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The Oshawa Times, 1 Feb 1961, p. 7

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GAGGILE OF GALOSRES (led just Wee 8 mest platter spd in this snow and slush sepson hes raised edges 16 cplen and Low li pod Wier confusion contmn Arig oF IRE ing | when visiting smaliAry wre leas. mow, ie enongh 18 CRITY bling. if you've provided hem for emPYNgE ow, RRA REBT (with individual, name Sabefied motes & MMM of 6 ow 1 pres Wags inte whieh of averihoes and hows. Hou | yon go oversees, mil homes rowid wee two of sch # i1ens, parkas or helmets. Fen nest Rowsehold assist ~~ me wl Laduits' owtdoor fomtwenr 1s pn the front, the offer ol the hack | perenmial winter Ama promlem Ld We # thoughtinl re 700 WAVE ol invested In ane of MEmbrance (es 166 (01 INexpes. ithe mg, rbbher "hoot (rays nue Valentine gifting, # house | ow on the market, A wonderful warming token oF Wilehen | invention, this tray is chanel shower gift SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Howard Veet of Highland Grove, (ntane, » nownce the engagement of their, danger, Clare Laone, to My David Alfred Kelistt, son of Mr and Mrs, Lawrence Kellett of Sohne, Oman. The manage will take place in the chapel of §t, George's Memorial Chureh, Oshawn, on Saturday, Februery 85pm GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES PHA CIAB The regular meeting of the Pleasant Monday Alernom cb opened with Mrs, Sanley Har rion presiding | The roll was called by Mrs. | RB. G,. Collison. The serie] lesson was read by Mrs, George) Whithread, The secretary's re port was given by Mrs, Duncan Mishel, and the treasurer's re port by Mrs, William Reed wardrobe. Comes in Birthday greetings were sung PARIS PREFERS RUFFLES sizes | to 3 Bia. 3 nrion and From Varis comes the news (versions Ws # chic and SPECIAL 14.95 were given hy Mrs, John Jakes, Nat Tulfles are very much simple Mouse hid Walitad White PRICE Mrs, Lloyd Fowler, Mrs. Wil favored for spring. Tricoss fin dis with Js ts of Re liam Collins, Mrs, Nishet and] Feder; an established French | (ron closing and two 1 accent Mrs, Collison. Mrs, Heed played de signing firm, gots 11 BNL | the cuffs of the push-up sleeves # selection of Beolch songs on. along with the trend and pre- The high poinled collar is In the piano sents one of is understated | the flab knit of the blouse Refreshments were served hy Mrs. William Callison and Mrs John Callison 51, TUKE'S GUILD i= 2 The monthly meeting of 8 1 Lake's Preshylenian Church La ! » dies' Guild was held recently af ® the church, The Reverend Ken 1 neth Mathews led in the deve tional period and installed the new executive as follows: Pres ' {| GAY COSTUMES, LIVELY MUSIC, AT COLORFUL MASQUERADE Ment. Mrs Denis Abbots; a do Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 ; on; secretary, Mrs, William y 1961 a Grant, treasurer, Mrs, Adam THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnerdsy, February 1, 196) 7 Morris; social convener, Mrs OPPORTUNITY DAYS | THESE PRICES ONLY IN EFFECT "TIL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Ath GIRLS' COAT SETS In beautiful Mylen Fleece, Warm, pretty and practical, A 'must' for every little ladies' re BOYS' DUFFLE SET All wool, with heavy quilt lining for extra, warmth, Comes com plete with matching iY ! A colorful German : Staeger, prod bent of the club, | "French girl Seen In the Mr. Fred Rohr, Uncle Cari-Anationald Lies Mr Josef | "Topsy, a "Beatnik" and a ( Miss Hedy Rohr, cow al was slaged hy thetOshawa Loreley Club on Batuday | wes genersl! "convener and | shove picture from left to | and Mr. Kgon Achmidinger |b Davidson leggings, and split zip ght in St. Joh Ukrainian | music for $m dancing was | right are Mi Frwn Bauer as | whe Fe pres Riad an 18th cen dig "if ui m » per hood, Sizes 4 tobx f y " . 