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The Oshawa Times, 1 Feb 1961, p. 18

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B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Pobrwery 1, '#y FO EERESTIOG FAW WOTORIRS SAR BE BIER PIR APNE ew se Lk we Times of he Kappy! Ed RATNER AT WESIE snd WENGE. Dotee Iv wae EERE WE ay WA. BRE lap ifind (aviary oF iad wee Ep fue WARLING = My pnd Wen Ray Pen ll ARE Apr Ware ; pre YOR (5 MR Aoi n TNE Sie BPO l Mf 2 SFvEner | #5 Tussdny, Fede y $i, 108 #0 ne Erokawd FoRReinl Hass. A sees Io Frans Tanne to IF. Bris e alia Bow and Marion pie pond FRANCE TRE BERN oF Thee 6 Waane Kennew, T he. BG ob. oF Ving Aw FARR BB, NT, MW TRE ad ¢ Fadi wi Thome to WW » ina sal AREF F aa Frame god Filipe #9 he sie prrow of | (y ia. # BaiAwa FRERALITN Baws 5 RRROIREE # don, RosmA Josen on Tansey, Snoney W fie Gener. Hospi yp f Howert. Thanks 4 Lda WROER = Mr. pad Mir Fos Fee BE RRERY 16 SRROWACE fhe | ini 11 thers so, Wier Po, om Mow. | January IN, 108i, #6 ThE (rehawe Haspiias. A Brwiker 1oF Fo iE #7 rE id a Ween per) PRARRER ThE BITRE BF (Re 5 MORARY, ARRIREY 18, 1061, § Wei wh fravamp Gener il How iw Mews and Rove Frise Hersy kappy # 4 ' ' # DEATHS Ei "lh Ar } in the frre Gere | Fuealay, Iapwney wh Lommel, items son of WH WHomoid Conant fw Ai (rohan Wednestey 0. IRErIREnt Lae e ow Huey \: " ld ed heir ki Alps 7 Manis ad "VER i RE RY ik AIERiE Allon Ladiad Korison, loving IM her will Alink Woy of Buriingion of Omaws ! ded Inir RERF WFR fri. 0. Matiett (Margrist) saith Williams, heih of Basi Eidndgs 0 iit # Lepr Enapel, © Siiel ice oR eater Fev 2 pm. Ieierment URinn ¥ in hen of Powers peas 9 Cancer Beriety) FILIRIRGE - kite (4 DuAdERY ald Lake ary MH, 198), £ fear loved I9iant ARighier ag (iheey and Mis. 4. Wien sh, aged | month and Hive Ase FERGUSON AF Hospila FEAR ahi Barhaie Entered nla rept 18 IRE ranidencs, 100 wadny, Jdanunry BL, 1961, Edn heloved wile of Clarence Blane GALT Irvine Galt of Resting ol LL [7] Ain ong Fune memanal service In the chapel Hl v, Fehrunry 4, at & p.m. Inlei dount LAA Cemeier Suddenly at her home mish Brest, Fart Hope, Thurs January 4h, 1861, Edith Cisre k, beloved wile of Hugh A. Falmer mather of Hegtor of Whith: Thamas and Harvey Hap"t, Bow a kvelvn (Harvest) Felerhar I'L hie (Watters) Tavants, Regink Symans! of Weleame Hoss Funeenl Chapel, Port Hops ce was heid in (he chapel an Bal | thay; oh Cemeier FALMER : 'n tla snd H . WHITE » nie, Gn Monday Bhackieton Adams, January #0 ¥ In her # dens mother of Ruby (Mrs stephensan) Oshaws and Pearl All Handle) Hampton , Resting tL the Vurris Funeral Chaps lie Bervien In the shape! ig wa eines Jelack, Interment Hamplon Ceme 1. fd f LOCKES FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral requirements fer i Hai FHONE SERVICE A B:.6555 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE and all | GERROW FUNERAL, | CHAPEL Kindness beyond price vet within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM CORY friend, 7 | However In loving memary af § dear Cory, wha passed awa 1. 1a abil aehes with sadness, epiet tears still Faw Iomeant ta lose yu Ul ever know When the days are sad and lane! And everything seems oa Bn Wong |] goin 1a Rear you whisper Cheer up and carry on." Fach Hime 1 see your phate, Vou seem tn smile and sa ah ery Pm oonly sleeping, | meal again same day." adly missed and ever hin friend Louetia W y ememhi CORY In loving Famery af a dea rather, Thamas Cary, wha HR February 1, 1960 YOu are nel fargatisn, AER AR CATIA FRU AVE RA MAre, 0 We Ya Are Wilh ua always were hefare missed hy sister Flossie, herindaw Tam ary oi and hal Lali lE In loving memary Pierre suman Laloeaue, wha passed Febuary |, iW doand always remember daniiterin law Elisabeth