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The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 7

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(Remy An 16 B98 nainvies : for # twofiey period oy h : Wille Roling Jone WEEE js prsstie (5 ome mors Yen level, yon caw £5 PEW Fong wy Molding he Aes L (INR E FA REI GRE [ABRE | a" WERE ras nn Pega FRRGTRAT ox. The | Suggested Ways To Boost \ TR wing Mie period & Ae 4 ar on j g CRgary, Avera, mmnomes he | | Those Last Extra Pounds routes evegsie i tok pepe TO TVS FSGHOE WORHERS ngagariant Ste SY AMO leary pods of, Tonk waecies Pe Caleilenics, wilk help yon to (er, Wargavet, Br 6 JEAN BAS (part Miter anmowmest Todi roll ff Fase FRARCIRE While eating SITE SVE, son of Wir, and oo J "EAL WE 1 16 Worle Wr Rani TING Matar Tas renner Ge sther masse wey Te snow (ond to fest satiafied and "TTF PK of Mex. The 4 I forall font 7 SEI Gowns I from 759 16 198 pews Hoh ARE RB WEDGE HEA feos sage fs to take place iw 5 Jo Aldwinele, Womens Eder el BA B3-5474 Awost # mow" # A oasiongeh weight Sietanw a, For CORGEIEntions Matas 07 is AROEEW § Brashriston Ss re EM Manaprten (he mos Ae whe feel Aesrssent. The Aoctay i git Pe ' THE GSnAWh TIES, Thersdey, Mord 3, 1961 TT ex's reports wars @osn Wy Wes. T6TRIRAR Mater. [aman Rutore oil SOMEIWnes NESCIE & #5 ROUSERAD WY abcd dhs fevariey bash anh Was. Eanes Reeds (ange rewerns (ov con phonctype 9 1s kelp WE # Beciwse they we less In de EE --_ KTEP 1H TRIM EE a 2 har RRa p30 i) bbmey, (owes Ty reponse owed «flor, Tinectomthe of Beler's most and ng # sence wanh y CRs ans, CETIER cle of fis 5 KRY CRETE Wer s (6 knowing Jon wie on of wellbeing. To he jh a in of aaiaty Me FEdwpid Alsr, Metrics (he Pgh Wack. BR Meiers who way of , fhe J al Few Hae Among : 1 " LORRELL COARINEHOREE, Whe RAVE WE # SRGE, TONE I 68% period 16 fhe right ime fox These ors the rowed and chek TPE 16 Der ' ARYHAA MaloRicieR ' pg A Ww the (laws GER guest sposher, He oe ow pe When yon reach & weight sia wih hep, Cathet fhe wt the Be of het, beast of ots wud Bon 1 Ne TRENT FREEING he simi Buse & We of Lov Baden ow ef lass, Be RESWER. That Yowe rer ERE OF At Amyriing A ------ . ne a Aaya Wafinegmr Hasna) RESILE FARE MK fim of he Chews Prati AUTRE LAER 16 FIRE (ie ay TIRE BT howid he weed for BRR y Wik Reid oR Being) hy Ger Fs ro CARBONE WEE #50 IROWR forme. owe ky Resse 16 alist WEEE oF Febrwesy 2 # ke Rng PRE [RENAT RESTORE oo the Batisactommarls Warr served the fyus weigh Reger thie F Wiss Corncn Kennedy, Swans fini Lg {amas Anary WALT IT Ry enersiig of Wis ol Iw iosing ps 2 chance 19 akst Both PRE REE TECEET We ThE C0 Ott Bremion ond Wis. Frank sabe TOE WEEE 7h tiie new, TR any TER : poy ouesid Rowse with Presson Wes. Sasa Corel oe Mies Wanuiima Sie fot provid Furnas Hancom Deesang te lower evel. Bok Comient 15 Say WREOTIRM £5 PRA PERERA The REST WH "TE Co A Ses REAFA AMUEHIARY VE WEEKS 16 (oh mor he #t tie AG) #9 2 woes entiticd "bey 19 Dey NOR ERR SHOW lB isiid TP ssh dly nid Fahri h wes ght the R POSH CREAT ok was led boy WETS present and one guest, The FEORRery mest # ios Wide h Davide #8 RENE of the cremng wis # Wing 18 RE AFA Loiien _-- ids a So the bt " " Bok fick pew vith # divine long, Changs A ames. adie oh. WK BN er vikheh with the pre it, Mrs EW TOW F y gd We CARmm. Adler swoner the mesting wis Warne Vilerion wes the Fhe herRaiar of (he Mat, pap oR evel A galled J4 Fhe sins