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The Oshawa Times, 28 Feb 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Fhe water wagon was loakeh a4 the beginning of the year, Wik Bow many of BERGETS RIE fis former pais VOL. 96-hG. 49 Price Wot Ray i$ Lowe Far fopy OHAHA, Mr. K. Retur May n To U. S. Soon | MOSCOW (ARP)~"The Soviet EHvErmment las let the Bussian peapie know (hat Khrnshehey is thwicing of # re tn visit te the Limited Notions and the possiility of # mest wg with President Kenney while in the United States Films of two of the presi Aemt's Dress CORIRTERERS WEIR shown on television hers Mon aay Wight, RCI Ing Rew spRper men's auestions 19 Kennedy on whether he would meet Khrush chey i the Soviet premier visits the UN Genersl Assembly open ng next Tuesday, Kennedy would only reply thet he hadn't L heard yet whether Khrushehey BE WARS EAMRIRE While the showing of the films WAS An unprecedented gesture i was else the first time that the Russian penple learned that a new Khrushchey vis 19 the United Nations is possible UF TO RUSSIA Kennedy's statement gaye the Soviet public the Impression that the initiative for a is wp to Russia and that Khrush ichey would he welcome in the United States (Soviet diplomats in Washing ton have heen petive in spread ng the ides that Khrushehey would like to make a visit, and diplomatic circles in the US capital have said they would not he surprised if Bhrusheheyv comes to the UB. late in April, when the assembly session will he winding up.) Televising of the conferences here alse coincides with the re turn of US. Ambassador Ile wellyn Thompson from (alks with Kennedy in Washington thin Unconfirmed reports said Thompson may see Khrushehey "KIDNEY TWINS' HOME AT LAST | it with 2 healthy kidney Lana. The girls smiling suitcase Salesman John Nightingale | lowing a delicate kidney (rans: om hugs his 12-year-old twin | plant operation in Boston daughters, Johanna (left) and | Doctors removed a diseased Lana (right) on their arnval | kidney from Johanna and | home in Steinbach, Man. fol: | saved her life by replacing ' Red Trend Seen In Chile MT. Kiler SANTIAGO (AP) An ag: even if there had heen no Fidel lest od Eleving misht wht Thursday, The ambassador has mressive combination of Com:|Castro in Cuba, The Cuban pe: Wh ied Out Oh Ha amy "a message from the president musts and Gastro wimirers 18 valution gave the left in Chi [Feats G40 Wis fought flay Ih reported to express his full con: Hy Ay in Chile, aladded momentum. Bven EN Killer it le Edith Kiereoriis | fidence in Thompson and the ountry of 7,500) people. Itinow Castro himself ig declining otal y "hope that, talks between the en even may he edging toward|as a hero-figure, Cuban devel. The wanted man is ¥redyoy and Khrushchey will result pawer lopments quickened the pace of Thompson, a -vearpld VEER [inh ett dr relations helween Ask & wealthy or upper|revolutionary activity, Castro: hond ih Whose dingy, H foweek| Washington and Mascow middle class Chilean about this|ism, In facl, forced the Com. Foi FA" C0 Yi iy Nonna! This would appear a move to ani he rephes with a shrug: (munist hand nite " keep Soviet Américon relations " Rr ait ad | mp NE | 0 8 summ EVEL, BI BVERLY- ag Why Verse "Cillesm a An autopsy showed she had ality hard to ayeid if Khrush | raped i 2 / j i f Uhile's small well-to-da clags| party in Chile had heen playing hah raped And Josten fo death Chev goes (0 the United Na stands stubbornly in the way of|d cautious Eame, It had used! Cook probably a short time Bofors Khrushehev's visit to reform, Because most Chileans|the classic approach of Allying| aeier she disappeared Wednes: | jast fall's tempestuous assembly are tolerant, peace-loving and|itsell with the middle classes, | G20" 0m in front of her uncle's! session. the Soviet premier put law-abiding, upper class ele: It had announced itself in fal home oul similar feelers ments seem confident there is\ver of nondisputed things, It] dl I 'ons fm ' 'had 3 od @ in| Police and detectives, armed little to fear from the extreme had avoided emphasis on sez with fingerprints and a photo ALGERIAN AR mother UU (CF Wirephotn) Police Hunt left's rising strength, ure and nationalization, It WOR! Coanh from @ cabaret work per But highly qualified outside wide