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The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 2

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2. THE SHANA TIMES, Thersdey, Merch §, 1961 SPRING BREAKING THROUGH Mrs Donnelly St, the first drah ct 8 Slay daugh Sunday Movies A Andrew Slavik, of 3018 | seme crocuses Windsor, sniffs | of color after a old ( of aitharine Mr, and wint ar pot er Given Second Reading TORONTO eC edne (CF) members Ww Liberal and tices Act and the Anti-Diserim- existing law did not cover sup: ination Aet were given second tals of apartments parted In pris ¢ the govern: readings Wednesday Mr. Wintermeyer called ment's n id's Day (On Amendments to the Fair Ac: amendment a "halting tarin) A hich re ed a sec: commodation Act would outlaw! cause of Its limitation ond discrimination on rental of Heg Gishorn Fr actiapartments in hulldings with worth East) sald the will pro he ¢ of more than six units he changed to caver Bunda the Premier Frost said labor, ing with (hres peo J h I'he church and other civie groups tained dwelling unit Hexibility of el had sought the legislation since "more than six" in th n B 1056 when it clear the ment hill day sien I the sentials iid h '} Ive Or mori want insti permitting ! hecame a hasi th Aaryin (Ce) Wi the { n uid un do m noua | 'Pension Boost = Bill Approved [74 The Com inaimions Ifa ana final ra g Wednesday 1 # Ew ermiment Will rising war Mis ability pensions by 8 per cent The Rereases il $51 Hh 666 RET Veterans Minister Churchill gecepled the recommendation of the Commons veterans affairs commie that the effective date of the increases he March i, 19%] The origin legislation had set the effective date nw the manth following royal assent 18 fhe This meant thet te wild not have Wecome effective before April af the earliest Liberal and CCF spokesmen welcomed Mr. Churehill s pmendment tit sniggesied that the increases shold have heen made retroactive to Jan, | 1967 While third reading. was Wnan OFTAWA Mone gRve ati with di ad A TRERSTITA NETRAGRE BE ] # CCF member Te minded the government of the orignel intent of the pensions ARal (hey wowla egies The (ow est Wage rate in the country The wage commanded by the PICARA-SRGTEL Han was the way Amold Peters of Tim [shaming put i When he vRrious Yelerans organizations asked for an In crease of 35 LA per cent, they Were not even asking that the ratio he reinstated (6 its onigina premise," he said The relationship between the disawility pension and the aver age Canadian wage Ras altered ta the disadvantage of the pen ddd In 1057, when REE was $30, the basic pen sion $1806. a Aecregse In the ratio of 51 per cent Mr, Peters wrged the relation ship retin 16 & more equitanle ait the RYRIRgR Was Hog Selling By Teletype Teletyy telephone B SEINE hogs in announced Wed FORONTO replant had it (CF for Was J the me announcement by Producers' Co Farm Prod Board recon months argument est, and fairest way to sell joint taro Hog Fhe tem the On Hog Producers Associa Ontario Hog Producers Board and the co-op authern Onptana Wid-and-ash Under the old sy tario tion farketing erative ald fin on a telephone Lem The acted as the Aprenry el an asking price daily then called for hid from packers. There were neyer ht charges that hog heing sold on a preference hasis, but the method dered unig SETS UP CONTROL Under the new telel method, to go inte effect 1, a master control unit will he gt up in the office of the hog and linked with tele in processors Co-Operative any outrl ere Was con BE April producers type machines offices Offerings will tanti mn vith hids Indi confirmed, Hog Ints determined producers and (he he seen in huyer's office ited and sales will he offered hy the hog may refus each entire to wm 1% cents hare of (eletype All hogs sgle and sold fob the fucer's assemnly yard or where the hogs are gl Edle At recent meetings Eroups concerned Cague Farm toard B hog Fental slem Hl] COVED the offered for pro YHRIAS of will he at time of George the Me Marketing new yELem Products said if the falled to work satisfactor) changes would he made or sell ing would revert to telephone § TRAPPED IN TRUCK LADYSMITH, B.C, (CP)--=An oil truck eareered 160 feet down # hank and erashed into a house {rapping the driver in the cg! and housewife in her hed room. The woman was released in 15 minutes but the driver was for two hour imprisoned Nd chairman of the Ontario! 