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The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 6

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B The Osharwa Times Published by Conadion Wewspepers Limited, 86 King Page 6 On Building It bo imperstive thet the Oshawe bosrd of education meke sn early desis on shout the new collegiate to be hilt mn the northwest section of the city. MH there is much more delsy, the school will not be ready for the 1962 school year, and this will mean thet & despereis sate of overcrowding will exist in si theese of collegiate inst tutes. I still not be completed on he northwest school, the Mcleughlin Collegiate In stitute, by the time that plans should be completed for the school thet will be the present will mean, ton, thet work will necessary in the southern part of the city Both CERIMIIER 7 Di Centre) and Doneven will be school yeer beg Neill ( shape, with Will be i ever giete tudents snd teachers ng shifts Bhift neynably lead Wl BYSLEm oA ieterion of t 6 fhe ipset begls 3 the home the stu dent es throughout the day, invol students end teachers Thersday, Mors Decision Needed Now . E., Oshows, Ont Z2, 196i Of School In senior grades perucilarty s sided must organize wudy to ohsin geod re sults; this is difficult enough st the best of tines, Consider hg the Lepngl ations end Gistractions in end out of the schools, snd with orthodox class schedules dis tuhed it becomes just thet much more difficult. The task of the teacher, not gn easy one st eny time, becomes more difficult; it is possible thet the calibre A instruction can he affected There is anther gave danger, Behools él over the province compete for teaches ers, and there is an especially wrest de- mand for the best quelified teachers, who do not consider salary scales alone they sre meking their choice. gre the when em, oe Highly important t § NRCEr Wi } ney must tegen Whet pre the Legcning conveniencest Whet is the "intellectugl climete" of the y? yw gre teachers regerds BWA VDECOIRES BROWEH 85 B suffering from chronic overcrowd- Cy hools, good. teachers may e city and the city will suffer ing of | avoid th grievously Political Contribution REEn FUINBDNOES BEross There Canada sin Party Have it was first suggested thet the New be partly fingnced hy labor union levies on membership, Many people were horrified by the dea, and British Columbia's gone so far as to introduce a Bocial Credit govern ment has bill to prohibit the use of regular union dues for political purposes in. that prov ince. The pressed purpose of the hill is to elimingt greatly reduce the element of coercion in the collection of funds for political parties The measure is aimed directly at the proposal to finance the New Party, The Vancouver Sun points out that if this is a sincere effort to shed light into some dark comers of modern political life, then similar legislation should be brought in to cover many other sections of society, But piecemeal legislation te prevent this or that group from subsidiz | ing political parties or politicians 1s scarcely the answer to the need for more Restrict ive legislation of this sort is always dang as BC, i political purity, it seems to us, efous in C particularly when sclias puservationists will be keen interest the pro Kennedy conservation United pro States, President go into details in his that will come later = 1 and String outline 40 United that within go! the Ine US, will "need I farm products KRG 8) Liealivi : rs will increase fram 300 i X } 600 bill asting it, polluting nt on gallons a lay \gnoring in tex many places the means of conserving it." UB, experts, following the Kennedy le national noted that "we need local eed to add interstate and programs ARAINSL paliution; we | preserve the watersheds and create storage facil ities and coptrol the run-off! Thers ne The Oshawa Times Manage phase of conservation that bo WILEON, Bubiher snd Seaniai € GWYN KINSEY Baim ihe . € avtabiis 187) g & we #" and The Whitby Gaistts and Chion sitabianed 1840) Bh ablshed daily Sundays end statutory halidave excepted) bar ot Canadian Daily Newspapsts Publishes fhe Conadion Pees Audit Buteau of tara Priovineial Dailey Ane Prom a sashusively entities sation of all ww depatches