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The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 8

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- UNIVE GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES rs report by Mis Ward Witham WEAVERS GUND The Oshans Weavers home of Mrs, 1. HW. Westwood Pickering, with 18 members present Mis, W. 0. Arnold. president presided and the reports of the SELTEIRIY WR 1IERGWIEY WEEE given Mes. 8. 7. Siuaet, Mes. MB. W Perkin and Mrs. W. DD. Arnold offered 16 46 he (EC RONNE for the next yest i was reporied that Mabn Selander - of Sweden, an MH Handing weaver nd designer, with he in Toronto nn the ness future as guest of The Toroms Spinners and Weavers. Miss Selander has had hws published on weaving Aesighs it wes decided (6 extend the Library by sbserib- twee held is regilar mesiing mh Ihe of the Wichael Saver, an exisacher of Tuesday Colored sides weve shown by Secreigry's report was yeah Willsdale Manor lost by Mrz. Frask James. Trescwr: help ot the tuck the "ers. soserh : i 5 each month #4. 2 p.m. Mes, Harold Barker. Refresh mitiee (HA South Simine, who recently visi and the members were wiges 19 ments were served wy Wes A Ms nesion wae CORYRIGION A $ i i i western regions of (heatiend, and a baby sitting serv. Hales Barker's growy comwntry. With colored diides, he'ice will be rrovided y took the growp om a fowrney 16. It wae decided to hold the sn "AVY LEAGUE. AUXHIARY wah Wigh points as Lake Lowise, musi dating bridge on The February meeting of the Bantt, San Francisen and Holly. 19, and the (oliowng members V#77 Leagve Ladies Awnhary woo. A view of the Wormon offered their services, General "#e Weil at the home of Hrs Tahernacie, of pure white stone, convener, Mrs. W. D, Warren, Feorge Lichiata in Los Angeles wis shown, then tickets, Wis. J. , Eliott; land The minutes and treasurer's tc Disneyland with pirate ships, Mrs. B, H. Broadbent; prizes, "POT Were read. A penny sale war aanoes, The Mark Twin Mrs Roy Dey; Tables, Mrs, 5, 77% held wt the meeting paddie weamer, various 1des, B, Garrett; candy, Mrs. Fred, 1 Was aonownced thet mem «ic, There were several me Lloyd, seramiie, Mrs. Ray Pore of the Ausihiary had heen to tires of the Boulder Dam. Then Hobie i PR in Sul Lake Oy, ond Yelm: mat Ten meroser ore rl sine Park with the geyser Holland "O04 Faithiul" erupting Bu ni Mev, Jom The aceordionists returned (9 oAay two more selections. Mrs. MARGARET WARY GROUP Donald Wilson expressed thanks The February meeting of the 16 the children and Mr, Saver. Margaret Hart Gn of % Mr. William Wendt, principsl, George's Memorial Church was showed 8 fim of the Bay of held at the home of Mrs, J. J HOME DAIRY SITY WOMEN'S THEATRE NIGHT BRINGS GREAT PLEASURE Wesvers Fundy and how i is affected by the neean fides The door prize was won hy Ar, Maurice Hughes Refreshments were served by Miss Helen Boddy's room March meeting will be held on Monday, Merch 13 CHRIST CHURCH GUILD The monthly meeting of the Afternoon Gwild of the Women's Auxiliary of Christ Memorial mg 10 two magarines, "irom Music" and "Wandweaver wd Craftsman The next meeting is to he held #t the home of Mrs. B. de ¥. Bayly, Aax, on Monday March 28 ASTRA GROUP 'The Astra grovip of the WA of Simeone United Church recently "In sponsoring the Oshawa ded an evening of superh | lending Central and (O'Neill ( Juve, art directors and seal Sleniad ¢ Lenten deivies BY Church was held recently of f i & entertainment nd boosted | Collegintes, Photographed in 29, eft 1a right, Mrs. D. A a Following the devotions! per premier of the [Nm Fi FLAIR ER . 