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The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 2

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(we are talking shout, can he lenge to Canada's economic poi Lone of great hope, pnd 1 con be joy one of great danger Mr. Pearson suggesied the it does involve, | think~1 49 way 14 deal with the problem is not think | am wong 100 RIE (o work toward an Miantic ern words when | say Wem hal: BOWIE COMMEMLY NOTICE! dé lor 6 Controlled Rapial Aparnments 2 BEDROOMS $73.00 3 BEDROOMS $79.50 Includes drapes, host ond donor servics. boy or oW Childrsn LOCATIONS: 1, NEAR CEDARDALE SCHOOL (Simcoe 54, 5) 2, PARK RD, 5, AT ELMGROVE REQUIREMENTS | Applisonts Yearly Income Must Wet Excosd $3,750.00 Wotice! This is 8 sory , and the demand is proven, consiruetion could en Le wored this i W you nesd larger, new, modern ascommedetion ot 8 price you Kan otford, Wis is your sppertusity 1s obtgin i. Please IH in your name ond ass, #15., below and 190i 18 BOK 347, OSHAWA TIMES NAME ADDRESS PHONE THE GSHMAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Marek 1, 2 'British Trade Move Seen Bad For Canada o OTTAWA (CF)Anziety 19 ihe wl XE shkprassed wn Lhe Commons Weck (Tuesday night ahowt Briain s thelr possible effect on Cana-| Hr, Pearson ciled satements apparent anit Loward closer col- dian export markets, was # ygeporied to have heen made lahoration with the Vuropean nagging preoccupation of many Sunday by the lord privy ses) Common Market of hase who spoke In the de vd Wenth, as evidence thet Liberal Loader Pearson and bats Britain is moving doser 1a the CF Leader Argue pictured this Prime Minister Diefenbiker, on Market development as Tranght with introducing the resolution in the They quoted Mr danger for Canadian exporters, aliermoom, said Canada dd] Lwho traditionally enjoy a priv-lthe OKCD will help prevent the Heged place in the United King. breakup of Furope inte compet dom market under the system Wive trade groups or Wecs--"'# (of imperial preference potential danger thet can only Mr, Argue saw "every possi lead 1 4 great an bility" that Britain will join the in the fugure development of western Varope Trading| eyitawiy and tack Wis Fhe Aanger we o Heath as paying Britain was willing 19 ac cept a common or Rarmon "oamlernal tariff am pon farm goods ss part of & settle OT nent with the market, This had a real OANEET heen described In press reports #8 a "fundamental change of principle in the United King dom position.' "This development Mr Pearson went on, "which will undoubtedly have significance with respect 16 the organization ECZEMA ITCH ¥ Fé rR rrERERPELTY 'e FERRE LEER EERIE CITYORTOWN ....,.. OR CALL RA 5.6544 ° Exclusive Agents, John A. ). Bolehood Loi rrr prrere ey sein in fase or te J] oo Jed Beniy Verne Bes n SFO R78 AER) E148 0A B WHEL Blows 1145 1h mimisies Apt repls #etion howls fi win salle VIB r EIRTRI. AK Yigr Binagist 14 AH Amant $k 4 Hey Al Wee vir sk Fook belies Tap n the Com ernment ratifica ---------- 4 FLYING SAUCER UNDER WRAPS f Today HN wis Camo (CF Wirephots) overnight In #8 | hangs) Hamilton, RCAF | flaged wis housed Mount Hope CCF Charges Milk Marketing Election Graft Changes Sought TORONTO (CF)="Three agn The hasic problem Sachonaldeultural economists have oul tremely low returns in the man lined a plan for reorganization wlacturing sectors of the indus milk marketing in Ontarioltry, the report suid Heturns in which would include establish: the fluid sector of the industry td he ment a central marketing are "relatively adequate department ggency The report suggested a central Vrofessors David 1, MacVar- producer hoard, which would he of MeGill University inthe first purchaser of all milk Montreal, A.W. Wood of the Un- produced in the province and he hould make jyarsity Manitoba in Winni- responsible for management of ao peg and John WW. CRINEFORS of any equalization sup " land Hutgers University, New Jer: plementation latightered ! 