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The Oshawa Times, 1 Feb 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Now, if the sutomobile mantis factiurers could only eliminate the cluteh from drivers! VOL, 90----NO, 26 ~The Oshawa Price Mot Grey OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDN ESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1961 de Eiill no hope of milder weather soon. There may be spowflurries late today snd Thursdsy, Pes vases, Cigee Maw Hiamn TWENTY PAGES 16 Lents Por CHIMP CAPSULE (UNDER 'COPTER) RECOVERED FROM OCEAN Chinip Well, Happy Despite Rocket Error (CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. on earth, and on coming down (AFP) Ham today signalled a go-ahead the atmosphere was subjected to for man to enier space safely forces 12 times normal gravity The chimp wound up & space, But, also, for ahout seven flight of his own Tuesday with minutes he felt no weight at all #8 chipper, cheerful handshake, in free fall as he lay strapped * Ham is due back this after-ion a couch within a capsule ex noon to this rocket space port-- actly like that built to carry a which he left abruptly Tuesday man aloft A chimpanzee called at a 5,000-mile-an-hour clip into hen the Russian A-Missile est Shot 'Success CAPE CANAVERAL, Fia. at least 666 Minutemen in he de (AP) -- A Minwieman missile, ployed by 1064. About 48 of the main US. hope for a push: these will he spread across the button war weapon, scored a western United Slates in under success on its first test fight to ground silos designed to survive day a near miss by a nuclear homh The jubilant air force reporied The remainder will he on spe 2 minutes after the 11 a.m, EST ©al railroad trains launching that all three stages Defence planners are (alking had fired successfully and that of eventually having 20 Min the rocket had landed on target uiemen on station in the South Atlantic Ocean,' The advent of Minuteman will more than 408 miles away begin an era when rockets The air force had gone all oul rather manned bombers on the initial firing of this see- will he the dominant deterrent ond - generation intercontinental force in the Biralegic Air Com range missile, which will prowl mand, The rocket also reverses the countryside on hard4ofind a trend toward more expensive railroads trains, or stand poised missile systems in hardened underground holes Gen, Thomas D. White, air Thomson ' Won't Drop than force chief of staff, called the success "one of the most sign ficant steps this nation has ever taken toward gaining interconti nental missile supremacy in the eritical. years just ahead,' Never hefore had so many rocket components heen lesied on a first launching here, All erger ea ance system and nose cone were tested today, The distance cov: TONDON (CF) Publisher ered was just uh miles short Boy Thomson said today there of the intended operational 1s no change whatsoever in the of 6300 miles hattle for control of Odhams Press He denied a report-=published in one of his own papers--that he had conceded vietory to Cecil | three solid-fuel ages, the guid range Harmsworth King's Daily Mir COMBAT-READY BOON The air force plans 10 have Minuteman ready for combat hy mid-1062 Once the missile is perfected the air force plans the fastest "Phat 8 " buildup in missile history with Fhat's pure supposition," he told a reporter. "It is not true carried up the dog Laka, Since There is no change whatever in wwe ven e- CLOD CROP y po, each weigh don't covered two dogs there about 10 pounds, ahoard anything definite io say until ne piu? Mig orbit last CAUGHT cops next week t that the Ti a hii A Bp ; 8 YREMO alif, 7) ie regfort that the Thomson IRR RB n viet space capsules are big. The phantom flinger has [bid would be withdrawn ap | QUEEN, PRINCE VIEW TAI MAHAL struck again! Richard Odom told police somehody has heen hom enough perhaps to carry even two men al a Lime Soviet ships now patrolling the Beotsman, The newspaper's eco {nomics correspondent said there PIRATE VESSEL WAITS TO DOCK i i | New President To Decide Fate will be peared on the front page of The RIO DE JANEIRO (Rewt- | ers)="Fhe passengers of the captive liner Sania Maria to day were reporied disem: barking at the Brazilian port of Reelle RECIVE, Braul (AP) ~ The Banta Maria headed in from the South