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The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1961, p. 15

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ps Te, pr wr FELL dows ------------ | wma, sents, Go OE, POERE rk REA, ph om mos BHA wee Taiegrmne | [idea AT, WRNy Pe ments of or ACTIV shank a foi BA rE fommiche oo 4 frm Condahnnis, RA REVIE shiny | Bows) s of pm BA BWI wen. Cai BA BIW. Lind Resiy, VRREE Tries eory yy + fsssnch bavuiind § CH wy for hres 09 or Jendoman MORERY brick Rowse, lerge when, pir f ACARI R, Fes puss Ari nd wih iy FI, Rae ne, Rages. WT Bongeiuie. BA pt Kadi sph BIER, IREIRBIGN TA wT» rarkenving rom win asad Resahaina Anh poimvieni. RA [ fe es Appr > o-- } 4 P, Kons Sov or (oephone BA Lo, SRES po wo vant ow wh a - WE EI RIRERARE RA " y | WO dass rooms lon lady, sows water, 30, bh Li ' ad Fo, Have, Fal gai vie, {re ay penpersy, Tks DIRE Wace 8G La HINGE wif 1 de a Jw $2, 700 bE rg ¥ ATFRATIVE F4anianah Fim rns! $995 DOWN rivals Roms BI Perk Ross w Konia, $7 pm. BA S007} Contra net 16r€r Ags or, Yn lady 46 15 0, Wilhen snd » a parva ry thie i lrmiag " Groh compleiely 4 ety 7 mdf om fered bot, Sodded bork wr 4 og "ron wn for whe or two Bris, wee oA front Large gore i Wea none A 4 od Pi Bosd Narth patio This sobid brick home Veluphina worms and hos six lgrge 19ms 6 FWD Iurmished rooms, Wtehen snd bed besutifid Hanover Fitgher 6 rnom, suilabie for whe Berson, capirel| Jes gion Bly located. Apply ¥ hares Brest he entire home Jnciuding #iier & pm bs semant windows hes Ghar LARGE tomm sultuide tor one or tos HI wins ond screens, Gis " gentiemen my Jade s on whe ERE wm Svs Harv #1158 gm, Aphy green a makes this we A or best b DONE Turniehed room, single beds, svi nares le po" 100 Semiiemean. ness Sineoe re : Appiy 5 Guehee Brest i HW Furnished rooms san priveie "RA 5 0383 | Spsrtment, kiirhenetin, Wong room bedroom and veth. Apipy 6 Paoli WT. LAMSON Avenue, KA 3708 ESTATE LT! OBE (args anlurnished room. repent REAL £5 LID hie seni 26 Vrince Shree ANE larin furnished room, newly dee Is DOWN oraled, cooking [Reviities, EEntieman By X| | 184s, ¥ weekly, Appiy 95 Elsns Ave ie 3 gy i OIL HEAT FURNISHED room, five minted walk from sith Genera! Motyre, home pois tegen, porking spies, Teiephone BA 4b 00 MOMNTHI '3 SEMR for Iarther particulars FURNISHED hedrom, housensepnk CONE MN HA MORTGAGE wivileges, lor gentlemen. Apply © Diew sliwet off King East . 0 TWO Tarse bed sitting rooms FULL PRICE $12,295 buiitin swphonins, hoapiates and refrigeration on his slop. Simene Brest Bork, op Don't wait till prices ge ewoy Posie Jackson Apartments. BA 86920 0. A limited number of b HOUSEREEVING "room, wable (or| galows still left of $12,29 one or twa geptiemen, clase 19 # 4 4 oC 4 8 " leable and Fihings Telephone RA Wel or m ] fy $2628 or supply 41 Elena sirest ronstrycted your choice BOUSEKEEPING privieses, one pi-| £olor wale bedroom, in south sentra) apart} went, Bult quiet, refined husiness 1ady | One N.H.A, morgage ores Repsonaie tn Pent party. BA S000 for $66.00 month OLEAN, bright, doubie furnished roams twin beds, Also single romm, furnished, | These bungalows are Cooking privileges, Captrnl. Telephone ' = rigs BA 88400 tor further details ed with prive $ ORE for rent. downtown Simess hina 3 fron tant shén harbershap lock: | These home hegte ton or sult other small business, Tele WE TOON 3nd phone BA S445 alier Pr Sewers st FURNISHED light housekeeping room| ping at your doorstep for gentleman, near Dopth Genes! AND Motors, stores, hospital, and hus, cen tral, clean and comforiabie Apply 11 Elgin East near Slmeos L ul FURNISHED front room, working | $395 IS THE FULL eouple or gentlemen, Het haviaekesp 0g, refrigerator options! two minutes bi nen hd | DOWN PAYMENT WARM large room single beds, suit hls for fwo in share. Als el E Ronsekesping UU desired, sentra | dd ff Vieline Sireel | RA h-8831 WED sitling mom with kichen, com. | pielaly furnished, also 1ghl hose WT. LAMSON REAL ESTATE keeping room, fully furnished ory Tt fen oF 24 Dearborn. Telephone HA | HL wo LEE For | A5-~Real Estate for Sele REAL ESTATE WRVICE sation in thriving semmy Phone ity, ih mechaniesl wark, hody shop siinehed. Will sell or (rade on oUher DON 5 SMITH roperty Her Feddoms Hesl Pl ind Mar poker, Highway No 8, east of How manville (RH 4). Telephone MA a04s.