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The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 29

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(#5--Reol Estate For Sole (A5--Resl Estate for Sole 4] --hutometiites For Sele (AS---Aviomeblios Wonted ($G--Asticles Ax f THE OSHAWA TIES, Thwrsdey, March 3, 1964 » WEEKEND MARKET BASKET i wh Pt Joh BOSTIAL tons Rar wer WASTED 8 4 vhs vn Srerieh; | pursBong 1. Tabs wt. Se ly ii = mans oor Fe nls ome 4 ty, fot BRE Wears fr 57a pg g's Fax oo os 7 ol i Fs Bt wg ob pase: Re wae, cof mow Loop nh 8 re ARTA CTRTIN [5 tae Rash) sit nn nam fe casa cad ay te GLECOFF SUPERMARKET Weekend Specials | Thurs, Fri., Sef, Open Every Night Tit 10 pm 174 Ritson Rd. 5, | Grade A Large Eggs #5¢ dor i Fresh Brecd Hiced Ie PAT and DON's CLOVER FARM MARKET 432 Simcoe South Titip FLAKES bor. Hp 2 for 296 wad CHEESE SACES 29¢ #778, FROIEN FILLETS id 4 FROZEN FILLETS 5c : Shines pork |. 99 pop BUTT ROAST, lo, 49c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT i0 for #9c COME MND CHECK OUR (OY EVERYDAY PRICES a or - ET I rly hy Wd HH 1 TH a ea] Bon" bivnk rom nas ser rants Gadel ind pos war BEIIING v7 lira, ew 18 WR 7 4 bey Be AAD rg perms. Bh Reser, brid" wll i 1 A AB irl FB PX i SPOT CASH [pereet AX. SE | oy -- 5009 DOWN. Gand erin, aia ons Takes Joes py iz) i eg 17 dd (o) ¥ ips r Bae Bos § miders Bog ier wi wo or Awe PAID FOR | UBEOME hove, Wire MoH Brame i i Mp! Ls # Ross, 5b S50, Rh Fl a rprinn Gales ol her on a 4s Cd os vin vey ri TE Juss, love whens deve, Bi, (G54 clasp csr Jake wp Ar" | By MRS, KEN GAWSBY (Local fonciotion wd the Dis ler RA Luk. Wesker er j wr re 1 oh yo ed a Pad sriaiant. Sr Sown, Lens poi off rit | ORONO ~ On hh 3 Mrs te peek ge bor hed in, Cok Wh BAA Batwrdey even trict Commissioner, Mrs, Helen iat ies Condi d 05 V8 a vision Ey DODD MOTOR SALES a aie STE To o8, One Wnbred it #6 Ruddel of Wewcaetle, on Tues Two Storey Brick a or oe As its. Tesovirne Rb Sool 97) 8A 23.9424 viet, #0 Present. Guaciars, astanic dey evening in the Sundry ( FONT. ine WE restore Commitint doy ev Vive hives ie lacomd am ine Ee pee y Wong Be Rp Boil wily i Ei Ap of the Dhan € com SKK 199. of the OPPS Wonderfd commgr property It hr, fast pervias, "Geto et ime ry Wansé. 748 Besrare Ar AND SERVICE STATION bb ft. by 150 11. Ides) stua- IFinsnee "a E, ; pes BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM Bo ki ode 4 ky, Re Ik 90 % Bi, pu po ey A erane "A #4! PLETE BRAKE SERVICE Eight 156ms, £60 be ESRYES 3 LY aA at TE BRAKE 3 pid shania (shir iy ow. hws BH. a a } Ufone Aver peter, 7% | 4 % 5 Se to Unk es or Yh ACRE ot, we left, west on Harhaih i v9 1 CT KG ST WY, 0 tor ek. ioe, ne on bat Jost, avn. Cy ha wb wilh hack Best pes es, yg #78 Smoked Wieners or Hom #- RB of Estate For Sole rg vy Rows Chicken 35 i KR Epieniss, uh : oh 247% | LEP Ace, WIREIHE, go f Rogsting Chicken Lc Son Tes BF Phhonee [74 MO B2874 Evening MO B 2473 sa Weeriss Jor oo ih ee, sits. Feremone | oy Mo. if For clkan carn we dosh vp Gramdoted Suger 10 Wo. 79¢ Fr A died Tindal Repl state. Why lenced gerier. Ressonaiie MO # Contre i down. Liens pid 4s : hs AF 0 i Wx be RUNING § (av Week monty? For lo | ; Wi, Tr Rows 4 A5--Reol Entote bor Sole (07,15 100 5 i i 07 TO RENT (88 Sl Sud Gere!" BE 5 hell NICOLS MOTOR SALES Ay, levis WA, seven o hi ! CST. N., WHITBY y ; fits ranch bipsow, md be on lo 0G, Ui U0 Bos wo Bon| APPROXIMATELY [807 7.), whi hag we, i Wns oh + Er , MO 5.500) : pr A 2 For appointment