and sUiTaN In loving wmemary of § daughter, Barbara, wha passed February 1, 1843 ify and silently same the eal, Without soedbye you left us ally In God's gavden naw vou ves Peavetully sleeping liea ane of the vememheied hy Mam sters and hiathers and Lovingly ba CARD OF THANKS AYRES Wish 1a express hel ApRrocIatieh dness SHOWA IR WessaRe Athy and Haral bales &lae ht wha donated a he Gidean Ribies spat in the loss of & OVINE husband and father | y ihe Rev, 5 C0 HO Alkinsan the Rev, A. 6 EB. Mitghall for the RARIIRE and laving messh ™ aidl ta ME A Armstiong fey hindae The family of the late Bemis, Oshawa, Ontane, Lhe 1a Ihank Whell many friends a andl neighbors for the bindnessen and for hoauliinl feral win ules shawh ta them al Whe time of the of thelr maiher: alsa Rev MN] BEM Mis # Ves PAARY Semon, Rowma ARH RuTaes pa bot me, Baw - Amst i Chilis 3 Nwv ng Thanks alse Oabawa 0 AVER PARKER -- We wish 1 take this ¥ AWAY ba thank Reverend Waid, he WA of Westmount United Churgh, the | Canadian legion, Branch 44 The Hed rams, Silver Cross, Seveaih Day smpiavess of Falrweath Fast Oshawa Soaut Group. de Company. My, and My Mu and Mes 6 Sea RY, WARY Were of OW WE A Ye Mave hy W Withew a Mw A TRAN ay Pp Th F™ p bo andl Blea Paver and amity, | Wasien $roe Thomas Brest | Rented | first "30 p.m. Interment Welcome | [tion AL the Cedars Rest Home a yecession 18 in progress goth [does a drop In inventories calise resulted cussion ehicken-egg deal ments article situation Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto TROUT Ti AW. SiS Br The Eomation Frew San Faawange vow VEE RE TRER Ar AAAS ¥ A Favamin ACC RE EE Pp 4 ¥ ad Faw "ow INDUSTRIALS i bd Fow am WH P id in #iite in ud os vy Ld eire y # Woh Warw Af Reid A pyre Ain Ine Rite lone Lil wlops Alte Dae Gre WIN AAA Alii i IA Alo & § #8 yy # we iw £ an Lelam fa i dea ¢ othe ad freedge wh dd we / Ware Howie Wigh Fow | -- pe ' an ' " "" BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Slowing For Inve By FORBES RHUDK Canadian Press Business Editor Ta many ers the ew rent business down An Inventory recession This is somewhat like argument ahout which the chicken or the Applied to the inventory situa the question would read "Da inventories drop because a Onsers slow 18 the old comes PT wilg of the lale Genrge While, a recession? Far You can get into as much dis about that as in the However, whatever the argu inventories are an indi ator, When they go down they add strongly to any recession: pect ary influence; when they go up hey start a surge of metivity {through the economy Week of in a eurrent the American Business SAYS "You can get a truly hopeful [slant on business prospects from {the way things are shaping up pacity at the in inventories Kvidence of im | provement is not yel positive any ray of light is welcome at a time when othe) (measures of January Fehruar New Type 'Beer Bottle | OTTAWA (UP)=A heer hattle, lighter and amber-calored against light, will he introduced in twa pilot areas in Ontario and Quebee next April The Dominion Brewers Asso elation said Tuesday the new type of hottle, already widely used in the United States and western Canada, has a neck three inches shorter than the conventional bottle and is de signed for easier storage It will be introduced at Peter hovough, and in the Abitibi area of northwestern Quebes The new hottle will hald 12 ounces of heey, same as bottles currently used in hath proy noes sual in weight tn protect new New York Times 'Rated Top Paper NEW YORK (AP)==Resulls of a poll of publishers on their idea of the 10 hest newspapers in the United States were announced Tutaday night 'he New York Times headed Dispateh, The Monitor, the St Louis Post Christian Seience Milwaukee Journal, the Lows ville