support from impatient] et cs ombing the vagrant nhservers say Chile's rich either young intellectuals, frequented areas of the eity must submit to broad social, Castrolsm's rise set a NeW mhe room in which Edith's ceonomie and agricultural re. pattern, The Castroist socialists naitered hody was found--sit forms ov he swept aside in an|demanded action, swift and vie Luated in the Chelsea section of angry tide of rebellion lent, To capitalize on the impact| Manhattan was littered with This, says these obsepvers,|?! Ca 8170, the Communists heer cans and a whisky hottle would have heen in the ecards openly had to confess their all:| Thompson has a long vecord of oul Communist alms, drunken sprees Communists, extremist Social:| Fingerprints from the heer Water Polluted, 2 Residents Warne ists and a non-Marxist splinter|eans matched those on the vah ACTON (CP) Residents of Hopes rose to party joined together in the aret licence which Thompson [VIHAR (Frente Aeceion Popular | tnok out Nav, 18, 1958, when he| peiare Castro took power they faariman RhBG i Monday President de Gaulle and Tunis } wor CAME within 40,000 votes of lectives announcen At lia's President Hab Bourguil this town #0 miles west of Tor. "#™ hin 4 votes ofl rE ey had located Thomp 8 A wide W Hanh Bourguiba ante were warned by loud ching ou Chilean president in 4 wife. three mairied daugh (wound up their crucial talks on speaker trucks today fo boil all 1088, With the added impulse of JON § ut Yioagal ay: Sonfident Joe. agian: drinking water because it may Cuban revolution, they now persons they deseribed as "very| foi da Gaulle' i avil be polluted have high hopes of Showing locheotable" and who wanted meetings in de Gaulle's heavily Medieal autharitie sof SIENficant strength in congres eal A i a He guarded chateau in suburban the AA Iwo wells has became sional elections March §, and of "ONE 10 40, With the Man pr Rambouillet, the twa leaders Area's ) r peAMme | Me ha, » had le am 15 years ago, Premier sriginel length * UM Edelsward Bath conterences had bean ow 5 # Witie more then helt thew in mddstion fo the questions shot a Kennedy Khrnshehey meeting, Soviet fim editors wisn left mn the pres Aart' 5 Hatements on freeing the US. REA fiyers, repeating the American pledge for Re more U2 flights over the Soviel Ln ion end LREIRE SepS REARING Nis ing wnemployment wn the Unies lates The press CORIEIERRRS transiaied . inte Russien PrESERiER Wikhowt Comment $200 Fine For Driver In Fatality Convicted of careless Anving 21, of Rexdale was fined $200 or three and his driver's heence were nd Ontario months was suspended for by Magistrate ¥, 8, Ebhs in Whithy police court today The charge arose out of # November, 1960, two-car colli sion on Highway 491, west of Ajax, in which three persons died. A small English model ear, parked on was struck by Edelsward car Killed instantly were Sidney Woods, Bl, of Nisgera Falls, and Mrs, Dorothy Rimmer, #2, of Toronto. Mrs, Rimmer's sev: en-year-old daughter, Norma, died later in hospital Fourteen-year-old Nancy Rim mer, standing Bl the rear of the car, jumped clear and es caped injury "Um at a loss to understand how you came into contact with this ear," said Magistrate Ehbs, "Phere seems to he no logical excuse, except thet given hy you Ae officers and the girl that you had very little sleep "You said yourself you had only four and a half hours sleep I doubt that "I ean only conclude that the accused fell Asleep Of course this is no excuse," the easthound Rise For Peace PARIS (AP) | hteluk day for a swilt settlement of the or Popular Action Front), Kven|went to work as a nightelubigie vearold Algerian war as France's economy and military planning, The war has cost France $1,000,000 a day, tied up 400000 of her troops and claimed the lives of 138,000 French soldiers Bourguiba and de Gaulle put out their guarded, but hopeful communique after more than four hours of discussions, The Tunisian president is well equipped for the delicate mis sion of bringing France and the rebel leaders together, With the Algerians' political and military headquarters based in Tunis, he has the confidence of most rebel leaders and also of de Gaulle, Two New was Short Term Bond Issues OTTAWA (OP)=The finance department announced today de tails of