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The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 13

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12 THE OHAWA TIES, Webnerber, Merch 1, 1981 C Ii Oy Much Like At Home OFTAWA (CF) ~ One swash- Kennedy has rescinded the or ickiing RCAF - fighter pilot 867 BW Pl R ] an eunion on a There are Beary serving In Europe Tented # oougents "of Capndion service Annovncement of Plans oF with great distinction alangside big hese a hy 4 Cheaper men ving shroed biependent 5 ' all reamiar fovees and the (eR & THE 4 IE Fk PETIIEER 18 RCEOMPANY the first poswar Fenian of he ihe igh ; ar fonkes the heated only one oom I IS Canadian troops 16 seh paces Lorne Bets has been received Yor id prestige satis was nmaled. os The Congn, Wide East and with interest by members of (companies were present #0 Generally speaking, however, Indochine. Beary @il are in and this great Canadian Regimenti Queenston Heights, 1658 V5 Canadian servicemen with their around bases of the BCAF wr from const 16 const. The present! [ane and the capture of Dero. families mverseas Wve much 4s division in France and Ger commanding officer, I4CO0.. Militia of the three counties they do at home with the pos many and the infantry brigade Arthur Kemp, C0, states hat of Peel, Dufferin and Hallion sible exception that ther vaca: group in Germany plans are well wider way 10F were again called mt during the Lions are more glamorms, In io MORE EFFICIENT the event which will be held in Mackenzie rebellion in 1897 and time they can he in London, The army and BROAF find Brampton, Omtana, location of alse saw active service dunng Faris, Rome, Madrid oF Copen- that their overseas 10rmalions the Militia wit's regimental 1566 in the Fenian Raids, A hagen wre move efficient when depend headauariers. The twoday #f-liarge number of men were also. When Fresident Eisenhower ents go along. The reason, he fair is slated for Saturday and provided for the various contin prdered the nimber of depend: sides morale, is that it takes Sunday, May § and 7, 1061 gents wWhiih saw service GWIRE ents of AMEFICAR SEFVIERINER some Lime 16 settle into a new One of the largest Canadian the South African War. The reduced, (here was some un: job and married servicemen mn Infantry wits 16 serve in World presept uml perpeluples SE easiness among Canadian ser: accompanied by their families War I. the Lorne Scots provided hatiahons of the Canadian Kx vicemen that (Relr goVvETnment are not expected to serve aver mare than two thousand sfficers, peditionary Force in the First might consider & similar move. seas more than & yerr, The and men in all theatres, with! World War Since then, however, President tour of duty in the brigade and the exception of the Far East = "The Lormes" had n total of 45 detached units in speration and provided & number of stall offi cers at National Defence Head auarters, Miawa, and Canadian Military Weadguariers in Lon don, England, as well as af headanariers of vanous field formations Present plan calls for regis tration to hegin ot 1.30 p.m. on Saturday, May 8, and a reunion dinner for all ranks on Saturday might. Overnight accommoda tion will be provided for the vis vars. Sunday there will he » churen parade EARLY HISTORY The Lorne Scots (Feel, Duf ferin and Halton Regiment) whe | wear the Ancient Campbell of Argyll tartan, were formed in 1036, hut they can trace the ariging of the parent units hack in 179% In the war of 1812-14 the Flank and Rifle Companies of Peel and Halton were called on to defend their homes and served Voting By Phone In Future By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AL PF FOR PREMIER You may he voling hy tele phane someday in the future an expert predicls Comes election day, you'd dial a special number, check a written ballot that had heen malled ta you, dial code num: hers for your vote, and dial a final conde to cast the ballot Final results could he known a few minutes after polls close and you'd vole In your own hiame, says Dr, Ralph M, Gold man of Michigan State Univer: sity. One problem: How (no prevent someone from casting your hallot DEATH OF A GERM How germs die when al tacked