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The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednashoy, March 1, 196) CLOSEUP OF ACCUSED Closeup siudy of Fred Fhompson, MM, whe police sald tied the sex slaying of Trades Training Program BOWMANVILLE (Biaff) A complete change in the educa tional peagram throughout Can ia. with & uniform edu ational standing within the 10 Frov and addition of B trades training program, 18 most ui gently needed, according to Ber nard MFP of Wind s0¥ nee Newman lkerville Sneaking to members of the Bowmanville snd Durham Liberal Association night, Mri Hewman the educational xpensive one, "hil with Hie monies Spent on ons homber, which ean he piloted hy a person with little education and which hy an minor erro emia he destroyed 10.600 scholarships Anny could he supplied." "Although Quiation is not the answer (0 the unempioy ment problem it 1s still neces sary and we must further this program hy supplying trades training for those students who exposed to edu ation hut ahsorh it" sald the Cour Tuesday suggested gram Is an nro an fall tn speaker Wa are not providing an out for the individual whe Is a little slow in leaming the ABC's hut has no difficulty with physieal training NEW SCHOOL, You are now hullding # ne high school in West Dur ham, and this area heing the training ground for the General Matars, it suggests that a lot of thought should he given to this project as each area in turn should supply a veeational well as technical training for is youths who will same day take LL] J. L REID New Town Clerk In Bowmanville BOWMANVILIE (Staaf h Jack IL. Reid, 28, is the new Rowmanville tawn elerk The farmer elerk-treasurer of Strathray assumes the post va cated hy BR. B Reynalds wha has taken a position with the Dept, of Highways Mr. Reid, his wife Evelyn and thelr sens, David, §, and Kevin Andrew, 1, have taken posidence on Sougog street Bowmanville Fram what I've seen of the town and 'its peaple, I'm sure 1 will enjoy warking here," My Reid said today. "Being a larg er town Is an advancement for me." Prior. ta serving in Strathroy Mr. Reid was deputy-elerk in 81. Thomas, which is his home town He was formerly ROMP, stationed in where he met his wife, with the Regina text of visiing » sick young four-year-old Edith Kiecorius | ser ng fenement room where he lured ner on the pre shahhy AF Wires 'Towed Vehicle Brings Charge Urged |v ou, street west, Oshawa, will he in formed hy mail gs to what sen tence will he imposed on him Mr, Bell appeared hefore Mag istrate BK, B, Baxter, Tuesday Charged with anving a vehicle coupled' in excess of 50 feet Bell, referring to the diction "Lary, defined the coupled 1865 a mechanical devices used hy HG: trains and such and needing dlional program only one operator, He told the and which di Ihe coun: court that on the night in ques try of one year's manpower and tion, Feh, 8, he had started from the student of one year's earn: Trenton with: two trucks, one ings driven by himself and the other "Gavernments as well as the! hy an assistant, On the way (0 municipalities realize that to Oshawa, the truck be was driv supply & trades school is an ex: Ng hroke down, and he attach pensive project and thus are €d a eable to the other truck in hackward in encouraging it, but! order to tow the defective ve wold it not he better to supply hicle home this program and in doing so He then told the court that the give the youth the skill swhich/'ength of the cable, as he would allow him to find work? | Ought, was a loly factor, hut should be given to AERIN, there were two driver in our. schools. to elimin and the trucks weren't coupled ate students who are not giving I had ne intention of hreaking the law," sald Mr, Bell on honest effort to learn and) "Robert Brisehois 21, of 