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The Oshawa Times, 28 Feb 1961, p. 4

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& THE OOAWA TIES, Towsley, Vebroery 19, 1961 REFUGEES RECEIVE FOOD A Canatdiandirecied Umied | Nations sirkift of food is com: | hatin, yes A Kiwanians Earn province of Kase as 10 men Official Praise BOWMANYILLE f Wilson Gemmel tenani-Governor of Division #8, 6 commended the Bowmanville Kiwanis club on is ments, noting that i, as cently formed club, ranked asl, ane of the best in the division. Addressing his speech more than members guests from Westmount and Peterborough, at the regular meeting of the Bowmanville Ki wanians Monday night, Mr Gemmell emphasized the » abjectives of Kiwanis (Siufl w 4 We need constant reminding great deal of thought to them of these objectives as we Ao religion," sald the speaker and although religion stands Friends Fete Bride-To-Be By GRACE MILLA ATAX Miss Marie Greer Glynn Road, & hride elect ol next month, has heen entertain: ed at 8 number of parties in her| honor recently, Among them were # miscellaneous shower by Mrs, B, McFaul at the home of Mrs, Walter Pancegrau, Ridout street, Ajax, and attended by the| office girls from Automotive| Trim Co, and 8 miscellaneous shower given hy Miss Ruth] Shannon, at her home on Glynn | Road, and altended hy a large number of neighbors on the street and friends from out of own A pantry shower was given hy Mrd, Beth Weldon at the home of Mrs, Ira GG, Travell, Centre Street, Oshawa, attended hy rel k | I! the groom to he, My, and Mrs Ken Greer, Brooklin, gave al party for the bride and groom, which was attended by all the] aunts and uncles of the bride, and many lovely gifts were pre sented On February 22, Mr. and Mrs Don Kemp, Forest Road, were hosts to the CGIT leaders and their hushands, Rev. T. Rex Norman, Mrs. Norman, and the hride's parents Mr, and Mrs Gordon Greer A presentation was made to Miss Greer, who has heen a member and leader of the CGIT at St, Paul's United | Chureh, singe its inception, | Must Return For Operation By GRACE MILLA MAX Peter MoeWhivier, Mary street, is still seriously ill in the Ajax Hospital Rill Graves, Maple street, who was injured in a hunting acel: dent recently, has heen released fram the Oshawa Hospital, but will have ta return there when he is strong enough, to have a bullet removed | John Ruddy, Glynn road, 1s also hame again after several weeks treatment for a heart con dition, but nat yet able ta ve sume his work Mrs. J. Galloway, Admiral voad, suffered a tplintered knee cap while curling last week, and has heen confined ta hospital here Mr. and Mrs, J. HW Mills Kathy, Howard and Robbie, Etobicoke, and Mr. and Mrs, KE. Mills, North Oshawa, were weekend viistors with Mvs. J Mills, Glynn Rd Thursday Niters Bowling League members continue & good show of spores, With the following a 200: Den wis Lenehan 338, 31; Connie thom 340, Madeline Pagachar 233, Johnny Johnston 331, Helen Goodwin 313, Coo Wheeler 313, Con Racicot 218, Winn Me Combe 308, Rerniece Johnston MW and Ron Lott 301 Team standings io dale Giabhies 53 points, Stinkers 4 Beatniks 44, Satellites 3 | tive and membership giving concern and help to those clubs who seem Brock (Whithy) wl of your assistance first Hat I AUF IVE ihe the 1961 Liew objectives should then stand ses ond to ne other It is my belief thal REMBYE: freedoms thal are so active in RB TE our democratic way of life lipped from hese Ive and for hroughout the world If you helieve, as | do they are also having effect on those people living in the sale! lite he nu countries 'then | suggest He then suggested