3 Centering . dawns on Will Live In Woods, Condition F VANCOUVER (£F) ~~ Fred Matt js quitting We job as # SHRINE Dov Begusid 19 herd into the woods for perce ginal, fresh mir and ude pric fice His eve is on the Canadien jude championship wn Toren next Aprit and the (np to the world chempionsings wn Pars that goes 19 the wriner '| need 19 get away where | CAR SPERE MOTEE Line. PrRctis: ng," he smd. "For the last year Ve been working from two o'clock until 19 Bt might #t the pool and | didn't get enough time for Liaimng So he's moving with » friend 6 # mountain, cottage several miles outside Vancouver where be will stay--escept (or 0CCR sional trips out for supplies ana some strength - testing howls at #2 Yancowver judo ehbh--until time 10 leave for Torone ik have the quiet, the fresh aw time 19 hard for the coming ments," he explained. Matt is an immigrant from West Ger many, having come to Canada i 1956. He was born in Vill ingen in the Black Foest prov nee in southwestern Germany 1937 judo champion of Fast West Germany in 1854 LOOKS TO OLYMPICS He spent several months in Winnipeg when he first arnved in Canada, then came to Yan couver, By May, 1961, he be comes eligible for Canadian citizenship and he has hopes of representing Can ada in the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo when judo will he added to the Olympic program Meanwhile, he's concentral ing on the Canadian champion ships and the world meet In Paris. The world title has heen his ambition since he hegan taking part in the sport as ® hoy of 15 Already he has proved he is international calibre, having defeated the best In North and South America 10 win the grand championship title at the Fan American championships in Mexico City last October, In 1958 he won the Canadian title, which he holds Matt has a fhird-degree black helt, the highest fighting degree| several Japanese have gitained held by anyone in Canada, The/In the Pan Anerican competi highest is 8 sixth-degree whic h' tion he defeated a fourth-degree Kent's Western Tire Take Over First Place Johnny Kent's Western Tive the winners with a score of 1126 howlers have finally moved into] against 950 and at the end of the first place after last 'week's| eighth frame (he York Bowl howling activities in the Toron:| team was up (wo pins hut then tn City Major Bowling League|the Western Tire howlers turn when they defeated the ¥ or kied on the heal in the ninth and Bow! team hy a score of 5868 tenth frames and came away tn 8772 and winning over them|with a victory, In this game It hy a score of three games fo was Faolone with 267 and Jones two with 285 who helped win the The pressure was on hoth|B&Me teams right fram the start and, For the the Kent team was unfortunate complete to lose the first game hy a|rific score of score of 1106 as against 1284] viously when their anchor howler pick For the winning team il was ed a head pin on a double Mike Paulo with 1286 made up strike as follows: (360, B58, 241, 100) However, they rallied and|followed hy Bimbo Panlone 1100 came hack strong in the second (270, 208, 230, 206, 267): Ivor game with a score of 1276 to Jones 1177 (286, 262, 17K, 266, win over their opposition with a| 203); Tony Vidas 1141 (243, 220, seore of 1147, In this game i1[220, 240, 216) and Ron Swartz was Mike Paulo bowling 358 and! 1065 (167, 328, 247, 20h, 21%) Ivar Jones 262 that helped win For the losing team it was The third game saw hoth|Joe Neil with 1217, followed hy teams 0. into a letdown, How: Stephen 1200, Roy 1187 Rich ever. the Western Tire team |ardson 1160 and Fvans 1000 was ahle to nose oul its apposi After two weeks of howling tion with a score of 1125 as|finds Group "RB" very closely agatnst 1008, In this game it was! knotted up with Kent's on top Hon' Swartz with 247, Paolone|with 7 points followed hy Knob/ 230 and Paulo 241 wha helped| fill Bowl and Tuxedo Junetion heat the opposition Formals with 6 points each In the fourth game the York York Bowl and Bowlodrome § Bowl team really turned on the points each, O'Connor Bowl and heat and Tinished with a seore| Pasquale's 4 points each, Ascol of 1307 against Kent's score of| Clothes with § points 1145. They just couldn't he de-| Next week will he the tough nied and it was Richardson with est one for the Kent team since 302, Stephen 286 and Evans with/ they meel Pasquale's on their a1 whe were: instrumental in/faverite alleys {Ace Bawling) helping their team to vielary Pasquale's are considered the For the Kent team it was top team in the entire league Jones 266, Vidas 240, Paulo 228 [and last Saturday howled a Paolone 206 and Ron Swartz score of A407 and whenever vou 205 can heat Pasquale's you have| The last game was taken hylreally accomplished