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The Oshawa Times, 28 Feb 1961, p. 7

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bid, By 10 ALDWINCKLE One of the advantages growing old is that you have acquired a store of memories and there is time to reminisce about past events, Sometimes some interesting ems come io light In a recent chat with My and Mrs, Henry 0G. Harmer, grandparents of songhird Shir: ley, conversation turned tn 8 John Ambulance and first aid Here in Oshawa, aceording to Mr. Harmer wha was an origin al member of the local brigade the association hecame active in 1014, FIRST CLASSES In 1000, My, Harmer and the late George Metcalfe, both al- ready proficient in first aid! practice which they had stud- John H. Rigg, the distriet Seout| ied in England since 1900, start! ed teaching # class, Three years later they started another small group. This became the nucleus of the Oshawa Division No, 18. In 1016 Mrs, Harmer received her certificate for a home nursing course The public duty record in Mr Harmer's rule hook shows that he acted in his capacity as a St, John Ambulance private just 48 days alter he was enroll ed, On May 25, 1914, his record says he was at the "opening of the armories' Throughout the summer of that year he was doing public duty nearly every Balurday, sometimes attending two differ ent affairs in the same day. He was first aid man at hasehall games, at a circus, a decoration parade and at Oshawa Fair During the winter of 1014-15 he attended numerous hockey games, He said there were usu: ally fainting spells in the audi: ence and minor injuries on the ee HELF FOR HELPLESS These incidents may. not seem important but to the af: fected person they were and when the Bt. John Ambulance representative was on hand to ¥ Harry Smith of General Ma of tors and Frank Ring were three ed of N. A of the other original members local division Mr. Harmer succeeded Mr George Metcalle as secretary when the latter left for France with the ambulance brigade in the second contingent in the Figst World War The local brigade pro their own uniforms and equip ment and gave their services free. Seven of the origingl brigade of 11, served overseas Mr. Harmer has many pro ficiency certificates and letters of appreciation. Perhaps his most treasured souvenir is a Thanks Badge from the Boy Beout Association, He trained eight Oshawa Troops in first ald and has a fine letter from Master, WINNING TEAM As instructor for the Oshawa First Aid team of the Bell Telephone Company he brought distinction te Oshawa when his team won the gnnual competi tion twice In succession The winning team with » = La MR, AND MRS, HENRY G, HARMER SHARING MEMORIES When Telephones and Doctors Were Scarce A First Aid Man Was Always In Demand vided GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES CHRIST CREREH EVE. (ATP The Eremng (wid of Christ Memorial wick Reif 0s mess WE recently. The ress Mrs. W. 6. Jackson, woenes the WREEting With fhe (ois mayer ABR WEIRER SRYRTR BESTE Mus. Garnet While gave fhe parish cone TEpwt, TERRA ng members of the Wekneshiey WO TIRE CT IAROR FETVIEE anh the Wehinashay rieming [ek ten serviees Reid #4 7.4 The GEEFACHE RARER The Rates for cHlering wm he Rese future, Material for wprons for the May swle wae Bstrwies AL the clase of The SRE 563 son Mr. and Mrs. George Cape showed patwies of their tog 19 Endiand, Belgwm wai Switzer land The next mesting will be held in the pansh hall, on Therstey March 2 #t B p10 6TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUK The Felrvary mecting of he 16th Scowt Mathers Awriliary was held recently Ene of Brox Preshylenan WH Mrs presse 7 presided A RK FRIREY, FERA Mrs. Kenneth A LERRSNIEY § TERA! Plans were made ther and Bon Ba ay, March 4 Banquet Hall Mrs. Hann reper commiliee MEELng aliended TREEPIVY t Lee Refreshments were Mrs, Hann and I i Bell. The next regular ms g will he held Monday alternnom [March 21 in the Church lounge GOLDEN LINKS The February meeting nf the Albert Street United Church W was held in the hoard room with the President, Mrs, . William Stallibrass presiding The devotional was was compos. Mrs. Boss Clark of Rae, G. Fleming, who chose as her theme