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The Oshawa Times, 12 Jan 1961, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Jonsary 12, 196) n-- Arouses Much Interest | /#S \ [STOR | fs | corre By ARCH MackKENIIE The Russians have Aone con within Quehes which links ahout ' / | pig, SALE ! Canadian Press Stall Weiler | siderable work on this probien per cent of LERerRlng capac / Interest is growing in the idea and the Canadian sovernment i preading peak loads andl ! { i : of & national power grid system has had a id mn or tw IERAING RIBET ZEN y Aemand ! : ? ! capable of shifting elecinaty to send a team of Hs exper Ontario Bydro's three systems i y . : beiween one part of Canada there - BOrthwestern, Rortheastern Hg £ & 4 and another in substantial quan Alternating current transmis and southern--tie into Quebec Xai % "4 1b bag ¢ tities sion has been the main lech Manitoba and the United States 1 Prime Minister Diefenbaker pique in moving power wd di- although only the southern and # : has pushed the idea in public rect current is regarded @s PoTthEasiern Systems are €on / 7 i SAVE 4: soeeches, Alvin Hamilton, now better for longer hauls weted to each other ! agriculture minister, Was & Fhe report of a Canadian dels Along with the Leaside Bean strong Initial advocate of the oouinn of public wiilities offi- harnois bk, Ontario connects < -- ' ! concept when he had the natural cals that visited the Soviet between Rowyn, Que, and Kirk b resources portiolio Union last year noted that the land Leake, Michigan and New ! 3b bog At last July's federal-provin- current sevem » year pm am York Slates are tied in at var cial fiscal conference in OMawa, calls for #600 miles of 5008 ious points Premier Douglas of Baskat- yolt line slone, This com Kenora, Ont, and Manitoba , 4 SAVE 10: chewan urged that DIOVInEEs with 360.000 volts--highest in are connected b 115,000-y oi fe gr : atughest in are connected by a oh) More Grocery Features ot AGP ponder such a scheme Yorth America line under a four-year-old agree a " stimated that the B.C. Electric Company ent It has been estimated that th 7 7 any men lors (Pestin & Colour Added) eost of a 3000-mile direct-cur Canadian General Electric an-' Said a Manitoba official Res, ior Mc--SAVE be rent line meross the country pounced that a five-year 82.000. "Power sites such as the ones ; ALP CHOICE QUALITY, CREAM STYLE Reg. 2 tins We--BAVE the might run about $150,000 999 600 research program had paid under construction at Grand RASPBERRY JAM with a matching total for 1acill- off in successful development of Rapids (ahout 225 miles north of ties to tap the line in seven equipment to control cirewsts of Winnipeg) and Kelsey (400 miles / # provinces high capacity and extra-bigh north of Winnipeg) can't be built 24-0ninr 3 9: J 20-02 fins [4 David Cass » Beggs, general voltage for less than $45,000 966 | ' A v " manager of the Saskatchewan Ontario Hydro, meanwhile, »if we are able to put such Ann Pade "Reg, 2 btis Be--SAVE #e ALP CHOICE QUALITY Reg. B tins ATs=BAVE 10s I nn Pag g - -- Power Corp., says the annual has heen experiment WIR funds aside, rather than bein operating cost might be ghoul 606 000-yolt transmission at 1s forced into spending them im KETCHUP $36,000 000 but more then that Coldwater project near Barris ediately, Bome very substan 28-02 fins [4 would he saved The first such line probably will tial gains are made on interest 2 revs 3 Be Nova Scotia and New Bruns: be used to connect with sour Manitoba o ya of hydro powe near Ja Manitoba and Saskatchewan CHOICE RED PITTED Reg, tin 2ie--BAVE 18s wick opened last September the { 4 "M7 have set up facilities for power P only fully integrated power grid powpR 18 PROVINCIAL waps between Brandon and ! Reg, pkg H1e~BAVE Bs in Canada, A cross-Canada sur Power is under provincial jur- 51evan at a cost of £500,000 : ™ Press isdiction, hence the 4 Both power sources are roa SCOTTIES 15-02 fins [4 vey by The Canadian re ltion n wn bowef Fes ate koa ; . ¢ to art proy showed that elsewhere, notably planning I cia he ; 7 2g b ) ] the shipment of Estevan coal to 2 a 50. ANN PAGE, ALL VARIETIES Reg, tin 19c---BAVE 18s J between