caf i 50 ACRES OF Viack machine. Telephone BA n Te YOR 'vi A ow ie Slee, g far og dl pn #bly nccompanied by Mrs v! YOUR i BA WE GE op REAL ESTATE | WORKABLE LAND [swerams Webinar isles dd a A9--Automobile Repairs |i Gente "TE Ear sent 1) yal ets Rsth. 0 furveee, 1h W LL fe A With wie of bom or Eompiete Llos piece cerpmie tied we a BE Toten us, Win Betest wird JC ihe vim ves Fs id 1% With three coronet soos of ok Gry -- a ir DON 5 SMITH form wih house, Sor lw (liane Sibiones oH ger og het y why immense. BA soo9 or BAY ck, eh lermie, Frat piv Tngiey iA i Sapo, fess 19 Aes! id (avonies which " ' 7 on oH (id F as Gare JOHN A. } | RA 59970 or RA 59929, B&H "ol HEREBY, (ois Ron, Boiamatie, | Lacrins Brom "Lin Vien) Bi 8 sat | # Chusok by # emonies tor the Alin | Mer Vickery Reg! Estate or write BOX 637, CRHAWA A lwo YX wg iow va dd or pease oer, -- -- WP 1908 ETL Ww Teco, Mr. Beid introduced the new: ALE Miss K. Foster LAHOOD | e6228 | Times Smere ! sieat po 144 a oh ANDY NAGY'S fetnst Wanmenst; Bol 18. peste con ALS eppointed president, Mr. showed pictires of trip 19 Business RA 8-644 A Wehabltia toes 1 op JAA ity I % BODY SHOP Bosts enrge CArson the continent last y ory A : , LIMITED Res RA 8-4877 HARMONY VILLAG foe Vis mn Wiggs, hse maior WR, SH Complete satis UPRIGHT wane, wih bench, in suees,| THE then presented a band \They were ve on REALTOR INSURANCE ps 7. 4 daily. Trade 'BA R523 siier Bowes BA R224. Doped Fine bod 6 EONISION SeIVIES, lent pot Aoi $l Fone Wis. Fres SOme pipe and ft of favorite much enjoyed wll open 2-4 pm. deity, Trede, (1h, 4 Rewny Tia WAS ONIE copveriiie, power GHGNGr 1epGire nA rer wen, Lowrie. BA B blends of (ohaecn tn Mr. Ga SIMCOE 6 Q & Kidd Terms Located opposite |e ad 4 es, whitewoll tires, £oNNg Wheel alignment, The Guides "wy capably 167 SIMCO Mc Ua J Deneven High School, Her: ' : Telephone | Erne and wheel stroiohten. |FEYMORE washer, Umer ard pump, | EY, - | served the of t mony Rd id | $395 DOWN S264, Port Hope or MO W408 LL o ee) srgigntens ig excellant' contin, $6 Telephone! My, Gamey expressed his leg, B picely A A ORS ud y. | eier 7 9 - gp Ba #7 or farther partieiiars ' RA 5-6544 REALTORS JOHN A J | 1068 TIONG, Biand 17h; Excalent mon STEVENSON'S RD, § KIDOKI fockes, lade's Moe 14, PTR thanks to those present (or the cake a ice-cream with fr Whitby Plaze BOLAHOOD LTD, | OIL HEAT os tty Goud tires, Welbphone Rh RA B.-4451 RIDIN Josket, lady's sie 14 wort inibite they had paid him end for the Jounger me members IT's A BUY 313 Brock 5 5 Realtor -- Insurance | 4 or 0 Bhi DY yer me pw wisr's pm . for the eft Inch he appracial: Fraver ind Taps Wrought pA FS : " 00 MONTHLY 0 FORD, 1 exeritept copsition. Bed Bl Articles For Sole TTIRA BRA WOIIA tease, FB Interesting gE 108 Ry : g Open 9-9 $71.00 MON boll eplen and Loke § yer be For nly $900 down and $75 cach Olfer sccepied J 7s Veimeen, Lamy : few remarks regs the fir! Bob Luxton, when manthly you €on have this wey wo 63414 || |JCAS PEACOCK | one mma morTaase 1757 pls A tN 0 the past 18 9EBEE, he SLALEd pir nario. When 3-bedroom home with good | Toronto EM 3-9603% 4 4 DODGE, FecnRAlioned maton, wh Fiend pew Telephone B {that although he had resigned evemng, took & fell from size living room end kitchen, | storms and screens, fully landscaped, plus parhially fir ished rec, room. Call now; I i ACRES, Woh wh tum, hoe Reol Estore Broker YWhithy ur Wedron s, Ross fom WAH ss WRI, iiee TE TRE, ene HENRY STREET 4 bedrooms or 3 BEGIGOMS