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The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 3

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Ea ade g i i ug THE WEATHER OFFICE | mild throughout southern On- | Increasing cloudiness Friday says today and Friday will be | taro and sonihern Quebee. will bring showers (a most WEATHER FORECAST | na (CF Wirephots) ' OBITUARY Temperatures Up, chao Chance Of Rain A gger of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Strathroy, died Forecasts land Lake regions, North Bay, He was born in Whithy Town Mainly cloudy today ship and as & young man 1 Friday, Feb. 17, at the family YORONTE (£1) issued by the weather office at Sudbury bam EV vith scattered snowflurries be- entered the Standard Hank Bynopsis Aild weather will ginning in the afternoon and Oshawa. Following a period of continue over all but the most ending during the night, Vari- training in the Credit Depart Office in northerly sections of Ontario to- able cloudiness Friday with an ment of (he Head day occasional snowllurry, Winds in- Toronto, he was appointed man La i Ontario, Ni- creasing to southwest 29 to 30 ager of the Pickering Branch Aagara ) Windsor, Hamil-iby noon and shifting to west: In 1920 ton, Toru Jariahle cloudi-lerly 15 overnight Later he served as manager ness |i morning, becoming! Pimmins Kapuskasing re in Markhan Tillsonburg and iy / h oh uring. 1 Aller: gion: Cloudy today with snow After the emalgamation of the and Fri § he chance of Furnes beginning before noon Standard Bank and the Bank of a le gh WOW Winds @nd ending this evening, Vari-| Commerce, he was made mana sOuthwi increasing to Ble cloudiness overnight and ger of the : Bowmanville Bran h MW to 30 dur the afternoon ¥riday with an occasional snow hefore Boing to the sisal roy and terly 15 furry. Little change in temper Branch in December no. u Friday afternoon 4 ature, Winds southwest 20 today He retiry ad » A A IY. of i fa Huro outhern Georg decreasing 1 light tonight health ang Jind I ym actly ian Bay regions, London; Vari Forecast Temperatures Mr Cravforth was a former able cloud onight and Fri-| Low Lonight High Friday member of the Strathroy Lions day with the chance of a few| Windsor reiveee WR 4h Club and for several years was sho nti mild Winds bl Phomas ses ] 4h a member of, and at one time southwester rising 10 20 tol Kitchener 42 chairman of, the Strathroy Col wi ' nd decreas| Londor 12 Jegiate Institute Board ing to we 15 Friday fore- Wingham LY As a hanker. his services neo FOTOnto + revere eer #0 4 were always in demand as Haliburton region. sunny this) Peterborough 4 40 treasurer of many organizations mon reasing eloudi-| Trenton re 32 4 including the Cancer Bociely ness dur ti alternoon. (BL, Catharines KH] 4h and the Red Shield Appeal. In Most clout onight and Fri-| Muskoka ,.., 25 n ecent years he served on the day with th mee of a few Killaloe 25 #0 Strathroy Court of Revision snowtiurs i ange in Eariton 20 32 A member of the United temperatire Inds light, in: Sudbury ' 2 3h Church, he served on the com Creasin outhwest 20 to 30! North Bay ... 25 35 nittee of stewards and for many by evening and shifting to west: Kapuskasing reves 240 26 years was church treasurer erly 15 Frday afternoon White River 20 80 He is survived by his wile Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk: MOOSON€® 11i1vv01+ 0° 1b the forme Fle An hi | forth of St. Thomas and Miss Eleanor of Windsor; three sis ters, Mrs. A. R. Johnston of Grimsby, Mrs. C. 8, Buck of London and Mrs, H. M. Gully| of Toronto, One brother, Mark Crawforth,| lives in Whithy | Private service was held at seven-man the BR, W. Eliott Funeral Home on Monday, Feb, 20, at 2 p.m, Use Of Arena By Adults Attacked How pduits to use mously with during OCAC hoard y il the Children's Arena lee CITY AND DISTRICT SIREETS CLOSED The following streets will he closed for construction (omer: row, March 2, Bloor west