Atlantic toward Recife with her captive § REIS 10: 1g ca, said Del Was RMONE the men who horrded the Banta Maria for the sea consiliations A last-minute hitch preventing Galvan from sailing sgain could mean that the nearly #0 pas- sengers, including ahout A Americans, would have 1a he disembarked by ship in (he calm walters near the channel day, hut Hopped short of the dock for another parley io de: {termine future action | A UB. Navy spokesman an nounced this development as President Janie Quadros met (with his cabinet in Brasilia, 11,000 miles to the southwest, io decide what to do about the commandeered ship As for the rebels themselves, uadros sent assurances of po ltiepl asylum to their chief, Capt, Henrique Gal van, He promised to do any: thing that existing law permits, Quadros' message did not measure up completely to Gal: van's request for permission to unload passengers, refuel and return to sea to continue his fight against the dictatorial re: gime in Portugal { RECALLS PAST MEETING The new chief executive, in augurated Tuesday, radioed feli- citations to Galvae and recalled a meeting they had several {zuela, It was in Caracas thal Recife Harbor, Escorted hy three US. de: stroyers and a Brazilian de- stroyer, Galvao moved the Sania Maria into Recife Harbor after a night of uncertainty snd confusion : ASKS GUARANTEES Galvao had shied away from entering port without iron-clad guarantees against losing his 816,600,000 prize, which he calls # liberated part of Portuguese national territory, His concern was for formal assurances from Brazil's new president, Junio Quadros, that |the reyalutionists could keep the {ship to carry on their fight against the regime of Portugal's |Fremier Antonio Salazar, The destroyers Gearing, Wil son and Vogelgesang formed the escort for the entrance to the (harbor, A mister destroyer, the {Damate, was tied up in port, (with its erew ready to assist if months ago in Caracas, Vener The m Shed tie grey luxury | 4 2,008 tons and |liner, harding his home at least is no longer any doubt that The| slop a Redstone rocket All this didn't bother his pacific indicate Russia is on the His trip 168 miles high and senses, judging from early anal verge of some new launching, 420 miles southeast inte the Al- ysis of information radioed down but again with no advance de: | lantie into the rescuing hands of io earth, said NASA, officials. (qils the UB. Navy carvied several For Ham had (0 press levers ¢ main significances: within certain time limits or FUEL BURNS FANT 1. It indicates manned space gise got an electric shock. Par. Duriagg Ham's flight the Red flight Is feasible, {tial cheaks so far show he never stone rocket burned fuel too An American astronaut Is got a shock, they added, fast, This signified danger tol scheduled this spring (a dupli- . A automatic "hrains" in the cate Ham's flight. NONCHALANT IN TESTS rockel-capsule system and trig: 2. The Russians appear likely) On earth, Ham was sald (0 be gered off release of an escape te win the race to he first to|so nonchalant and hammy about | cooker carried on top of Ham's iwice a week with clods of earth. The nerves of Odom, his wite and, thelr six ehil- deen and seven windows have been shattered, Two unmarked police ears walched Odom's house the other night, Came the dawn and the cars were marked plenty Phat does 11," sald the police, "We've got to gel this arbit 8 man around the earth, it, he would flick the levers just Nong with his right hand and some MORE TERTS SEEN times at the last possible split 8. A slight misfiring in the gsocond--and then grin at his rocket system hurling out Ham's! soientific ohservers Other vapsule may well require fur: chimps trained for the flight ther tests with or without a would use two hands for the chimp aboard, hefore & man! pieht and left levers goes up amt hk 7 a 4. Ham himself is reported in Ham's test was a prelude to - sending one of seven human vx celle 8, A SAY 7 scellon shape. 