CourtierJournal, the New {York Herald Tribune, the Wash {ington Post and Times Herald the Los Angeles Times, the Chil cago Tribune and the Kansas City Stan The poll was taken hy Edward Rernays, a public relations counsel, His firm said 17.3 per {cent of the country's 1598 pub {lishers, or 278 in 48 states, par ticipated In the poll TER Re TR he i ER CARD OF THANKS \ WHITESIRE = 1 wish 10 express wy sneere (AARKS 10 my very geod neigh ow) and friends for heir Many avis of Wm owading: seh heautiwl Flin And cards and BAMBI NE PAAR feats andl oN ea A IVREY Wpeial ¥ 0 J AAAS 18 Nerd amsier Unived ( he RATS Aw Sal an % and' Nn = Ohana Gonal | Haapital My detpen hana a) Yo increase Down ntory gehivilty make a dismal di best, it could mean thal (ess on EXPECTED BOOM I'he inventory trouble to go hack to the hopeful da of early 1060 when business hull up its supplies on hand in anticl pation of something like a hoom, When the hoom didn't come, drastic In cutting and dropping sales made the need for cutting all the more acute Observers seem to feel end of inventory-cutting Is In sight, perhaps over done in some cases, hut with still a wa to go in others, They don't ¢ a sudden pickup, hut rather an improvement which will show definitely in the latte of the year seem sn { And the over play fl Ie ahout was Just ANpea) enor that part A survey hy Canadian Gen eral Electrie Co, 11d, hased on hureau of statistics figures says Canada's power-generating ca end of 1060 to talled 80,500,000 horsepower, an of 18 per cent over| 1050, Of the tolal, 24,800.000 horsepower, or KL per cent was from hydra installations, an increase of 8.7 per cent, The re maining 5,700,000 ho vs e powel was from thermal plants (oper ating on coal and other fuels) an increase of 46.8 per cent Nons Kher the and of TN James Richardson In a sevenpage study Pitt Garden Mines Lid company appears tn have turned the corner in 1060, and represents an interesting specu lation on future ore develop ments and metallurgieal re search {41 oe ew Cpe dad Rany #arw from fra fr AY 4d ba i -NET EARNINGS THE CANADIAN PREAH oma Steel Corporation 144 ended Dee, #1: 1060, $13 $2.00 share; 195 $4.06 Westinghouse ar ended Dec, 31 S307 852, BO cents a share $2,115,002, 83.40 eel Compan ended Dei 150.061, $402 & 1 678.105, 87.58 Sterling Trusts ended Det $5.00 a share By err 154,000 $17,606,000 Canadian fad f a Co 1060 1054 of Canada 14d a1: 1060, $21 share 1050 (3°) Carporagtion 1060, $165 1056, §168.47% (1) i 544K Ma ended cents LIB United Biates ended Dee, 3) 17 a share #24 Mantreal ended Deg hare, 1050 Tid, year 153.044, 07 $21,018,304 Ti Dei share uson $14 1959 Ferg 13 n Bleel Corp, year $404,520, 081, 85 1059, 8258.975 686 Cn VORr 100. 82.01 a 82.7% Trust LIE IM LY) $1,143,034 TORONT (CP) The stock market was stronger al the clone Hght trading Tuesday vith losses being kept to & min nf imum On the Index, industrials were 1.04 at 841.08 and hase met als gained 60 at 170.88. Colds were off 15 at K0.45, Western oils eased 11 at KAD Volume was 1 844,000 compared with (he shaves traded Monday Great Lakes Paper led iis group with a gain of 4 at 4544 Consolidated Paper went ahead «fil 44, and International Pa per and Price Brothers were up 1 at MY and 45%, Anglo-Ca nadian Pulp dropped 214 al {11 The gold index moved lower hehind Dome with a drop of 4 at My Hane metals and International half-point gains at 4, Among senior uraniums Denison was off 14 at 11, Rie Algom eased 15 cents at 88.00 up shares 1,072,000 followed Cassiay Nickel with 14% and 6! i Claim Tory Fiscal § 'Understanding' OTTAWA (CP)e= Paul Martin (le=Kasex Kast) sald Tuesday he suspects "an understanding" on federal-provineial fiscal rela Hons exits between the. Conser Valve governments