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The Oshawa Times, 25 Jan 1961, p. 8

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OFFICERS FOR 1961, CANADIAN CORPS AUXILIARY PICTURED ABOVE gre the | 42., Seated from left to right; | ford vice-president Mrs. Leonard newly appointed officers for | Mrs, George Homes, first Standing lofi right | t-al-arms 1961 of the Ladies' Auxiliary | president; Mrs, Williem Mrs, June Hughes SUFET to the Canadian Corps, Unit | president; Mrs Mrs, Alfred West, chaplain GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES CORPS AUX d meeting of the cent Carre Canadian spondence was held in the appreciation fre 26 members pres. Chri ba family Aonors was mada entalive { Fraser Mrs, A ary second yiee from to €a1 Watts Sand rel Oshawa Time trea JH am re ¥ WES land Feport wes g The Mis Ars rize Ostle bry Mr won Meck ana Frat it Carmval Thursday It he splendid Were min report Bl oneties Bimene he her ittendance introduced and and the t reaq Fhe 90d Mrs pleasure gi the New members then the ier's de for JERURTY th birt School " Oshawa WE Ha neluded a m & father for a i {f to CANADIAN : The Ladies' Cor January iid Auxiliary nit 42 with of 58 letter ite Yea I clubroom ent The for 1961 They are Mrs. William president, Mrs second - vice wi williar Mrs £1 ire I Ar aL-arms wis the Home and There 1aent timas KE 4d) ni VETS { introduced wesident : hel each suxiliarie who others on ¢ Varnug then' of offic: from CETEMony HI WAS As and Mrs, | acted ent i yarnum ¥ tion for fo the Gordan the e officers al eonducied the meeting follows: President first-vice Homes Mrs secretary newly appointed pec )"e at ecutive hoa of Mathers to the Mr an rou Hi ane POkEe RB fe Te Aometis 1a Beoul A reg Lamber Tentat nriage A Wendt Halt Sarhare pupil i hia taken Mi former ed iaker y Poke yee hi ti conducted £rs with fel floor, An Murielfollowed of the|sisied hy enjoy: Andrew Watts y Lure i bur ve work for Is appointed the spring varaoug ye Were (enrge president Sandford Anthony Bmykal June Hughes Alfred West; sergeant Mrs, Leonard Fraser fiocial Conveners: Mrs, Haroid|ed her Oley, Mrs, Albert Mosier, Mrs, alins Jack dreams Auditor If al wiety f ford M Henry House, The Mi tions of the audience interest of the listener The draw prize lonette, Jove hments were Darath DOUBLY Januar mn me ind election lak a nominations the Install Mrs, Var Mrs Mow star dard hearers 5ident ssident CONYEeners memner chool, play The Hold i A treasury LETT Spenke Was ow atinn chap Ur IVE worth Retarded Valuable Lioneite who museum HHustrated aceomplishn nf Os) i 61 Chilg addre Dionne I f irato Member { iin Gower local at ho a ' FE i lation i William | he Lloyd! th correspond secre. | FENO0! Robert Normoyle; | Per of John Gallagher; | €hHiaren Mrs Io something done vie el these children through Ho " Mrs inform Ars Wark hell He had article He aone i him ade did that it hi as Lae Mrs hand Norman Magee Magee, Mrs, Law renam and arding future etl members and other hed business decided to change the night from the third tomized in Hooper wit man iroved the Willian f : tar Mrs freasurer { 9 ! ues Mi lie president fir siee can be second George Evans convener, Mrs, Jol telephone conveners Mrs. Norman O'Mally B Pack, Mrs, W Delong; Scouts, Mrs, Bruce Baird; so Riorden Mrs bh re by won seph resident ing Drumm x ck sion motions were projects science Kent con Hua I fre jonetle and ene on CLUR meeting of Al Mrs the Lhe Vehruar Khe ! #1 d the Ww Ww, I Board of Speaker {IT} unfir It meeting va COMY The iHiam the meefi wa piano tion men IA Rootin', Tootin' omen Aldwinekle, Womens Editor Dial MA 53-3474 do 8 He OSHAWA Times, Wednesdey, prs 2%, 96 Address And Future Plans Of Interest At CPTA Meeting lial id ony $i prover ciatm eR ' t # waver (604 fr #1 prover &n Blanis The Reverend Fran # Skumave opened Bt. Gregory \CVTEA Janusry meeting with! vier prayer for catholic education | reviewed Mrs, Gordon Dignem, president whi presided HARES Mrs, Kenneth Broadbent many st gkes against) the minutes of December virth, - Every