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The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 7

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OTTAWA REPORT Good Speech Made On Short Notice The Oshawa Times imitad, B86 King 4 E., Oshaws, Ont HK egriainsy, MM bh Meaning Of 'Acceptable' In Different Contexts Used by people with precise minds words can retain thew integrity, Fri wed carelessly or with deliberate PIECIHIOn, THEW MCRMNE Cok mendovsly. Rarely are they used pre cwely, which means thet the reader or listener mst recogmive and under wand the which they hwced An example is the word Fhe scientist or satisticien may give i RB NEARING WERICEYY TREagmiied By the men in the street. Consider the vse of seceptabie" in this extract from # ie view by Knowlton Wash of the On Thermonuciesr War" hy Kah, wha 1s one of the 8 Aw Force Con 4 His that puciegi the Hi ary fre £ontest in wif Receptabie" bowie Herman mt 0d BAND twain think feetory thesis" (Nash man WIES § is will not mean the ena Alter US. scientists, intelles flim) Kahn the general attitude thet an 'scceptahie war with and Hh towards dL wera with leading ana miliary ol falking many leaders finds Russia ran Americans the tipper for » ges i Clustering price between mitthian dead numbey Up te 60 milhen Nerth American dead from nuclear blast is "acceptable It is in this coldly statistical sense that many people seem to regard ftraflfie AE Yid Ri - the tingedias that slicets and highways with Fi j(iT1£% "Wail fiveF (EFFI IE FA EREY A dedicated people protest wean tragedies snd work Io avert them, nit on the whole they seem part of the pries pry (on the other fellow pays) lor pleasure of OpeiRting WF CRIs nN We "sccept" this Omiarie for 1960: 1166 desd, We secept wt, oH for ne because we accept 1187 F112 in 1O8K, and so mm few (Fifsk fo he "gecepianie we frie the way we want 16 price wn AG | aid wed FEasiMy dead wn 1056 6 Salety League wate have to IRPENGIng OF FCW Fhe matically fare that we do not ah We heavy mnnusl have to toll of loss on the rors, accepted" desth was nearly is today, The be reduced still years ahead ele) do not ACER sich m frageny Rid RECON Fwenty /ERIR AgH the rate for car-miles driven three mes as high ms RNA mist ally the I'he Ontario Balety League asks that pedestriahi should help ta. fight this menace on the roads; weapons to use is the resolve CRINAEE CRN mre rast I Ariver, every ane of the that no tragedy arising from of wd ered al society normal use our highways will ever he cor acceptable Vanishing Farm Land British have farther inte I he gone much the hut than Ontarie planning and control of land use they have not taken coherent action on & broad front Fhe result is thet farmers in the UK in England particularly RIE UIRINE that something be done to stop the loss of good farm land to high speed traffis arteries and urban and suburban deve lopment Melntyre Hood reports fram London thet in the nest eight years more than 7000 acres of first-rate farm land will dis appear under the concrete surfaces of the each year aver more and more arable fields and pasture land The National Farmers' Unian owners and made up of farm operators, Is urging the government te undertake an investigation, with & view ta curbing farm Motorways FORl BCTOSS Britain The farmers demands for taking for other purposes in the next another 8500 or speed its congested traffis future lands will navel few vears, so miles of to gdmit that this development is nevi ahle, but they claim that insufficient taken They are con the roules thought | KiIVE fo these new highways hy inced that hardship and difficulties could aided if the ministry and niten he & local councils gave more thought te the needs of the farmers and the quality of the land that is taken from agricul tural production I'he Ontario camplaints are familiar ones to citizens. Farms are frequently Split in twa, and sometimes the acreage fhe wes the de elapment, \Qne Kent farmer was quoted as farmer increases during saying, "It's a funny thing, hut they always seem to need the best land rarely to they the farmer A Warcestershire holdings ver want te take a piece could do with. out farmer whose will he cut in twe hy the new Birmingham to Bristol highway, said; " fed up, 