ond 6 den, dither wey Mis 1 side Ynity Rasidertial trent BUYING "Boma? Weed money "Hor 8, her pro BA, g HOUST os ! H pia bisti Raptor, BA $460. Kah oF Tm 8 1 Jos, E, Shields A J $ALL CASHS FULL PRICE $12,295 ney ues sad sow ree, $185. Wik WELL cored for piano A 2:3 Foo | IN YOUR [#8 secretaryAreasurer, he still bicycle which caused PUmerons RA 54330 RA B-5109 | condition, hep Jever 1oF wilt playing thoped 1n take an active part in | tidents, adults. Resbonsbie Page Aug oy go scrapes and bruises LA his face | Don't wait till prices go away vi FAIRLANE Ford hay fq or y "liek Ravine Rows only : < Le 9 nk private sale A "1 Zt) BUSINESS AND | wp. A limited mamber of bun cmpion an Teleph ed MOH ign i! USER paris sod repairs hor Hi Takes ATTIC ton willing to help n any way Be mishap ot tall | ask for Bill Swerbrick, RA | home wil meet oll family VATE DWELLING lows still lef 12.295 4 f 5.6544 or 58342 needs Living room (with PRIVATE E A ' #0 pi Sil ot i digi oi Wi powiE in 4 7 4 sg AL g i bid Jos Sather, | oid po | a of Tie Jolty Carson then wes Ging i fireplace), dining room 6nd | A new store in 8 repidly | constructed ir your choice of od Hah s pe pis pyaived. HA 444 "wl paves Faday's Market, Hemp CELLA thanked Mrs, J. C. Gamey for wi NEW -- NEW NEW | helilwey ere brosdioom cov. | do elocing part of Oshaws, | color S471 devs; evenings MO BAIR A Ts The Tad an. (hh en rosehar of his anc. | sre, The tiled 4 pes. both | 00rd a 'part of @ rdw | #0 FRONTENAL red, 6000 mies, (SVMF pump, Mimo new. Telephone | i given boy's fool, [2 yo Off Toyler Ave; plans, | LT bitin vanity. Alum: | # A Bid 8 JA 0 144 King Street West [7% 444 OF apply #4 1133 King Blreet Fair Board in the past 204) yheel models, lots, NHA mort: | [U8 Lor Ton oll windows | FIOPRING centre, he proper RA 5-1186 elephone Bh bbb go SE : or GARAGE |asked her to accept & beautifull pyer, th hath the boys " ty consists of new 2-6 WE NG A gages; any exties 61 pur b A y a A . ENDING dress, 1013, $18; Brides bouquet of carnations from Miss) / chasers request, Coll Bil) | ©Rd deers Miached Goroge | brick building with a store of WwW. T. LAMSON A dress 10. $6; Boy's IRree-plece \ Marilyn Mort daughie le fhe pp) Bows hon he Ratcliffe, RA 5:6544 | and other "extre feGtures, | copoiimately 20 x 50 ft, | REAL ESTATE LTD winler oui, 3, 91. BA BAH | SURE TO BE MANY arilyn Morton, Asughier of and culs were caused when | Amange on inspection ap: | ORRrEXIMOL BE Kom 5. | SEVENTEEN worm windows FOE| wii(NGE THERE you [MF 8nd Mrs, Robert Morton, slid slong the hare pay LOOK! | ointment immediately with | fom Fi abl hs gg man kas Wave, complete 'wih land, HINGS THERE YOU 13s an expression from all the Recently, district Boy Souls | , | Don Kidd | ment. Please call Roy ie SAT han try HO Bah hen eA SELL FOR CASH | Directors of the Agricultural FESR Dr PO petition call ONLY $300 DOWN Society, Mrs, Gamey very gre: " in REGISTERED LOTS Flintoff, RA 5-3454 DO yon went Quick Warranty service Use "'Person-to-Person" for considerable griistie talent, b-r0om, two - storey; $75 | iced with sewer and % without an argument. Try Bll Hamil be "Farson-10-verson |elously sccepted fhe flower OFF Fhe: were ea) ta de Fully serviced w wer 6 R AVE | LIST WITH LLOYD for, Office Equip, Ashbarn. All weed Went Ads d thanked the direeto y ver monthly; $8,500 full pricey water, goed Whitby lecation CRERA THEN CALL YOUR MOVER - Machines, one yess Busrenies Lig an han Ireetors, Sgn 8 new would low, low