boy January exscutive meetings GOE ti The finance report was read byl'? por or & his { the treasurer, Miss Helen Way fron afi 1osed Eightyfive dollars hel # ane donated tn purchase Catholic] Bree sre for St, Gregory's, Mr MeAd and gins' GTRAE bl ed thanks to Brother! Siar gre 10 receive a radio Refreshments ¢ served in pitendance prize was! the banguet hall the Reverend Sister for the girls Hiss ATT ng rails of Til C Bogs of yiming through tragedy om bey wad thelr eon jas SEE hye read and! did should heave f gra with Pedi p him he sg Hoe itleq will " 4 victor iti Express litera nays {girls | Parents' won By Mary Carmel ar SCRGMS \ Aus WE SETH el Me hamy onl for the vo Mrs, Clifford Harper convener for annual bridge held in Bt & auditorium on Wed February 8, announced commitiees. Aec Young Peoples Mis, P. B, Fil prizes, Mrs, William Boissoin candy, Mrs, John Brady refreshments, Mrs Forbes MeLaughlin Delegates appointed to gitend| the Toronto Archdiocesan Coun-| eil, CPTA, mid-winter confer ence and workshop Bre Mrs, | Gordon Dignem, Mrs, Douglas! Biair, and Mr, Max Ritchie, To| pttend - from Bi Gregory's) CPTA are Mrs, William Bois soin, president of Toronto east al CPTA, and Mr, Bols-| soln, Mrs, W Clarke, vice-| {president of Toronto Couneil,! |CPTA, and Mr, Clarke, Mrs, | about| Max Ritchie, Mrs, Ernest Marks the land one or two religious and A num: | gecular teachers hy thel my, Max Ritchie, January| A ad convener, presided for the pro| medical gram and introduced the speak | the Reverend Brother Batnis:| John's training school) where he has| for eight NEY Photo 01 genersl Val the Valen fine to be YER WW) room Agni Gregory sday the following orating, Catholic tickets §1 rne ( the | HD on aye more en hday of Associa if | NE Bne ward wed pie ton Kara the solo last i il Arthur regional dent of ABEO A for } er laus of Bt ofl staff, Uxhridge done prefecting worl years in charge of discipline, "Juvenile Delinqueney" 18 8 807) meeting her the month to the day. The next meet held in the elub February 15 st § centiy Tuesd third W ing in hile en re Come th cigl convener, Mrs. Reginald Jones; press reporter, Mrs, An:| drew Mowat; program, Mrs, | Dou hu yorthi Club i€ held a va he PERSONALS ¢ial disease that many children contact through no fault of thelr he Children cannot | sald room o'clock SILVER CROSSE WOMEN The Sing v William Dionne; representativ: ne of the executive hoard, Mrs Mrs, Eileen ice Romeo Bourgeois, Mrs, George © Oshawa Business Evans sional Women's Club Mrs. Dionne presented gifts lyn Moore, past pres three retiring members: | Miss Jennie Pringle Kenneth MeCrae, Mrs, advisor of region No as opened wit by Mrs. Lor Goodman, The worship ser The monthly meeting of the conducted hy Mr, and Mrs Oshawa and District Bilver| Ernest Cooke. The theme was Cross Women of Canada was warla aL braver ronrd 3 " ie eld acentl { Simes all F, anc rs dward Donald with the wl a Mrs two new intro Prats. Hi al, es, Gunther i al cel wesident Jack | AHAE HN Hazel Beatty hi Whithy Drosid Juced by presider ack it was decided to hold future ner being held this e ing (Ae Westing spied. vith Following the business meet mectings the fourth Tuesday of Bort ope spandobed by | minutes silence and the motto jog, films, Including {hose taken Mrs, Hooper, the new presi: 4 : Mrs, Jack Hogan gave the re oy elab. cctivitlan bun an dent, closed the meeting with| Mrs part of the previous meeting This month's meet pi 5 prayer Refreshments we re ViCe-pre also the year's report for 1060! A d ng A Bicerved by the retiring execu.| Sell, pres Mrs. Charles Gibbs gave the Sider the leaders hip ot My andi iive financial report also the finances ells and thelr group for 1060 and a report on welfare COURTICE H and § ASSN, work for the previous year Mrs, Thomas pre Correspondence was read and|sided at the regular meeting an invitation to attend the eon-|/Mrs, William McKnight read the vention held in Ottawa in May, minutes followed by the treas Reports were given gifts for ure! given by Mrs Fairview Lodge also Hillside Barry Manor. A draw donated by Mrs.