1 am not AgAINSL motorways, hut net enough care Is taken when land is taken for purposes nthe agriculture, The way they going on, in a hundred vears' time the country will he starving" am completely than Ale Equality Has Dangers heir papularity has waned, hut the I'V programs that gave away large sums highest audience rating in television's brief his A hit experience nl money achieved same of the tary earlier radio had a similar with shows that. offered a grab-hag of household appliances and al people in the audience were players in but other merchandise. Only a8 handful these games. almost evervone was excited hy the distribution of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dallars In sharesthe-wealth process it is surprising that are that even generous view af the popularity af this mare of us net aware the mast af the ar television programs really was a pikes in the field. As far as Canada cerned, the higgest spender The Oshawa Times bob WILAON, Publisher add Gen € GWYN KINSEY fdumr 11] the oan 8 ane whining The the Whithy The O | (autal Ft Chega hy (satabliahed 3\ a puklahe (Sundays and statutary helidays sscepted) Members af Canadian Daily Newspapers Publier Assaciuhion. The Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Citeulation and the Ontatia Pravingial Dadiss Ane ciation The Canadian Presa Wn exclusively antitied 1a the wie tor republication ef all wwe despaiched in the paper credited ta 1 a1 ta The Anociated Frasa or Reuters and alsa the fecal news published All nghls et special despatcher ate sla ey oe Ottiess Thomaen Building. 42% University Avenue via Ontange 640 Cathcan Street. Mentisal PO SUBSCRIPTION RATES by atten 0 Oshawa Pickering, - Bawmanvillg, Broek lin Perry. Prince Albert. Maple Grove. Hampton, Frenchman's Bay Liverpoal He on Twons Dunbarton wile Ovone Leaked Boougham Burketa Claramae Columbus. Gresnwasd Kia. Raglan Blaskste Manchesist Pantvaes! and Newsaatls. ne pet week. By mall (in pravingg of O \ CAs delivery Siam er "hewhale yea LEI Fon Average Daily Net Paid «as of April 30, 1960 16,999 radia - three and Yes, that's Us, We, wha thi Cdl 16 RIVIRG AWAY hilhian dollars §1,750,000,000, The three-quarter donor? peaple | he ht annual financial facts nated In the Canada Life I'he company's Gill, says that this year the federal government will collect and spend 19 per Canada's Gross National Praduet, The sum invelved is $6,800,000,000, And this total, he oul, more than 88 per cent §.1,780,000,000 he handed to someane else in the form of transfer payments subsidies, Part of that Mi. Gill goes an ta say, ix des ducted fram personal and corporation ale the Assurance repart of Company president, EK, C cent of ol paints of will ar maney where laxes it might have entered the How af heen so greatly avings tor investment taxing-sharing philosophy that extended in Cans ada since the war has achieved a greater equality af income, It could he argued that it thus raised the national standard such redistributed wealth ws mainly expended an consumps ton goods and in that sense it serves to raise living standards, However to the extent that such wealth is then not ha has ol living available as capital ta be invested in projects that expand the economy, pros ducing Creating new this redistribution process new wealth and employment ean become a sharing af poverty rather han a sharing of plenty Bible 'Inoughts the Lord make you te increase and abound wn love one toward another, and toward all men yo 1 even as we do toward Phessalonians 3:12 The end of the way is not yet. With ple of Chist and godly to tallow, the gogl w tar ahead men INSIDE YOU Proper Treatment Can Block Strep By BURTON HW. FERN M.D DO YOU see red hear 'scarlet fever ents rush to the anxiously call the doctor a soon Aas they hear of one (ane down the block (and around the corner.) Yer they don't wory a ml when the whale neighborhood is studded with sore throats hey don't réalize thal let fever is usually just a throat with num his Lime when dost pai phane and mi Wi lly cal JUL AN IREngl un of ire throats are caused bh nike like germs called streplococe) These throat infections, gener #lly called strep throal may mike au fit with fe ver, headache and ArowsIness in hil dren with strep often vamit and