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The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 1

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Mild, spring type weather will continne into the weekend, with only a little dod, THOUGHT FOR TODAY BATH ol A REF RE DARREL. FRYE HERES Fé aot RAs WERE BREE BR THEE WEiowE B tami rim fe Oshavon Sime AAR oad VOL. 9000. 56 TWENTY PAGES NON-ATOMIC DEFENGE PRESIDENT URGES U.S. Fuel Blasts No Comment Yet Rock Malton ' On Nuclear Plan nedy said he shortly hopes to ssi An executive order dé ha Tiel y y | defence depariment has signed 10 "'slrengihen employ iN KETENE FEECOMMENAES RR NCTERRE IN conventional weapms strength fient. appoariunities in and oul of government The president #lso 10d # He made that BRRouncement press comterence that the ad- when asked how he feels ghoul ministration has reached no de- a recommendation hy the Civil vision on whether there should Rights Commission that federal he any step-up in nuclear weap: funds he withheld from pili ons capaminy universities that diserimingte As 10 he mn grounds of race, religion of whition national arigin front end of CORVENLIONEL WERPONS POwEr Kennedy said the new admin smned 15 Kennedy said he will take ahowl jstration's efforts in the civil shit off @ / wn weeks helore making any righis field will he concentrated fire judgment on J) first in the field of employment Kennedy made hese He indicated action may he ed from announcements helore taken later in the ares of edi inguisher, B 1 son Lo questions cation and housing Hiv , / I. For the first ime since last The questions and gnswer duly, there was no net oAOW wonnedy's fifth press confers of gold from the United Bates) on oq ranged over these madi his Week tional Breas | Kennedy commented that this| wWillisms==Kennedy said in his slenifies that "confidence In the opinion, his Assistant secretary dollar throughout the world 18 of state, G. Mennen Williams, theing restored has "done very well" on his | 2 West Germany's Chancellor current tour of African eoun {Konrad Adenauer will visit tres Washington April 1218 st Ken: A remark hy Williams that he nedy's invitation favors "Africa for AMrieans" has 8, The president announced he touched off criticism oo _Sesons Clow Ma Frice tit Gre a 8 " i, On iN Late For Lowy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 196) FORONTO (CV )="FRics h alter David MelCrge, #1 burned in an aviation fuel EREK Ging {rocked A Wash ana ine gi in MeMuiin suff £ He BORIS Ck WW) Was I BASHIR He sae of Ine 10RGINE BOER Shak flame fest nln REDIGBION, RB BREARA Wi suburban Mallon "Tuesday plane refueliey i IIHT We in P 131 ARINET Wah hal ana nme im Wir Mulirae Wieren 4 JHren ton i HK top of irhan Oi Timed, whieh he Aepmt Arpart to refuel TransCanada face, righ Air Lines planes, said the cause He 1anAngE PREPARING FOR SUMMER of the ex honons was wn, Ie (re Electricians will investigate the FHped i | man 1a the Hive HRpErial Wir and efi the an rEplosion ApETates Malton A Wi Pentagon recom mn Wh INEFERsE IN Wi wn tar when in the He grauna CHE Calf H e- possibility of a huildup of stati | VERE-AIA BO i wil) gleetnieny qn tery of i f Police said id not know Hon ie whether there tion between the 4 The second casually was var toward WeMullin, 45. Aller Mellrae's ell $00.00 flight refueling truck gx pladed in a S0-fonl sheet of fame, MeMullin filled his vehi Ukrainian PM . Failed, Fired fore hi 1 new En feel hi Lahiee nhs he Hegion Officers Blamed Hit By Puck In Yacht Hassle Player CAMP PETAWAWA (CR)==A ized and unknown to him, sald Loses Eye | Wy for use this SUMmer in the { 0 authority's parks. Some Hm picnic tables are needed [oy the 1000 000 park visors ex pected this year. Helping canstirueted | om warkshop | Forante and | vation Author re and ra Bolton Metro cCansey WERE other opEnIng ERLE IEheg Mollras his nl Was ANY COnhet eollan shack iephna) twa hlast 4 pushed the ex he thi another from Ww CHIEN RB BE truck, Viet hen nearby. home and ven-font harbed-wire Mul rae fl FEfueler, ran fence 1a Arag eR major and a warrant officer