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The Oshawa Times, 23 Feb 1961, p. 19

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ner of eomneeliing per conmeeliing faise Aecinrations mens & false Aaciarntion "which! » THE OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Febery 33, 196) 24 will he heard on the Wert after the Saskatchewnn secu offence was nol committed," . - meres -- m-- isiting of the comet of § stiles commission investigated and that he comnselled [sler (6 " ----------" a oo" Wench sehedided tn start in May als of stock in Calumia ® make a false declaration, ; lawyer fois | The charge on which ne was oe "st salesiian of Western AE gonmittad carrie & IRAEITVI | was announced, dA continue ars Corporation of Baskatoom.| sentencs of seven years, (me of "om 95009 Weil | Fi Jury found bios, not ley he we Sages Mm a d of comeing Johm George Ab jury comid Rol Rgree, ; tarte The trial lasted more then 8 hott of Saskatoon 16 make # (omsetiing Later to Dba # {alse declaration which was pot false declaration, cay ya v signed ; sible term of 14 genrs, the other MC cow JAF) - The Lid RUE h --_-- fee B, € Phe counts on which the fury # 167 of SEVER years Bir shahers / ; Vednestay found Dr, wee orind i ow toon erworel VIOCK FALE INVOINED eid not agree were that Dr. Both Later and AWhott were Shears drive aguinet oh Shumistater not guilty on one. 'The two Charges on which the The A esroid lawyer was Shwmistaher comneclied EAwarh scowrities salesmen for Western day 4 | ont of coneeiing # tales fair) fury eof Rot Agree pins seven charged wm the thise coumts of Joseoh Leer of Edmonton 19 Fond. | Provéa said Mexet Smy New Trial Set In Perjury Case SCOTTY SOWIE, (laration and smd it was wnahis Press Mall Weiler (9 agree on & verdict on 190 month REGINA (CP)--A cowrt of other similer charges The case went to the jury Quesw's bench jury, fier delth- The 12wman Wy Wes 8% Tuesday wfterneom, Ql 55 A ci To Go With Yow Fish Dinner We Hove These FROZEN FOOD FEATURES FANCY QUALITY A«P PEAS Cookad and Breaded COD PORTIONS Crokad and Bronded WHOLE SMELTS onesseo Cooled and Breaded 20:49: SOLE PORTIONS (317 Ben Senld, Canada Inspected, Haddock FISH & CHIP DINNER 2 16.01 pkgs 89: Wheatley Brand Worphks 39¢ FISH STICKS named by Khiushahey In #8 seer last werk, was semenead ite Vy years In prison for drunkenness, Mrs, Bmyreoy complained in # letter to Ehrushahey that her hushand & collective farm trick driver, was drunk mors often than sober and thet he drank wp all of the family earn ings ; The premier read the letter) #t & farm meeting and later| proposed that Russia establish, eure camps for drunks Must Expand Expenditure On Education TORONTO (CP) =~ Canada {must expand her educations activities in underreveloped {countries and pt the same time devote more time to the study! of other cultures, President! {Claude T, Bissell of the Univer: | i sity of Toronto said Wednesday| night Humanitarian, 4 tho ho 69 GRADE "A" OVEN-READY = | CHICKENS AP POTATOES FOR FRYING, ROASTING or BROILING 3 7 | fh C | political and) economic reasons require Can- ida 10 take part in the educa d § : 3 tion of less-developed nations, : , vv ' ¢ he told the Canadian national wil 44 T " HI C STARTS RLY commission for UNESCO EA At the same time Canadians| SMEL FIs N must geauire knowledge of Sla-l This 1s only part of the | Lake rie, Many were job: ( degrees, and there was 8 fine vie, Asian and African cultures throng gathered at g@ Memor- | less, others had the day off | run of smelt--a small, slivery or they will not be able to to) ial Shoveway beakwall near | for Washington's birthday, The | and tasty fish, useful work, | East 72nd Bireet to fish in | temperature was pushing #0 (AP Wirephoto) Parties Struggle % Labor Attacks 3 a TA GIBLETS REMOVED hy 300 Ba'm SAVE 80 2% to 3 POUND AVERAGE 3+Ib bag 1.85 SAVE 10¢ Extra Special BOKAR COFFEE SALE 1+Ib bag 63: SAVE 4 More Outstanding Valves Reg: 1b Te--BAVE Ls 1b bag 69s Reg: R Ibs B8e~BAVE Ris A 1b pkgs B9¢ Reg: phg Me--BAVE 4s wb pkg #5 Reg: B ting POe~BAVE % 20-02 1ins 89: Reg: Jar $0e~BAVE be 2408 jar 3 3 Reg: Jar Ale~BAVE de 32.02 bil 39: Reg: Jor 4Be--BAVE 4s 16-02 ioe box jar 1s 38¢--SAVE 176 2 11k pkgs) 59¢ Reg: pkg M5e~BAVE Bo 13%-0x pkg 29¢ A&P SPECIAL BLEND TEA Rose Brand MARGARINE Gosoanut Cream DARE COOKIES Bociety POG FOOD Colour and Pestin Added IONA APPLE JELLY Laundry Rinse