af Stevenson road south, Seyenson south, from Gibh to the CPR; Stevenson south closed at the CNR: Mohawk street, daced from Sherwood pvenue to Bed ford avenue 2 AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department reported this morning thet in the period from 8 a.m. Wednesday 109 am. today, the department ambulance went out on two rou: tine calls POLICE QUIET Police Chief Herbert Flintoff said today that there were no gecidents or break-ins reported to the Oshawa Police Depart ment on Wednesday HUT DESTROYED The Oshawa Fire Department was called out to deal with two small fires Wednesday, » grass fire on Thomas street and a hut constructed hy children on the John street flats was burned out HEADS ASSOCIATION Vancouver (CP) -- Lloyd Ayre of Bowmanville was elected president of the Canadian Sheep Breeders' Association at the association's annual meeting Tuesday HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending Feb, 25: Admis sions, 207; births, male 21; fe male 28, discharges 282, new horn discharges, male 17; fe male 31; minor surgery W major surgery 52, eye, ear, nose and throat 57; examinations and treatments 107; casts 8; physio therapy treatments 38% ALL Seen here is the choir of | Back Row, left 19 right--J, $t. George's Anglican Church | Francom, A. Beeyor, F. Curt which recently won first place | is, Mrs. B. Corneal in Ms class at the Kiwanis | Jackson, Miss J Music Festival in Toronte, | Miss G. Gulenchyn The choir, as a result of get- | Saunders, Mrs. ¥. Fox ting one of the highest marks | E MacKenzie, A Marshall, Mrs, Jackson in the entire festival, is sing: | G. Gudgeon, BH. Davies. Second ing at Massey Hall tonight, Row, left to right--RBey. C Members of the choir are: ' Cross, Mrs, G. Branton, Miss 5 R 13 f TORONT) (CP)--An Ontarig Guan centre. Mr. Wight public welare department re- only Tuesday sold his interest nort revealed Wednesday that'in The Daily Argosy, The the number of Ontario citizens Chronicle and The Evening on relief was 29 per cent higher Post pe 2 G6 8 t in December 1960 than for the OPPOSES TAX previous December. The mum- / ny ber of cases rose to 66,491 in TORONTO (CF)=The Down CELEBRATING December 1960 from 43.814 in town Business Men's Associa December, 1959 tion of Toronto Inc. Wednesday BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their birthdays today Mrs. Shirley MacDonald 17 Oshawa Blvd. south Frances Markland, 211 Har mory road south Mrs Mary Vennor, 362 Elgin street-east; Harold Dervent 1080 Ravine road; Mrs. C. | McKnight, 588 Ritson road south; Ronald McKnight 58K Ritson road south; Val erie Ayling, 1467 Bala drive Jimmie Erratt, Rossland road west: Stephen Good murphy, BR 8 inwman ville; Mi Isabel Tomlin son, 7 - Prospect Si Bow manville; Ricky Begg, 1216 Belvedere Ave., Mary Anne Sholdra, 779 Chesterton night condemned any introduc WOULD USE LAYMEN ton of a sales tax in Ontario, A TORONTO (CP)~The United resolution to be forwarded to Church Observer says Increas: ,-vemier Frost said that "in ing demands for ordained min: times of recession the tax hu isters in the field and other as- den should be lessened nol in signments is aggravating a creased. li the government shortage 'n the pastorate, The needs additional revenue if magazine recommends an el should resort to deficit finant fort to cut down overlapping ining field statfs and employing more laymen in administrative work YOUNG PIANINT 81. CATHARINES, Ont, (CP) Mary Elizabeth Brookes, who gave a recent plano recital here dian Association of Broadcast: has made good in the music ers announced Wednesday that\world at the age of 19. A na it will offer a course in basicitive of nearby Merriton now training in broadcasting for| studying piano at Lindenwood newcomers to Canadian radio College in St. Charles, Mo., she and television The course, to he| was named one of the 10 out held at Toronto's Ryerson In- standing American pianists of stitute of Technology, will