hy the disinfectant hexachlorophene in soaps and tonthpastes has heen discov ered hy University of Michi gan scientists The germ hleeds to death Insing 1s vital fluids as the chemical attacks the thin membrane heneath the cell wall. Then the disinfectant | maves in tn hreak up the germ's life chemicals ATTENTION WIVES A tiny female barnacle has reduced married life to ils simplest. Khe earries one or twa hushands around in her pocket This particular harnacle, of Fairlane Tuder Sedan The lowest-priced car in the low-price field Ford --< ie on operating costs alone! Bir Riyisinn ie thee veRis with the passitminy of rinsing The number of Aepentents FORA 5 BH BRTIBHES. ROW By ey ey Servickmen wih 1aige [am les are nok hikety 19 he posted to Ewrope wniess wrgemtly re Hired Tor # specific oh ARB 7 BEEVIEERR BA FH vided with government marned Auariers must find switalie pe commadation far Fie (amily be fore they wre allowed 16 jon Wm. The accommotation must he apprved by wellare officers wm hve Ee dad There have been (ew recy FERCES Af ORE CABE SEVEIRE VERTIS Rin when an Rrmy corporal, his wile and seversl emidren ar rived penmiless wn England FIMITS ON BAGGAGE There are some 1600 depend ents of brigade soldiers hving overseas. I costs the public treasury ahout 83,200 00 (4 send them over and bring them hack This includes cost of storage of their furniture in Canada The cost of transporting the soldiers themselves between 5008 and §.508 personnel ~~ i8 whet B10 9 There pre some 6.008 pirmen in the mir Swision and show 4.000 _Aependenis. The cost of sep transportation mlone for D910 RIFTRER APG REDERBEINE Wh 1660 was BAR HOH The government pays for the iransporiation of personal ef fects only, Baggage hmits both Ways Rie 9 ponds for offi CETE, THO onde for oiher ranks 95 ponds lor wives and #9 pounds for children, Anything wer this the serviceman pRys fay For Instance, i # Canadian SEFVICEmAn ys & Ear Wn wr RIB WARY B----he mu Ry the shiping charges to get it home. Bt there pre regia: tions which prevent Wm from making a fast buck, He may by # European car tax - free if he Anives it in Exrope for af least six months helore depar ture for home and drives i in Canada for 12 -months after he wets hack NO FAMILY ALLOWANCE mons ginimg BEFYIEENER can save you as much as $754° Falean Tudor Sedan Falcon = YRIY om the financial pepects of service in Ewrope me schon holds That the ser viegman wwoed na the other that he sw't. But BRE RRyhody claims (hat Re sitlers linancially because of DURISERE BEFVILE Fay and allowances sre gen erally the same in Canada and whined except for the [oreign SEVIER RIVGWRREE But 2 Wig complaint is the Canadian legislation which pre vents pryment of family allow ances (9 Capadigns ahroad This applies 10 SRrvVICEmER R$ well gs civilians This law affects mostly men with the largest families mak NE the least pry For instance, & privite with children whe doesn't pay Any nome tax because he doesn't make enough loses the family allowance witerly An olficer paying income (ax wen loses (he allowance, of conrse, tt is allowed the migher income Lax deductions for ehildren It 15 understood that the gov fe hetier off EIRENE |6 CORSIBEIIRE PRYDE Wena) [oF # iia 16 have 8 Come an pllowance Wn Hew of 18% mand of thee or lowe lpg whiow ance WAGES What really makes all service" ' ¢ men sore. however, 16 the wid FEPEray pos gg ! "hy held betel that they dows SETVICEmEn wns hey eve 16 pay wmeome tas. They Wok (or9ard eagery 10 # kr poy Lanes ot the same Foie ae THOR ing. poi ip? yA. everybody eles in Canals riers 19 £9 BENEFIT et Foes have 19 cope SOME OTHER 4 #r shih many ® 19 On the other hand, service with sometimes nienior locel men readily admin some fringe housing conditions. Mest of the WEnEfis SHER #5 ERERD KIGRIELS EVETHIDEI. IRATTICR QNAFIETS nl Vauor. ARR many service: Rie huge Barrack Mocks owt vp THER REE Ang it possible 16 Ao Win spariments, There is ile something they couldn't sliord oF mo priviecy wt home. Bend their older chil dren 19 excellent wilyersities WING PGA TITLE DUNEDIN, Fla, (AP)--Bam The wim of the government Ly (hat BREVILEMER RIF 3 have avaliable 16 them the bernard o inna, i Pond same acinies