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The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1961, p. 6

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hye havo Times Prictiar as ivy Canadian Mewspapers Limes, 86 King 5. E, Ohows, Ont # Tissier, ¥ooruary 74 ' idiad Father Wonders About School Subject Choice BH con be 8 Asvivible, sven Recemery, SER eericiiier activity. The coe, #6 sppraved wy the Ciara Aegeriments oA WAication end 1 aneport end veriow Waty ngancins, is if 1661 ERITR-EWTEWnS nh enial. The Odhaws sRperence 5 thet is graduates wie better then erage Arivers In some quinriers, however, oven he aa A ed nd tiie hae inspired John Ricketts of the Ontario Belety Lesgus, to circvinte & letter in which he sates, "1 sm happy thet educators me concerned han ne Grenoing the sanderds of scademie tenching wn ow schools I would like them. 10 contrast the opposition 16 driver sducation with acceptance of some of the other comises thet ere taught wn high school" He continues; "My devginer Jenniler snisred high dchool lam September. Dring her first knit gone dhe fine to tales Typing ve 8 carey fm sonirne. Thin is cormgiaony -- Thiers was Ko option. Actually, | believe thie is on siception snd thet Typing i» normally an optional ste. The fact romping thet she hes to spond hows & wes #1 the keybosed of 8 typewriter, #nd i her lingers we not sulficiently wikis to pase the speed test ot the ond of the yes, she betioves i mey #flast har shied corner, As it happens, her marks on 6 academic wibiscts we Wigh, and | sm quite plessed thet she is fenrring & uesfod scilh We Vyping But | would. like to wok tiie question: Whe » the philosophy of sductors thet snicowages Typing se a cwrricuier sib jest in Wigh schiodh, Init will net permit the imtreduction of driver education, SUS #8 BN SElreewrievier, options! Cirii a&y The compliant is justified, It w not on argument for making driver educa tion an addition to the swmewium, nn for closer scrutiny of soft spots in the swrrieviluem Weel Khrushchev's Safari Once more there is talk wn Moscow shout My safari to Aries, whieh Foun. As he studies the map, the Mew York Hergld Tribune asks, what route is he charting for him self? Guiness, first of sll. Premier Bekoy Toure was the first to invite him and will have the most Communist-oriented state in Africa to show his guest. Ghens, snd most of the other West African countries, would give him & friendly welcome, The shibboleth of "anti-eolon ialism" has not yet lost its magic despite the ugly mess in the Congo, for if the Congo proved anything, it proved that gnti-colonialiom, for sll its proud fire is simply not enough, Egypt? Egypt has not been men tioned nor has the rest of Arab Afric, but the fervor with which Mr, Khrush- ghey referred to the Algerisn war in his January 6 "report" suggests that visits to Caire and Rabat might be explosively successful, Ethiopia and the Budan would take him up the Nile, but for various ehvious reasons, the British territories of Souths east Afriga, the Union of Bouth Africas, the Portuguese solonies and the Congo itself will be closed to him Khrushehev's long projected is now to include continental The winerary, however, matters less the fact thet he goes to the con In their present ian finent s&s # continem pan-Arican mood the new states will take his visit to one of them ws & Viel to them sll, Mr. Khrushehev is certain to pose #8 & friend who can help them find & neutral position, uncommitied to sither Woe, and free to choose their own future, He is not a eolonizer, even » liberator, power not & salesman, not but just a friend with seme rubles and a few technicians (not too many of either) who wants to be of assistance Whatever the Africans thought of Mi Krushehev's performance at the United Mations last fall, they know thet his will give polities) gapital internationally. It will be of value to the Boviets, 100, stant endeavor to obscure the interme tional issues and to keep the world community off balance From » narrow