twa new short-term hond issues totalling $275,000,000 OF the tatal, $75,000,000 will he offered for cash sale ot the pub- lie, The vest will he taken up hy the Bank of Canada--$25,000, 000 for cash and $173,000,000 in exchange for government seour ites it now holds ~The Oshawa Tim ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 196) we VeRrs, the shoulder, | J elds ud 9 Gecon (leew a Poel Ifa fomaarivent, (AoW WEATHER REPORY A storm centred in Vennesees 8 expeciad fo wing soshy snow 15 (mt arin today, SIXTEEN PAGES PEACE OR ELSE CONGO WARNED | Dag Puts Teeth In UN Resolution UNITED cr) Hammarskinld warned lese President Joseph Kasay today that the United Nations will ne longer permit Ms perce efforts tn he Wocked by politi el opposition In a letier to Kasay, Ham marskiold called for full eo operation of the Leopoidville government in averting & evil war, But he - added that the United Nations has the strength and the determination to carry out is mission without such eo operation, M necessary "Those engaged in these measures on behall of the United Nations cannot allow themselves 10 he forcibly de: terred from carrying them out," the said The letter to Kasavibu was { part of & report Hammarskjold { Imade 10 the Security Council on t steps he is taking 19 carry out J [last week's resolution authoriz ing of UN force if needed to preserve order in The Congo The Soviet Union has heen pressing for a report NATIONS, NY We | | | . PLAYFUL PRINCE Japan's Prince Hire is | bouncing haby in the arms of | his mother, Princess Michiko, At the ripe age of one. The son of Crown Prince Akihito | # | celebrated his first birthday anniversary in Tokyo where the imperial family releas ed this picture { (AP Wirephato) | LONDON (CP) Secretary General Dag Kasavwbn 19 task Congo- cism of the United Nations. took hidatel The secretary » #l Wis He said the dssire of the United Nations to take inte pe count the views of € leaders "cannot be is hamper effective efforts (9 pre- vent developments toward civil war." Hammarskjold 1014 Kasaywhm that ne conciliation is possible without the removal of all mili: tary forces from politics, WARNS BELGIUM The secretary general also dis closed he had taken these addi tional steps to implement the Aro-Asian Congo resolution for setting up a broad Congo peace plan "The changes sre very great," he sa "There has heen great progress since the war in housing, consumer goods and science, especially sel: ence." Smith said the Soviet Union and Canada have a» similarity in goods for export, adding: "I would like to see our tri 8 pand," 'Britain To Use Common Market? Britain ap-|Commonwealth and agricultural parently is ready to give the six-|difficulties, {country European Common Market the same preferential trading arrangements as it Commonwerlth eountries Defence Policy Switch Rumored | WASHINGTON (AP) = Blate| "i hy Hdward Heath, lord privy Use of the hig missiles and seal and the country's untitled Secretary Dean Rusk faces con: bombers carrying atomic weap: minister of European affairs, | gressional questioning today on ons should he confined to deter: | reports he favors shifting fay rence of attacks oh this Sountey| from a policy of "massive retal:-|land deterrence of 'nue : " jm f pat iW bg dB the Western Furapean Union buildup in conventional military "2, Attacks on Europe should|that the British government Is fares, [he met with 'conventional,' non. | Prepared to make a "fundamen The buildup by (he United|nueclear weapons unless the en. tal change of principle" to ob: States and its allies is said to] eMY started fo use nuelear|/tain admission to the common he favored hy Husk to meet the) Weapons | market formed by France, Ger: "8, Limited aggressions out:|many, aly and the Benelux danger of brushfire war and i lessen the risk of 8 nuclear con:| Bide: Europe should be handled countries 8 Rr of the seven-country Council of he used to combat any Commu. Of our allies, and we should use| eorganize her whole system of nist military aggression that| hon-nuclear weapons in meeting Commonwealth preferences in might be staved off without use #ueh aggression lexchange for associate member: of Rielear weapons | {ship In the economic commu: "Magsive retaliation," as| ] nity enunciated by the late state see:| Ambassador Gives Heath offer two major conces retary John Poser Dulles, oud Fi I y | sions Wt primary reliance on nuclear a a8 means of combat: rst nterview { 1, Britain 1s prepared to open ting Communist aggression, MOSCOW (AP) Arnold! her Commonwealth markets to informants said Rusk favored Smith, new Canadian ambas- (direct Kuropean competition as holding off the use of nuclear sador to Russia, gave his fipst Part of an over-all agreement weapons until a Communist at-| interview to the Soviet press With the six, tack reached a more massive Tuesday, expressing confidence! 