COURT OSHAWA, COF, HONORS VETERAN MEMBERS night. Those honored are ; years and W. J, Brownlee, 5 ship were presented fo nine | shown posing for the camera years, Standing left to right: members of Court Oshawa | following the presentations, W. Tippett, 25 years; 8, Tip- #01, Canadian Order of Fores- | They are left to right, seated; | 4 4 y ters, at a regular meeting of | ¥, Southwell, 50 years, George | Pett, #5 years: Ed Henderson, the order in Coronation Lodge | Lee, 50 years; Jack Graham, | 25 years; C. Skea, 25 years; Hall, Bruce street, Monday | Chief Ranger; M. Lymer, 50 | Ross Lee 25 vears and Jim Woodcrest School [Extension Carnival Enjoyed To Cemetery ccessful carnival recently, The Carol Fleming, Sharron King Is Approved events were organized and judg: BOYS Oshawa City Council Monday ed hy members of the staff 10 Years--Jim Badgley, Aaron night approved use of a 27-acre Members of the Home and Levine, John Slemko plot of ground on Thornton road School Association served hot 11 Years--Danny McKee, Bri- south as an extension to Union chocolate and doughnuts follow. an Stevens, Rickie Canfield Cemetery ing the carnival 12 Years--Bob Dawson Bought in 1951 by the Union Prizes were Greenwood, John Johnson Cemetery Board of Governors following events 13 Years--Larry Pollard, Mel- the land was recently deeded to a i vin Densham, Jim Spiers the city after it was discovered CO TUNE: eity Miles 14 Years and over ~ Wayne the Board could not own prop 4 Cole, Stan Hartshorn, Larry erty, Marilyn Elsey, Moira Huston; joc op" ry Boys ~~ Dennis Gerrow, Dana 4 According to the Cemeteries Christian, Wayne Patfield Act, council must now apply to "Grade in, girls--Susan Cullen St le Radi the Ontario Department of Given Chance Debra Earhart, Linda Schroeder Health for approval. Plans will Boys~Terry Pierce, Dennis ('z0 he submitted and soil test bor snek, Gerald Peter ings taken Grade III, girls--Karen Cle Property commiitee is now ment, Janet Leslie, Linda Smith considering a request from ¥, 8 hoys--Jimmy Clement, Douglas Wotton, Emergency Measires Ross, John Parker who stole\ Organization cofprdinator, that Grade 1V, girls--Sally Hard- a radio from Simpson - Sears, | warning siren Ye placed on a ing, Marilyn Burnett, Dianne and tried to return it for thelqs.foot pole in the Yorth-east cor Czosnek; boys -- Garry Hill, refund three days later, was per of this properfy, David Hartshorn, Ricky Thom: given a year suspended sen: : tence, hy Magistrate ¥, 8, Ebbs Monday, Clifford George Hood, 28, of 301 Phillip Murray avenue, when he appeared in court Friday, claimed he had nol Wes 18 Days For taken the Jado, Heo tau his Mower Theft Grade ment,, Slemko Peter Henderson, Randy Welsh Grade II, girls = Jacqueline Hamilton, Brenda Burich, Nancy Yuill; boys--Carl Hephurn, Ran-\was valued at $40.05 a Fattick Peter McCleary; of 18 " oot olborne street wes Schuyler Wg it iar. soll, sald [datin Zombie, of Hnniekiiion b ha Can fenneth George Crowells, was talking to the store man faced Magistrate ¥, 8. Ebbs. ger Monday, all charged with steal The store manager told theling a power lawn mower from dy Katchaluba, David Wilson, Grade III, girls--Gail Robin- court the radios were only two James Varty, of 68 Wayne or three feet from where helgireet, Aug 10, ' son, Brenda Ford, Jane Welsh hoys--David Hogel, Jimmy Cle ment, Brian Holdaway, was talking to the accused, He sald he did not see Mrs, Hood! near these radios Pins for long term member- The children of Woodcrest ment Public School enjoyed a most 14 Years and over--Ruth Bell Fred awarded in the An Oshawa man, 1, girls=Glenna Cle Wendy Mallette, Mary hoys-=~Joseph Kovacs Grade 1V, girls--Susan Hock ett, Linda Clark, Trudy Peter boys--Dennis Greenwood, Ray mond Smith, Billy Holmes GIRLS 10 years--Judy Peter fer Finley, Cheryl Pollard 11 Years -- Rhonda Amey Christine Hobbs, Gail Babcock 12 Years--Marguerite Clem- ent, Marilyn Bowler, Nancy Be. v McCleary pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 days In jail, dated back to the time of Under cross - examination by his arrest, Dec. 20 Assistant Crown Attorney Bruce Thompson and Crowells Affieck, Hood. admitted 2 previ pleaded innocent, They said oe they drove McCleary out to get The court was told Hood sign-|the mower, and took him to an ed a