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The Oshawa Times, 12 Jan 1961, p. 20

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20 THE SIHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, Jenwery 15, 196 WET EARNINGS Ford Cains peris | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange [7.2% 2" =~, British Plant as. ARAER Sepr. TH 18. 5500 FAP INNS (Reders) WAPPIIREEE Mr. nh - 4 oo "be " / AGE GLEE BE james Hormenecs ps ¢ rover 18 " RORONIn 4. 49. Hahn : Boies Wah Low p.m EW gO Fries Wogh Law em FF ge MINES ork Soier Wah low ow Ew ge y oy! dia " y : Ford Motor Co. of Detyon In gowns 1 wets Ee ' % (Ld #18 Hho y HWwmes §44 0 Ward, om Gonder" srmnsis #19 pints Boh Pl le ft koiose wie © BE To $00 19 " a : o Teck Mutha G8 Wines Lia' wareeded in Ke 00090000 Wd # wane fowsesst Wospid LIRR REE FREE ' £m HE Wi WH oki 4 Boies Wigh bow oom Eb 48 5 2 We We 7% _ he ih Bek. i; w by minority holdings wn Ws 2 HRA fr, an» pl : # p sr ' pe zw 4 3 E005 055. 190. #275792 Enahioh swhvsidiary. i Was a» A GEOR SEWE STORY When 1» # i at dad F . ' '4 me 4 ; 4 © ede shay. ba PERRIER The Beth SE Twi EERE IB pe 8 er ie 7? dng jh . 4 4 5 po is 4 TORONTO (HP )--=The wind WIAA RETR RORY ~» pi A F fl t ' lisp § os 7 iid Brvikers and £9, Wer: be Dohaws Times. cippings ME Bo A 3 4 in 8s | i y "4 yy, H rik i a Ber pix poaianie for Baby's Rows INDUSTRI ' Fhe a £ 8 4 gid i ¢ s us oe % 2 market was wired Wednesday Sait Bankers, said the otter Frmily Trae Respite phd 19 Bai 19 at ~ ¢ Tr 0 i ir fd Poy 4 er RET RB session of Reavy LiRdma. » [riends BRk IEP ES (8 TORE 147 APP / Lin oe # A / ' pity ' 4 . wr Ford oH England by Ford of Paces To Hock Din POBIEEERer Beles Wigh Low sm FP gr a We We # ' y 4 $i Zi . 4 ' fn mbes. wmdwtngle were mf', v IR MST ria cai Tue Oshaws Times Lpswbad p Gis 4 é at im rh Side ¢ | / f hd 4 4 F x ' " " 1 wk TILER. aids gained La8 TTCTICR RE IR fh mone RA § i hid . 0" 2m em 50 Busta mR 19 ¢ ' A - 4 o % I Wh WN. base meisis 106 # IIL nd Western mils 9B # BROTH SUBSTITUTE kd i chicken both is net svi DEATHS '3 7 t : . fw 8 On oo 5 # Rs vio iA y 5 4 ons 12 7 Yolume was 3147000 shares ghie (or a Ieper, wee canned 5 sos : f of a ¢ 5p § 478 , " : ¢ 4 "w y Ved iig a. y 2 FORRES Wik We 1am 4 i or howlion CPRERER RH COOK In the fohane Grpein ' 4 " fs 84 $ by we Bip Bib 2 Comp Eom i" ih f ¢ 2 shinies traded Tuesday es Mesotved Recording 19 ig A [or brnoeh oe A ; En Wes fv if Ay "5 WR a wi Al A 4 H to Be / Anglo anadian Vitp Aromis package imstruetions end of he inte Lauck Topmws: fer ' rs 8B y 7 8 : 5 5 Pog * 3 ny ho # pnt a We The wily pape fame Wiliam of Dette. Wir. Row y 740 i eS dddass $ ' ¢ p 4 ad i ¢ gwing went (a Howard Smith and ld iid of Befieviie; Hip ¢£ A : 5 - : : rer 4 ; 3 : # 4 Vy # Fy ; . / Bathurst A, Ah wp Wh, Hh # ne Wi gain a 1%; Weider ut su Bg A BP 4 oH ' ¢ Bi § Has i 4 # g n / y . 8 . win os Hs Hk HY and 43 Hkbinger was wp % w 20% Ele ninen hndeswon Frumersl Wome ih 8 J : / # roi bis # fon wo 1 Wp 45 % # Among Resorted favories. Im. WIE. ainong hase metals, | ab: kas Sore Fas tr et, 5 A p PB 2 ¥ . ; p, 4 : 3 " 8 4 y i" P bo FZ #44 # éii 4 4 perial Pladilare dropped Wi at Fie ar grind 1% wt "wy, Yen po Interment Vpion ' A Zig Rite Rity fr y § : a wo / ? ww bh 3, Ogilvie Flour wis off 1; a tres was wp 1h ot 0, £7. Canadian "Tiwe. US. Ford Denison was wn the move and Fesnen Canada #1 LAINE RERIN RIBINE SEF WERRINIRGS, A pont wir Ve wt 1912. Rin Algom gained pe | Campbell Bed | ake led golds WH cepts a 88.10 ' Ss----y ill ¥ iis RIN nEntr: Breil Gi BRAC) agp ONE WEEK SALE! Sd) ig i fy hl. Blbh AG Zeid, WE BRAN BE Bil (Hm (50.95 JOU 40.05 father of Yip = BARRY Me Dshanp Grperp w WeAnesiany, IRRWE Emiy Dosw. in br ie of Tonnes Has mmiins wl Bags dd FERRER PRET WEW INSHAN. Banier ana * nes Kinompr 0 Wr 55 ay / ih ba : : eer Woon 10k 11 pom Wi , ; RECOVER LOST WEAT A. " fe on hath i i Ml chum in : PR Ew ry i. . hora A 3 . Ae GOING UP YOUR CHIMNEY me. DALE 777) WEAT RECLAIMER Tons wat Haat Worry Lt delves FARE WAY Giemernt I cart RA 80246 Eni 5 ) ; IPR / oo | ' J NOW 41, Sra AT HE EXTRA dg ibs " iad Bal ER AL, bia nig IM ] ¢ : : / 3 10 wh FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION " Es This Introductory Offer is Limited--So Hurry! of Roney Thomas. Besting » on 1 ' * deiary 181 8m. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT iW May 56 0 i on ih on Ad iad a, he a Us, Money Ma ho Vy Sushirs od JK. THOMAS 10 Gregory's Comet A 0 impair is effective While British Rig Tinto own Mg wis made avallahle 1a the LOCK ES Fl ORIST . * » ness elsewhere i " W A " ent of | Ahad al N A Th IE in advance of deli ery ' THINKING DIFFERS 44 4, 158 ownership thin ot reat Canadians hiamed foreign FOUNDRY SUPERINTENDENT ining Chi Funeral errengements end Win the operating companis apital, Bank of floral reguireme L: | I believe there 15 8B iffer: 1s interest in Rin Algom Ming a i ig U hada uiicies OCCRSIONE ene hi gpprogen between the Tid. the hig uranium roi i erg ral ar _proniems BEEONEN ONE SERV Cn en the 1d. the hig uranium producer an ie ays aetnally caused hy other Tas SALARY OPEN 0 ies based in the United the group, 1s estimated at § ona tigone | LilK@S AULOTNOINYY itor sit toh lg ll "WS % ospyuall cw ge i men fs in aie Compal Ts ahlir esident or { } : TRE There Bi iw EB on on 4 RRA i Meta Rin Jres sient ih i 4 hall ha : In face Hi in ted i p ' high 5 f f f and f 4 f re Ld "iE f anure i f ! ney reigied nardware id Praducing [} By Foun : ULL " ruled from London. has tions in both countrie | Canada Ahead of SIN heened seide the eof arte dire 0 Ns " m hi ho Prog G 8 Wh od N Canadian Press Business Edilor faded awa fn has gone Ihe helieve that general i p rics n { tia nan : H ! k I HEE Wing BLFRININE Hii f ng i nodes highly mechenize GERROW FUNERAL dea ol } p nievest Br PU ld d wh of Mal jerical wave of entiment and through movement to ap f £ I. N Ads ¢ map HOA. OF A] iri United States 1 1s still thought p Yhereas Routh Africa 15 4. Loimpart of foreig { nd industries | . g Bl AGHSIBAL. SURRHN | | fe IVIng | in rm i le t t 5 1 Liadidd LLL / | l pranrigle aren | naustrie CHAPEL aging director of . London having #8 right 1 We desirable to reign 100 per cen ean oar Li In shalt-sink: yal" as no solution to | i : i] pp of tec) Jos webs Rating fi onsibility In twe yer f and manag th ndust ( . ER. ! id AURA with our rama ra ) nn ; iid. of Landon 3 i 4 Tl I f f BUSEEY contra) In overseas enterpri i wocedure. Australia 18 par rade employment an ogical ol g he said ry geperignce in foundry Kindriess beyond price feliever in loca nm and commerce of Common: whereas thinking in Britain is ticularly advanced in ove-dve IEICAL Chih 1 Bil f Ag ) } al I vou ries. I) Ind Hi f ! wahlem Our inflated costs and slow pr / b sary open to attract the nght men vet within reach of all His compa F 1 Ri CHIL IER Na changing ng techmanes, Each of these | p nial e iy bil : i idea of partnership appl ! m hifi rawih in preductivity togethey Refer ta File OT)-2376 RA B-6226 terests in vari part th 4 i ! inf. Mi Duncan's philosophy has COURIC AN CORLEINILE SOME: address 1o ING STREET WEST world, including Rin ¥ o Se fal ME 0 heen followed in the case of thing in the other. Tan often iG STRE WES iatural resources hut io gl in ied public company In shareholder thre gecaunt for the greater part of enld wi mn the dep hat ; | 1] | ) Wi ater on the ide all the ills currently blamed Mail resumen in santidence. Freon paid hy sur employer = sisnis ning Company of Canada usirial activitia Rin Tinto of Canada. He he: however, ines of communication United States investment posed either on the change rate ny LOCKE'S FLORIST but its philosophy, as ¢ came president of the Canadian #11 run lo London and there 18 5 threat tn Canadian saver: an the monetary policy of the h Ir. Duncan 0 have w» The finding and selection of company when it was formed in Nov sufficient cross-fertization. gignty or that Canada's inter: Bank of Canada" ineral griengements end Hh! a " } wl req Srements fer all ownership in the country con the right man to head a new 1956 through merger of the Ca. 0 Interchange of ideas