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The Oshawa Times, 28 Feb 1961, p. 2

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2 THE SHANA TIMES, Taesdey, Februory 18, 198) GOOD EVENING By JACK GERRIN HANDS OFF CHEPRENS ARENA Was the Cuhaws Childesn's Brena (Lommission mm fiemm grovind pecenthy When if essed its Wan on iCr-time privileges gduls groves? Tend the CAC has been sibircted (5 presse on Wis point, and it Sid not open the door tov far (adults wan only wee the lar fox practice sessions a the Kiscres tion of the manager and when the chtidren we MH sachont}), it many parents will ssl whether # Aangerons PrRaRAEnt Ras Becn Sef What is to prevent other adult grovgs from banging on the OCA s door to ask for more privileges, now thet the dikes have heen lowered? As its name cdesrly implies, the arenas was built for the secommeodation of children ~ one group thet hes neh been too well cared for pthietic-wise in recent Plane ning, despite the efficiency of the CRA wand some kindred GERRI LRLIONS There is no suggestion thet the OCAC didn't set within its legel framework; sls, the new move will draw more revenue for the city (the fee is $10 per team, whose members must cdesn and flood the jee) ice pecommodation in Oshawa fo Eroups 1s mosh Iegretianie, But tne proviem wont be solved oy opening the doors of the Children's Arena for older players (even though the latter groups must travel to such points ss Port Perry, Bowmanville and Whithy for ee time at present This arena built for the children #nd nothing should be done to infringe on this policy In view of the fact thet the arenas was built for the children of the city, the DCAC's recent change of policy seems ill-pdvised and frought with danger fav 1ack of aA § Was of the city POLICE DIGNITY PLEASES VISITOR The following letter received i Herbert Flintoff of city police ~ is self-explanatory Dear Bir I wish to commend you pnd your foree for reverence #nd dignity on King street recently id We followed father the iste Arthur place My and that of of Oshawa, wee drawn to your men on duty. Their po- sitions and efficiency was something no one could misg-- their salute the hearse passed was dignified, im» pressive Perhaps this is all part of thelr I say "keep up the custom", we have never thing like it in Metre Toronte I cannot express my feelings heart goes out to such officers Please thank them Yours very trul Mrs, E. Panes (nee Iva M, Ayers, Taronte, Ontario) py Cm FERRET) ef of my FESLINE the body to his last the hearse hearing Ayers altentio many from outside training and duty, SEEN ANY n writing, but my JOSEPH VICTOR NEARS GRADUATION ih . WRECKAGE LEGACY OF BIG STORM The weekend storm which | malted 2.000600 damage, Bune ( down by & combination of ee Yaneowver Bowl) wiged Wm 10 mediate investigation of recent swept Eastern Canada over the weekend caused an Esti dreds of wiility poles hike this me in Toronte were brought nd wind, Bain heowght floods Io SOME RIEH County Jail Jobs Not Political Plums' TORONTO (CF) Charges of Liberal member would put the political patronage were made request on the order paper and Aenied--in the legislature Monday might as the estimates practising lawyer Sudbury, # drew an an Elmer Bopha (1, of Beform Institutions Minister gry outhurst from Attorney-Gen Wardrope were presented Mr were passed after hours of dehale Arthur Resume (1, North) sparked the almost Kasex staffs of county Jails were po litical appointments Mr. Wardrope shouted "That's an unmitigated lis "Jail johs are not & political law plum his is a lot of foul talk and accusations, | like people in the gallery to hear this kind of staiement." Mr. Reaume said political pa tronage stretched out to inclide the awarding of purchase con: institutions institutions Roberts protested tracts for reform supplies He urged that tenders be pub CLAIMS VARIANCE APPOASILION WET l attack when he charged that the of the don't was filled with phrase eral Roberts when he charged Ward ropes estimates that it was hecoming more dif six! ficult to get a fellow aequitied in Canadian courts He said maximum sentences increased in 180 sections Criminal Code when i was rewritten in 1954 hy & spe gppoinied commities he charged, did not seem much ahout erimingl cially wien in know the Linde ueh as Ons he He said Criminal shall he deemed' and should he on him unless proves to the contrary "We're discussing the esti males reform My felt the Ie laws there the Llse charged that the Hanon were discriminatory. and WEFE MANY EREES Where wealthier citizen had his "shid under the Wotier Mr. Roberts asked whether the member would divilge the names of a few such cases "You're not going to make me a common informer." Mr. Bo pha said Mr, Wardrope, In presenting estimates of §17.041.000 for the 1961-62 fiscal year, said his de wartment if studying the possi ble establishment of Canada's first penal research centre "It 1s due to the almost total lack of specific research in the correction that we the need to sei up our cent Mr. Wardrope said, Rapid strides are heing made in parole and rehabilitation, he added Andrew Thompson (I, Tor ante Dovercourt) suggested mare fines and penalties he as 'CNR Boss Must Go' CCFer Tells House OVEAWA (LF BR Vresid ciels snd very few Indons" i» dent Donald Gordon has gt tothe CBE. The (99 Management "gous the CCF 5 Dowglas was as inefficient ss the pres Aker The MF for Fort Arthur, in "He (Mr. Gordon) says that one of the mow SEAIRRE RTRs 1B The fulmre REE pe GONE 16 RR PHC SEITE RYE RERIR Ip nve wk in I8 Jesse Rey wm the Commons, wid Monday never have improves. The i a yf Cordon "has aot uation has Actenorsted FeRehed the end of the toed we president of Canadian ation AES RE FISHER Basiways" Egan Chambers, parfiament "He has had We decade in BY SETeiary 16 Defence Min hare of COR and it seems to 19er Harkness, asked whether i me that ail he has come wp with Wek -occwired (no Mr. Fisher that Every year is a Weger and WE. Gordon wend ke 19 see Wigger spending program and in Wm (Mr. Fisher) go most cases & Wgger and Wigeer Mr. Fisher replied. "As # deficit," piitician whe can he booked mi Morgle among railway em wt any time | sm nol worned ployees was shot." There wp " peared 1 he no hope for effi ciency or & balanced Wdget in the CHE as long as Mr, Gordon was President BOME PCs APPLAUD Same Progressive anak tives applauded Mr, Fisher Ferry Nugent (FC ~~ Edmon ton Stratheona) ned (6 weer. OFFAWA (EF) --Frime Min Mr. Fisher awry from the sh ter Dislenbrker s#d Monday ject but Ernest Broome (PC--~\Canada bas asked for an im as long ms he wants!" Congn incidents mvotving Cans Mr. Fisher peceplen Man BEFVIEEIHER He said the current simims He also said that even through trative overhawl of the CHR 15 service with the UN force in Just another excise [oF BEVRYINE "Fhe Cong 15 fraught with dan the sacking of Mr. Gordon, ger to the Canadians, the UN whose present earnings are ¥15, action must he supported 00h yearly Including MIcelor si Mr, Diefenhaker said none of fees the Canadians had heen seri There #EFERl TRARY ously injured and--st the time gn wm WEEE itary personnel, Two Provost Corps men were arrested while on Buty in Leopoldville and re- leased soon afterwards without ter Diefenhaker declined in the gent enquiries' had heen made Commons Monday 10 spell out of the United Nations shout the Canada's attitude in detail onl incidents, but Becretary-General the question of South ANca's Dag Hammarskiold had re ace or color 18 well known, but Piefenhiker said added that he and other Com The House, I am will monwealth leaders decided last join me in deploring these incl March to approach the question! dents miury. An officer and three gir: Commonwealth membership in ceived no official report of Bouth Africa's continued sure ah the (ender sympeiiies of OFEAWA (BF) ~ The fn Mr. Cordon IRORE VEIEFRIE ITE RAHI Mr, Fisher's remarks ml lee wpled that the Soni miaton jatar Ww pREaImant ary i sion between Mr. Gordon wad later hy (he Commons FRIWATE COMMA (earned (ex howls he & INSET, i gg gy Semings ov Is with herd, Mr. Gon wh I ppenrrnces helore the comm (er has managed 16 BERETA SRE FRERE EAIRARERS, Wr, Fiaher was spesiong on # GTRTRIRER. Aon, HH Ret ves, In estabiieh the tee w w oo Fg pension FHEMs y kes, ME ing those whe FELITRA Dief Demands Congo Inquiry visi Busby gid recommendation Plenty Working On Railroad OFFAWA (CR)~Ratlways wie The government's deep con cern has been expressed thet Canaan 1S LS0T Detiomne serving with the ©, Wations forces in The Congn showid have! heen giv yi tn this kind of aEsaul wp enity' reduc their see Fore Mr. Diefenhaker said thet asi A Hae ay troops of Rer COURtEIES B6IV- ized equipment and there is no ng in The Congn also have shortage of labor for section heen subjected 1h such trest- work, the ONE said Monday, ment and thet the UN issued a A spokesman was comment: WRITING 10 the Congolese Army ing on # statement before the that such attacks would not he 8 en a te manpower commities tolerated {inst week Which yr he Fill ' {WRYS REE DAVINE # time BY MUTINEERS | i The main wiack on th Cana | [SETHHING men [oF section Sang ans in id vicinity 0 said # was reported 19 have heen Body merc Ais ood: ried out hy mutinous Congolese obs after the report appesred troops, Mr. Diefenhaker said in REWSPRDEFS "responsible authorities" had|™ corn "Pace' of Montreal, sec. heen