statement admitting the other house to deliver it, They theft, the day after he tried to/(gld the Magistrate they didn't return the radio know he was stealing it, and In court, Friday, he said this they didn't know he sold it at statement admitting the theft,|the second house the day after he tried to return McCleary said they all weni the radio to pick up the mower and In court, Friday, he said this Croweds got the money from statement was false; He said he|the sale only signed it to keep his wife and himself out of jail during didn't dishelieve McCleary, He Christmas told the other two accused, "1 The day after he signed the find it difficult to believe yuu statement he was offered a job! But I am compelled to give you with the post office, he told the the benefit of the doubt." He Magistrate, He said if he was dismissed the charges agains! convicted, he would lose this|{them. rw Would Reduce Radiation Pension Age Expert Gets |. met voce Five Years part Kitchener resolution with a {view to endorsation; ~The age limit on Old Age Pensions should be reduced HAIFA, Israel ,Reuters)= from 70 to 65 years, without a Czech-born scientists Kurt Sitte, Mean" leat, recognized authority of cosmic , ~Herious consideration should radiation, today was jailed for be given hy the Dominion Gov five years on charges of spying for an unnamed East European power Sitte, head of the Israeli Tech: ! ernment to increasing the Old nology Institute's physics de Age Pension allowance to "off set the high cost of living", partment, was arrested last dune by security police, His Is Remanded al f on © s ssing irl on seven counts of vassing| For Sentence started in November, The press. Alvin Richard Weir, of 328 and public were barred from the Dovedale drive, Whithy, was re hearings manded a week in custodv for The 51-year-old physicist, im.§entence, by Magistrate F, § prisoned in Buchenwald concen. bbs, Monday, when he pleaded an, 13 Years ~~ Hazel Harrison, Janice Matthews, Lorraine Cle Approve One Tax Payment For Business In 1062 business taxes will he collected in one instalmeny Tax collector C. 1. Cox'asked that business taxes he collected 'as early as possible after the mill rate is struck," usually March Mr, Cox said this would result in less bank borrowings by the city in the early part of a year Finance Chairman I. I, Bas tedo said at first his committee was worried about the effect on the small businessman "We received an analysis from the city treasurer," he said, "and most businesses, in fact, do pay their taxes in one installment now.' Ald, Bastedo added that there is a discount offered now for paying in one installment This will be discontinued he predicted, with a mandatory one payment policy, Christian Home Week Observed "The success of the church the prosperity of the nation de pends upon home influence, Claude Fell, pastor of the Sev enth-day Adventist church, de clared here Saturday at the first meeting during Christian Home Week, Carrying out a general plan of the church to feature the value of a Christian home, the pastor presented facts to show that the Christian home is the Ideal home, Students at Oshawa Mission ary College will emphasize the week by drawing posters and writing essays and short stories whout the Christian home, Some of the topics to be discussed during the week are: When is one ready for marriage? Should a father go to school? What are the advantages of a family bud got? How much of one's time aelongs to the church, to the family, to making a living, to me's self? ! Magistrate Ibhbs said he ing the war, taught at univer./Writer from Walmsley and Ma. sities in Britain and the United |8ill. Oct, 4 States before coming here in| The court was told the ac 1054 fused Tented the machine, pay iba : vor oo INE 83 in advance, and using Be fore. his arrest, Sitte Was the name Allen West, When his sald to be working on methods time was up deliver p of protecting space travellers was sent oa ioe ory Pid Hom cosmic radiation, research) writer It, along with Mr, West, the US Ar I TA grant from had disappeared he Ua, Alr Force The machine was - $00.50 CATTLE INDUSTRY Defence counsel said the ac. DAWSON CREEK, B.C. (cp)/Cused had gotten a job, "He is \ billion-dollar cattle industry|!" aining as a male nurse at in the Peace River district