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The Oshawa Times, 3 Mar 1961, p. 14

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$4 V8 SWAWA THES, Frdey, Mert B, WH) Zz=) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [5% bb--Howses For Remt SA=mApl, & Flot MA=-Aply, & Flots AAA Ash & Flows MA~Ah & Flos MA=APh, & Flots CLASSIFIED AD RATES N BORWABINAE, Rover. fa Font, forme, or Rent 7 For Rew or Rest or Rem or Rent » pos Bp Selva ts Woks JIM oid Wn Tow toned Soll -coptpined os FUE - 1oom SoRriment, esieh, new SEW, ters, whe, Inoietnmem WOWEEE tunel seeriment re WOWERD sel . contewmet Seseim Fila lod dd ad " - - ae So "i iw : V IRmanenen. Frowe bee BOI BORILIBRE GE BEV BPRITIEEM. (srr JOR r iin, Have, Bk DHEr Boles 187) rain, BR Bes moh ers 236 G48 wrens WH WIEBE HA wi Like p 1A sig riogame ry FH CRLRhar hima eri g Wh a5 Fain Posh haainde Bikes, bine pines, Reyer, iniiey Iv. B8 Has RA 5b mw Rh bias) 4 Lf TED N PRRER. - badinmm frink DEREEOn (EW Bree iaom sR Iment, MRE Berges prises AIR Pe fy Asan iies, cones o5 Srenae. Aiseimess Bef, WA $76 409 po boots Fea Yay Af Sk Bia ethene, sivas estianee, were IA SHWE Paras, Hove whether, regs # " or fee 1. rie g yo he Bh LENT for Fi er 6 4 £ i 5 i Sd Wee see i A wil, FEE ni, i", nd 4 i » LL hero a ------ ---- yt As y for 0 hows 154 Wsiogs Rosh bowin Fram piri dyibnt ohh WEVITNitl th A BE #vidi filed AEECIM 4 nendter Hermans to RRL: JRF dl HOF 7 Vi oor T------ § EE tia PHS Toatis, Wi Pom HAL Ti od a we (8 itd dil d or Abore rites ouchy orky 16 erga Lf MON i" POUGE { D # A p : £ 1 Y SA --hots, & Flots VIRRER riorre. heidi g WHORER, Wh 15, Mendes Rest, hohvs, sess pr on. spa ment, mere Ira s oaar eiey Ty ey ee | A.J " uo ff Bobs Ah , fot: vet mann Rone. TY witint. BA BW sched, silopia lor tre adits A a mamas Gorsetson, Ay parking RA 3-48 IIR hadonom Panitiment, 8 ro oe re sidered # 5 HATE a Ww (2 Brier Frisians Tih y Ih Waivgs Bo St on, ged. Ti Ae § ew Br CATERERS MATERIAL ' der dv 2 74 Waivks Kot 3 FEW makers ooh hudson appa A (Ardy ot § ar 4 4 Maden Desens btu wil 14.44 iii iss tiie t dh ind sd FER IR RERTLIREIt, WE CORVER- WB eV RE iiiaent BRA E, Fein Eer es "= " i. v i FIVE a # ; I) $, har TREE, FRIE SRT (TRAE, Bepinh, 7 Wg #8 whe ERE: WRT RIRLES, REDE, ROL Mer nA Have, pei paving, Fog TER - room spertiment formieheR; BOHLIN BALA JETS # pes yr 0 ARer 8 BRAKE, MGrIEE pd 4 " Sie BOA af 3 I Waker, ppipie Ir oon | mori y Teispione Yam 5000 Waal, ren ng (res. BA SOL or RA ities with 6 fosherit Wokors, WO Iiqariior sik range. Very resin HEDAANG & 8s #5 408 Bryer. Avy i ¢ Binet, Wk TB lrahoiime Rieke War By 1h, Fo er miei eho #4975 maniity. Bh Wess Ros. BA Sanit (Cie to bos. Auily He Raven Sisst, ¥ ; PART £4 4 on #99 FIvAT " ME C OR Y GOODS as i, is RA 8-436) 74 Cling FEI TEZT bad We mami ~ 4 ABR eld BN ar: EFEZ| 0 wi pone Bezel BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ein , Mor LANG'S ANNS FABRIC isan: creel" sar hs 9 pAAcstion grep SHOP welanmie, wank fogs. Vhoes RA oe ain is MEAT MARKET THO im spsstment, pty bor} i ond w for Leet avd 3 BYRON © A pias, 11 WE ARE PI eT § a 5 66 Ritson RN u : §oncolonors 80 © : 272 MBERET § TB 0) BBIE pA . a Accountants Building Trades Instruction Insurence Dressmaking wr Doty 845, Set ad pr og 4 . 4 FINE RITTER , } ' m-- met 2 -- ------ a ---- RECA AT ions HOME FREEZER 144 ES 4 ji srolor walk Hove we. Him Bo HFRS wed Compeny, Cait MA. TIRES oe 2 ' FRIGATE lencher, mukent' comnsehar, WON BOIWEN ~ Fire, sin, sod soe DRESSHARING -- Io Vie Oworn Ties vif OLR PECIMNTY K / ' 0h, GM, paring, MeL IHE EPIRA ied Wide Assponiams, 118 KIB medeing / A Ag 1h ERIE £2 #, py REEVES ORO). wity Toenianes. Bi Wing Biresi Fast, Srens wear. sessions of WY onaible for #rrEve ad ari WE DELIVER FA B47) 3c | H woe mow. Teiephone RA 51108 : Gehan k, BRERTIO BE Work bok le ¥ res bet pos 4 finhpne. RE EAI. Ret RA 13078 Feinpiome HA 50% ments wlamitied on yr w ren ww -- " WARINA Agen 9 AA hat vik - . a 4 as a / o y y PEOPLE A se services pie MAPTATE Asin Inearsnce. Bove wip ALTERATIONS of af Winds en, Con oust | I--mployment Wonted BERMIE'S sy, oi ree" Hon SAVE ORAL, WRI pH MOMIRDONS To Nth i, 0d 5d Tir, Vi "gh ots? aud wl Hl os, SF AT lrtchitts Veto . ry , " # o 4 4 i ahadd d 0, BEEHI EM oa Sasi A RRTRBIINER id fotifib WRI E 5 hy Fb, her et E80 Keveisine i er a rs wrgie' ineenicn of |BONAY wants Sar Burk or coking APP JAP CE SERY CE Reiebhone RA 30H censed Trustee WB Ropwospicy, 8 Winter prices. Phi Herpes, M6 § 455% $1 laday 19 Bart var WA 74 i " N10 Ne, ' y Ie & seein. BA § harged ter 5 snge iseion of BO es sscetiens relerencer. APPLIANCE 5 VCE (590 room spsnmint Tits tummon. Kg Bicant East Onkawe; Wo |. oie, oi y™ oe soins HRESSMARING sod wien he sdvertsement Wn whi ser REA 4-viak SIMCOE NORTH (B oh. BEFNing spbce BIshee. Moy ICAL FB Friesisnder, B Comm, CFA PORIng. Paper Randng Sid re ¥ 19 4 pert inetrnction tn TERE sorsge goods (ola fash ceh ERURIEN'S wid ladiew wees, V8 scciy. Ard oles reeves he rgd oR SIMCOE NORTH £5 Gin Biaeel East or ieiephone Th a An Bold rEvetes RA SIE : 0 BERARLIRERt, lela ARiertise them for wie in the aweiprice, RA B66 to clewity atmitisrg geesrdng 15 EMATURE business dy with peverp) Y uit factory cuthoriied ser 5 4160 BOB FAN i nian Ascrpting p 7 wetion fosbawn Times (laseified Ws own close cohiors VERIN BARETE NEE EEpERORIE AW pp ot for Phile i 44 ; ; « Madd dyn Ell BA 55454 now Io place sovy #4 MINOR shierating om in the tose of Sepioy Reise sas position. Box ik, (shave Times Gf "5 4 y THREF wo fo as " ¢ CHA bond Bi J, Sr. Res A HOA E I THE [FIFTY 9 4 re] ---- | a. We Abert Fond ments The Times w nol be held v.E, 85 4 AI 9 wr ale Wath ! poh pa A pi JAR 18) 5 Mort " Eimgrnve wh rk weenie Jor "mre oes than NIK £00 80100, 00 (Rll 51179 gg Ay Brg WHA hE WURROWE Chuierss COUNTRY? goge in which the gots sie 4 ¢ 4 4 Beeumiints, Wh Simone Bassi Eo { Ik pin adda ald CIENTS money i Yre oh rars srdecycy Pome RA § 95 THREF Imes hp ment shane Boned ¥. 