8 mart volunteers on & similar flight Plucked from the sea hy a perhaps this spring helicopter, he shook hands with Later we. 1 come launching the veterinavian greeting him of chimps into actual orbit, later when his oneton space capsule 10 he followed hy a man was unlocked three hours after, But Russia bids to win on man launching in space for several reasops After a medical checkup, Ham |The Boviets have long had far drew a honus of a hanana on more powerful rockets, Sputnik top of his scientifically pre. H, launched in November, 1067 Acribed mows which had not in CHLORINE GAS cluded hananas TO RE FLOWN BACK The daring voung chimp on the flying rocket was to he taken ta Grand Hahamas Island early today, and he is expected hack here this afternoon as an hon ared alrplane passenger His flight was one of gradu ated steps in a National Aero nati and Space Administra tion program hopefully intended tn put an American astronaut intn' several round trips about the earth in 186) NEW ROADS, la. (Al) ight persons, their lungs badly In oa big fest step, Ham twice seared from chlorine gas which faueht the crushing weight of in lermovized the tiny farm and reused gravity. Taking off, he lumber community of nearby weighed seven times mare than Labarve, fought for their lives in haspital today . Whitfs of the chlovine ga Typhoid Fever from & railway tank car de railed Tuesday still hung in the area, but the area is considered safe ) A chemist said the ground was WOLF No WALPOLE ISLAND (CPY=AN ciunated with chlorine and it investigation has been called es hy distriet officials of the Indian would "take a long time to wear h out." The area was covered | services inte the Wal ising TWh ater supplies and, With sods ash and liquid caustic a possible "mass immunisa acid to neutralize the deadly tion" following discovery of a STOeR Eas case of typhoid fever on the is.) Sevenieen people remain in land. hospital, eight of them in "very Dr. Ralph Hayward of Ohswe- eritieal condition," kan, ane director for the Indian, The victims ave likely fo con health services hranch, said allibaet chemical pnewmonia on sources of water supply. includs the second day, doctors said ine wells and St Clair River ine The gas Killed an 11-manth-old takes will be surveyed in an at- bag and sent about 100 ta hos tempt ta nin down the origin of pitals and chnics. Scores of farm the infection animals were killed Miss Vialet MoeCrea, nurse in, Attendants at St. Joseph's Hos charge of the nursing station on'pital here said many came in the sinned, said the typhaid case suffering more fram panie than valving an adult Indian, was fram burned throats, lungs and found and diagnosed Saturday On Reservation eyes Eighteen cars of a Nhea CITY EMERGENCY Riutay Cir Suter freight The chiarine-filled car burst open, The green liquid spilled inte ditches, turned to vapar and drifted in a hight wind in huge greenish fog bank Officers and volunteers veal ized chlorine gas was invelved, PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA GINA FIRE DEPT. RA 6374 HOSPITAL RA a2211 Deadly Cloud Kills Baby capsule vase cleaned up." Spy Satellite Circles Globe POINT ARGUELLO, Calif, on earth and thus detect a hulld (AP)--=Bamaos 11 is circling the up hy a potential apponent glahe every 85 minutes today on| The mission is so secvet thal a pioneer mission which may the air force won't even confirm lead to a whale system of United|that the satellite, launched on States electronic military scouts, | Tuesday, will radio pictures The ultimate goal of the pro:/back to earth, The orbiting ve gram is ta he able to make de: hicle is equipped with cameras tailed photographs of any point ta photograph ground terrain and sensors to record electro magnetic radiation | It can be made to transmit in-| formation as it passes over cer: tain stations, At these stations data can he reproduced, stored integrated and interpreted hy automatic display equipment PICK UP BIGNALS heing picked up by tracking and| herg Air Farce Base, whieh Is They raced between clouds of Oahu, Hawaii and at Kodiak, chlorine - to about 75 homes, | Alaska 10 Labarve elementary school] Al orbital data was being ve where 400 children had just ceived at the air force satelliia apened classes, and ta Map. test centre in Sunnyvale, Calif ganza High School, where an: South of San Francisco The #9:-foot Samos is a two ather 300 children were in class stage vacket--an Atlas The family hardest' hit that of James Harvvis Jy son, James 11, was the first pounds, goes into orbit victim, Harris lived in a shack" The Samos program, begun in Was a few hundred yards from the 1957, was given top priority 1ast/ald David Ben-Gurion, one of [the Laven affair but it appar wreckage on a side road, Har |year after cessation of the U.3 ris, his wife and twa other chil: reconnaissance flights aver Rus dren had collapsed fram the gas. 