is/'h® Alax-Pickering Hospital, He forecast by Henry Bentley,|!8 Prepared to make full resti [president of the Souht Peace ution now." Stockman's A ss o ciation, He! He asked that the accused not says he looks to Alaska as a po: be kept in custody, so he could tential market and predicts es. keep his job, The magistrate tablishment of a major meat said he should have thought of | packing plant in this area, that before, valued at tration camp by the Nazis dur-| guilty to the theft of a type City Council Planning 'Transportation Study Hurvid, wisiniet Deputy High | Chief Ranger. Harry Man ning, a 0-year member, was pieture was ahsent when Ihe | taken Oshawa Times Photo "FAST" TIME DATES SET Oshawa will adopt the same 1961 Daylight Saving Time schedule as the Railway Asso: ciation of Canada so that the dates will colacide with spring and summer train schedules DST, or fast time, will begin at 12:01 a.m., Sunday, April 30 and end at 12:01 a.m., Sunday Oct, 29 OCVI Pupils Hear Debate At Council Members of the O'Neill Col legiate and Vocational Insti tute's Debating Club picked a good night to visit city council Mond night saw a 'lozen CAR ners in tt nhérs and they were not disappointed as Ald, John Dyer gave a nine minute oration on what he call ed the "worst kind of planning spot planning Ald, Dyer was speaking about an already built service sla. tion on the southwest corner of Bloor and Albert streets Trouble is, the area was zoned MIB which does not allow sery ice stations, Council approved the rezoning to C1, as Ald, Dyer predicted 'in his speech, Only Ald, I, ¥ Bastedo and Mayor Christine Thomas supported his stand Ald, Finley M, Dafoe replied to Ald, Dyer's remakrs, argu: ing that "growth makes changes imperative," and "a messy cor ner has been cleaned up," Prior to the above exchange, Howard Swartz, a Grade 12 sty: dent and president of the club, dold the council, "we will be listening with eager ears and we are sure we will benefit hy being here," Murder Of Oshawa Man Unsolved LINDSAY for information only unsolved uncollected The murder was that of Karl Mills, a 54-year-old Oshawa man, found lying face down near his car on the Minden: Kinmount highway April 8, 58 A $2,000 reward in this area's murder remains A coroner's jury which heard the evidence in the case almost a year later came. to the eon clusion that Mills died at the hands of a person or persons unknown. This was the equival: ent of a murder verdict, crown attorney Lorne Jordan said at the time The reward wa short time later hy the Ontario attorney-general's office, Rut the public silence that surround ed the case at the time has remained unbroken ever since, Evidence at the inquest showed that Mills had heen drinking in a Minden hotel for some time prior to his death A man from Kinmount admitted being in his company But the jury based its verdiet mainly on the deserintion of a scene witnessed hy two young men who drove along the Min. den Kinmount highway that night These two recounted seeing Mills and one or more other persons alongside two cars pull ed off the highway When Mills was found, he had # severe head wound and a large stone nearby hore traces of blond. His wallet was empty Minden police, whose invest. igation it was, questioned hun dreds of residents of the area nartieularly in Kinmount itesif But the vestigation ground to a halt without anv. significant progress being made The police theory = even yet is that Mills and the other men possibly became in an argument 'which led to blows When Mills was struck collapsed, the ather man posted a (or men) possibly took fright and potential submarine threat to that juveniles were buying wine (bolted, eihe and and staff officers will seek to Bruce Oshawa Times PAGE NI he SECOND SECTION. Permits Issued Local May seven New Homes Ask Layoff Malcolm Smith, president of Local 222, UAW, said today that he expected union executives "would probably have requests § from membership of the local to ask for a layoff at GM four-day work week hecomes an h everyday episode," Mounting discontent NE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1961 m d th street north, $00; Sabyan & Bales, Ritson road south LOE Motor a $500 Permits to after moving" Value of January building per mits is up slightly from a year agn, according