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The Oshawa Times, 7 Feb 1961, p. 2

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J zs, Philippines Say 4 SEATO Finished By IM BECKER bypassing Britain and France, 50 po nadette Arsenault, © KUALA LUM PU RB, Malaya South Korea South Viet Bam. po. ceq with the Jan, 5 murder: (AP)~The Philippine govern and Nationahst China, and pos of her two-year-old son, Robert ment is ready to write Hf Beato sibly Thailand, are believed 16 py La as an effective anti-Communist old the same views Crown attorney C. C, Savage Lf force in Asia These nations are opposed 10 said the application was sent Filipino leaders think the|the British-sponsored plan 10 re- with evidence 10 the atlomey- Southeast Asia Treaty Organiz-|S1ore the international armistice. generals department after Mag- lation might not survige its commission for Laos composed istrate Donald B, Menzies said March meeting of India, Canada and Poland. he lacked jurisdiction to comply, " They fear it would mean 8 halt, Mrs, Arsenault was remanded This was learned as Foreign = oorioan" aid to the anti- in custody until Feb, 13, Che Recretary Velixherio Sei Communist forees in Laos and wes fakey "into custody and and other Philippine a ot the same time make Commu. Eharzed with assault after fire arrived lo prepare for nist penetration of the kingdom! Men, ARSWENNE # suffocation visit Wednesday by P easier ; call, found the child dead in his g Carlos Garcia 0 this Soheast "*% home .. ; Asian nation \ # The Philippine 204, Nalayon Last week the murder chargé ) rr (ly Bovernments already have pro gos jaid hos Wil Jee Tapping Muti | poco the formation of & new, Dy Stewart Goddard, » psy MAYOR ATTACKED [French ambassadors in Manila #550ciation of Southeast Asian chiairist, testified Mrs, Arsen. Mayor Angus Camphell, 45, » 4 {4 and are to hold talks ault's ence is below that, of Pembroke, was attacked government feels Beato has *41€5 f ailt's intelligence § failed to meet the Laotiah crisis Shout the proposed grouping of a low-grade moran and in the. and beaten outside his home {because it his not driven hack Mere Next wes |street letter hoxes and relay : ' kend, imbecile range" Sunday night, His clothes were | mont cases where maithoxes 4 A torn to shreds and he suffer: |prisons--~chiefly Kingston peni- the Communists said : BLAME UK, FRANCK Change In Act {boxes have heen repaired in been rifled, the box he ed cuts and bruises to his |tentiary, Mr, Hamion hawt forced open. Keys were ne | head, Shoulders and Slomaeh, Only the metal, work was, Sone} He said that in the nine Rerrans' VES The mayor told police in the prisons, oon . paSTa government Vellevos just parked his car and was \no work on locks or keys--at Months onde Dut 2 the num. { lyzed the organization and fears walking 10 his home when he (least, not officially Meneetorth, | uk fro ™ the 00 fe » the US, may be bowing to ils was aitacked by three men, | commeretat firms will do the rom " corres: NATO allies, | Serrano, it is understood, is uary, 1958. He gave no figures mas amendments to the Na- on loan approvals tional Housing Act pushed NHA| Of the total, 1,460 loans were lending activity last month 10 made by approved lenders--the the highest January level in the hanks and recognized insurance act's 22 - year history, Works and other finencial institutions (Charged In Death | Said Imbecile I LONDON, Ont, (CP)~An ap plication was made Monday for # lHeutenapt-governor's warrant certifying as insane Mrs, Cath- 2 "He OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosdey, Fobrusry 7, 1961 7 Mail Thefts Bring Repair Method Change OFTAWA (CP) ~ Reports of Late in 195% postal an ities widespread mail thefis have, "received an indication" keys i heen 1olloyed hy a government | might have heen manifactured i decision 10 end is longstanding secretly in Kingston FPeniten t practice of having m s ver tiary and smuggled outside, Mr paired in federal prisons Hamilton sald. ""Protetive Postmaster - General William measures" wer promised by Hamilton announced the move federal prison official fo the Commons Monday and. After (he recent mailhox added that all offices 500m thefts with illegally - manufac will display posters offering ve: tured keys, Mr. Hamilton said wards of $200 (0 82.000 for n-\ "my officials informed me that formation leading to arrest nd igs were Again Issuing from conviction of mail ©. [Kingston Penitentiary desmite Reports last week said police (he protective measures which were (rying to break wp # PEI had heen taken there" opening malthoxes with Keys wy. iq we hed considered smuggled ont of enMentiary| changing locks or the 40.009 | workshops "as Mate Ph maithoxes in Canada hut this {cheques with forged Sdentifica:| og" 00 "0 ore than 5200.90 {ion papers printed In peniten: gt re would be "no effec: {tiaries ' e ine: ; " | Wor years the post office's Vs INCIeRNE In seenty ~ nt st (CP Wirephoto) |work ponding period a year