8 Mex Miss Si tury rreneh aay HONE WEEE made 10 include B hall {300 masaueraded | supplied by Kxoll's orchestra | 8 Mexican J tose Kri J C C t H Wy Au Costumes venre. | from Torom The three prize | hea, Spanish Senorita; Mi hake sale with (he rummage aesarea Lommauni onors SPECIAL 4 49 J | Otte Bauer, coloved coon Oshawa Times Photo sale to be held at the CRA on PRICE ,,,,.,. ¥» enting many characters and ' winners "were dressed as Yobraars bi inn fae.» Mr, and Ms, Russell Ha Mi Mrs. Morley Johnson, en he I, al IS. Lsse Iran ind Mrs, Lioyd Harding / / y/ | St, Mark's Doubles' Club 8 a ition!" LODGES AND tte Soldihs swursn meng Compre, Tots er soe ' My, and Mrs, Lloyd Beatty Henr ral Community Hall, where friends|the general store for 20 years, ! | My, and Mrs, Lawrence Millson SOCIETIES Henry My APpreciation of her! ad gathered for their regulariretiring in 1047, Snowball Dance Well Mttended Mr, and Mrs, Ted Shreve Mi Previous yor, , Ynm ® suehis,_sany, . Wie sm Ti Detohar Wi make 5 A Be y i w " | J | and Mrs, Mervyn Bolt, My, and pryncg pHILIP CH, 10DF | Refreshments were served by| After a rew games had heen the towns of Catwrian n The Doubles Club of Si. Leonard Miia y Mr. and Mis. Mrs. Ted Bimkin, Mr, and Mrs, | a 4 3 { . lay . The January meeting of the Mrs, Alvin McNab and Mrs, played, & couple of their neigh: Mark's Anglican Chureh held its RB. Martin, My. and Mys, Kd W, Cross, My, and Mrs, John : 4 3 | 2 Relatives and friends from! annual Snowball dance on Fri: ward Alkesyr Mr. and Mrs. Pugh, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Har Prince Philip Chapler Imperial Harry Davidson hors called on Mr, and HS Oshawa, Toronto and Guelph : BUNTING SUITS j] day evening, January 27, at the Harry Creatnger, Mr. and Mrs, vison, Mr. and Mi Joseph Order Daughters of the Empire | MARGARET HART GROUP Russell Harran and brought yisited Mr, and Mrs, Harran Ihe ideal garment te keep Baby warm and snug, Oshawa Airport, It was veryldohn Wilswy, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Me. was held at Adelaide House with AREY 1 ' them to the hall. By the HME! giving the past week, and Sun: 100% Nylon with deep quilt lining and double vf successful with the snowball Frank Sulliy am, My, and Mrs. Clure the Hegent, Mrs, Alfred Austin! Mis, Frank MeCallum, Alex: they arrived a (able with 8 weds ge "e000" 90 ™ 2 50 ily "din motif being carried out In the John Lowry Mr, and Mrs. Kverell Gra. Presiding ihira pratt was hostess recent ding cake and bouguel ol ehev ner was held af their home, zipper. Comes in a wide varisty of colors, 6 66 decaratint around 1h hal and Mr and Ahr Word, wan, Mand ir, Lionel ar, The minutos were sew by the Uy 16,0, Maviart Mart omip anthems whe he Cote SRE) "They vcetved a ieigram | SPECIAL PRICE vos vorisrerrnrrs OW on the tahles Mr, and Nr in aY, Mr, and Mrs, James ac: secretary, Mrs, C, G, Tuke, The = "5%, Rn A ' 0, ; y el from Premier Leslie Frost and! wy 4 a Hoaming the Sues rom M hd Mg x Brenton Mckerd Gregor, Mr, and Mrs, G16 nn treasurer's report was given by gy Bip BALL, " small tables around the) merous ecards and telephone ches rough Mr. and ? y 5 JOk ake i Mrs aslo q aslo ? la " o 5 he various church wo ) [ Baker, My, and Mr Wesley Mrs, Wesley Piatti Mrs, Donald Fox presided for On behalf of the community, | Calls from various paris of On 4 M > y 3 A /a ( . x 4 A s the city were the Reverend and! Mr, and 'Mrs, Vernon Hyder: ke. Mr. and Mrs, Simeon Pen The educational secretary ; 4 | LAT Mrs. Albert Woolcock, Mr, and man, My fe Mrs. John Evans, found, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Czosnek, Wis VN. Niet Rave Nel the business meeting, Mrs, Har. Mr. Milton Fisher addressed the A . A 1 Ee couple and presented the com: ME: dn Ware! on Mr. nd) ad a raven moi hn Mrs lack niakl epers and vou fetters from (00 (1G gutey's amhual report (piel nirpised brid _ and ' Palien, Mr gy MEER SWE an (ehildren of the adopted school ' . | hridegroom of BO years with a I [] ot. Ea pum ee 4 od A Ry Mr yan, ha hd Urs, Ted Clark, al Calvin, expressing thanks for| Mus, John Burns presented the, orien" (ahie and matching siep When yeu need LIMITED . {following slate of officers for I # dates were won by\and Mrs. | Glen Walmeley, Mv. My and Mrs, Stanley Ogle, (n° records and individual #6) ioe; "which was accepted, |i" Call a V.ON, N : | : sent at Christmas, {ML After their reply and all had a WN, RUSE | | br, 'and Wye. Gerald Simone ana Mrs. Beverley 'Sead, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Simons, "ts ** | ly gs I | Past president, Mrs. Donald! chance fo offer songratulations, 'HOME-NURSING" | QSHAWA | ri -- J Mrs. Albert Wooleoek, Mr, Don-land Mrs, 1 toss Backus, Mr, and,» pd HOVE: | po ' | y } £ ald MeGlashan, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Art ar Winter, Mr, and Mr and Ry Wirince Neith, tary of services at home and rox resident, Muy. Voter | the members of the Firemen's ! ' i ! yinlh 0 ; Auxiliary served refreshments i SHOPPING CENTRE MY | oun we ang on Me So oly at Hey Rose, sre er rvarand Me Wakls Xm hvu nd pnt um von pun ||, RA 8:2211 ING CN . hm and: a, an rs, Lorne Crowells, Mi $d her! iia x i Mrs US Machonale 60 Russell Arran 'Aenarea, "Heme:Mursing Care In | pg Ray TLR Mig BR i som land Mrs, William Martinson, ler and Mrs Wesley Piatti g8Y¢ sures, Mrs, Donald Crothersi (and Rose Browning, who was (LT y oh, Ki hy Asan han Mracand Mrs. Gordon Rae (M7: and Ms, Kenneth Haryis, their services at Hillsdale iglophoning committee, Mrs, J. horn in England and was work: Fs. John Pugh ih, Aha R00 MIP wil Mr. and Mrs, Varle Dingman, Manor on January 20 A, Mitehell, Mrs, A. 1. Powell,| ing in Toronto at that time, were| Been dancing were Mr. and|Mr, and Mrs, James " Cia. hp 4, (Mr. and Mrs. David MeLaren,| Mrs. W, 8 C. Larmer, mem: Mrs, J, KE. Rundle, Mrs, Aus:| married in Toronto January 28, ------ Mp Robert Richard - Jind Name, | J ny Hrs ib Thomas Mr and Mrs A Viva, Mr, and bership convener, Introduced 3 lin Hilts |1011, hy the late Rev, Byron H nis. { ' f f "My. Mrs Jingley, Mr, an re. new member, rs. W, HW. Mrs, Burns thanked Mrs, Fox, | Stauffe Donald Mckay, Mr and Mrs, and Mish William Howell, Mr. George MeKinstry, Mr. and Bowes {on behalf of the group, for the Mi Harran, n son of the late Mrs. William Murray, Mr, and, ™ R. Wage wo . leadership and untiring effort My. and Mrs. Andrew Haran, Mrs, William Dixon, Mr, and wl SRA , id ak given during her term of office, | was horn In Caesarea and apart Mrs, Harold Davis from Mr. M. Mcintyre Hood! Mrs, 1, 8. Brash then pres] from his service | n Belsium Mr. and Mrs, Jack McCarnan, [dealing with the world situation|sided and announced that the and France in he fire ar d Mr, and Mrs, George Watson, and expressing the hope of the|next Guild meeting would he War, has spent his fife in if Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Kers: world that Mr, Kennedy's ud. held on Manday, February 6 i | lake, Mr. and Mys, Philip Law:| ministration would he able (o[at 2.80 p,m. and the next Group NEAT GUY rence, Mr, and Mrs, R 0: gase the tension {meeting on Friday, February| 1f hoth sides of the knife are Leod, Mr. and Mys, Gordon Mrs, John Reid of th 2M, at 200 pom. at the home of coated with butler when cutting Brown, Mr. and Mrs, John NAH C600 CONE 6 08 NOM: hrs John Burns, Connaught{a meringue pie, the meringue Haweli Mr, and Mu Pavid i A Smfilag Suvs hat re street [will remain unflisturbed chen r 's, Ke db ' -- w eh Markie gf Mrs ho Officers for 1061, Mrs, Austin Holland, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Stated that (he provincial an Mack, Mr, and Mrs, R, Healey, [nual meeting would he held in -- r = |Hamilton on April 10, 30 and 81 Mrs, Wagg was appointed as a Towering Tulips' delegate attending ji To Brighten Towns, iis color conditioning lus rates the power of women, who Visitors to Canadian tawns( vocally resisted water towers may soon be amazed hy the constructed in residential zones sight of 800.foat high tulips In Fort Erie, Ontario, they UT NT standing regally over the sur made such forcible representa A FINER | rounding townsite ton that finally tha problem v Closer inspection will show Was brought to Canadian Ins YOU | | bl I'R | | 10 ER I! that the lip 15 actually NOW| dustry § color studio in Toronto LL DEY WW) | ) \ MYL {old eyesare, the water tower, Hugh Campbell of the studio [brought up-to-date with oo lo vlexplained that the designs are conditioning practical and that the change in| And the tulip isn't the only olor is made at easy sections) color soheme which may helSUeh as angle bays on view there are several "There were five types de 8 lathers, all gaily designed. Same! signed." he said, "and with the {@ve in stripes of different shades tulip we used thee colors and all can become a kind| green stone, turquoise and hut {of emblem for tha town teroup yellow," | THE AGE OF INNOCENCE p= ---- SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE ~CONTINUVES- | SEP ta RRL da SPECIAL SAVINGS KRESGE'S| ON EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE \ Posing pra for her pie \ il daughter of Mr and Bride args airy, heas, vet | | ture is Kelly Christine, gaven | My. Gwunne Clarke, Harrow YOUNG MODERNS FOR SUPER VALUES Hd menieaid daughter of Mt and Nd panagis. aud aM J 9.98 and 12,95 ™ ary Clarke, Oshawa | oy n EE boulevard south. Kelly is the whe Mary's Studio OSHAWAWHITRY GIRLS' WHITE a. Ss WSS E MESA | 4 : S Pp E C | A L V ; Women's Style Shoes WHY NOT !! : FIGURE SKATES fj ST mann . H Gracie Regular values ta V7.9 L 4 DO IT 3 days only, Thursday Friday and Saturday \ GIRLS ~ Infants to Vda t tare DRS -- u Broken line of girls' figure MISIES & CHILDREN'S | . NOW DRESSES 1 skates, __ Rusaees I lack and brown, Saas UR | 0 3 5 oh Add an aatte Bathe SKIRTS 2 PRICE | Reduced to Clear fl BR 40 } # Qo \) room VESTS \ R ; dd A da Ys OFF | n sent kitehen-aink and bathe A fod 4 0VS' AND GIRLS 3 1h BURNS CO. LTD. | n our Sarvies Fo A Ses. | COATS AND COAT SETS SLASHED | IA] KING and siMcoR ss, RA 5.4611 o For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS ane NEW FIXTURES ® ALL SALES FINAL » On Sale At | NO EXCHANGES -- NO REFUNDS ov GUSCOTT FMLUMBING 38 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA RA 3.7428 OSHAWA SHOPPING ALL SALES FINAL AND HEATING LTD. 135 BROCK §T. . " MN IN H T. SOUTH WHITEY MO 8.3022 CENTRE STOR| ONLY | a Ta | gn ee rg te Le - a . - - - - Re - " a bo Loe A Ha, Fn a Fa Pe Mh Mi Me Fs Fo. iM aio, J, Fy

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