point of view, it will climax the initiel and fairly successful Communist effort to penetrate Afries, Soviet and Chinese radio stations now beam dozens of hours of propaganda to Aries a week in many languages, including Engliéh, and almost 100 Afri ean delegations have already been ene tertained in Peking alone visit them geal in their eon World Alphabet Soup Everybody seems to be pretty well pgreed that the world is getting smaller, which is a sad thing when one con piders how the population is increasing and, more menacing, the way that inter national organizations, all reduced to Initials, are proliferating Let's just von sider what's going en this month At the start of February, the third session of the UNECA (United Nations Economie Commission for Africa) met in Addis Ababa, and the 11th session of the UNECOBOC (United Nations Economic and Bocial Couneil) met in New York, A few days later New Delhi played host to the 14th WHO (Werld Health Organization) assembly, and then there were meetings of two GATT (General Agreement on Trade And Tariffs) committees in Geneva Also on the agenda for February are these international meetingyi hye Oshawa Dimes bob WILKON, Publisher and Sanarsl Mansgw 6 GWYN KINAEY, Bdivm ane TH7 ours dl Kod jo 3 alatehithad EG dally wd Alatutary 0s 101 "ie Canadian Brean of ty an he nade WR hy ov os 0 Ate oe wie ah on of " Paes ¢ Srediien | LB) yk harsin All ug Ry y 5 hy Fone oar 84d Gathdirs Whatt, Mantes F8 SUBICRUPTION RATES vars} wy Toy, no MER Tie Ta Re RAN TE) Eh Be Wacol het aver ih Fon -- ¥ Ry Lg oR nN > Average Daily Net Paid as of Apill 30, 1960 16,999 bi » The IATTC (Inter-American Troplesl Tune Commission) in ICAQ (International Organization) Panama; an Civil Aviation panel on origin and destination statistios in Paris; a meeting of the beard of directors of the IADB (Inter-American Bank) in Brasilia; a session of Regional Asser giation 1 of WMO (World Meteoros logieal Organization) in Calro; meetings of the inland transport and communica tions committee and industry and na tural resources committee of UNECAFE (the UN Economie Commission for Asia and the Far East) in Banghel; and back in Geneva, the working com» mittee on gas problems of UNECE (the UN's Economie Commission for Eurape) and the 148th session of the governing body of the 1LO (International Labor Organization ), February is being ignored, it seems, by UNWRAPNE (the UN's Warks and Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East); PIANC (Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses)! and COINS (Committee on Improvement of National Statisties), The initials multiply, but oddly, se do the problems Other Editor's Views TAKING IT WITH YOU (Ottawa Citizen) . The major wehkness of private pen sion schemes is that, in most cases, works ors cannot take their equities with them to new jobs, If they could, the working force would be much more mobile, and it would be easier for persona over 48 to find jobs; these often encounter diffi gulties because of company pension plans, Anything that governments can do to help ereate a system of private, portable pension schemes should be attempted, Development KING FISH OTTAWA REPORT Careful Approach To Disarmament By PATRICK NICHOLSON ITAWA Ban the hering me port in many parts of Canada gecording to veporis resehing Barmy funetion clubs Rie E Nn Supe ment policy Iaohnny Cp BANTHE BOMB CLUB is based on Bat umioru ny Buen xe whorny sldequntely understond ately. | Low BImE no by thelr advoes piable of being tw isted by subtle propaganda tu serve the ends of GNF ENEIRIES Henee thi pladed 1oudly wm anited hy welbinten brains, who mistook the Krem fin party line for an opportunity enforced by to make domestic polities! hay. In The bombhan case Is of course yet another "collectors' item' to he added to the long Hist of fumbled government puke he Heity, There is a $15,000 000 gov bamh-nan has r¥ Oiawn, an tioned Hird piintenangi erlorate BUT! The USA ernment Information apparatus the Commun here, paid for by the