WRG PREsEmien Wl cred "By Mrs, HARES R CHESS wl RESng (OF # hast AOE Wy HOALIR Seombly, sep pig A 4, hh Wise (ripck BEBE Ry, CORBERS If roccurer's TROON Was 167d bY INERESS IREAIRE wp exercise. The rie of wean pe' Ke at J L ng the bork Em World, a Mis Henson social convener s Wis. A.D. Mello ry volen loss is Actermingd Wy the of ROWE RILET 8 TRE ising . A FINER 3 J , Wisin," toy W, Bickey Bog reo by Yrs € B, Hesrk, tected 19 mike the Gecorations 1Erence between calories weed (Nes (6 Nise for wot three BE 4 +4 Many wrens oh TREE PREINOCE pina es of last menting by Was, for the St. Pencils Rance 19 #00 the Peher consumed. Cal WOWE, then ARKTERIES Protein) ( y i DU / ( OUL PRE CEORIRIE BHICTEREES WETE ve Bild March 14 ot the mess, ODES CRimot be selely ct fon CRWEEE [he grepiest ise Ih ¥ )\ I), Bl | Ol i) | ) yl y I Wert Crowe 3 oh "Li A AEST PA - CELEBRATE 50 Ms. wd Mrs. Howard J McComb, pinert pre and have lived in Os Draled heir WB Wess he & "years, They have 5 F FREED WHER ThE Sivema 4 § fot Au 8 pid danger, Mrs. Grenville W Ber party wt Sandalwood. The « Bams, OBE E08 M anniversary par whe were the Edweid Melomb, #04 recipients of many pHs and | BIRRACHIGIER (lowers were marred w Lehane Value Of Scout Badges Discussed at Auxiliary Meeting home by BRAN IM pl ar fon Orone on Febery 72 ye THK nanmar # Times Ph In Bcowt-emig # through befor Scouts "Why Is My Boy ing?" wes the topic chosen 19 # panel A at the Febru long they Bry mes f I SCO She reps Mother Al ary held in the character from 4 lade ge of King Strestibr. 8 R United Church on Monday eve! . Baemeisier ning, February 71 Physical Fitnes The program chairmen, MIs cular emphasis on Herold Vi introduced thelmers and rescuers panel BENE # folows the subject disey chairman, Mrs. Ronald J, Man- Ball, The swimmer ping, the Reverend Mervi one of the most pop Bury Willigin ¥. Manuel! ficiency badges and Mrs. Frank Ball. Mr n-lthis district, where the exc ming leq 1 giscussion wy v-\ facilities of the ng three reasons why hovi8amae offer incentive to Bot might 10 he in Scouting and Cubs to try for this b and each member of the Panel! Mrs Howard Brown discussed a phase of Scouting ine panellists with particular emphasis on y " specific badges Mrs. Grant Beal presided fo v, Bury chose the spiritual|the business meeting with th side of Scouting stating that) MinuLes Neng read hy the originally Beouting began as a|[CtATY Mrs secular movement hut that the trehmrers FEDOFL Wis KI Lord Baden-FPowell soon realized (£1 hy Mrs, Roy Pearse, Mrs that mare religions education Fes! welcomed twa new mem was required, The Scout's fist|Ders, Mrs, AC. Christie duty, he , in womise is| MES. doseph Martell, Apprecia 4 ! im Wis expressed Lo Mrs. Jack Ad Fanveming J and he liste; 88 ather-and-50) and discussed the requirements banquet and to all those who | ayeock partieiia pol wan Blanley "ens € of mel thanked her and i (1h WB REE VERY Wier RSE A BEIM WE WEEE SRFVER BY 3h Melk Rs 7] rs VEN BIT DA ks LEAN AUKHAARY § adi Auniary, ( on rr y RYERIBE Bonckiey Diksibng Wax Kms WErE RIG WOrE EVER OWE 15 Be Bone 19F 9 he Reis on Apr show Wier ii /:] Mrs. Herbert Bathe, conven Lt of cards ei Fe 4 ha Ww 9 hs fF 19F WE shanti) prof wi Aaren Mai / 8 her i wn hoped as bis men will make the effort 19 gel provi anda ui wer! hi Zi hetler al mu Mrs, Wilham Riley was Fe Election of officers for yemr were Msenssed for the Plan 