3 Bristow, wavs and means The president, Mrs. Robert jod the minutes were read hy the Royal Ballet ' e Waza their local scholarship fund. the foyer hefore curtgin time convener, and Mrs. G. K. Dry: Currie, opened the meeting and secretary Mrs, A. BR. Garrett Theatre on Mond this 1 added interest was the dis: gre, standing, Miss Agnes Mio- pan. cub president a short business discussion 10k: and Mrs. J, D. Elliott gave the University Women's Club pro fay of art by students ato eich and Miss Dorothy va Oshaws Times Photo lowed (reasurer's report The speaker was Mis. Fred In the absence of Mrs, Nor Lindsay of the welgre depari- man Millman, Mrs, Hayden ppv ment of Oshawa, who outlined Macdonald read the Parish f he avious services given hy Cowncil report the Welfare department The president. Mrs, George M Kenneth Cowans group Vietcher presided. 1 was unan had charge of refreshments imously agreed to give & dong MR, AND MRS Well Know Oshawa Couple CHARLES ANDERSON Jo Aldwinekle, Women THE OSHAWA TIMES ign to the Funds of the Dioces Burns, Connaught street Mrs. I. 8 Brash presided Minutes were read and (reas wrer's report given by Mrs D. J. Crothers, The wonusl spring rummage sale is 10 be held on April 2% in the parish hall, with 2 bet ter used clothing sale to start at 998 a.m The choir dinner i510 he held on March 2 and the nest meet ng 15 1a be held at the home of Mrs, 4. J, English, Con naught street, at 2.98 pm. on March 24, Tea was served hy Mrs), 8B Brash and Mrs DE Fox ARDENT WORKERS The regular meeting of the Ardent Workers of King Street United Church was held recent ly with 23 present Mrs. Ewart Clemence open ed the meeting with 8 hymn and prayer NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe 5t. N., Oshowa ond WHITBY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajox THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS APPLE PIES uen 39° 10 45, 30° EVERYONE'S FAVORIT HOT CROSS BUNS DELICATELY SPICED FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Y Vomeen th the large variety, SOUTH SIMCOY, HH an Board of the Toronto WA Mrs, Hales Barker had Sh he bak the February meeting of The study hook "Towards the charge of the' devotions with shop of *the bakery wi South Simeoe Home and School Centre" wil he reviewed hy Mrs, Mrs. Frank Hortop whe took Association was held recently D. Cleverdon, the fourthiLent as her theme with Mrs. Robert Lewis presid gE SR TT s Editar Dial BRA 3:3478 ing. The minutes were read Miss Agnes Birickland's Grade 5 pupils won the room attend , Wednesday, March 1, 1961 7 PERSONALS anee prive The Home and School Asso vigtion Convention will he held in Toronto in April and if was # - Fhe dance committee for the annual Royal Canadian Ah Force Association, Wing 420 mel at thelr Ea A " » Sunday to complete plans for if wh the annugl ball to he held early "A A E] next month. Commitiee mem 4 ol 5 hers who are making the de vd tailed arrangements with chair # Don Winn are Mr. and Nelson Johnston, Mr, and Mi A.D. McGillivray, Mrs Jack Lee and Mrs. Reginald Kent, Music will he provided hy the Royal Air Force 411 Bquad von Band and during intermis sion hy members of the Cale dowin Pipe Band under Pipe Ma [jor Neil McRae Mrs. Gerard Calssie. Grooms avenue, was hostess al a birth day party for her daughter, An gela, whb celebrated her (hivd wi | hirthday last Friday, Co-host [esses were Mrs, 0. H, hawyer Mrs. William Landry, Mrs, Les lie Arsenault, Mrs, Kdward Doucette and Mrs, Larry Lan dry; Pink and blue decorations and a white and gold birthday od man Mrs [oy | % = g: wr ' Celebrate 50th Anniversary cake complimented the occa sion, Little