VE TIE SIRAWA TIRES, THN), Sen ry VV, I9RY THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS NEW BUSINESS & Flots UNLISTED NUMBERS ANN'S FABRIC SHOP . 113 BYRON ST, §, WHITEY MO 88152 SPECIAL THIS MONTH NEW SPRING PRINTS REG 65 NOW A5¢c per yd ENVOY RESTAURANT HOME OF "CHICKEM IN THE ROUGH" 522 RITSON RD, § J WE DELIVER--RA 65-8978 ftom bet CLE yA iE | Was rd, Fn zomm rik V6--insurance og of newest 8 Joonsace Er Jn: iff Bg Pg Ah ool 17-~Money to hoon WE RAVE chents "eraiebie oF Josh wh rst and is fs Bh % 5 -- " FIRST 0d second rang Winco | Vrntesionsl AA EL is nn Llebio, is Drynan iy CLASSIFIED AD RATES 2% words leu Con' Boren § COMECYTIVE IER TIO) Oh 226 im é coc. vE WERT AVS 275 413 op not pod within 7 days the Charge pd bo uf? Above 1o1es orders for phosisfbimd A di insertions ordered ot § later dors constitiAe G6 rew origi or Proh SALA T5060 per month for 3 hnes "A hh addtionsl bine $140 per month, Each initial letter $ od fogs, comis 08 8 word bor Sige Sc wasionel MM Erstad Kea ments must be in by 5 pm. the ay be fore publication except wid Memoriams, Cords of Thanks which will be gccepted wil § am, Desdhine for Lost nd Jound ond Concailations 8:30 Office Hoors: Deily 8-5, sir 7 REGULATIONS -- The Oshows Times wil not be responsible for errors In advertiser ments submitted otherwise then n writing, nor for more then one incorrect Insertion of ery Gover tisement, nor beyond the price § charged for a single Insertion of the Ggdvertisement nn which #ref gears, And sso reserve the right 19 classify advertismg gecording 19 | Hs own classifications in the cose of display advertise ments The Times will not be hed reponsible for more space then Hi thet in which the getyel ser | % WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish 299 King St West Specioliving wetches, RA 3-4545 wy gr SCH) L, SCHAPELHOLMAN COMPLETE BOOKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RE- TURNS, 6686 OSLER STREET HAWA, ONT, RA 59953 327 - . Aude Repairs MONEY TO LOAN (2%. ; radio radio repairs, "Mi pin CATOBIES, $2,000,00 10 $50,000.00 for |B Wr 1104 Fredh, immediote loan on First end 4 -- Second Mortgages, Agres- ments for Sale, on vueont end improved property, resideps tiol and industricl city, sub- when end country, and Sum: mer corGgges " bh BL BIE, £oith, Bon Wilson, Chi 6, Elon Bossows, ©, Rh $515 En A of Lrg rir sad Ny Ere marie Acemunting a is, Bn oi i Obes EA jis Joon rk, ed WONTER wd "nd dons, FAckpsed Frias ww B Slieet Danni "Ye CA; F, iam dd AA ¥ s, F JOrne and Company, | Certd- | while find Accountants, 172 Kin v7 East, Oshaws, Oniarie, RB & LANG'S MEAT MARKET 272 ALBERT ST, HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES OUR SPECIALTY WE DELIVER--RA 8247) wi ISON PLAZA SEA COVE RESTAURANT festuri | iret, OLD ENGLISH STYLE" sovw rom sossimans wd fa, £0 FISH AND CHIPS [7irsie nirance Teiophone WA So to WE DELIVER--RA 83151 . OVE, two + bedroom Zo mens thie i BE a pr ---- (nets Pgs 7 LT To ' EE 4 FSrm-- pees ify J gd prams home wom Ah B LY, two-room fe mmr rer hy wi {1Famesr po WY, garsie | ATRACTIVE wo five five rooms furnished, . one hid wel avidly pee whi Also three » | semiral, Apply 4 LE B SERVICES w Complete hovkkee ar | Ing services (or smal homnesses, wi Vy, monthly or ss desired. Bialements | Fepared Income tax Fetiins, # 2--Barristers Bd Jou A CAMERON, Darrister, sole for and Notary Public, 184 King Street East, BA 30209, NiA and private HOFLEaEes arranged Barristers, GREER od Kelly, Baliei tors, sie : Bimens Biieet Bowth Disl BA 4 on Besidence pROR ES, vl gH re AR wat aks Te occupies, The publishers endesyour i} to reproduce BY advertising metter BALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas WH. correctly but assumes ng hebility Greer, Associste Barristers snd Bol: ony ineccingcies wm any form eitors, 180) Bing Street East, BA B-H246 of advertisement ore conigined Mortgage |oans available therein, THOMAS M, RUNDLE, basiater she eitlor and notary pe %! ing Street East, Fhone BA b) CREIGHTON, FRASER, Je and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, ] Simeoe Street North, RA i 4 TK Creighton, QC; N. €. Fraser, QC; G, K rynan, 6 Murdoch, ri mart: | gages arranged RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor, 6 Kong Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, BA 