Ontario and Quebec, r Newfoundland | i the Manitoba city pkgs , some interconnection exists connection agreement i of 4 v , o \eials regard the cha i PRIVATE HOOKUP Cost 8 PROBLY " urdle that such arrangement # J £ Alberta's three private eom Reg, 2 tins 36e--8AVE bs 20-07 tins [4 igh cos one n p vas 0 § n es ave es w 1 Fi Its own vast reso appear panies have interchanges with PEP DOG FOOD 22601129: must be licked, Technical diffi adequate, espec nilton British Columbia but there i od dh : . ' culties 'are another, A Means pie onthe 1abrad b 0: interprovincial exchange A rex ( Reg. pkg R7s--~BAVE 2s HENLEY CHOICE QUALITY SPECIAL | tL 3 transmit ni ' : ; k | mst hn found 10 yan dh Pu "1 The Nova Bcotia'N Brun uch, B.C. has no arrangement ToiL ET TISSUE pkg of 2 rolls 2 5c \ pi Hig? 0 2 i tance : And "the wick grid £7.000.000 for power exchange and no pa EPECIALY Ve mg SLANces opened Sept. 22 105 miles. | an at the moment for a hn [4 OE un iol vy comer. {ened Set, 13 using 109 miles DEF plan at. the moment for JUNIOR MALLOWS rio 29. ot fins of 138 volt | ! tem mneial § Vi i voltage to levels in fiom high vol oi 0 | el Moule with federal finan: help, cial network. But it is expected och province 1s expensi creates a pool of 720.000 horse- that the natural outcome of There are three main savings:| 0 Columbia River development More Savings on 1. Power utilities, whether . with the U.8., plus the possible butding steam o bre PIAS runawick aid ho hove New. rare vt of the huge Pesce [| go pep Right Meats at AGP Come See... You'll Save on these Super-Right Meat Feotures a 12 hones 5 today must look ahead to install Ie RSWIHS a ; i River plan, will lead to a pro Wn and ufficient generating capacity te ! 'ah 4 vincial hookup en ' island eventually would jo point to construction FANCY QUALITY IMPORTED cover hours of peak demand or Premier Stanfield of Officials emergent, 0 iiwsasen biome Manfeld af Nova hcw| [EIR BeoL Suir p SUPER-RIGHT st is situation could b of . dd d if it were possible to cuter and an inducem to the mission to Alberta over moun / FULLY COOKED dra if industry sorely needed 8 ges, But B.C. has trans Ld draw on spare power from othey Maritim: in range iu 148 trans Maritin provinces 2 horder links with the U8, Pa B [] [1 L. F. Kirkpatrick, mani 4 ; 2. Canada has seven time the Ne Root cific Northwest, and W. C. Main rown n erve / we Nova Boo we n zones and thus seven patterns of sion, ha a 1 d eould waring, president of the Peace \d peak Me m and ha rida i wn in save up io $20,000,000 in various River Power Development Com : dustry and hom mn ways: including removal of th i" has predicted that lines combine to put the biggest drain will in use : F DIES wo need fo opi , ome capable of carrying up to 750 | on electricity, A power grid 1 jon ; i ME 000 volts he in 10 LEGS CHOPS could suffle power from pro ok time' Tones i Quebec has had one intercon. YEA! for transmitting power SHORT CUT, SHANK CENTRE CUT, LOIN SHORT CUT, LEG & LOIN inces In non-peak Him " ' : HOR @ th Ont f . hundreds of miles from northern supply those province yhere nection with Ontario 1o FATE 3 OC. to the Vancouver Brea | 8-01 pkg consumption is at its highest on a contract hasi ( ¢ | 3 A grid would allow prov: the Hydro-Quebee B i Canada's total net generation " { i. forzn installation of site and the Ontario ro the amount produced after . f . | inces to forgo install nt i Ts de " consumption in the generating AN ALL MEAT BAUSAGE MADE FROM FINE QUALITY Ib costly generating capacity if) H anit RR lations 8.048.809 000 Kile LEAN PORK NO CEREAL ADDED COOKS IN § | ower were available from Toronto rigid oe ol MINUTES p wall hours in 1058. Imports were ' . L localities areas where It costs less 10 ya g own GRID a slim 36,685,000 kilowatt hours produce | I'his is in addition to the tieup and exports 309,633,000 WORK IN RUSSIA -- NR BACK BACON wtb pkg § Qe chunics of Mighvoltage power : Allgood, Smoked, Bliced, Rindlan : transmission are heing licked THERE ARE SAVINGS IN THE AIR! SIDE BACON 1b pke § Qc i ¥ 3: ROAS SHORT OR Ib 69: FLY TCA | corrac ; di Super Right, Bmoked, Bliced, CGIT Plans | COTTAGE ROLLS +59: Church Meet | Bh [||| PORK LIVER "3 || PORK HOCKS ~~ +29« SOLE PORTIONS +59 BURKETON The CGIT will | ! mall Link, Pur iy very if 11) = gm | | PORK SAUSAGES 149: || FSCl CHICKEN Loofs59: COD PORTIONS +45: p.m Legs, Thighs er Breasts piensa NEW Bll [| SMICKEN CUTS +39 | GROUND CHUCK +59: HALIBUT STEAKS +59 Mr. and Mrs. L.. R. Arfue}] on TCA's North American routes available every BEEF BOLOGNA vb okg dh Je attended the funeral of the late ok) Rsk ) uel -- SPECIAL! 