| The next Jessie Tooley was Mrs, |8L the North School on Jack Hogan and Jessie/#! and one Tooley A soelal Roll call was spent The next A member he held at Ars, Harr Progran wil ary 17 dh A skit ho meeting song led sharp Wil a4 65 son and Mi WH ide K ) members, were Mr G. DD, Conant, h gldent; Mrs ident; Mreg and Mrs i ( TH orn chalrman convener GOLDEN LINKS the Hospital The Golden Links Group of|, the Albert Street United Church|g WA held its first meeting of the new year in the hoard room Ihe president, Mrs, William Stallibrass, presided Sickness plaved a big part IN| tulation held | the gmall attendance of the today JANUATrY meeting ahsence of Mrs Eth 10 Wilher Down, the minutes were] answered|read by Mrs. Roy Corbman fhe vearh report from the had charge of [treasurer, Mr Gardaon Shemiit h | read hy Mrs, Arthur All Vil of Capri \UXLLArY Hl rec on on ime dance eive and 10 Jubilee Gladman pm atu [the Pa Ww recely Mrs treet I is Rundle Ing the report n Johnson her an the birthda of man euenre will pe won by In occasion Mrs hour meeting Hall Febru on vebruar only birthda anniver lea |aing was), partie will]? Aaries, com Ga Of guests, and ye are | Boing holiday interest telephone partment with for which Telephone Almeoe the edu AUXILIARY entitled Oshawa Sea Scout|{Teen Auxiliary held its first| Hoom count of the New Year re: Myrtle ( the Scout Hall, Hill: |8ehool oroft street, with the president, the Mrs, George Fitches, presiding The minutes were read by Mrs, Reginald Coombes, assis ant secretary, in the absence CASTLE CHAPTER ALUMNA} Mrs. Clare Mot ullough I'he January meeting the Carre Jr, Group of the ( Chapter Mrs. F Alumnae the "Cot treasurer's report hy ! and My ert Ontario The of the Rover Crew be held at © urday January 28 Plans were discussed for the Father and Son Ranguet to be News held on | ehruary 1 urrounding 5 Was Th is it vas parent |wa ented | man I'he part plans in or alw ation pre this VISIL the executive brought column meeting and work RTE the| ATH SEA MCOUY I'roublesome The Kh Mothers meeting cently at of 50 for read and A letter remiums and Are our there HA the } adopted plans Mrs NWay von by Hig Lush won al Vis at news he charge ree Mr North School pare 4 serv was of read kitchen the save regarding utensils] Hruce Mr, and Mrs Church colhorne street east ibid VTAP* ing the winter tops to replenish home Kau upplie ronn all being women Asked ind hoy Lhe ed refre arents of in Are thei Gallle { men al I the al } A rummage for January 30 in the Anyone who has could deliver don Shemilt and she liver it itehen of was set] Miss D. M | lower hall, Miss Phyllis Ferguson hoi od clothing iained last night for N Ri Nm, Gor Ewart McLaughlin (Ale 1 "Ot Luke) whose latest exhil It and del ainting will open on the yanuary 27 the Gallery, 143 Taranto (ofl Bloor), The will he on view I from 11 am sale date Van uy Astle was held at residence of Di wshorne Whithy fetieg thanks remembrand Miss A, A Dean at the of new spondence was read hy N. Farncombe and the Mrs, Roh same on vould nrist tno the read dav of the The and| by My and. The ime I M ading Tames Kl lage bh L Colleg Ross Ladies e store ehureh members were reminded Snow Rall to Amp Samae on Sat on ol for « | a mas from mer 16 ship irl Cum Aven ane un u Now Wor street | tonic The Ol was led af group eming the wa real and a iv Mrs Mrs ( H the planist for the evening nt will Brvice Adams "Rede erinture Harri Maxwell Calle location foi hs above her show ruary {pm Veok day from A private {has heen arranged for from 8 pm the n enjoyed hy Wy @ on h § member is of Mrs. Doug and John Robert Farncombe table decora on J |} Onvener dpath, Mrs nd Mrs, F. N in charge of 2 Was Soot The charge group 1 Glues n Mr. and Whitby 1] la son are tons The ta he ruary Chur Cammities reports were given the respective conveners The meeting closed with the Scout Mothers' Prayer and the Scout Mizpah Mrs. A. § hers of the in charge of which followed the Mys, R vho shi ent trip to ising through Jaspe Rookie hanks Mrs