Col. ¥gan second class have heen named The controversial orders weye the cause of a regimental squall posted In the dally delalls of An sha / HAF ' being po wil aver this camp's (wa-hoat Dee. § and Jan. 30 ta men of yacht lub the Bih company, nd hattglon AL a press conference Tues: The first appeared aver the day, Col. A. D. Egan, command: signature of Maj, (. E, Mekl ing officer of the nd battalion roy and read as follows Canadian Guards, said "abso: "The commanding officer has lutely incorrect' orders hy (he directed that all persons helow two lesser nfileers had the Fa of sergeant will pay Eom id newspaper charges. by (#8 ta The battalion sailing club SInen clalming i wey ie help veplage moneys In the tn sem Agamsl their battalion fund which has pur army These nrders unauthor British TV Mustn't Knock Brand X Soap LONDON (AP)=British soap manufacturers were avdered tn Add hall of this on the mid-Decem REr pay parade In all cases a total of 88 per person must he paid hy the end of 1060. Any persons whe feel they should not pay the ghove will be interviewed hy the com pany commander and, If then not satisfied, will he paraded {0 the commanding officer." The second appeared aver (he name of WO! D, BR, G. Grant the Oshawa |For save the ey chased (he two sailing heats and alist Dr that the company will eollept/the eve was ram Cha [ ki, 18 SIEht of his et f Lil Hneke Tuninr B games Arena, Tuesda hasegewiki st The Auring nelalian Whithy airing al hi rushed Haspital @n emergency apergtion zie last night an effort 1a However eye spe Bowerman sald irreparably dam aged and had to be vemoved Feammates led hy coach Bu Gagnon and le manapel Ivan Davi five thousand the injured Feam proceed game lo Ww day at the Whith Avena he contributed to the fund Chasceewskl, 10-year-old fenseman for Whithy Hillerest is in General in n am ering Hp datlar ftunik In Ave i | player frinm A Bp alu will eal pla ian TONDON (Reylers)--Hussia's campaign 10 purge hackshding farm leaders has resulied in the vemaval of Urainian Premier Nimifar Kalehenko The Boviet news agency Tass which announced the dismissal Tuesday, made no mention of a new Jah for lalehenkn, eonsids ered a farming expert The agency said the Ukrain:| ian premiership was taken ove hy Viadimir Bheherbitsky, a see K. Claims Reds Made of the centri) Ukrainian CEIINIELRE Communist | yelar of the The move the lal series of veshuffles in the Boviel Union that have followed Pre mier Khrushehev's January warning of switl action against Headers who fail 1a yreasiee up 0 his aurieuitira! demands Farlier this month the agrienl {ture minister in the Georgia (Republic and the Cammunist party secretary in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan were Je plaeed Kalehenko dismissal fol lowed eritiesm of farming meth adds in the Ukraine Khrushehev, wha recently vi ited the Ukraine an a tour of the Russian farm helt, blamed the local administration for mis takes and fallures in the man Wht Lina (herald Kable, B8, stands uleide his damaged suburban Mount Clemens, Mieh., barn bidding and leoks ab part of wrerkage oF B giant KO Varese Wnker plane tht erihe ed Withing harm today, The prap-driven plane, loaded with jet fuel, crashed on takeoff NATHOBI, Kenya (Reuters) ay | JET HITS BARN barely missing » A residential subdivision, de: maolishing & vaeant house and | hitting Kabile's, All five crew Whoard the plane died, 0 one else was Injured alr (CREATES "PEACE CORPS though Kahle was in the build ing at the time | Another (AF Wirephoto) Black Victory In Kenya Election Kanu leader to const tavern and 6 UIFRINE Congress Lo restore to . : former President Dwight Eisen WAN TALNING LM J {hower the rank of five-star ge0\ i glare that he was talking of eral, Kennedy called this #0: aif those whe felt that they were propriate because of Eisenhow:| Africans whatever thelr ealor er's outstanding militaty record might he, whatever their race and his long public service, Bis: might he, | da not know who enhawer resigned from the vank else Africa should he for" {ta yun for president in 1053, Faweations