earlier, {planning to go to Bangkok for | Post office losses in such thefly the Beato foreign ministers | Cargo Checkers dropped to $87 042 from $135,567, meeting next month to urge the : i» Rebels Fire anti Communist nations of Southeast Asia to replace Beato iwith separate defence treaties OTTAWA (CP)=Pre » Chiisl PAKISTANIS GREET THE QUEEN Queen Elizabeth and Pakis tan's President, Ayub Khan, acknowledgé cheers ss they ride in motorcade through the main shopping center of Kar- achi, Pakistan, Feb, 1, The | from the airport, Queen Eliza Pakistanis tossed vast quan- | 'beth and Prince Philip ar. tities of rose end marigold rived for a 16-day state visit petals from overhead as the | New Benefits Sought To Assist Widows motorcade moved into the city ~(AP Wirephoto) with the United States, thereby sriicier Walker announced Body Found In Closet TORONTO (CP)~Police have charged Robert Anderson, 30, of [suburban York Township with In JANUATY, in January, {offering indignity to human re- {mains in the death of 8 woman {whose body was found Monday in a clothes closet, Police said Anderson was ar they Monday In a Commons statement, he attributed this to "swift and vig orous response" of the house building industry to the amend ments, which had had "a Yery|cororation, the significant impact" In easing unemployment Mr, Walker said there were 4,515 applications for NHA loans compared with 157 1960, and the pre- vious record of 3,191 in Jan Sachmo Worth #8 against 151 a year earlier and the previous peak of 1,580 in January, 1956 The balance of 2,055 loan ap plications were handled by Cen- tral Mortgage and Housing housing agency Although most of these loan applications were from poten tial home owners and house builders who already had pur chasers for their units, the to tal also included bids for lim- {ited dividend loans for low-ren | tal housing projects Actual housing starts in De: government's i Wield Big Power On Police By BORIS MISKEW Canadian Press Stall Writer LONDON (CP) = A handful of men at the London docks can kno know what hit them, They are the tally clerks, a group peculiar to the Port of London, Their job is to ¢ almost solely for the trade, They exist nowhere else, When they stop work sll in- coming and outgoing ocean cargo stops moving, Dock work: strikes have been serious and prolonged, the latest being & four-week work stoppage which hegan last Sept, 20, It cost an felt long after their causes have heen forgotien A decision by the London | erease by 50 the number of reg-| istered tally clerks touched off the most recent strike, The hoard has legislative au- In Angola LISBON, Portugal (Reuters) gunmen opened fire when they ck ocean shipping flat on its estimated £20,000,000, The ef- were flushed from a woodpile ack before the ship. owners fects of the strikes often are In the last outhreak of anti-goy ernment violence in Portuguese Angola, it was reported Mon: day, heck Dock Labor Board---consisting| The clash occurred after a and mesure cargo, They work of five employer and five em-| funeral held in the West Afr: ocean ployee representatives -- fo in| GA coldgy's capital of Tuanda unday victims of earlier shootings, A total of 24 persons have been reported killed in Angolan I1| thority to determine the number| Violence linked with the rebel cember were up 4.4 per centlers and stevedores simply wi from a year earlier, Mr, Walker not move the cargo if & tally|of tally clerks necessary to bal- bi, without citing compara: clerk is not in sight ance the port's labor force, x Jazzman 1ve figures, In addition, exten! J, M, Gifford, general man: A committee called to make| Jasaman sion of home improvement loans| ager of the National Associa-|a government inquiry said; ~~ |In a story from Luanda that the to rental properties had resulted tion of Port Employers, said "The loss of earnings being| Eunmen were hidden in » in $4,665,000 in such loans-- tally clerks are capable of suffered by their fellow work: nearby woodpile during funeral highest dollar volume since Sep: |" paralysing' ocean shipping in ers, the damage being caused to Hervices for six policemen and But Douglas Fisher (CCF rested four hours after Port Arthur) interrupted Mr, |found the body of Ruth Elaine Browne's "splendid speech' to Campbell, 27, The body was complain that he was talking wrapped in sheeting and heavy about the 45th motion on the or- clothing der paper--a wide-ranging pro-| Tests are being 'made to es posal from Mr, Browne {to im- tablish the cause of death OTTAWA (CP) = The Com- from hack henchers, when mons considered the plight of ideas are aired but rarely acted widows and unmarried elderly on, Two proposals were up for women Monday debate, both from Liberals It was privaté members' day, Aner trying for four years, a day set aside for resolutions Gabriel Rober ge, Megantic 2 Déetors? {seizure of the. Portuguese liner | ! {Banta Maria, HAMILTON (CP) The newspaper O feculs said Louis Armstrong's trip to | Congo last year was a8 mistake, (Rey, James H, Robinson of New prove the act York, director of Operation soldier killed Friday, Parliament [ting the House to consider his At-A-Glance | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Monday, Feb, 6 The Commons debated, with: nut taking action, private mem: hers' motions proposing to bet. ter the lot of widows and un- married elderly women, Gabriel Roberge (I~Megan- tic) advocated that unexpired) unemployment insurance bene: fits be paid to women whose ried women and widows of 60 husbands die while out of work, | Hubert Badanai (I.