FLEECY York Homogenized PEANUT BUTTER Demestie SHORTENING Christie's Honey GRAHAM WAFERS Reg. Ib Jane Parker Bakery Specials Baked In AAP's Own Bakery By Master Bakers Reg, 40e---BAVE 10g each 39: Jane Parker APPLE PIE Btosk Up Your Freezer At This Lew Price Reg, 30e--~BAVE 100 Jane Parker PRIME RIB ROAS Lean Shoulder Cuts GROUND CHUCK 8X Brand, Assorted = Your Chelse COLD CUTS Fancy Quality, Bliced, Skinless BEEF LIVER Logs, Thighs er Breasts CHICKEN CUTS Maple Leaf, Vas Pas BLOOD PUDDING Frosh, Whels or Half (% }- I ROASTING HAM »59 SAUSAGE MEAT 1104 3¢ ® 39 ®39¢ Y }I 37 67: SIDE BACON Hopke 3 Qe BACK "BACON zrn-1 ft COTTAGE ROLLS 163: PORK SAUSAGES 149 CHICKEN GIBLETS 129: BEEF BOLOGNA i043 COOKED HAM or is 49: Californin, Seediess, Full of Julies, Neo: 1 Grade Texas, Large Original Bunch Snow White CAULIFLOWER ONIONS Fresh Fruit & CALIFORNIA, NO, 1 GRADE, NAVEL ORANGES FLORIDA, MARSH SEEDLESS, SIZE 96's, NO, 1 GRADE Grapefruit 10-59 LEMONS 2 cello tubes of 4 3 5¢ BROCCOLI ve: Grave each 2 Be California, Celle Wrapped, No, 1 Grade, each 29: California, Tender, Sweet, No, 1 Grade CARROTS 2 torge bunches 2 5¢ Yellow Cooking, Ontario, No, 1 Grade 3b cello bag 19 Vegetable Features I, 1 Texas Curly Leal, Washed and Trimmed, SPINACH 2 iobons 20% Califernin, Firm, Crisp, No, 1 Grade LETTUCE 2 herds 29 Florida; No, 1 Grade, Black Valentine GREEN BEANS nl California, Fresh, No, 1 Grade DATES 24-01 cello bag 49: Iraq, Pitted, No, 1 Grade bale DATES ror cooking SPANISH BAR CAKE ouch 29¢ Jane Parker Reg, dos Me--BAVE Ne DONUTS (3 VARIETIES ) dozen 216 Jane Parker Cinnamon Regs pkg Me~8AVE 10¢ BREAKFAST ROLLS phy 29¢ Jane Parker Reg: loaf 196-BAVE Be BREAD crACKED WHEAT 2 24.0x loaves 336 CANNED FOOD SALE! AAP Fancy Quality CASE OF 24 TING $3.40 = BAVE 48 KERNEL CORN wou Reg, 2 tine Bde-BAVE 4 Kenned MIAMI BEACH, Fla, (AP)=| The AVIACIO sald Wednesday President Kennedy's economic FECOVErY Program Is insufficient to stop rising unemployment unless augmented by a $5,000, 000,000 temporary Income (ax cul The lahor federation again advanced its plan to eut with holding tax payments taken from workers' paychecks hy $10 a week for 10 weeks to give| every taxpayer a quick extra) $100 of spending power, As A result, nearly #5,000,000,000, would be pumped into the econ | omy In less than three months The report by the AVL-CIO's economic paoliey ecommitiee, headed hy Walter Reuther, auto workers union president, elabor:| By WILTON WYNN ADDIS ABABA (AP)=Hidden| away in the wilds of northern Ethiopia lives a mysterious tribe whe eall themselves the House of Israel but who speak no Hebrew and most of whom don't know the meaning of the| word "Jew," Living in a remote and al most inaccessible mountain re gion north of Lake Tana, these people are known in Ethiopia as Malashas but often are called "hlaek Jews." Their seriptures are the Old Testament and thely religious practices those pre goribod In the Pentateueh, the first five hooks of the Bible They eall themselves Bons of Abraham and House of Israel and have a priestly avstem sim ilar to that of primitive Juda ism, Does this mean the Falashas are a long-lost Hebraw tribe who in the dim past went into se elusion in Ethiopia? To students of the Jewish community, that has hecome the hig question, Ave they Fala shas Jews, or are they not? The answer eould have important onsequenoes, If the Palashas should snd denly decide to emigrate to 1s rael=-as have several other Middle Kastern Jewish com {hor's view that Kennedy's pro- 'Black Jews' Of Ethiopia i most isolated spots? v Plan ated on American organized In grams lack the full Impact needed to reverse the economic downtrend in the United States The report sald Kennedy is planning only 8 3%-per-cent an. nual increase in the pace of eco: nomic activity, It said this rate of increase must he more than doubled to achieve a 15-per-cent rise in the next two years to restore full employment Unless Kennedy's proposals are adopted hy Congress, the report sald, unemployment will elimh. steeply to a rate of per cent of the work force hy the end of the year or ahout §,000,000 idle, The unemployed now number about 8§500.000 or 6.6 per cent of the work foree, priests lie the Old Testament Jews, but differ from other Jew ish communities in practising mbnasticlsm, They believe in black magie and superstitions- secret eharms and incantations, soreery