»" Furnish Your Living-Room in Gracious "French Provincial" , . , Typical of the more than 120 pieces of household furniture and furnishings ch picked for their distinctive modern styling, popularity, durability and adaptability 3-pce. Sectional Haddon Hall" Table Lamps Ordinarily 19.95 3m yish in fruitweed, y Hadwood (rams Sinished in Yunis Tritlights in choice of 4 styles with metal, pottery, walnut or mehegeny, upholstered in heavy rayon-and-coron ceramic or glass bases 95 tr de 3 pieces i. \ ih ar LQQ95 Ton semiamint s, | Annual Sele, Lined Draw Draperies "Dacron" Panels an ein 9.89 to 38.89 po PHONE RA 5.7373 FURNITURE ~~ EATON'S LOWER LEVEL FURNITURE -- HOMEFURNISHINGS EATON'S osen fo sell of these exceptional savings! They've been har 2nd Preview Day Coffee Tables , Framed Pictures Thur sday, Jan. 19th andscopes, se as capes, florals, rench Provincigl styling with ch ver tn tops In neal sy § ill ry ven approx Ba x 104", ) i EATON Semi-Annuel A49 EATON Semi-Anusl 309 Sole, each i Sale, soch 4 for 5.49 Hardtwist Broadloom | Spun raven with gmbosied Vari oF has. vineq with "Chromgle", "Wash 'n' hang', in snowy white, 5" bottom hem Heavy quality wool pile. 9 colours, Available ' EATON Semi-Annuel Sele Multi-lengths and widths, EATON Semi-Annual Sale, in9, 12, and 15' widths. J DRAPERIES~--EATON'S UPPER LEVEL PICTURES--EATON'S MALL LEVEL PHONE RA 5.7373 FATON Semi-Annual Sale, | 1 15 "), Ordinarily 21,95 to 87.95! §q. yd. ' bien / 806789 2 Be JBY Linum 5° JAN. 20th See the Displays throughout EATON"S in OSHAWA et ().aniiry specials On sale at 2 p.m, Wednesday and only while quantities last Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders UPPER LEVEL TED "TERYLENE' BLOUSES TO CLEAR JRINTS "Terylene'; green, brown and black figured designs on white grounds, 4 09 Sizes 12 to 20 in the group. EACH a : : A Sportawaar, Dept, 244 REMNANTS IN FABRICS! Very low priced to clear! Cottons rayons, nylons, wools, and others; lengths from 20 to 10 00 Vi to 2V4 yds; widths from 36 to 54" EACH : . . TOWELS AND WASH CLOTHS -- REG, .25 EACH TO 6.50 PAIR 3 8 5 stripes, prints 5( ours 0 often terry; some 'Seconds' Hand, bath and guest towels; stripes, print and solid colours in good quality co ; In the group Face cloths also in a good choice of colours 10 EACH TO 4 99 PAIR EEE . . FEATHER BANDEAUX -- PRETTY MILLINERY End-of-line clearance; dainty feather toppers in pink, black, beige, white, brown, blue, red 1 00 its . EACH DAISY-FRESH GARTER BELTS Much below usual price! White embroidered cotton, lace-edged; smooth "Velcro closing, One 1 50 size to fit 25 to 30 waists; four garters. EACH Va 'er Pas . MALL LEVEL MEN'S 'INTERLOCK' COTTON T-SHIRTS Made in England from Super-Combed cotton; broken colour adn size range reduced to clear, Navy, 99 black, white, blue, yellow, grey; sizes Small, Medium and Large in the group. EACH . . . ' ' ' ' SKATE BAGS ---- REG, 2.29 AND 3.95 End-of-line clearance; handy item that carries skates neatly and easily 1 99 and 2 99 .t ' . . EACH WOMEN'S DOUBLE WOVEN GLOVES i Shortie gloves in two styles - embroidered cuff or simulated pearl trim. Sizes 6, 642, 72 and 8 in { 00 the group; beige, blue, brown, black; not all sizes in each colour. PAIR ; . BOY'S AND YOUNG MEN'S TROUSERS REG, 5.99 TO 7.95 Ends-of-lines; plain shades in flannel, gabardine or corduroy; fleck-patterned nylon gabardine. 12 boxer waist and regular waists, Boys' sizes 6 to 18 years; young men's 28 to 33 waist EACH LOWER LEVEL CLEARANCE OF TRANSISTOR RADIOS! wen" makes and models; some with smart carrying case. Batteries extra, : 15.95 to 29.95 "NUMDAN" FELT RUGS Sturdy white felt with coloured designs; one-of-a kind only. Approx, 2° x 3', EACH rh Ears 'aaa ta Please See Back Of Thi Maker clears misses' Skirts and Slims Ordinarily 6.98 and 8.98 PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS SKIRTS --~ Are in straight, pleated, full and gored styles; in wool, tweeds, checks, plaids and solid colours; plus some novelty multi-colours, Also in * straight style in corduroy in dramatic colours, SLIM PANTS -- Are in belted and un-belted styles in wool, plaids, checks and solid colour corduroys, Sizes 12 to 20 in the group. EATON Special Price, each 5 For 'straightforward' "Free-o-ice" Hh i Windshield Spray "Bean Bag" Ash Trays C C 'Non-tip' . , | rest safely on the arm of a chair == [4] r om pa SS A worthy assistant to every Winter driver; even on the edge of the bathtub! Gleaming metal spray goes right to work to help remove top with holders for cigarettes; firmly rotted with coating of ice from windshield, Helps pre- heavy cotton bean bag bottom. Handy little extras vent ice farming for up te 12 hours; +++ good as bridge prizes, shower gifts, Green, blue justable compensators, Complete should not harm paintwork, Comes in or aqua with directions handy 10-02, spray can 95 tm 99 EACH 5. EACH 1.29 ouch, @ ; EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 513 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 263 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 263 PHONE RA 5.7373 PHONE RA 5.7373 PHONE RA 5.7373 s Page For Other EATON Specials Works hand in hand with road map to help you on correct route, Ad-