something Genosha Hawks Play At Home Oshawa Hotel Genosha Hawks clubs ta will play their final twa games Seam The Genosha elub appears to N p of the season (his week, before), "vo aining the farm that won| ORA Inter A play them eight out of ten games Saturday, Feb. 11 /hetare Christmas, Of late Gary against Rrantford. Hoth exhibl| vayghan and John Newey have tion contests will he played Alluned in real good perform Danevan Collegiate with Poron: ances in every game, Brent to Ryerson Teoh Rams. the/(ldrield, too, has come along visitors on Thursday night atl very well since moving back up 8 pom. and Scarborough Vietorlia the forward line. The Osh Heaters the apposition, Satulawa crew would appear to be day at 7.30 hitting their peak at just the The Ryerson ONE A right time, with play-oifs only keen vival of the Oshawa club. 2 little mare than a week away will 'he gunning far a VIEWOryly win aver Ryerson Thursday over the Hawks, The Oshawalwouid add a little more to the team on the other hand would|gienning stones which would like nothing better than to Doalipsne another Ontavia Cham the Technical Institute lub] sianshin to the Motor City right ope before their OWR| Game time Thursday for the Oe A 'ple Wilh Rerun ame ME A i p 4 1 \ . ors. Tom Olinvk played for the, PW, at Danevan Collegiate Rams for two full seasons a the same time as Erskine Mylly and Workman whe ave' still with the Toronte team. fuente 4-0 1 81 George Fuller who entered that dshawa ) NE HOE school this year has plaved at RMA Fall eB Central Callegial wi Td hai Oshawa Industrial League for Si Thema LT ROMAIMAE ames -- SAluiday the past two years. This should " has | Provide 101s of (mpetds for Doth(Tarssis ob #0 Toman | Uvn | fire tram {huna ana ADA Was Junior ana of top sald physical exercises while at the the mountains | will get back into condition for 6, M the tournaments,' Adair 5, R i losers it was just a letdown after a ter: 1307 howled pre really turn on the crew far ag pani sill" JUDO EXPERT SHOWS YOUNGRTERS HOW Japanese resented Argentina "I am out of shape now, he "although | have kept up Craighead 140 and D competitor here HERE THURSDAY THE GSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, February 1, WHI 15 \ City League Teams Have Twin-Bill With Marlies Oper again, the OsRaw ER Minor Hockey Association is featuring their exhibition game series, mn Rifai which WK Ww troduce the ""AlNStar' players of the various Rge grows in the "City Leagne" for 1960-1961, #t the Children's Areng. this Thurs day wien, Febuary 2. first game wt TH pm. when (hey will enterigin with two Oshaws tepins and two from the power ful Toronts "Marthory" organ ations All "City Teague witli he plaved in the Children's Areng and last season's terest in or growing Rssocigtion was most gpppreciated, It is hoped that vou and your entire family are plan wing 16 aitend and see for Your selves Just what is gong on in Minor Hockey in Oshawr, Wn spect your Children's Arena and finally sit hack and withess two, topnotch hockey Baines Woodview And Fernhill Teams Gain On Storie Storie continues to hold down first spot in the CRA Neighbor hood Dart League as they heal North Oshawa 440-1, with Fern hill and Woodview making # strong bid with 54040 wins Results of games plaved Thursday, Jan, 2% Wond view No, 1, 5; Southmesd, 0 Fernhill, 5; Woodview No, 2, § Rundle No. 2, 4, Rundle No, | I; Storie, 4; North Oshawa, | Kastview, 4, Woodview No. 2, 1 Players doubling in and oul B. Clark 3, N. Pullen 2, 6, Ma« Millan 1, G, Clark 1, D, Mac Millan 1, 1, Cornish 1, K. Majo i, I. Cole 2, B. France §, K Johnston 2, €, O'Flynn 1, A Bryant 2, G, Bryant 1, 1, Shoh hrook 1, i, Shobbrook 2, B, Ross I, V. Ross 1, GG, Houston 2, B Crawford 2, IR, Adair 3, ¥., Adair 2, ¥. Williamson 2, G. Parker 4 M. Parker 2. I. Goulding 2, A Pelow 1, D, Cummer 1, RB, Har mon 2, Jean Craighead 1, Ruth Hopson 8, O, Clark 1, Bob Clark I, J. Craighead 1, D, Rae 1, who rep: 1, Rae 1, P, Fayle 1 and H Fayle 2 High "Three Jean Rae 100 Baseball One Innings J Wyatt 6, B. Clark 5, G. Clark Wilson 6, O, Clark 5, R Cornish 5, R Darts commencing # 799 pm. for # very small admission The program for this Thurs dey might will be as follows 758 pm. Tovents Al-Sars Pee Wees versus Oshawa "Al Star" Pee Ween. 8.30 pm, Pre sentation to Oshaws "Al-Star"' Bantams (Winners of Veter horough Bantam Hockey Tow nament ~ December, 1968 and 845 pm. Toronto "Marbory" Juveniles versus Oshawa "All Star" Juveniles The players of "All-Star" cal bre from the "City League" 19 represent Oshaws in the On tario Minor Hockey Association playdowns have heen finalized for the Bantam, Midget and Juvenile teams Conches and managers of these teams will present quite # starry array of potential