complam umm Aches Like the streplococen Ha own pelann peaple are immune and suffer no i effect hut when the poison gel the hlood stream of sameont who's not immune, It circulates around, making him lols sicker AFFECTS KKIN His skin turn on oA sandpapery Lexie I ftehes and hurns and may ap pear swollen. His flushed cheeks resemble a boiled lobster, but around his mouth, where no hiush fevelep the skin look pale Inside the mouth mall red spots dat the throat and palate Hundreds of ttle bumps make his coated tongne look like a white strawberry. In a few day the white coating peels and the heely ved longue lakes on A vaspbherry-like appearance Just like sunburn, the hun ng, ehing red skin turns hrawnish and heging to peel within a week, Hair may fall oul along with this sealing, hut IL s00n grows In again Over the years, scarlet fever has gradually hecome milder I'oday many cases are so mild they're referred to as tiny scar let fever scarieting. And with penieitlin to Kill the steep, the disease can usually he made stl milder Why, then, does tease and warpy AFRAID OF COMPLICATIONS They fear camplications= the same compheations which can come fram any streplococens 'READERS' VIEWS CRI, Man ie wenkng addition throat nl # rvaltler or copperhead manutaciures toxin. Mast to this 1axin fram Il nin ol ed and Tike scarlet fever parents? Ihe infection may spread hack to the ears, up to the sinuses, across to the lymph nodes (swollen glands) or dawn ihe BAKES hometimes allergy in the siren infection leads 1a rheumatic fever mi nephritis (kidney trouble) a few Weeks laler infection #r pa As A rule, however premeiiien tregtment pre these complications GERME SPREAD During the March-April sliep (ncoceus season, these germs spread through many (throats You or Yours may very well he' numbered among the strep throat victims, Ii yaa are nol QUEEN'S PARK rapes ents all WHO'S GORDING WHO? immune to the strep toxin, you'll wind up with scarlet fever Bul of you sre immune to both the strep and is taxin, you won't even come down with a sore throw! FILE, CONTAGIOUS In an case, whether come down with scarlet fever ar # strep throat or TEMAaM perfectly well, you can still pass the slreptococcys on to a new victim wha'll get scarlet fever, # sbrep throat or stay well pending on his immunity Lagically, iI you are gong a let ane scarlet fever case in the neighhorhond upset you, you should alse worry at the sore thiuals going around. But even though scarlet fever is not to wughed at, 1's usually mild Fern's mailbox 1s wide mcd tar letters from readers While he cannot undertake (on ahawer individual letters, he will use readers' questions in his column whenever possible and when they are of general inter: eal. Address your letters ta Dy Fern in care of this newspaper you he Dy Lengthy Argument But No Solutions fy DON O'HEARN TORONTO The pralonged debate in the legislature on un employment 18 nol going to give any immediate answers A number of proposals were made which had the ahjective of quick relief, such as the COF's uggestion of a shorter work week il vou only have (0 lake » quick look at these (a know (hal the mechamet involved knook aut any prospects of them help ing the situation in the near fu ire Ini however Truetive far the various speakers he gan to agree on the underlying paint that unemployment really could anly he tackled on a na tional basis NEW MEASURES NEEDED Also there was & general ap pretation that new thought and NOW MEANUIEN WOre NOCAsNATY And the members had started some of this new thinking Hon, Robert Macaulay and apposition leader John Winter meyer, for instance, bath pro posed that a reduction of cof poration tax might be called for One of the features that stands aul in this type of debate, how over, is that there 15 80 much talk and so litle promise of Action later stages the debate probably was con Children Often Tease Animals Dear Si A reader recently wrote that we children had heen bitten hy dags that were an the loose last summer. I'd like to tell him about twa mare children that were hitten hy dogs which were in their awn back yards, wn they runway behind wire fences I saw another case last sum mer, where a dog was tied ta A nee doghouse, under a shade ree with a dish of water neav him, yel