5 [] its of & OVS DEGREES URGED Coordinating! The study recommended some degree of price supplementation the hoard Price blending or price equiliz of [Aton between the groups of On tario milk shippers in the varl ous ealegories Lo overcome thelr inequity Under the plan fall into four classes In aceord ance with its end use and the production standards of the pro ducer The classes I, AIL milk designated as dairy sscort the ving salcer" Churemll cheeked Is ex | haven't seen anything of the Will Mi ¢ over party elec added fuesday when he of i Liberal mem] UNWANTS DEFICIT sted the pulp The CCF leader Would pa Hana and forest | showild he self-sufficient fram i FEvEnues and not operate deficit I thie i" CCV Leader fine HONTO (CV) ila farted # " Toke Your Extra Savings in Cash and Stock Up on the Outstanding § Day Values at SPROULE'S This Week, Tremendous Savings in Every Departs ment, SAVE 216 IN CASH SOUP MIX SAVE bc IN CASH BABY FOOD auring on "lane of land timates when Mr arged the Liber ¢ slg estion he} hve pip and pit| official had #l ed Bh 00 in iT i SAVE 166 IN CASH -- MONARCH POUCH CAKE MIXES 8, 100 9, 100 SAVE 155 IN CASH ~~ BR, BALLARD'S HEINZ CHAMPION ~~ 2c OFF DEAL 10 ,, 1,00 DOG FOOD 10, 1.00 QUALITY MEATS With Friendly Personalized Service RIB END -- 3Va-LB, AVERAGE PORK LOIN ROAST - 49 DEVON RINDLESS BREAKFAST 148, SWIFT'S PREMIUM y 30° LOIN PORK CHOPS v, 88° HEADCHEES * FRESH OYSTERS DAILY P » BARBECUE CHICKENS PELICIOUSLY Ib, 35 COOKER AT SPROULE'S, LEAN AND MEATY GRADE "A" TENDER GROWN OVEN READY ib. 37 CHICKENS ib. 29 FRESH TASTY SLICED MORE OUTSTANDING EXTRA CASH SAVINGS ON OUR DOLLAR DAY SAVE 17¢ griment OVEFNINE] of aid om LIPTON on the Coun Prime pulp and paper inauasiry ar price awn farestation hive Tae Donild presented res month survey 1o Hi edd ed aliMilk Producers Alhert Wren (Le=Kenora), who Board Tuesday ed the government 10 reduce They were asked hy for the industry ren review pricing and fro #l 0 whale milk product ommend Improvements id air' Nine New i Parks Open "itis. un lender should economics for TORONTO (CF) Nine new hoard regulations and paid for i Will he apened| ge standard fluid prices part of Ontario's; a2, All milk In excess of dairy recreational proc paguivements marketed hy class and Forests Minty shippers announced Tues 3. All milk shipped be non: po ' Ap ain royal palace quota shippers who meet pro [Canadas lonkthem objective. in un ey duction standards equal to those | Wednesday, Mareh 1 At the same tme, political of class 1 shippers The Commons meets at 2:80 leaders expressed fear (hat the 4, All milk and cream shipped pm, EST to debate veterans' new king, 8-year old Moulay hy 1 dire ar Wi the m fund from the dd ile and axe and eh ew h tric cost rer northern Industrie § Ar whmit this | ie t fl Increpse cost IT} vi Wi hall) INereunt imer Bopha (l said the CCF write a hook on MacDonald, wha had nol ihe Mmble-sindad aentive's name [ting the aluahle ihe pulp and paper Indust or | made the province Sopha sid During the (HK, 000 ¢ fiked Land fer Bpooner Invi of government aireraft authorized persons He sald two department #aly craft had heen used hy una: ment estimates of $25,088,000 thorized persons to gO MOOK Ontario has 00 provincial hunting, Kueh use of aiveraft parks containing 8.500.000 acres could the taxpayer thou an increase of 60,000 acres sands of dollars he said sinus 1060 : Mr. Spooner sald an estimated New parks for 1061 are Bam | 4 000.000 trees fram provincial uel de Champlain Park in the nurseries will he distributed North Bay district; Greenwa [during the 1061-62 fiscal your for, be! Park, Kapuskasing; Five private and government plant| Mile Lake Park, Chapleau; Na ing, He said this would he an|EARRIMIKE Park, Kapuskasing Premier Increase of about 5.000.000 trees Fiterny Park, Kemptville; Ron aver 1060.61 eho, Tweed Turkey Point, / Jake lhe: Qilbway Park Park, olf Bounty May Be Cut White River A number of older parks ure enlarged, Mi Npooner| TORONTO (CP)y=Lands Min: know If the money wel ister Spooner sald Tuesday spent, hut wolf bounties had night he {5 not eertain