'sia LATE NEWS FLASHES Nine Missing In Italian Bus Crash MILAN (Al) Nine persons were feared drowned to day and 3 were injured when a commuter bus bringing workers to their jobs in Milan plunged into nine feet of water in a roadside canal. Six bodies were recovered, some of them swept along for three miles hy the swift waters of the canal. Three others are missing Jap Atom Scientist Missing TOKYO (Al) \ Palice reported today an atomic scien fist has been missing since Jan, 7 fram the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute; He is Osama Tsukamota, 29 chief operator of an atomic veactar at the institute in Tokai village, north of here, Institute authorities said his warp did not involve handling secret or confidential wa teria Probe Ordered Into Radar Lab Fire PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (OP) \ camiaitioe af inquiry has been set up hy the defence Research Board in Ottawa 10 investigate a fire which raced (through a $1,000.000 vaday laboratory near here Tuesday. er, | Mirror's bid for Odhams would #0 through. "Y don't know where he gol that," Thomson said many [Fleet Bireet," | The Beotsman, published in {Eidinburgh, is owned hy Thom: son but would not have heen part of the proposed merger he- tween Thomson Allied Newspa pers and Odhams The Thomson-Odhams merger plans were announced a week ago but two days later King came through with a rival hid for Odhams, which publishes several newspapers and maga anes In his statement today, Thom son left the clear implication that he still hopes to find a way to stop The Mirror hid, The merger with Odhams would have made him effective head of one of the world's largest printing, publishing organiza ons Drought Hits Bruce County WALKERTON (CP) = Farms| in the southern section of Bruce! County are experiencing serious waler shortage problems George Gear, county agrieul:| Signals from Samos 11 were tural representative, said today, but gave no destination, Many farmers are hauling wa telemetry stations at Vanden-{ter ta their farms for cattle; Michael, 8 entered MeDonogh others, with ponds ar creeks adiacent ta this navy hase; atnearhy, ave driving their eattle[ful but silent protests of white|B 0 wale Ben-Gurion Quits an frais He bend For Eighth Time JERUSALEM (AP)==S8tubboarn the founding fathers of the Is raell republic, staked his politi cal future today on getting his awn way in the "Lavon affair" President Tehak Bon-2vi, afte accepting the year-old patri aveh's resignation as prime min: ister Tuesday, gave no immedi | ate indication whether he would! ask him to try and form a new government ar call far new ele tions, Hen-Gurinn's cahinet meanwhile will continue ta fun Hon as a caretaker government Ben-Gurion, wha has led the Lhyear-ald Jewish state for all but 134 of Wis years--when he rotived valuntarily---said he was going 10 take a leave of three ar four weeks ta da same vead ng and writing he statesman has quit as prime minister seven times be fore--usually as a political ma noeuvie == and has always bounced hack on tap He said in his letter of resig nation that lw had 'na alterna ve" after falling to gain unani MOUs Cabinet suppart mm his row with the farmer defence minis Piahas Lavon Petal Parade "guess lf {he just assumed it, the way so Ire 5 ueen things are assumed on KARACHI (Reuters) = Cheer: paper decorations lingered sl og #10 feet Galvan plotted seizgure of the) lOng, aked flowy for thi By fete on la ' wo j 5 of starting Heh unseal Portugal's premier, An- ls 5 al 1 J G. M. Feeder ¢ tanie Balazar, Quadros showed concern for the passengers aboard, saying: "We accompany with profound ling Pakistanis today showered|ihé suburban sivport when the feelings the fortunes of the hun: [the Queen with red and yellow | royal i flew in, dreds of passengers who find an ums : rose petals and almost disguised) But the wreckage ut a pale, noon-day sun themselves under your guar and responsibility," BELLEVILLE (CP) = Fire of civie Aoeor | fleamed through clouds later to [ tions ripped apart hy an over The U.B, Navy LL the paint shop of the [termed a "seourity mishap! and! The