he was a nervew wreck, because hs owner sad the hays next doar were always throwing stones aver the fence al him. She had the police come talk ta them and their pavents hut the stone thrawing conting ed after the police left. The hays were nat punished bat the in Wee dag wa as hy WARY hail 1a send the da There are annoying children why can't adults, so ane that and the dogs ahaut hak Oshawa Nag tal MRS. ¥ THANKS M. DAFOR < Dead AT On behalf of the Rather hood Committee af the Oshawa anior Chamber of Cammerce | wish 10 thank the Oshawa Fimes for the casnperation which we received fram them in the publicizing of Brotherhood Week in Oshawa and alse tar the pub lieity vegeived far the Rrathey hoad Dinney Members of your stall as Jeff Hussey, Jack Gearin foe Serge and others, helped ta make our duties in Brotherhood Week prajects mach easier Win Rinths such hellingion hood Chatrman Vahawa For instance, some speakers have heen saying for years that dn i great need for some form of continuing study group cainpased of industry, labor and government Hut on thus level at least little has been done ahout It, NO ACTION TAKEN We have had various devel Apieint oconterences and such Bul we have nol had anything of the permanent nature re quired Why i5 this? Principally FRCY |s dlWEYS way, It seems havi he shocked into action Cortain sections of industry of course, are the main deterrent 10 gelung elfective planning he tween themselves, labor and vernment effectively unde Way, vo they had move sense they would realize if it doesn't gel under way we might gel shocked vight out of democracy iaell And that ia the last thing they Wahl, BY-GONE DAYS 3 YEARN AGO Work was started on an ex tension of the seawall at Osh awa harbor Ho) Carmichael of St Cathe aAlines was appointed Vice presi dent and General Manager of General Motors of Canada, as sucoessor ta HA, Brawn Preparations were being made hy the Board of Education ta recapen Albert St. Schoeal in September, following vepairs, decorating, furniture and equip ment ta the school because demos worked this Wi TM driven and council struck a mills far the Oshawa ity ax rate of 48 year 194 Jahn A. Wilsan for 18 yeas secretary to the Official Chureh Roard of Simcoe St United Chureh, vesigned and his son Albert Wilson, was appointed in his place Charles Wells was chosen as the president of the Oshawa branch 81, Letter Carvers' As sociation, at the annual meeting presided aver hy James Devine immediate past president \ cammities the Oshawa Chamber of Cammerece heg ana dy af th wssibility af a fxtahlishing a fa Nae In the aly Ot TIEN Be PATRICK NICHOLSON OVEAW A ~~ Widow Welham fhe yong Comservitive MP from Bow Iver, Aig, has proved in Farfiament the math ematical prradox that it is pos Wie to ON # sper of More fhm 500.000 cubic feet wilh an VIELE MERSININGE WE ref, (we Inehes gh When that Wg. red - headed Calgary lawyer rises from Wis PRek Wench sent, far awry Ww the sowthesst corner of he Howse of Commons, Is ymee ie sounds roving (he hege vault like chamber and Wis persons Hy fille the Prriiament Kidon Wantiiams is ome of (he most Brilliant impromptu speak ers mkside We front henehes Fast week he was called wpon #30 minutes' notice to lead for the Comervatives wn reply a Opposition | eader | ester Pear Ns RURCK on Ihe ROVER ment's financial policies. His REguments at anee held the #l tention of all the Wg atiendance oF nearly ail MSGRACEFUL BERAVIOR Fhe small CCV growp, tucked vlase henenth the Speaker's eve Ike the had boys of grade | wlways the most turbwlent area in the seldom placid seas that is Farfiament. That #1 room Harold Wineh, the W-yearnid member from Vancouver Kast, wis especially metive nv des fiancee of the ries and sltandaris of decorum, He turmed round in wddress ms New Party eolleagie IN feet away in a "veee" not "sotta"; hie lumbered out of his seal (no beg a Nght for Ws cigs aret, which he then puffed in side the chamber despiie the Files Waoolliams then # last #l fracied is altlention hy making yardage ndicyhing the Socialist philasophy, and pointing owl (he CCF somersault since their Res ging Manifesto attacking pris vale enterprise The CCV recogmies thal in many fields there is 8 need of private enterprise, he said This is a complete