warned by the UN, retary of the Engineering inst). Defence Minister Harkness tute of Canada, made the state: said in reply to ' subsequent! ono the MARPOWEY COmMMmiLs question that the Cana 818 Nee" while he was being ues: [ro0ps CATEY Personal WEAPONS (inned on (he institute's brief only--pistols and Nght ROMA: ge caida the inf mation Came tic rifles smaller than Sten from CNR officials, Buns He said the general rule was that the Canadians would fight to defend themselves against a concerted attack on a substan: tial body of Canadians, but thet they were not to fire upon the natives if one or two Canadians were stopped on the streets hy # patrol Closed Mr. Bopha said he Criminal Code, although a fed eral law, was al variance with p N for sessed against parents of delin f ; : quents through the juvenile and My Piefenhaker ind he had family court, Parents should hel read an article in the London Hlicly advertised and opened al Joseph Victor will be articled for one year lo the | public meetings Oshawa legal tirm of Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch following his graduation from Osgoode Hall Law School in June, He will be called to the Bar next VERT The 44-year-old former Oshawa alderman went back to school at 88 ~~ after he had been ahsent for 22 years, He got his Grade 13 in one yesr and his Bachelor of Arts (from Victoria College) in three years = then he enrolled at Osgoode, Vietor, the father of three, was a grandfather when he went back to school and had the pleasure of attend» ing university for three years with his sen, who was graduated with him what makes his achievement unusual is the fact that he continued to operate his sports goods business here all through this strenuous drive for higher education However, Joe doesn't deserve all the credit his wife, Dolores, helped him with the business and with his studies ("I aetually think she could pass these Law exams," he once sald, "she knows that much about my studies") LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Vietar Porteous of the Motor City Chapier of the Rarbershoppers is convaleseing in the Oshawa General Hospital When members of No, 430 Oshawa Wing of the RCAF Association attend their annual Mess din= ner March 82, the guest speaker will he Hon, J, Angus MacLean, Federal Minister of Fisheries , , . Kenneth C, Bath, Oshawa's new industrial commissioner, has been busy introducing himself around, He served in Orillia for 8% years as industrial commissioner and manager of the Chamber of Commerce =~ he served with the British Army for more than 18 years in such points as the Far East, The Middle Bast and Europe and had the rank of major, WOULD TABLE LISY At a request hy Mr Ontario's Heaume, trying to rehabilitate the pris professed policy of the minister said he would table oner for a useful life hecause a list of all bids submitted to|it had heen rewritten to provide the department last year if thelfor stricter penalties Colds Can Hit Even In South Topies this week: Burns, enlds, haldness and a hit of history, | Heations up until the time of the Second World War re. quired each man to | adequate appoasing front teeth," MISCARRIAGE RISK Many expectant mothers, | and same physicians, too, COLD INCIDENCE Living in the sunny south | doesn't confer significant pr tection against the common cald, a survey finds In the sauthern United States, the incidence of colds was 1 per 100 persons annus ally, against 78 per 100 in western states, and 77 in northeastern states RURN DAMAGE Burns of equal severity can aver - exertion during preg: nancy is a main MISCATTIARES, But this seems just not to be true, writes Dr, Carl Javert "It is the lack of physical and mental wetivity in our modern civilization, rather | think physieal activity or | cause of cause greater injury in women than in men, because men usually have larger and deeper hair follicles, says Pr, Raymond Hinshaw of the Unis versity of Rochester School of Medicine Children and elderly per sons alsa are likely to sutfer relatively mare severe injury, Burns of different severity may sometimes look alike, One test is to pull out a hair from the bummed area. 