and capable hovs to play for them For the Bantams, Coach F Bradley and manager Al Wil lock; Coach A, Bathe and Man ager G, Wales of the Midgets and Coach D, Turner and man reer ¥. Withur for the Juveniles gli predict that this year's edi tions will give a ereditable ac count of themselves Any parent interested in one or more of the #0 hoys now playing in our "City League which is for boys up to 18 years of age, should he interested enough in the progress that these boys and their friends are making in hockey that he will want to see his boys and their friends in action against other top hockey players, The executive of the association, and the coaches and managers of your hoys on regular hockey nights need moral and financial support. They want you fo al tend the games if at &ll pos sible! CANADIANS WON FALKIRK, Scotland (CP) Canada's touring women cur: lers chalked up a 52-08 win Tuesday over a Falkirk team during their first day of play in this town on the Firth of Forth Results included: Mrs. H, Turn bull, Sarnia, 13; Mrs, T, Morri son, Falkirk, 10 brook § B. Ross § and H Fayle § Team standings Storie §2 Fernhill 51, Woodview No, 1, 51; Rundle No. 2, 45; Eastview 44 Rundle No, 1, 48, N. Oshawa 40, Wondview No, 2, 26, South Shob:' mead 25, Woodview No, 3, 24 An open and shut case for an airtight car Pick new in the habi! af apening the window before ha shu's the doc drum for aval fc thausand pleted cars are reacted lar lay you couldn t spo pride op ana § Wi lastin vagen. Any Volksw atch the owner get in. Chances are he's The Volkswagen signed ha! way ipeciors 0 keep olkswagen st an you Buy a V¢ The reasan: His Volkswagen (§ la A ep hearing tha! tha VW ach why y running around biwage aaves the facie other ear Valkswagens doen't baneat! F000 1 car. 1 was de ary empl ! that way, Cam: . pa 1s and blamishes 1 nated ave. We lala de and ou! far example and our fag) ys three » : ow a \ ¥ with yo pace the YW is dipped and sprayed $ Vv twice as ant Visit Lswage VOL makes a his ainight simant, An invesimen! that we go 1a great lengths to protec, This is your nearest Volkswagen dealer, Ne is part of o wetwork of 330 efficient VW service contre right across Canada, SABYAN MOTORS 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH, Telephone RA 3-346) aur YW dealer soon ger do Because of the way the VV is designed, your running cosls are cut way down, Because af the care with which it is constructed, it stays new jar and grows ald mara gracafully That's ou ses six and seven-year-old Valkswagens Ika two-year-olds. And that's l why thay hold their trade-in value betler than sveryihing fits, Every part stays as tight as a any years and years altles, aven in their datage. And they ba Aut wae don't think the VW is 10 goed it can't improved. Wa are constantly finding ways fo make i} a batter car the anes naw in tha showrooms have a new engine that provides 1095 mare 2 power, bul with the same gas economy. four gears are synchronized. You can change into first without stopping. There is mare under the hood uggage trant Tou can tale nuch Haar tha rest of cose for buying a Volkswagen VOLKIWAGEN CANADA LTD, Vrade between nations ih a two way street, Wat Germany hans of Canada's bast eustomers, And every Valkswagen s Ge ¢ mate Canadian good LAST DAYS of JUNN' $SSSSSS NSSSSSESSSSS $53 WINTER 19° SALE WHERE YOU'LL GET «+ + YOU'LL NOT FIND A BETTER DEAL ANYWHERE THAN AN EXTRA SUIT «1.00 Trim-worsted and featuring handsome single-breasted two. or three- buttoned models in the latest styles, Sizes te fit men and young men, 34 10 52, Regular, short, tall and hard-to-fit stouts, ECONOMY RANGE.., 50.50 : EXTRA SUIT...1.00-SAVE- 58.5 CUSTOM RANGE...60.50 EXTRA SUIT...1.00-SAVE - 68.50 DELUXE RANGE...70.50 EXTRA SUIT...1.00~-SAVE- 78.50 DELUXE RANGE,..80.50 EXTRA SUIT... 1.00~-SAVE -88.50 EXTRA SLACKS «31 Teilored from the finest and Domestis all-weel yarns, dyed s ond flannels, Sizes 20 te 44, ECONOMY RANGE ... 9.95 Extra Pair 1,00 ~ Save 8.95 CUSTOM RANGE .:. 17.95 Exira Pair 1.00 ~ Save 16,95 CUSTOM RANGE... 19.95 Extra Pair 1.00 ~ Save 18.85 SAVE § ON PULLOVERS & CARDIGANS Tommy Knight, Robert rma, Sines Small, meds USE YOUR CREDIT No Down Payment Necessary SAVE § ON SPORT SHIRTS ne made by such » a BV.D, Bill {| Modern twashuttan, threashutton, 4 ll ples In All shades and Well: Known mal and Bluestone, Extra Shin Save 495 100 3.9% 695 100 598 7.95 BUY A SPORTY CoAT at the REGULAR PRICE AND GEY A PAIR OF TROUSERS Sa FOR ONLY $1.00, ICONOMY RANGE| DELUXE RANGE 100 7.95 29% | 39% Pair of Trousers, (Pair of Trousem, 1.00 8.95 5%. vor Save 100 , , , Save Extra Sweater 695 100 5.95 8.95 "WHERE SMART MEN SHOP" 36 KING ST. EAST IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA