oct, 14, 1066, affiliate of UBC, is spending & dents of the necessity of bh} during the Battle of Hastings, year studying forms of admin- lingualism, there remain seep West Berlin Yo Still Worried others prefer Spanish, Halian or Russian" | | THEATRE GUIDE | Brock (Whithy) =~ "Crack in " By ALFRED KIVENS Western diplomats aceredited in the Mirror," #25 pm, "The WEST BERLIN (Reuters)--|West Germany to visit East| Day They Robbed the Bank Many people are wondering Berlin unless they had special of England," 6.55 and 0pm Iwhat this spring will bring to| permits, They also refused to| 1#ast complete show at 6.25 this isolated eily of 2,250 000! recognize West German pass:| Pm people ports held by West Berliners A Two years ago, Soviet Pre. In retaliation, West Germany Regent --~ "A Breath of Sean-| mier Khrushehey announced agave notice to end the East-West| dal," 1.50, 3.50, 5.35, 745, 9.50 plan to make a demilitarized| German inter-zonal trade agree: pm. Last complete show st free city out of West Berlin, sit | ment at the end of 1960 and thel 9.26 p.m, uated in the heart of Communist! Big Three Western allies in Ber-| Vast Germany and regarded by| lin stopped Issuing travel docu Marks--""Wild River," 1.00, 5.29, West Germans and West Ber:| ments to East Germans wishing! 10.03 p.m, "Fighter Attack," liners as a showpicee of thello travel to Western countries. 2.49, 7,186 pm, "AMomic Sub-| Western world | The West German and West-| marine," 4.18, 847 p.m, Last Since 1056, there have been 8 ern allied view is that restrie-| complete show at 8.47 pm, number of Ri iii PERE) tons on freedom of circulation terlin, but little change in thelin Berlin violate the four-power - 0 . situation, At present, there I8 | status of the city agreed on with Pilimure Monster? Wig b+ I lull, But many Berliners areithe Russians at the end of the] 736 1095 om "Torme ted "| wondering how long it will 1ast.| Becond World War 12,56, 4.98 21, LU py It is generally helieved here| "go woet Berlin is mainly vul on tele show at a Ast that by spring West Berliners| opie 10" Communist action! mp eis foy 4 pm will know what lies ahead for ooinet it on the land and water Plaza =~ "Inherit them | routes linking the city with West Khrushchev and British PRme| coroany™ through East Ger Minister Maemillan have hoth| oo . spoken of a summit meeting on dR . y - Berlin and Germany early inl, 10 148 ; i, a h Ommunist 1061, after John Kennedy has PIOCKAGE On These 1a 2 of 0 n : [was overcome hy an allied air bea Ioslathea In office ns UA lift of supplies into the city, The Western allies say freedom of TRAVEL BAN aecess to the cily was guaran Last September, the East Ger-| teed the (hive Ek 8% Famers Ceriid last werk i" i A #0 MAIED ARTISTS movssron soins Fave Page. HITS 'ATOMIC SUBMARINE' STARRING ARTHUR FRANZ yy | LAST 2 DAYS The Wind," 1.00, 2.65, 5.00, 7.20 p.m. Last complete show at 9.20 p.m, BONCE UPON A NIGHT SHE STARTED THAN Just in agreements with the mans forbad West Germans and! Kussians ending the bloc kade U. S. Mart Losing Grip On Silver By FRANK CORMIER stockpile from which it sells to WASHINGTON (AP) The| silver users, Its current selling U.S, treasury, already beset by price 1s about 91% cents an a gold problem, is facing @a|ounce, Obviously, users refuse troublesome silver situation to pay more elsewhere as long By mid-1068, if present vnds|ah the treasury sticks to this | continue, the department would/ Price lose its long-standing power fol During 1060, the treasury hy : ile was reduce 0, ate the international price of| stockpile was reduced hy 5,600, distal he in iid ! {600 ounces and on Jan, 1 stood GAVIN A PARAMOUNT RELEASE TECHNICOLOR® TRAVELOGUR IN COLOR at 124,600,000 ounces, So far this Should that happen, you might BR fn tl a for this reduction of more than 1,000,000 ounces, At this rate, the supply would he gone by mid-1068 Should the stockpile run dry,| the treasury would lose its, power to dictate the price of) {silver, Furthermore, since the| stockpile also furnishes the 40, have to pay more for a wide variety of items ranging from silver jewelry to photographic {fim An increase in the price of silver also could affect coinage in many parts of the world Some countries might find their "I