tn a report from city engineer's office Last month's total at $142,765 is above the $115,249 recorded in January, 1960; however, hoth toials are far helow the $480 585 worth of permits taken out in January, 1059 A $12.000 permit was issued to The Times Publishing Co. for alterations G, Semenuk, Bond street west, received a $10,000 permit for a coin laundry tb be built on Simeoe street north Seven new single family dwell ing permits were issued: Den brad Lonstruction, Queenslea avenue, Toronto, three at $10 0h each T Kleinsteuher Wychwood street, two at $10,000 each; P and R- Construction Athol street east, $11,000; Jo hansen Construction, Rosedale avenue, $11,000 GARAGE PERMITS Seven new garage were issued WwW, Stauffer $600; R. V, Esposito avenue, $00; J. Preston dun road, $600; O, Foote drive, $635; ¥. Taylor houlevard south, $00; ¥. Bald win, Cadillac avenue north $500 D. Fikes, Grassmere street, $500 Three new sign permits, issued 8, 8, Kresge Company coe street south, $1900 dian Bank of Commerce Clubhouse At Lakeview 'Questioned An appeal hy the Oshawa Vik ings Rugger Club to build a clubhouse in Lakeview Park brought warnings from Ald. Wal ter Lane { Board of Works approved the| idea hut the property commit tee and Parks Board still have to give their approval and, of course, council Ald, Lane charged that some neighborhood association hut are "a shambles" He suggested perhaps assistance move and erect a single family dwelling were issued to 8, Zad- oromny, Bloor street east, and R, Jeffery, Masson street, Zad orony"s we permits totalled $2000; Jeffery two permits were for $3400 PERMITS FOR ALTERATIONS Sixteen permits for alterations were issued W. Blay, Ritson home alterations, $1500 Grenfell street, pairs, $1000; * Wilson and Lee Simeoe street north, retail store repairs, $00; W, R. Chapman, Church street, retail store re airs, $000; B, Bilodeau, Oriole street, cellar alterations, $600 Tames Fveritt, Annis street home repairs 920 Ww. G Miners, Cadillac avenue south cellar alterations, $1000; J, Kan nza, Windsor streef, cellar alter ations, $500; A, Brown, Park road south, home repairs, $900 Tony's Refreshments Bloor street east, warehouse addition £6000 H. Sager home repairs Wilson road ations, $500; 8B, 8 IAd., Simcoe street partment store $7000; M. Blouin, Westmount venue, home repairs, $3000 Dr, W. G, Watt, Masson street apartment addition, $2600; Bteve Kiss, RRR 4, Oshawa, home in terior alterations, $1500 SCOUTERS WILL DELIVER BOOKS Always on the alert to do a good turn for others, the Oshawa Scouter's Club is aying plans to lend a help: ing hand to the sick and elderly of the community I'he club plans to set up A library service wherehy the sick and elderly will be ahle to receive hooks of their choice from the Oshawa Public Library, It is plan: ned that each Scout group will take its turn on a Sal among after the company announced a § second one-day shutdown for Friday Mr, Smith said there is non Existing minimum work guaran fee at GM road north J. Gat home re ' enhy Approximately 5000 will he off work Friday, but pro. g duction will resume on a nop | shutdown last & similar one-day month Truck production at the Osh. M awa plant and at the company's } engine plant at Windsor will not © he interrupted tories was" bl off Mr. Bmith said that worker on a four-day work week re ceive only a few dollars more than they would if they were anged for the lay permite Grassmere street Kimgrove Ver Bunset Oshawa I f street west E. Brown cellar alter Kresge Co south, de alterations Bloor $750 south employment insurance and sup plementary benefits, He said the 'gap was no more than $10 in some Instances A company spokesman said there are no present plans for o further layoffs heyond Fiiday Mr, Bmith said he understood there would he another layoff on A Friday in March, He said he didn't know if they meaht Good Friday, which is a holiday, or not ! Reds Show Interest In India By RUKMINI DEVI Canadian Press Correspondent BOMBAY (Cp) servers have heen struck hy the Were Bim Ana Bim [ [i viel pres f affairs found to friendly in India's domestic he not particularly and these 'gnidant ( in f |} the change| Brownlee, a| Observers { | H, : | £58 stidden interest taken by the Bo | Ma The interest he sen| Kowalski as J as heen! Jae