eep the Bowmanville strong but 0 he floundering "Promote problems and advise support your are always I had my doubls ve area, that a Kiw would he successful, hut again me congratulat As many | women #nd chil starvation among ne: | dren died daily in late 1960 The Congo's eastern | Here pn group reals up rations sik hich are having & noti 10 able effect in all Kiwanis com a munities that membership thus keep your club active, en courage the farmers to Join have a duty (0 these men who Marks have many {Age your leaders who are now in the high schools and who would welcome career guidance; and most saw Bowmanville the number of service clubs in LE RL Narg BOW} biwan WA Wi with I'he hs dog his hon the fou WES nee awa LE superii arm matier Youth Wounded 'While Hunting Bush, 18, of BE 8, Bowmanville, apising, was dealt with in shart 2-valthre Lodge Holds Anniversary MRS. ARTHUR KAIAOVE (robo, WNCLIW --~ Bb mows. ani - Secor, (Raman of fie Rewebs spent. ot The Assemiiy of (mia wrest, oe Giger Rita De wan WF Sametnr : 56. President of strict Ba. 7 Oni #4 (6 Kingyen awe West Acdic ney presided (or the business MANY ATTEND sesoion, aewisiad by Viee Grand Bole Grand Sisley Jean Ihe fiky RIIERAECR & WHITH WEICHNE We oy was SOF Wan ! " the Lith Wrthaay ammversary of. Kinoven Behekah [sige 5, Brose Howie Grand Sister Jean he mister Earn Thompson A id of honor, compres in of 14 members of Kinoven Re (ors ERITYINE whe Aeait rah roses, fi iad sys of # prethy aetling gests of honor Past Distnet Deputy dent, Sister Glona Batley, and PIG Sister Della Jones, e3COrl-. somitied her report an Bek sad ed and introduced PP SOEr shui in members wanted bry Bfcers ana. members Mabel Disney, PF Boies Anmie Gereaved members. A Aonad , PF Sister label CFT was received from the Pest family tn memory of Wel PNG Sister Grace Bradley es mother, Mrs. M. Flemming, w introduced Sister Awrng her iiness gas Marshall of the get srownd home Thiowgh the gy of Ontane. kee of # escnited Kinoven Behekah Cowrney and PP Sister Meta Priestley conied and | Elen Jennings, Sister Doreen Ihsney and intraduced Sister Tvy Ark were conductor of the Rebekah be weed Sister some FRIHPMEIL id Assemily of Ontane Bewlah Duncan escorted and in- or Brooklin H-S Holds Me By MES. ARTHUR EILLIOTY BROOKLIN -- The Home and Inger camp Near LAA: | pesday evening, Fehrwery 2ind the province's capital. in the Meadowerest Junior School, Meeting opened with 0 Canada' and "Lord's Prayer in unison. The President Mrs Cliford Jahnston extended cordial welcome 19 memhers visitors and parents attending the ohservance of "EF nunders Night The secrelary, Mrs IIMS (oy, read minutes an (FP Phots M 10 Jeff Bal HANVILLE unded Monday when #8 order rifle he was hunting Correspondence scharged Thank you note" from youth was hunting with\r ore Gray recently patient in # short distance from hospital, and grateful app when he ripped ton from 1st Brookhn Mrs. |P Si Seoul was In good condition at Osh Mothers Ausiligry for changing Bridge Club Hospital with nm neral ial which coincid ate of meeting i Father and Bon fd TEN od with date of wun that THEATRE GUIDE for mothers al meeting went Mrs, Wes Routleys room In ontinued Ive f 12.40 ways lo club a with the ho show wlarts Iast pm and you encoun future 1.15 Cinew nm Me RA0 § churches in need! plaza Eastman Color | 1] when due p.m day fa Anis club Speci e this membership on the remarkable Regent way they in this community." TRAIN-CONTROI SPATH crossing 1s heing this Staffordshire low are automatically aovoss the trips A FAMOUS asl low. \} COLOR in such a short period of time, have promoted Kiwanis tested n, Barriers 12 lowered