Hf hounty heen pald for some 70 yoars payments are the most praetl I'm almost of the opinion we onl methoa of controlling the lghould discontinue this," he] wall population in Ontario sald, But he added that a hahit| The issue was ralaed hy El of such long-standing was dif mer Napha (1 Sudbury) who ficult to hreak asked if the department should Hear hounties are only paid] hudget for $60.000 (this year tolin certain areas of Ontario] pay wolf and hear hounties where there 18 evidence of the! My, Spooner sald he did not! slaughter of livestock Wintermeyer lender Leader led the CCH siatament CONTRIBUTION Douglas Ambridge of the Abitibi Pulp Company, had not any funds to the not 10 the nul uni with milk wolld Pearson lst | [18] res industri DENIED H 10 resident tand firm against an lax A ih Vaper trib ed | 1 ioned the ¢ i | withdraw onntine i" forget contributions Provincial par had | 1h My. Laurin Yi i uropesn (rade growping and. The government (eh (hat the said this would pose "a very organization would help safe Lserious threat 10 Canadian ex guard Canada's vial trade in ports and to our Canadian econ: (erests LE Mr. Pearson sald press are signs of some weakening of Lports give the Smpression that the North Atlantic Treaty Or association by Britain with the ganization, This must not be ommon Markel is being "more permitted since it would lead in i Britain did move into the Common Market, "we would have to he very careful indeed of the effect of that on or F Ch hill The twa spike as or ure 1 mons debated #46 LONDON (AP)=8ir Winston resolution cating for Churchill went out with the boys tion of Canadian membership 0 Puesday night for food and nomic Cooperation and Devel! covey on hearitly at 86, A Cana opment dian sickling pig served as the Just before the House rose main course Fuesday might, It hecame the! The old statesmen kept an the 20 signatory countries 10 8avoy Hotel with The Other ratify the organization eon Club, # stag group he organized vention. The organization, com: 50 years ago posed of 18 west countries plus the United Blates other club members, washed it and Canada, was established 10 down with authoritative bur: promote healthy trade relation: | gundy and lopped the whole ships in the North Atlantie Com: ithing off with brandy returned home rosy ™ and smiling There was Bn IMPressive ar lamen ceremony in the hotel's Pina tanding ovation, The nex t- - ance cheers were reserved for the suckling pig with & big red pe ' i J 4 f By THE CANADIAN PRESS |#rpie In its mouth A hod Puesday, Veh, 8 plane from Medicine Hat, Alta wih od hs dicine Hat woman who. will serve it was offered hy Mediein i I Mayor Harry Veiner to Chureh new National Productivit f Tast C} tmas and Sir # cil were announced bh oF 1a "i He Minist ) ake Ainister Dicfenbiuker served for this occasion f ' 5 ord de Ji that the council=with steel ¢ Fo cap the show Lord de la A Warr presented another suck ecutive Georpe DeYoung a {in ease portions (chairman--=seems weighted fo: NE Pig==lust In Cf ) ward hig husiness, with labor the craft unions Opposition Leader oroccans ald the membership made up of distinguished Are » "very husy Canadians who have oun ing thelr own responsibilities." u Nun Was giver animous mpproval was given RABAT (Reuters) An aN iishe 00,000 or membership In the new 20-na-| BUIAhe d- crowd of 1,000,000 Mo tion Organization for Feonomi BR pop uiaytior lly death of King Mohammed V as) Mr. Pearson said an Atlantic Ms hody lay in state In # sun A den next to the in this North Af win't Li un and Lands omy." Mr. Diefenhaker said there closely conwidered" than hefore Night Out ferests the new Organization for Yew gvink and showed them how 19 first national assembly AMONE| annual disner date al the swank European. He ate suckling pig with #0 munity Several hours later fore Room, Sir Winsotn got @ The main course came hy Names of 24 men Winston suggested it he re CCV Leader Argue protested ran out, which they did representation unfairly favoring gens but many of them a motion to ratify