Bell as Arthur Town: sart in the Southern Ontario send and Glenda Blessor as Mrs, | Br far ATTEND CITY Oshawa City Council approved the setting up of a technical eo- whether & firm eon ordinating committee, Monday city $32,000 worth of value, ght, as a preliminary to con The commitiee's job will be to raw up terms of reference for We study which will include 5 well as traffic "0 CONT 826,00 Cost of the study is estimated ighways department paying 75 are of the cost would he shout 11,000 the city's total cost Lhe traffic committee will ask pies The ammittee co-ordinating consist of planned will the planning director; 2 sergeant from the Osh Heer raffic mal basis Monday, There was a awa Police Department; the bus city's real traffic an Urban uperintendent tudies engineer distriet funicipal engineer, from the Jepariment of Highways; and a onsultant the committee Advisors to Picked consultants are T, O Mazarides and Associates, the irm which did studies on the out of work and receiving un- Stevenson road project 1450 Peo Group To Study | Reference Terms stioned ve the Ald, Waller Lane Jue "I would like to know all ducting a eMy-wide. transports: about a firm which professes to tion study, know 0 much shout such & broad field, "Fhey may come in here, get 76 per cent of their information parking and bus route studies [rom our planning and engineer: ing departments, put a few of fice hoys to work, make a few quick surveys and that's it, After all this their recommenda i the at 528000, with the provincial tion will be COMMON sense, "We have to prove thet we er cent of the cost, The eny's have heen losing or wasting money in the past before we passenger car line workers was $7000, plus $2000 each for park- can justify & study," predicted at the GM plant here ng and transit studies, making Traffic Chairman John Brady argued that, "we need facts and figures, Citizens have been com- for this amount in budget coming to us with complaints; we haven't any answers; we need experts' advice," He urged that the project get workers the city cogineer; a traffic en- underway as soon as possible hefore summer works programs blocked roads and distort the pleture project our the "The study wou thinking 20 years down road," he finished Former traffic chairman Ale bert Walker noted in the devel opment of the city's one-way Adjustment of current inven: would be the chairmen of the street program, "we found we hoard of works and traffic com-|needed experts," mittees | Said Ald, Finley Dafoe: "If we don't look far enough ahead, we'll be putting down roads to- day and tearing them up tomor. row hecause they are inade- quate," ple See -- Drama Club Play By L1OY VLETCHER As those who saw the play, "The Heiress" on Jan, 26, 27 this time the gam Heading cask were Payne as Catherine, the "heir: Dave Macleod as Dr Austin Sloper, Catherine's fa ither players were kle as Maria; Elizabeth Almond; Marian 15 Almond; In" the light of the cordial. re Montgomery TICKET SALE CONTERT Ahout he play were sold within the school, In the competition be: ween forms 18A came first in icket sales with 186 sold by the nembers in the class, The stu: lents of 2A took second place yw selling close (6 ane hundred ickets, with 11A and #A com- ng in third and fourth, What wppened to 10A! Many adults, and students rom Donevan Central, Port lope, OLC in Whithy, and as away as Port Credit came on see the performance, All in Wl, 1450 people witnessed this werformance of the play, COUNCIL The members of the Debating urday morning and deliver hooks from the library Twn telephone numbers are being provided and the elderly and shut-ins, wanting hooks, can call during the week giving their choice ; | groups" The Beouts will deliver the [lations between the two coun ag aiding will be in} ake hooks and bring hack the [ries and Moscow's known de Ns buliding "he! hooks that have heen read, |Sire not fo annoy New Delhi {view Park for all to see," he the Soviet press references to said, "If the design is not at some internal happenings here!! tractive, it will reflect on the -- have caused | | city" an nics I y PHich surprise V . tussian newspaper wently Ald, A, V, Walker said a new apers recently| / described India as a Yoapitalist" |! policy on park buildings was h : ANAL |adopted last year and added n