1991 then took Hack ok Fry, gnest 8. Gregory's Aue ow, Dt REEICISE KAR WED WP 1h whois bir Fore Ball 10 be held the burning. Thirdly you Cn This expiaing why thies wawle Mr. Bement fie cVERRIBE FREHBEAR Vat kv son aphoniners tht VERE RFE Horch mesting of the Awx Mrs Ia p ry wewid he held one week Abr Merch 15, due 10 the dinner heIng thik JAETH (Aer ton Fra i Crowe gonrer. Mrs, arpne RSE Mf wnat secreipry, served Merch 22 Hrs. Baymond Derry Refreshments were served by Social convener for the month Mrs, Reginald Kent Mrs: Thomas $4 HOME LEAGUE regilar meeting of the fon Army Home Tepgne of is Hats : A PIL was presented 19 the Fh Ze sf £ lerhert ¥ esl, Mrs. Wormers Fry wis held on Tuesday aiternoon OSHAWA LIONETTES February 28, with 70 members The presider Mrs, 4 ick preset Anderson, presided at the A lively singsmg of favornie lar meeting of the Oshawa choruses was led by Mrs, Wil {ionettes held at Simeoe Hall liam Seunders, and Mrs, Wi ar 5 made the aanownee ments and & ally mentioned the SICK ana SHLAnRs Mrs. Melville Smith led in the singing of a hymn, followed by waver by Mrs. William Allison ill he Mrs. Withert Clarke and Mrs hat a con Keith Pollard sang a duet, "The of Love of God two Mr David Owen introduced should ter: M Millicent Tuke who wes # ng and financially sound as special guest, and pinned a cor i aid sage mm her member will a tiss Take thanked Mrs, Owen he for the corsage and said how pleased she was to he present She spoke of the oy of sharing with everyone and used as her | more motto "That all may he one' was She spoke of the World Day of stressed hy representative Lion Prayer and its meaning, and of eite Anna Lamber! the lost opportunities, when peo: | / BIERNESION EYWERIR hie to mn i FTHIn INARR BF and hake sals i nels, I was slated ceried effort on the p MEMNETS hese projects WOVE il toward Ent of | veral company Ine president when installs the officers of the New castle club at is March meet ng The wrgent need for donors Lo the hinged celine a 7k) i IRIRAY SATURBAY Refreshments were served hy ple do not avail themselves of Lioneties, Mrs. Norman Gower! joining with others In prayer, and Mrs. Rufus Lambert, The She also mentioned lea door prize was won by Lionette,, Mrs, Major Rankin Mrs, John Kent | Miss Take and led in 8 chorus, | SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. "en was served by the Sum | Ten was serv (a Barry Ma presided shine Group gt the regular meeting of the! The meeting next week will he 20th Seout Mothers' Auxiliary on led hy the members of the Rain! PM, EVERY FRIDAY E BEAVER LUMBER CORNER DUNDAS and HICKORY ~~ OFEN FRIDAY TILL N we SATURDAY TILL 4 PM, == HOW TO REPLACE YOUR GLE KITEHEN COUNTER TOF HIMPLY ANP YOUR KITEWEN CABINETS YOULL BEE how you can make your Kitchen look like new again HE Wier 10 (Gnd pena s parecisin snk) with 8 see YOULL ME how you gay oe how 81 I an winGn 1ey dong withewt taining Wyn Ean make your own furmifiie Coffee Toabiss, Kitchen can be sop ied 1s Bothreom Walls soe how the colour megic of Aber be sed to make yan home mere aslighthul end lvak lasting suriaces can b EVERTONE WELCOME] § con be PEFENBABLE QUALITY & BRYIGH e-iince nedrip Arete Comiaed Tatles, oie VENING and SATURDAY at BEAVER LUMBER EASILY WITHOUT REMBYING oy 18 IepiGes pd "id Wncieam Lo nis same IG YR IESE Under Calne VOUAL WE 6 LAR -Gaws : ses how Arhorits sheets ie with is egsy-ia-cleen, longs