PROMINENT GUESTS PARTAKE IN itdetsssiniutelBbtntmtsbeiefidaridetdsinti £ #0 mu ci TRADITIONAL POLISH i 4 7 | Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Dial RA 53-3474 | Tuesdoy, Jonwory 10, 1961 J PERSONALS Ms. HG drive, is opening her home this evening for the reading growp of the Lyceum Chub and Women's Art Association Mrs. Uriah Jones, Mrs. J. B MeGregor, Mrs, 6, C, Guisole and Mrs. Robert Preston will he attending the threeday Road (Safety Workshops sponsored by the Ontane Department of 8 Transport to he held at the E [Royal York Hotel starting 1o- morrow, Mayor Christine Thomas will he » special guest (at the opening luncheon | Dr. and Mrs, D, RB, Pullman {and son, Robert and daughter, (Carolyn, of Fredericton, New I Brunswick, spent the holiday Isesson with Mrs, Pullman's Willies, Riverside parents, Mr, snd Mrs. J, B, Pat terson, Banting avenue WH. EW. Brownlee, DC, and Mrs, Brpwnlee, Fark road south enterigined on Sunday in hon or of the birthday of Mrs Brownlee's mother, Mrs, Bernt Edwards, Among the guests from out of town were Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Doyle, Mr, and Mrs, Basil Ferran and Mr. and Murs. William Newall, all of To ronin, Teas, birthdays, parties, wed ding anniversaries, coming and going of guests, and your own holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column, Write telephone or visit the social de-| partment with your item of new #| for which there is no charge Telephone RA 3374 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Victim Of Vandals Scores Teenagers' Lack Of Morals MARY HAWORTHWS MAIL | Dear Mary Haworth: I would he most grateful for your views on the following Recently my house was one of | several broken into by 8 gang of teenage hoys of good families When they were caught, one hoy | said the only mistake he'd made was getting caught, and further {explained that he was really looking for money and anyone could understand thal | Has the poor ehild never heard of the Ten Commandments and that one of thém is "Thou Shall Not Steal?" Am I just 8 crazy, mixed-up middieaged matron to think it a pity that such words as "sin Yeonsecience," "Heaven," "Hell" and "the devil" seem to he un fashionable or outdated? I get tired of hearing that no body is really responsible for his actions, My parents taught me that such unfortunates were insane and therefore confined thetween the children of Tight of darkness with almost no and the children who intermingle point of mutual eogmition in modern society, 1 sometimes wonder if, in the final analysis, the distinguishing difference might be this--namely, individ ual humility of spirit in the world of light and incorrigible personal pride or arrogance however subtle, masked or dis claimed in the other camp NOT EXCUSED As it happens, 1 read a good deal in a miscellaneous way, delving into preity much what: ever comes to hand, and as sociale with people from dif ferent walks of life and, believe it or not, I often encounter in hooks and conversation those durable words and ideas (of black + and-white significance) that you seem to feel have gone with the wind Also, there is nothing in my long acquaintance with the psy er 1 > W A BUNDLE OF SUNSHINE Arthur Snelgrove and granddaughter of My Mrs, Paul Logeman Sr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pierre, all of Oshawa Photo by Bill Ere al and and Br "Vm so happy, i's my first birthday today says Kime merly Anne, daughter of Mr and Mrs, Bran Logeman Clarke street, Kim is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Logeman and My King Street WMS Hears Report Plans Future Activities The first regular meeting of Kin King Street United Church WMS urged the members was opened hy Mrs, Wilinid more and to make us Harris, president, who read a Oshawa Library New Year's message, Mrs, Jack! The Reverend M, A. Bury Tane, secretary real her re: installed the officers and urged port and mentioned Miss Joan the women to make the most of Dee of Edmonton is to be the their time, All must plan for missionary for prayer this year. recreation and work in order to An executive meeting was grow in hody, mind and spirit, held recently and the following he said plans were made for the year