928 wie i n are Just dusting the givse street, Timmins, pleaded {not Bullly tn # charge of forgery UNIFORMITY NEEDED of a cheque and elected trial hy ie Mr. Newman then again| Mos ira stressed the need of a uniform Mamiatrnte R, B, Baxter re educational program throughout mane ed Brishols In custady til Canada March 7, at whieh (ime the) Crown will have prepared its VETY | pase i Welfare hata employment there said Mi Newman He noted on & recent Russia that emphasi Ing placed on a trades program Myr, Newman further suggest ed the elimination of Grade which, he elaimed ess in the edu visit to Was he LFaining word wa Yower those "Our population today is mahile and the maving ane provinee to another is eon fusing to the student, heing forced hack and forth hetween grade and In doing sn sacri feng a Int of valuahle time and learning. i | Pollo Mr, Newman ing talk, | for wee Tame hey Hoger represent sald that disaster costing get that said addition she asked coun eil's permisiaion to hold the Red Cross anual canvass from Sehand cammitiee's Were the program was opened elation, acted as chairman for Red Cross asked town counell| Lovekin, a faculty mem: the town that, at present, are Mrs, Francis Allen, AGENDA ITEMS ton mueh." We don't day mespting in the amount of $43,000 maker service in the area and Maverick Home Improve: pave administrator and a wel Counetl approved payment in the Provincial Gavernment Park subdvision courses in 1081 was read in part underway to farm a Hartieultu The Ontario Minister af Edu efforts, the Alax Chamber of ih council's resolution ta the Wf sulficient residents are inter sponsibility of the government At the Lard Elgin Home and Ashley that in the Kay, of Oshawa, whose subject Ajax Centre. Mr: Ashley stated that minded of the TH survey in questions hy those attending Glen Fry, president of the] AJAX (Btaff) A deputation Rowmanville Liberal Asa: fram the Ajax hranch of the the pragram and Introduced on Monday to form a welfare head table guests who committes to handle the imme Hobert Kent Howmanville; diate disaster requirements of of Queen's University; and (he responsibility of the Red Rirkpatriek Cross service in Ajax and Plek oring AJAX COUNCIL ling: the Red Cross the many Red Cross welfare services were ATAX (Hlafh) The Ajax kind of money," she Caunetl dealt with the following In items on its agenda at the Man The eounell approved pay p ment of the Fehraary aceount Mar, 8 to Mar, 10, which she| of the Ajax Public Sohoaol Board sald would aim at collecting $2000 far the Red Cross Home Jn ' iH ] PRDLANS [MICHNCEN In answer ta the request . u oh oenoes a te SUR Apavor William Parish told Mes 0 3 J ¢ 10_FUHEE BRUSH LOMPARY| Allan that (the town had a wel monts Limited fay ) Alay himited for the town of foe Committee to 'meet the town's disaster welfare needs, {LEGAL FEE PAID that was in compliance with the amount of $900 far, the ott ees of munieipal solieftor W J Thomns an re the A RIAX PERSONALS | FIRE CALENDAR READ 3 --- he Ontaria Fire College eal Ry GRACE MILLS ondar far five prevention] AJAX A movement 1s {and turned aver ta the five cam: al Society again in Ajax, Show mitlee ing is interest in this praject, [MINISTER'S REPLY as it does in all warthwhile cation, 4, R. Rabarts, Minister} Mhmerce Made the I Health M. D, Dymond and 1 underwrite the initial expense Thomas MLA each replied tal SOHNE up the organization Pravin ial Government suggest: *81od, and make themselves ing that the education af retard. Known, For further information pd children should be the pe. eal WH 3-883) POLICE CALL ROXES Association meeting, on The council learned from Monday evening, March 6, guest police committee member Owen! Eheaker will he Br. W, GQ. Mg annual budget twa telephone WH! be "Physical and Mental police