eammend it to your attention oes bitingly satirie Tahn MeCarten, Whe New Yorker 'A stinging sative In the diveet line of George Gross's Hert Brecht and Kurt Weill's Threepenny Opera's «7ime wvage eartoons, and ed Kingdom has) { favorable out marketing of our products in that rt of the min ition will he consideration tL red panding ture I resulien look for BEV IOUIUTE area Iter under when Par "The ah a ne anvenes farm or of ries from Communist usually find an opportunity toe make at least one reference tol speeches [vana night elubs run the risk, | {if detected hy the master of ceremonies, of being treated to a flowery address of welcome and a standing ovation hy the Amendments Approved HAMPTON (Staff Four amendments to Darlington Township hylaw were approved at an Ontario Muniel pal Board hearing Monday No objection to amendment those attending the hearing, eanducted by Chairman J, R Turnbull and Armour MeCrea, However, Mi Mary Rudai, spokesman for the Ratepaver aclation saw problem first three HONING voiced hy were \ fore amendments any of the Cuban patrons. Canadian prod. | uets in the stores are proudly] labeled with the place of origin This marked affection for| Canada is a source of slight embarrassment to Canadian | diplomatic quarters in Havana, | not the leas! | | beeause most Cu: bans make no distinction he:| tween individual Canadian busi: | nessmen now prospecting for new markets and the Ottawa government, SEE RIG RISE Although figures given re Darlington oently in the Canadian Parlia-|unveiled ment showed a decline in ex [nine months of last year com | won unqualified need to be convinced that the|missionaries and the Mounted during the supply of roughly 1,000,000 bar: Police 1 Canadian arvivals in theirivels a month of crude oil and|made | derivative hy that Lountry are strings,' Meantme, the average Cuban is happy to welcome with open arms Canadian traders and Ca nadian goods which he regards as assisting him to counteract the long term effect of the Upitde States trade embargo, Rare Books On Display commander The Library has rare which will he irising from the papts to Cuba during the first named after Marion Thompson, VANCOUVER Vancouver Publie a collection hooks (Cm of children first 'professional ohildren's lis Rylaw 2132 rezoned parts of paved with the same period in brarian here three lots south of 401 Highway and east of lot Forests The same hylaw defined "olin: fe." "hespital," "school" and seammercial school' within the on uses permitted in Agvienl tural Zones: farmers retaining lots for home building and or eanveying lots to sons or daugh ters The hvlaw frontage ecottases Bylaw also laid down requirements for oned, from R2 to Agrieuitu a 4.08 acre par eel of land on the north-west oarner Alma street and the Taunton road The towns! ed here! | and chan Rylaw and lal 1 broken Front mum lot sguare on frontage se Applic Was maa 148 \ Wf ( oN va store sane this at id wis frontage 1s tat 1 an, Mini now 15,000 with 'a minimum it 70 feet ara oh was need NER @ mn y \ \ tion for eh [1040-=fram $11,200,000 in 1959 to] now owned by is? 500,000 in 1960--there seems is History the Department of Lands and|jitile doubt here that the next sars which was two months will show a sharp | rise, : | he machinery and spare parts and letters of credit have been es tablished with Canadian firms Provided the visiting business men continue ta find Cuban | government departments eager to buy, and provided Cuba's eredit in Canada continues to hold good, it seems probable that the volume of Canadian Cuban trade may double o even treble in 1961 ada to All widening gaps in the a scarcity of such basie food stuffs as eggs, vice and fresh vegetables, a secondary factor nelines the Cuban man-dnthe street towards Canada Despite regular press features about the Soviet and the pres the Change ence here of a sizable Russian hy y John W, Watson. icolony variously estimated atlfrom dealers Oldest book of the published 1724, The most valuable is x, The first hooks published for duties as commandant of the children were designed to edify, 3nd Regiment, instruct but not entertain their Horse Artillery, early in Janu Anna ary | Smith, curator of the eallection. | voung readers, said Mrs How children were