ly sald the Kenned constitution rol blts distri tion of federal ald for education 4, Kennedy sald he had today : p ya , and rae signed Ai exe utive order CFB sohools, that Bupreme Court de ating a "peace corps' of YOURE! cisions have made this clear, He Americans who will serve made (hat remark vhen asked [#hroad in providing ald No why his administeation's pro underdeveloped countries, The! gram does nol provide for any [corps i wuking Congress to en: gid to such schools aol legislation whieh would) Weonomy---~Kennedy said "it [minke the corps a permanent wold be premature to make a |aperation, Judgment that eur economy is | In response to questions, Ken:lon the rise," day to stop knocking brand X an television The governmeni appointed Independent Television Author ny ruled out all TV commer |] First H-Bom and stated was struck hy the puck al {agement of agriculiure 1ast Pinal vetoens were tallied today|to an easy win was Viee-Pres "The following personnel SUI eammate tank a slap shot an, LONDON (Reuters) Nikita year in an eight-day election that has| dent Oginga Odinga whose pass . | Cong o Chiefs have not completed thelr Pay-lgoal during a warm-up hefore) Khvushehey claimed in a speech ensured an African majority foripert was seiged after hiso visit ments tn the regimental SANE (he third period of a playoff|published today thal Hussia| How To Cash the first time in this British cols to Communist countries in Noo 1 | club Belleville Mo! made the hydrogen hamb he ony's legislative eounetl (vember, He polled 46,000 voles LEOPOLDVILLE (AM)="The Apainst Hus Gagnon when aoel player, an Osh student, played Michael Tetra nay election was wnt ehanl mn far Al nthe sen Liraup [] hel al the ITA ol Raine The in November esting and exam appraaeh ao een power invelyves exploded Navy Vessels 'Fingerprinted' OTTAWA dian Navy is warships ! h game 1 | pile Flaming uit 8 ame These payments will be Farland fore the United Altes : With only twe seats outstand:|in his election district, more ; made immediately al the Pa¥| jiinerests' conc fhe Baviel premier also . ing, the Kenya African National than all opposition eandidales other "ordinary soap powders," Ela SORTER TEL AF the cam fen warned "American mens Holida Stam 8 Union Nield 16 of 88 elective] combined Aso hanned are the sort of Lase™orfice. Failure to comply ima Chaseeewskl wis SIeppinglisis' (hat they, now have lost y ieats, the vival Kenya Afviean| Michael Blundell, white leader Moise Tshombe, president and Rive rtisements with me is with (his order will vesult in be He. To A fiat holimlal the advaniag Hu J had Labor Minister Daley fold the| Pemaeratic Union 10, independ:|of the multi-racial New Kenya feuding politieal --ehieftaing of premier of Kalanga province, rl in sparkling white and the A in E ap HI HinY net If Anes fd the Bovie } yg ALY 4 The Cong kled ¢ gmerged ] 1] { 4 Magy att lolal grey, eap [al pliiary, action eng lakes. dent pecurred Hon oh py? wopuracy|lodislature Monday, that whem: SA(8 14, and four other parties Hoh AH ji thnos an many CV, SP gli ing ll dig Bs tioned: "Somebody's mother neared heneath the arder Fhe injured af long-range Russian missiles Ployed Parsons may oh their " . : dish eatin, k of the wiite.dait after a United Nations" warning alliance signed Tuesday in his isn't using nap flakes Col, Egan said the men ye AW# high Khrushehey did nat pinpoint Yaralinne iy Taig " oon as RECEES Kenya coalition: in (he (0 reconcile Yor chaos will ve: oapital of Klisabethville he brand-name makers may sponsible for |ssuing the daily last seq dates in Ris H-homb élatm af June Romonal RA Ark ARIF Valley constituency sult,' Premier Joseph Tea repre sl claim that their hex of details had attempted ta take on Buzeers made last Thur Lt ina pee oh Phe unemployed 00 Labi 0 bi WT HA i The chairman of 15 Kenya ARI bmmunist tenders IN iiented the central government bubbles - washi whiter orl gutharity they did nol possess Junior B tn a conference of farmers Wh ol Sq mn hook L | slgning a military pact, offered) in Teapoldville, Albert Kalani, whitest, ah pokesman and