and witeheraft, What tantalizes the imagina. tion of those studying the Mala shas is: If they are not Jews, how did all those Jewish re liglous influences manage to take root in one of the world's Fed Tells Of Buying Narcotics WINDSOR (OP)==A UR, Fed. eral Bureau of Narcoties under cover agent {old county . court Wednesday how an three ecea sions he came to Windsor and purchased an ounce of heroin for $500, The agent, whose name the bureau asked he kept seoret took mare than twa hours to de serihe his numerous eontraots with a trafficking organization For LCC By M, McINTYRE HOOD f Special to The Oshawn Times LONDON = The coming elee- ton struggle for control of the London County Council, hetween, the Conservatives and Social: ists, 18 going to he the most vig orously contested for many years, These crucial elections are held every three years, This year, polling date is on April 18 Already, however, the keen na- ture of the contest for seats on the world's most powerful local authority is attracting wide: spread attention, It looks as if the number of candidates in the field will constitute an all-time record, There are 126 seats in the London County Council, Both of the two major parties will he contesting all of them, The Lib ernls, who, under the name of Progressives were the first group ever to control affairs at County Hall, have not been in the running for some Years, This time they are putting up over' 70 'candidates, double the number they had in the election of theee years ago, FIVE COMMUNISTS Five Communists will be in the fleld, They are contesting seats in Bt, Pancras North, Stepney, Bouthwark, Batlersea and Islington Southwest, The usual scattering of independents and nondescript candidates should bring the grand total up to hetween #40 and #60, In the last election there were #01 candidates, which was a record up to that time, It is 27 years since the Con servatives had a majority in the London County Counell, La bor has had control of the coun ell for that peried, This year, the Tories fool they have a chance of veversing that situa tion, and they have got off to an early and vigorous start, All their eandidates have heen chosen and their election mani festo has been distributed, The Liberals, too, are eo ordinating their attack on the county counell, for the fipst time, They have made poliey pronouncements . and are busy projecting thelr candidates, Their entry into the eampaign in such large numbers might he a vital factor in wresting control from Labor and passing on to the Conservatives, Fhey will elect few of thelr nominees, but their entry as third candidates might throw a Control tions produces some interesting parallels, In 1807, the Conservas tives won a famous victory, Als ter a campaign of excitement and violence unmatched before or since, they captured the 1.00 from the Liberal Progressives, After that, they held the reing for 27 years, Now It Is exactly 27 years since Labor ousted them and took control of the councll, The question now 18 whether history will repeat its self with another change of control after 27 years more, In the famous election of 1607, Bb per cent of the electors voted, In wecent years, hows ever, the percentage voting has not. gone far above 30 per cent, But if some burning Issues can he developed, with the enthuse ism of the Conservatives and the determination of the Libers als, It Is considered possible that over half of London's 8, 400,000 voters cohld go to the polls on April 18, Red Laos Leader Vetoes Commission PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (Reuters) = A hroadeast by Communist North Viet Nam claimed Wednesday that Laots lan ex » premier Souvanna Phouma has rejected a pros posal to set up a three-national neutralist commission to keep the peace In his southeast Asian nation, Hanol radio broadeast the ans nouncement a few hours after the neutralist Prince Souvanna was reported to have flown inte a leftist-held aren of his eivil war-torn country for talks with leaders there. He has been in exile here, Forvelgn press reports have sald the United States and Brits aln were pressing the Soviet Union to accept the proposal for A watehdog peace commission from Cambodia, Malaya and Burma, Trouble In Tiny Part Of Spain MADRID (Routers) w= Po. 2 14-01 ting 29: Del Monte Pineapple GABE OF 12 TING $4.00 = SAVE Me Rag, tin 37e--8AVE 11s GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 +.