foo to The Aneciated and aha The keal news published oF Wasa Sebatches Se aha ed i ap sradited ta Reuten, A ahte 0 the we Ottices en Bing. 443 Univeivity Avene foranta Ontars 440 Cotheant Steet, Montieal PO SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oahaws. Whithy, Aa 1 Perry. Pines Dan's Bay nnn lige, Liaremant Hampton, v Yio Py fouanam. Bw Cohiba Seenwed Kindle - Rey Blagkitack Manchest Pontydoe! and Naweast Ml vm 4% By mal Gn provides oF Ondarial ovteie vary ames 1300 shawtene | barton sion, an Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 196) 17,223 peel 7 Be Btn) Fiminatory { ly dis range of politigal Lhe whois hinancing needs investigation before hasty laws gE pa ea A mes eon such as the BC, bill can ire be ered only spiteful if it does not cover political levies by ell organizes by professional societies, for ex- Lohse ample, and corporations thet pass theis political contributions along to the con I'he 8 thinks thet legal con slimmer trol of the manner in which public utils ities contribute te funds 1s party gppropriate field; may # particularly these QFganizations gre in a position to charge Hp their political donations against cus tomers of all shades of political opinion In the last provincial election campaign in Baskatchewan there undoubtedly were doctors in Baskatchewsn whe bits terly resented the political spending of the provincial medical association, which was fighting the CF government's health surance plan Other provinces are probably wateh ing the B.C, government's policy in this matter It certainly should not inspire them to similar hurried action all For Conservation was not covered in the message. The president stressed in particular the need to bring together inta single resource policies many overlapping and conflicts It for ene bureau to spread pestis kill wildlife ing makes no sense, for inst HUE! "ins ine while anather ex» cides that erts all its en conserve wildlife All adians rgies to this ma sound familiar to Cane whe have taken some interest in the handling of natural and parties ularly renewable resources in this coun try. In Canada's brief history, as in the United States, forests have been ravish ed, watersheds ruined and productive If the process of destruct tion has not gone as far here as in the United States it is only because the been mare limied Fortunately a start on the work of pres. rehabilitation has been It is still slow and tentative, but the Dominion "Resources for Tamorrow" mn Montreal later this vear Let us hope that aftes land wrecked apportunities have ervation and made it may speed up after provincial canterence Let us hope so it federal and provineial gavernments will consider the establishment of min ot Istries sonservation Bible Thoughts I will let you go that ve may sacris onl ye shall net g0 very far away Exodus 8:28 think can go a compromise with sin Go all the fice ta the Lard Too they with God many part Way will result in ultimate defeat way with God C0 va, serve the Lord: only let yous flocks and stayed Exodus 10 Christ the Lord in every sphere of our lives, Our business cannot be herds be youl a4 must Oe separated from our daily spiritual walk with Ged Return, your faithlessness God CO fanthiess sons, 1 will heal = Jeremiah 3:33, His forgiveness not shallow or limited; it ia healing and festarative, 1" gracious, i» OTTAWA REPORT Ellen And Jack In Wordy Battle By PATRICK BICHON OVIAWA--Mas. Jess Cassis wan, the Lopsery ative WP five Frescifi, recently wrgeh women to wile their slacation aed (IRing, Tether hen Hay #8 howma. £8 4 kerfiong tis ahrice Canika's Gis woman to pian the poitical eminence i calyagt Fal lash week RAeiaanslgeish th Farkiomen. hal sven & good FEEn #5 BO malak for 8 betler WLS: Picture the scepk Wi isle plier nan, ks the Hover of Comms EXeimines the estimates of the fepeitiment of enehly nk winigration. The scanty ebienk £ Wecime gecirdied ss # GETRET Eisler ME hel Aepert ent, Hon YW. Pokeisgh vehned wo & Aehating duel with F BUCCREsOr in thet pest. Hon Whitney FP Jer w Kk as HORE The mn Hones BETER Enawn dacs WICH RE VRS BIE WO ER Oxtord University, Fag "5H f VaF wy ' 4 i 8 i ! Aer: yr f De i6 nw mu i needling of sere gi Len by Bis Wek WY KBE LIONsErs OUR NATIONAL