laid themselves apen fopl (Far si Moscow, The speech was pub RT gata Anne. Mhota, Who polled 81,407 of coulition committees in Blun< gn alive branch to the Commu:|jaader of the "mining state' ha sald disciplinary action page five) lished today in the \ ammunist A yt AE if d the 40,787 votes cast in his Nalo|dell's constituency Tue sd ay nisi-hacked rebel regime of An: has proclaimed in Southern Ka party newspaper Pravda and} A oa a The artment| FON constitneney, called on Alinight rejected him as vepres/ tone Gigenga in Rtanleyville, |yai also signed hroadeast hy Maseow radio ration cane \W fie f vicans ta eal up your sleeves' | enting them ir W il Cigenga was invited (0 a oon IV] A | . Khrushohev said of Lahore, B York street I'n and make Kenva a land. of sOnting nom any ay AN) ge onee of Congolese politieal| 1068 MOVES were announces When (he AMETican impos rant. The Department of Labor] ea peace and prosperity, | reaffirmed support for Caven: jaaders in the Malgasy § apublip| shortly hefore UN Heecrelary and 1an om ean jutiata. eveited an atom ham HL BREE A BRANES BERRI who Abvbarald Kanu loader) dish Bentinck (formerly Madagasoar) starting| General Dag Hammarsjold they hegan 10 talk about al hed hoy should he sent hy 814 he will {ry again to obtain] Representation on the 64: next Monday sent a letter to Congo President hydvogen homh, Hoviet seien Babi dl 4 ' the release of eonvieted Maulmember legislative council willl Also invited was Anlcet Kash: Joseph Kasavubu warning that {iste tonk heed and made the| FegER61eH mal ident! Man loader dome B(Hurning he completed March 18 when amura, another follower of alain the Inited Nations would soon hvdvogen. homh before I ws, 4 polm LL ol pan Spear) Kenvatta to serve as/the BY eleted members choose Congolese leader Patriee Lu: muster sufficient troops to ms or KS n ew ue made in the United States | 100A ved foley eat pl ey phief mintgior, Kenyatta is held|{1¥ national members four|mumba, Kashamura has been pose a political solution on The | 4 : od HAAN, WAOMPIAY ION pan (An vestlictad yexidence in north whites, four Africans and four (running Kivi provines but Iv Congo it the Congolese de not ot : iw \ ; United Hale ARR Wed fs for lean than six weeks hol ERA by Hritish Authorities, Asians [Haid to be in Jail at Htanteyville, work one out alone, CHALK RIVER (CF) ducing rays. Far this veason the the ather for H i ave alave his 0 small group of selentists and equipment in the labaralory 1s ining them pavried out texts in the Marshall hi have to, declate fia % 4) technicians ts working at Can: designed to prevent any pluton: Canada's Islands on thermo Me If RY Tlie e Commission ada's atomic energy establish: lume=either in metallie, powder namie nueleay WADARS FeRearel hollowed 10 Unemployment insuranes ment to give Canada an aco nar Hgwid farme=rom Coming the use af natural uranium ox he the hydrogen nomb A iy ticles Oil ath aod thay had the hale in its atamie pawer/ inte eantact with workers le as a fuel, This method will} tid not anpaunee whit Hi Hv tod a valing on whethes RERETAM The second hazard is (hat ex:| he cheap because spent fuel ele: 1958, that it had MNS holiday pay Will he assess They ave an the staff of a new treme care must be taken to ments can be removed fram the hydrogen hamb ad as earnings. They said tat $400,000 metallurgy laharatory prevent even the small quantt reactor and stored al small cast it is nossible the amounts in which has heen given the task! ties af plutonium being used In Expensive plants are not re valved would he less than al af finding methods hy which!the experiments fram being quived ta produce enriched ura Dut Free lnwahle earnings ho ule phatanium can he used along hrought tagether in a fashion nium fuel ar to recaver plutan tated the Oshawa Times will With natural uranium oxide as/thal will cause a small uelear im . he notified of the ruling an the a fuel in atamie power plants [explosion ar a foe However, Pr. Runnall abel | Halliday stamps Elaborate precautions make br, 0. J, €, Runnalls, head that it may he possible to make! Goods