Queen and Prince Philip| cade route into the city centre drave through a two-mile flower F Pugh Ns or most of the 10-mile jour shower on their arrival from ney fram the airport, the India for a 16-day lour | it 5 The high wind and rain that| teed in an open ear with uprooted flagpoles and wrecked 'Broke Boycott Family Leaves NEW ORLEANS (AP) » John N. Thompson family whose ence (0 two sons hroke a white hayeatt 1047 at an integrated publie school, The royal couple are to visit {acknowledge the cheers shouts, Jinnah, founder of This country was the left their home during the night (Quetta during the weekend and see the Warsak Dam, built with for an undisclosed destination, [5 y | Neighbors said the family de Canadian ald and opened last parted eavrying little or no be: | Week, longings | But heavy rain and snow: A man identifying himself as Norms m Wen Fakistan threat: Thompson, 84-year-old father of SNE8 16 " gel part of the hee: si, called station" WDSU-TV | AR S0% Oificiala sid hor vial Tuesday night and said the fam: a ji] in Ba Ry ily was leaving on the first train J : The two hays, Gregory, 9, and No, 18 Tuesday under the wateh: parents hoyeotting the school, Isvaell consarship has elouded ently vesults from the smashing |t of an Israeli spy ving in Kgypt|f in 1054, when Lavon was defence | minister. Lavon was aceused of responsibility for what was was forced aut of the cabinet, He has heen trying to elear him || self ever since, CARINET CLEARS LAVON After several investigations, & committee of seven cabinet win: | | istors in Ben-Gurion's coalition | government cleared Lavon of | Se blame last Dec, 23 and the ma: jority of the cabinet approved the findings Ben-Gurion, however, refused 10 50 along with the athers, de: manded a judicial inquiry wm which witnesses would testity| under oath, and accused Laven | of a campaign of slander against leading Israelis Laven now is secrelary-gen eral af the powerful Histadvat labor federation and a leading member ar Ben-Gurian's dow mant Mapai (aber) pany "Ham, the space which has been split hy the oon Woversy "(light up an estimated 1,000,000 ! night storm | faces Wp the fed iil 004 said Rear Admiral Allen Smith een resi: [dent Mohammed Ayub Khan te and The Queen's first official en: gagement was to place a wreath on the tomb of Mohammed All Pakistan, partitioned fram India as 8 Moslem state The after Britain granted independ: sub-continent in and Brazilian authorities eon: ferred aboard the ship about landing of the passengers and on the Santa Maria's future, Officers of the UK, destroyer Damato sald the negotiations took place ahout three miles off the port, outside Bragilian terri: torial waters, The Santa Maria was standing still in the water under a noontime sun, Gen. Humberto Delgada, exiled chief of the Portuguese revolutionary movement against Salazar, was in Recife, One re port was that he had talked with Brazilian officials and then ye: layed Galvan a request to dock, It was not elear whether this would mean that Galvan was to take up the Joltical asylum of: feved by President Quadros | $2,000,000 automotive lant of Rowhrt Waar Jit of Canada here today but was hrought under control in an hour, Firemen said the damage was heavy, though ne official esti: mate was available, It was confined to the paint department and will not inter, fere with production in the plant, now employing about 450 men, The blaze was in the eastern partion of the hig main build ng, located in the mid-eastern section of Belleville, No ane was hurt in the fire which was fought by the full city fire department in response to a general alarm, The plant, located in Belle: ville's mid-east section, employs without a final decision on (about 600 men at full capacity whether he could keep eontral of but about 450 now are employed, the ship, It was not known how many "A Rio de Janeiro radio sta tion, Radio Jornal do Commer after the 420 wile vide aboard | was fived vesten a Redstone rocket -- fram a Cape Canaveral. Hd -- Crewman aboard the USS Dan | in a Mevewry capsule ner at sea, The chimpanzee | AP W | wephote E i were in the plant at the time of the_outhreak, pe tm tne - 'WE SPACEMEN GET HUNGRY' chimp, reaches out fram his couch ta | take an apple = his first food |

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