mo OHawa and Toronto He told the Commons that the eurrent situation implies a se eret understanding" not re vealed ta the ather nine proy inces=--=hetween Premier Frost of Ontario and Finance Minister Fleming Mr. Martin issued a demand for formation on which the apposition can decide whethey the federal government Is ac Min, A Avies and fam We list, followed in order hy the heving ta the principle of equal Steel Co. Profit Down TORONTO (CP)=Nteel pany of Canada lid profit of $21 353.651 or 840 a shave nn 1960 compared with S02 578.105 and 37.58 in 1930 Sales during the year were Ja $67.302 campared with $a2l Ln In the preceeding yoay Noully, president, sad fh Ad drop In earnings WAS Mainly the result af a com bination of reduced output [Rikher wages and lower realized {average selling prices, In addi while incame in 155% in a dividend of £1.000.080 Welland Tubes Lid dond Ww d hy 1 nN Me, Seully added that Welland Tubes and Camrose Tubes Lid varatved avders in late Navem Cam had net tan cluded mom an MANY WW ization, whether it Is favoring ane province at the others' ex pense and whether it {s fulfilling election promises He on a canbidence motion calling fo the government to retain the principle of equalization in tax sharing deals=--the principle of supplying extra cash for prov inces in fiscal need Prime Minister Diefenbaker announced earlier that a letiey was sent to the provincial pre miers Monday suggesting dates for a resumption of last Octo her's plenary fiscal conference and saying Ottawa ix veady to attach a "growth factor tol equalization payments My. Martin charged the soy srnment with "allowing fiscal matters to dei," He said that until the apposition raised the issue last Friday, the gevern:| ment "had no idea when it was} going to call a conference He demanded ta Know the meaning of growth facton suggesting that My aN = hl spoke Liberal non as late as Sunday night the fetter was sent Monday had no idea of using the phrase growth factor ber toy diameter pipe and| that there seems to be enough! business m sight to keep them! in operation well inte the spring | He said that alter a record first quarter, the demand fw steel dropped sharply and did not during the rest of the Howeves Ws ° large recover veal Was Me 16 pot anders from even X Wh ! wi A A erating and employing higher, than they wand have haan levels otherwise of hy Wigw VL oi vo ¢ Wet Cwgs # * Hinrw Wace ad Oil Sought In Ontario TOR Fawn taro refinin for nil a now Mal ONTO ( I") in south world fi i5 hel ine fie Bhnt hip the g Are oF i ye f nerg Ale inn ye Ist crude re-Aapped NE cee source need stern killen Oy ol nie up Min Tue An additional 4,000,000 barrel nil of a fond used | A limi 106, 1 Water flooding is the er under press of wal may he method know The meth n the FEnniski fed e he 1g minister fperimental n od Hen wi aid ure produced bh wiley Aren has) TET fif on in injection into the well and the forcing of crude oil the place Foo 1] in Lar IHY Ha I'he vor Kl F'itusy Homay Colorado Peru surface oll ding As will me nhiton county id Finniskillen f i first produ aczaney, Pols ile, Pa, in IX va, In 1KG0 In 1862 in 1863 waley rmit Mi eld ol and 0] mn o sion of the flooding proces Encompass approximately cent of the oll producing wells followed Moline ais pan 1a nl par Menu the HL i} Ilorence and Zovitos CBS News Chief Quits Post 'Intolerable' NEW Day News I'iesday had he network decided the # moi News Day same YORK CBN vice for six stating come 'intole (AP ith ago to department held jah for CRS Vears ) John ¥ his rable which president resigned position more rearganiee approximately fines than I the Tohn . could not "Nes Wigh Low em EW w Woe ald Ad yd aud #oive Linn ih a 1 ah id im ¥ fav Hack Hod Rey ney ad nd