+1,00 Green Glan, Blissd CASE OF M TINS $2.92 = SAVE T8e CUT WAX BEANS in Windsor, \ lee reinfor : W munities--the SKtate of Ysrael ; degisive number of seats the(llee reinforcements Wednesday vould have to devide offiotally|, Y1e was given evidence in the way of the Conservatives, moved inte a ting Spanish-oons whether they are Jews trial of Raymond John Burns trolled enclave of Llivia | \ ibibo am R Windsor, who 1s charged LABOR quiet France to avert an allege MEANS 'EMIGRANT With possessing and trafficking So far, the Labor ranks have mave hy opponents of the Spans Reg: 2 tine Me=BAVE 10 fo far, the Falashas have|in narcatics heen keeping quiet, Very little ish vegime of Franciseo Franco, shown no signs of moving to Tommy Nichol, 5%, of Toronto, [in the way of election news or|government sources said, 15-02 tins ¢ Tsrael, Probably the great ma. Jointly ehavged with Burns, has propaganda has come out off The fivesquare-mile enclave Royal Ghailes CABE OF 24 TINS 35.08 SPECIAL jority of the estimated 25.000(Pleaded guilty, Herbert Marvison House, thelis separated from Spain hy SLICED PINEAPPLE 2-49: LJ] "black Jews" are not even| The tvial is continuing, London Labor Pavty's's head:iabout four miles, It is connected REDEEM THIS COUPON AT A&P! SPECIAL! 8: OFF PACK PLUS 20« CHEER COUPON INSIDE PACKAGE CHEER GIANT SIZE aware there is a state of Tsrael| =| auariers near the Rlephant andwith its pavent country by an today, | RACING MEN MEET Castle, But the party, it ean bel"international highway," ~The Like Jows everywhere, the! PORONTO (OP)--Night rae. dSumed, will not be vesting onenclave has a population of 723, Falashas use the Old Testament ine plus the substitution of 10 laurels of its sweeping vie:| Unpponfirmed reports in Tous as their Rible, They observelsame claiming races for same] '™Y Of 1068, It will be putting/louse, France, said: fist fights vigldly the observances aR diOlass © and D events. should/UP # Vigorous fight to retain/had broken aut Wednesday hes foasts preseribed fn the Penta: help harness vaecing this year |'*4 Position of canteal, tween Spanish police and eivils touch, They strictly observe Sat: the Ontario Harness Racing As.| Vast history of council elee-|ians, urday as the sahbath, The word! sociation was told Wednesday! ™ EE The veports of a "war of Falasha itself is translated nish. 3 nerves" against the Franco res SOLO MARGARINE REGULAR aco ron 25% ¢ OUTLAW STATION Semigrant" and could ON THE PURCHASE OF THIS WHEN'S HI-FI RECORDS imnly| they are a cammunity in exile. | On the other hand, the Fala | President Les Ehvlioh said there would be a considerable increase in elaiming events at ATHENS (Reuters)==Although! operation of private radio sta gime came from Spaniards who have heen living in southern France since the end of the word Taronta's- Old Woodbine and! tons is prohibited in Greece, a/Spanish Civil War in 193, The aw Butapesna pene urged owners and drivers to eo: varied program of music andjeivil war brought Franca te rated thelr region early thisfgperate with the track manage: ne oades ) radial Power, century, Nat a trace of the lat in filling elaiming cards Rows Droadeast We Ni A government official said Hebrew language oan he found] Ehrlich was re-elected. Other transmitter, was available to that trouble broke out when a in their seviptures, prayers, or{afficers are Dr, John Phillips puzaled Athenians every Mons /man was asked to leave the ens colloquial speech, Their Rible is| Oshawa, vice » president: Mur day for three months, It teakielave, Spanish exiles in south written In Ge'es, an anclent{vay Waples, Vietoria® Harbor [police that long te track downjern France sald the troubla Ethiopian language second vice « president; Rebithe mystery station, operatedicame when the secretary of the Falashas have no synagogues Park, Hanover, thivd vice-prest: by 1hyear-old Leandvos Anag-imayor of the enclave was an and have -never heard of the dent; Hugh MoConkey, Maple /nostopoules, an electronics stu-irested for unexplained reasons Mishnah or Talmud, They have!secretary-treasurer, {dent at the University of Athens.iand transported to Spain, shas never heard the 253 . Regular Price $1.49 4 All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, February 25h, 1941, TOTAL SAVING

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