| VICKERY REAL ESTATE | --_-- y Business RA 8.6228 | OPEN HOUSE | KA £448 9.A M9 PM $800 DOWN | room modern home, fully decorated. Beautifully lend. Ad) year old brik, ranch scoped lot, $79 monthly in style. bungalow alkour | slydes taxes Close to basement; fully landscaped sehoaly, transportation and FOR INFORMATION Shopping Plaza | 1312 MINDEN STREET RA 5-6063 HARRY F. MILLEN | Real Estate Broker General Insurance OSHAWA, ONTARIO EAST END Nine-year-ald 4:-bedroom | V5 storey on Bruce 51, sas. of | Oshawa Blvd, in excellent condition, All rooms are good | sige, paved drive a good family home. $1,700.00 down balance on one mortgage, Make an appointment to see this home right away by calling Loreen Kellett RA 3.3770 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'PE MISSING IN HARMONY VILLAGE So see theta twalve custom built homes with attached car ports | and gerages modern styling at its hest Foyr-bedroom split | lavels, including two bathrooms, No approval necessar how | down payment 1a responsible purer Location opposite Done an | High Sehool on Harmony Rd, 5. Will aeeept trade of older home Rhone Bill Millar or Jim Cruikshanks at RA 8.5) 23 or RA 5.2557 Salesman on site all weekend LLOYD REALTY LTD, REALTORS RA 8.5123, RA B.5124, RA 8.5125 101 SIMCOE ST. N WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR WENT House, twa bedrooms, [ron RENT « Twa bedroom heated | ou efi available Yabruary i Apply | (A Hn ventral location Faiaivun | 11 Jack Wilson, MO 8.37 08d FOR TALE -- Large space healer, 410 FOR RENT ~ hig 48 gallon tank, lA Elegirie | heating, parking space. good heat Telephone MO 82 $5 men Ng tmimediate 4 Torsion ! FOR RENT Heated -- Wt, on | Telephone MO 83890 after 5 Bm vale entrance, S88 per month, parrk) RELIABLE 3 : n gin will mind Shida Jeane Telsphone NO A208 after ol While mother works five or six da AE a weekly. Clage to Dundas Street Rohoal FOR RENT New large twa hedronm Telephone MO dais apartment In iriples, immediaie pos session, parking available. MO Pe Bere RIENCED sou etavy Tonuired for Or SVeRIngs MO §0hg law Offioe WW Whithy, Ia 7 experiences and salary FRIVATE idl od on SHE, FAA HY ie gtital wot, W § a prey hy Ae find Lov B55 W-4y edad a d ed FRIVATE, wadern ry Re rad LR ini) 7? TAGE, (RRA Ih, Raw home. BA Ks Joven An PR a aks of Iw BW pA SESE, wher Ana Avovn himwgh FP eR a RENE py Vianh pou sig 1g Wt TV | pike i cr TF ar Fir Bl LI Arps. FLanaian oR TRIES [EWE Tor Wie Bf the Best Aesis aRIWRETE IF BE fron wow dopiex ta 5, 6, 8, TE gad 140000" PRA wren fapan ts w shh, Kh 51 w | Wave Batak sone pone HF Lhasa - SERIVIRARL FAiAR, AA thie wes. kA nuer bug yess HA et fifi 1anamt | -- Those wes iosnien 1s BLEMINTN "sehen, poy "| _ (A arant pRita of the wis SRA IRVINE Lactary, IEERaNIS AN 2 ox FRIBERG WETRE DER TRASORAE | (ny (/ wwyrsaria. For farther datas dl 5 aRytisne a RA (45--Rael Eotote For Sols 32 Aeut iv Estate For Sale (A5---Rasl Estate For Sete (47 --Automonrigs Yor S0i8 (48--Automoniies Wonted (50--Amicies For Sele Fld ok ne fet ep Tod OY EIT ERI AE, Crerdvy posse. Rh b , od = ovr, GM or ¥ord rode wu is WETEOR. grolant comin, $y monte A ARH, WARE RHE Chey, reine moi, BOG; 10S ed TT [astine pertent coma ion, $9 war's 5, RA 858 Bi King Strmei Wel mil, any ei. Ragr swe an 1% Catton A 1// HOUST! HAGE AND SERVICE STATIOM BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM E BRAKE SERVI John A 4 Woonona, ALARVATE Att Inswenncn. Bove #9 A PLET| A a Tae gy BA PRIVATE 55757 bok bdo pig IH - Ld d ppd #4 screens. Fined poy ment. Feiaphone A. 5 fii Ay Alay 1omeiderd FOUR Toom aga for # ---- Cl Hance Wowd Borth, HA yr hag Acid -- Page Avene Toros 8, Wowers tied LLOYD REALTY adel Ton Re rr" "hot waar with oi Beating, Rev ha Lill -- LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR M OVER REALTOR LOW PRICE G NEWELL $7,900 -- $7,900 ' i 8 yasr od bungalow with | lores lot. Land suitatie for PICKERING ! Port time 'Gardening or 1ghe $400 Down - $12,500, ing of emma Al Maden YBTIEILR Location ges Gore bungalow, Hx pol » a go Bi Oshawa Phi « Bill Millar of furnace, near highway end | ph és Fings rka | Lioyd Feshy Ltd. Realtor $2269 Down $10900, | EA B.5123, RA B.5124 ix tastefully decorgred | RA B.5125 . A-piege bath, bese | 101 SIMCOE 57. MORTH londscoped. Carries $82.00 mon interest, cipal and taxes feng A new nice backyard Inspect and make us an offer ON FAREWELL builder R. Asking price $12,900 ON JACKSON S Was asking $12,900 = DOUGLAS L. GO REALTOR-RA VICKERY house, five large bed living room, separote g room, kilchen, A-piece | OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS ld LGseImernt 1Grge IB4 by 174, treed Soantsrmon's Paradise Con $16,500, one tage ot Spruce Lake, Soult Pickering Ste. Marie 0 lake shore and near BE. S1ation---boet f gr 0 We $12,900 ond . new motor, guns, fish me 1 45, hres ing equipment and furniture ate aperimer rented Tchad well 0s mining Near Sehool, 186 claims and mineral rights 1o pole terms Whitty coated in same Ores Residential Vots, commercial Besshorowgh Drive rch; dustrial land, Whitty sive 3 droom ranch style ng, Alex bungalow with everything, from $65.00 in all shown by appoinmer y Wane howses and build Direct line ta Pickering ing lot reasonably priced MO BATS for cash buyers now waning MO B 4703 Atter oftice hours a In WA 39513 | Dan 5 Smith RA B-4879 Pickenng WH 2.5770 BE MH Vickery RPA 5.6342 BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR RA 59839 3 [3 ON GLENRUSH wngalow with gtiached garage, three large Bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, mahogany cuph ard four-piece two extra rooms in basement, sodded front, Qpen for inspection every weekend ON LOWELL AVE ¢ new bungalow, priced well below the clrrent market, ¢ large rooms upstairs, two reems with beth in basement, terroca floor, paved drive, sodded front and bock, fenced back I, Maw five room bungalow, mahegany ktichen cupboards, large iving reem, railing, sodded front, heavy duty coble, Asking prise $13,800, Intpeet and make ws an offer ON ADELAIDE q-storey older home, three bedrooms and bath, upstairs, kit , dining, living downstairs, part basement made to récre room, new four-piece bath, ceramic tile, new General furnace, floor sanded, attached garage, paved drive, reduced 10 $11,595 Twe model homes for 196) and two on Athabasca, King on Maedelair Division, If you plan te build in the future, these madel homes Prices start at $13,945 ond up payment start ar $1,082; for more information, call KA 5.9839; or Lloyd Realty (Irwin Cruickshapks) WER 465 NVITES YOU AND YOURS TO VISIT 2 OPEN HOMES THIS WEEKEND 689 GIBBONS $Y. NORTH 1150 sq. ft, living space "ith attached gargge fireplace, storms and screams only $15,200. Terms Arranged 101 WELLINGTON AVE} NHA 5Y% FINANCI FULL PRICE $12.400 INCLUDES ALL THE EXT YOUR ARE LOOKING F NO OBLIGATION, JUS COME AND VISIT AND | GPEN ALL WEEKEND {UF NG RAS OR 1 OOK BE SURE TO SEE GOLDELL'S 196] we ew HOMES OF GRACE and SPACE 50 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED wr | No BRAEMOR GAR DENS (Stevenson Rd, North and Annapolis) QPEN DAILY N HA. FINANCED At Lhd] WO $HE condvtion Tagwne HA WB per gant, Bx monte tn pee. For) PETAL RETVIEE WE Gor Rome sai BA iio | nel LE } GUE Bal ton trek excellent ---- wl ih WEL MIR private site, vais, new ees, hatisry i! | omtiion Apis Ts Bakinney Avenue, | Len WEBTEOR Widens vo Ch ps wotamatie, radio Ton Senond sue, By Angie vin gy we | (rifiae. Can taka trade, BA SHIA [home PLYMOUIN (ovr oom, sibnirkns,| MOTOR TUNE. UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, - 67 KING ST, W, RA 3.7672 CASH FOR YOUR CAR Viole fy 4 o" gon WILBAK MOT ORS 137 KING ST. WW, SPOT CASH wx splinder, Btomatin, reo, wee! Hy san be fmanced Teiaphone BA 82 re? io Ford, weed, ton. | (rm tie, Tnwi KB oe lor more | Hote ation 4" WOWGE, AL condition, ras, Ler, Ennis, very low wilesge, privits. 