K. C. Haskill, J. H. Connor and! Grace of Gratitude I George Metcalfe, The mark scripture was read Mrs tained hy the Oshawa team was Lawson Parks and Mrs, Mervin higher than any previously at- Morrison Sang & sol tained hy any team where the Sun is Shining During the 1920's Mr. Harmer was accompanied hy Mrs instructed St. John First Aid H, Atkinson &t the piane classes for General Motors and. A thankyou card was was a member of the staff of from Mrs. Walter Tippett also the medical department. In a letter from Miss Mary Kali 1926. office directing first aid ker expressing her gratitude work were KE. B. Grigg for the gift fram the Golden dent; A. Leishman and A Links to her school in Jamaica sell, past presidents The minute were read hy French, secretary; | Mrs. Wilber Dawn, alsa he ing, equipment officer treasurer's reporl G. Harmer, instructor The group Is 10 he respon These classes, held in the au- sible for refreshments for the ditorium on Mary street, grew WA on the evening of Tuesday in attendance, encouraged hy February 28. Birthday greetings the company and a picture tak: were sung to Mrs, Leon Parks en in April, 1080, shows 135 men Mrs, Willlam Roraheck, Mrs practising first aid, These men Stanley Wetherup, Mrs, 5, ( 'gave up two hours one night aH, Atkinson ph Mrs, Wilber week for nine weeks to study Down and practise first aid in order, Plans were made for a fam that they might hecome quali-| ily night on Saturday, March 18 fied to assist their fellowmen! Mrs, Arthur Allman, Mrs, Mark and eitizens Hill, Mrs. Gordon Bhemilt and Spry \Mrs. James. Beolt were ap heen! pointed to plan the entertain All his long life, he is a 84, Harry Harmer has ment and refreshments for the evening fee Mrs CREMIERREL, of the WES BE ERVE Fi for the Fg BOREL an Bat ef whieh with wm SET 4] led hy Group The scare of 99 points f al ny BOmE HE { rean Pre Ru James Full and H a, "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3.8474 doing just that The March meeting will he in {the charge of Mrs, James Scott's Group, Group 2 |KENOX PRESBYTERIAN WMS The Afternoon Auxiliary of Knox Preshyterian Chureh {Women's Missionaries Society {held its manthly meeting in the {church lounge Mrs. A. H, Dancey, the presi (dent, presided. The Beripture | reading and prayer were read hy Mrs. J. A. Bwindells, The Tuesday, February 28, 1941 7 [offering was dedicated hy Mrs nD. M, Polson | PERSONALS The minutes of (he January meeting and executive meeting and correspondence, were read sers attended the nation hair held in the Regency Hotel Taranto on Sunday, Seen at the A group of Oshawa hairdres: styling competition which was| presented in hy show were Mr. Gwyn Raoherts, {The treasurer, Mrs, DD, M, Pol D. Young, Mr, son gave her vepart, Mrs. Les Oshawa was re:|lie Blair, the hale secretary in the competition|gave the needs for the hale for Ursula Zlocinski, Donn allel Milligan and Ben Abramoff] ws (with their models Barbara | vice Sheavlock, Mr F. Milligan David first president, will preside for Douglas assist, his services were great:| Mrs, Grace Wood, Mrs, Anette Roach, Lois Brodie and Bar|ihe March meeting ly appreciated Captain William Culling of the Nshawa Fire Department, "WHERE'S MY BIRTHDAY" YOh dear, am I one ar am Inot? 1 am a Leap Year hahy and was barn last year on Fehruary 28. What a dilemma U'm in" says Matthew John Mrocseck, son of Mr. and | of Oshawa Arnold, Mr. and Misi M Hudson, Mrs, Bophie Mrs, Ethel Sutton, |Mrs, John Weiss, by | | | | | | { |also played and refresh | A social evening was held hy 4 | Mrs. Matthew Mroczeck, Kee watin street, and grandson of Mr. Stanley Mroczeck and My and Mrs. Gearge Parrott, all Phote by Ireland hara Latimer, The second price was brought hack to Oshawa [through the skilful hands of Don na Milligan | Mrs. Leslie Parkes hrought a 'highlight' fram the Glad Tid {ings (Along the Indian Road) (Mrs, W. H. Archer will be ve The vegular children's Satur- sponsible for the 'highlight' at day evening party of the (len. the March meeting {halme School for Retarded Chil-| Mrs, Milton MeBEachern pre (dren was held in the school au sented the study on "Our Warld (ditorium, Kimeoe street south, | (With 17 children and some! pyary 23, They were married