2, She will accept a common level than would have triggered | that good relations will continue (op uniform tariff with the six atomie retaliation under the to develop between Canada and for all raw materials or manu: tration's policy, {the Boviet Union, {factured goods coming from High officials made elear that| In the interview, published inloountries outside the Commons the U.8, government still plans/the newspaper Soviet Russia, |w en ritain's ts HH BAL wealth or from Britain's part to draw on its atomic arsenal if} Smith noted that he spent three | one in the seven-country Eure: necessary against Communist years during the war in Russia | oon Foe Trade Aves. attaes abroad an secretary of the Canadian' 4 WIRE ATOR A story in Monday's Washing: | mission and was able to note| Heath, however, stressed that ton Star described Rusk's posis| great improvement in condi: Britain could only consider the tion as this: tions here, [mave if the six could meet her flict, Conventional forces would|Ry our troops, rather than those This is viewed as an offer to| Heath told a meeting Monday | welcomed the speech He also sald that, as part of an over-all oh om oie de and hid to end Europe's trade spit, (cussions between This was the interpretation) Commonweslth countries about here today of a speech in Paris possible reductions in tariff pref: erences which she enjoyed in the family of nations, British newspapers generally and sald the Heath proposals are a major British concession, Storm Death Toll Climbs CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) »- Reports reached here today of two more deaths--~the third and fourth---attributable to the week: end hligzard in Prince Edward Island, Reports of the death of a man and a baby Bunday night or early Monday were delayed be. cause the storm knocked out communications, Joseph Willlam Martin, 53, of Tignish was found dead of ex» wsure in a field, He left his brother's home Sunday night to walk to his own home three miles away, Apparently blinded by the blizzard he walked a mile past his home, Darlene Arsenault, nine months, died of pneumonia while being taken to hospital in Alberton from her home in §t, Louis, She was in a ear follows ing a snowplow which broke for the funeral of Morocea's ernment today joined with two ordinate strategy. Kalonii has|whites elsewhere for his earlier EWIba predicted an early hreak sionist provinee of Kalanga, Gizenga's troops, numbering day without meeting resistance/which eould end the Algevian| shombe sot Kasavubu has mast 4 5 all sald in a communique Monday slightly. contaminated through victory in the 1064 presidential the detectives said, and they night they agreed Nsathiiitios sewage, elections, (had assumed he was dead. |g ict for 'a vapid and positive" King Mohammed V, While there he is expected to repart an his [talks to Ferhat Abbas, chief of the Nationalist Algerian regime other anti = Communist Congo about 1000 soldiers and an un: statements supporting African! '0 the Algerian deadlock forces for a united front inidetermined number of HRaluba! nationalism, Williams not! *T have the impression," he fighting the leftist pro: iribesmen talking hers told reporters, "that a greal| famumba troops now advane:| The Leapoldville government's. Units that set out ~ from step forward has been taken provides badly needed aid far noiween 5000. and 7000 are fram government troops conflict which has disrupted | Rasavubu's disorganised forces. suraad out in the sections of ( It was signed hy Premier The Conga--more dan one-third foseph flea, wha represented | of the country--his regime con Under the terms of the paet they will poal their treaps te cambat the "Communist dicta