190 Bing West. BA 559% {8 BELAIR VA, shiek hilt, Ad won Laition Telephone HA Ko LI YI REWAGER,. white god dy | ard motar. Telephone RA $6154 Lint CHEYRMLET, good comdibion side BRA aut, E08 FURMIRE wier, -- 785, Tetapnone HA 49704 ees on adios from $90 9% Blaren, WM Bord Sires WLIO ILE Lim, EIRBR, Babi Rs sppraciplad, prvals HA 65% West must he seen 16 Bel je King West SELL ane Ww bwring "Biew" 1s worth ong. Camm lar simr snr, hens pw al In "iE or payments seduced, Will trade wp or funk. Heller | eats, $5 down Easy termes BA 55161 "Twn geo wt raeeient mechani agmaition gs Phone WW, ov # CORYERTE. fusl injection, tour ped AF RNST) we ops, Ih enirne " wilent condition. RA $1754 alter § Fi 105 CHEBEYROLEY deluxe two doer, witomptie, radio, heater, white walls, |} spotless, Terme. May trade. Private HA Bim 10d CHESYROLET Bel Air, very slesn, E405. Telephone BA 85305 lor mere in formation {1060 VOLREWAGEN, one gener, " down, take aver payments, Telephone MO & 301 100 CREY. flowy door stamatie; 16 Bulek four door sulomatie radio) 10% | Fant down; 195% Mereury four door sutompt radia reasonabie Apply 246 Adelaide Aysnue West ef CHEVY ROLE ¥ sedin, resondition rr] ar, ful equipped, and snow tires, 19% ar best offer. BA 55085 i FOED tune Mx eviinder shape, radio, heater, white walls foi down, take aver payments, BA $1192. | Wh DONGE, two door VE standard transipiasion good condition, private 18 King Wes. HA BH55% SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE | 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | OSHAWA, ONT Tel: RAndolph 3-346) BUYING OR SELLING SEE | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING 51 OSHAWA | (ust East of Wilson Road) | RA 5.4494 Res, 5.5574 $ALL For clean cars CASH$ we deal up or down Liens paid eff NICOLS MOTOR SALES | B12 BROCK 5ST. N. WHITBY MO B.BOOY Sacrifice | Sale WE ARE TAKING A HOLIDAY AND | NEED MONEY! MAKE US AN OFFER ON THE FOLLOWING 58 OLDSMOBILE Super BH Sedan, fully equipped, one awner, origingl miles age 31,000 85 BUICK Hardiop, fully equipped automa Hie transmission, a beau ttul car in and out 55 DODGE Sedan 84 PONTIAC Coach, fully equipped, very clean | "BY VAUXHALLS (2) Sedans, mechanically A) | 33 PLYMOUTH Station | Wagon | "S56 STUDERAKER Sedon (nthe dash) transistor orl fry Vwomimon Fire! in wasetiont mond: PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade wp or gown, Liens paid off DoDD OR SALES 314 PARK BD. § } RA 3.9421 49--Automobile Repairs "ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP Complete collision service, Radiator repairs ond ree cong, Wheel alignment, Tame ond wheel straightens srevensons RD, § | FA B4451 50-Articles For Sale WKAR exchange, new and used, Wig | Heol seiastion, lengthwise Sharpening o. Open Thursday and Friday to § p.m Rburtoman s Corner, 105 Byron Brest oth, Whithy WINE snd cider Derrels, sold onk, oil wires. Oshaws Wardwaie and Flas | trie #_Chireh, | RA 3784 GUNS, ammunition snd Rinting sip plies, new and used, terms 10 per cept AnWn, Wert, Was iA Hore; Whona Hreet West, BA 6 sin OFFICE "wore A pa. aul. | Phone HA ment, We buy snd well, new or ised Fasy terms. Boyihing in trade Hamilton, Asiibirn, Brovkin ATES, ew and sed, sold AB changed. Largest selection in town Diavion's Cycle 204 Bond Brest Fast 8 Ri GOODRICH Mares tires, hat rainry, lele ol We'll buy 0 Hie washers, planas cash olter con Phone RA 8115) {fr ataves [tact 1# PAINT, Tnleriar, exierinr, slo, For lap Prines Stree All colors, Guaranteed, fat, gloss Oshawa Wardware snd Eleotrie, # | Chiren Sireet, KA 37604 {USED parts and repairs for sil mekes of wiingse ie washers, % hp motors ", teed reconditioned Faddy's Market, ihr HH or Hampton, CO V0 : OFFICE Aesks and chairs, heque writers, ealavlstory, free delivery, Call for Ll Ash hin : < - WT FELEVIRION volar serial, $195] re frigeratar, $198; davena, #38; two host 08 chalrs, $18; ramgeite #0; kitchen sol, $6 RA or RA 68412 HEAVY "duly Winch elesiris Wastinghouss, $155 or best Phone RA 34801 All aluminum products == Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contraet, nothing down, For free estimates call w= Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME PORTABLE HEATERS! slave, offer Stove oll or kerosene. No smoke, ne odor, no pipes, 100% kate, Write fer folder, L. E. GORING 75 SOUTHLAWN AVE LRA 3.3505 GET THAT FREE ESTIMATE On thet wern eut bathroom today, phene Guscott Plumbing RA 5.5132 207 § Simcoe 5 BESY QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE oil EXPERT SERVICE DIXON'S a RA 3.464) SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed Double. hung windows enly $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8. 5385 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, $0 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, whee! chairs, invalld walkers, bedsides commeodes, crutches and cones, ale rell.away beds " Phone Ald Rentals RA 5.1644 | 'S4 VOLKSWAGEN, ddr, top mechanical condition | "Here Is one you con't believe | without seeing 33 BUICK Sedan, tinted @lass, window washers, radia, backup lights Ute transmiss ion new tires, one owner, 41,000 | mile car | HURRY OR YOU MISS THE | BARGAIN OF THE YEAR! | Ea Vat, acon ht AFR Bor 18 oun ron Ke ---- 0 33608, $30 to 7 pm ron RENT + Two. bedroom apart | FOR RENT = Four height unhurnished MER 10 apartment building, heated roams, hath " euphasidn closets, heat, (B10s0 10 schol, shapping, parking water and light included: lovely toon: | Breakin, Ql. 811 Yor Rurther Iho How » abstainers. Possession March [SUo8. 4 1 MO 82380 farenoons or afel § D0 pan RENT = Thies roamed weber FOR RENT = Six roam hrieh bunga: Blahed downsiaies apartment, heat and Jow, large living roam and dining ream, HERS inclyded Private entrance. Tole three hedioams 3100 monthly. Tmmed: [phase MO S485 after § pom late pamession. MO 8830 BAM PER week assures & family of FOR RENT Single yonme all 000 four good ving. This ineludes a heavy | venionoes, good parking space. Tole duly Westinghouse Freessr and the phone MO #5140 finest of fonds procurahle, hy Sehaied | WHITRY (ain Laundry, Speed Queen 88 Think of if, fair weather ar foul | agitators, wash 3o, diy 10e Bring Whig | LOUT ShORRING pentie in your kilehen. | 1} \ oe. wash 108 Mroack Street VOUr (hres months sapply of food guar South for Ir y Ahlers better planned meals al (ar am hoy hah YOu A'S RaW PAYING. The 4 AEPTH tanks cleaned the saniiary [living being suoh as i is WAN, few lank inatatied. Walter Ward, Air oe yoursell and family, that you BH Chestnut Weal. phane MO § 3880 all BUONOMART, MoO §asa) by BALER In live poultry and feathers (2388 No Down Payment Na Obiigs | J A 3 8364 oaliect Han Our food cansiitants gwill glad Salat Jake Parven, MS in Het SEPIAIR au way ta hetier ving pi [UT many satisfied mare warily an | 47 --Automobiles For § MOTORS |47--Automubiles For Sale |. CHEVROLEY Waiflon, reoandition Ll ao + BAIRE Soh Very good sha WwW | L L | S S38 cash al ESR EV]] RAIN, . SABY CAR AUCTION TAUNTON RD. E Every Saturday 10 am Your AUST'N | Buy or sell here. Good se I lection including 194) Dealer Chevrolet and Corvai RA 5.033) Oshawa Car Auction 2 v HS» 0 We have a good assortment 3» areniell Bi, RA 33IN of Used Carn AN MOTOR R hed boats tab \ N LS | fon Ing od wer, EER NET JH UE | NAGY MOTOR SALES | SALES LTD cance en MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW/| . : FOR RENT fo heat and ROUEN we . ogy iy and servi ee. Showroom STUDEBAKER VOLKSWAGEN cabin ers " hain wi Winter prices Phil Harper MO § 4568 ¢ \ pm. at SALES and SERVICE shill sows, sanders ¢ + ou RENTAL LOVELY mew Sroam bungalow wilh «08 KING ST WIEST 134 RITSON RY QUTH senvice aud ta ee LR |, osawa on 1413 Dundas &. MO 8:3224. (phese MO #4108, RA 3.7132 Teli RAndolph 3.346) Wilbak | Motors 137 King St. West A8-- Automobiles Wanted CARESHORE Aut Wheokers want] ¥ Wrecking. Highest priess paid | RA | CASH For anv ch we clean cap Trade wi rr odown MAC K IES MOTORS KING ¢ARCOR'S RD | RA 5.5743 | LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR OR GARAGE SURE TO BE MANY THINGS THERE YOU! CAN SELL FOR CASH