Jahn evening G el Grobb slides K ol son wed \ of evening h the Aris xi of neeting Mrs ir rec aska arade morning, Feb Christ Memorial annual chureh held Sunda 19 at DELMAR GROUP I'he January meeting of the Delmar of the WA of| King Street United Church was| held with the president Mrs, | Danald Cooper, presiding The minutes read hy Mrs. Robert Johnston | Following the ice, led by Mrs Ie expres Larnwiu Hroo in group n PMA CLUB regular meeting of the Monday Aflernoon and mem. Club apened with the president Patrol rs, | social The The Pleas "sal Were Clark Minx the wood Hradley pre roll called by A The scripture san, Mrs, Douglas Redpath, a IST PARENTS' COMMITTEE a was read by Mrs. Stanley|m o mber of the Friendship The regular meeting of - the os mah. 1he secretary's report Group, installed the officers for 1st parents' commit : Was given by Mrs, Duncan Nis-/1941, ommittee of the net and the treas repay Girl Guide Association was held 0' id Ww hu A short recently at Guide House , iam lowed and Mi W. McClelland Miss Millicent 1 the Spring triet installed the Speaker a a fleld trip lowin President Han unity Narn vice Relre were dent W. H. Avres Mrs. William Reed urer rie Jacklin: secre. Benjamin Jacklin tary Hugh Rreanon; social Conve Mrs. Douglas Keeler telephone convener, Mrs, James Dob Auxiliary held its first meeting! SOUTH SIMCOE H AND 8 Wavs and means for the com. the year in St, Gregory's! The regular meeting of the ine were discussed. A gift} Quditorum on January 13. Mrs. | South Simcoe Home and School Was tod the retiring! William Dionve, president, pre-! Association held recently president, Mrs E. Tilling, sided with Cub and Scout!/with the president, Mrs, Rob mothers present ert Lewis, presiding _ OSHAWA LIONETTES The meeting was opened with The minutes were The Japuary meeting of thelprayer, Mrs, Dignne expressed Mrs. William BRlake iding Mrs les were hour Warship serv was Gordon Plery Callison urer's business meeting fol ns were discussed Fashion Show for the April Heed Uke talk pl the on Chris H Dis guest far fol Mrs presi reas | Rave and neeting Mrs, Redpath explained the process by which the Wamen's! Auxiliary and the Women's Mis Society would be amal | 1962 wiicers shiments served by Mrs M A M er Gower and slonary TH SCOUT MOTHERS Aux gamated hy The 8th: Oshawa Mothers Ig | y LES 15 PRINCE ST : to Was J un read bhy| The trea president | de regional R hetween AEN EHE] He Nundays Fhursday | own elop hapy and useful] love, both spin into {adults without SOCIAL NOTICE din:| MARRIAGE ning nf Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Adalr | he Fort announce the marriage of their | randdaughter, Beverley Ann Chesebrough, to Mr, Gordon Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs {Russell Smith, all of Oshawa he marriage took place in the Salvation Army Citadel on Sun:| bridegroom is the son of\ Mr day, January 22, with Major| and Mrs, Leonard Ball Marsland Rankin officiating Taunton, The newly wed (Hed NOTICE! b DUE TO THE DISASTROUS FIRE BAILEY FOODS: At 24 SIMCOR ST. §. IS NOW CLOSED The following specials are available at THE FrOooD SHOP 42 Simcoe Street North BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS 39° Fresh APPLE PIE Boston CREAM CAKE 59° FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR [oR at the bakery with the large variety Profe 8 Ki ni and| 8 are al Pictured after their wad Qing Ra ptist and Mrs, i Calvary Church are Mr Roland Wesley Ball, The b ifide; the former Miss Mad wine Selena Wren the da ggh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Ar Whur Wren of Oshawa and the recently at anoral Ww Bas 1s Lunn Greer Caper: ner rday at Yassal COngra friends of her| ved ing and wr own of Write clal de of no ays tem is Long enjoy Florida en and | enter Ars andra | Huon of Friday nd herland road woman til Feb Ie ue Cowiey 'and WEDDIMG PRINCIPALS | pair will live in Oshawa Photo by Ireland of | wy nd Mr. EW. Wilson, Wr Mrs. Arthur Recalls, Mr Mrs. Charlies Wamiiion and Yrs, Charles Hewet We, and Mrs, Jobm Mab Mr. ond Mrs. E, J. 