in (adults present. The party too|Meaford, Ontario an February {the farm of a square dance, The 33, 1911 and have lived in Osh {caller was Mr. Ray Greentreelawa for 84 years. Flowers and Mr. Frank Stafford and Mr. | cards, and telephone calls were Louis Rousseau of Whithy sup-| received fram Ottawa and Van plied the music, Games were couver. Mr. and Mrs, Hills were A Vents! guests at a family dinner party served The next childven's| on Sunday, February 26 al the arty will be held on Saturday, hame of their son-in-law and March 34, in the school auditor: daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D'Avey lum, The children voted to call Bourgaize, Kingsdale Crescent. | their club "The (Hlenhalme| Members of the family present] Swing Club", lat the dinner party were Mr. | {and Mrs, Roy Fleming, Miss [June Fleming, Mr, Ray David | Fleming, and Miss Susan Flem the Humoresque club at the CRA building on Thursday, | February 23, with Mrs, Reginald Pike presiding. Mrs, Lorman] Miss Pamela Long, Reg N [Gawer, curator of the Henry who was in Oshawa to attend [Museum at Lakeview Park, [the wedding of her sister, the gave a talk on the lavely and| former Miss Bonnie Long, Reg quaint articles in the museum. (N., ta Mp, William King, has An invitation was received fram|returned to her duties at the the Reverend 8. C. H, Atkinson, |General Hospital, Trail, British Albert Street United Chureh, to|Columbia, Mrs, Willlam King attend the evening service onjand Miss Pamela Long ave the Sunday, Mareh 12. A game of daughters of Mr. and Mrs "buzz 50" was played with| Everett Tong, Wilson road prizes awarded to Mrs, Arthur| south Leach and Mrs, Charles Lovell {Refreshments were served hy Lionette Mrs. Rufus Lambert and Lions, Mr. Rufus Lambert land Mr. Harold Phillips Mrs MeBrien | Whithy, this plane Calgary, Besides being a bhreilliant av tistie achievement the presenta tion hy the University Women's Club of the film, The Royal Bal lel, was a friendly social acca RR sion in Oshawa last night marning by! Friends greeted each other in Alberta, the fayer where art exhibits Fred 3 left for where she will visit her daugh.|{fram O'Neill and Central Cal leglates made conversation Cane and family pieces and several hastily gath ered groups decided ta meet Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ray afterwards for coffee. Among Hill, Leslie street, received'the hostesses were Mrs. W. A many congratulations on the ac- Andrew of Whithy, Mrs. Bag caston of their golden wedding nard Lewl A Harold daniversary on Wednesday, Feb! Sproule and Mrs. # Salmer ter, Mrs. W. G. Cane and My | ana "nicks Brides "sold, but a few for the diernoon in Beyoitions" frm (he #aky book, "inte AN the World Ts ERIRET The mesting rinesh WR ey £7 by the president, Wes. A Framrry WOSKITAL, ALBHIARY (Koveming £ Raters Mane than haf oA the FT mem bers of the Evemng Chamer of fie Wemew's Hasta Aridihary ER I RtenBanck wt the month 17 mesting held wt the Wel augh wn Hall recemtby, Mrs. €. RB Linn RSIRER Following the serieiziy"s re port read by Mrs. BB. W. Bunker and treaswrer"s report by Mrs Hurray Fowell, Mes. T. HB (rrrer as Convener of the Cap coin Capers Dance reporiesd the © swecess of the Rance both soe wy and financiaity anl snc re y thanked the members wf her commmitier (or their rssislance Mrs. Henry Bickle sewing £m TEREr TRDIER that thier hes spreads and twelve baby gone figd been swbitied and Mrs Baioh Monee milling Convener repted thirty five pairs of oot and Waly mii completed for the ward WEIThETS Wir 48 DEER WIREEn 8 The members were asked by Mrs. NN. €. Briggs, scraphonk ARVEREE 1h BORE 10 the next ell greeting cards cards for the fnrtimer nm Iii RARYEREE tise hat MEmRErsiip hsts for each member were available rs. Lunn stated that all the eveming hickets for the Bt. Pat Aarch 15, bad heen NERIIRE AR Ernst FRI has Mi SEW mh Hh from Mrs Aoyd Perry ach member was requested to deliver two hatch of homemade candy th Me- Laughhn Hall by 6:3, March 14 Upon mation by Mrs, William DIFRAREE It WAS uRAMMOuSIY resolved that a past presidents evening he set aside for the pre sentation of a past president's nn or token of appreciation 19 VETE BYRNES Mrs. A. FP. Rabeon snk Mrs. &. Enriey FIs ation Memes welcms ah 19 The memhersing by Wes Loon were: Mas. Bras fleck Mes. W. KB. Morris, Mes. W £. Mapex, and Wis. Donald id er Refinshmemts werk served by Mrs, Deane Belly and comm. [77 ONWARD ROLF The Onward Growp of Har mony Epes Chwrch held is monty mesting recently. The president, Mrs. Ernest Jokes ened the meting The Rey hional by Mrs. 4. B re i. F. Holmes whe sooke 4 how ®. Yaleptine Day wes wrignaief The Secreiary nk EeRswrer gave their reports, The Crocus Tez 19 he om March § nl the Church hall was Miscussed.