taxes. Don't miss Buy | er 7, all BO' frontage 7 AT THIS SPECIAL RATE Among the many presidents bi rt' this Ww 6 . Buble ond. Hioh pi MITRERAT Tur Ipcket, beige raincont & worn by all Seouts in this one, call Ted Cunning: and only '$3.300 00 each lose to Public end Hig NHA 5% RESALE laa maleriily Wack uel, TOK | 28 Words and directors who had been 88:| diiron" in' all there were 28 ham, RA 5.6544 or 5-235 Ask for Don Kidd School, and Wilsen Shopping Five-room brick bungalow HA 34831 before pm | for 3 25 sociated with Mr. Gamey snd entries and the judging was Centre. Three-bedroom bun- onpletely decorated and | IC's BUICK ish Button 42 Wi: cont who personally expressed their fT dled hy high scout Is Member of Oshawa and | Members of the Oshawa and galow, with garage One landscaped. Large madern "TRY Gansistor, portable, less aerial, Bet | ik ee ve hest wishes to him were: Mr." n y secon als, District Regal Estate Board | District Reql Estate Board morgage foced, right te recreation room. Paved drive fact_sondiin #65. Phone RA afm | 9ys nly Frank Rickard, who was the| ls. : » ' sell, ot $11, 0 inspect, way, storms and screens. This d up coal, man's overcont. dist | PHONE | president when Mr. Gamey! First prize Winner i Wis Bruce | : , / like new. Telephone BA 50831 lor in| . IP mey . | please call Phyllis Jubb, RA home ean be purchased for RA 3. | formation first took office as secretary. Mercer of Orono Mr, WILSON Realtor 3.3240 only $12,500.00 with low 5 BF 443 | FOR, th RE SRT TRA RE RA 3.3492 treasurer; Mr, Russell Os.|@nd Mrs, Bryce Meo and a : 4 NORTH SIMCOE down payment. Call quickly Iry Nu-Way, RA 6-481 borne, Mr. Harry oi Mr, member of the Orono Seon OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5:6588 | sciool DISTRICT | orRi pigs" "os WEEKEND (Tkmate sa Rafi "oon, 66 §Twlopt & Found ____|Camel, Hiekprd, ME, AA ive von Cow MUST BE SOLD. Fiverroom brick bungalow with finished base | (1 or is a schol age, and DESIRABLE NORTH-WEST =EhE (FoR Ry "Good TN proRis CAT) TTR int | At and the Reeve of are Town:| munity Centre. ment apartment. Private drive, large landscaped lof Close to your price is under $14,000, B.r0om brigk ranch bungas eo Cc oc VORNITURE, French Provincia ie RA i "inky" # pot lla Mr, Earl Walke The badge he Boilies mu schools bus and shopping. Fer full particulars call RA 5-6588 see this one, we really recom. fow paved drive with garage SPE "1ALS inrfi a nd one wha . bolas ri pond, I Li ., phat of of the Judy ree: HERA LJ fi oe y mend it, Large beautifully ollywoed kitchen, recreqtion pra Henly it 4 EAL : ' i f i tly finished, T.V ' > phone A H Mr. COMM. ML, Five roams, 3 bedroems, white clapboard treed rear yard. The living reom A 59 CHEY. Bel Air #-dogp--= RIITER, Siaen rm seer habe ' r their n w aM Nerth-east qrea. Asking price $10, fem has o a fireplace, fami lowsr. Aluminum storms and Finished in Berkley Blue Feleming WE ; os pan Peier Mies of "200. Terms, Ll § P Ll dining raem gd Toray od agi or arg infén i and frosty white, white: |ELECTROBOME RCA Vigtor, 7 ll PRT TANT H and for lanka" a pis Mhoiin | Maple Grove, son of 80 WHO'S GOING? to I 51 om Kitchen, Four drome, Homer of RA 8.5123 / walls, radia, automatic ml iral The nest in 1 ' fi and M of Bt Gresorv's Rectory, FeRmsry ahout their needs when assem: Moh V. Holmes dnd 4 hi ve 3 own this almegt new 2:-100m rug ond . bathroom on second Exclusive Gf [Yee highest tra ia llowsnee at (wna Bw elatm by paving tor ad. |Dling the exhibits