o. BRING THE FAMIYL , , 4 SHOW SPECIAL Bowl Sin Ath MO B-5818 -- BONUS OFFER! With the purchase of a Hanover Trimold Counter You can buy a Stainless Steel Single reg. 15.95, AT HALF PRICE er ee feeded for the religion and life ied Jiepare and dB Monday, Pehruary 27 how Group, under the leader: | R ne y a ' . bid ¢ vl ale Manuel spoke on the lam Marlowe, gave her report k Phe secretary's and treasur ship of Mys, Thomas Myers : Pe -- --~ -- 4 LL citizenship badge and how it|on ties eould build character, Bhe| Refreshments were served hy siessed that children must helthe social convener, Mrs. Jack Hugh respect of law and ovder| Perry, assisted by Mrs. Harold and this must he instilled in the' Barker I HIGHEST AWARD FEBRUARY 25, 1961 ULTRA-EASY | By ANNE ADAMS This dashing, side - buttoned wrap is spring's most applaud led casual! Sew it swiftly, sash it smartly with a quick tie i {has no waist seams, Chodse % colton, shantung, surah Printed Pattern 4776; Misses [Biges 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, Size 16 ¥ takes 814 vards 30-inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS (800) in coins (stamps eannot he accept ed) fap this pattern, Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD DRESS, 8TYLE NUMBER Send arder to ANNE ADAMS ¢0 The Oshawa Times Patiern Pept, Oshawa, Ontario ANNOUNCING the higgest fashion show of Spring Summer 1061 PARES, pages, pages af patterns in our new Calor Cata Be ; SE 108 = Just out! Hurry, send 35 now! GRAND PROVINCIAL FINALS wi Donna Milligan, and her lovely model Lois Brodie are proud to bring the highest achieved hair styling award into Oshawa for the first time, WEDDING PRINCIPALS Pigtured after their wed ding recently alt Mt Ger trude's Roman Cathalie Church are Mr, and Mys, Wil: | Ham Patrick King. The bride, | who graduate of the Oshawa General Hospital, 1s NEWS IN BRIEF GIRLS HEIRLOOM GUELPH, Ont. (CF) = Joan Lewls' "hope chest" would he the envy of any young girl, Her ehina consists of 18 pleces of patiery, part of a set that: has belonged ta the family since the Par faut HE Cale aver on the I originally be longed to the preal-great-great Een grandmother of Joan's Aun the daughter of Mr, and Mrs | Everett J, Long and the bridegroom 8 the son of My, and Mrs, Hugh King, all of Oshawa ~Phote hy Donna with Grand Trophy from Provincial Finals es 1} ( pan 7 HAIR STYLING 360 KING ST, WEST (CKLB BLDG.) Telephone RA 8.4351 A Harnshy Competing at the Regency Towers, Toronto, Ontario, EC @ i with the top stylists representing cities across Ontario, = Mrs, Milligan captured the 2nd Award Trophy in on the Grand Provincial Finals, May iavwer This achievement and high honor brought to us by DONNA assures you the ultimate in hair styling, de- sired by all, IN MINORITY | A ¥ WN CP Girls a TOI Eh Ae I ® pAMILIES THRIVE ON THE SUNNY-SWEET GOODNESS hia. Vital statistics far the 185% | of Blue Bonnet Margarine, Can't be matched for fresh, #0 Hscal year show there were delicious faves nutritious becavse it's all vegetable through and through S08. 200 and THLE fe ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE EEE ERERERERRRER ERR ERE Minar miles HEADY MIX LONDON (UF) = The Ess Marketing Hoard is putting owt A new product they hope will win farmers a higger share of the hreakfast table market. It is ready-mived sorambled eggs!

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