8-271 JAMMER A, MacDONAILD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub le, The Commereinl Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontarin, Client parking available MANNING F, Solicitor, Notary, Money 10 loan elate, Bryce Mackey, BA, Hanty Block, 6% King Street East, RA 3-469, Residence, disl RA 54020 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East Telephone; Business RA 3.2801, Res dence, RA #5373 JOSEPH FP, MANGAN, QC, barrister olicitar, Money to loan, Office 144 #232 wr SRE i " i Ht fe Ag i a ond, Vorhe Siest East, BA Vi 4d od, og "To, ons rd ped wr) RA #17, # REAR periment, | pi le ivi Ponsekeeing wp AR FA La vliers vn siger elon, for two OF She "hill wescome, BA DICE two - room spsrtment fof BREE poveia Enikance, alse pREEm, Garake avatlabie, 519 Montreve "heer Aly 15 Agnes Sires, ! # Pork Road. BRA BIL alias (COMPLETELY forpished RE room, with sink [ove swilabie ne pu inl February #, ho" "ot hii SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE | Television » Radio - Ronge Waeshers » Dryers ond Oven Control Repair Specighists PH. RA B-4673 49 BURK STREET | Fost Service » Sensible Rotes SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA B-8180 OSHAWA T.V, - 36) GIBBONS ST, TV TOWERS 40-fr, self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint Complete with new Moring 61 all - channel antenna, Total price, installed and guaranteed for year $59.95, Also prompt set service TV Enterprises 253 Drew §t, Further Risk mation MODERN (ovr 1 aed, eX ro Rg (32-- Articles Wanted WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I, TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 leohlect) [37--Male Help Wonted A BUSINESS of your own for 10611 ¥ou L990 cal ER)OY B KORURNONS gr Ome, WPPYIng Irends » with hoses dissin d Port ms ve RY Lo make money. High commission #0A bonus. Familex Products, Del orimier, Dept #, + Montres), 41--Room & Boord ROOM snd boprd, siltable for one or two gentiemen, Close to Maliesbie snd Fittings. Telephone BA 30626 wor #1 | Elena Brest {Room oF room and hosrd for gentle |man, Wiee worm comiortable room, clean, quiet home, centre! Ioestion, ahstainer, Telephone RA 5-878, | EOOM and board, gentlemen, DLT IRE bib BRAND pew sprriment for rent, ER timant building, wy bedrooms, A ness Bouth Genernl Moors, #9 month. LARGE 07g » bedroom prime pik Rie enti anes po Wn | Securities Lim. Simcoe Street Phone RA Summerland tiled 112 North, Oshows, 65-3568 MONEY TO LOAN Meanies for oll types of mort- gages; for first ond second martgages on oll types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sole purchased, Apply M. Swartz, 264 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 3 4697 Ti o--Mortgoges IMMEDIATE self-contained ground heavy Auty rig town and Shopping |13--~Gardening & Supplies ICE MELTER To melt ice and snow every: where 30 times foster and mare powerful then Rock Salt, Labor costs eliminated, harm. less to sidewalks end pave: ment, Free Demonstration DIAL RA 3-9020 SNOW REMOVAL SIDEWALKS CLEANED FAST SERVICE OSHAWA HOME SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cars for wrecking, Parts for sale, also scrap fron and metals, etc bought, Open Soturday ell day. Phone RA 5-231) 89 BLOOR E, | 35--Employment Wonted {FEMALE hairdresser wants part tme |BOOM, Rear Shopping Contre and bus FIVE room sell-contained apr. (position, Friany afternoon wd Satur: | S08, for girl in widow's home, BA ment, private entrance ove: Fein diy, Telephone RA B-4618 stier § pow, |P9918, Evenings, BA S168, fain, WASHING machine and REFINED 4 |¥WO gentiemen to share, single beds, "€ plied, Only rellépte "lontnis middie aged widow seeks home orivileges. home coke menls, | ph re erences, avaliable immediate option as housekeeper, BenUemAR'S | lunches packed, RA 57048, 71 La Balle Street, Mo Mond home (preferred) goed cook, Kon 4 AHA ay 10 8m, lo 6 p.m, home preferied to high wages, Ref: |[BOOM snd hoard for gentiemen, three private entrance, central, on bus line, erences, HA 65-2548 minutes from four corners, Apply 84 FIVE - room apartments, hes 004 | Adults, ners, 187 Huron Btrest, {Charles Street, [sabion, parking, close h hus PPI | Phone BH: 786 Bimeoe Street Bouth for further ROOM and howrd, hor wilemen, with {home