~Fort Wil-| liam) advocated that old age| assistance he made available to widows and unmarried women at 60 years of age rather than at Ah Postmaster » General William Hamilton announced that his department is dropping the long-standing practice of mail hox repairs being carried out in| penitentiaries, | Works Minister Walker an.| nounced that pre -. Christmas amendments to the National Housing Act pushed NHA lend. | ing activity to its highest Jan- uary level of the act's 22.year| proposal to extend unexpired unemployment benefits to women whose hushands die while out of work, Three hours and some 18 speakers later, de hate on his motion was ad journed, thus setting it back near the end of private mem bers' motions with hardly any chance of it coming up again of hi Age a sioned plea in motion to lower which widows and support the sistance, AL present, assistanc is provided to both men women between 65 and 70 afte a means fest, Mr, Baddnai made an impas- unmarried women qualify for old age as and § { 'Record Metro Road Budget e r : politan Toronto roads committee! Monday recommended to Metro [PAINTS SAD PICTURE Crossroads Africa, sald Monday ight, At the cost of sending Armstrong as a8 goodwill ambas- | ments passed hy P sador, could have loaned Africa 20 doe. Maximum government tors for a year, he told a ban: anteed loans from $12,800 for all average of one sirike Bn yea the USB. government ts to pro this session, Then the Commons turned to the suggestion of Hubert Ba. danai, 66, former Fort William mayor that old age assistance should be provided to unmar- Ont of the zal act siehis Ui countil m record $25,800,000 ne 0 ee saddest sights i ¥ a look at Js a destilute - woman budget, more than half to go fo whose bloom of youth has de. €Xpansion of the Metro express. parted with the years and where way system, the frailty of the human body Included is the extension of has visibly set in," he said, the Frederick G, Gardiner ex-| "As a consequence, she Bs in. pressway between Spadina Av variably seized with a spirit of neue and York Street and be: dejection the like of which can tween the Don River and Sher: only he found in people whose bourne Street, at a cost of $11, creeping despair reflects the ex:| 000,000, Another $5,000,000 would treme of adversity," be spent on the Don Valley He suggested the cost of pro. Parkway | viding old age assistance could, The 1061 program Is $1,350, | he met by adding an extra one- 000 higher than the budget ap:| years of age instead of 65, His idea was talked out, which also shunted the motion to the end of the list EXPAND DEBATE Mr, Roberge's motion gave MPs a chance to discuss the unemployment insurance fund KING-SIZE OMELETTE M O UN TAINSIDE, N.J (AP) = An icy spot on a highway was blamed for the premature scrambling of 120,000 eggs Monday, Po- lice said a truck skidded on the highway and over turned, smashing the cargo of 10,000 dozen eggs, The driver was not injured, and the act under which it is set up, CCF MPs Murdo Martin, Tim: mins, and Erhart Regier, Burn aby-Coquitlam, said the motion only pointed up the need for a comprehensive program of so cial welfare legislation The unemployment insurance fund, said Mr, Martin, a fire:| half per cent to the current proved by council last year, three « per » cent contributions from income, corporation and sales taxes, He said pensions should be based on the age at which Wen or women finft it difficult to get work, i "The humanitarian aspect of {this resdlution is such as should Margarine Mixers Act 'Nonsense tember, 1058, Chief among the NHA amend arliament in December was an increase in guar- TORONTO (CP)-"The Metro. quet sponsored by a Hamilton lypes of single-family dwellings group which attempts mote goodwill with Africa to $14,200 for three . hedroom homes and $14,040 for larger| houses, The pernRgsible repay: ment term was extended hy five | years to 35 years, INTERPRETING TH the reputation of the port and ® of their unions, the injury being| It said neighborhood residents group of port workers |done to the trade of the port | Spotted them and told lice, And they have, Tally clerks and (o the trades dependant pd Tr Detaons yure lad =n have heen 'responsible for an upon Be variing of the port Es ol JuiTel ANG ince the end of the war--alfl But the 1,660 clerks at the . pm nofficial" strikes not backed London docks, where one-third UN OFFICIAL