| CAINARY BAPTINT Ws The WMS of Calvary Beaplist Church met recently, Mrs Henry Melihee presided in the whsence of the president Alter # service of song Mrs W. N. Aitken snd Mrs, Mefihee SARE # Buel. It was RB praver mecting especially or mission aries and letters from them were read. Mr. and Mrs. lvan Lee Japan are looking forward 19 furlough in July, Mr, and Mrs James Green, Jamaica, report £4 # great number saved al Daily Vacation Bible Schaal. Mr and Mrs. Vernon Hurlbert wrote of 3 malor accident which hed killed some christian native workers. Mr. and Mrs. Ray dalonse wha left recently are stationed at Nairobi stated that PERYEE WAS much needed for the Congn. Mr. and Mrs, Harper Southern Rhodesia, wrote of the local farming problems The members of the WMS have quilied a quilt for Miss Bertha Zimmerman to he given to her before she leaves for her rink was led ei wd MW, wien antieih isi man and Wes Frank Chwminy nesde oH i. ! @ Fist foe rRyrE CRERTICE I and § ASSN, | CTE Tome aie BORO Schoo Mars Rt Taiim WER R ERMEERE § 18 oo EF inr (5 meri Fovnders IRehe # He Femwery mesting. THe ui (IMIR E RETIRES [RETA aR. org wih # reading, Wis. ThoweS -- (Hakman, Wis Waid (ribam Wis. Bras Fobwmeom. Mrs. Berry iobnson, Mis. Airis ; Mes. 6B. Chertion, Wis. Boy. Wan Adar, EROWE With Home wid Scho Creed. Wes iinyh Cowrtice 1Eaf #7 Row! dary eptitied "The |e Res A Mrs, Thomas (Aadman, pres Ment, presided. Mrs. William Mckpight teal the mines fo] lowed by the (EEaenier's report] by Mrs. Barry Johnson i was Aecided 19 hold another) SHOP AND SAVE. , THE CLASSIFIED WAY ... WATCH FOR THE MARKET BASKET SPECIALS EVERY THURSDAY IN THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED PAGE instant | Soe / laasssassatana IFRESHBREVED FLAVOUR | mine Cups to the o% CE lA i | | SHORT OF CASH?...WHY WORRY YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ACCEPTED WHEN YOU HOLD AN i a Ile rmarlionol CREDIT CARD THINK OF IT, you toe can take advan« tage of the special sale prices offered by many of the merchants listed below, and it is se cenvenient, the medern way of shosning. Just present your INTER. NATIONAL CRERIT CA P, buy anys thing, anytime , , , And it's geod In the USA, tea !! Here Is How To Get Your International Credit Card Just walk in and say "| would like te have an International Credit Card," and, Presta, there it is, No mere warries, Just ane easy manthly payment far all your purchases, LISTED BELOW ARE THE MERCHANTS FROM OSHAWA AND AJAX WHO WILL HONOR YOUR INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARD AAA AAA AA A AAA AAA AAA AAA WHEN YOU PO YOUR SHOPPING THERE SHOP THE MODERN CONVENIENT WAY SAM ROTISN Men's Wear IT'S YOURS , , . FOR THE ASKING! 7 King Street E, Oshawa BOND CLOTHES SHOP Oshawa Shopping Centre MILLINERY WORLD 5 King Street E, Oshawa PEOPLES OLOTNING STORE LTD, 36 Simcoe Street N, Oshawa Franklin Simon Shopping Gentre Ladies' Wear Oshawa Shopping Centre ELLIS SHOE STORE Harwood Street §, Alex GLAZIER'S DEPARTMENT STORE 498 Simcoe Street §, Oahawe NORWICH GREDIT 20 Simcoe Street §, and Oshawa Shopping Centre JEWELLERS Oshawa T.V, Sales & Service 341 Gibbons Street, Oshawa rpell's Furniture & Appliances Upholstering Aix Shopping Contre OSNAWA APPLIANCES Your G.E Dealer 78 Simcoe Street N,, Oshawa WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS DANGEY'S SNOE STORE For Men. Women snd Children 18 Simeoe Street §,, Oshawa SALES & SERVICE Dealers for Zenith radia. T.V, 1318 Simeon Street No, Oshawe SMITH SPORTS 353 King Street W,, Oshawa WALMSLEY & MAGILL STATIONERY ? King Street E, Oshawa JOE FLYNN SPORTING GOODS 9 Bond Street W., Oshawa 5

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