privileses, i Bimeos | IPEOrmetion. |Btrest South or ley) one 1A $4256, |UNFURNIBHED or furnished three requires | GENTLEMAN, clean, quiet Buropesn| 29m APARLMOnt, A gd paid, centre single | (Figerator, wove, TV perisl, Sr» "8, |#nd share, lunches packed, parking, 9) Wrosdioom, Hreplace, close 4 | lars giraut Tele Har Pg wr corners wd ial, Hensonable v or NELEMEN boarders wanted, goad 00 East, RA B01, {SENT TV, home cooning, lunches pack: THREE ~ room apartment, weil -eon #4) centinl, near North Genersi Mo tained, priviie bath na entrance, gh |Log and hospital, Bl Colborne East, BA Fake, Working couple preferred, imme: | 5-7607 diste possession, RA 86118, i eliting iF, bye "rly for further FIVE room apartment, close to North {8 SPRIURent shwidin, (Genern) Woops plant wid Sow ow | South, A} wii g ry Fad bi ve ipove and seligeraion Hi washing priviie, ." phone BA 82.85 A rJoom unfurnished partment, | etween 7 and % contr) RA FOUR «room, (Blrect Ean sites $ Ry: ly |Two AMAL [77 T (vate apartment with hath, pA "sell-contained | hosrders wanted, 3660 uit ons oom. Ape k SINGLE, | stove snd relrigersior, furnished a. rg yes pid ids " sekeeping If desired. separ _ ral, Telephone RA 84064 Sanaa ht heated Information | 154 Wikiiam Btreet Ear, 7 3178, ih each, {CLEAN, bright double furnished oom, hirisahaep- wor a8, Avi Ww, BA kA. oh Shoham: 4d ' i Ld UNFURNISHED two - room apertment, "00%, T7 oWet, parking, bie at A00r oH conveniences, refrigerator and wove, | HPP 140 Rowand Rowd East FURNISHED Weht how on Beverly Strset, Josseksnving » room, men, BA 51684 for more iim. a floor, hot water, Close 5 down CENTRAL Centre, BA S-9704. be Artmont, three roogis nd bath, | Avenue, Tod. A BACHELOR spariment, wosiairs, for|DT55t JEVEl, Wave, Beingerstor sop | Gu cess" room furnishe plied, kitchen i, "and cuphonrds, | ve pA pig A i BA & riment. fa ruing, ve TWO spariments, $0 & mon t win beds; LA Y ie ished room, ol cl eentral. BA 84 Ee Tow | FURNISHED so "clean and ' i" conveniences, near ok A Vacant middie ences, f4righet slier bpm, vehi Biv, impo hres + FOom | # Intrance, Ar id, divi »Y uty alas Telephone RA A108, Y , | UPPER dupex three rooms and hath, | Rule, very ceniisl, perking, oh 50 NEW modern two hedroom ROR ROOM for Indy #5 ry JA clenn couple, 188y or gentieman, re: sainers, BA 6 reed Lid Road South, able, | Centre, 36 Fermmiil Blvd, BA SWARTZ, Barrister, Assn FURNISHED rot Telly home, senirel, good 17s mation SINGLE or ul rooms Kentlemen only oom | 1esired Apply (My Cen PRIVATE entrance ad bath Rlshed rooms, availa a 9 8 abe re, LICENCED home will bosrd ehtidren | {hy the hour, day or week, Ressonshle | Fetes, 349 Verdun Road RA 5-576 "| expERIENCED SPECIAL sell-coniained carpenter ing Blreet Fast, Oshaws, BA # Residence RA 56-3408 87 SALMERS BA, barrister, soliel: LANDSCAPING MONEY 40' TOWERS $45 30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 |& | 8ll kinds of carpenter work, Phone BA! home, excellent home eovked meals, ] Kooi hed, continuous hot walter, park: 7066 alter 6 p.m, | ing, bus at door, BI Park ond South, THREE large rooms, furnished elephone RA #0 four: lca hath, newly decorated, rth three. rtment, logation, refri serie, . included, 7 vutlet, plenty. of 5, FURNISHED spariment, private bath, pas, Hght snd water, television out: ous hot water, Telephone RA a HOUSEKEEPING room, wise |Foom, furnished, mesls, hire pt ble I tor, el imene Street North Office HA baat; Residence, RA 5-5642 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Soliel RA 8-6366 dence, RA 8-094 | 14-=~Household Repairs MeOIRRON and RABTEDO, Rarristery, | SELL your power tools for fast essh Boligitors. Clients' funds available for| {with an Oshawa Times Classified Ad first mortgages, 20 Simeoe Street North: RA 3-3402 i RA 85-3566 Charles C, MeGibhen, - | Youn 10e8) chimney cleaner, Chim: | Edgar F_Bastedo, GC, eys bullt and repaired, gas linings In BUMPHREYS, Boyehyn and Hillman, (afathed, 1 furnaces vacuumed, Frese esth| Barristers, Solicitors; BR, H um: (mates, HA 5-20! i, 8. Bayehyn, BA; W, A - Street al FURNITURE so atred and re-uphil Res, RA |stered, Bes ou erigls for ve-eover ing Ji R, Dain, 76 Charles Wirest, RA & YOUNG mn, 26 yeprs old, wants hopping Centre, Telephone BA $0028 | |g after 4 pm, THREE FOOm BRAFLH ment, "private