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The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 9

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wer ---------- B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Welnesiey, Mash 1, (MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL | Aaughter Appalled By Relaxation Of Restrictions Pear Wary Raworth: My hus band and |. having # (eenage gre ppoetied by the relaxation of restrictions AIRETICRn catiegr Wis wel share the fesling ~f other parr in enis whose teenagers som will presi Wr Rich fabert Thomas Davies Davies Mrs Mr ing, Mr, vor dent, and Mrs David Andrews, ard Withams Andrews and Roche {Isham a emblems, the leek end daflo- dil, the executive gathered he- fore dinner. Seated, [eft 10 peht, sre Mrs, David Munk ley, Mrs. David Andrews and | Mrs, Thomas Roche, presifient of the ladies auxiliary, Stand GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Jahn CONANT H AND § ASSN, Harnden The February meeting of Co Mr. and nent Home and School Associa tion was Founder's Night and a successful 9h birthdey was celebrated Mrs. Joan Smale, president welcomed the guests and mem bers and read the creed of Home and School Mrs, Fred Pesarchuk gave the secretary's report, Mrs, John Murdock gave the treasurer's report ahd Mrs. Harold Jenkins read the correspondence The principal, Mr, John Gal braith, outlined the science course for Grade 5 to Grade § Final plans for the dessert night of cards for March 16 were made Mrs, Wilbam Baldwin intro duced Mrs Hoy, vice president of Home and School Council, who extended greetings Lindsey snd Pefferigw included the national | president, Mr. Douglas Jones and Mrs, Jones and the ng tional secretary, Mr. Irving Davies and Mrs. Davies, To route. Wearing their nations Fails TODAY 18 61. David's Day and snd in honor of their patron saint the Welsh Society held is annual dinner and Agnce on Saiurday at the UAW Hall Guests were present from Tor rontn, Peterborough ra Featured At Annual Banquet Old Songs Stir Welsh Hearts Mr. and Mayor D Times FPhoio Nia by M. E The Child Mrs. Hoy the birthday cake, tastefully decorated In Home and School colors LODGES AND SOCIETIES OAKLEIGH LODGE, Oakleigh lodge No 151, LOBA, held its regular meet ing in the Orange Temple Worthy Mistress Sister Mary Thompson presided ster Beats rice Hurst acted as deputy mis tress in the absence of Bister Ivy Gibbs Lodge opened with devotional period led by Chaplain, Sister Sarah Murray Flags were presented by Sis ters Annie Frost and Olive Harrison. Bister Thompson re ported on members who were Coie entitled eut Mr The David's Society of MPP B Oshawa held its annual banquet' Powell and dance #t the UAW Hall on and Mrs, Hamden Saturday with 325 guests attend | Mrs Lewis Jones The hall and tables were at Mr. David Andrews expressed tractively decorated with daffo- appreciation dor a delightful dils and bunting in the nations! evening to the following ex colors. Mr. Lewis BR. Jones said ecutive committee; Mr. Richard grace in Welsh Williams and Mrs, Williams Mr, John Powell proposed the Mr, Arnott Davies, Mr. David toast to Wale Jenkins, Mr, David Munkley Major D. B. Harnden propos-ljy,, Mr, -Ivor Thomas, Mr ed the toasi to Canada Stanley Locke, Mr. Thomas Greetings were brought by| Roche Mr. David Andrews Her Worship, Mayor Christine! Myr, David Munkley, Sr, Mrs Thomas Robert Andrews, Mrs. Blan Bongs Simpson ducted A draw on & beautiful tes and service was won by Mrs, Law Locke rence Bagshaw of Pefferiaw Musical selections were hi Ontario ered by a ladies' trio, Mrs. a V, Hawker, Mrs, John Min.