ut it possible for the vesearch met of the laharatary, told A PYOSS ihe Canadian system even mare! allirgy branch of Atamie En: conference that the safely Bre: aoanamical if methods can be ergy of Canada Limiled lojeautions are so elaborate atl found ta enrich natural uranium ® Randle RIWIARIM IN SOme dis: the possibility of a worker pial with plutonium. Until a 1 us e camfart hut without danger gesting PIUIORIUIM OF CAUSING AR mathad is found, plutonium pro WARHINGTON (OF) The Kennedy administration has asked Congress to proceed al with draft legislation 19 Plutanium=--the material used explosion ar fire ave prachieally laaoed in Canadian power plant in nuclear hombs--is produced] eliminated ean he stared far future use thraugh the use of natural ura All experiments with platen alum as a fuel in research and lum are conducted in what ave fhe Cana fmgoernrinting (UP) 1 PAWEE Teaclars It emits alphal known as glove hoaxes, The aly rays WHeh Can Cause PARCETI pressure mside the hoaxes is kepl and remains in an arnve tate! lawer than in the labaratary se far 308 years [that autside air 13 always flow There are (wa hazards ast: (ing nia the hoaxes ciated with the handling of phil Dr. Runnalls said this system nium 1a learn haw it CAR he prevents any plutonium fram used as an allay 10 POR WResCARIng mia the laharatary natural uranivimg fuels Air sucked - fram the hoxes ta If plutonium 18 ingested Ila keep the pressure lower goes the hedy 11 will seitle Wn the thrangh fillers 1a capture any nones Shaating aff cancer-pracllonse plutonivm Ww when handle po in side the stainless steel hoaxes CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS with plastic windaws through parts 10 which are attached spe cial rubber gloves. Extreme POLICE RA §:118 WRE DEPT, RA HOSPITAL RA care must he taken nat to pune ure the glaves and allew piv IORIUM 18 escape The labaratary is in twa se tions--ane tar fabrication of H (perimental fuel elements & " Bankers Announce New Report Plan TORONTO (UPA now sy tem of reporting hank cleaving designed to give ale polure of A Ae a Busing condi HORS 4010 Canada, will he Wm augurated May 1 the Canadian Bankers' Association announced taday Al pie ports the cheques drawn on ane bank and cashed hy hank. Unley Wi ORL, WIALIOR Ie Aggregate amount of ARONA anee poduee the maximum amount of taviitfree goods tourists oan wring hack 1a the United States to S100 fram 5300 The legislation, which will af foct all countries with the ex Caption af ane ree part on the west const of Mexion, new 1s being considered hy the House af Representatives ways and means cammittea and the Sew ate finance cammition Congressional and administia von officials said { heve na speeial treatment planned fa Canada under the prapased hill is This is being done hy infraved| radiation hased an the physieal phenamenan that ahleet gives aff heat he navy says that when th vesults af Hs experiments have heen analysed 1 may he hossi he 1a develop mare efficient methods of short-range commu: | MOALAR And CATHSION WATRInE and identification techniques A naval spokesman sad Tues day the experiments near Hal fax are hased on these oansid AFATIONS 1. During ships hikely every WAT CRRMY WORK Wmaiiiam va the system, the association willlAmericans returning from Can dia and radar sitenes | report the dollar value of all cheques drawn na matter whore deposited \ CIRATING Canada Cashed In Il a CBR how their same have he SW § Ada will reated howgh purehases nm WAY as hey F@ POIUTRInG ram Brtam, France oF ath TOVETERAS Panta 3. AN Knawn OMS IR Raval ve \ Fi he BORSA ION af § PROPRIO AVS 11] faliage We rubber vais 19 Cross a Jake near Leupold IN IRVINE PATRON with ha oN And ORS OF, CAB TIage diated radiation mirared ow CONGO PARATROOPERS CROSS LAKE ville during " | government gr Wage " attached tensive way 0 the rees tram lod The troops CORES hy alite Wd the ATMY (Ap ax the Congolese General Mabutu and are pant | of a G0hman pachute-oam manda detachment regarded | COPY » Wirephota) i ----------.

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