hath and entrance, Keftigsrator, nove, TV outlet, garage, Close to hospital, RA 32104 ay 't GROUND floor duplex, with four large roams, colored hath modern kitchen, One Hoek trom bus, Tele. phone. RA 3-422] ao: ROOM furnished apartment, stave, tional, near Shop, Centre, Bus facilities, garage, abstain 7 lee, Jorking, A re or "6 adies preferred, Telephone i roomed "APAriment, pA uke SY bath and entrance, water, Hoot from Bouth A YHA " and parking free Ean he - |lleges, parking spaces, lepine ings, PY acum Feb, 1 $9408 for more etalln, Wayne Street, RA 5:9 TT -- TWO bright, ¢ THREE : room AL SIA. unfurnished [for two pod Shetty H hid [i main floor, with garage, located at 410 downtown, LL King otale King Street East, Apply 84 Charles |5-6387, Street after §, » / hone MO 68-4122 {ROOM snd board, good home cookin 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22 ind of work, Telephone 84133 central; close to Korth Cenernl a |# YOUNG reliable girl seeks position as tors and Hosptial, bus at door, Apply receptionist and elerk, two sary #5: [240 Division Bireet perience In handling essh Ht 11] ROOM snd board , Kentleman earn switchboard, Call BA 5-2549, ed, good mesls and beds, packed, private entrance, reasonable rates, RA #445, ROOM and howrd for gentleman, close to downtown, Apply § Flin Street East, Telephone BA 37 " Hf io eirigerator, parking weekly, Also {ROOM and hoard In i home, for two gentlemen, close to North Geers) bleh onheping room, #6, 104 Division)" Motors and uptown, © Agnes | Street FOUR + room apartment, one bedroom, 57704 BOOM and hoard for gentleman, private rh it ind i, Sownown; so | eas, Tunches packed, laundry done, [Rag odes Kh Alrmatiay ne RELIABLE housekeeper to take com:|#ix oF seven days a week, 547 Monirave 4 plete charge of home and twa chil | Avenue, HA 8.0047, 141 GRENFELL Beast, Mis Phe, dren, Live In, Telephone RA 8-3574 ater Room and he wl, five-day we ek, sin. (thee « room apartment, heavy duty i pm [Klee beds, Tanehes ached, Nome ennk: Wann: oil up ards okiop: FREE = two furniahed rooms to pe. "1: 6ONHAUOUS hot wales parking, HH hot water, Barking di lishle woman or eouple In exchange for (Slane, to Bouth General Matar, A 5h FIVE + roomed " port time" care of children Telephone humace, garane and warden In vil ' 43--Wonted To Rent close to Oshawa, Telephone to phir WANTED one Foom AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS BORROW $1,600 REPAY AS LOW AS $35.00 MONTHLY wCurrent Interest Rates Completely Installed With 2-Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S . CITY TY, ¥ RA 5.7844 ~ 802 SIMCOE ST, §, T.V, Service Calls, LE) MN DID YOU SEE OUR NEW ALL GALVANIZED RADESS TOWERS w=Expert workmanship w= 196) All Wave Antennae Did You Know That We w=Have Same Day Service Employ Expert Technicians Take Service Calls till 8:30 pm TRY US T.R.1L.O, TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, EAST RA 8-678] SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT DAY OR NIGHT | T.V, and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Wark Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 23--Women's Column SPENCER Foundation sarmenis. In dividually designed, also Spirella Rey, Carsetler, Mra, John Hendershot, 384 Admiral Road, 25---Pets and Livestock MINIATURE poodle, female, ehoew Tate, Tedistered, 10 hei 0 ald, excellent a ---------------- BEAUTIFUL bahy budgies ready for training talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East REGIATERED gold vetriever Labea: |b dor male i wo months, sired hy poo ha Cs ekeri dame, Sweet Sun al, Lt AVENE bag Eo 26--Farmer's Column [DEAR farm stock ploked Wp prompily, Phone enlleet, Hampton, COWax 3.3741, Margwill Far Farm, Tyrone | 27 --Fuel & Wood [DRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur maces, staves, fireplages, ele, 38 large Inad delivered, Phone HA §-0818, FIREPLACE OWNERS Wood =~ Apple, Elm, Maple, Cedar Rails, Delivered cord or quarter PHONE 3-7195 AFTER 5 PM, | 31 Articles For Rent FOUR vale relery: unches parking, 36--Female | Help "Wanted |! MAKE up to 88 an hour demonstypt| ing Studio Girl Cosmetics, Write for details, Peter Calhoun, B81 Btreet, Feterboro, Ont, $100 MONTHLY ~~ reliable person for domestic position, live in, Brivale roum, Must be fond of