'Law Gives New Rules For Council TORONTO (CP) The ane government's new menial iation Ina des B Eo nision to bring mentings of me vieipal covneiis and other bodies nn line th procedure already served by log! school hoprds learned Wednesday Included in amendments (6 the Ontario Mumiaipal Act intro Aniced in the legislature Monday fir Monicipal Affairs Minister Warrender was a provision re quiring municipal bodies to open (heir meetings to the pub lie except siting in com frstLen A government official ex Nainen Weanesaay that the pro posal would bring municipal eonneils in line with local sehool hoards, which are required wp der separate legislation to ad mit the pablic to their delibera fions The fm eg W { Was WIEN official said police com FEA fxemmt the on, Because of the nature of their discussions, they not fiiired Radmit the pinhie to the cefings except #t thelr discretion legisiat ire LL 7 Guardsmen Get Yacht Money Back CAMP Canadian PETAWAWA (CP) Guardsmen who feel they were forced into joining lis military camp's yacht club will get their money hack, Col D. Egan said Wednesday "Money will be refunded on request the 2nd Battalion leommanding officer said in an imerview Boldiers complained last week were heing forced to pay but Col gan said Wed nesday the daily details in which the order was contained had heen improperly posted He that of 616 men his hattalion, there were who did jom The rates of membership are they de in 270 said not INTERPRETING THE NEWS Burning Spear May Come Back The emer of a} dominated Parliament in Kenya ance VERTED in the edi The Daily Moscow and office of Ing in torial from 'Oil Drilling Called 'Water Pollution Risk VTAWA (CF) ~ Drilling foviper capita consumption of mar. sxplovation leases, OF and gre i and gas in the Grant [ake ganine 16 nereasing whtle bot were being domped inte the wis described in the Commons ler sales me gong down fakes WH eanesiday Presenting & ma police magistrate and We, Murphy said ships shold jor potiution menses long - time exponent of Walter garry tanks for waste off snd . Prog ad y& £ Iservalive somses vation, Mr. Morphy sald other refuse and he reqgiired to A wp, whose Lam . Wi there WA n won HE empty them at municipal sew: West riding Wovders on Lake Great Lakes that didn't point (6! aos treatment plants along the Huron, smd ol petition could the dangers he was owning. takes erweify wr fowrnisl industry For thousands of miles on A £4 M our Wed Wee, fishing and would our side of the Great Lakes, "" TAOORCHVE W ¥ be & menace to Resith, every sand beach and every Verphy said the US, method of "This is certainly going to af Ther Kind of beach showed evic tisposing A them ~ "out of feet our menewltursl produc 60CE of wed oi." aght, owt of mind" is not. sal tion." the Western Ontarie Mr. Muiphy seid there is "na. istactory. Some 73006 harrels member told the House in Honal anarchy" in attempts to of such waste had heen dumped speaking in favor of & govern "OMIGL wiler pollution in the and these barrels Aan to enter ino BErRe Every sand hesch on the broke up mn 10 yegrs or less, ments with the provinces for 7Fest Lakes showed evidence of better and use and water cone, CVPRed' oil pollution eased ly servation ships Bnd ofl "explobtation" COA ANIES Herve J, Michaud (L~Kent APame f apie in Southwestern MB), charged that school sys omiarid are more conscious of tems in Canada do not encour wiiation than fl € 0 age children 16 take wp farm Be Wr ae " Ontario should review its pol y eoncermng granting of oil) 4 a Wales 86 reer JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL B BOND ST EAST, RA 3.481) W. Harold Wicks (PC~Fraser jg Valley) was eoncerned ahowt Ww report that batter causes heart trouble, Margarine may he the cause, he said, sines NOTICE! DR. WILLIAM BOYKO Dentist $3 for soldiers below sergeant's rank, #5 for lor NCOs and $10 for officers Col, Egan seid no figure was available for the amount col lected from the #46 men who did the . requested dues WILL INVESTIGATE Meanwhile the Commons was told Wednesday the case is go ing to he investigated hy three senior officers, including a for mer public relations director of | the defence department Defence Minister Harkness announced in the Commons thal the three will proceed to Pet awawa, 100 miles west of Of tawa, to "investigate thoroughly | this matter of internal army ad ministration They are Doucet, deputy adjutant - gen eral, and 14.