Use "Personto Person™ Want Ads AT THIS SPECIAL RATE 322° for ) PHONI RA 3-3492 Days On yv VE98 gallon, | AFORE adr dd fermen Sheghert Pps, Wack snd silver siores, fe pyr nd famuie, Roe weeks od. MG Wa rr por poves, ste. For oy sah fact 18 Prinae Brest. Vine yy Biv ay formiare? w ingerwions, TV's vos wy APARTMENT wus ad ., Gen | erwl Flastyia pwol i. 3 Spas iant rmdition Taieghone WA |frERES- tia d SE wale! Ondare made ta yow pidg htm "A |r eet o Arawers, rnd | rd a fo farther [rh iis | BROWN Alas un soi ont Ld AEWA AIOR "boo ddd {home "A (ry Tov. mate ADRIRAL wore Jevener, # monihe 1 Han (aie saw and stand, 7 Wade, 1 motor, T ha Soin a ! VACEUM dlanner reghive, si makes, Ghia, Alashments, kd heed roms [id Voto stan Lo Vaan Clowney Repwie fer dd anime te we od to |e yg ri aT, ih oh Wghest (radeis allow parkway Ie Television, Ta Bimane Srest| Coir TV mm doping, #1 00d #9. servis, rentals -- "Tne, mast ol 4 mist, # F. Gondrien Sores, WA §4644 AWRINGS, rapvas, rom free sptimptes. (hale, Cleve Fon, $13 Simeon North " {ahi #nd oid, ! Bee oll the pest, come iy | the best = 4 a] for less" Hampton 0 (rer vimion AAdison 117 Canal, (and saw, Bewver, Aneh ener. Tele phne RA 6548, VME real hediime sory! 1] ¥4 Wilson : spectaculor Rallpnes metiyess sale whale cariond just arrived, Bevery be | fore such 8 seving among prin A of mplirasses, "(ithe Pedic" smooth top matiressss, tun lor the price one, regier SH each, now mulifess and box spring or we matirnasen hol tor SAM, worth $118; wien full 397 continental Hed with hesd honed, hall price $66.76; Aslune smoot (lap mutivesees, reguisy $950 oll pries $30.75. Handreds of Warning dur ng our gresiest January snie. Wilson's Furniture Ca, 16 Chureh #rest FURNITURE BALE Chasterfieids, bedroom swites Kilchen sets, Ainsties |ehmire, mattresses, (ables, Jamps, ole | All drastically reduced up to % price for quick clesrsnce! While they last! | Barony' Home Furnishings, 444 Bimeos Bath GRAVITY furnace toy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jonwery 38, 196) Arts Fe Set For stival 1964 By JACQUES POUTEAU to the artists of the Common LONDON (Rewters)=The first Weith." | Commaonwenith arty festival andi WiLL Nek FUNDS To CoMerencs, which will bring 1o-| Ballo suid He Son 2 he pur artists and iby box office et The @ halrman of @ ai leading public and artistic fig wees who back the project *ihring creative gid Australia, from among the sons In Commonwesith coun fries Balfour told 8 press confer: ence festivals and conferences FURNITURE nd onitiances bimghi will be held every three yearsiyegith in Commonwealth countries, The! three-week festival will ig the lively as well as the fine art Dae Ian Hunter, named (director-general of the festival, {summed wp the spirit of the, ment wis made [TENE are still in the iby Lord Ballowr of Inchrye,| ment committee of] utions from Aroups seh us orion Ont, wl and 19 Ziizahethan Trust - i y ir ? 4 : Hh i iF I et works, performances leading Commonwealth orches- tras snd lols, ia, Com mo ealth ev Cow Garden . and Royel Bal {ing works of Commons {choreographers and dance Hunter Is expected |Commonweslith countries this (yer 10 meet with artistic and Wy the makers of eathering #s Britain "nt "home| governmental organizations Many In Still Eye By M, McINTYRE HOOD Kpecial to The Oshawn Times LONDON = While there are hurner yy YA in good condition, Tele lin Canada, and statements from| [BUNK beds, two eontineninl beds, | Bill | double bed with bookense headbonrd, DEINg encouraged, all very good condition, Telephone MO Ld TYPEWRITER, 830; Burroughs eles trie adding machine, $1; office desk, | $i Melesty combinstion cash regis iar, 865; Berkel glicer, #75, 196 Simcoe Bouth, HA 81201 WE pay highest prices in the elty for used furniture, Pretiy's Used Furniture | Bore, KA 30271, 444 Bimeos South MCOUT uniform wie 14-16; "Fite Ll srehery how sports. Jacket, boy's COLEMAN oll spaces hoster, medium | Slreel GENERAL FElectrie Wond finish, completely E108. Meagher's, 5 King Street West LADY'S fur enat, man's overeos! like new. Telephone