children, Telephone RA venus, 4-ROOM APARTMENT LOWER DUPLEX North Mary Street' Available February | APARTMENT In well kept building thet provides 1, Lots of cupboard space, 2, Modern kitchen, 3, Excellent floor plan 4, Baleony, 5. Paved parking, 6, Complete laundry facilities 7, Central location PLEASE PHONE MO 8-4770 I MONTH FREE RENT ADELAIDE TERRACE 329 Adelaide W,, New Meod:™ ern Apartment; luxurious 2» bedroom suites, broadloomed throughout, drapes, stove and refrigerator; all-channel , laundry facilities and parking. Immediate posses: _slon, See Apartment 2, APARTMENTS 2:bedroom apartments, near Shopping Centre, electrically equipped, Available Feb, 1st, 213 MONTRAVE AVE, APT, 8 4604 or Whithy, MO 8.8781; RA 5-5003 Money to loan 3A--Chiropractors WF W, WROWNLEE, Toclor of Chir opractie, Moved i Park Road South, Gihawe, RA 3.744 S----Nursing Serie PEDARE Convalescent and Nursing [ome #4 Nour #raduste nursing serv: Quiet, beautiful surroundings, Hrooklin, or B-4031, BUNNYBRAE, of Oshawa, Care for eld: erly people, R Inquiries RA 090 PAINTING and paper hanging, winter rates, Telephone RA 65:7397 for further information, CHESTERFIELDS and old ehalrs re |vovered Ike new, Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Siméoe South, Call RA 86451 for a free est) ale, w=Fast Confidential Service wm PROFESSIONAL painter and = paper hahger guaranteed work and mate weNo Hid Bonus Hala, Free estimates, Al Convoy, RA bd dden Bony MIDDLEAGED, far further partioulars, keeper for small suitable for two | NEW moder two Redriom apartment, heavy work, live In en, cooking privil: In new apartm ¢ A Jeifiuers- bedroom and sitting room, RA oo eEes, ean't Minion $40, Harmony Road | tor, stove, er Arne ne thick Hi $05 WEEKLY, plus private room district, KA 32408, i W Wool or aren Mare duties and £are WANTED -- wo or (hres d R. dren, liberal Hime off, Tel no, 14 rooms, 1andlady te care for ehild while UPAR Arn.) so hr: mother works, Telephone RA 5.8071 nished, sult couple, private hath, am MALL self-contained apartment, Nat Dh, A CL LT for eottage for one, middie aged dis: | EEE (abled pensioner, Not more than 858 {Port Perry, Bowmanville, Searhore THREE vielnity, Write Box 418 Oshawa Times Adults, 44---Houses For Rent THREE - bedroom house for rent, 634 Cromwell, close to South General Mor tors, heavy wiring, hot water, lovely fuphoatde, ideal for ehlidren, Phone RA 30331 iy MONTHLY aix-room house, ne fur ace, 87 Nassau Street, Telephone KA HH or HA 3-810, MODERN brick house, earport, handy to schools, ehurehes, shopping Centres Lease, $116. 464 Fernhill Hivd, RA 8.2863 (IRTERSON North, twohedroom bun alow, with hasement ., artment, FA [Hances avallable, Telephone 0842 alter 4 pm, FOUR room apartment, twa hed. roams In new apartment bullding, hard wand floors, very clean, available now, good location, Phone RA 5.7036, APARTMENTS, stores, duplex, hou Immediate possession, peasonatile rei hor information all Appleby, RA 3.3398 4, John Holahood Lid, Rite LARGE double ara storage or oars, Avalla HRA Road South, P house experienced No w=No Chattel Mortgages adult family, reeavered, Our rates aranised, Ulnar pr rebuilt, like new, Why pay more! J able, Balisfaction mil, Oshawa Street West, wn Invited, reasonable ak ==Nao Co-§igners 6---Optometrists FRIOWARN RLAOK, Tir. af Optom. wiry, the exantination of eves, eontaet lenses, 198 Simeone Narth at Colborne) evenings hy appointment, RA 3.4181 0. WH TUCK, RO, i stl, Please AY AeeauRtE_ al downl W li Hon nk or 4 Burk Street val (HCL a A amined at home Dial fi 3, "The Dundas Ridg., Jor SADE wePayments to Sult Your Budget kind - quarantesd repairs of all new All wrk HA 30815 ROOFING ronling applied mates FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE M. Mackie Co, Ltd, "RA -5954 Cleanout Service $7 labor plus parts DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. §., WHITBY DAYS MO 8.523) NIGHTS RA 5.74264 Absolutely No Cost To You Unless Mortgage Ar ranged ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY 51 KING ST, E, Phone RA 3.3993 Anytime For Day or Evening Appaintments 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES ACROSS ONTARIO Member ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS' ASSOC, 19 sonal WANTED = ride to Canadian Natlonal