ones country and quickly provoked al [1 don't think the parks hoard sharp rejoinder from Sadiq Ali | agrees with a separate building City council stood solidly he. feneral secretary of the ruling|| here. They may extend thelhind Planning Board Monday | Congress party, References had present building." night in refusing to allow *'chir-| 8150 heen made in some Rus . apractic and other professional' stan jourials i working class clinics in Ri zones strikes" In India Lane Says Application for But What has really intrigued game fram |) ere 1s the promi chitopractor lence Russian Jews apere, pal . a "ara ad! HOUlATLY avda, have given to Fire Fee ach Sli i Aare now allowed obscure trial in the tewn of 4 {Ambala in Punjab state where Ald, John Dyer seconded the some persons are being tried for . . motion to uphold the planning conspiracy to cause hodilv harm nrea 18 1C hoard's refusal and immediate:|to some lop Indian leaders ly called for a recorded vote . bE Fire protection agreement, Mayor Christine Thomas ask: Foun MONTHS OL) foes charged to Rast. Whithy ed for an explanation, Ald, Dyer| The trial opened more than township are completely unrveal-|replied that a recorded vote four months ago and the Indian| istic, an Oshawa alderman/could be called any time, He sat Press as a whole has taken little charged Monday night down, No explanation, Rotice of dhe proceedings, I'he taltan Lane pi Rast] ma icity heing given in 881 Ald, Walter Lane said Fast! que unanimous vote, 11:0, was to the iene Bi J the Wena Whithy Township will never icin otie, Son ffi LE afte) build fire halls, as long as we Ad fodeiy the st et : apt ment in newspapers here provide this service Ni I "We are encouraging them to | The Russian newspapers BRON [* leave the area without protec: LJ@C are rome [revorted to have parti ilarly| tion, and when we annex, we . | seized upon a statement of sel will have to build the fire halls | | al the accused in the trial alleg. ourselves.' u 1C ace ing that the "Anglo:U 8. hloe id ne y n \ 4 esnecis J a IN fle last Whithy pays the City of A French-speaking - Oshawal specially the late U.S, state Oshawa a flat $5,000 yearly | secretary Dulles, was impli: | tated amount for each{MA&N Was fined $100 by Magis: vated in the "plot." call in trate I, 8 Kbhs, Monday, when| Observers believe the | Ie] 4 : ! '§ ) e promi # a le a 1 0 3 Ald, A, V, Walker told coun. he W ded Rigid 10 I 3 MAE nonce given to the Ambala trial " x. Yul 0 1960, |quor from his home, Jan, 27, ke. yO 4Y Hall cil the rate was raised in 1 Hig. home was declared a Wilko in the Moscow press is con from $3000 to $3000, The actual» HAE Wag fee PUDHE noted with Soviet embarrass: hill last year, he said, was over Place A al ' | ment caused hy some aspeots of | [86.000 Benoit Roy, 8, of 444 Drew |, "spy ring" scare which re:| Ald, Lane argued that, "we Street, told the magistrate he cently gripped public attention] pay $600,000 a year in Oshawa knew it was illegal, but he did!in hdia for fire protection, ane-tenth of it because he had been laid off,| gang poy spapers in New our tax money. With East Whit: [his unemployment INSUYance peihi + Rombav and Caleuttal hy contributing only ane percent had run out and he had to meet| have specifically named the Sol of our total five bill, we are the payments on the house, Roy|yiet Union as one of the Come heing too generous with Oshawa has six children, i | munist countries involved in the taxpayers money Oshawa Police Constable Gary alleged spy ving. A dozen In| The 1060 agreement was Te: Patton told the court he pur-|dians, Including a couple of gov-| | newed chased liquor from Roy, while ernment clerks, have been ar dressed in plain ¢lothes, He said{rested for passing on secrets to WILL HOLD TALKS ho later went back with detee:| foreign powers. Though the for WASHINGTON (AP) == Naval tives, to identify himself as a/eign countries have not been and air defence chiefs from 13 police officer identified officially, newspaper Atlantic pact countries, includ: The accused had an interpret. commentators have assumed ing Canada and the United er in court. The court was told! the Soviet Union is among them. | States, will gather in Norfolk, 210 bottles of beer were found I of felt that the interest Va., next Monday for a four-day on the