guests present were Kathy and "Dusty" Lynd, Den On the occasion of their Mth|MPP and Mrs, Thomas, (he ise Sawver. Debhy and Steve wedding anniversal Mr. and{Honorable Michael Starr and Blohm, Debhy Arsenault, Mar Mrs. Charle Anderson, Col {Mrs Blarr, A framed address gapet and Elinor Broad, 1da horne street east, were honored was also received from the Pros {andrey. Susan and Linda Lan hy their funnily and their hestivineial Government igned hy dry, Cind Doucette and Val man, Mr. Fred Hil of Brooklin, (the. Provineial Becretary, (the gpie Sweeney al surprise dinner party Honorable John Yaremko The party was held al the. Mr. and Mrs, Anderson have Teas, hirthdays, parties wed home of (heir daughter, Mrs, lived in Oshawa for the past 49 Ang anniversaries, coming and Clinton Henry, Baldwin street, vears and previously lived in BOINgs of guests and your own who presented her mother with|Brooklin, The former Clara Al:/holiday plans are always of a corsage and her father with alberta Hill and Charles Anderson Interest in this column, Write houtannier yore married in Whithy at the telephone or visit the soe ial fe. On behalf of the family, the Baptist Chuveh hy the late Rey partment with no fam " couples' youngest son, Mr. Don erend George 8. Melean how for nl | there, LW ald Anderson, presented them! They have three sons. Cla charge, Telephone H With a golden tea set, They res anos, Archie and Donald, and My and Mrs, George. Barron ceived many other gifts framitwo daughters, Mrs, Cecll Mo Broadview avenue, were Hosts relatives and a houguel of Yoses Knight (Bessie) and Mrs, Clinton Sunday. February 26, al a from Mi David WHE ton Henry (Ruby) all living in pipthday dinner party in honoy Among the guests were the Oshawa and 4 grandehildven, of their grandson, Mr, Robert Reverend W. G. Dickson, Mr. My. Anderson was employed Pearse of Toronto, Among the David Ravage, manager of the hy the General Motors for 35 guests were his parents, Mr Plaza Theatre, Mrs, Fred Hilliyears and 1s a member of the and Mrs. Douglas Pearse of Brooklin, Mis. 16. A Tomlin: 3.year club, He vetived in 1036 and his sister, Miss Penn son and daughter and Mr. Alanland is at present employed at Pearse and Mr. Wilfred Rosni) Pattie of Oshawa the Plaza Theatre and his uncle and aunt, Mi Messages of congratulation were received fram the Prime Minister, the Right Hanarable hd _- _--_-- Iohn Diefenbaker, the Premier of Ontario, the Honorable Les lie Frost, Me. T. D. Thomas, Y . iL - SHOP AND SAVE. .. be "GRADUATES Miss Marvy J daughter of My John Pluister, of graduated dinlogical technician in Hamil Plutstey and Mrs Newcastle fOUBRILY a8 a 1a THE CLASSIFIED WAY... WATCH FOR THE MARKET BASKET SPECIALS EVERY THURSDAY IN THE ton, Onatvie, Nh attended ~ ~ - nn Newcastle Public Schosl and OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED ONTARIO graduated from Grade 13 al hu | Bowmanville High School tn || ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 1858. Miss Phastor trained at GE : § $1. Michael's Hospital, Tore PA J MON. MN. L. ROWNTREE, OC A G6 MACNAR, | iy or thE Yea y | MINISTER 3 DEPUTY MINISTER | an Oshawa Leneral Hospital » | : ! aay salt | a a ahi a Al headquariers on Carl Fumerton "for the League's silver jubilee decided 10 send four members dV and Mi A. A Walker, all of for the day Whithy, his uncle, Mr. Perey ing ""Vounder's Night Williams of Oshawa and MP, yo 1ewis read an article on Toronto the founding of Home and schonl Association A card of thans was read from Miss ¥., Sybil Langmaid, wood in honor of Colonel and on hehalf of her sister, Miss Mrs, Reginald Gage of Toronto, Vida