taxpayers, both sides w but in this ease again IL has nuelenr we dismally failed to perform Ms INSIDE YOU Words Are Clues To Your Twinges. By BURTON WH, VERN, M.D How serious Is 8 carding heart? Do those painful twinges mean neuritis or neuralgia? Do you fight gastroenteritis every winter? Don't let long medical terms confuse you. They're usually And chains of small words linked together, In everyday language words like fisherman, IHesaver and astronaut are two - link ehalns double words The ehlef bullding blocks for your medical word - power pin point organs or tissue Head and Nervous System Cephal (10) head Encehpal (0) brain inside the head . Puyeh Ie) mind Mening (eal) == coverings of the brain and spinal cord Myel (0) =» spinal cord Neur (al) == nerve (x) Ear, Nose, Throat Ot (le) = ear Nas (al Khin (0) nose (Yhinoceros means "horn on the nose') Pharyng (eal throat Alr Passages Laryng (eal) voeal cords Broneh (al) == left or right branches of the alr paw sage Pneumon (le) Digestive Hystem aster (le) stomach Enter (ie) = small intestine Cal (le) = large intestine Other Organs and Tissue Cardi (ae) = heart Nephr (0) == Kidney Ren (al) = Kidney Hepat (ie) == liver Oat (eal) = bone Arthe (0) ==joint Derm (alo) akin Names of most common alls ments generally end with an abnormal condi he sinusi Germs and hronehitis foiph now sardine lungs inflamed, usually by infection Algla = painful Neuralgia merely means a painful nerve, often caused hy neuritis (an inflamed nerve) Doctors call jangled nerves a neurosis, but when the mind starts 10 go, the neurosis be comes A payohosis Winter viruses - germa = often stomach (gastritis) and the small intestine (enteritis), And #0 intestinal flu is now called gastroenteritis, The "eo" links both terms together Rronchosinusitis tells of a dik ferent Kind of inflammation combination, includipg flu inflame * both Canada is p i efiort VRras fipninst the mn od ain ainiy TRI tes, It 16 ei ment, This ohjeetive { ih of nuel #inent would he supervised and nited Nations ant deterrent of na clear bambs now held ready by is the only eounterpoiss Western alliahon possesses q, sive frmies of { ot ere 10 Ban would he exposed to the Irresist fe st cus down Into the wir passage until fg plod how heart? | worse than wn gasiri Have owt fi CERM serious 1s & ay Wie weight of Communint hordes pred with conventionsl wesp ons. Bo, to ensure world peace nuclerr disarmament must he Recompamen hy Lola! nonng Clear 458 Rr mament, snforeed find musintained hy # United Ba police 1oree foreign minister, Hon Howard Green, has heen and Is / bending every effort 1a further ng govern: Canady AISATIMAMEnt PYODS and Mrs. bils wt the United Nations. This makes im the Bo. 1 charter member of all Canada's "Ban the Boml' eluhs AEvoling her But untk Wownrd Green the United achieves his diplomatic object achieving VE, Canada must keep her ro disarma - BAYA up=just as until fireproof would com. Nomes are perfected, avery wise and Canadian buys fire insurance Hence Delence Minister Doug las Harkness very wisely urges that Canadas must temporarily continue to play her full dee fensive role even while strug: gling for the achievement of Mr Howard Green's gon! WIRENGH AN ARGUMENT For Canada to disarm alone, or to forswear the use of nuclear weapons hefore other nations would merely weaken the Western allipnes, and perhaps encourage the Very Bigression which every sane Canadian is determined must be prevented We can only move safely toe wirdn dighrmament i all na a tans mave in step Banthe-Bomb' fans! fulled to understand that this realistic step-by-step } appronch. | ensentinl Some BAW clubs have fallen yietim to the subversive line fostered hy Communists, It was against such wall intentioned fools and seh HE intentioned knaves that Doig Harkness recently warned when he urged that "oefflcers and men in the reserve forees should combat pacifist and ban the bomb mavements, which are fpparently being employed hy groups wishing to prevent Can nda from making an effective effort