Mrs, Howard Brown presented February 15, a Valentine Tealthe study hook assisted by Mrs in Centennial Hall at 3 o'clock Lawrence Allen and Mrs, Jack with Mrs, Lawrence Allen as Tane The February meeting convener and Mrs, Norman will be led hy the Cheerful Wirsching assisted by Mrs, Wil-iGivers Group. Mrs, Harris liam Medland in charge of deg: closed with the WMS henadic orations, Faster Thankoffering' tion meeting on Tuesday evening April 4, It was decided to forego the annual family party and ind stead to have the WMS attend a regular Explorer and CGIT meeting, The Affiliation service will he held and refreshments Blannett SEY, IMerglyre convener fo read e of the . GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES | SOCIAL NOTICES RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs. William W Powell, Oshawa, Wilk be happy to receive ther relatives and friends in the |ades' Parlor of $6, Stephen's Upited Chwreh, Simeone street north, mm Sunday January 15, from 3 10 5 end 7 10 § p.m. on the neeasion of their Wh wedding anmyersary, ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mis, Lorne David Garrow of Midland, formerly of Oshaws, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Arlene, to Mr, William Morgan Behumacher of Kitchen er, son of Mr, and Mrs Schumacher of Teeswaler, On: teria, The wedding will flake place on Beturday, January 14," 1961, at 390 Welock wt Bf Joseph's Roman Catholic Par: ish Church, Kitchener, Ontanae, LODGES AND SOCIETIES PAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The Daughters of ¥ngland Lodge, Empress of India Bo. 26 held is meeting recently with Worthy President Sister Mary Hurst presiding, assisted hy Worthy Vice President Sister Edith Taylor The Benipture was read hy Worthy Chaplain Sister Edna Huband, Minutes and correspon dence were read by Worthy Secretary Bister Doris Mi Donald Lucky prizes were won hy Sisters Annie Mitchell and Kay Bottomley The next meeting on January (17 will begin with a banquet al Centre Bireet United Church at 6.30 p.m. The regular mee! ing will commence in the Orange Temple st 8 p.m. with installation of new officers Tuberous Begonias Will Root Early In Cool Cellar There's a knack (0 growing tuberous begonias, say hortieul turists with the Ontario Depart: ment of Agriculture, Many homeowners have trouble trying to introduce them as house plants Tubers may he started any time from January to April, Place them, with the crowns ex. posed, in a 50-60 mixture of peat {and sand, Apply water lightly until growth starts and then more freely, When growth is anywhers from % fo 3 inches, put them {to asylums to keep them out of harm's way MORE SPANKING? When I misbehaved, my par Honorable Michael Starr MP |ents didn't rush me (0 a psy Minister of Labor and Mrs, |chiatrists's couch or to a child Starr and the Reverend Felix | guidance clinic, but were brave| In pots, using a mixture of 2 CHALLENGER GROUP {parts soil, 2 parts peat and | The regular meeting of the|part sand, Plant in a 4-inch pot Challenger group was held at! at the same depth used in plant. Albert Street United Church ing the tubers, The best tem» The yearly reports were given with. the president, Mrs, Fred| perature is around 60 deg, V, (by the secretaries and conven:|Coleman, presiding, | Light should be only moderate, { lers, Reports were very encour: i Pad Ratan Direct sunlight may burn the (waitkowski, ish priest of ough to come right out and nouncement that "we a , 4.5 | Mrs, Thomas Peters had| Kwaitkowski, parish p {enough to come Tig aging and Mrs, Lawrence Mul-| poo on devotional period, 8 A it. Hedwig's Homan Catholic punish me, I wasn't brought upimembers one of another" in the yew: treasurer, announced that|f i: After the plants have flower: Church, 4 (on the assumption that morality | sense that every man's life Li allocation had heen reached, | "Thoughts for the Day Wore og, cut on half-way back on Oshawa Times Photo |is shaded tones of gray, hut that fects other lives for better or Mrs, Norman Wirsching re. 60 ky MH. Fred Soroman IS, Alec Maracle, Mrs, David | t I black is black and white is for worse, Wore Pp glut By : the stem and leave them in dry / calls had been made during the| conn and