by their union, There hasn't\of Britain's shipping is handled, VANCOUVER (CP)=~Charles been an official strike since be- have their own story to fell, {De Beck Lambly, regional ad: | ministrative officer for the UN London more quickly and more | effectively than any other single fore the war Only a few of the unofficial E NEWS 'U.S.Changing Congo By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer be moderating its stand on The Congo under the new admini- | stration of John F', Kennedy and {in view of the worsening situa: {tion in the young African re: publie Adlai Sfevenson, the new U8 Views There seems to be a feeling {now among Western diplomats that the UN recgnition was pre The United States appears to/ mature, It is clear, they say, Lumumba was receiving that Soviet backing in his quarre at home, but it would have heen better to wait developments be. fore committing the UN to Ka: | savubu, Canada abstafme on the Ka: FEARED FUTURE "All we're trying to do is pro tect our living," sald Bert Mikepiece, He explained that most of the clerks work by the day and, he added, "it's no fun showing up for work In morning and finding out you've | the | = |Food and Agricultural Organi: gation In Cairo, has returned {home to Vancouver for a visit, Mr, Lambly's territory includes Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya got nothing to do," "No man in the world wants to strike," waid George Harris, chairman of one of the strike committees, "But a8 principle {was involved and we had to dig into what savings we had to [protect it," It was not necessary to add i0 clerks to the register, he argeed, Work wasn't being held up because of a shortage of clerks, There was a general shortage of dock workers, The clerks feared that an In crease in their number would result in unemployment at a later date, But the inquiring 15 SALUTE TOMORROW'S LEADER history, | fighter and lahor leader, has de. committee said they wished to Progressive Conservative MPs| knocked down a Liberal bid to| prevent a Commons committee] ~0n railways, canals and tele.| graph lines--from getting per:| mission to sit wh itself was sitting, Tuesday, Feb, 7 The Commons meets at 2:30 criticism of the present Unem:|the government stands instead p.m, EST to debate proposed ployment Insurance Act---com-|of sitting idly by while this changes in veterans' pensions; [plete with what he feels should measure is talked out by Con- Senate meets at 8 p.m, ® = Firemen help Earl Ferg to safety after a fire, which broke out in a picture frame + veloped into "a great and hot. tomless pork barrel into which|but even a heart of stone everybody is trying to put their] J, P, Deschatelets (I.~Mon hand." |real Maisonneuve - Ferguson Browne (PC--Van- rapped " ing point for a free » wheeling/He should "let us know wher Iservative members," ay f or Vs i ! cl {be done about it SAVED FROM BLAZING BUILDING business in Baltimore trapped five of the firm's employees on the second floor, Ferg was taken to Mercy Hospital and treated forssmekenhalation Cause of the blaze was no immediately determined (AP Wirephoto (move not only this government Rosemont) | Health Minister Mon-| the House couver Kingsway) took Mr, teith for keeping 'very troubled |Roberge's motion as the start: silence" during the discussion TORONTO (CP) == A farmer: {./member of the Ontario legisla: ture Monday termed "non. sense' a recent demonstration on the steps of Queen's Park in which a group of women showed the difficulties of adding yellow coloring to margarine Charles Janes (PC--Lambton) said farmers are having a tough enough time without added com: petition from margarine couldn't see any discrimination in the present Ontario law for: hidding manufacturers to pro duce yellow margarine, IN "People have no hesitation in eating white cheese,' he said, "Why not margarine? This is all nonsense," Speaking during the throne speech debate, Mr, Janes said a railroad strike would mean the en dof rail transport In southwestern Ontario, He .aid farmers found during the last rail strike that transport trucks gave better service than the railroads, The legislature referred back to its private bills committee a private bill seeking tax exemp- tions for the Ottawa Civil Serv. ice Recreation Association when it met opposition from Liberals and COF re TORONTO (CP)--Kevin Grif: fin, 25, who trudged to Vancou- ver from here last November, isn't getting the $10,000 he said he was te reeeive for the hike "That's all cancelled," said Prescott chiropractor M, R, See ley in a telephone interview Monday, "It wasn't for $10,000 cash anyway." He said his contract with Griffin, an out-of-work hospital orderly, was for a $10,000 schol arship to any recognized univer sity to study medicine -- if he reached Vancouver in time for the Grey Cup game "But he didn't have his high university," said Seeley, He sald been made for settlement cash and "I'm satisfied and he's | satistied." He wouldf't disclose ) {the amount, t