premises, along with shawn b th Russlah Dress in| anti-submarine warfare strategy bottles of wine and whisky a oo , etal and in ther) onference, Some 116 allied flag sis ( Atta Bai MAMA Al sanference. Same 116 allied fs seis 0 (aorney | fairy constitutes an attempt to AlTieck sale 0 1d {wreak some kind of "tit for assess the and future came as a result of a complaint present tat" for the embarrassment 2 caused by the spy ring public in the area inform CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resis dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today Allan Canfield, RR Bowmanville; Doris De: Hart, 41 Adelaide avenue west; Gail Ford, 778 Ade: liide avenue west; Joyce H, Taylor, 16514 Olive avenue; Mrs, Glenda Thomson, 587 Shakespeare avenue; Bonnie Cheseborough, 145 Burk street; William A, Heron, fil King street, Hrooklin; David Shetler, 150 Guelph street; Doreen Braund, 308 Montrave avenue; Gary Pereman, RR 2, Oshawa; Jimmy Kay, 97 Stevenson road north; Mrs, John Hrady, 257 Adelaide avenue west; Mildred O'Dell, 331 Green street, Whithy; Mrs, Aston Gillespie, 334 King street east; Mrs, George Leonard, Rossland east and Linda Leonard, Rossland east The first five persons to The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "The Subterraneans" and "Imi. tation General" Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am, and 10 am, Phone RA A-0M Ll Ernest Winter, a thousand tickets to Club sat in on the meeting of the Oshawa City Council Mon. {day night, They were asked to or 28 can testify, if you didn't] get there early so as to be well have a ticket you missed a settled for the beginning of the chance that the people of Osh: meeting at 7.50 p.m, awa rarely gel whose play productions hav el, heen renowned all over the dis jp trict, came up with another guns" The Acti Ludi with its 17 staff dvisors and 30 students work. on it, is "going great Many new changes such as a hardcover and thus a cost Pat of $1.50 per copy is proposed, | More pictures and more good {humor are hoped for this year, The students will be asked for ther; Howard Swartz, as Mor: in advance to ensure that all the {ris Townsend, Catherine's lover, hard - covered hooks that are and Judy Wood as Lavinia Pen ordered will he sold, It's going Indian oh: Mman, Dr, Bloper's sister, The|to be a terrific hook this year! Marilyn! Don't miss out on a copy! Robyn Rice Eileen SKIERS COMPETE Three of our OCVI boys took Championships, Karl [Campa in elass "C", 16 years {and under, came second in the downhill and though he skied well was disqualified in the slas lom, In class "'C", 16 years and older, Rick Brown finished in third place in the downhill and took fifth in the slalom. Kkiin in class "RB", Mike Winter too! fourth position in the downhill, ith in the slalom and third in {the Alpine combined, At Whithy on Friday our bans tam and senior boys wen both their games, At home, our juns lor and senior girls won both thelr games, The seniors beat Bowmanville 20:10 and the june lors with a score of 28-27, | The girls were very glad to have our faithful Cheerleaders cheer for them, Two Injured In Weekend Accidents Two people were slighity in Jured and an estimated #000 damage resulted from three accidents reported by the Oshs awa Police Department, Sats urday Elizabeth Kovopatura, of Orono, suffered a bump on her forehead and abrasions on her left knee, when the car in whieh she was riding was involved in a collision on Ritson road south at Athol street, Saturday afters noon Anthony La Roeca, of 308 Windsor street, a passenger in the ather ear, suffered a cut on his right hand The first car was driven hy John Koropatura, The second car was driven by Joseph La Rocca, Damage to the cars was estimated at $550 An estimated $300 damage resulted from a two . car eal {lislon at Centre and Metealf | streets, late Saturday morning, One car was driven by Joan W. Davies, 95 Hilleourt street, Whithy, The driver of the other car was James H, McGhee, of 207 Victoria street, Whithy, \ car driven hy Donald L, Comerford, of 136 Burk street, {was hit on the left year fender, {by an unidentified car, on King [street west at Queen street, Saturday evening The offending car didn't stop, Damage to the Comerford ves hicle was estimated af $50, (North Atlantic sea lanes, (ity,