Mrs, Thomas St, George 8 CWL Peters, [move the dry roots and plant, ear and Mrs, Clarence Youn Jegt Rn 186 get-well cards he Mrs, Harry Tonghottom read using half the usual amount of chiatric viewpoint to support served, The WMS will also plan your implication that psychia- on helping with serving at an trists countenance a theory that nual Mother and Daughter ban nobody is really responsible for quet, his misdeeds, Rather, psychia- try, from the secular approach, tends to validate 8t, Paul's pro Lei, ATTENDING HER first so elal function as Mayor of | to Mr Oshawa, Mrs, Christine Thom as breaks bread with Presi dent Jan Derkacz, The sym: W. Sikorski, Polish Veterans Association: Lt. Col: | seated beside his wife, In the | onel J, RB, Warnica, Officer Commanding the Ontario Re. | lower picture, left to right, are | giment and Mrs, Warnica; the Polish Veterans' Association Entertains Many Guests At Banquet And Dance holic wafer was then passed | General T. D, Themas MPP soil at 45 degrees, When you white, with no middle ground! Apout spanking: it is a defee want to start them again, res Ta prove the point, Papa and (ive mode of instruction and Mama smacked my little hands| control but better than none, and posterior constantly and| perhaps, Whether it does more The ancient ceremony of tario and their breaking and sharing the bread dies on the feast of Epiphany or, The new! Twelfth Night, as a symbol of My, Jan ~ Dercace,- presided goodwill among men, wa and welcomed the guests, The feature of the banquet given by Reverend Felix Kwaitkowski the General W, Sikorski Polish explained the origin of the shar Veterans' Association, in the ing of the hread, and after ask Polish Hall, Olive avenue, on ing the blessing hroke the Saturday night with the president who in turn Distinguished performed the friendly ritual eral and provincial, and muni. With Her Warship Mayor Chris cipal levels attended together|'in® Thomas with representatives of local Committee velerans' associations, the On Regiment la elected president guests on fed Olech greetings chairman Cichowski ~~ hrought { wR fd ENTERTAINING AT HOME Home entertaining is at its height during the cold winter evenings and here is a hostess outfit that would please the mast particular party-giver The shiny cotton hlouse is in pale pink with tiny jewel but tons forming the closing and | shocking pink embroidery deg orating the three-quarter cuff ed With the shirt are reed m rich { plum adorned with embraid { | ery, leove nm trousers They alsa shocking pink are Ad 11 gala MM guests, In his address he spoke of the grat {tude and pleasure he fell "in \heing able to gather together to Ishare enjoyment and happi nes and secretary Jan Di introduced the 8 Y There is no prayer of thanks could offer to the Almighty that would compensate for the care and abundance we are en joying today and everyday in this new country of ours "Freedom is a wonderful thing and worth fighting for After losing our own country through no fault of ours, we can teonsider ourselves privileged that we in Canada where {we ean preserve our 1000-year |heritage and national charac ter without fear of government lon police, Think about the coun {tries torn by trouble and worse [and the millions of people who lare hungry and dying of star ration are I'here over five thou [sand citizens of Polish origin here in Oshawa and nobody can under estimate the influence we have If we use aur resources to formulate the daily business in this affectionate and ever-expanding city of ours Oshawa are "Taday 1 have of humility and pride in the ence of the distin guished 15 we are enter taining proud ta introduce them | Expre thank hehalf of the Her Warship Mayor Christine Thomas in her first social pearance as mayor of Oshawa recalled that It was al a Polish gathering he had resolved ta follow the political path. She had heard + Polish waman urge her fel low members to "take their hands out of the dishpan and their minds out of the soup and concern themselves mare with affairs in public life A vale of thanks was also ex pressed to Mrs. K. Rynkiewics Mrs. J. Halik, Mrs, lgnae Fili {powicz and Mrs. Josef Primin {ski for arranging the catering jn Kitchen duties Following