-Col, RB, H, Webh {Of the administration director ate, army headquarters; and {1d Col, J, ¥, Merner from Central Command, Oakville Brig, Doucet is the former | public relations director, CLAIM COMPELLED The yacht club became a mat ter of public controversy last weekend when two unidentified Due to the destruction, by fire, of our office ot 107 Simcoe 5t. 5., a temporary office, pending completion of the Medical Arts pay Building, will be located at , , , 37 KING ST. EAST Alger Building, next to Biltmore Theatre RA 3-3718 = Telephone Unchanged trig. H. BE, 7, (Pot) T ® OSHAWA BRANDED BEEF BLADE BONE REMOVED municipalities has opened the way for even in London three pro tual return to power of a for unaceeptahle hid acon i Worker members of the battalion told n 1" 11 Mho ald Kenyatta must bel peporters that their battalion ducer groups have opposed the mer Mau Mau leader freed "hefore there is a head-on commander was forcing 800 teletype system hecause they | The shadow of imprisoned opash." adding the case is the guardsmen 10 join the two sail felt Lg pickers might bel Jama {Burning Spear) Ronyatta) most urgent point involving the host club : orowded out 0 ie marke ius loomed aver the elections 3 4 y Under the new methad no pro in Britain's oh bh Afvigan col |Sovernor and the new govern, H In the ¢ ammans Monday, laughterings ony with re nationalists population numbers fewer than Arkness HA per cent with each other far|100,000 in a eountry of 6,000,000, membership is on a voluntary basis, the allegations or eampeting Inughtered hy| public support by calling for hi The exact shape of the [government is still obseure whieh made that pay inte buy without! release group no authority at government er : 4. Compensation Cost Too High meet needs of On tarin he said he Mr. Frost Bald, will do ¢ thing possible to save Sunday fram hecoming TORONTO (CP) A delega-| the group covered, the mumet-ition from the Ontario Farmer's high, Farmers continue sports| Union Wednesday asked the leg-|out, theréfore the performances! islature"s = standing committee! forced even higher on agriculture for a reduction] Everelt Biggs istant just another working day, The O80 legislation permitting Sun munieipalities jn compensation costs They uty minister in charge of farm movies andi argued a farmer can buy pro sald only 1.000 farm day sports did not lead to an | marketing OF these, (ection more cheaply from pri at pre past a SHORT RIB OR 5 5: Ib BLADE ROASTS SWIFT'S PREMIUM BONELESS CRYOVAC WRAPPED SMOKED HAMS. 83° (BV4==313 AVE) FRESH LEAN MEATY SIDE ¢ « 49 SPARE RIBS 39° FRESH SHANKLESS PICNIC ~~ 6:7 LB, AV, 65° Shoulders Pork 89° DEVON RINDLESS = 1-LB, PKG, 35° Mr | rate Are passnr whose Ne 1960 was more of all hog 11 installing RY TORONTO UNIT Proce than one ind buyers outside thelr teletype unit hogs { Rince ta drapiin nt nee rule fre new| he Processors ma) have heen LL dep A leletype commands alliance reached Although KAN! non Strongest oultery for Ken were yalta's release has come from DINE Tom Mboya Kenya Afri purchased can National Union (KANU) cent in 1960 just under half the Hi Ontario, Willi vapan eatd in the fi-memhber purchases through a parliament I'he rival Kenya in the Toronto of African Demovratie Union fice of the Hog Producers' Coo (KADU), a more moderate na aperative | I'he [CHAS Amen forced to will thi all" At nesday majori te be have really he LC] whase AUR have apen Sunday, he said The hill will permit palities to have Bunda [ers take advantage ent of vale companies than from workmen's compensation If the Workmen's Compensation] Mr, MacDonald and theatrieal vhao Board "The problem can he sol or declared will have than other sin conference Wed ihe balance of forces A, D, Egan, the a even that it will not nd Battalion's commanding of to form a stable gov:lfioey incor orders by two subordinate | | | won press more euls an continued le party wil he he ernment od in make uh o "a Bunday ature To date, 18 have held Sunday sports referendums 14 voted in favor wide-apen and urged hrief and 24 recommendations! dy, ar alternatively; b sald "absolutely the leg sleer pru- presented to the committee Harm, of compulsion dent course Ross Whicher (L=Rruce) told] The committee vated to meet Kenneth Bryden (CCF Tor- the committee! "One farmer Iithe delegationtand a rey URGES PRUDENCE onto Wandbine) sald the legisla. know 1s getting It (eompensa:|i fve of the WCB after the con BACK TO THE after 1:50 p.m Liberal Leader Wintermeyer sald there | danger of The request was included in a one of only two ways---hy ton provided the possibility of tion) for less than half the WCH! ference an _apen and "There's| costs, I suggest that there might] Among the other recommend no fool our-lhe something wrong with the|, ons presented to the commit DOG HOUSE way the compensation hoard 1s]! were who helieve in| treating the farming industry.' That retail outlets offerin NIAGARA FALLS ents will ob) CCF Leader MacDonald ve:/fresh vegetables in packages (AI Police sped to a plied We might as well face alse be required to offer sim nearby lumber plant Wed morning after a pa hills to amend{facts, It's a vielous circle, Be:|ilar vegetables in unpackaged \coammaodation Prac-cause there are few farmers in'form; rang, With