| The door prize was Mrs Ad " Mr, Peter Tullock and Mr pis and Mrs. Rhyddid Williams . accompanied by Mr, Rhyddid|™ré W. Cook werp the Williams, the following Ar| winners of the spol prize Hyd Y Nas Clychay Aber Dancing continued until mid dvi. Mr. Owen Nicholas of | ight io the melodic strains o Bowmanville, haritone soloist, Bernard Tierney and his or sang "Mentra Gwen' and "My chestra Little Welsh Home', The head table guests were £1 ui of Cambria were con by Mr. David Jenkins gecompan Mr. Stanley ist il Bister Mae Oster was install ed as immediate past mistress hy Sister Beatrice Hurst Commitiee reports were given by Sister Nan Kirkbride. A de- to the association and outlined tailed report of the audit from| the "Founding of Home andthe Orange Temple huilding| ; School Movement', Alexander commitiee was read hy Bisier {Graham Bell started the first| Doris MeDonald BURNED BOOK group in Canada at his summer| 'The evening draw prizes were| President, Mr, Ivor Davies and] EDINBURGH (CP) Agnes home at Baddeck, Cape Breton won by Sisters Fva Tipton and| en, er ners ores bay, (Cooper, 8 former Congo mis and. Jp 113 the first associa DOS MObOOold, mre witt be Davi ndrews and 8. |. 4 4 ; on in Ontario was formed in ich p a, corresponding sere:| F1OPATY, Bitracted & large crowd mo ants with the late Mrs, held pt the home of Mrs, Beat: tary, Mrs. Thomas Roche and|(by burning a copy of Lady A C. Courtice as president, In|rice Wurst, on Thursday, March Mr. Roche; treasurer, Mr, Stan Chatterley"s Lover on an Edin. Oshawa the late Mrs. R, 8, Me-0, at 2 o'clock, Following clos. ley Simpson and Mrs, Simpson; | burgh sidewalk, '"That which is! Laughlin organized the first as-|ing of lodge, refreshments were Her Worship, Mayor Christine) Satan's," sald the 62-year-old, sociation, Mrs, Hoy concluded served by the committee in| Thomas and Mr, T. D. Thomas! "should be returned to Satan." ther address by reading a poem|charge | [FREE PARKING go» PATTE'S WINTER SPECI won by and lucky Earl WALLPAPER 2 PRICE enter clege Edacationists tell us that ts day's youth wows tilerate the restrictions thet thelr parents aid. | wnderstond thet at many schanis the young pengie simply won't stay at the dances bt go off whoknows-where, for what prrpese" Ome boy 1614 ue that the girls just can't stand staying dressed- Wp in those {anions gowns and want 16 get away and inte Ber mudas as son as they can. In my youth I felt lie a princess in evening clothes, Lovking hack I can see the sense of the strict regulations at college that | felt Were most unreasonamie then Why have they been lifted? HEEDLESE OF DANGER? Are college heads totally heedless of possible moral breakdown in students who were carefully supervised at home? Is this laxity or disinterest on the part. of school authorities? The whole of the LU knows there are more applicants. for college enrollments than ace available so the schools h In College Sariptiurs seye~--"te will not de part therefrom." As for the difference between the regwiated Me at ollege when you were young wad the present-day patiern of laissez faire that you describe and de plore, it might have something io AG with smallness versus Hg ness When you were & gr--say in the 1900s--~it was still 2 very sinati, very privileged portion of the poniaee on this. continent thet went 19 college. Suddenly in the wake of the Second World War however, college is for everybody, more or less, A eal lege diploma has become amos 2 "must" in the job field GROWING PAINS Thus, colleges are bursting st the seams trying to cope with the new demands, And from what | resd, their harried ad ministrators receive very litle help from the community in the matter of getting adequately re tooled for the times Figuratively speaking, many there! don't have to kowtow to youth! Why don't they make rules that must be kept and draw 8 line against nonconformists? Then arents' minds eould be pt rest assured that their sons or daughters weren't st all-night cabin parties or other dubious places If our youth goes undisciplined the future for our Please comment, CC country? PARENTS JOB Pear CC: 1 think and teenagers are less than a credit to themselves »n the score of character formation if by the time the youngsters reach college, they are looking school authorities to safe guard the teenagers from fool hardiness If is the