Rihibitian, arriving 8 am, Telephone 0 CHILD FOR ADOPTION PENNY == a lovable fours ear old, can speak both nglish and French, He is Roman Cathelie, his parents were Scottish and Irish, This handsome lod is blond and hive: eyed ond hoy a smile that is completely 000g. A test revealed t Denny possesses good average ine telligence, Me has a slight heart murmur but is in god health, We are looking o home preferably yt" Denny would have a brother or sister, Roman Catholic couples interested in making inquiry with a view to Denny's adoption should write to: THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS __TORONTO SHORT OF CASH? Werk memings and afters noons In your awn neighbors hood with Aven, housewives preferred, no experience necessary, highest commis sion, Call LE 6:0627 collect, 37--Male Help Wanted PART me Jewelry repair man, Must have previous bench experience, Call RA 33871 between 4 and 6 pom, Ino men to work 8 hours per day, $00 per week, Also § men ta work § 8 pom, dally, 850 per week, Write Hox 808, Oshawa Times. TWO MEN to work § hours per day, i per week, Also 3 men to work 58 pom, dally, $50 per week, Write| Box 602 Oshawa Times REAL Estate saloaman, experienc. essary, Must be active and have Apply in person to R. Vickery, R Estate, 46 King Street West, Oshawa, SALESMAN to sell fuel oll pantracts on commission, Gasoline supplied, Ap: ply Harry ©, Perry Lid, 383 Bloor it Ww SALES representative loeal utility ve Alquires aggressive representative to eall on plumbing and heating eontractars, Must have sales ability, aver 85 years of age, late model ear, Please reply, giving full partieulars as ta experience, education, marital status, to Box 818, Times. SALES REPRESENTATIVE for Household Appliances roam unfurnished apartments, ver entral, parking apace R" North, b dies, near 41 AE RA pusNangDp - room, | @ FURNIRHED rooms, ri hot plat ne 608, unurnish room, TeRsOR he NE lig My FORSOR ahle n ae home, Nortn, 8°17" pm. RA two Seniomen or or Ton" A ig nes. Apr eld housekeeping rooms, single ind EAN, Sombortd le ah pr "Tarn pable in and oa "Vik ¥ (7 FURNTAAED room yt ro Street warm, bath flat, Pate kd ATTRACTIVE fuyninh a orth, 8: fh hod ond room, ho Arren ang private hath and entrance, parkin gen fem n tar yon Ll ing, wilt one or we ta Ritson bus, Call ned meos LARGE 1 ae puri ul twa or (hree gentlamen, FTurnishe spice, Apply 150 Division Slreet, ral " Avy 18 wd Stand uisdi il THREE - Foam apartment, near South GM, Immediate possession, Apply #854 Malaga Road f NEW modern two + bedroom apa ment, In new apartment hullding, re: frigerator and ah aved parking, five minutes eneral Motors, £89 monthly, 5.6674, '} pr Py 0 and hospital, Sireet East, LARGE bed . Pome, for ow Broder yo HE ametrist 306 Dun Cloged "wing | MURKAR, NEIL ©, as West, Whithy, MO #367) ednesday, oT, x keeping room Norn Gene RL nd "Ho orpit hr Wit nurse, workin, or gent 3 FAY Durae i ¥ ntleman, FURNISHED (wo Toom nd "Wil Hd ette, ground floor, private AE frigerator, Also singh rom hed i housekeeping with Reasonable, Very street LARGE front room with al sult one or twa gentlem optional, or kitchen privil awa Boulevard South, RA | TWO larke, warm rooms, som furnished for light houseeeping, eluding electvie refrigerator and sto: heat, light and eontinueus hot use of washing Tachine and central to downtown and Bhoppii Rohete, Rui one or two working Wie LARGE furnished oom, housekeeping privileges, private bathroom, sult willing to hare Fu couple distriol, RA 8 ™Oo i, rooms, Tioory private entranee, stove and rind, Hoot, for, Apply 108 Gibb Street, NICE warm furnished hedion oant, parking, niimions abstainer, Near King and Apply 31 Rowe Streel, RA 51365 45--Reel Estote for Sele $395 DOWN DETACHMED-~OIL HEAT ' $66,00 MONTHLY ONE N.HA, MORTGAGE Don't walt till prices go away up. A limited number of bune alow still left at $12,295, ee our models and have ene constructed in your choice of color, 7---Surveyors @F. HORTON and Associates, On taria Land Surveyors, Professional En ineering, 308 Dundas Street eal, hithy, MO 8.5081, Ajax 798 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On tari Land Surveyor, commercial bine Pantng, 13 Hier Street East, HA APARTMENT == three roams, self-eon: tained, an hus stop, large ving room, Telephone RA 80134 for more Informa: ton, TWO apartments, seven and four rooms, In eountry house, modern, 18 minutes Alle Oshawa, Telephone Orona MRIS for further Information THREE unfurnished rooms, floor, heavy hat separ entrance, newly decorated, 840 ¢ two weeks Ineludes everything, Te ephone RA 8:970¢, ack [THREE large mom apartment, hot hel water, oll heated, private entrance and hath, close te hho op. Available now, 788 Ritson Road So SECOND binek L. Shan four roams and private Jathy 118 Stevenson Hoad Nort THREE . room L..3 "apartment with kt wil hath, hot water, Brive entrance, fenoed: in back yard, $60 monthly, RA 53033, APARTMENT bullding, three roma, washer, aerial, parking, near Shopping Centre, avatlable January 15, Apply 31 Team seil-eon: Stevenson South, ATTRACTIVE ies * tained apartment, heavy duly wiring, automatio washer, oll heating, Bult hus: oss couple, 465, 'Avaliable February 1, bony os oil howl , Tawi Moe R00 My li hinge ATORE ik Bi Rn o, | Wier | J hv [im heute, " heated, SA oo + 100m hasement apartment, [Stone or olfiee for rent, Reasonable, | Avbly 114 Hibbert rest, Heat, Nght inelud ral, | AROUND floor, four + room apartment, Prinde I deine od, oentral, Apply laundry Hoo, phe Rig A a EVA - anes, parking, erdun Roa FIVE « mom house partly furnished. | Jane i I " " to share with awner, sull couple or ane or gentleman, Owner will share expenses, | H0 MONTHLY, (wo Wnfuriahed Toams, Telephone RA 8.3302 fap move informa: | SAK, euphoards, gas stove, upstairs, Hon after 430 pom, sultable for Bid ladies ar sentle THIER + room Dunia ew. oil heated | en, HA &F 138 Rarile Avenue, war pleoe hAURFOom, central, slose An |PURNIAHED clofn twa + ream base: bus, avaliable new. Telephone RA [ment Apartment, Bath, rans, refrigers S025 430 Ww 8 pm or, aerial, MIS werkis | ineludes heat, TWO + vear + old solid hriek six Lt Waking RA SiH mingalow, newly decorated, all conven: | THREE . ream apartment for vent on tenes, W, 1, Laman, Real Eatate, WA 20 Wikduor Siraol, Ask for Mrs, Stypuk ERLETN Telephone RA 8.2058, Ae FULL 4 yment sixroam (THRER . yoam apartment, wntwraish Ree RULL dowh | hay iy ane iy od, hospital ares, on Simese Street, WMOrEAEe, monthly payments of $60 Very clean reams, fa of cupboards, eluding Interest and prineipal, Call Private hath, RA &64 frwin Criikshanks, RA A388 after (hours, Call RA R508, Lid Realty, Oshawa Limited IROWMANVILLE «= heated store, main street, Will decnrale ta salt tenant, Free parking, low rent, Walker, § King West, ApL 7, MArket 3-300, ROWMANVILLE Free vont to Fob wary 1, Heated, three reams, Kilehon ettp and hathroam, washer, eleetile dryer, MA MA JA AML T ar WY King West, Bowmanville 4,900 SQUARE FEET PLUS OFFICES ON SECOND FLOOR For light industry or storage, Call ALGOMA RA 5.4612 t HW, FLIM and Trollope, Ontarie Land Surveyors, ae siaide Avenue East Phone RA 5-688 8--Building Trades PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit Hings, fixtures, new and used, chang ng from seplie tank to sewer a spe elalty, Installations at reasonable rates Information and estimates free on any type of plumbing, Dial HA S401, J Faley ALL plumbing RA &3 round Hie ":; WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE CLEANED IN YOUR HOME| Quality cleaning at low wn RA 5.7488 SEGERS Rug and Uphalstery Cleaners ADD A ROOM? KITCHENS? PANEL A WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL CALL AJAX--THAT'S ALL RA 8:510 110 KING ST, OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FURNACE SERVICE 2M Hour Per Day ST, JOHN'S HEATING MO 8.2387 Free burner service for fuel customers, SHAMPOOING "aillabie for mary 1, telephone "Centre, parking, and heating supplies, A541, Harold R, Stark, mbing, heating and engineer: Simeone Street South, W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE TsciALITING In 300 Te WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 82863 = MO 6:-3809 204 CHESTAWT 31, W, P.O, BOX 329 FOUR very Ta ehen, hullt-in Hoh awry YH | on Alax Bim MO % RL NINE + oom house, elose |n hospiial, sultable for roomers or boarders, Fo mare information, apply 318 Yoni Street, COMFORTABLE four-ronm house sulated, hulltin ephoards, water, Love: ly location averlenking RA handy to bus, W "mn, dry Rg wi hi Dd hg A 33348 ma, pauiped Wit wi y wal 3 close iH