'In severe hurns, the hair lifts out easily and painlessly, BATTLE TEETH During the U.S, Civil War, soldiers literally put their teeth inte the fight Soldiers tare the cartridges than overactivity per se, that is responsible for spontaneous abartion." Excessive anxiety can bring on temporary loss of hair, but it doesn't happen often, says Dr, Albert Kligman of Phila: delphia, He cites five cases, in cluding one man who was tried for murder three times and escaped the death penalty each time. In the fourth trial, he was convicted Some 10 weeks later, his hair began falling out, and | eventually he became bald But his hair began growing back again Subsequently pardoned, the man had cam. plete regrowth of hair when he was released i far their mussle-loaders with |[~ teeth" their they the ental servioe When Wl teeth gave out, We dscharged fram ferviee, Physical Te says the army's | JUTE PRODUCTION With mare than 80,000.000 hates annually, Pakistan is theleent {largest produce Qualls iwarld of Jute in the have | stands on near Toronta but still ean't top the hig block above her 'Maple Syrup Money Lost ELMIRA (OP)=Ontario farm {ers are losing a rich market hy [not cultivating their woodlands ta produce syrup, a lands and forest de partment official said Monday W. E. Steele, timber supervisor for the de partment, told 100 farmers that MANY growers are cutting their woodlots toa soon and net let Ung them mature far syrup The meeting was called to or ganize maple syrup producers Mr, Steele said new methods of production used plastic pipes and veduced labhar hy 8% per Twa men can care for 5.000 trees which are linked in 4 Ear house by the pipes maple] maple Lake Huron! ON THE ROCKS # three-foot black of ice on the main street of Glen Williams Tee came fram biocked Credit River (UP Wirephota) {the cost of the boats but said placed on probation and made Daily Mall which said the to report to officials, he added would he a head-on clash he Mine Minister Maloney tabled tween him and Prime Minister his department's report for 1060 Verwoerd on the subject, Dra which disclosed that Ontario's matization of the issue 1s not [total mineral production last helpful to its settlement year may exceed §1,000,000.000 add d when final figures are available I feel that it would hot he 2 TR My | Appropriate for me to make any wi unelng he resort, statement which could he con ween the Canadian and United|5trued as prejudging the dis States dollar will he reflected] CYssion," the prime minister il favorahly in the value of all "95% = minerals exported to the US Yachtsmen suggestion that there as to what Canada might or he might not do is most unhelpful," missions INTERPRETING THE NEWS he spoke Monday afternoon--ne Dief Won't men were taken nla custody advance of next week's prime imembership in the Common Canadians were heing detained He revealed two additional in- n part el "jostled about but not hurt," and later released ministers' conference in London He has heen made aware of He said his personal objection the government's request for an wealth as a republic with open minds when the subject arose [ TORONTO (CP) = Nearly alll No persons will he excluded future meetings of municipal from the meetings except for cidents involving Canadian milk OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis The prime ministers said "ur tn discrimination on grounds of Immediate investigation," Mr decision councils and local hoards are to improper conduct, he said, the opened to the press and pub:| phe lie, Municipal Affairs Minister (hat Warrender said Monday in in troducing amendments to the Ontario Municipal Ael comes hefore the hoard with He told the legislature that which he is connected must the amending hill would exempt disclose his interest and refrain only committee meetings of fram voting on the issue, amendments stipulate any councillor or local hoard member who hes & pee: uniary interest in 8 matter that has heen: an advance warning council and meetings of local| Another amendment will per: school hoards and police com: mit municipalities to levy in: [atalment (axes hefore the tax (rate is struck, The levy will be made at any time in the year prior (0 the adaption of the estimates to pro: Needn't Pay OTTAWA (CP)=Defence Min ister Harkness aald Monday ex plieit instructions have heen is: sued by defence headquarters that servicemen cannot hel forced to pay to join a yaeht| club at Camp Petawawa, The visit of President He said that non-public vegi- Buiba to Paris adds to the aptis mental funds of the Canadian Mism about a possible settle Guards had heen used last sum: (ment of 'the Algerian war mer to buy two sailboats, at a All shades of opinion see the reported cost of 81,200 each, and meeting hetw een the Tunisian that $1,400 had been raised to| President and General de Gaulle pay for them, Members of the|As #& further step toward elub were asked to subhsoribe|Peaceful solution of a war that $10 if officers, $5 if non-com. feems gradually to he burning missioned officers and 83 each itself out, : if sergeants or lower ranks, | The next step, after the talks Mr, Harkness said in the Retwaen Arua pnd de ) : SUbBAN |Gaulle, w waba np (4 Commons