2 Wr ond Mrs. A Elliot Warne Clean 0, Yovnsend, Mr, snd Mcintyre, Mr. and Mrs ME Cerpld Farrow, Mr. and Mr friends! William Bowden, Yr. and Mrs NH (Willem Evens, Mr. and Mrs Bin Leonard Hornby, We. and Mrs "Donald Melaren Mr. Brian Nickels, Miss Kay Wallace, Mr, and Mrs. Borman ' Bickots, Mr, sod Mrs, Harold An 004 - fashioned Western! Bamshiow, Mr. and Mrs, Wil FAIA SHppeT baked ham Bowden, Mr. and Mrs fins susage rolls, and oof Genny Fields, Mrs. John Hawk foes was served by the club, Boot! shan Miss Joyce Kennedy, Wi denees were won by Wr. 606 conard Chapman, Wr and Mrs, Witham Bowden, Mr, and Mrs, |eonard Callelas Mrs, John McMullen snd Mi and Mrs. Leonard Callafas (hers seen Aaneing were and Mrs G Channing and Mrs, John Evans, Mr Mrs, Wiliam a SOCIETIES GLEES MARY LODGE The regular meeting oA pier Mary lodge No. 97 was held recently in the Onenge Temple with Depisty Mistress, Sister Margares Marin, presiding, se jsted by Junior Deputy, Sister bute CGoodinan Prayers were read by the chaplain, Sister Gertrude Logan, and the fags were presented by Sisters Margeret Phillipe and Fenton I was reporied thet Sisters Dorothy Phillips, Ing Milgste Leta Fiee and Annie Toms Were the sick Hast Draw orizes donated by Sis Violet Ambrose and Mary Hayes were wom by Sisters Margaret Martin, Mary Heyes and Gertrude Tagan Wild West Dance BOCAF w As Wing +8 wail MARLON, and Mis trans ormeh cod Yrs iE a Ine Ses. A. hay whify fries nA RB ZRY Wesiern dial THASGHETRAIRE Wat Wy ats Ey 7 Witty Halliday Desperado sters" pnd other wester ROIEYS enioyed an round and sangre dana mw Law hi mien her ( chor evening of g Neitie " on i LFS My IMFVERENT TACTICS ud sr | The Worarian of the Haya! and Miltary Acudeiny at Bandhurst Morrison, Miss Disced an order for 240 copie Laurel Gates, Mr. Larry Mo of West Africr and the Com cau, Mr, and § Sydney mons esith Mr, and Mrs, Wayne, The publishers, by mistake Mr. and Mrs. Bow: delivered 200 copies of their un ghridged edition of Lady Chat teriey"s Lover Johnston, Parkin, The Whrarian, though Mr, GUIck 10 notice Lhe error Mr. The books were repacked and Mr | m-- --- returned 9 the publishers be fore the Sandimrst cadets could enlarge upon thelr knowledge of Paterson strategy and tactics! ard West Mr, and Mrs, Ray Mr, end Mrs, Nelson Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorman and Mrs, C. A. Broadbent Mrs. Dongld Brown v Riple Was Now Many Weer FALSE TEETH With Little Worry TRI. Inugh nr sneere Withows "ine Lest) bh 7c. Far 4 more Som £ ie aant powder hes ne ¥ £7, RELY Leste oF (8e1iBg ' BE LilIibeR Ave alkaline B ria Thiacks ' odor (Bentire bresin |, Ge vib ent mw Soy drig counier Pat MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN OSHAWA January 21 to 28 "DON'T SEND -- TAKE YOUR BOY YO THE ARENA" ¥ 7 Buthorfor ds FURNITURE JANUARY 3 ONLY ~ 2.PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITES ® includes SOFA and CHAIR ® MODERN STYLING ® 100% SPRING FILLED ® SMART hard wearing BOUCLE COVERS ® Colors LIPSTICK RED and GREEN Reg. $169.00 JANUARY CLEARANCE '719. 50 LESS THAN HALF PRICE 2-PC, SUITE A fords FURNITURE 154 SIMCOE § OSHAWA TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS CHENILLE ntil §.30 Next Week we will be opening temporarily al 16 Simcoe Si, South BUY, | YOUR ALUMINU AWNINGS | NOW! ¥ Save 20% Free Estimates EVENISS SALES LTD. RA 5.4632; EVENINGS RA 3.2707 preview @ Exper! Installation BEDSPREADS 3 97 REG, 4.98! Wavy Chenille on heaw . sheeting. Bedroom beautifying colors Single and double bed size Special ! PILLOWS REG, 2,99 2.27 26 Filled with feathers, Attractive Priced for extra WINNERS BABY BONUS FREE $10.00 MERCHANDISE DRAW DOWNTOWN Mrs, S$. Hore S17 Park Rd, § oft 9 SHOPPING CENTRE Mrs, C, Hemstre 487 Miller Ave, USE OUR CONVENIENT "LAY-AWAY" PLAN A small deposit will held any article until needed ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 236 STEVENSON RD, SOUTH PHONE RA 3.220% POWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE RA 3.2294

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