Langmaid, who received Mrs, Colonel Gage is the terri- a rosebud in recognition of her tovial president for the Salva: past presidency of the associa tion Army League of Mercy for tion the whole of Canada and was on. mys, Richard Gifford intro an official vigit to Oshawa, quced a group of four young Among the guests were Mrs aceordionists who played "Gal Charles Cathmoir, secretary of jon and "Back to Our Moun [the League and Mrs, Charles|iging" Miss Janice O'Connor Lingfield, treasurer and Master Ernest Kniskl from Mr, and Mrs, Gaston Mercier, Toronto, Master Billy Jahorski, William street east, have as Whithy, and Master George their guests his brother, Mr, Muzik, Oshawa, George attends Rudolph Mercier and Mrs. Mer.| South Simeoe school cier of Magog, Quebec, and his] Mrs, Gifford introduced Mi DRares IMercier | 1 INTIS "DRAPERY Thick Major and Mrs. Marsland Hankin were hosts at a dinner party held recently at Sandal I Mis, J. A, Aldwinckle is fak:| ing part in the demonstrations and receptions for Miss Prunella Stack, principal of the| Women's League of Health and | Beauty, who is visiting Toronto this week as the guest of honor HOW TO CARE FOR EBONY A cont of paste wax once ol Iwice a year will keep ebony figurines from drying out and will help them retain their soft lustre, The same works foi ebony keys == hut depress the ivory keys to avoid gelling wax on them 'RUGS SPREADS, HOUSEHOLD HINT You can salvage stale hread hy putting It in a paper bag closing it tightly and placing it in a 300 degree oven for 10 min utes, If bread is very stale (sprinkle of with warm wales NOTICE TO MOTORISTS 1960 Drivers' licences and " registration plates expire at midnight, March 15th "RENEW YOUR | "LICENCES NOW| OPEN HOURS! \ Daily (Except Sat.) 8:30 a.m, to 5 p.m, OPEN EVENINGS! «= Friday, March dvd, and Friday, March 10th 8:30 a.m, to 9 p.m, Avoid the Last Minute Rush | RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS _ EE -- TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA your Credit as Good no as Cash at Zellers BUY NOW! PAY LATER! you choose for Greater Shopping Convenience, Office opens Tomorrow ! PLAN NO, 1 You get a "personal Charge Card" for fast authorization in your way, how much you want in handy Credit Coupons, $50.00 more. Pay no money down PLAN NO. 3; SPECIAL ACCOUNT FOR LARGER PURCHA x i buying furniture, appliances, etc down and take up te 15 months to pay CREDIT DEPARTMENT PENS TOMORROW NOW...say 'CHARGE-IT' ...Magic Words that make ® Read all about Zeller's 3 easy-to-use 'Charge-It" Plans . . . then open the account Credit THE 30:-DAY "CHARGE" ACCOUNT WITH OPTION TERMS » When you get your monthly statement, you decide the method of payment for that month, and pay PLAN NO. 2. CRERIT COUPON ACCOUNT - FAST AS CASH TO USE - Tell us $100.00, $250.00 or Small regular payments fit your budget, Make your selections; take your sales check to the Credit Department where convenient terms are arranged. No money SES -- Use it when the """Charge-It" Account you choose, almost immediately ZELLER'S LIMITED haan ibal SSL SEE ERED NAME | ADDRESS xiv caviner (RL ERE STEERER Bl AREY BRING IN OR MAIL THIS SIMPLE APPLICATION , , . You'll have RAL ERAT LT 21 SIMCOE ST, §, PHONE RA 32294 ZELLER'S LIMITED i BUY NOW AND "CHARGE-IT" 5 CITY : | PROV, PHONE . ' in ay uy REUSE | WISH TO OPEN A "CHARGE.IT" ACCOUNT, PLAN NO, ; State 1, 2 or 3 Signature... SEstr IY YEE Hens | HAVE ACCOUNTS AT EMPLOYMENT Store | Open Closed | Firm | How Long DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON'S RD, §, PHONE RA 3.2209 a

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