they entered make the ar SOM tionalist movement WHE Bet ond Hoth partie as chief. minister fnew Kenya government But Governor Kir Patrick Te nison has declared that Ken yatta will not he released until the government 1 working well," Kenyatta, a bearded rebel of has heen in fail or in re tricted exile in northern Kenya far the last seven years for his part in the Mau Mau secret so ciety which terrorized the col ony hefore the Mau Mau were crushed several years ago TRAINED IN MOSCOW ' He received his political train in LJ rect ar will alse I'he racial composition of the nenya Parliament 15 deter advance, There are 43 seats and 20 "reserved eats to be filled by non » Ne:| | | Driver Charged groes==10 by Buropeans, eight hy Asians and two hy Arabs In Four Deaths Hut each non-Negra group 1s called upon to choose ecandi-| OTTAWA dates for ita veserved seats at/nan, 21, of Pakenham, Ont primary elections, These then was committed for trial Wed. must solicit the votes of all the|nesday on a charge of eriminal other races on a common voll, [negligence laid after a four The 53 members elected will death traffie collision last Sept choose 12 "national members' |* four whites, four Negroes and four Asians=--to complete the Parliament, In the complete House the Africans are ta out number other races hy one | member proce pay Ls, 0 (i Aa officers prompted the charges wan venyatte { in the mined in erve npen Runday frying nse 11) Breakfast Bacon FRESH SLICED LEAN IMPORTED NO, | GRADE CELLO TUBE TOMATOES 2 selvi Hi what serve it ald NY unday repre peapls (CP)==James Noo Gavernment day the Fan nt burglar alarm drawn the rest I'he dog the gun plant to I'wa watch brushed against eulprit who alarm the highway erash were Mrs. Walter Scott and Wil liam Bellinger, 18, of Ottawa; | Doris MeLellan, 14, of Arnprior, Ont, and Ronald Whitney, 20, of Owen Sound | Killed in NEW PLUTONIUM 'COOKERS' $350.000 laboratory | methods by which plutoninm A new has gone inte operation at | can be used along with natural Canada's atom CORTE Al | wranium as a fuel In atemie Chalk River, Oat, 0 find | power plants. Research tech: wickan J. A. Scohe working with pluie 4 APpelial § XW fess the dangerons mater { ave db i Arms Orders | For Canada? WASHINGTON (CP) Qual ified informants said Wednes day President Kennedy's desire to boost the conventional arms potential of the United States likely will mean mare defence orders for Canada The president's message to | Congress is expected ta empha size need for new vehicle oar riers, tanks and field radar equipment, they said We have already disoussed with the Americans two ar three items an which we might pro vide new production one added. "The outlook {5s most en couvaging." He declined ta give details of what Canadian authorities had in mind but hinted it may be in the line of feld vehicles to ald in strengthening the hitting wer of small, mobile strikin farces The announced his press conference Wednesday president al F. RICHARD 136 SIMCOE N » Examination of eyes Fitting ot C And Glasse Ch EVENINGS BY Fo nt APPX that his government is anxious to boost the conventional arms power of all NATO nations, This would not change US. reliance On nuclear weapons as a detey vent, he said Another possibility for Cana dian weapons makers is a plane swap, on which talks have been proceeding for some time. Un der the latest proposal Canada would vesequip RCAF intercen tor units with the US, Fam Voodoo jet Aghter while the US would place arders in Ca nadian plants far constraetion of Amerviean - designed CFM Starfighters be shipped to NATO allie David Galden uty tion day talks olals ta Canada's dep minister of defence produc was in Washington Tues for his second vound of with US. defence It Is understood he cussed the plane proposal well as some alternatives aff dis as BLACK, 0.D.« AT COLBORNE ntact Lenses dren's Visual Training APPOINTMENT nent Please Call RA 3-419 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ® HIGHES THE ARISTOCRAT OF PRIME RIB CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF STEAKS GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS y'] Ibs. 2 ¢ PEEK FREAN Digestive *< T QUALITY MEATS ¢ ROASTS SIRLOIN, T-RONE & WING RED RRAND REEF LEAN MEATY BLADE 6th and Teh PRIME RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET FULL CuY RUNP 49 49 49 69 FRESH PORK Shoulder FRESH PORK END LOIN SKINLESS WIENER FRESH PORK CANADA PACKERS KAN WW TIN - CHRISTIE'S---24.02 BREAD 4°39 Delivery Service Shep for jour $20 and over FRER and hove it $10 to $20--23¢ delivered $5.00 $10 -- 35¢ Under $3, --- 435¢ 1-A0 CELLO w Spareribs anywhere Ww Oshawa

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