RA S0881 for formation ABOLISH Ary sir with the new Flee. trohame Humidifier, from $45.85 up! Meagher's, & King Breet West. AY used (eleyvisions for sale, 817 and 17" sels, B0dey warranly, Len and {Low's TV, 803 Mimeos Bouth, BA 57844 LU RO pump system in Al eandition For more information osll €0O 3.2246 MAKE 1081. your year to move up tn that better Joh. Cheek the "Help Want ed" golumns Wn the Oshawa Times Classified section OHERY of drawers for sala, In fondition RA BH Woh 4 for mors |X 217 lelevision Ga model 18 Winchesier, 18 Wauge as reeoll pad culy compensator with four tubes, Phone RA 3-063 MOFFAT dryer, 3 months oid, Sunran, teed; Moffal range, yess LL evllant sondition, KA Hh ning, PIANO, Mapon Risch prigh condition, #198 Telaphons a Wh LADY'S fur eal, large size, nieely styled, full length, excellent eondiiion Telephone RA 3.3478 for further Inform. ation GENDRON baby earriage. vaht grey, good eondition, A lor portable Taidia Telephone N Hit PRIVATE Bale; 30" GE stove, 11" self defrosting refrigerator with freeser, aulomatio washer and dryer, 81° vision, 17" freeser, continental bed wrought tron six ehalr dinells sel, tweed rug, Skiar chesterfield. ste, Own: oF leaving eountry, WA 56784 JANUARY Hale large full panel baby eriha, Roxatone or natural satin smooth finish, on eastors, half price $30; slear. anee of all 1060 model baby earn, from $86; play pens, LLL Li 3 dergarien sel Chureh Street 51-Lost & Found BEAGLE hand" "loaf, wredominanily white with K and hrown patches, (alton on 2 of sar. Reward for In formation le § to return, Telephone Bert Salter, KA 54973 after 5.30 p,m BUATK and tan hound, collar and two tags, Answers to "Buteh " Vielnity Gar Jard ond Thickson FHoad, Reward MO "os! Jelnity of anes. Telephone RA BT0I4 with any Information 52-=Legol I, Elrav Leadbetter, will not be re sponsible for any 'debts eontracied In my name hy anon _ ar after this date January B84, without my written consent Ei, Leadbetter, | will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, GLENDA MARLENE MILNE, from this date written consent BARRY MARTIN MILNE APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN that Ontario Ladies' College Intends 10 apply to the Legis lative Assembly of the Pro vines of Ontarie at the next session thereof for the passing of an act providing for re. incorporation as a corporation without share capital and for providing that the corporation shall be deemed 10 have been and shall continue to be a corporation without share capital. And to amend Chap- ter 68 of the Statutes of Ontario 1878 accordingly forward without my DATED at Whithy, Ontario, this 18th day of January 1961 CREIGHTON, FRASER DRYNAN & MURDOCH o (Ada to join an older son who 1 lin 105K {Ottawa that immigration is not there 1s | Britain Canada [seeking out British people with {the right technical and vocation: al qualifications which are In wale "Wohl reports of record unemployment {demand in Canada. During January, film shows, lectures and Interviews concern: ing Canada were held in 12 dif steady stream of Inquiries ano conn "ong cities in Eng: applications from prospective (land. In some places the immi- (immigrants af the Canadipn Im: Loin" oricers were there for imigration Office at 61. Green| Street, in London's Mayfair, On ithe average during January, {there was around 100 inquiries {every day. Not all of these re sulted in firm applications to migrate to Canada, but the num- ber of such applications being sige, like new, only $28, Apply 96 Prince |nracessed is substantial | When I ealied af the Canadian overnamied, {Immigration Office, 1 was, rath- ler surprised to see the number ip of people seated in the walling oom, and heing interviewed by Ho immigration counsellors, It was midforenoon, and there were over 20 people at various stages of the walling and inter: viewing process MOSTLY YOUNG PEOPLE Most of those seeking informa: {tion &bout migration Canada|" (were young people, Several were single girls, There were some young couples, In the med: leal section, I saw & man