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The Oshawa Times, 23 Feb 1961, p. 7

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H : : By M, MANTYRE HOOD ~ that BH Jomeon alld THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, Febrasry 23, 196) J Canadian Talent Sky-Rockets In Londons Opera And Ballet Special i» The Oshawa Times enlturel circles, Teresa Bralas, uhere the Fim Nation boundary inn Canada from The United States last century when they cross the . The fim has g Canadian set LONDON -- Tis has 100 ting. having heen fiimed wn the heen Canadien week Wm Lona Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan iis Lapinred year-old Oshawa horn WHE preatinaking scenes of the Ca #0, TECHIES Bn ing ovation st the Cov- singing the mie of "la Be pg heme", Singing with her in this pou ever tunctul and colorful operas as Rodolfo was Montreal - horn tenor, Andre Turp, who has al ready won RB glowing repua tion for Wimsel with the Coy: ent Garden Opera Company HER FIRST FILM Coincident with Miss Sirefgs debut in London opera, press re views were held of her first mo tion picture fim, "The Cane digns" in which she [2 starred with Robert Ryen, Wt is being given is premiere show EL ¥ is LRIREYF LRES never do more than one fim # yeRr BALLERIN en attended by 75 Jones had OV RE padion countryside in color " ; Miss Btrates 194 me thet she ent. Garden Opera House When is under contract ta An another she made her London ASE fie but tisis time 4 is 19 be 2 hical story. She that first her considers, oner atic and will SCORES dian whe starred Gar de ad yn Scymonr, She Garden in the ue and Frin Rr An The b in the leading Hzaheth drei roe den stage Wey Rpprayes as the leading baliering at Coy performance Mother Mas Armstrong hich Was £9 CRF ene one 5, 1 tv ' BRIDE-TO-BE Ts be wed pert month. the ERLARCIER,. (5 BORSEEER 18 day of Wiss Flaine Yen and Mr. Bongid Yan De Walker The Wife inne danghier of and Mrs. Borman Yen of Port Perry, wraduaied from Osh ava Genersd Hospital School of Nursing in WT. Ber Gance is the son of Mr. 204 Mrs Edgar Van De Walker of Owl Wa SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Borman Port Perry announce gemept of thelr ne Marion to De Yen of he en Banger Mr, Bonaid iM Walker, som of Mi and 3 Find Solace and Re-Assurance In Women's World Day of Pray pamment fog the winks of fg afternoon. Wes. J. 6 Banlie, wh 7 dues im the evemmg By she Wisens Pots nk Lennie Fries Mar mgs tow the Ray awsl, The Women's World Day of sre to Canada over & period of od 5 S506. 3 Th METRES VET Prayer services were held ww Smee Street Epied Cheek fest Friday, at 178 znd #8 T9 lock. The then w vice, "Forward Though he Ages, Ww Upheoken Line" wae piepered Wy the women of the Untied Sates. Since 99. hen Gaal seyvines ave ee wR es wn Engiich, Chinese, Irpaness anh beats. Five copies of the rails weryiee wr week in Oh owe. Women fn 145 counties worship in us way, Abed WH WKAR BRiticiprind wn (shave Mrs. Boer: Holden, prt president of the Woman's As sociation of Simeone Brest Unit: ed Chareh lef the afternoon ser: sich by Mrs. Norman Jetion Army. Yrs Britton, First Baptist Samuel Snowden, 8%. An v's United: Mies. W. A. Mac: # Free WHethodist Mrs Dancey, Knox Preshy- Mis, Joby Pearce, West Mes, EB. 4. CH George's (Anglhicsn) i. W. Dremmend, Memaiial (Anghezn) terian wast 1 pitehi fins, "St and Mrs Christ Chwreh Mrs. A. C. Potter, pest presi dent of the evening swxiliery, WHS of Simeone Street Upited yeh led the evening service Miss 5. Hussk ie onary AS 5 Barassin dg: Mis are nox Preshyter- Maclean, Kin Mrs. Regine) andrew's United First Baptist WL prams ARR PYWGRIBRSE Rare tion Aimy Clade Ww ® yews pare of Macl JEST Mre 6. B. Bok proved The Word Dey of Prayer ger Wot. salidtymg leaders y HE vicrs wih he Reid in nh ee -- LANG'S MEAT MARKET 272 ALBERT ST. RA 68-2470 ® BLUE BRAND BEEF » CHEF STYLE