road when a train{men normally unemployed dup Tech dally 10.00 p.m, Last complete show mothers of Gra a Biltmore Biege al Sidney 590 pm Alaska' and War nesday at 4.40 p.m The annual meeting of the Ontario Federation Home and M Schonl Association will he held on Thursday, April 6th al the | yp Koval York Hotel, Toronto Mrs, John Wallace, principal m (orth to |Seniar School, and Mrs Wes M (adult) ¥eature Routley assistant principal \B al 7.00 and 9.256 p.m. Meadowerest Junior School complete show at 9.00 kindly agreed to acl mitee to check and Fevise PRR M iist for schoal pupils exhibits M | Passed Kor White! [for Brooklin Spring Fair 520 pm. "In Love The president introduced jg in Technicolor and guest wascope 2.85, 6.20, 9.56 Mrs, Lioyd Courtice from Cour fet Go" 0.25 pm Street" 2.20, Last complete "Never ann, 7.0% 8.20 pm 4.40 for rraeption of wilh be held in the 1OOF Hall Bags Presi- March 25 #t 2.90 pw RHR McBrien School Association met on WE oops uis ASSOCIATION The Woman's Association of Brookiin meet Christian Education Hall Groups in charge. Devotional Reliahle Friendship Group provided by AB( A. business ANNUAL BAZAAR Rebekah Lodge will he held on included Saturday TER BRIDGE CLUB North and South My Mrs As com: Mr { BOUBTPLY, DEGREE (wm Wen wating mong her Robber Gets | 27%... ia a pnt vrs (neha, 0, reasived & FRE #6 Miahes eve more 15 Y siimane 1mverity in Sowthern ; germs Lh RR AS Pesan. Japan MISE WHINE # Mens washer ones TORONTO (CF) ~A Toros encef Monday 16 rhenngh is gf, AIRers may re weve some menses of felg gk ro mimet. (REmigh 1a nee A Peasntifid "Golden (Cham Pageant' was presented by V2 mervery of JEineoen Behe ah . i "i the sind ¢ iy . REFRAWT (4 # Bg BAA Be igh 2 GREAT WITS! BOTH IN COLOR! weiter Jane Carson, [008 15 VERE IR PERNERIREY [9% Be JAMS, presided at the Pane. sawit and rovhery In the hes fang ewnrien wae Sisley Norrne ing of an yeer - AA retired intenduend water (ladys OPE od % District Depwy, A Rebekah fing wis present. Rowers Terry Morvgon, 8, [1 Ad A #5 and formerly of Kenora, whe earlier hal vy the members of the piesdes gins 15 Ihe RIERE, lange Band wae Rien sentenced (6 COREE: The ERE (WH - JERE IEW OF CRE at i theft and possession of salen apap husky Hatrins IROREY yg ow ietmens oy President of istics Bo, Tried with Wm wee David with i tegHier Jovm shawn West, Sister Gladys Cameron, 70, of a0 Paes ad The wnnasi Spring Bezaer Rometirg AAR katara RL presidents, the #p wificers of the Rehekah he NORTH TO ALASGK «i BILTMORE serimmmotton/ LAST DAY: "Mover bet Go" (Adin) "Siege OF Sidney B0/ wR . , £RER DRIRfly adress dress. He receivel (hire years Sop mant the for hovsehresiing and CORCHE: the oA nl wd Gig Fo Md gid terms for CRF RARE which Lodge theft and possession Ne procedure was conducted, snd -- ------ Vi Sister Veen 'TROMESOR on the WRpIessive pageant Pre visors emjoved a socal get Hits Japan tol iouether A the banquet hall. A --""d ithday cake, in the AGOBHIE (AR )--AR Sight form of an open hook, flanked Wn i" AY Agi A Lodge, Plans pt fapers MA Toses, TORAE woman were Willed and seven made for the donation 15 pn pid JL ckground Mogan persans were inpwied Monday Ww iowards purchase of Ui fo fu ih the cake Werk; sharp enrthauake that joited in memory" 1 0 En By the Past Wowie southern Japon of Grands of Kinoven 146 that sy Foi nesiated by the Nowe wlice plo Fepo ried Hi ter adi and iin oi Sia. hemiaes Jentoped or bp ter een Thompsn damaged in the tremor that sent ; ¥ FROMRPSN thousands of Persons SCHrrying Visiars were present from Be io shrir night clothing inte the ging, Bpringhield, Bove Betis; | sireets in Wivazaki and Kags: Trenton, Ontania; Toronts, Bow hima. in southeastern Kyushu p 2, y I od . J manville, Fort Ferry, Bowl jaoans southernmost mam is ile, Pickering, Ajax, WIRY. iand Brovugham, Oshawa Lodge No. § ana Sunshine Lodge, Bo. 2 i Oshawa When he tack her in his arms. Frost Warmed Against Taxes ed | street on Batwidey oilicirs glen several of | odge on Following closing of | odge Birsima Ely 18 members and Witham wheelchair, loaned by in memanam eting Stevenson A Mrs MATINEE 2:30 ® EVENING 8:30 STUDENTS MATINEE -- WEDNESDAY 4:40 United Church will Thursday afternoon #2 pm. in the wm areh Oh SARNIA (CF)~Kenneth Bry Programme; den, CCF member of the legis Refreshments lature for Toronte Woodk | Growp. Visi hodnine said Monday night he hopes Premier Frost will not levy any new (axes now that he has re turned from the federal-pravin:| March 25th, at 2:40 cial fiscal conference "empty m. in the J0OOF Hall, Bagot handed ! reel. Please keep date open He told & New Party meeting that any increased (axation the Brooklin would have disastrous conse:| played series of quences because of "heavy and Group rs welcomed The Annual Bazaar of Kinoven Members of fms in hasement of Township growing unemployment." H ! Banquet', The plaque awarded poh 2904 highest attendance of 8eores Dupl on Wednesday evening resulting in Highest icale Bridge as fol wh THE ROYAL BALLET Starring MARGOT FONTEYN Student Matinee Wednesday, Mar, 1st AT 440 BM. PLAZA THEATRE SHAW A TICKETS 75¢c FROM THE Harvey Dance Academy OR ANY STUDENT and Mrs, Wilson, 106% rs, William Mediand Robert Heron--10614 rs, Timmins; Mrs 01 r.oand Mrs. Dave Coates rand Mrs. W, A Maron ast and Wes! Clarke; Mr. Cox---122 and Mrs, Marris--118% rand Mrs, Jackson=110 rs. Nora Jordan; Mrs. Arthur Boyes--10614 hin Miller; Ted Heron--102 Mrs Wehsler-- DECORATESSTOPS WATER + Available ERNIE CAY LUMBER 00. LTD. "If 1's Lumber, Call Our Number' FREE DELIVERY 53 ALBERT ST, RA 51120 k | ape ra | Eire» Bec BOTH ARULT ENTERTAINMENT | MARKS - | speaker for the EVENING, | mw Last complete show atl(jce, Past President of the Home| hm and School Council, who im parted valuahle information re: Ihe Royal Ballet" inl garding "aims and objects of| Matinees 2.80 {ome and School", "The Home, Tuesday and Wednes: and sehool Creed", and "Found: Kvenings 8.40 p.m. Mon lers Night" Special silver onl: Tuesday and Wednesday, | jaotion taken, was donated (0-| al Student Matinee Wed:| yards work of the Library" sponsored hy Home and Hchool Associa meeting closed wil h 1 Queen' Refreshments Canadians Feature shown 8.80, 5.40, 7.80, The Henlor | at 1.450 were served hy de 8 pupils | | at 9.90 pm LED England (CF) atives, neighbors and friends of gin'y first train-controlled level Brit HALI inthe {works y proj near an electric contact on theling the winter PLAYERS THE ROBERT 4 RYAN WORKS PROGRAM 000 have provided work for 118) Douglas A GROUPS Wine Reliable Group of WA neet on Tuesday evening, at the home of Mv Committee! Mrs FAX (CP)=This city 1s|will 1 nidst of its higgest winter| March th, rogram ever. At present,| Robert Blevenson acts costing about 847%, (Mrs Russell Saunders Jackson, The Lend-a home of Mrs, 8 [Hand Group al Mrs months I. Hillier, Committee STARTING ARE ILLAN HOLDEN Wor of SUZIE WoNe TECHNICOLOR www win so-alaring NANCY TERESA STRATAS THE CANADIANS' MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON RD. SOUTH AT SIMCOE ST, b E! CKY DRA EVERY y %a HOUR FOR A BARBECUED CHICKE N MARCH And Many Other Shopping Surprises TO BACH OF Tig FIRST 0 CUSTOMERS ON COFFEE ® PATH Su GAR ROYAL : | Ib, GUESY Thurs, Mar, 2nd, 5 Ibs.

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