arial regime of Antaine Qi gam fram the agreement Tshambe's 3000 well-paid troaps are The Congas best trained settlement of the bloody con J [ ] fliet Bourguiba, who left hy plane Ol 10 C 101 i 5 H 11 1%) today, was to stop off al Rabat 0 1g 2) ance and other leaders of the Na tional Liberation Front (FLN) LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)--FPres: and supplied and are led bylavvived "to find out what is/#ls0 attending the funeral ident Joseph Kasavubu's gov-| Belgian officers who can eo: going on. Under criticism hy Before leaving Paris Hour ing toward the capital of the 7300 men are scattered and dis: the Lumumbist headquarters all Bourguiba's contact with de cange : organized, Kasavubu called for Stanleyville were veporied only| Gaulle may set the stage for dis| AN agreement signed in Elisa: general mobilization Monday in'300 miles from Leapoldville| rect negotiations between the hethville, capital of the seces- an attempt to beef his forces, after advancing 130 miles in a|French president and the FLN| Kasavubu's Leapoldville govern: irais ment; Albert Kalonii, leader of the mining state of South Kasai, and Katanga President Moise nga in Stanleyville. Perma- nent contacts far bath military and political on-aperation are ta he wp he 0 POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 568374 HOSPITAL RA 320 | The publie issue will he in 21. {month bonds at 34 per cent at a discount price of $99.40 to [yield about 3.86 per cent to ma. {turity, These bonds will be {dated March 15 and will mature Dee, 15, 1862 The Bank of Canada will take another 5100.000.000 of these bhonds--$25, 000.000 for cash and STA.000.000 in exchange tor an Tshombe alse has reinforced his military posture hy calling off his agreement' with the United Nations to suspend mili tary action and resuming, as he put il, Katanga's "freedom of action." Tshombe warned then that his troaps might go Inte ae tian outside Katanga the threat fram Stanlevville troops warranted i. Recently they have heen engaged in northern Katanga against Balubas hack ing the Gisenga regime A UN spokesman in Elisabeth ville said today the decision to renew Katanga troop mave ments might lead to apen civil War Kasavubu acled as advance units fram Stanleyville came! within 30 miles of Leapaldville As the president called for a general mobilization, G. Mennen| Williams, US assistant secng tary of state far African affaim, LATE NEWS FLASHES Wood Cargo Kills Driver PRESCOTT (OF) Freddie Reid of Prescott was Killed today when pinned under a load of wood on Highway 40 north-east of here. A tractor-trailer loaded with wood was reported 1a have heen in collision with another vehigle he wood was dumped over on Reid Algerians Burm Women To Death ORAN, Algeria (AP) An Algerian mob wont on a vam page in Oran's Arab quarter today and burned twa Eure pean women ta death in their awn moter car. The moh the turned 1 aver and set it afire Rjax Man Jailed For 3% Years Because of concurrent of King's Court Apts half years of the cent honds maturing May 1 The central bank alse willl take the entire $100.000.000! amount of the other issue an! {nounced today four-per-cent hands dated March! 13 and maturing May 1, 19 They will be priced at $8.73 to vield about 4.41 per cemt to maturity 10 acquire these the hank will exchange $30 000.00 of one-vear| treasury bills maturing next 2 and 550.000.0008 af three percent bonds due next Dee, 1.1 seised Cay sentences, Daniel Huntingion, 26 Ajax, will serve only three and ane IMs years he received im Whithy Palice Court today. Magistrate FS. Ebbs gave Huntington three CORCUTTERt three. ve sentences far hreaking and entering and attempled breaking and entering. In. addition, the A00WSed received Three CORCWITER! SIN-MOnkh sentences for Attempiod car hell, wilhal damage and piisessing firearms a fane equal par value of three-per| These will be | down in the drifts, WOMEN'S CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP ACTION A Jadge measures the racks in a clase decision during the | Quebec-Alberta mateh in the | third round of the Canadian Women's Curling Champion ship's in Ottawa tast he Quebee | foursome Ta matches ¥ Monday Alberta won ane lost ane . " (CP Wirvephota)

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