at Fair time, went to Hobin brick bungalow en large lot, Asking price $12,700 floor, One-piece washroom in Ward Resiiv: Li: Reaihon Only $1898 North: "Eolas "10 ah | CI ld LLL Following the ol pre: manviile, son of od and Mrs, orblo b ) basement "onvenient fins ' . . COAT. 1 Hev™h Vid whi -- sentation an hour o ms Wasi Glenn Virtue, f OLOER Vi oT ogeorer.t rick, good Oppaaroncy Owner aneing. Ta inspect, and for RA B:5123, RA 8.5124 '87 DODGE Regant = Ra: fselihe a. pris 818 "dim iLL al ere UNOTOUEHIY WnJOVed 88 My, WI pte ihe regular practice on / particulars, Daas, call Irene RA 8.8125 dr White wi la : Feona Ww 40) hid dis elephone RA B-0742 Armstrong showed movies of Wednesday ebening, 0 "ne Six am gy ] A , Open Evenings and All Day Saturday Brown, RA 10] Simeos St, N, Only $1048 i ing Ci fy LAND TITLES Bava 'thawed an excelent fm Choir members, past na ANT TO SELL YOUR ! eve Fox imide Nort ent, met at the After Hours Please Coll WONT, ei onE Now For | 4T==Automebiles For Bale | 157 METROPOLITAN Hard: |Srumews™s siber vaio: spssiesl ACT of the 1060 Colt Derhy, Don Staples the ome " Wes Eliott. RA 8-088) Dick Young RA 3.7183 | AN APPRAISAL WITHOUT |IMkF PHEVELEY. goof Funding son fop == Finished In Ember aves' rewsnrint? for ants o1 i, Kom T0 TORONTO After & dell ilu June was Lloyd Corson. RA 3.2537 Charlie Rankine, KA 8.3682 | Eost ok BELIGATION filo, S00" oiephone Rae" 4408 sia red and foam white with TEV, oy epaviment, Aunsws Tikes. IN THE MATTER OF Parts | A bus load of local eltizens|served Mr. Danald 85a D188 PE TT ia ia aA matening ir rier, 41 1 4 Members Oshowa and 100 CHEVROLET Biscayne, radia, ii itewalls, A scarce Telephone BA 5 hire Beaver Jig mow. | of Lot I, Gamble's Plan, Osh | travelled te Toronto on Satur: made PrerontoNon of 8 purse OPEN ALL WEEK District Real Estate Board White MIE Swe one fnencing ure model Up ta 38m pa: % wonderful To] 1a Bil vadios, gvas (on port Lat 13. fen, flay Lo iy vin, what " haing o o Cy " Eh orkman, HH TT Viger 04 Station, Ki tat "Written Guarantee" t ders, { el - RY 4 ermed as a ow of a Life: ganist, for fal year line ' "Eos, » Only $745 Pr Carle HT Registered Plan Ne Ald, time", he show, of course, is|vice. Mrs, Workman sal a low 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, JOHN F. DEWITH jt vast i 6505855 sr cr. mun -- nga f-ing to gts, by gti Fol un wis of han | are ae SU TE jeliyxe = ¢ rer Ale iF J ings and drawings whieh are The jt hacked Telephone RA § fi itewa one, local | Tel A-ha \ 0 community was shoe : Realtor & General INSUIaNCE |i vonTian sm oie vur oo Whitewalls, 3-ione, loca) |Iankhans RA Sab by Registered Flan Net now hanging in the Toronto Art on Thursday of last week to ea ami y ans matar, very good 4 [LARGE oil space heater, Norge, 100) 429, Gall I Newcastle Phone 3341 [condition throw oul, Apply Jan's Gar condition, 35,000 ers |#atlon tank, # Jest copper ning, Tele: | the south by Rassland Read, avery, learn of the sudden deat! ' age, 40 Albert Bireel, corner Athol igingl miles phone RA Bh i Those attending from Orono|Mr Charles B, Tyrrell, Mr, 3 bedrooms medern kitchen DAIRY FARM, 200 geres gs [100 DLDSMAOBILE 8, (wa door hard Onl $1285 |GUNS, A and hunting sup: | NOTICE |§ HEREBY GIVEN (were well pleased with the ex: Tyrrell had heen in i LL dpe. tiled bath mahegany cupboards a going concern, with all ae SY tamatic, s Vindahinid y Bhat, by haw And heed, wi 10 per cebt| that Edna Wynena Ansley [hibit which today Is priceless.