and his wife and three young chil: |dren who had just been through the medical [children were quite excited, The ool | YOUNgest of them maid to his of | nother, "Mummy, can we go on the big boat now?" One tall young glant, with a heavy brown beard, was a civil" engineer, eager to try his luck ® In Canada, There w oung widow with a 13.year-ol y making application to go to Can: had gone to Canada last year and had settled down success: fully, and was now sending for his mother and younger brother, There was one middle-aged woman who had gone to Canad nd returned in 1080, cause of an {liness, and who was now anxious to get back te Can: ada again, GIVEN WISE COUNSEL The work which 1 saw being done by the counsellors Is very painstaking, They Inquire fully into all the circumstances of the applicant, the occupations and qualifications, and whether or not they have any relatives in Canada willing to sponsor them, The matter of professional or vocational qualifications is gone Into very thoroughly, 1 was in terested to see a young man being interviewed by one of the counsellors, Together they were going through the "help wanted" columns of one of the Toronto daily newspapers, checking as 10 whether any openings listed sulted to this young mal talents SEKIENG RIGHT PEOPLE In spite of the unemployment conditions In Canada at the! goo present time the immigration of ficials here are not sitting back examination, The n, (Hans, do two, three or four days, inter viewing people Interested in going to Canada, in London and Birmingham, there were four film shows and lectures through. out the month, and there was one esch In Chelmsford, Ipswich, Coventry, Norwich, Rugby, Southsens, Fareham, Banbury, Oxford and Bouthamp- ton, At all of these, Canadian immigration officers were pres. ent to give information and in terview prospective immigrants. Travel agency officials were also present to give information on transportation, LIST OF OPENINGS Avallable at the Immigration oitices are lists of occupations n which there are special A portniies in he Jom Som of these are » which employment ma or x Srna " advance inion A immigration ith Sa had poi some of the occupations listed as providing special opportun: ities In Canadas: Alr stewardess, biochemist, blacksmith, bookbinders and cutters, business machine tech Alclahy, cabinet maker, camera Fepalr technicians, chemists, olor litho pressmen, court re porter, dental technicians, dieti ors, 'domestics, draughtsmen, engineers In all branches of engineering, foun: dry superintendent, physical education group leaders, gold. smith, hand engraver, house keepers and domestic help, labs oratory technicians, librarians, motor mechanics, metal work: ers for precision work, musi clans, nurses, nursemaids, ocou: pational therapists, optical tech: niclans, paper machinery de signer, pharmacists, pr nn, paychiatrists, eivil engineering professor, YWCA professional workers, plano tuning tech. niclan, photo engravers, physi cists, radar an comnumcs: tions technicians, radiologist, re search director, secretaries, dia: mond and stone setter, male so: cial worker, statisticians, Stenographers and typists, pri mary and secondary school teachers, TV techniclans and re: palrmen, toolmakers and tech: nieal writers, FORD COMES TO TERMS NEW YORK (AP) «= Whitey Ford, left-handed pitcher, and catcher Elston H Howard signed their 1061 contracts with New York Yankees "Thursday, Ford, who won 12 and lost nine last season, sald he would receive the sme Pi a estimated at $35, 000, Howard, who suffered in. Juries to both hands last sea: son, ot an estimated increase and doing nothing, They are of $3,000 to $28,000, MERRY MENAGERIE Barristers, ate 5 Simcoe Street North | Oshawa, Ontaria POSTED A BOND PITTSRURGH (AP)Harold ohnson of Philadelphia Friday wied a 35.000 bond with the ational Boxing Association as wel, wa warantes to meet a rankin mtender for the NRA igh vive aht tit) (thin 30 day he beats Jess Bowdry of $t ous Feb. 1. in jy Ta

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