He| CCF Leader MacDonald moved that the bill he referred back to allow Ottawa city eoun- cil to make representations as to whether it approved of the tax exemptions, The associa: tion's taxes thir year total $20, 000, Premier Frost agreed The hill, introduced hy Irwin Haskett (PC -- Ottawa South), \was up for second readin, | Ross Whicher (I--Rruce) said {he did not helieve the legisla ture. had any business passing legislation unless it was re: quested hy the municipality concerned, Liberal Leader Wintermeyer sald the present case went=far: ther than a request by a charit. able or religious organization, Mr, Frost sald he was against tax exemptions in prinieple, but "if you had a hard and fast formula in these. matters you might do a great injustice, Each case should be judged on its own merits," Provincial Treasurer Yar emko tabled the annual report of the publie superannuation fund, which showed a deposit of $00,020,741 in the treasury as of March 31, 1960, The fund in the 1068-60 fiscal year totalled §74, | 348,000, Hiker Turns Down Cash Griffin, whe returned to Tor onto about two weeks ago, was notavailable for comment Friends said he had been out of work and they thought he had left Toronto in search of a job Griffin wore forrective shoes during the hiké in which Seeley had an interest, He first met the chiropractor last August on a {walk from Montreal to Toronto "He was almost a cripple when he came to see me," said Seeley, "His feet were swollen and he could hardly walk, He couldn't have done it without the corrective shoes." Matt Deane of Toronto accom | | school, so he couldn't enter any| panied Griffin on the Toronto:| Mrs, J, A, Abbott, said Kenneth | Vancouver walk and was sup arrangements ~had| posed to receive $2,500, Rut this|ination before term began, but inj was a deal between Griffin and! there was no indication of any Deane, said Griffin's friends Seeley sfid he had never (heard of any deal with Deane IN {ambassador to the UN, is ex pected to make a policy speech bi week, possibly today in the | But in any case there is evi dence that the US, in taking more recognition of Patrice Lu. mumba, the deposed premier whose influence has hecome stronger, if anything, since he was sent to jail by President Joseph Kasavubu and his army strongman, Joseph Mobutu, The Soviet Union and many Afro «» Asian countries support Lumumba as the rightfully elected premier of The Congo and were bitterly eritical of the UN General Assembly's action Nov, 21 in seating Kasavubu's delegation as the legal repre: sentatives of The Congo, Such countries as India and Ghana battled the Kasavubu candidacy, as did Guinea, a former French colony, Rut other small African countries still belonging to the French community supported Kasa: vubu and were instrumental in | his victory, US, BACKED KASAVURU The U.S, was the most power ful backer of Kasavubu, who came to the UN to espouse his own cause" although in New York he remained a remote fig ure, spending much of his time at his hotel suite, receiving se. lect callers Heart Attack Kills Player TORONTO (CP) Kenneth Abbott, 16, collapsed and died from a rare heart condition as he played basketball at Leaside High School Monday Coroner Dr, H, A, Brown said cause of death was vagal inhi. bition of the controlling nerve of the heart, There is no Way™nfi diagnosing it in advance The boy died during the reg: ular grade 11 physical education period, Principal Norman Me: Leod said Kenneth suffered a weak spell during the game, The boys' parents, Mr, and {had his regular physical exam. thing wrong, All 1,100 students| he school are advised to have, | a Medical check savubu vote, thefeby taking a position apart Arom| the USK, Britain and Ffanee hut joining such countries as Ireland, Ma: laya and Tunisia In view of continued confliet in The Congo, support at the UN is growing for Hammarskjold's latest proposals which are in. terpreted to mean ultimately that all native forces on every side be disarmed, w #lso understood the UK, retain a high "scarcity value " Tally clerks have enjoyed a special position since the first ones appeared on the London) docks In 1808, They may not be supplemented until every avail. able clerk has been employed, GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, RINNE BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.2 HOTEL LANOASTER Is Learning To Becom¥ A Your Help Will Be Appreciated now favors the freeing of Lu: muniba and his inclusion in whatever many - sided or fed. eral government ean be organ: ized, Oh to be a plumber when Gi ha pijiés act up! But really, nows=ian't it much easier to reach for the phone? The lady does, and her pouse is rescued , , SAVED BY THE BELL PS, Seriously, thought at home or away, never really loat: there's alwava help at through your telephone--a servioa so vi yet 80 often taken for granted, The Bell Company of Canada, you're aluiable 'ay 'elaphone

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