call haves boing Changes in Children 10 ta 18 called for at the Shopping Years of Age" Parents are re the talal cost for the the sohools the latter pant of IWould be $350 March, ' boxes offer taly (SPOR and appreciated, (Denies Charge Of Negligence BOWMARYIIAE. (Staff) » Chnries Bryant Alidved, 14, of Ki 3, Mewcnatle, whens vehicle WERE oe of Contes on King slrest, Rowmanoiie, on Feb. 11 wen ed Belove Magatrate B ¥. Banter, Tuesday, heres WHE ATHRINGE REEIErnak The hesring was adiowrned WH March 78, sfier Aldred RAGA KA IY fe [RaGERERT Here oid Joseph Tek, wis HER Wh The reriadens Founda gidly of cpreiess dry ng, Peter Vanderyesr, 1, of 9% s. wrens Bowmanville wis fined $25 and costs The Vanderveer ear came inte coision with & csr onven Ww Melvin Hardie, #1 Aberdesn street, Oshawn, Jan. 19, wt the intersections of Zion and Fawn a Crown AMiormey HW, B, Dey man, GC, of Cohowrg prose Lewied the case, Terence V, Kelly (of Oshawa, reled pe conse! for the mers On the wight of the Incident Vanderveer was dnving to the scene of ® Darn fire with We futiore Wrctherintaw, whe GwR 4 the ham Magistrate Fauler the minimum fine that due to the given to the firs had heen anving SMaTNE LOR Arvers Considerable Aamage done (a hath vehicles impaied Fiigarst ing EORCETR PERE Vanderyeer HHH 1oeration 16 oIRer Was Driver Fined $200 And Costs | BOWMANVIILE (Btaff) A Tindsay man, 40 - year old Andrew J. McKay, Appearing hetors Magistrate KB, B. Baxter (4 iy was found guilty of careless driving and fined $200 and eon is without su pension of nis Ariver's Heence A passenger, Ernest Jackson wlso of Lindsay, was killed when he MeKay ear collided car driven hy Jame Gerard street intersection of and Highway 115, in Oct, 1960 Evidence indicated that on the fatal night McKay had failed 10 make a full stop at the intersec fon with a King, 2448 Toromtn, at the Taunton road Defence Attorney Dave son of Vindsay plea of not guilty Thom amended the to guilty sald thal might Impose Magistrate Baxter any aentence he would only he anti-climax with Mr. McKay knowing that he was responsible for his friend's death Careless Driving Charge Dismissed BOWMANVILLE (Btafh Magistrate RB. B taster dis missed charges of careless driv ing against John Bradica, 28, of Oshawa, In court here Tuos day The Bradica vehicle went out of control on the morning of an, 1, on Highway 2, east of Bowmanville striking a tres and causing Injuries to the driver and passenger The conditions of the roads that day suggested to the Crown that It eould have heen an acel dent ' Group Red Cross Idea Mrs, Allen replied that eom mittee did not meet the commu ny's immediate welfare needs His Worship suggested that the Red Cross should appeal to the people of Ajax to sup port the organization on this basi at the time of the canvass and then return te the council to talk business Alax welfare administrator reported that the town had an swered one request for home maker service In two years Ajax Library Board Budget | AJAX (htafh Representing the Alax Publie Library Board Ms annua! budget presenta ton to council on Monday was member William Hawkshaw "In 1060 the library took a great step forward when the Children's section was installed or a cost af $3000," said My Hawkshaw, "As a vesult of this addition aur enrolment has in creased ta 3600 with about 3000 [active readers. The 1060 expenditure of library was $20,400.44 neludes $4240 which was in vested in bonds far a reserve library fund, The latter amount wis the remainder of the 1960 special wravinelal grant of! {$13,050 The library hoard expects the eEular nrovinelal grant of HAO will be increased to $6000 in 19a This year the Hbrary is ask Ing the town far $2300 more than I did last year on its budset In answer to the deputation Mayor Wiliam Parish congratu