national debt threatened the ) and let the men on and developing business is all- nadian interests of Joseph H econnm n R. « CCOBIE cerned tn ; OSHA WA SHOPPING the spot do the job Impartan : Howe o sound a Hy hharn nd Rin Tinta of in YAIR FXCHANGH ot An Falk Ahi! fixing Canada A ur hE tn id sith pA oP Re TO MANAGEMER CENTRE FXpressing ms views in a re. project may he, it will pot pros: London n 1087. however. he now free exchange rate or eu industrial psyehelogy 1861 Yonge T a cent article in the Investars per without good leadership. stepped aside and was sue: Ma, Bouth America and mid: (ailing the inflow of foreign.cap- horn and reared in the U8 JUR PHONE SERY ' hgh 1 24 HOUR PHONE SER Me. Duncan said in Direction from the centre, how- ceeded hy Robert W. Winters, Alvica, a sullor's brother or sis: jal was "dangerous nonsense' showed they averaged 1.6 inche executive placement A Tarante 7, Ont. RA B-6555 Chronicle fod od part ever good. is no substitute. I former federal minister of pub: ter is often considered fair ex: that would lead the country into taller than girls of hike age in ---- lust as the idea of an Em overdone, it can prevent the lo- lie works. and there now is no change for a wile more Lrouhle Tapan BARNHART -- In loving memory of SR Oshawa and Vicinity Here's Welcome News! wm Is a ig cannot touch MW many memaries ane. we loved 0 muh memory x aur keepsake we'll never part ind has her in His keeping Lovingly remembered and wad missed bh mother, sister Gladys, bro therinlaw, Rill, nisce, Jacqueline, ne phew Harald RRAMLEY In loving memary of i and and father, Athert, who + passed av Tania 17. 1958 . We wha loved you sadly miss you As It dawns anather {1} In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever nea missed and always rememhs ay his wife, Goldie. sons Nell and Douglas. daughter-in-law. Shirley finan In loving mem Richard Thomas Clough, whe * awa dana 158 Always remembered hy his and fami SIMPRON in loving memary of a dear hushand, Wilhert Simpson. whe passed away January 13, two years ago {nda ie gane but nal forgati As It dawns anather In our lonely hours of (hinking Thoughts of him are alwass nes Pays of sadness will came aver us Many think the wound {s healed But they litle know the soiraw That lies In the heart concealed fireatly missed hy his wife, Myrtle WILSON In loving memay of . my dear hushand, John James Wilson v 4 who passed away January 1%, 1858 Sadly missed and lovingly remem JAY 4 Th ds of Dollars Worth of Men's O , Suits, TRE TE | wm NOW IS THE TIME Twusonss of Dolirs Worth of Men's Srercont Suits TORONTO (CP) Whalesale ) BE | 0 S-A-V-E! Room For New Spring Stock Melntosh $34 a bushel, Spie 4:4 50. Delicious 350-450. green 240-275. heans, green 6 50:6 75 ; per hamper, heels 11.33 a hu hy shel, hrussels sprouts, Amel can 5500; broccoli 3754 a 0 : : 1.1.93 2 case: carrals, unwashed washed 1.95:1.50; cabbage, 871 per crate, new Texas 20 canliflowe American 13s \ § Bs Ti santas Ame om y 1 LOY Of NAME BRAND 1 LOT oF The OF : Oe aooTS. farnia 3 Tad a orate lott ¢ ' ° ah THES fe MEN'S || SPORT || warm ODDS | | ® PANTS mushrooms 2.25235 per 5-pound i FT SUITS | f gHIRTS || WINTER AND ® DRESS spanish 334-350; parsley, Amel jean 1.1.23 a dozen. pears, Ro . Anjou &6 30, radish, cella 150 oke es ENDS SHIRTS 1 75. squash, pepper 130-175 a Reg ta 7.95 bushel, hubbard 150-2, butternut MAURICE BERG Reg. 59.50 to 69.50 AT ETC. 1 75.2. tamalaes, hot house No | ot 375-0 per 10-pound crate ALL AT Na 1 small 1.13 h turaips, wn SALE SALE GIVE-AWAY ROCK re en aes me § | ALL SALES FINAL 10.00 to FORONTO (CP) Churning ® ~No Exchanges : PRioes Be EM goa unt wines bon wie d | oN wetun 39.50 he egg market was unsettled Seles Merchandise an : n . m iliow Tas PRICES with afferings hight far a pom Cash Basis Only ALTERATIONS EXTRA demand Country dealers are quated hy i J | : ! | fi 0 the federal department of agn wena MAURICE BERG'S MEN'S WEAR e 38 SIMCOE NORTH e RA 3-3032 A large 3 A medium A small 3%, RB }

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