hel he MBRCHROTS nagoions 1 ' 0 Arne that the latter part of 'the sum (and the rehel \saders, here is mer the sailboats had heen used|® general belief hat inforingl mainly hy carparals and men of (STAC EVE hirea hk lower rank, Place He emphasized there was no FIGHT SETTLEMENT authority ta force men to he) Die-hard adherents of contin {long to the elub and subscribe to ved warfare ave still in evi dence, Plastic hamhs are heing hurled in Paris and Algiers, that ane campany had a notice causing a few casualties, and put up on its bulletin hoard that could he misinterpreted. The notice has been taken down, he said, The non-public funds used for {buying the boats were funds {raised within the regiment in Algeria, committed to con tinued resistance to peace moves, But the number appears to be dwindling HORSE POWER One horsepower is the power needed to Hit 33,000 pounds one| {foot in ane minute--about 114 {mes the power an average! that conditions are mare favor they have ever heen Bourbuiba Trip Raises Hopes Bour:| some extreme right-wing groups appear to be going underground of dissidents There is & sense of confidence in Paris ahle for peace talks now than (duce a sum of not more than 50 {per cent of that produced hy ap: [plying the previous year's Ak {lie school supporters residential {rate to all veal property assess: ment The bill authorizes municipal: ities to acquire, establish and It is a moment of triumph for|(OPerate a bus transportation Bourguiba, the animated, clever |S¥stem. Previously, a private land likeable man who is the hill has heen required, most pro-Western of all Arah{ The bill must he given royal leaders, A fow years ago he was assent before It becomes law, in a French prison, Now he has A rising reputation as the leader of a country that exerts a diplo:| matie influence out of all pro: portion fa its 4,000,000 popula fon Holiday Stamps IDEAL MEDIATOR TORONTO (CP)=Labar Min Hducated_in Paris, married (0 per Daley told the legislature a Frenchwoman, sympathetie ta|™ © ng AY unemployed persons Froneh eulture, Bourguiba is|MA&Y ash their vaeations-withs ideally placed to mediate he Hid Slamps without waiting un: tween France and the Arab[U! the end of June, (warld from which he springs, | "We will cash them," he said, Bourguiba is thought to be an Wo have been doing. it all the avdent admirer of de Gaulle [Hime bau The French president, in faet,| The minister a epiuing to is probably his ideal of a world[NO"man Davison (OCF=Hamil: statesman, 1t will be surprising] 'on East), if the twa men do not see eye) to eye an the next move, A possible development, ob servers feel, Is an announce ment shortly "of the release of | Ahmed Hen Bella, a prominent rebel leader who has been held in custody on the Isle of Alyx, near La Rochelle, since 1056, | His liheration would shaw that France genuinely seeks coneil Hation Cash Unemployed "Chibi PRESENTING : horse can exert or OTHER For mobile caterers, restavirar We are aftering a line of bever designed tor office This is a field nat previously © $4,000 required with a comp tegrity will stand up under th I ser @ro interested, lot us wnd, together with financial ously CATERERS & RESTAURANT OPERATORS wish to expand their lines and increase their present income, 5 and small factories and will Ht in with present occupations CARHAYES LIMITED BOX 175, BRANTFORD, ONTARIO INVESTORS WI operators and investors wha age and toad vending machines served by vending equipment Investment of only any whose reputation and ing & Mast rigid investigation have a resume of trade backs and trade references 23 SIMCOE SY Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY For information regarding any form of travel , , ,. DIAL RA 3.944) We have & direst Toaronte telephone Hine tar prompt Alling Reservation MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE SOUTH, OSHAWA Qwned and Mhyated hy Thomas Meadow and Co, Canada Lid 6 Dream N the newest p LOCATION : The modem way ta travel is by air OPEN From 2-5 pm, DIAL RA 3.944) | | H., KASSING Fashionable Living." Displays and demonstrations fashionable living, Beau Valley "Oshawa"s Most Fashionable Resis dential Estate" (Rossland Road East vs + Off Simcoe North) VISIT TONIGHT are you alittle short this month? Seaboard makes both small end large Loans from $50 to $5,000 Special leans te heme: owners for complete down payment, to close existing mortgages, and to eonseli: date debts. Ne benus, ne pre-payment charge, Terms arranged up to 60 months; Life Insurance protection, PHONE RA 8.6283 20'/2 SIMOOE 81, 8, OSHAWA oi FINA . of omes Featuring: of roducts and ideas in and 7 - 9 pm,

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