contradie tion of what they said in 1043 These Bocialists now are semi capitalists, In. fact they are so capitalistic, Mr, Speaker, that when Mr, Fines made 81.000 00 as treasurer of Baskatche wir, he went Io ive in & prov ince under a Canservalive gov ernment Al this nf winehing is PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM hold man ahout the Abominable Man, As IL WAS one weakest unions the noise A Climax pam reached i will towards disillusioned us now of our We the no whn "Looking downwards isn't tr ing ta the eyes, hut looking up wird subjects them to consider able strain," says an oculisi The street corner ogler will he lad to know he isn't injuring Is eyes We've between the devil and the deep blue sea. A hol wal would destroy us, and it seems waging a cold war may hank rapt us I'he number of cold remedies avallable 1s estimated at 179 The number of cures for a cold In known ta he 0 the megier for YVaneowver Kast completed g (raRsaction with # Rg vy invelving & Aoliar Wil # packet of Oigarets and three was of migtaRes--mme of whieh We dropped on the floor, Then he leaped (0 We feel 10 protest Mr. Speaker, on # pont of nrder, the Hon. Member snd that because Mr. Fines was (he finance mimster of Baskatehe wan he made & million dollars he said ATTACK ON WP Mr. Woolhams demed (hat he hed either wed those words oy implied thet meaning. There (allowed mumbhngs and mowh ngs wy Mr. Winch, whe had whiously shipped awry on the racks ms he struggled 1a find fhe THEY RE.GREW HAIR! Pig IN 12 MONTHS Hair Specialist Will Shew Men end ter of a fetiow MP Spewier Michener then adi nw ome of Ws finest moments as he re frvoeh the experienced , wha has set In the BL, Lagisla tire and in the Howse of Com mons dunng well over half fife, and Recon Mr. Waoolhams overrode the RIAL RING serpk nd went on te compete Ws speech, which was # fold the hetier for beng and improperly hack-henchers IN 3 MONTHS Here Thursday Women How to Save Mair and Prevent Baldness OTTAWA treatment hair Ont, New methods for savin home #~M and improving is Ms treatment if caught in time, n be ear: 5 home or seborrhea hy the will he demonstrated In Oshawa Thursday, March 2nd al Gienasha Hotel Trichelogist C, A he in charge Tander wil the representing the "DONT WAIT UNTIL 118 TOO LATE" Baldness won't wait for doubt: dynamic Roberts Hair and Bealp ers 10 be convinced, you're go- fpecialists organization, He willing to keep right on losing hair personally examine hair-worried!'til you're hald=-unless you get men E00 pm This new treatment is neither eure', I is adapted to the individusl "mail order" nor after a personal examined and progress 18 checked al reg: ular intervals hy a Roberts Bpee: alist Whe Can Be Helped? Will Roberts (treatment cure baldness? "No!" For we cannot help men and women who are slick-bald after years of gradual hair loss. But if you still have fuge and your scalp is still creating hair, you can at least save and thicken what you have, * Home conditions, such as "spot haldness' usually have complete coverage if caught in time! this Other conditions that usually | hring on excessive hair:loas-- dandruff, itching, over-oiliness ar dryness, follicle clogged with| and women from 1:00 {al your scalp in healthy, hair [growing condition again, | Examine You Free We want to make i elear that you incur absolutely no har or obligation by coming in for an examination. Your only obligation is 1s yourself, We do not accept cases that will not respond Guarantee Natisfaction 'The Roberts Specialists will written a nies be satisfied with it will cost you | give you a that you must in 80 days or nothing [ For a free examination and (disounsion of your hair problems ask the desk clerk for Mr Tander's room number, He does not make appointments, so come in at your convenience, Examinations are given private KRESGE'S | Double your Closet Space | SHOPPING CENTRE STORE OSHAWA GARMENT RACK | Yn I yg ® Ide room, recreation reem, bach: olor where extra closet space is neeced Use with garment bags fer con age Hook for umbrellas, purses, el or shelf for shoes and rubbers LOWEST PRICE EVER al for bedreem, waiting entrances, Any place venient aff.season ster Top shelf for hats, Lows

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