20. OFF DEAL Mr. and Mrs, Orville Greer and girls, Oshawa, were Sun if ECONOMY EXCURSION FARES UP | Mrs, Dror Suthl po TO 25% LOWER THAN 8 i . _ Plus Extra Savings at ASP and family, Oshawa, were week: | | ECONOMY FARES end guests of Mr, and Mrs || : { § Tack Smith on TCA routes inside Canada! Good from Octo | : \ : ber 1st to May 31st, Tickets valid 23 days for ! TASTY, EASY TO PEEL, FLORIDA, NO, 1 GRADE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krant and Miss Darlene MacDonald : weekend, 24 days for weekday travel, Your fare | \ Oshawa, were Sunday dinne includes full-course meals-excellent service : guests of Mr, and My B new speed and comfort an TCA's great aircraft dozen | Hubbard including DC-8 Giant Jets, powered by Rolls-Royce! Mr, and Mrs, B, Hughes and First Class Service also, of course! | ONTARIO GROWN, COLD STORAGE STOCK, FANCY GRADE, ; WITH FREE MELMAC family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs Norman M¢Keena and family Mk { ampton, Mr, and Mrs. Walter COAST TO COAST IN CANADA \ : DINNERWARE ENCLOSED Ricks and Robin, Oshawa, wor To the U.S. ~FLORIDA APPI ES McNTOSH 3.1b cello bag 3 * | | wd fay, ASP SPECIAL PRICE Peter Gatch NASSAU-BAHAMAS-WEST INDIES FLORIDA, NO, 1 GRADE, BEST FOR JUICE Peter Gatchell and family Mrs, BE, Carnochan and Mrs GREAT BRITAIN and EUROPE J. Hogemerst have returned home Rem Jaa hd 1 When YOU travel 5.1b cello bag A&P REG. PRICE 1.43 KING Bowmanville, feeling much im | COMPARE THE FARE - SAVE AN EXTRA @¢ SIZE P woved 3 raves IMPORTED, NEW CROP, FRESH, GREEN, NO, 1 GRADE TOTAL SAVING 26¢ BOX Mr, and Mrs, Dan Knapp and | y family, Bowmanville, were Sun i YOu LL GO BY AIR: | day guests of Mr, and Mrs i For details, ask your Travel Agent = or contact TG | Stanley McCullough and family | Ne Bloor St ' W a a Was An § Ib Frozen Food Fealures jb Fancy Quality, Sliced Reg, 30e-~8AVE 9% HUNGARIAN ORDAINED &) TRANS CANADA AIR LINES Gilden Rigs = Ho. V Grade California, Fresh, Crise: No: 1 Grads ! AtP STRAWBERRIES 2 15.01 pk 69 fo ormur tae the Ll AIR CANADA rr BANANAS 2 29, LETTUCE ICEBERG ot Q. PEAS go i 100 Arian . ® team, has heen ordained a Ontario Grown w Cooking, Na, 1 Grade California, Fresh, Fancy Grade Presbyterian minister. Kardos | fod trom Awa awe nif FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL | ONIONS uote Ge DATES odio Gh Qe THE GOLDEN BOOK istry since then | : SU Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements HOG SOUNDS CHELTENHAM, En S7 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA RA 8.6201 | ngland OV Naturalist T Punkin This Week's Jane Parker Quality Bakery Fealures OF ThE VBR Rogers is interested in hedge : n Baked In ASPs Own Bakery By Master Bakers Jane Parker Reg. 39e--SAVE 10s hoje. heard 8 a Book Through JANE PARKER SPANISH BAR CAKE Res. loaf 23 sath 39: | MAGNIFICENT VOLUMES noises othe An a snort or a BS an Jane Parker og. loaf 2ic8AV ° amt DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE | PUMPKIN PIE Rn | VHNNA BROAD aud vo rite IN FULL COLOUR , , , ONLY 90: It circumstances ; 300 DUNDAS E, -- WHITBY -- MO 8.3304 45 A HOMESTYLE DONUTS oka of 6 29¢ each ag Fle Ia I 0 Ru phe Se SAVE PER VOLUME MOUSE MURDER HULL, England (CP)="1t's 3 PINEAPPLE WHIRLS pho A Qe NULL, England (CP)-= 10 | {is foie 3 a pkg He--SAVE ds ALL VOLUMES AVAILABLE NOW AT ASP has said po Ah W 0 ma " SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT Boa $86 w= SAVE W COCOANUT BAR COOKIES oko 2 9¢ Rhoda Stevenson atier she had used het Shed , 4 _e »a MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE All Prides In, This A¢ Guaranteed Through pod Om. The Mouse had Thomas Meadows Co. Canada Lid 22 SIMCOE ST, §, OSHAWA RA 3.9441

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