GAME gare loss wi QUEEN'S PARK Query Spending Of Tax Dollars By DUN HEARN FORONTO § the federal g f t elf ng Which is worl posiefiice or a These questions hel Ontario DEW | I ried in the firs ng into a sal Hine We also will own i Ome ia We are hat our NO CONCERN SHOWN This 1s recognized, And thei isn't too much concern about it It Is aceepled as 8 fact, And while there Is regret that the federal government did not give In more than it did there also some relief that » n irge owl are more of gur awn negotiating 0 Rs IAT BS ha should I go yhody BO as [ar as we ! Ha y the feder £ mey I ze that ¢ ¥ has to cut down the In really getting to the and discussing where the tax dollar which 1s unlimited, should Eo sCHOM Is i new da not PONT OFFICE office really school? the post than 8 ne pi of GALLUP POLL worth mare This 1s 1 ques al Ig hay t fe Empg er the ns heen hu them at & wna Fils But the rate still hasn't heen as handy as i should have been. We haven't kept up with demand Ar have Iding Leen bull t because fo gnyane hut aa Tile 10 please there 1s need CUT DEFENLI 1 NIen Ris par He asked 11 Uo federal gov guid not ey ETHER agence ernment « Hon off He had this. Defence 18 a today in sacred courage in our eauntry Bul many ether thinking the same thing? Could we not eut down or billions going for defence? Perhaps we can't But aur people here people are ihe Wiha Bis Lessening Fear Noted About Unemployment By CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OFINION While most Canadians - are grimly expecting vanks of the Jobless to vise stllhigher in thy next six months, there 18 aptimism about unemployment today than last fall. At that time mare than seven in ten Inaked for oning loak, Today pod to almost six int In the hig eile many thousands of fre coming in se there ile expressed than FUral in men and women in thy centres divide mare thar twa ta ane hetween those who think the jobless andl those who think fewer will he aut of wark. In sma is three to ¢ it 18 about As reported Gallup Pall, for Canadians more fA wal jah ont the Fatin re hi and Heed Arges Will Inerease or oi IT Ha in nu four to ane earlier hy ihe hp Hime past unemploy thi there will he in Community Ver stressed tor the ollis Next community the in Which en ved wore wanted he table shows 10 IWS commiunily are will be Mare out of work rower out of wark About the same CARY say lead of the prabiam would da Minister in he na ment rar tan m When asked wi iF Hh yore pent al they Fein ten spoke of something 1 in the Joahle Where grament sourees mn paralile unemployment the 11% Amerioan ire nel neatly as fen Pitre nls Via fast IY four in HE roa § i! felel the hn figures in plo in thine munity in the ne Hove's the fear across the of last Decamber and fwd Docpmber [Lh af aptimism small 1awns and HAVIRE AR Apion af Kind 10 give Small 1% Ward Copyright Reserved nwerds as bis aha phe WERE glion gs Ly wheth An BUIYETER on 14 on 19 BY.GONE DAYS ~NSIDE YOU iW YEARS AGO fIshav ia Was OEBBIILE EF Jick or Elen, the compeiens RALPH RRS, BITRE L ke Avpwers woh + - } i NI \ 5 $RCK (H&A a + wih her FES om BRA BERL. Jack, the ex Cyl sETVREL, sREBEA RENE 14 #74 i Cap ly kh W Ed ; Lamias Io Works, contradicted Wmsek, spd 2% the Hime Ps Ren Khel FETRRIAA that Benger REY EREERE FEF of wohl eh Riis The fuss concerned the sige a sory of Be Toropin some pRny wich olleres # Cipoews Indian beuk oi Bernie 810 #5 acre tor 8.108 acres of their is EEL ER AS BEY 1RITREE KBOWE, that is BR RINEEE BYEIRgE price for Sch RB bie treet of raw lend iB his £ountry of ety Rees The lndicns were gad 1) pecept, EEUECIRIY BE B PIEVIONS ele Bt # siightly higher price bad mis BIEl When Virkersg WEE To er in charge of the Indians Bgl Yr, VP, insisted in Pes ent thet th BEIREIONE WB TIE 174 res had $00 an pcre GY RFIOKEA the pertinent fact, which busi nesswomen Fairclough under Sond, thet the Toronts compsny Ras heen suck with pineAenths of the land for well pyer a veer # feet which suggests thet the Indigns were nol underpaid on WaE SOIL ERE resid pl Reg} Scratch Disease Not Very Common By BURTON BH. FERN M.D i KEEP BEKINE demanded Um the Why 49 you Kitten healthy with the fever Jul my Bet Thi even Die' aoeior explained that healthy cals can give you eh d 2 lever } flu with aches, pains and hi gland And those on Belly's knee looked gal sera BRAKE CHER inu starts ait the you ean masquito heef ine cal ut from and seh it phnlers hones the hest medical eyes strongest electron mi croseopes have heen unable to scratch disease to any germs. Bull, doctors think 8 vigus causes all the trouble. LIKE THE FIV Aller & week or two and BOMELIMES BEVEN OF elgm you feel like a double-barreled Asian flu is shooting through your sys head throhs and aches, You shiver Arenchnes your raw i pork bo far the 4] nt i f § and Osha of eeded dent of the nmeree ana HIRE eal ¥. LL. Mason i. |! Anderson, of Oshawa elected to the hoard of di the Bank of wis rectors of Penn nies tem Your ery hong ieily, while fe hed el uid like to } na they feel th explanation athes yollen glands appear behind your elhow, Hut unlike ors yollen glands, the skin these turns fiery: hoon QUE Nek ihe an hat ane paint al 101 1 gral: along groin dinary BUIEINE pra al el In pat REPORT FROM UK, Proud Of Movie On State Opening M. MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Carrespandent The Oshawa aver providing an ans mn within the Commonwealth Caples of It, how are being placed in the Office of Information I Acton, and in the ries In Seotland and hese will he made tor rental hy schools institutions and organ aughout Britian. The film will he made Feh. 81, the day val Film Perform nominal fee Empire For Times LONDON The : {ential ealar HN iw iy Aa af a i i he y Hib ments apening heen ast fh flim + COPE ant i i thi fy | TH ani mn the R J i Fed and the Elan nodes) grow Bs Big Bs oranges LASTS LONG TIME 08 A9n't recover aL once This feline flu drags on for weeks or months, And fever re turns gs regularly as bills Your doctor may want to in ject & tiny drop of special -vae Cine into your skin to test fo cat serateh disease, A red swell: ing around the injection after a day or so shows you have th allment None of today's lave to cure yoursel HERE'S REMEDY 9 kat lightly but, Mink lotg = @ make up for all the sweat : we fe Fest in bed; doing Ad ie 11880 painkillers like aspirin may re: pains and lieve your aches, fever temporarily Cat serateh disease an't very You needn't be afraid eammaen of Iriendly kittens "(lymph doclor antibiotic germ-killers ean cure you, You sample pos WHR ; ; he ehtradicind Yr, Wat ap incrrree in the price of course" "What Boss the Bow by asiher bendeed i Bok BERD BR cregse Wn the price?" "I mean & lwndied Aghios in oh thet they would net Rave plied Mr. V., making # wlrsndarily cies thet ke cowid Bo wndersiend the MSllerence between wn advence 4 #ARitinnal bribe ODE member Elen Fale: clongh will nt pow have # COMPHmMER Ary report 19 make sher-members of thet #howt their Witle hoy: "The biggest fusshudaet in the Bouse" called bin BACKACHE bili, ferbing. do Leo hrm Is wide Bidpey ie pmulate {85608 16 howto guty pu Ios) bitter --doep hh £7, work Beller Wises bik SALUT TOMORROW'S LEADER ¥ '| TIMES CARRIER Is Learning To Besome A Your Help Will Be Appreciated Goby TRAI TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY MAROH 14-15 Nand SAVE! BARGAIN C BETWEEN OSHAWA AND TORONTO OTTAWA " MONTREAL : AND HAMILTON LONRON ) OWEN SOUND WINDSOR Le Viskaty id L] Barwein haves sles spply betwesn TORONTO OACH FARES SOUND TRIP TOW AW $1.88 1) 10.465 Sy 14.40 4 BOUND TR YOU AW 1.9 1.80 £98 ie 10.70 88 Boturn bimd 7 Bay 5.50 Fare gosd 10 and fram intern between Montreal, Yavdrawl-§t Baguio 150 Ih Repgee whew Childron § and mder | wavel halt-fare; wder 3 fren adigie paints Farm 99 sl spely bvgens sad nlermediate Welk Wath bor Barges Conch Fares s¥ pitiey APRIL TRY MAY 18.1? wee 0 Feloant are, on Fel fn attends will he the Uueen Mathes Fleaheth il \ vel Antony Adin selpon one he Queen Pike Fl the Ha this ye | # In Ind ire h haw ah ani th will si i th LUE L . +. don't miss these new typewriter LOOK AT THIS! Wine xl \ it | HIRLTION i the | i \ \ \ A) hi Bninima in the wnt 1 His ta he shawn | Ww i 5 will by ® SIOWHR Gverseas, Parl w HL Lo ONLY 89.96 BOTH models are SOLD ~ SERVICED ~ GUARANTEED WALMSLEY & MAGILL OFFICE EQUIPMENT LIMITED 9 KING ST, E (UPSTAIRS) RA 3.3303 yi! portable Bargains AND THIS! | RVING CANS ARR ON ONLY

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