|Orono since Se plembe Paine H vanify mahogany trim cattle and machinery, Ls [64385 Han bent aller. RA) 157 FORD Customline = [30WR: Werh RA 18 lifer BO fas made an application to [Among the group Were mem:|when he Purchased the Inet} oak floors ching cabinet shaped bankbam, drive shed, |1hss WUTOR epach, Avnafiow, needs Fin hed nL fleaming TV YOWERS, 40 1 BY oi dige| the sel Master of Titles hers of the Orono Rangers, drug store from Mr, John ther features sila, bulkeseigr, ole; a ve hady work, ) host offer, Apply 364 Fare: | op with rosie, Bid ped Hae Instaled obec ol bith for oF isa Members of he Orona ; Gilfillan, plus many o ? roomed brick house with a walls, ne avers Ihe 4 ) roup, persons from Neweastle| . qm y aden Sonvenences Asking Mae PONTIAC, Actual nieage 1.700 oho t Miss This hs pre nL fhe slaime to he tha awner and owmanville and others in: hey bn Shea , Slama. mw DIRECTIONS rms nanced, $1476, Phone WA 8.6286. After n Arle, AMAChments 0s. §i bh erested In art the Orono United Chureh, drive south en Farewell Ave., from King St, [ PAIRY- FARM, 200 acres 1 2 A dq '85 PODGE Hardtop == New food ral mchly pr Eat) Sor: ibs a oa Fag Gordan i i al ete were H rail whieh Mr, Tyrrell was a mem: ¥ ou : { : g 3 with 50 milk cows, open milk dition and ARDATRR ER, ug Mii paint lob, spotiess In vies RA S081 anytime. EE Riehl, Ne, 117522 iho | fol J ih 4, . R her, A Masonic service Was N.H.A and private financing quota, large bankbam, bulk: [geod lots Pi A APT A terior. Guarantee en me: It wh h me splayed tempor: aise held at the ehureh, far further information cooler, ete. 10:roomed brick [BA 88317 tor. Sharp looker, BEST QUALITY Wherefore any other person arily In eight rooms at the Art| ---- =o -- me house' with ail madam. ean: HIG AE Cresta, While walls, Only $645 having or claiming te have |Gallery, The local group were p gi two tone grey and maroon, law mile FURNACE FUEL OIL any title ta er interest in the | conducted on an hour tour of the JOLT PARTNERS veniences fice and terms clean, leather upholstery. Tele '56 CHEY, Deluxe == Radio, land h f k PALM BEACH n (A DON arranged ahs HA 71d hitewalls, 2:tone. In STOVE OIL and er any part thereef is (work of the master, Many were ; ) (in REALTOR P oon Liki, i rH whitewalls, ne. In required on or before the |impressed with the change of/An outdeor erowd DAIRY FARM, near Part [fomatie, excellent condition, Wi 'takb RAR Soditon EXPERT SERVICE 7th day of Mareh, 1961, 1a [style and use of color hy Van watched heavywelght Onl ol) 67 KING ST. EAST Perry, L-shaped bankbain, {ade Witrine arranged. 819 Dundas Ssanomy ¢ $948 DIXON'S file a statément of his claim | Gogh who In his early paintings|ger In ge ma r Johansson jolt ilo, bulktank cooler, ete |e ty a my office at the Town of used dark eolors changing later| sparring partners Sunday and OWE wm bristol REY A TA 9 gu Cony ty | RA Seay | Eve om lw nto hath n+ Wane r v ' tires, RA 58060 after 4 die, deep tread nylon " " : Aranges, ele ers were im:|tel gy $32,000, Terms 1060 VAUXHALL Vicor serfect sondi Whitewalls, . full _ehrome The address of the Applicant |Dvessed with the Van Gogh|Floyd Patterson hatier sparring tion, $1350. Telephane HA 6188 for fur discs. Owner's name en AMBASSADOR 8 Sqcrans of the Apalicen drawings whieh displayedpaviners with combination 100-a¢re farm, located 5 [ther information reauest. Onl $785 for service Ini Play hi Bill mes from. Oman, ream | tncurmatia wg Met Only $783 | | ECTRIC CONTROLLED