PRIME RIB ROAST Ib. 59* T-BONE - WING. Ib. 75¢ WIENERS 3 Ibs. 51 PEAMEAL BACON END PIECES CENTRE SLICED 1 De Walker BRINIAEE fo Marck Memor ing to the public at the Carlton Vai Theatre, Baymarket, London on February 23 In "The Canadians" Miss Stratas plays the "White squaw'"', Twentieth Century Fox plans to build her up #5 3 sing ing star in the fradition of Jeanette MacDonald, another Canadian, She is the only woman in the cast of this true lering of magnificent stature in story of three men of the Moun: the true Margot Fonteyn tradi ties who faced the entire Sioux tiop GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES HELPING HAND AUX accompanied hy Mrs. Roy Gor The Helping Hand Auxiliary ham at the piano of Bimeoe Street United Church. The guest speaker was Mrs held its February meeting in the William Thompson of the Latin Church Parlors with the pres: America Mission. Her subject ident, Mrs, George Haines, pre- "Music Hath Charms' Was FAgar The on Saturday n 84. George's f) mn" Oshawe fake 1%, 1951 al Church 3. Nickerson, Holy (Anglican) Church Ushers for the two services ecpresented Borthminster Ce i nd Alb $1 United Churches, the Salvation Army end Christ Memorigl "w irch Miss written specially for Miss Sey- mour "Les Deux Pigeons", mark her advancement to the top flight of ballel dancers at Covert Garden. In M, Miss Seymour gave & brilliant per formance, one which marks this 22-year-old daughter of 8 Ven couver dentist as #8 future hal Ib. 5c | Ib. 69c hark AWA eet FOR EMERGENCIES haby sitter nous he locations of Lele exits. In case of A ( shown Ihe phones and emergency ne Ratz, | Chwrer VMS port worker at Helifax was the speaker at hoth services. Out of & nich apd var ied experiences of church ser Miss Ratz brought timely stimulating and winsome mes ' sages, enhanced hy Hustrations yt from ber contacts with neweom-| Was i Ail nited Powell, was read by Mr W Vics Coulson Mrs. F the Group Commities I had tended decided Lo pay the cost of the Patrol Box the Cubs and supply the shings and bandages needed for the Scout ; Troop's use. Final details for the ther and Son banquet were cussed The Bartlett reported on ing at ang Jor awles Lvaul { In 7) Fa dis next March none ne da HEE held § at B oelock the Mr W. Coulson 747 Tennyson avenue (Apple Hill) to he followed hy Bn evs ning of cards All mothers were invited to attend, The meeting closed with Beout Mizpah and. refreshments were served by Mrs. Hall WESTMOUNT GROUP (81, George's) The February meeting of the Westmount group of Bi George's Memorial Chureh was held Friday night with ing will ol . S BATH OIL $5 snow $389 for w limited tims only Owning satiny shoulders, silken skin from top te toe is not a mere matter of Juek . ,, it can he mads to happen swiftly, Buatin Smooth Bath Of), the sheerest of oils, quickly penetrates and smoothes our skin After a dreamy bath, scented with delicious Quelques Fleurs, a filmy invisible coating of this special oll covers your whole body, helps keep the skin from drying, keeps it young snd charming, Wonderfully refreshing tool served hy PRULGS 28 King 5+, E. Diol 3-462) served hy ay MITCHELL'S Drug. Stone A FINER BLEND YOULL BE PROUD T0 SERVE! 9 SIMCOE ST. N. FOR VARICOSE VEINS NOW.., Elastic § Sproule gave Mrs. James Isiding both inspiring and stimulating their respective Districts, [PEIng the season of Lent.chose minent part in her life as a of the Oshawa Girl Guide | approval, In the lower picture " Mrs, George Pearce, Park: | The Misses Phyllis and Lenore A merry heart doeth good like Mrs, BR, E. Wilson, retiring | ing the gifts presented to them | ~Oshawa Times Photo (ful singing of "0 Rest in The) The president Mrs. Neta was infected into the entertain: announcements, The next meet Ld 1 » Made At Appreciation Dinner [Holds Gay Dance | ' | {Doctor Please", i ; 18th PARENTS COMM, visional commissioner, at the presented to Mrs, Hayward and held its annual dance in the and st the conclusion, a social 15th Mrs, BE. N. Weldon presiding Guide Association in Northmin: Matthews on behalf of their dis-|Mr. Harold Harton of Toronto.lof Mrs. A. D, Morrison, served net Johnstone presiding reports Sharing honors with Mrs, Wil- sioner, Mrs, Pearce also recely. Spot prizes were won hy Mr Mrs. I. 8. Richardson, Whit and Mrs. Aylmer Ward Gi. Gentry with slides of his bi 0 2 Cp . jar manville the Refreshments were ward, Southdale district, Mrs Mrs. R. D. Gunn, acting di Refreshments were served at eshmen WE AR 4 ) ) "115 at 8 o'clock, It is hoped allen Feb, 11, Church parade will Parkwood district, who vere all the Division by Mrs, John Nay INorman Roe, Mr, and Mrs, An vision, Miss Vera Moyse, vice. Mrs, R, D. Gunn presided at navid Willis, Mr, and Mrs,"United Women" and have cided to cater for a banquet on diamond studded maple leaf pin,| Following the dinner a sing Robert Caines, Mr. and Mrs, made this announcement at the March 13 at § p.m of Ri y od [Were played under the direction 1 ) i 8. service 2 chape "te trict commissioner, presented Cyril Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. service in the chapel conducted 1271 SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, Saxby presented her with The evening was arranged hy William Murray utes and Mrs, David Morris for February was held in Hap son had spent in guiding Neshitt and Mrs, John Naylor|mp. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson, and cards sent to the sick Mrs. F. A, Mounce, on behalf and the dinner was served hy My. and Mrs. William Robinson comed the mothers present and CALVARY BWF opened the meeting with a and Mrs, Percy Walters, Mr. Calvary Business Women's Fel:| epor PERSONALS were present from Colborne, To:|and Mrs, George Ellis, Mr, and/jowship was held on February|vead by Mrs, W, F. Coulson of the {proposed by. a nephew, Mr, Edward Collins, Mi and MIS. yy Mrs. Verda Jackson After by Mrs. Laurence McConkey The Opera-Study group of the Bruce Chapman, Toronto, and Donald Black, Mr, and Mrs, J. | singing and prayer a trio, eom:| lems of interest from the Dis and Mrs, C. D Wright, Lauder made a presentation of Step My, and Mrs Harold Tyrrell, |est Galloway, sang two songs Bartlet road, yesterday. The opera un tables and lamps, Mrs. BE J. Mp, and Mrs. Donald Lee, Mp, |e " | To honor the memory of Lord| son was "Aida. Mrs. K. Rand Mrs, McComb were mariand Mes. George MoeKinstry, ha A ' | Wagg and Mrs, 8. €, Earmer as-| ried in Ope H Hved inivte ant Mrs. William Joyee (John Alexander by the present Lord Baden: Mr, | al ville Williams; one son, Mr, H. land Mrs. Al Evans, Mr, and family dinner party at Sandal:| Edward MeComb and three Mps. William Dixon, My daughter, Debbie, who were fly. {present at the reception Stan Richardson, Mr, and Mrs, ing later in the day to Winni -- . Mrs. W. H. James conducted She related experiences in the worship service, and this which music had played a pro Miss Vers Moyse, vice | left Mrs. D, R, Gunn, acting : asl Nt ENO : ; chairman of Kingsway district | division commissioner, smiles | From left to. right Mrs, B, 8, 85 her topic "Ash Wernesday missionary, She concluded hey | Hayward, Southdsle district, |8nd Repentance talk by quoting Proverbs 17:22 Association (right) is seen | are the three retiring district i hi making the presentation to | commissioners happily admir- | wood district, Mrs, W. A. For- (Glass added much enjoyment 1o|8 medicine," She closed with a | sythe, Kingsway district the program with their delight-| piano solo, heautifully executed division commissioner. At the | by the Oshawa Division and | ] . . . Lord", "Teach Me O Lord", and| Hoagland, expressed the thanks Presentations To Commissioners! All-Doubles Club |... oie bine' A ie mr of the gion nid vrovgt he iment when Mrs, W. J, Clark|ing will be held March 6, 7.80 {gave & reading entitled "Hurry p.m, at 284 Hibbert street | o tif,! Various items of business were tanding ovation was given! an pearce with pearl With Valentines as the motif, a ] TA ing ovation was iven\ana Ms Jen "With pearl Bt, George's All Doubles Club derlt with and reports received.) The regular meeting of the ay ; } 4 wd Parents' Commitiee was appreciation dinner held hy the Mrs, Forsythe hy Mrs, Frank Parish hall rece ntly, Guest call-[time was enjoyed, during which held at 6t, Stephen's Chureh| The president and treasurer Oshawa Division of the Girl Higginbottom and Mys, John/€F for the square-dance was the group under the leadership parlor recently with Mrs, Gar:|Mrs. Veter Byperek, gave their ster United Church hall on Tues: |tricts, From Parkwood district,| The door prize-was won by dainty refreshments fhe secretary's report was After a business meeting the day evening of which she was the commis: Mr. and Mrs, Angus Rankin CENTRE STREET WA read hy Mrs, Douglas Branton EYoup was entertained hy Mr son were three retiring districtied an engraved silver tray pre-and Mrs William Robinson and gave the treasurer's report recent trip to Fagland which or § 3. Hi ¥ y y anal and Mrs. Pe iters. hy, and Mrs, Claude Ives, Bow-* vervone enjoved commissioners, Mrs. 1, 8, Hay: sented by Mrs, John Manning, MI. and br Percy Wail will speak at the Mrs. Johnstone thanked GVEIVONE BRI0YE( f ar A o embers for their help for 8 ' W. A, Forsvihe, Kingsway dis ! the end of the dance regular meeting of Centre Mrs, ©, Rowden and Mrs, E, 1 . oo (visional commissioner, was '", Street WA Wednesda March! successful bazanr that was held pinhe q li 5. George Pearce - anv 1 ! Y, Pipher trict, and Mrs, George Pearce presented with @ bouquet from Seen dancing were" Mr, and f presented with handsome gifts, | gus Rankin, Mr, and Mrs, the members will attend inbe held ¥eh 1 -at 7 pm. in Bt On behalf of the Oshawa Di-|'"! George Reddick, Mr, and Mys, [order {0 know more ahout Stephen's Church, IL was de chairman of Kingsway district, [the dinner and grace was sald omer Wdgeley, Mr, and Mrs, questions answered April 14 at the Guide House presented Mrs, Wilson with aby the Reverend H. A, Mellow, nougias Gower, Mr, and Mrs,| Mrs, Fred Graham, president Vex meeting to he held On behalf of the Adelaide dis.|50ng was held with Mrs, R. §.|@dwin Jeffery, Mr, and Mrs. WA meeting held recently, Ear Refreshments were trict. Mrs, W, 8, Gardner, dis. Haywood at the piano and games| fenry Etmanski, Mr, and Mrs, lier the WA attended the Lenten the Sprites her with a ervstal necklace wnd|0f Mrs Leonard Jackson Brown!Glenn Branton, Mr, and Mrs, hy the Rev. W. J, Dickson Ad d bracelet and Brownie, Barbara OW! #th Brownie Pac) Lawson Richards, Mr, and Mrs.| Mrs, Dean Peel read the min:| The regular meeting of the 12th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary bouquet of 18 red roses denoting|a committee consisting of Mrs.| wy, and Mrs, John Stead, Mr, gave the treasurer's report. Re d the number of years Mrs, Wil-!} A, Mounce, Mrs, Douglas and Mps, George Rutherford, ports were made of flower mony United Church. The presi dent; Mrs, Frank Bartlett, wel: of the Oshawa Divisien, present tthe Amity Group of Novthmin- Mp, and Mrs. Desmond Lowry, ed Mrs, Hayward, Mrs, Forsythe ster United Church dr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Mr The regular meeting of the Prayer : | . The secretary's report was vont and Oshawa. The toast to! Mrs. J, F. Daniel, Mr, and Mrs, (20 with an attendance of 50 and. in the absence the bride and bridegroom was Douglas Ogden, Mr, and Mrs. | The devotional period was led|lreasurer, the report was given Lyceum Club spent an enjoy: Mrs H G, MeKay, Mrs, Me. Sneyd , {prised of Med, George Delaney, trict Scoufing bulletin, "The able evening at the home of Mr, Comb's sister from Colborne, Myr. and Mps, Harry Pearce,[Miss Pat Baron and Mrs, Ern: Totem' were read by Mrs, F der discussion led by Mrs, I, L.