Fre siof v Cop aor id Ragan fan ad fangs foi 0 pet an nh as Young WG KEN Tenmas Zilapn ahh $24 Bales in Foie " "a ad Exchange "Ne fow sm Chips "he A ] po Wigh ated w A ' Mac Can't Stall Paper Merger LONDON (Reuters) Prime Minister Macmillan Tuesday re of the ibility of govern ment intervention in the strug le for control of the £40,000 000 (8112,000,000) Odhams group of papers and magazines Macmillan told questioners in the House of Commons that he see where the govern ment had "any effective power to intervene in the battle for control of Odhams which pub lishes two national newspapers and more than 100 magazines I'he directors of Odhams have proposed a merger with the £27,000,000. (875,600,000) British wewspaper and television group headed by millionaire Canadian publisher Roy Thomson, But the Dally Mirror group of publica tions has countered with a £32 000,000 ($80,600,000) takeover bid for Odhams Macmillan rejected sugges tion that the government should intervene to prevent the conclusion of the current ne gotiations or should launch an imauiry into the proposed deals But he sald amalgamations now in prospect might establish monopoly of control. over a large number of publications and the government would waleh this position." Jet jy new Daly had 'with ABC, Daly re signed last month in a policy difference with the heads of his network CRS, apparently concerned by | the forward strides rival NBC had been making in the televis 00 NOWS COVerage Area, an nounced in December the foi mation of a high-level policy committee to steer its news de partment "Press hoard meeting Daily Mirror offer and Maemillan he with would 1alks whether should some he House he for on told "most the the ready opposition form of Inquiry held and & meeting was arvanged for today with La hor Liberal A ered Lhe agreed to circulate holders, He think it leader Leader spokesman said Tuesday night that a said proper Hugh Gaitskell and Jo Grimond for Odhams Tuesday, consid It to share not al hoard did to indicate the this stage whether stockholders would be advised to accept Financial quarters, however took the statement hy the Prime Minister to mean that nothing now could stop the Daily Mir ror group its takeover from hid 3 Grand Ac succeeding In WOLF THREAT the villages of northern Ports LISBON (AP) ~ Well packs, gal. In attacks on vWisges near driven from the mountains by the Estealia mountaing, wolves Witter weather, mre terrorizing have killed " head of cattle. Y. W. C A Offers SATURDAY MORNING PROGRAM Members For Jumior 1 Program includes; © CRAFTS ® GYMNASTICS ® DANCING ® GAMES SINGING GIRLS § 19 12 ~~ 10 weeks for $2.00 Starting FEBRUARY 4 ~~ 9 om. 10 12 199 CENTRE 57, RA 3.7625 FOR INFORMATION THESE FURS ARE ALL TRE SAME , , STOLEN! ror chany ov THIS VICIOUS GANG OF WILASYTS HooDs FEATURE TIMES; 1:45 " TERRY THOMAS ATHENE BEE MAKE meets MINE MINK BILLIE TEL Ho AYNTNS Zocor LAST DAY -- 'THE SUNDOWNERS" CHT! THE BOLDEST MOTION PICTURE OF OUR AGE! | anne JAMES MERRY BROWN ' ANDERS tion and Comedy Hits in Color NO, 1 AUDIE MURPHY "DUEL AT SILVER CREEK" IN COLOR NO, 2 NO, 3 JEFF CHANDLER "YANKEE BUCCANEER" IN COLOR "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK" Bud Abbott IN COLOR ® TODAY ONLY o i Branded W Women" K When Comedy Wes King" CHOKING LOGE: JERRY LEWIS BRINGS A THOUSAND YEARS OF STORY TELLING FUN TO SPARKLING NEW LIFE ON THE SCREEN an well (A Jerry Lewis Production) A Parsimount Releme D WYNN * JUDITH ANDERSON Henry Siuva+ ROBERT HUTTON NA MARIA ALBERGHETTI FEATURE AT: 1:30. 2:30 5:40. 7:45 9:33 wOCOUNT BASIE md his World Renowned Band featuring Joe Williams Clin "TOP CAT" NEW COLOR CARTOON ""Vanders Of Ontario™ "Canada Carries On"

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