the banquet mixed feelings pre gue and in an guest mem {bers and guests spent the even {ing dancing 150-50 Club Holds Hostess Night the January meeting of the 0-30 | of Simcoe Street United Church took the form of + "Hostess Night." Sever Wpies entertained the rest of group in their homes. Those entertained with des and caffe The Reverend and Mrs Moffat, Mr, and ' \h al b the who life and' Humble. strangely, in spite of their no nsense behavior, I loved them Names New Officers Members of the 1061 execu:| axoeedingly live were elected by the Junior) 'Now, having written about the group of Kt, George's CWL Uk: dark side of present-day youth ratnian Cathelie Church CWL at|f should like to end on the credit the January meeting held at the side, For as long as I live, when home of Mrs. Edward Hyrcanuk, | ever 1 feel discouraged, I shall The secretary, Mrs, Korkush and treasurer, Stephen Bonfardi read Mrs, a certain brilliant, gay, { hel American hoy who met death so monthly reports and gave a bravely and uncomplainingly af ter a December plane erash in summary of the whole year, : Past president. M " | New York City, His name; Sle it president, Mrs, Hdwar [phen Baltz, = D, 8, Hyreanuk thanked all the wom-| en for their kind support and co [LIGHT V8 DARKNESS operation in 1960 and the Rever:| Dear D, 8.: Since the dawn end J, C, Pereyma expressed|of moral consciousness in human his congratulations and sincere! experience, whieh is to say since wishes for the coming year the serpent invaded the Garden for the vear|®f Eden--1taking the story either follows: the Rever.| figuratively or literally the § e Rever.| 8% ; : ated by re Pereyma, honorary world has heen populated Ny past president Mrs | Presentatives of two BrOUps= Hyreanuk president ¢ hildren of light (so-called) and Mrs, Frank Baron, vice presi:| "hildren of darkness dent: Mis Jaier Plata bal To the children of light, such ba : 3 r TEE wards as Ysin," Yeonscience, retary; Mrs, Michael Kerchyn | "Heaven," "Hell" and "the ski treasurer; Mrs. Joh Ndevil" will always have upto Hrico and Mrs, Michael Karas, | date substance and application comptrollers Mrs, Michael gince the time of Moses, the Kawzenuk, fraternal secretavy; children of light have compre: Mrs, Andrew Caerewaty, press pended and honored the truth secretary; Mrs, Frank Haron|that the: creative principles em and Mrs, Alex Yorkush, tele: hodied in the Ten Command phane committee [ments point the way ta fullness It was decided to hold a rvafs|of life, to freedom of soul and | fle which will be drawn on Sat-|away from the pits of destrues| urday, March 18, at the card/tion where the children of dark | party the parish hall ness grope and grapple | 14 was sel as the so. AS 10 the essential difference ro THE STARS SAY | ESATRELLITA The executive 1061 is as end J, ( president; Kdward at January night cial out husbands Everyone was ask ed to meet at the Motor City] Rowling 850 pm After the bowling the group willl FOR TOMORROW 0 10 the parish hall for refresh, He careful in dealings with ments superiors: now, Good lunar as ho "i y P ee we all he ne lini | halg| DEOL in the PM. encourage a son NONE meeting will he held|fnage wha are industrious, en February 6 at & pm, at the terprising and creative home of Mrs. Frank Baron J FOR THE RIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that attention ta business should be rewarding, but you are only sow ing the seeds now, so don't look for the flawer until later 1961 After you have seen results there will be further progress. | It is a good, year, favaring not only business but personal rela tionships as well, which should reach a olimax aver the period from mid-May to late July and have another spurt in October The stars show some restless ness and you should travel smoewhere between mid «+ July ad mid-August A child barn an this day will be artistic and have skill in co aperative ventures and friends y Lanes at Mrs Mus, Mrs and Mrs Norman Alpin, Mp Alex Arkwright, Mr. Norman Gylenchyn, Mrs. Walter Roe, Mr Douglas Ogden, Mr, Mrs, George Pearse, My Mrs, Jelle Bakker Later the entire group gather ed at Simeoe Street United Church where they were greet ed by the new presidents, My and Mrs, George Pearse