| Henderson brought greetings and Mrs. Lorne Nanoeivell Me |. : 2 {Raden Powe A Chant and Mrs, E, F. Cuthbert: from nephews and nieces, Mv.|and Mrs. Sidney Sharples, Mr.|%Y Powell, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Haden Powell, a story entitled ? ! ! Parliament and Mr, and Mys,|"The Father I Knew," written sisted tho hostess Oshawa for ove ears. They Mp. and Mrs. David Collins, | have one daughter, Mrs, Gren: My and Mrs. A. Powell, : and wood on Sunday in honor of grandchildren. Several of the Mps, Bruce Hayes, Mr Mrs, Cecil Sproule and her original wedding guests were \Mps, Ken Berry, Mr. and Mrs peg to visit Mrs, Ceell Sproule's sister, Dr, Christine Curran shirley Saxby, Caolleen Cyr, Dale and Barry Rusnell from Oshawa attended the lecture: classes that Bob Audy, an oul-| standing teacher and chore: ographer from New York City, gave in Toronto last weekend SEE YOU AT LUNCHTIME! Look just like regular EVERY FRIDAY EVENING and SATURDAY at BEAVER LUMBER HOW TO ACPERNIEE YOUR KITCHEN AND ALWAYS BE IN STYLE -- LEARN WHY KITCHEN BUILT-IN Full-faat ++ + OVENS, STOVES, DISHWASHERS, ETE. -- ARE TODAY'S TREND AND TOMORROW'S STYLING want to modermize your kitehen! Because w Full: fashionsd DON'T REAR ANY FURTHER! -- unless vou really ¢ THIS to tell you about what you'll see and hear from eur Kitchen Specialists this Saturday, YOULL $¥E Fullasuppeort Hanover Kitchens with madern Furniture-lik | in natural wood ale tee WEEK'S Prosar Sul or Ewes, ond Rati 19.95 nylons on your legs, You will never again feel v'differems." re going famous nky = that blend ¢ es how | this and mere! ¢ how esty garbage wrapping W grtul life y have with an automatic dishe ABLE TO ENJOY YOUR AFTER-DINNER COFFEE and SEE how ea install reway Automatic Dishes Fin your present kitchen ome see! BRING THE SHOW SPECIAL Better Homes & Garde Teas, birthdays, parties, wed ding anniversaries, coming and pings of guests and your own oliday plans are always of) interest in this column. Write, | telephone or visit the social de: partment - with your item of] news for which there is noj charge. Telephone RA 3-347, Mr. and Mrs, Howard J, Me Camb Albert street were uwests of honor at a dinner 3 a at Sandalwood recently on dinners starting ot 83¢, the occasion of their galden) BN Pexall Kitchen Booklet . Members | TAKE OUT ORDERS RINE Pexall BEINN | wedding anniversary, Mebers pinion Bg rn ton Planning" CET ig ; Special Prices on Preway Builting will be in WOUSEMOLD WINT | TOWN & COUNTRY BRING 31. & oi OSHAWA 81.8 effect for 1 full week after the show , , , SEE the £ Fresh carrots keep well for PHONE RA J: 2245 Lich SAVINGS FOR YOURSELF, YN FLAZA KAS deeb 15 BOND E RA 8.456), OF COURSE fen days ar longer if you store % film bag or place "them In their g ¥ IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY P "them in a covered container in ¥ refrigerator, ace A full range of other Bauer & Black : nylon or colton elastic stackings is alse available, er, YOU'LL SEE how 1a elimina aking adours Hen gol ' < K aid enjoy It na hat ne ol Ww ¥ Ww You'sL and trips SEE how a garbage ¢ washer in your kitghen N\sposer the garbage pail. YOU'LL SEE what = AT LAST YOU'LL WE for as little as $20. a month with nothing down washer in a new kitchen when you remodel he FAMILY! EVERYONE WELCOME! WHERE ? a \ elin le } f Pleasant atmasphere and more than delicious food, The spe- cialties of the house are PIZZA PIE and the so tasteful and different SHISKAROB, Expensive 1 Look, full cours FRIDAY SATURDAY DEPENDABLE QUALITY & SERVIGE PRESURIF 530 S5IMLOE PHONE RAS CORNER DUNDAS and HICKORY «-- OPEN FRIDAY TILL TEM SATURDAY TILL 4 PM MO 8.581% RO STORES FYR-Te)

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