in defence", Mr, Hark ness urged reservists to do this #8 they are in eloser dally touch ir ind mak of nuecieny ind "em ement Hr dis siniries, destroy ull the Wenl home os hive first drip Hrin then owith a ertainly no stomach! BY-CONE DAYS WB TEARS AGH Jom Gibson wes Mesied rhateman of the Oshawa Bowed of. Health for the T4 comeeny. five yasv, Pile TiHities Commission srnownast & reduction of 18 per anit iy Claw a & wiley rates Robert Winton, resident of Wavmony for over 75 years, passed swig wt the age of #8 i a officigh visit 19 he (hans Clab, sTpresemg congrtiia. iowa for pret ements and priviss 16 pest president, Teen Culex. VP refay anny warn made (a7. LL. Wison, pres ident, Geovgs Finley, secrstary, and Charlies Gresnwosd, coh law Board of Education stared se tion to expropriate land for en extension of the Centre Braet Bekred play grovnd Wim Committee presented # fovemet comedy, "Polly anne with Yvonne Finley and Jack Girma, two (elemted locsi #iliete in leading roles, assisted by the General Motors wile Hriaris . Col. Frank Chappell, Dan M birmgias, Harry Gay, J. T. Dal by and Genrge Walsh of the (Ca nation Legion were presented WHR past presidents" jewels by HM, Matntyre Hood, second vice president of the provinasl com mand, a # social function Wn Rotary Hall The eneaiment in the Oshawa Pulilie Behoois at the present time was M19 pupils. There wis kh enroiment of 1021 pupils wt the OCVI with ever TW pupils enraiien in the voestionsl might €laceas Norman G. C, Barnes bndge manitacturer, located & thsi knitting plant in Oshaws in the bullding st the corner of Biwik and Division streets Brace Members of the ladies liery of the Oshawa branch of the Canadian Legion took pan in the organization meeting of the new ladies' auxiliary, Bow manville Legion, with Mrs, B. KK, Oliver installed as the presi dent PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM 'Why is i thet modern men Is moved by an increasingly strong urge to escape from him self?" nsks mB sociologist, Per. haps I's because he's learning what & dangerous fellow he Is Bome people work strenuously to acquire what they want ss they go slong. And others take It easy and allow most of thelr wants to die a natural death as they grow older "Onedourth of college wtu dents ent no breakfast," says an educator, It is wondered how the student can fact the profes. SOF on an empty stomach with forge Led by Howard Green well out In front, every Canadian Is # "Ban » the « Bomb" advocate, surely opposed to the use of nu clear weapons, But until inter national agreement has attained # method of enforcing world: wide banning of nuelear--an other bombs, every red: hloaded Canadian must. equally vehemently agree with Defence Minister Harkness' determina: Hon to make us as secure as possible against the as yet un destroyed stockpiles of nuclear bombs in hostile hands civilians than permanent men are SAVE 875, STERING CO fan have are making this sMered with foam eushions in springs AT NO EXTRA COST! are ABSOLUTELY FREE, after Order now plage of ALL FOAM CUSHIONS For a limited time only, OSHAWA UPHOL. truly great offer your 2 or J-piese chesterfield suite re-uphal your The foam rubber cushions Take advantage of this great have your suite covered later If you You auxil hags You've heard it sald "a penny saved is 8 penny earned', Well, here's the pleasant, flavourful way to earn 10 of 'em, Take advan. tage of Mother Parker's limited offer--10 cents off 60 tea bags~and enjoy a finer blend you'll be proud to serve to family and friends. Start earning today~the flavourful way, a Have your suite covered later if you wish but order now and be essured of All Foam Cushions Free! warm-aut consultant soll and give you » free ostimate 'oy Toke 34 months Ladd $10 monthly 3-PC. UITE RECOVERED 39 MATERIAL INCLUDED Upholstering Co. 10 BOND ST. W, RA 5.0311 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY S-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE Th i a

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