nffer| her generation in a contest last basic inswruction and practical | summer experience in all phases of radio WiLL, OFFER COURSE TORONTO (CP)~The Cana PET FAST Ave; Kddie Reeds, 807 and television. The course be-| ; . ie i i ¥ LONDON (CF) -- Cardinal Ri Ln hi Sine May + and ands dunn § Godfrey, Archbishop of West Cromwell Ave; Larrine A, Goodman, 308 Centre St The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times 400 delegates are expected to at FARMERS TO MEET minster, suggests pets join their TORONTO (CP)=More than @Wners in fasting for Lent. In his pastoral letter he says, "a tend the annual meeting and Pump and pampered poodle ST. GEORGE'S CHOIR TO Miss C, | ix : 2 : | SING AT 8. Gaskell. W. Axtel, B. Stark, J. Bose, B. Hawley, 8. Park, Miss B, W. Bathe, D. Weales, P. Gu- lenchyn, Mrs. F. Reesor, Mrs. C. Camphell, Mr. F. A. Ree: sorChoir Master. Third Row, left to right--Payl Wilson, Ri- chard Butler, Frank Sawyer, John Drynan, Paul Rose, Thomas Clark, Jamie Drynan, Won't Cut o Relief Fund TORONTO (CP)~The United Community Fund said Wednes day is §100.000 cut in direct re lief allocations will not go into effect until winter is over and it 15 prepared to take emergency measures then rather than cause "human misery.' dohn T. Wilson, fund presi- dent, told a press conference the fund will consider an emergency appeal for funds, dip into its re serves or horrow money 0 al leviate hardship if unemploy ment has not decreased hy spring and the Ontario govern: ment's 1h-per-cent increasé in welfare allowances proves insuf ficient The press conference was called to answer accusations that the fund was "making pawns of the poor in an effort to get help from the provincial government" in cutting its eon tributions to four Toronto fam ily service agencies Mr. Wilson said the cut of $100,000 in the $300 000 customar ily given the four agencies for direct' financial families in need had heen made in the long-held belief that di relief is a public respon sibility NEW HAVEN HAD FIRST DIRECTORY New Haven, Conn, claims title to having the first tele- phone divectly. The list containing 50 names, was issued in February, 1878 assistance to rect Timothy Glowaskie, Bobert . Grapt Fitches, Fourth Row, left to right--Richard Harris, Donald Wasyluk, Larry Rose, John Beed, Peter Melaughhin, 1i9- nel Allen, Richard Wasyluk Cameron Allen. Absent when picture was taken: Mr. A, Ful- ton, Miss J. Matthews, Mrs M. Gouwldbuwirn, Bongld Car: michael, Clayton Comes, Girard Stones, David Stones, BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8-468] NU-WAY RUG SALES 176 MARY STREET GUEST OF HONOR LONDON (CP) -- Field Mar shal Bir Gerald Templer was the guest of honor at the annual dinner of Canadign Vet erans' Association of the United Kingdom Feb. 24. He is a for mer British High Commissioner in Malaya ha Did You Know , , , In the man Bining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con neve Full-course Dinner bor ONLY 95¢ H, KASSINGER'S "Cxhibition. of Fashionable Living." PRESENTING ; 6 Dream Homes Featuring: Displays and demonstrations of the newest products and ideas in fashionable living, LOCATION : Beau Valley ""Oshawa"s Most Fashionable Resi- dential Estate' on Off Ray palin Red. Som OPEN : 2-5pm and 7 +9 pm, VISIT TONIGHT RA 3-2224 morning afternoons he just a and was conducted by Rev, A,| of their birthdays each day provincial conference of the might run all the more gaily| To contact the right the thin eds the wedge? BRIEF CLASH fi. Johnston of Grimsby. Pally] will receive double tickets to 5 nin Farmers' Association of/8fter & reduced diet on simpler) names when you want to From A erible: mistake." said Ogden and Wilson clashed hearers were Arthur Wright,| The Regent Theatre good Ontario at Guelph March 10-12, (fave and perhaps being denied sell, rent, buy, fill some Wes Ogden stan! director of | Briefly at the Wednesday night Boh Grieves, H. J, McCulloch,| for a four-week