minute detail, : punches, Bill Fugasy Promoter WHITBY CLASSIFIED 90° x 32' bankbam, waters ae sano, 1 dl Vern 2 4 igi fede oads OVERHEAD ROLL-UP estes. Meg bben 8 Sateda, wa obi alcluden all the i ne Jlurch Nek w \ - bowls, drive shed, ete; 7- arrange Stephane £0 141 in 1 eon fiti n | DOOR 20 § § 'th is li ime y i | roomed heuse, he "sh CHEVROLET four - door automat goad _condiie ' imeae Street, North, [during his life time sold a sin:/tend a meeting of the Miami LI) NERS = Roofing, siding, FREE furnished apartment, private tweed hse, heavy wed. Hat fran, 27,800 miles, a Tos Dunes |ust on new E88 Almost new Size 14' by Oshawa, Ontaria gle painting or drawing. Beach Boxing Commission te. SAvORIOUGHING, Imsulation, painting: hath, stave, Midge, for middle-aged] ravment Sims an frank eel clean $1678 or het Ply 1313), Completely equipped The thirty-three from Orono|day and press Johansson's des Ww Ah A pay HA PATED at Whith A 27th inter prices. Phil Harper, MO 84838. |iady in exchange for ght housekeeping with in and eut eentrals, § Vos) and area left early Haturday mand that he he allowed te HOME awners Roofing, siding, [Tuties in home of widower, MO LEILLS ™ prod io 3 "TARUTANce. Bave up tn HAG " Contact day of February, 196 kD i i chvestianghing, inswiation, painting |TV VAWERS, 0 # | 99-acre faim, located 10 130 per cent. Six months to pay. For| 'AS |S SPECIALS antaet morning returning to the vil:\wear six-ounce boxing gloves A 4 rises VHA 2) Articture, hot dips] miles from Oshawa, stream, vional services ab your hame call RA X J. M. ROBLIN, lage avound five-thirty, th h Phil Harper, Whithy ped galvanized, installed with' all-cha. | Fat . BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY 8 iy rather than the eight Sua FOR BENT = Large modern two hed: | Aol antenna, guaranteed ane veut il L-shaped bankbarmn, drive Ban 8 MAKE AN OFFER ) LOCAL MASTER OF TITLES The Orono Girl Guides en:|models whieh have heen the lo \ Apartment Ih anariment building, Price $34. Trig Telavisian, KA § shed, ete; B-roomed house, [1M CHEVROLET four doar, aulamatie NURSERIES, EE reer 0131004 the th theleal stand § gh tes, $90; adults preferred. MO SEPTIC tanks cleaned th { hea red. Asking $22, fransmission, executive garage mal:( 153 PLYMOUTH Savey == BOW : I aAnA P__nothem, eloal standard for 39 years, eli : new tanks ETT 000." T fl y ! 9 : A AR Ll Wiles HEN Vein ; Radio, whitewalls MANVILLE C ti FOR RENT -- Whilhy Anpriments and [Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-356) hdl Las dl PT - sod i : MA 3-3345 . ommemora ve MERRY MENAGERIE houses, modern one and twa bedvoam KINGLE or double ram, ane or Wel 248 acre farm, near Bethany [law 'mi REWAGEN, Mien has delise, 'S]1 CHEVY, Deluxe == Radia, SE ite, electrically equ pied Jeabes ladies weicame. Call MO 4-4 on good road, L-shaped bank. |finance RA ROL, RA 51343 good tires and meter, RIC S Performance Parking Rentals $83 to 5130 monthly | YYPEWRITERS, adding machines, | bam, machine shed, ete; 2- ris 4 to choose trom, | HARD Also modern three and fou hadrons bungalows $80 ta $115 monthly. A L} Biden ote Phe a ocx iznt | 306, Tom, 9% | TED CAMPIN good condition, deal | The heme of quality, seed 5 | ho second 6 m age fur ro {ng dogs, beagle and pointer. hoth| acond ear - FOR NENT = Ts Ry iehat eh Sear Bln oh | IGHWAY FARM. 90 acres. MOTORS ee niture, Complete raem grow aoTENNA (AP) -- Nearly a Street, Pickering (ah back) Hel. Rewand { near Part Hope with 122' x 37 BUICK