parents' non-transfer able duty In democratic society to assume the lion's share of accountability for bringing up & child in the way he should go wnat parents to 50 that when he is old--gs A FINER BLE YOU'LL BE | [FREE DELIVERY | YS ONLY ALS __BEGINS THURSDAY MARCH 2nd to SATURDAY, MARCH 1lth__ 2 PRICE 'ROUD TO SERVE! CHAIRMAN Mrs. William chairman of the dance com mittee for the Hth annual square and round dance to he held at the Airport under the auspices of the Oshawa Jay ceties, This dance is the club's chief fund raising proj ect, Marg Hough of Toronto will be the caller, Edwards is CILTONE GLOSS 19 DISCONTINUED COLORS sar. 1.90 qt. 6.00 Gal. REGULAR 'EVERY 2 BUY ONE FOR 2.60 BUY ONE FOR 8.40 EVERY 2nd GALLO ROXAMUL VELVEF AND RESOLAC SEMI-.GLOSS nd QUART 25c¢ ~ 1.00 9.00 GAL. A k | OSHAWA FREE DELIVERY | iy PAINT & WALLPAPER LID, 90 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE NORTH REE PARKING | RA 5-3529 (Free Parking At Rear Of Store Off William St.) PHILCO HN PHILCO BE PHILCO BEE PHYLCO BEEN PHILCO BEE PHILCO could Be # potent factor Iniconcerned, romance snd soctel Aerigions activities will he favored in late The late afternoon snd eve June, and Movember, By ESTRELLITA ping hours will be especially and domestic concerns will be good for promoting uniqie ders inder fine aspects Awning he FOR TORORROW and Msplayng your devermess. same period This day's meperts, ws yester FOR THE AY Ingenmty and sell - Miscigline day's, should be pleasing to ¥ tomorrow is your Wethdey, will pey off during November those with creative talent and your hovesenpe indicates & pro and creative idess, backed wy to #ll whe are engaged In enter ductive year, but & great desl vy practical methods in carry. prises reqaning | m a g | nation will depend on your co-operation Ing them, out, showid witimately and originality. Resourcefuiness with superiors, partners and Vield fine resnits. Late Decem- shondd be #6 & pes now #64 hsiness assoniates -- especially her will be fine from a financial - during Joby end September. standpoint. should help you 19 enlieges are going though « Where personal matters are start 1967 on the night looting. sort of hoomAown phase of gr TTT fit aa rr ee-- resistibie cEpansion at present, changing from smallien village type nstiiutions inte antidy, wn evenly growing "mass produc: tion" industries that haven't had opp tiEty as yet to get firmly o regriviped inte & groove of eon SETYRIISM Put this way. Oldesiah lished groups of lke - minded persons in smell congregations re easier 16 manage in terms of having them "ioe the mark" than great crowds of invading REWEMETS BFE What of the future, if youth goes undisciplined? Don't he hysterical. Probably society is just having growing pains. MH. Mary Haworth _ counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview, Write her in care of this newspaper, | THE STARS SAY - ~~ SUPER SAVINGS! ~ LETS 4 i - ed SALUTE TOMORROW'S (171)]1/508 YOUR gor! NEWS TIMES CARRIER Is Learning To Become A Your Help Will Be Appreciated EN. -------- rd ial, BLUE BONNET MARGARINE IN THE THRIFTY 3 Ib. PACK Convenient and economical! Three pounds individually wrapped, Thiifty wey to buy the finest oll-vegetable margarine with fomeus sunny-sweet flavour, - YY " RI / SF PHILCO I PHILCO BN PHILCO DON'T BE FOOLED!! Maximum wash-load suggested for ordinary 10 1b. washers is: Weight Amount 3 Double size bed sheets (each sheet 1% lbs.) 4% lbs 3 Pillow cases (maximum weight) fotals % lb. Not really 10 pounds but really only 5 Ibs. Average Philco load up to 10 (true) pounds is: Amount Weight 7 Sheets (maximum) 10-10% Ibs. or 6 Sheets and 6 Pillow Cases!! (2 LOADS IN 1) NET RESULT: Philco TRULY washes 10 REAL pounds of clothes . . . DRY weight too! . . FJ SPECIAL AUTOMATIC WASHER AND DRYER 3349 AND UP BEFORE YOU BUY STARR FURNITURE -- 491 RITSON RD, §, bi © RA 3.3343 GIVE A TRY APPLIANCES AMPLE PRES PARKING 1 PHILCO Bl PHILCO BN PHILCO

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