expected to understand the vocabulary some of the know." The library is trying to build Narmandy and was in North. up a collection of hooks from west Europe until 1945 when he | In addition to simple apprecia- the earliest davs that children's came home, only to leave al araie is 1008 ian of goods shipped fram Can: books were published until 1910, year iid the collection! course in England the nation's diet, already suffering is for veference and research Mrs, Smith s only and no books can he bor rowed "It is far the teachers and he interested erature" use of lihvarians atl in children's Wt Mast af the hooks were given the war office bought 34 {months in Indochina, local residents or ' acceptance rich and poor, China, Government speakers| from the hospitable Cubans, who pers A ) from the Baviet Un-imast everyone who had lived| Canadian visitors entering Ha: lion and other promises of aldlor travelled in the Klondike re.|/Mowat is an exciting and dra "without gion. This simple story, written matic panorama of in the collection! tenant-colonel accompanied 40 of Kingston, Ont., and Char: of books, I'll never wirane Korea and Thdochina 5 who might ment ) an: | miners and trap: | uninterrupted sections of the silver coins worth more in silver % used each Year nung and dancing girls, private dian Ver t | 000,000 ounces used each yes y of Mackenzie King|than coins and toss them into/ia mint new US. coins, the de-| . i momentous years the melting pot artment would have to go into Her kindliness to all had from 1090 to 1044 Ralnrced' anainat: thee Chibi nai o te Bir Hvar her name known to ¢ ORDEAL BY ICE hy Farley fects would be bigger profit 18 1 ; marging for silver mining com panies which presumably would | expand production and payrolls With NARJA TIL kd 4 PETER VAN EYCK COMPETING HOLIDAYS GLARGOW (CF) Celebra fing Christmas is becoming | more popular than ever in Scot Aretie ex hy Peggy's niece personifies the [Ploration from the earliest re | {best in human kindness and un. [corded voyages up to the end of Grip LOOSENS derstanding, the fant century International discussion of the, and may n be ousting i The Little People's Film Hour [silver situation has been /#ne A MAY even he ousting HOW TO LIVE WITH A NEU: 0, January 14 will feature theprompted by mounting evidence|New Year as a festive period rotie dog hy Stephen Baker, following films: Romance of [that the treasury's grip on the/says a magazine issued by the This entertaining hook may \yausportation, Hunters of the international silver market has|Scottish council, It adds: "Give assist the perplexed dog owner North Pale, I'm no foal With been weakening it a few more yoars and New wha feels his dog 18 in need of five, The neighbours, Chimp the] The treasury puts a ceiling on|Vear will be as dead as Gael paychiatric teatinen | Sink Cowhoy the price hy maintaining allie," we mus ree. with the author's » ; SESE 1 fon Picture That Millions OF Pr pedigree are often made to feel Zaxdhy INT" § "TORMENTED" -1st. RUN! | ad sley Fans Have Been Waiting For! Spent Years Overseas | WINNIPEG (CP) = A lew: who has spent Twelve Cae: more than half his 21-year army | Incareer on tours of duty outside a Canada has returned to become facsimile of the original manu:| commanding officer of a Winni- Orders variously estimated atisorint of Lewis Carroll's Alice! | between $10,000,000 and $12,000, iy \wanderland in which the au meaning of the township bylaw. 00 already have been placed by [ihar's illustrations | Bylaw 2100 added paragraphithe Cubans for urgently-needed his hand-written: te | peg artillery unit Lt. Col, John P, Heer, MRE, - lottetown, took over his new A LRN A 200 Contvy-Sar pine Royal Canadian| lo Since enlisting in 1939; he has spent a total of 13 years in the| United Kingdom, Northw yl He took part in the invasion off BE SOR MOORS JH VON =, -» athe AS ONLY PRESLEY CAN! later for an artillery, He spent six years at Camp Shile, Man, and late in 1983 went ta Karea as second-in-com mand of the Sist Field Regi later serving there as a member af the UN armistice] commission. He was posted tal in London | INHERIT THE WIND SPENCER TRACY FREDRIC MARCH TaDATY 4 \ J years and spent eight

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