period, The [i500 sunced Wednesday, (8 Visit to the hair stylist other need, pul a Classified recreation fi Oshawa Central Council of Neighborhood | Nelson Johnson, Murray Jones! current attraction is "The Ad in the Oshawa Times Recreation Committee, and a Associations meeting at the| and Leonard Pearson World of Suzie Wong" PUBLISHER DIES GAMBLING CASINO Dial RA 8-8402 former Arena manager GGibh street CRA hall Interment was In Strathroy Reports on birthdays will GEORGETOWN (CP)--Percy| PORTSMOUTH, England YOhildren I never be tum SDOGIN-MANGER" Cemetery | he received nly between Claude Wight, 79, until Tues [(CP)=Business man H Pel: Fort, a floating fortress built od niered Robert! Me" Wikon suggested it Is a the hours iy RAS id day owner of three newspaper: ham-Jones has offered the Ad: 100 years ago He plans to turn) Robert Wi CRHCrRI § Arena 'Dog-in-the-manger" attitude | Free Preacher am. Hho fos died in hospital in this Britishimiralty £100,000 for Spithank|it inte a gambling casino Lommi on member and mover refuse use of ice which would 4 f ol d » HAL AGU nat otherwise be used, He said 0 C | groups be allowed lo use 1ceig glight pevenue" could he n Fraud harge | ew ype ' ¥hidi alauca idle mos ; Mel gained and used to keep costs PORONTO (CP)=Rev. Robert A {at L 1 1 TEN) 1 9 oh (ay ny mag to children down . Williams, 2, was released from | Mr, Ogden was "firmly cone jail Wednesday when two fellow| 0 Swa en oe inced this i She foot Ih the minister withdrew a fraud al - door ind questioned 18 18a charge against him COMIN( V NTS ty of the OCAC members' ae! fio was arrested after he col:| . " | tion lected about $18 for a gospel 1S ear Buy ni Nihaute Sal | My Wilson replied that the| pall where he worked, and kept i : | commission has a right tolin oustody for oight days when paRONTO (CP) Volkswagen| RUMMAGE a' CRA Friday, Maro | Change re limits of persons! jie could not vaise $500 bail. |canada Lid. announced Wed: | using the Arena His fellow ministers said he pecdav new series of ils ears RUMMAGE oh 9, at Ogden: "Is the Arena Come ogllecied the money although he | will be available in Canada in a ; / nied | mission getting money hungry wa no longer employed at thelgaviy 1662 FOCHEY ainbens ana (107 the $10 an hour?" This fee hall, William said he still "Womer Jansen managing di 4 ants hall " I for adult groups using! worked there rector of Volkswagen Canada Thi ik : "Wi an: {said the new car will he un oil 3 veiled at the International Auto - Ogden: "1 think this is a ter Stock Volume rankfur 3 {mobile Show in Frankfurt in . 3 rible mistake by [ NOVEL . | NGO Wi i a n't recall any ol . September | |} 8 PM {aan ta alia Helin. Slliwe R h H h He said the new model, to be| HAI ta' bli jo adults is ing lieved eac es 1g [ealled the VW 1500, will be pro v § 'q OLED shale IN the Arena Y $ duced in two-door sedan and| \ Ogden fhe bylaw (lo| MONTREAL (CP) Indus: aiion wagon. Retail price has $14, 320 witharige building the arena) [trial volume for February on i vel YaRo) ost whitshed but it] \ \ triple says a ohildren's artificial ice the Montreal and Canadian ! . oll for ahout! \ JACKPOT INCLUDED | 51 Phd AB re 18tack EXChAREes a the' hig expected to sell for about $1 ating arena. There is no men mges was the high } one:third more than the present ton of summer activities for any month since April leluxe Volkswagen Ald. Hayward Murdach, one of 19 1 The nica apacity of 1500| ® For two or more = round trip twa council representatives on Sales reached 3,061,975 shares Ak Pog . a BINGO he Arena Commission, sald to. more than twice the number in Subic duntigiotres will ve aon LJ Any day of the week lay thal he doesn't see any| 'ebruary 1660, The heavy trad. #hhercont i 3 i A lat Be dosknl see GRY CaMPIOR IY a lent avallabl h ® Anywhere in Canada the maiion shawd protect us." sidorable amount 'of buayaney | Ell | r each person @ First Class, Tourist or Coach, / Active industrial leaders