OFFICE" SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevafor service, New building, Centrally los cated In downtown area, Moderate rent, Leases now availablo, THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, L, WILSON Phone RA 3.3474 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD, & KING ST, DISTRICT) Quiet, residential street, | & 2.Bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'trigs, TV, outlet, drapes, parking, ete Rents fram $90 monthly ine, 3h hot WL in Iisa Roa hw SniFAIeS tw luded, gh Ka Vi=Business Opperrunirion WATRBRESHING Business. well satan Floor Coverings Plumbing and Heat- ing Furniture, etc, ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Jan. 31st and Feb, 151, Phone Genesha Motel on these dates for appointment, |20--Cartage JOHN'S Moving and woh W WE REPEAT One NH.A, mortgage carries for $646.00 monthly, WE REPEAT These bungalows are detach» ed with private drives, WE REPEAT These homes are oil heated, six rooms and decorated in oils, Sewers, schools, shop. ping at your doorstep, AND $395 IS THE FULL DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-883] LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, Applicant must have Experience in selling these or other large articles, ==Initiative, ==Ability ta co-operate, ~Neat appearance Willingness to sell in Catas logue Sales Office or homes Knowledge of Oshawa and surrounding area Serviceable car ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern one ond two bed: oom apartments, $85 and up, best location. Telephone RA 8-8676 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AT BUS STOR SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND FLOOR SANDERS JANUARY SPECIAL Reduced rates, Clearance prices on hasement floor paint, All kinds of hand and gower tools on our Rental ervice WEBRING HARDWARE RA 3.487) | USE THE | OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED | COLUMNS Oshawa, | ly equip: LL] FURRIER one DRESSMAKER , S800 dawn. Telephone HA 38112 { banc, SHER beauty pariar busing i = 10 years old, showing goed profit 0 | Investment, has steady clientele | downtown location, Present rent $30 pe wath, Bauipment, supplies ingluded n full prige of $2000, $800 down, Call naw, | Harry Millen, Heal ana and ask for John Field, RA 316 ESTARLISHED business 0 years old, showing soad profit on Investment has steady clientele and dawalawn lea fin Present ont, $30 per month, | Hi hg gO supplies Aneluded in fal A000 3400 down, Call maw, | lary Millen Real Estate and ask toy John Field, RA 81678, 12---Dr king Chesterfields, rugs, car AtvERawic winds for won| upholstery, Namen and ehildren, Faron) rasa, R - reversible skirts a specially. RA 3-348 esonable rates, REVERSIALE akira 8 specially. Minar . allocations on ladies' wear, als obi) RA 8-2795 deen's RA S340, Sommer of Elmgrave Avenue, Park Head South | | 18 ot EMMAKING and pierations see 15--Instruction hi od toihes, pS Feasanabie LEARN to dance, expert instruction In Ties "Telephone RA & | hallroam dances. Private ar class, For Whithy, Reasonable rates appointment, Dial RA a5 and insured. BE ARVEY Daxe vl ACADEMY hates, EY) ap Rava cademy, Ballet wi | -- Ronit, Neginter ow. 44 King West Personal Service a \ PHONE RA §.7272 RA §.5787 APARTMENTS to let, electrically equipped. One large, and one small, For Wnformation call RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485 Good salary while followed by . generous mission on sales anang, om PRIVATE (eacher. THAR counsellor TRY OUR 8 years' ox A bio by interview anly BAR. B. QUED CHICKEN Ast now Chicken plate, halt chicken LILLIAN Mae Marsh, dance sducal with french fries, fish and New, Alterations, Remodelling Low Prices 22 ROWE STREET pa i, aa slveniar, | 04 CAATRCI Sadan chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, mitk shokes RA 8.6706 Niichonl, character 8 Nae lo Tom 13--Gardening & Supplies [Foun storage goods tale hat oak | MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER «= RA 5.3087 Many employee benefits Apply MR, R, BUCHANAN SIMPSON-SEARS LIMITED 43-45 Simcoe Street Oshawa, Ontario, / Stove, parking RA 5.3302 [Ton n wie | refrigerator Vertise em le Wn ANY Nad o Rog vy worn BP SEPA, action Oshawa Times Ola Po W. 1 OANA TA BA AE, TOR RA 330M sow Wo place your ad. |