Mr. and Mrs. William Trotter led in the devotions period. The presidents conducted the busi ness and a representa from each hostess group gave a shart resume of the dis cussions which had taken place in the homes. Those reporting were Messrs. Fred Britten, Stan ley Taylor, Nicholas Gulenchyn Herman Pincomb, Keith Bucha nan, Ralph Reginald Earl Campbell, and Ray Barrand and and! Mr, and and and session lve NEW TOWNS Great Rritain is building new towns ta free people industry from the sool of help elssly crowded metrapolises 13 Jewell and Piper ends on the nod than ha ep good than harm dey 1/sent to members, Mrs, Wirsch plus or minus measure of rea Hoving kindness in the adminis.| INE encouraged each group to have a visiting committee Mary Haworth counselsl The Mission Band and B through her column, not by mail| Band reports were given or personal interview, Write her Mrs, Howard Brown and Mrs trator's heart, M, H, PRINTED PATTERN M101 by Paule Doan? SLIMMING SUITDRESS PRESIDE WITH POISE at at club meeting, #0 to lunch with friends, enjoy a day in town Paula Dean's slim. ming suitdress is the perfect fashion far husy women on the go, It's peffectly proportioned on, far mature figures (sizes 131 ta 2213). The jacket is exactly the right length: the skirt, slim and simple, to cre ate a taller, narrower impres sion A orisp bow mterest the clever an Just one 14¢ cotliar adds a smart, new fashion angle. For winter into spring, choose silk print or sheer wool; for travel, plan on jersey or cot ton tweed, Printed Pattern Mia available in Half Sizes 1244, 1435, 165, 18%, We and Sige 163g suit dress takes 37% yards 3-inch fabric; bow 33 vard. Send ONE DOLLAR far Printed { Pattern M101 The Oshawa | Times Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street, West Toronto, On tarie Please print plainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER and SIZE, 18 focuses above waist notohing of the sympathy and other cards were|!h® minutes and voll call, abY land shut-ins hy| { in care of (name of newspaper), Douglas Redpath, Mrs, Joshua Ale x|take heart from the memory of). : little | Murs, | plant food for growth, Clayton Lee gave the treasur.| To propagate, take leaf peti. er's report, The sick list com. |0le cuttings early in the flower (mittee reported cards and flow.| Ing period, or use seed, If using ers had been sent to the sick|%eed, sow in January in a soil. peat-sand mixture and water well, Bow the seed on top and . | do not cover, but cover the con rangements are being made for|tainer with a pane of glass and a Bt, Patrick's Tea on March ghade it until germination oc: [1 | urs, When the seedlings are _- at 1 wos | ATES enough te handle, put (a PARENTS' COMMITTEE thom in flats and later into 4: the regular meeting of the inh pots, They will bloom the {17th Parents' Committee of the fips summer, Girl Guide Association was held | recently at the Salvation Army Citadel Mrs, Howard Shaw, president, presided, Mrs, John Bowers read the minutes and Mrs, Arthur Atkinson gave the treas.| me urer's report, There were members present and an enrol ment of one new member was held Doar prize was won hy Mrs | Arthur Goodall | Following the meeting the| w Christmas party was held, | we Prizes were won hy Mrs, John! we MePhee, Mrs, Arthur Goodall] ou and Mrs, John Bowers, Gifts were exchanged, HOUSEHOLD HINT Large outs of meat such as! wm roasts can be refrigerated for a) wm longer time than small cuts such| - as stew meat, ground beef and| variety meats, which should be| used within two days of pur | chase | It was announced that ar CE 4 ARMY MULE DIES WEST POINT, N.Y, (AP) "Mr, Jackson", famous mule| mascot of the Army football team, died of old age at the US military academy Wednes day. "Mr. Jackson" was 8 years ald, the equivalent of 100 years in a human being, FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR mene. Cups to the 03, Ho - Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY The modern way to travel is by air For information regarding any form of travel , , . DIAL RA 3.9441 We have a direst Toronto telephone line tor prampt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.944) Quaed and operated by Thomas Meadow and Co. Canada Ltd ™