in a ALIN IY | : "$e UAWA HALL smiers cluded stacks figuring in take NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (OP) where individual regular round FRIDAY 10 PM Robert Andrews, Arena Com: aver hid "IA gleam of pride lights in Mrs. | ve ng Wi you "trip fare is $7 80 or more bis mission member, asked for a; Compared with the price Sarah Beam's eyes when she P : y AMES $10 A GAME |" cents per head admission levels a vear ago, the averages recalls her ancestry, The 80 for adults attending the coming at the end of last month Were | year old great grandmother, ) A $30 we wee league playoffs all higher, The banks were up!fram Stevensville, southwest of| 1 \ Kingside Park representa. !8.4 per cent, papers up 12 per| here, is a diréet descendant of| ! live wants to approach city cent,- utilities up 7.2 per cont/the Pilgrims who came aver to SEE HOW DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES CUT TRAVEL COSTS! council far or ohildren's and industrials up 2.0 per cent. America in 1630 | A ( i another ohildren ) Rise arena. "There is & orving \eed | ¥ your return fare is § 10,00, every additional person pays only $ 6,00 each EAL TY for arenas with kids waiting at | f am. far ice time," he said HM your return fare is § 50,00, every additional person pays only $30,00 each ARM TER CHURCH Ron Shortt, Eastview Park * . a S ess ADTS M Club present and Ray Cornish, Woodview N your return fare Is $100.00, every additional person pays only $60.00 each THE OSHAWA CHAPTER Park, received second and third OF THE BARBER place a EB i od Bathe ha New NA ro Deal ia certain areas many Discount! Fares are All-laclusive-- and provide bed, meals even fips DRED morial Award plagues on hehal HOPPER of their respective park associa tions for "outstanding achieve PARIS (enters) =NATO's 13: contributor with 12 per cent, an YA MINSTREL SHOW! (ment in neighbarhood and com: pawer permanent council Wed: [increase of less than ane per munty recreation develop pesday announced aN Agreement | cent from the previous French| ho men for the United States to pay less share. Brazil will contribute! Call local tic that Harmony Church Hail Hamilton will be the scene of and West Germany more of the [10.5 per cent. an increase o | your ticket office for the DISCOUNT FARE applies for your next trip turd March 4th the 1981 Ontario Recreation As. Atlantic pact's costs for instal! about ane half af une per cent | A $1 ¢ sociation Conference, May 4, &)lations mmunications and. aly follows with a contribu A 4 50 and 7. The zone conference will supplies von of A887 per cent compared ) 5 Voie We be at Campbeltford April 13 france and Heitam alse willl with the previous figure of 3.81 ~ ; ¢ ha tbl. ar oe City Recreation Director Wen: DAY a greater percentage of the fy next place is Canada with ; Chub member. (dell Rrewster is conference Infrastructure costs but Canadals 15 per cent. a drop fram the Ales ; ohairman this year will contribute less previous 6.13 4 . "wl Vest \ OLD TYME The next CCNA meeting, April 3 Np : iy o wii Shouides Other contributors, with the - . 5, is the annual meeting and Ue Biggest increase of the costs, " X | DANCE elections will be held . which are expected to total Od Eure » in parentheses are: ! bi : about $T00.000.000 in the next! Belgium 4.34 (4.39), Holland 3 83 THORNTON'S CORNER five weeks, ts share jumps ta] (3.31), Greece 67 (87), Luxem : COMMUNITY HALL TAX INCOME 3 per cent fram 13.72 per cent |bourg AT (unchanged) and Por 8 About ene-guarter af Ottawa's AL the ame lime. the U.S [uagal 38 (unchanged) . SATURDAY MARCH 4th AD OO : ol Bi AT L AY LA $0,000. 000.000 ax moage in 188) share drops to S085 per cent lootand has no armed forces MOY EF ORCHESTRA (will come from incase taxes fram 34.98 and des not contribute to in Adults 1.00 Students 50¢ {paid by individuals. { France is the third-largest! fra-structure costs { hg ACE ORE Ih ll

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