ated the Wbravy hoard is Achievements the past Yeul We oan feel proud of our Hhrary in Ajax," fe said Ve read more than the ave Ca Radian community "Loam sure that the towns peapie realize that the per capt a cost of $1.30 is very well the whieh on aver age he sad. & t's HORWICH JEWELLERS are (learing ENTIRE STOCK LADIES end GENTS WATCHES These are exceptional BUYS Many well-known makes in cluded. OUT THEY 60 a Sacrificel Only A Short Time Left! JEWELLERY-WATCHES-DIAMONDS~RINGS GLASSWARE-DINNERW ARE-SILVERWARE-ETC. 25% To 70% OFF! (Hurry For These Tremendous Savings) WHAT A BUY LADIES & GENTY RINGS Priced to clear. We guaranties savings fromm 30 % te 70% offi Priced from Vp LOOK! BO ONLY! LADIES & GENTY WEDDING RINGS In plein and fancy styles, Huge selection te choose from, Regular te 25.00. Must be cleared. On Sale Thess have botteries included. Regular te 69.50 TO CLEAR 6 Only! Bulova Portable 3-WAY RADIOS Special Clearance Costume Jewellery Sols 1,88 and odd pieces 380 WATCHES SACRIFICED PRICED REGULARLY TO 89.50 NOW This group includes Flgins, Gruens, Benrus, Bulove, ete, Every watch carries our speciel guarantees ! Ron's wait , , , but be GIGANTIC CLEARANCE LADIES' & GENTS' 169.88 J10.88 166.80 V4 Cart Ladies' Riamend Ring, Reg, 295.00, First quality 44 Carat Ladies' Emerald Diamond Ring. Reg, 600,00, Sele Princess Set Ladies' Riamend Ring, Reg. 325.00. Bale ere tomorrow for these ! DIAMOND RINGS 2 Only == Ladies' 3-stons Diamond Ring: Reg. 395,00. Sale 1 Gants' Reg Y Gent's Diamond Ring, Reg, 200,00. Special REET] Piamend Ring, 250.00, Special SEE OUR SPECIAL OLEAROUT TABLES! Included here is merchandise regular te 2,00 jewellery and many mere items, TO BE CLEARED AT FOUNTAIN PENS, PEN. CILS, ots, Reg, to 3.75 Special to I Clear 'y 88 CLOCKS w= Electr, Alarm, ots, Reg 15.00, Special STERLING SPOONS, Special DRESSER SETS SILVER For Ta LADIES and JEWEL BOXES, this weekend enly Clear == V3 PRICE! RONSON LIGHTERS, Your choice of Table Lighters Ya PRICE OR LESS ote, SHAVERS Bulova, GENTS Sunbeam, Your Choise Clearing aut entire stosk we LAZY SUSAN TRAYS SAVE 13 wo 50% One Only == BULOVA HLFl STEREQ PORT. ABLE, Reg, 159.95, Special 1 1 1 98 1 ONLY = §:PCE, MELON TEA SET! 69.88 LADIES' & GENTY WATCN BRACELETS Gold-filled. white or Reg, 12.83 Sale Including tray Reg. 125.00 Crystal, Desk, » 6 88 L] COFFEE Dis for Final Clearance 3 Only == Gents' Mide Autor matic WRIST WATCHES, Reg ra 130,00 Your Choise 4, L] STERLING SILVER CROSS and CHAI Some set with eels Reg, to a ored stones 6.00, Special Final Clearance on GLASSWARE, Stem ware, Reg 29 1.00, Special Extra Special! Ladies PEARL RING SET, In FINAL CLEARANCE Odd Soup Plates, Dine ner Plates, Fruit Nap: Gent's BLACK ONYX RING with initial, win 8.80 218,80 one 138,00 116.88 Extra Special! SILVERWARE =» Complete with Chest CAKE PLATE, Bone China with handle On Sale 1 Gent's Piamend Ring, 1,37 Gy, Reg. 1500,00 36 Ladies' Riamend Rings, Reg. 175.00. Special 45 Ladies' RPiamend Rings, Reg. 130,00, Special LUGGAGE OLEAROUT! YES! We are re-grouping and re-pricing eur stock of Luggogs PRICED FROM 26:pc, Set of 16.88 LADIES ELECTRIC SHAVERS -- Remington Sunbeam and Philishave, Special Stainless Sveel by ONEIDA Community or International SILVER, On Sale == 30% te 50% OFF! Reg. 2.95, 88 CUFF LINKS by Swank New atterns and styles Rey ta 12.00 Your q 88 Choige Gents' BILLFOLDS and CARRYING CASES, w= REDUCED TO CLEAR! LUGGAGE ~~ Samsonite and Deminion Must be cleared 6. and From ww CLEAROUT! Entire stock OF PHOTO SUPPLIES Polaroid, Bell & Howell, Keystone Movie cameras and Projectors, 13 te 0% OFF! LAMP SHADES These must be cleared. Only ae OLEAROUT! COMMUNITY 1847 ROGERS SILVERWARE Knives Reg. 3.2% , rT 300 ...... 8° Toa Sponge » Reg. 1.00

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