Hardion == Res available, 295 Simos St, (dozen of the world's best figure FOR RENT -- 380; Thiee room apart ne SERVICES = Camplele bookkeen | 30° bankbam, waterbowls 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA dio, whitewalls, fuily South, Bradley's farmer lo. [8katers participated in a com: ment in apartment valine, All con IRE services for small businesses, week u {Just East of Wilson Road) powered. Repossessed gation == -- RA LE 3171, memarative program Wednes: ho a pi SRK and monthly ar an desired Statements garage, drive shed, stream, i TmmEEIday night at the Bislauf paking, available ht BAL Income tax returns. a ete; 10-roomed brick house RA 3.4494 Res, 5:5574 | '54 PONTIAC Sedan Ra WATER 4 A A on AUverern aul -- with all modern conveniences dia. Needs body work SALE -- Eig a J = SUIS o0Ats and Asking $30,000 3 tepossessed of the United States skatin ph Ade wit a ho re ig J20,40e Yon | NAGY MOTOR ¢ ALES| ie ER Th team, all of wham were kil #317 for more Infarmation FOR SALE -- 100 bi Jood mixed hay | haled. Phone MO & APARTMENTS for 8 Taree foo | apartment, heated, central, Breck | Street business location Heat $78 Rear | apartment, heated Rent 360, Joseph B shields, Real Estate Roker, Phone MO FHT, evenings MO #31 APARTMENTS for rent in new triplex, washer, diver, ele. Phone MO &30 NUTONR girl wants sewing work © home. M8 MoCullongh Drive, Whine MO bao APARTMENTS IN WHITBY Many Extras Reasonable for steady tenants COLLECT AFTER 8 P.M. [low overhead, law hame, offic, at 00 all | reamed hause, 40 acres wood BUYING OR SELLING SEE 52 HILLMAN Minx == In FINE FURNITURE Crowd Small Wh Wal ali ' (NO $87 EASTER PERMANENTS FROM §7 UP Soft curl ar firm curl, basic style or high style, You name it, We can do it COIFFURES BY KEN MO 8S\M4 FOR SALE + Used boats matars, boat trailers and canoes FOR RENT ~- Box, boat and cabin trailers, chain saws, skill saws, sanders, ete WILDE RENTAL SERVICE. & SALES 1415 Dundes EMO 8.3006 ji hd Bre torn, wast Port (MERCEDES + BENZ » DKW| FOR where, $5 for 1,000 gals, [IN the recent Brussels plane ope, wit shaped bank. sal si Special rates on request for [disaster bar, drive shed, hen house, | Saleh and serves. Showroem | I a, "The skaters had been sched ¢ 7-roo tl? pm. at 8 en sched: i aa med hw pe oy NE YESY | HILLMANS RA 8477) Ned to serform in the world a BR BIR lg : a -- (Championships at Prague, dwn payment RA 3.7132 IT'S Czechoslovakia, whieh were : SUPERIOR | cancelled after the erash So TEE wills | WELLMANS The program wi 1 hy as "ay Akay APPLIANCE [rain. which stomped jt deters Renhouie, drive " ar Authorized 9 BU the event siavied but the vesult: baie a hPa 1 | MOTORS Rambls Hillman Dealer | 1 a RK STREET ~ po oe hampered some of 500 with $1,500 da Since | | For reconditioned furniture, [Ihe skaters, Only 2.000 speeta: { 00 down TAUNTON RD. E, | a Didi | T.V.'s washers, stoves, etc. [lors turned out instead o the| Lon in Newcastle and Toun. Your AUSTIN NONQUON RD. | | We will buy, sell or trade, expected £000, The program | ton Road, Pace $750 per Dealer | Open Till 10 pm." | Map tum Le pm Daily will be repeated tonight, . Among perfarmers in the Ercak Hear Noh S04 RA 5.033) [48--Automobiles. Wanted For an _evaluater telephone oven, Were Canada's brother LA Pemautt, Clarke 223) of = Used Cons. Donald Mountjoy, MA 3.3950 | We have @ geod assortment fs RE a Fp, rg Le RA 8.4873 Ju sister pair, Maria and Otte >

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