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The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1961, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA Imes, Mandey, February #7, 14 " 13 BRITISH BRIEFS Reading Change nn PAT ke vt 2 [| $12.666-7 room | a storey #, kricy. at 23 Riven Ra. Tris ane Gn BEY ik rr rertel for tw fsmives, (argh rome unions Inoce o Eee' ud , i r= a "Se ys paid Zo "WAT Wek § WAKE WEA Tom BA B466) Heel Ruore For Sele. pr Laste for Sole AREIRN foam mise ooh AE (ed, 109 ROREE. got fy Aor, Rapier VEER = 4 [eT me fut Iver hewey duty Met uidhuid aia bic FH, BE, IW eae = yng leaf 94%, 2.4 hdlon Ay f (45--Rest Ketate for Sete (A5--Rest Kctote For Sete (47 --Auwtomeblies For Sule (Al--Awtomohiies Wanted 50--Aicles For Sele Se Ha ramen Rove. [04 (00 REF os Wg ip £ FRE OWNS, Wass a | FORE brner hesoy Aly Metiery| oh psi AOR AR ' | of i FATE TROY RW . A Bt rm, po i Bong gy Jnr plh Tih og Fp ow (4 pip i rey puss A Beton e ( #4 | aiinliad frmos dad aid 3) Aa a FE Ea, save WN, Fé od WA THERE Levene ST iG Trak Raw Beiwie { i " fey J AMT rae i Lt WH. HOUSTON'S GARAGE wo say weer goes A Pov ns ye fo We 40 0. yr gi os te BV AND SERVICE STATION [7 ule ole TT L A id 4 fh yA we " Vern I bos pom eh Ian [foe EWEIRAL EF Rt Air, Bool ow 8 Gopi SEECIALIGTE (OMe |MAONRES, BRE JERE Eneranies } ps m-- eens. mio. SB oF HAY PLETE BRAKE SERVICE to REA Victor TY Lat a; "a Hsissnig fo y yd I MOTOR TUNER ARN Ferrer on WEctie : 1 og y vl a fis hd st od vin 4 Harmony Villoge | bow Jy a GEMERAL GERAIS i po ERE #187 7 (oh w ud # RE, ERAT. Brel. rei | £7 Kine ST A ow fi Pal wo fom Renny mk | Tale pal 17 Biss of Len Ay rd oi iad ols " rh R, VICKERY REAL TORAMSURANCE Frifessionat Mopraicsr 46 KING ST. WEST RA E4226 Fiding owey from he Fwy tthe, yet @ close 19 King &. ws hard to beer y medel Tolle E' with rede Formas, an SIEREET § AVES gov trie L$ ana 4 Leaves tridevste, si levels S96 fr mGriaons will RITGA8R GRY Etre 15% | Wari rent, RA R00 aad PARR fod [masala prion Unters 148, Wig fms (Buil [ing FYIaaaE lai ary lad hatin BORERAE fe aah Fis p.. Te wl 5; IAATRTE hile Wows od wl WEE SEAL BE ORR 18 PRY rv (5 EVIE We yet Rome Fa RA | FA 3 TREL $ALL CASHS For ddl cla sis we Aesh v4 or Liens poid & 1k gs TH Ansarmete yy al oh hes --- I 7 later Yi ddidoiiade fs ed on ma, erty A Som, Ar mde] ralivead anes FETT ohh VIA, a Forces Closure By WM, MANTYRE WOOh where the train had heen sop ; 4 The Oshivw # Times ped by & telephone call AEN = Sowiges in the us habits of (he British WORKED TOO WARD Kiave cansed W, 1. Smith GRAYS, Essex Malewim HET 6 leading news (VEER, & GAGOIAE 1RIKET GES FF CRITI marare 18 het i ; ee Hitt - Mgrs A, --Brick lnwgsion, 1 yess Gd, mode 8 Eerie ¥ Besse, 4-45 att vary, 161 FREI iW | IEA REE, GI suties and alt for $11,000 GAS price = POW KEIES for $54.00 per manth Principe! Gnd Iensrest oy REAL ESTATE DON 5. SMITH Vickery Rest Esiole FA B4278 FA £ 97 EXCELLENT SITE On Glendale hve 8 by 1, cices to shesls | Works Gnd VIGrsganation Fhore RA 5-4939 TRADE CAH TERMS ii dada Mer Bisinmn Fes WHITBY $1290000 ,... $),40000 DOWN $13,50000 ..... $1700.00 DOWN Crawforth $5. near new Anderson $4, High School and 5. Theresa's Separate School fromm ie shrew wa wi Eoisingss, & hoot HA tre from and Winacws Ir ey FA vss AJ Meh frictisied oie are 7 Vrigs, G-inimsr ge AE, Gril, 616g, mm 15s gr, deep ry and gl, Six Aes mak YAN WEITRESS, " shire myeers, B - com partment sone fata m, rah IEG ARI IG pesier, Visgirs #7, &f Pl lid d yBfir 151Y BYBIGHIE A. gore $7600 and ress Pastapwrpit ta mr, EW Edwons wn JAE A BOLAHOOD; TAT EE IRA SR ARICE yn Fires, Fp ya 4 £7% | | REALTOR These 3-hmdroom Bungelons with mahogany Ewes ds, Am 8na Irn, sisime BNA SEIEeNs, wi be IE 10188 In BYRTY Ye hove 7 of these custom homes scnesied for Ihe Ges Wh WEI FR SI8y Wick £4 vey while, LAER 1 move METEOR Wi hea WR, wiew green, WEIL caied I ane with enol, gon Rew, In sie, Fareed 10 condition, Gis ever for salt praying LIMITED TOR IAS EANCE WA ye fine fog slidents Ais. WERBIRRIIE 167 SIMCOE § v Leade Arwn 1054 EREVRO #1 in 8 4 i, Hae ed MO EA Ll Manis 0; VHF REE $172 BROCK ST. M., WiiiTRY wre Redeniaad A, i A EE ont 1h ren ERFIENS, Wile Being in Wrisinese Whe fellow « wien members a vit od Camm PY re wah. Rotiny ed or #4 - ir ', HHP FE. eEsy 8 irarien thimvehont the conmtry Waaptly suspended Wim vending Bik 19% FLYWOVTR el hv ie ' oh, 1 ed books his ent down the put. 100 Vie Miter Bure, MO BAHT ye preening rings Artment 18 l.omied AND { MA £44 4 (Fee A Berta (on y : | Hag Bh Chey rmel wn Ani. $949 REY LF BEVEFRI YERIR . ie," cmele WH 008 linises to he Wilt in an ex J fmt Biakate Mater Buics, ME BAHL. | Fadiatar [i at Guards now moot guard atiley Borowgh Council because Wee wel, WN King Want ig fake flow as HOE pam pie I seek wad ArvER 10 he Spr Rsiaied. | CORRE IES RERatmarns fram 8605 Wi Aon, they have 16 travel 1h miles were inappropriate and out of f } A -------- er m---- |80-~Articles For Sele Le WH FORN cwstim, bdo racks wl Chelan wre being re wis Inadequate, as 8 miNmum B 0 L A H 0 0 D Showping (rr Bh , B Wing Blanel Wes Telophone BA STIO6 nF B86 Larrvine : neh mormng six officers andl i Morning Ma o ML LONDON = One hundred and ib TENDERS FOR ALUMINUM the next day hive volunteered to be cast & Ariver, (ere i ag | MICOLS MOTOR SALES | REELS, 0 close down their Eh IY rine from the sched, oe "1 J wey da ad nation-wide lending Whrary de Wed time of ome of Ws trips. i! vO 8-400! demande ha domisen) 108 Bo 107 IIE ERE AE WO on | to fox 10% years. The reasons goon ee ol edad AL on. Liens wd off i AA vtomebll | Repairs CHEATRRIEIN P+ A pe " farm #16 thal the extension of iilie WOKE 166 hard. Wis firm re Verma. Wak 17 ade i, Mg 4 " ir oa ing add wi fine oo VEAAEN | cocdibion end the paid # Won hearing of We farms Road, We s9ioi, B " WAC BER Rape l BEFVICE, low the treme IRCIRAGE IN of Pd or ol imaies. LAYS " were Swarrick Reionders " Hin Wario ri wn itis ah a RTA circulation ml cheap, paper fick | Mennwhile hia tamer is waning Between 14 pm. Dely fie frguiliy BL. ILLS (sesives Trwm kami Vient) WA B01. iors we x : if You of the lending Wary de) cot RA S4544 for op | | vse Flenranee wih (op ! HOMES TOO SMALL, Yd EWEVRAET. live = Rom, partment, I had been losing! f it rama ones, I pce, HEH | BOY SHOP ig Tre ip ashe, , LONIONFYans lor five M1, Harmony Bd. Sah & "o 1H p 4 nde of ne, SERRE TAS « vA iy Schad, Ia rl y Ae we "nih a oii : . i wig oneran righ Sen Lud (By yA oA Py pd miele £5) services (rie ie har ts, Vas GUARDSMEN COMMUTE | clusive Hampstead ATER have FORM csi. Irion, foie wen] C06 Wheel alignment, 151 00 cere er fs orarogs hea LOBDON = When the Beats heen turned down by the Finch: InmaeIae INA #08 Thi, Frame and wheel Higgs whestd, $177 Tomes Fd, : re gem i Buekingham Falace, B, dames they are not Wig enough or good | rte gorge Fateh ! | STEVEMSON'S FD i hig Linens bets Wa Palace and the Tower of Lon enough The comcll said they {1068 FORW 1» Avi ie £05 wii) BA BA4S1 4 son Forms, @ Church Brest . Cash, tande or 1am, Wiehing Wolter [TET] nn moar coaches 1a take wp keeping with - existing develop (saint, MO Bont [FOR the heel ork a id RFP heir duties, Because their bisr- ment, The 70 feet of frontage JCA A fe AROVIBH Ary pis with the new Eieston- | 001 Wiener; [we Bower; Wak and Fe a ie. y ar Aig BA lpm Wanless $46 0% wh, We: Ateing wo 12 THM snd sondieom. ile, they ave being fiariered of 09 feel required Srnnt n # barracks ®t Gravesend | TESTS ON BAVY $2-~hegal some 10 other ranks Tea ve 9 Gravesend by bus and return [HY sallors of the Home Fleet COMBINATION WINBONS AND DOORS " Arift as "survivors" in the North PRECIOUS PEBBLES Atlantic at the end of this month BRIDVORT, Darset--the town Purpose of the exercise 1s 1a count) here has refused an offer test new types of rubber inflat from a contractor to buy hand able rafls and also 10 see how selected pebbles for grinding men stand up to conditions that rps from the foreshore al may he expected in wartime Eype's Mouth. The harbor com mittee his wirned that the seq PAINTED WUKEN big 4 7a LOWESTOFT ~~ A 18-year-old Is encroaching al Fype's Mouth y nebble and grain of HWestoft gir, Rosalind Smith, and every pehhi g sand I§ Precious wh pisinted & portrait in oils of | thie Queen and sent it lo her, has | GAVE UP SNAKE had it accepled, 1 took Rosa LONDON REPCA officials lind two months to paint the here are seeking & home for a|porirail, using & coloured post {disowned snake. The snake, a card as a guide. She sent it 10 Wack, yellow and green adder, |Buckingham Palace and recely: was due to go on & B00 journeyed # letter of thanks and ae: {to Southern Rhodesia, When 1s ceplance {owner was told he would have . {to pay an excess charge of 85.50) NEW HEART CENTRE for if, he told airline officials, | LONDON = A new eentre for "He's all yours,' {its world-famous heart opera {tan unit will he a feature in the MOSCOW FAIR new Hammersmith Hospital LONDON = Heginald Maudl-\which is being rebuilt at 8 e ing, President of the Board of|of $11,200,000, Hammersmith is Trade, has accepled an invita (the only general post-graduate tion to open the British Trade teaching papital in the Com: Fair in Moscow. When he an: monwealth, It has up to 800 doe: nounced this in the House of|tor students 8 year, If is 8 plon- Commans, & Labor member eon: eer in heart surgery, using the vatulated him, but suggested heart-lung machine invented vat since Prince Philip hadlone of its staff, Dr. Denis Mel opened the British Exhibition in|rose, ew York, it would be fitting that he should alse open the Moscow Exhibition, GUARD LOSES TRAIN BOURNEMOUTH, Kussex The gunrd of a train running from Bournemouth to Balishury was left behind at Downton when he got off the train to deliver # parcel, Before he could gel back, the train had left and was on Is way, He took a taxi to the next stop, Alderbury Hall Club Meets At Greenwood GREENWOOD = The Green:|charge of the Worship and the wood 4H Club met on Saturday | programme which was quite in at the home of Mrs, W, Trolley teresting and was followed hy a with seven girls present, This(gond discussion, Following the was the first meeting, There/minutes of the last meeting was a discussion on the kind of [plans were made to attend the material to use for a skirt, a(Oshawa Presbyterial WME an hlouse or shorts to be made in|nual meeting to be held in Trin: the unit, Beparates for Sum:|ity United Chureh, Bowman: mer ville The following ave the officers] The Farm Forum held an of the frou to he known as the|open meeting at the seheal on "Greenwood Cotton Queens, [Monday evening, They had Mr. President, Bonnie Gardiner; [R. Hall, Guidance director from vice president, Rosemary Sori: [Pickering Distriet Hi A fichoo! ver; secretary, Gloria Trolley; (as a guest speaker, Hall treasurer, Marion Titterton; pia: gave interesting UTR on nist, Nanoy Nicholson; press, [the opportunities of Grade 13 Kligaheth Huiter; leader, Mys and Grade 13 students may Ww, Toller assistant leader, |make use of for going on for Mrs ardiner higher education which Is #0 Hach giv] was presented with| important to the student him. # member's HA The next|%ell and to Canada, Discussion and social hour followed, All appreciated My, Hall's address and information, The Kinsale Publie Library Aoard held an Shen meeting at the chureh on Monday evening when the following directors of the Public 8chool and a few were elected, others were thelr guests Mrs. G, Curl, Murs, Guest, The Auxiliary of the WMS met | Mrs, M, Mowbray, Mrs. W, al the home of Mrs, Povey Trimble, Miss Edna Green, Mrs, Clarke on Wednesday after: | William A. Brown, Mrs, D. Me noon, The West Group with Mys. (Taggart, Mvs, R. Oxford and George Moore as leader had Mv, R, B, Mowbray, MERRY MENAGERIE 3 Market Hamp i " [ie Lid FROMOWE / 5 HiFT, Bwadioh ih yvH wey ( oh, S00 ime Meagher s as ta Lenled tenders plainly marked engine. ME pr content and addressed oo : Veke, tow wrice. €4 ty cgh ne Aye 1p 199 fyrnaice TFiaphane | $4506 f me HIS Bing Brest RIOAY MIGHTS #4 Tele CFE 4 # | Henlth products | dow | dows 6 rooms 9! " Highland Congnt © Sharbot Thickson Rd Woodcrest LY) Mantien § APARTMENTS Basement Apt Pupiex we Triplex Triplex Elliot Frovinelal ches beige, Frnibs ond wr oller. Tele HANS § rooms = o § rooms § rooms 7 reems 7 reams daha meas South Courtice Elgin West Park Rd, § ACA wv, Vietar Ad hy v i mh, A The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted CENTRAL MORTGAGE AMD HOUSING CORPORATION, 650 Lawrence Avenues West, Tarenta 19, Gntarie, ATTENTION: Mr, R, €, Ballard, Assistant Manager, DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP TENDERS 2-Reom Addition, Mitchell's Corner's School 2-Room Addition, Hampton Sehool Salem Fer till "eal! Fat Petterson Cnsie Martin Sally Wailace For Buying Power call Doug Gower CHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. MAIN FLOOR BROADCASTING CENTRE 360 KING ST, WEST LARGE PARKING AREA AT REAR Reg. Aker Bill MeFeeters Pros, Vics Pres, Incame home centrally lo NEW HOMES -- 2 MODELS TO SHOW YOU | liens, rome, serve Medel A $13,200-~81,215 down payment. Medel D $13,300, ream apartments with private wr | 488. down payment Both these models are dxcellent value baths, Het water Price ineludes stippled ceiling In living reem, large combination Ruske aluminum kitchen and dining area, 3 Bedrooms, Finlay furnace with a 10 and doers, 2 hydra meters Siblock, RA 5.6544 or year guaranties, clay brick, recreation area In basement, Separate This heme is open te an 5.4362 public and high schools within 3 blecks, Bus | hlack, shapping offer, Call Bill Horner at RA & blocks, For fusther information, please. call Henry Stinson, 8:5123 for appeintment Member at i 8 Natrigt Hg aard evenings RA 5.024 NHA. 6% RESALE Toe ROSSLYNN ESTATES NEAR DONEVAN (#6==Real Futate Wanted RKOWANGE 88000 cash for hungale A really wall built 8Y% ream brick bungalow, lesated In & res SCHOOL A Ey Alle ahd Witson Rend Bouih hres: Idential area close to beth separate and public scheals, This Is & hriek Alan ¥ BEING first mortgage As dawn new heme, new lived in by the builder whe is anxious 10 dispose kitchen and living BY ment on teams' home Burk Strest of as he has ether eammitments, Many extras are ineluded in the four piece eelored [alse Wighway lunch vepm, as pumps low price at $f BOO, Fer further details, call Russ Reeve, sven Stained trim. Oil heat. [4nd hubgalow for heise 10 Oghaws FORD Ings RA 5.4840 large landscaped lot area 1 yay want ta exchange any prog ( CADILLAC AVENUE NORTH nd ch 300-0 erty gall us at ance, W. MoAuley Real n, Call ain Cruikshanks A very seundly constructed 6 ream brick home with imarmean ar YOUR wi af this beautiful SAIL IN AGAIN LONDON = The Dutch Navy is to sail up the Medway again In memory of the day In June, 1667 when a squadron under |Admiral de Ruyter burned the British fleet at its moorings, Admiral Bir Robin Dunford. Smith, ecommanderdinchiel at The Nore, has Invited the Duteh Navy to be present at the clos: ing down of his command next manth, reconditioned mor, wo # new tisgs and snow Hees, $188 Miet| rier ble pi Far sel. fan sell. BA ATW [Het 19 Frings Stree Phe A [RIEL H FAIRLANE Word havdiop, an good | AWNINGS, Canvas, Prompt serviee candition, private sale. Twa'tone ved free estimates, Chale, takile rentals and cream, Telephone MORawk B-8088. [Cleve Fox. 418 Bimeas North QUALITY [Fol i ell USED CARS ture Blore, KA § 444 Bimeos South HEAVY duty Aid shaper The Lot Where PRICES Are BORN Not RAISED with mater and gant hl Whithy MO 8-431 FALCON radia i946) JAMES O'MALLEY home, 33% Adelaide Kou, 3 f these la homie "FE 1186 Resid fod CONSTRUCTION UMITED | 55377 Hh ir rv 19 o 4 ¢ hy "ree 5h 500 with low down Ay ay age RA EK 65 * JOY Extrn CONHER AMXIOLS [fs hE _BIreet Wen te the undersigned will be DOUG GLAS k; GOWER RA 4 oF CONEY, pedeh, (Akal meennf [mily F pimp, wlman new received up to 12:00 Moon Mutar Bales. MO) BAW { I this smell bungalow new! 1° ky ; stallation of 860. Far i 78 raha ; supply and Insteligtion & The price enly $8,900, Sid ulind yu Com | LEY 5th od mattress One Hundred and Eleven y ny hh A irk RA B 465) 4 RAS. Shack RA ALLL i CAR Lota 1 ¥ storm and screen windows and p 3.751% He dior $120. wnky oh wm and § ows Gn ' 4 J 54367 lap, 1h excelent eondiing. Burt's FIRe ling cars ow ly $49 ; ie Eulkiie Ave Six (6) doors on apartments 0x! LOOK LEA Ld Hh, BOwmen: pie, slike 0 #10 | ' J ay f Ma BA B2B6B i FOR Waslelgh fond A 6 : 156 FORD tid wl condition, Ti Romsevelt Avenue, Ajax, On $6,600 hill price $466 MO B-2497 | ANY REASONABLE OFFER enirnn, Te a0 BA 4 tana, Specifications and $11,400 full price == $3,000 WILL BE ACCEPTED MIME for (hither pariow are 1erfield gid me Ehale down 1058 RANGE, SLanAaia, excelent Maer practically new, Soh te ehitained free of charge af y Lf the address below, Each ten « $12,300 tll preis == $784 down | &m sity conveniences. Stone | 71180 oF 340 Alhert Sywest NEW 1061 kahy stioliers from Lo. . $12,000 fll price = $2,500 | front, & large rooms, storms [AUSTIN Bf, Ariven Wa sorte, Bi icorted Wahy earviages, 1061 models, | oT cc dency equal 18 down. | hy ment, sasy terms la ieliahie persem. ny iy, h 10% ef the amount of the 412.400 1 +2 90 oi LIST WITH LLOYD schogls, west end. Pont de { Mis Was sadhuii faturel fous on Lod i rie Sleatanee Oy I air " 00 full pries 0 dew lay, call Mr. B ol 9 tified cheque or negatioble 4 ot Ei A : Lenndition. Will sell cheap, Teieahane WA's Furniture, 80 Chueh Bliss PLEXES & TRIFLEXES GIBBONS STREET 10.900 FULL PRICE WA 47h FAINT, Iniasior ster, $2.95 sation, | Dominion of Canadg Bends i 0,900 FUL LICE : & 2 BOC Kaneh bungalow with paved § lid cash aller acceiied and thke over hal (Chews Hardware a0d Filestrls, § ta the order of Central Mart ord 15,000 Wl price $2,000 down | Twa-storey brick, Hardwood |shce of payments. BA 50078 between Church Street, KA 3-754 gage and Housing Corpor: wn $17,000 full price == $4,900 down kitcher colored hathreem with vanity, partially sem a very gaed locking house, ONE owner ear, 1060 Cheviviel hour |demansieation, Teiephone BA B40} Will take $1,500 dawn. Call wn sulamatis transmispon "in ELECTROAOME yee steel in basement, TY ith vice, Wghest trade-in = sllowsnce i ower Included, excellent buy CAN'T SELL 15h DLTEMORILE #8, (we dow: hard | Farkwiy Television, §i8 Rincon Bliss ing man Bill Millar at RA HOME? phshers tinted gluse, Dest offer. BAI COAT, three nuarier, brown Kid 8.5123 f AAU [isn B20, price B18; wanl bowels coat, ranehs style bungalow will |redie, white, walls, wutamatic, Be (BF GOONRION Blares = Gres, NORTH WEST AREA take vorr pre Sb Ae ji and white. Must sell, 88 GIadslons | lerigs, Kelvinator refrigerators, Ji) J) \ &nl ' 9 : £ 4 Es BUICK enteh,. dynaflow, needs | USED ties, most all sizes, , nd we lt level home with gtteeh St. in the desirable nerth- Body Work, west offer. ARply S64 Pare |B, ¥. Goodrich Blares, HA 34548 y west section af the city, this ment $2,000.00, nics dining Ww NONGE, " wash plana, ream, large kitchen, three a wealth ef luxury and gon enience af @ price far below ed, patie at rear of heme See this lovely heme by call to be epprecigied. For ap = 4 oh, Ga Wiehte ator A WIREEE Lupe WATE figk 4 ok 41 Hy Buying large | mist gr. Conk, lpi oF 16Fme IRIE oA 54008 4 ly MARCH 15th, 1961 for the GLADSTONE AVE : Rd ts a7 Coll Anth miter. '#1 Hoon hone RA Bins alte # 4 fis 100 Theviviel. sualam 111) aluminum combination | MENEMORILE 8 tun « Aer, Berd: push hi RA B-ABTY vise, IAherty Byes . £ ' WAAL wated of 32, 3% and 36 HOME FOR YOU AND YOURS MUST BE SOLD Lib | @ and Ei ipped with exiies. Telephone FA § £342 FURMITY We Feeneh farm of tender required ean $11,000 tll price == $667 auntry living with all med: Land body, Gaad tres. Telephone BA | Bhone RA 5 1661 der must be accompanied ty down | x $12,400 tull price $7,900 pa and screens, close 16 all Whder Warianty, pee M95. By AowR| 4 large Hill panel crile, rasabaned Gi y tender In the term of q esr THEN CALL YOUR MOVER id BONFIRE oa Aor Fadia saan | soni fied erik masiresees S600 Wii. 1671067 1 A 4544 $13,600 full price $3,000 down WW FORD, 0 sackilent vondition Best AN eolars. Guaranteed, fal, "gloss All cheques must be payable drive and garage. Hellywoed and tile flears, private drive, |: i ph {FILTER Queen snies and service. Fries ation we § 19,800 tll price = $8,000 down p i : gig Ie ghian roan f 1 ple cregliar n with Bill Reasclifte! RA B 684d | miles, renl clenn, #175 Telephone BA | mival. The flaest in for $14,900. Fhone the list tan radi hedeamatie, windshield | Werth. Color TV on display The owner W FORD Victoria hardiap, four -dagr, | 9-40, price $10. Telephone fA 60748 CHURCHILL AVE ade. Located on: Mohawk Avenue | Vision Thellty Budget Flan, BA F-45435 ae A aha w od garage. Full dawn pays well Aves ' exscutive styled heme offers (SELLING furpiiret we'll ul He big - hedrooms, fully decorats marke! value. Must be seen ing Henry Spykerman at RA 8:-5123 painiment te Inspect sall today fer Ted Cunningham at KA 5.6544 or 5.2358 CENTRAL Albert §t 7-raom brick, In goed eandition, new fur heating, nace, Open to affer; inspect windows this ene now. Call Antheny POWN $1,500.00 DOWN camplete Telephone Wi CHESTERFIELD and ehaly hahy stralleri washing maching; roll away hed with new mattress; all in excellent eandition. Telephone BA §-704% VACUUM cleaner vopales, all makes, parts, altashiments, Brushes SUATAR ged vebullt machines. Estimates free Rentals, Vasuum Clapper Repaly Her: vier, BA 80801 anytime GUNS, Ammunition snd Hinting snp Plea, new and used, terms 10 py gent down Hontinioh fre Slavs, 48 Bond Blyest Waal, HA Bhd TY TOWERS, vd nn Mature, hot dip: ped galvanised, Installed with all shah nel antenna, guaranteed ang na Ju pris $58 Trin Television, HA & PAINT, interior, exterior, 48.08 pi All polars, Guaranteed. fal, glass. Osh awa Hardware and Blectrig, 8 Chyreh Atreet, HA 37644 2-Reom Scheel, Sealed Tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by the undersigned for separate gens eral contrast prices and eom: bined general contrast prices yon 2 pm, Tuesday, March 1961, for rapased 2-r00m als Milehell's Corners choeal; reem additien Hampfen Scheel; 2: room Salem Scheel, all tor South Darlingten Scheel Are Board Plans and specifications may be Shlaied by General Cen traclars 0 rem the office af the Arnie! and Engin eers on deposit of a $8000 Certified Cheque for each joh payable to the Archpitects and Engineers, which will be returned when plans and spe: eifications are retumed In food condtilon owest or any tender necessarily accepted, JACKSON, YPES and ASSOCIATES Architests and Engineers, S385 Yonge Street, Nortawn Shepping Centre, Willowslale, Cntarle NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTA (E OF ALBERT WHIT. NEY HAMBLY DECEASED, All persons having elaims against the Estate of Albert Whitney Hambly, late of the City . of Oshawa, in the County of Ontaria, Merchant, whe died on the 15th day of July, A.D, 1960, are hereby natitied ta send ta the under signed on ar before the 31st day of March, 1961, fll artievlars of their claims mmediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will he dstributed ameng the parties entitled thereto, having regard enly ta claims of which they shall then have notice rs '40 Deluxe with Cehawe and $1895 Demanstrater factary warranty $2198 CHEVY. Biscayne Sedan; a real clean car $1698 100 Huy $1508 Dauphine it new '60 FORD with 8 mem Large raom bath ing Crwner daw al bungalow Custeam aah, terrifies only RENAULT We sold only r------------ RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The heme of quality, tradis tional and modern age furs niture, - Complete room groups available. 295 Simeos St, South, Bradley's farmer les cation RA 8.3171 WATER water far cisterns and wells, delivered any where, $5 fear 1,000 gals Special rates an request for larger amaunts RA 8.4771 SUPERIOR APPLIANCE 49 BURK STREET ele, trade tar, 18 Prinee Bireel, KA 4:3813 or MO #4768 RA B51 2 store garage, located within walking distance to General Ai nerth LLOYD plant, Handy 1a bus and seheals, gum: weed trim threugheut REALTORS separate dining area with french dears, Natural fireplace. Hot RA B-5125 water all heating, priced to sell, call Pon Stradeski, svenings B:5123 RA B.5124 far further details 101 SIMCOE ST. N MARY STREET -- 4 BEDROOMS | HARRY F, MILLEN ! room brick, 114 storey heme with garage and paved drives This 12 vear ald home is in excellent condition. Living ream REAL ESTATE BROKER 11 ONTARIO ST, 17 5 12, separate dining area, large kicthen with plent CADALLIC AVE. NORTH boards, Close! space galare In this reemy family home. List prise §12.000 and apen ta afters, sall Bill MeFeeters evenings, RA é $12,500 Immaculate & oom bungalow with 23 breadioomed Hivin | reem reemy kitghen 3 hed reams Lands and Hedged lat with paved drive and garage. Storms screens, TV aerial and rates ing luded $3000 DOWN Call Jahn Field, Days RA 8:-1679, Nights RA 3.2874, OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH $12.600 Income home in good condition. Twe three eam apartments with separ ale entrances, Ext lige ams, garage, double paved fenced in yard, Low taxes, Down payment apen a after, Call Winse Hadley Days RA B:1679 Nights RA 3.2006 FULL PRICE $14,898 & Wom split level in north west district built In slave and oven, decarated = $2 098 down. Call Loren Kel lent RA 3.3770 GREIRSON STREET 3 Bedioam Brick Bungalow attached Qarage living oom 24° x 14" family size Kitchen and thee good bedrooms Sms and screens paved drive, Substantial down pays now A7-=Autamubiles For Sale ney TA OREVROLET Riscavne, vada, Lid white walls, twp tone, financing ar ranged, excellent gondition {huire vine OU Station, King East, at fawn ne REALTY LTD, RENAULT Dauphine, a real © mileage maker only $798 STUDEBAKER Champion Sedan with radia, spet less 9 CHEV Deluxe with radia MERCURY Monterey Se dan, autematie and radia $1295 1086 PONTIAC, aetusl mileage i 700 Privately awned stance pew, Can be fl Baheed AL Rhone RA 60360 Rinks pom RA AERA BM NORGE sedan, goad running enn dition and appearance new hiablery goed tees, $190 Apply 8 Buekingham RA 617 1088 BUICK sedan, radia, two lane, ane ANNE, Xe § eandition, Apply 13 Whitman Crescent 1888 VAUXHALL Cresta twa tone Brey and maienn, ane, olegn, leather upholstery phane HA 4.7166 'BY CUSTOM Roysl Dodie VE, push button, aulamatie, excellent ganditinn Many extras. Hest alier and take aver |. paYmenls. RA A-0866 PANHARRD, new fourdopr sedan, 144 miles, A real seanamionl Frenoh hs WEY SAT, wher leaving eaunliy. Sag pifles $1180. Ra 6-180 after & 114 Cal harne Kast SABYAN MOTOR, nih SALES LTD, | ™&mn'o" STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN only SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONY RAndalah 3.3441 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. E Your AUSTIN Deale; RA 5-0331 We have a good ass of Used Cars net Sedan of cup $1195 Purified white wally law mile Tele LIST CO-OF THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD WHITBY CLASSIFIED savestoonghing, insulation, hg: TATARTWENTS nl PRI Warder, Waithy. MO va LL ROOM and hoard for geniienen, wash WE done. A hame wa from We ealtial abslainer felephone HH lL FORD Custamline Conch with radia, enly $795 BUICK two-door Hard top with radia, enly $898 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Se dan, really clean only meeting 1s to be at the home of Mra, A, Gardner on Tuesday, February 21, 7.00 « 9.00 pom The Boys Keout Group Beli ) Valentine party on Friday even ing in the Sunday School reom when the givls fram the Sr, room and aped AWE Roofing, for vent In new triples, washer, diver, ote. Phone MO Rit HOMEOWNERS Renting, siding HALE A nsw ation, EYE A Finer prioes. Phil Haver, Mal basa FOR RENT hee unfurnished vom ble dof ouple ase nn Wy furnish FOR RENT Newly decors a A Pent, private snitanes oAm Apartment, ail 2 decorated hive Iephane MO 8-441, sanate, adults preferred. MO YT TV TOWERS, 40 0 I King Steel South, Whithy [ped galvanised, instal FOR SALE nell autenns, Far raccanditioned T.V.'s washers, staves we will buy, sell RA 8.4873 BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL EXPERT SERVICE DIXON'S RA 3.4663 TYPING PAPER on Sale Lettes White Newsprint BUY LOTS FORD Fairlane Club Se dan, like new, only $795 ol Mainline goad buy $595 a eon FORD Custemling Sedan, immaculate, only $495 FINANCING 15 OUR BUSINESS Paeifie etre, hot dip with all ghan suaraniesd one 4 ALL Tel drive Finance ( PLUS Canadian Acceptance Corporation Adds up 19 the best deal n own VAN HEUSEN tment 4) MOTORS LTD, [156 KING ST. W, | W=Aumabios Vand FOOD & FREEZER PLAN [OATS or Wiaoking. Highes\ Prices paid | You may have tried the rest, OSHAWA IR sila ment required, immediate Oust Bast of Wilson Read) ILAREARORE. Aue Wicorers want! Now try the best. Eat hetier tor tess BON groceries sun PEEUPANGY Call Charlie | > oars or wieoking, Highest prices paid Sith Days RA 8.1679 |-- ADAM Res 58574 FC a lw plied. all welbknown pros dhe, highest auality meats, Nights RA &.82! I 3 al [NAGY MOTOR SALES | spoT CASH MERCEDES « BENZ . DKW| PAID FOR Lite-time waranty freezes the only one guaranteed hy 1.000 dows 4 > a nox Sow Sales and service oom Good clean sas. Trade up A a open until 9 pm. at down, Liens paid off Good PMs k BERING Ne down pavwment. Call now tou buses and Whodls 408 KING ST. WEST DODD MOTOR SALES Domonstration == na oblige: 8%. Cait John A a 679 314 PARK RD § Hon RA 3.7102 RA 3.942) RA 5.3709 Qrperation Achings. we far * PATED at Oshawa Ontarle, this 17th d f Feb RT ay of February, Messrs, Greer & Kally, Barristers, &¢., 3 Simeoe Street South, QSHAWA, Ontarie Solicitors for the above estate Pan. three piece hed RE Wiles, with springs A walnut, | Rrice 1) Bia Yelavisian, RA 44 ' ane maple, | wish #6 Buy billiard table [WHITRY "Cain Laundry and Ya Phare MO § 0 Suen hy A Snag ant ad " for free y wee [WEN Tusa ednesday, Thursday on REN = ares modem tw Et iy Brack Siieet Souih wo A ARATLen HR facilities, 400; adulla et 4 RAE i low Aiding a oh, mansiration AYE niiaum, whertmen ated, #4, Bamiion, Av Fein Rieakl ing Ri le hin (FAR RENT -- Thide mam Bu hole, | SAAR awile parking. C00 flows, in Vena Rittman A loeation, weve. refrigerator Parkin FOR RENT Whithy apartments and iand laundry facilities Availdnie Ase Rowson, modern ane And twa hedveam (1. 38 SL John Street West, MO 83860 Js i aather Vlred AF snipped modern, one and two IN_BULK Parking. Rentals 38 to B30 ---- i on in hadron, partments far real, os u AND SAVE 3th. pg ih. pha $2.00 CIRCULATION DEPT, OSHAWA TIMES 4! Alea modern thoes and four Dede IH Bukalons ta wh Maat A {a RENY fh, Realior. Contact J whe. SR nla noes Four moam house all ATES Barden, Alse tua famall thee roam self contained Apart WERE Teatanable teri. MO RAT SERVICES -- Camplale hoakkean RE MR ions lr amall Businesses, week Hy WORRY ar a8 desived HMalimenit A incomes as Telus BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING §Y ANCIENT HERITAGE About 8 per cent of the wlation of Algeria is Moston. th heriatge of an ancient eon: quest of native tribes hy Koran and the sword, questions. FOR RENY Newly decorated four TRAM APATImeRt, Ei ale hi: » Ihe Radin And gas Seve sunplien, Why WRAL. MO Baa SHORT | OF CASH MOMIngs RERAMARING Sails | Sresues. allerations and IA ma BL guartaniesd MNO io PaRts and slp savers Mes Toms boats and KOREAN TREASURES LONDON (CP)=Most of Ko TeA's treasures--jeowelry, crowns | and 1,300 « year - ald coramios (Wil be on display at London's Victoria and Albert Museum Wn Maveh, They were hrought from ong Kong hy a Royal Navy rie ship FOR SALE motes boat Used ta 5 Work aah] Youu wn harhood with AVON wive od Ww Ce NCE mission, Call wileet, atten neigh and " VOR RENT trailer IT LAY Ww WiLL D¢ SERVICE & SALES Dundes &, MD 83204 Box. boat and Wins, honisg. ) five oom bun We 0 One Man Field Das Nights RA Inowi expat cabin a Prete | Distribated by King Features Ryadicate. #1 refuse to answer on the ground Inoriinate mel* highest com LE 6-082 has PTY

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