Canadian oceans Tuesday mourned the in si when tn ram 4 4 I 15ter trading community should be drenched gar | W i ainlee on the on that if intermeyer had mide of the 1050) 4, Fi elected hel vould introduce a Wl In the lature to force political to publish their election Mr, MacDonald sald challenged the Liberal tn open the party's elec tn the public Budget Seen Next Week FORONTO I rost told the il that vill ol addr hudget lon of the Mr, Wren fa 15 Mini tigate use Vi hy un: YOur 1060 ng disc ave mate ris and Fore nf 02 078 | Hed provineial parks last compared to 5,106,453 in| he told the legislature duy presentation of his depart total wenn by the in piece H Arie ! ENE He fer tian hook died Bunday| ennl minor nasal 21+ 3 Ib, Average (cm legislature Tues provincial Treasure likely present his) March Kor 0 presentation has flelayved, hecause of the hpravinelal feeal confer i OHawa lust week Frost sald if the hudge! not ready hy next week it wild he presented hy March i the latest ud he wanted the legl tn di of the throne ooch debate and a resolution unemployment hefore the budgel address he legislature liom hefore Mareh heing wind 1 Wis SAVE Bs IN CASH LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 8. 100 SAVE 15¢ IN CASH GOLD BEEF ~-- CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 200 1.00 Tins SAVE 16¢ IN CASH TOILET TISSUE 8 ,.,100 SAVE 5¢ IN CASH YORK BRAND Beans with Pork uw. 100 Tins Quotas would he froeen al onal prestige for milk shipped In excess of | For Larger Marquis Tunisian President Habib the distributor full price He pido in the building whieh ialks with French President do| fund administered hy. the cen:| Tven the nude compelition dosnairing wall when the King's| the fund would receive about [NY complained that a painting and a mountain trihesman slit {large and posterior view of an fivomen in an attempt to keep into manufacturing plants bY pension amendments; the Sen Hassan 11 faced a stiff task in shippers who do not meet class gre meets at 8 n.m mainteining the national unity present levels. Quota shippers Mohammed, 51 would receive top price for while undergoing quota mip v ' p 5 reign | a Avia OTTAWA (CP)="The Marquis Bourguiba, the only foreign However, this excess milk i of Lorne. former governor-gen. hond of state to attend the fun: would then deposit the differ. |O8HIoN Gaull 14 Ty ) Y ) y pimed at. ending the lg ence hetween top price and sec. (DOATS his name and houses the Gay oma to Ld | tral hoard has heen removed Should the market for fluid! The fuss started last week in| coffin emerged from the palace milk expand at the rate prevail the Commons. when H. W, Her: Screaming women tore their $1,000,000 in Ms first yoar and (Of the mavauls was displayed in his throat Han additional 81,000,000 each|® Mahly unfavorable position Hundreds. suffered sunstroke subsequent yer win too small, Mr, Her: despite streams of water played Hoffa Wins {attractive nude." down casualties ' ' 1 standards his father inspired through per Nude Makes Way quota milk and secondary price SUTROTY It Is utilized as fluid, would cos finally has & prominent eral, arrived from Paris afer : National Gallery of Canada ( V \ WIN | ondary price in an equalization The Moroccan erowd raised al Ing up to 1060, the report sald ridge, CC Fmember for Koote: hair and scratched their faces ridge sald, and was close to "al over the sweltering crowd hy hed PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT 3 'Tn 1,00 SAVE! WAGSTAFFE'S Jams & Jellies 5 oi 1.00 Hi He nose 8-08 Tim fit In expected th the end of | WASHINGTON (AP) == James | [I, Hotta Tuesday won his three: | year battle with the hoard of monitors assigned to clean up the Teamsters Union HAMILTON (CF) Arthurion the the hed spring i Wak it Uiy 4 fram | Oh hy we and thousands of hod ashore al NI are bull Atlantic ocean Iwas the second stralght quantities 1] heen wash he of \ he ARNAYRACR ramen day ( 8 TT of that huge ms much 10 | vomove th residents have | | living nearby, Ocean city | Maver Nathaniel has