they would have # 18k Found 7s Tuesday ; at home, It has wilt schools # TECOTAREERKInG four: Jd and provided Canadian teachers dg o #4 wd win the H0M9 who nse Canadien curricula, It VIokesnonal Gollers has Built shopping centres Wationsl golf ehh ¢ i where Canadien gods are sold, ernardi walked off with Canadian servicemen are nH Hirst - prize money four veterate travellers, Many of strokes ahead of Ballard Bess them have covered Europe on ley of Orlando, Fis, whe timed their leaves hy the Lime they wn # five-under-par #7 for & fave: come home, And it is not wn round (otal of 278, Look how much you save with the FORD ECONOMY TWINS he, _ -_ The new measure of Compact Car Value sales and economy leader in the compact field! the family lithogyptidae, does not live on ship hottams, hut hurraws inte coral. While the female is liny==havely 8:100th of an inch long=--the male is even less, a small, simple sae without ability for independ ent action, save only for ve production, and housed Wm a packet in the female's right side, reports the Smithsonian Institution PRICES SLASHED A hargain sale has heen announced hy the U.S, Atomic Energy Commission If you're looking for radio active technetium-09, the Oak Ridge national laboratory has slashed prices to $100 a gram, down from as high as $2,800 a gram. A nuclear reactor hy product, the material has promise as an anti-corrosion element IT'S \ RREEAE A slight hreeze is almost as necessary as sunlight ta grow oar Alr movement helps carry enough carbon dioxide 'a the carn plants, a requisite for photosynthesis. Without it corn vields may he reduced, say US department of agricul ture seiontists MANCHESTER MANCHESTER -- Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Torrens, Kenneth Ronald and Lou Anne of King stan were with her mother, Mrs Frank Johnston, and family on the weekend Mrs. Josh Dobson will enter tain the WA on Thursday after noon, Mar. 3, at 2 e'cleck Mr. and Mrs, W, Tayler and Rrenda of Stouffville visited Home ear , , , some saving! And heneath that Classic Ford Look there's I'ord's unsurpassed quality and value, plus genuine economy and depend ahility from Ford's famous Mileage Maker Six! You get every one of the Carefree Features, listed below, and a Dealer's written waranty for 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes fivst, See the "61 Ford Six at your nearest Ford-Monaveh-1'aleon dealer, Here's proof of the real savings and the extra motoring pleasure you'll get in an average year's driving of 12,000 miles with a Carefree ord; x= 30,000 miles between Chassis Lubrications--Saves you $18.00 (in 12,000 miles) x} 4,000 Miles be- tween Qil Changes--Saves you $6.60 >} Self-Ad- justing Brakes--Saves you $4.00 >} Aluminized Muffler lasts three times as long--Saves you $18.70 xl» Diamond Lustre Finish never needs waxing--Saves you $23.00 x} Automatic Transmission, throttle linkage adjustment only--Saves you $5.10 Falcon changes every idea you've ever had about Compacts! Here's a perfect blend of styling, economy, power and handling ease, plus many money-saving features, : I'aloon, with sturdy, single-unit construction, gives you room far 6 big peaple , 4 , brings you a vacalion-size trunk almost 24 eu, ft, big! And I'alean has the highest yesale value at trade-in time, But check the facts yourself--Here's proof no other compact measures up to the '61 Falcon; Xk Up to $710 less than some other compacts *}- 4,000 miles between oil changes x Up to 35 miles per gallon on regular gas + Diamend Lustre Finish never needs waxing x: 12-.menth or 12,000. mile warranty, whichever comes first 3+ Bolt-on front fenders for low-cost replacement 3 Choice of Standard Six or more powerful 170 Special (both run on régular gas) Come in and see the white Economy Twins now! Get the full economy story... find out the big savings you can make! Mrs. Crosior on Sunday Mrs. J. Bain was in Taronte last Wednesday Miss ©. Cowan, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sis ter, Mrs. Roach, and family Mrs. Frank Kendall visited Mrs. Crosier last Thursday eve ning. SEAWAY MOTORS LI 200 DUNDAS ST, WEST WHITBY MITED MO 8.3331

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