il beach CLAM CHOWDER Smith sald cost mare than $5000 to clams fram \¢ J (A Wire photo) Padbury, accused of harboring Foderal district Judge 1 Dioks three runaway givls in what one inson Letts, who established the of them called "Padbury's pad" Jnonitom? py, Authorized he in {and forcing two of thw to have, on to cull a convention on sexual relations with him, was the convention is held, the hoard | pemanded Tuesday until March of monitors will automatically 14 {RO out of business He 1s charged with three Hoffa intends to van for ves counts of contributing to juven election ax president of tho ile delinquency, alleged (0 have [1,700,000 « member union, along aceurved between last Nov, 21 {with other top officers, and hejand Nov, 91 {Almont certainly will win easily He pleaded not guilty [ He thus will regain full eon: Defence counsel William Mor {tral of the. Teamsters, free of pig 5 to submit a written argu [supervision hy the monitors and ment to the court hy Marveh 10 {the courts The girls, two aged 14 and one | Hotta promptly laid plans tol ld, wrote in what was called a hold the convention in mid-May! 'beatnik Bible" Padbury had in in Miami, Fla his weirdly decorated apart He told reporters freedom ment from the monitorship will elear| The writings the way for his union to launch|in evidence, went big organizing drives in the aly - NOT A VIRGIN lines and in the industrial tiold| NAT A IRGIN voar + olds : hravching out far Javund the sgametimes I'd Ake to it down oRMter's primary Jurisdiotion |, q weit a hook of my lite aver truck drivers and ware iW \ I've had a rotten life n ise mon gard to a hay she had met here His ambitious organising plans | Se wrote 1 wish 1 could tell {ratse the prospect of a war with him mR Virgin 1 ean't." the AFL-CIO, which expelled the . ! Ra [Toamsters on earruntion I'he girls said they ran away |oharges in 1987 from their Taranto ames and Lawyers for insurgent mem. headed far Montreal hut landed bors of the union said they prob. here instead, The charges were ably will appeal Judge Letts laid hy their parents after they [ruling but they added that lack Tetimed to Toranta and tald {of funds to press thelr case may their story hamper them The twa | olds hoth Rut Hoffa's troubles ave not/testified that Padbury suggested vor. aver. The justin department they should return home but pressing a frand indictment [they sald they did nat want { Agamst Mm in Florida, and Evidence was given of their ernment vestigations will cons activities in the apartment {tinue {decorated with an animal skull which came out like this re VORT 5 Oo {for Superior Court judges against a wan with flowers en twined in it and photographs natled to the wall TWO HAD V.D Two of the girls admitted that | they had gonorrhea, a veneral disease which a doctor sald Padbury does not have Dr, Martin Joremias testified | that if Padbury had had inter | course with a woman with the | disease his chances of getting iowould he "theoretically 100 por cent Ie three givls have heen committed to the Galt training! school Five Judges Leave Bench OTTAWA (CP)=Five proavin ell chief justices went into re tirement Tuesday under terms of a constitutional amendment ordering retirement at age 75 NUCCOSSOrS fuesday. hy Diefonbaker he changos involve Queheo Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alherta. Additional announce ments of appointments are ex pected shortly under the retire ment male approved hy parlia ment last summer Until now . Supreme Court judges have had virtually no fimits on 'their bench careers Lhey could be removed only joint action Bf the Commons and Senate { announced Minister were Prime hy FROZEN FOODS BIRDSEYE CORN 5:-1.00 BIRDSEYE PEAS 5 ~ 1.00 FLORIDA JUICY GOOD SIZE 96's GRAPEFRUIT 10 49- NEW BRUNSWICK TABLE POTATOES so.5: 1.19 We are big enough to serve you----Small enough to appreciate you YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE SPROULE JOR FOODS THAT QUALIFY AT PRICES THAT SATISFY

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