0. Whson. FA A BOATHOUSE? f in 4 wig H £ fo repress co wi canmrtinng moter Lay « gen to ooisren. Prove A) Room I) Board Le eT 0 erkR ils Famand Burrows, Eh. BA BI A MICE GARDEN WA J y ' ' pit chaeen ha pres ¢ orract Ge IEE ¢ a 7 £, Rie y WAR a fo.. Breowniant : § ne LEAR raeer, Viper wi Wor vacances wn ; Eo = er AVAHARES 1 orp ' LR P| Ads ther wi or REPAIRS OF 4 y, $44 Ki : Pa ihrvavars i pif p 5 i wid Lun VERRY RvR f / bis 4 ' f pall i " de NOKBEREERER wd a orate wi Fu 2 FERDISHED ails vans, Iii. HA 44 REMODELLING on ---- -- POREYAN ADD FLEIMANAN, On / ¢ Re . 1 y 4 ada 4 4 WON » ' 4 # mes -- pone BA § 84% #1 a #0 gor Hare bois 166 litera Bizest. BA a dy Rid fg Adu En, " LARGE OF SM/ Rey 6 did MOR TGAGE prim Bloor Went rig A - ™ pid lia Ih b wie FRE. Appi 16 Bie uP § 42 ' / "oe Ine or #0 orthw hh " A 10--Loon Wanted ORR JOBE waned, Eitan bareranl) Rog" sng boirh BE, REAR E00 bib, Simesn rect hort CALL AIAK 10 fl by wemeutie pol pAONEY AVAILABLE an ante. E " 4 dered. BEER. BOE siiekes, PAIRING BRE t ) 4 ------ [| T'4 | oh 4 1 ') FROFIF by reaching | hold repels a mEAeea FOUR : room spprtiment, bmmedisle Dm m---- HATS Al orf Wh Bimese Blrest Sovih PAYMENTS TO SUIT y 8 lows wo y > Ieiephione BA B64 {14 bath, Rive " BA § 6143 fy 157 SAY i WIE # Wah inikrest, low wien ol ird A By . 4H Phone 84 490 ROOM sid board Ior tue gentlemen, TY osiel : WIAA iL Articles for Rent RA f A | 02 ; YOR BUGGET FRY nant Ostiane Times Ci yy » inks Y i wid bord 0 ge isd 14 /Q L/N 7 J HAY : apies BY ishie ' iwi BA 33452 pow Sow rove Agr fd 36---Femals Help Wanted oe HA bdbsadonnda i Ps i I EA 4 on first ond send mongenes ALLIED INVESTMENTS a wr SIR re #4) ho 4 THREE 1oon # An A 0 Kis yIHEE E f, od p srehase of art nd NH. FIN pun Toke Ontarie % Wh Omens Th TERE To Too HE Ee a Tog HE vr 8 FLOOR SANDERS Aly iia Siin rchase mn ViATHERREE I COMPANY irisnns, "iin Maas Roenes Hort ree VALE Bae tion "Wud aa ectell , 4 ir BLEBREE, EAPIIBY 4 p « Siinel Kast, Oshave, BA 8 iG ET 2A 3.599% Phone HA 6&4) 19---Personal suai Lime. Wrile Bos 495 Ade o Behar A Dew oepitel y / Y 84 Grente CUPBOARD SAMDERS AJAX REPAIK AND a 51 Kif y RA 3-399% wy vi Se Th Post J Fuionis, nt i | e { " aric Mortgeg TF TOU 470k Thai's soir bisinenar iy ide Vout Office a: Ph s_Telep A_Sob v FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT CONSTRUCTION gs I second WORE Res BFTRRE Warber Onicric Mangage ata Jind rvavors, Fioissnontt Ka. 0 {| i# BAL ORPOIIY NICE bedino ORE oF tee Eeptie p B® High 4 Bro Associatic EIneering, 6 Tvindss Bliss A GETS G0 hth Viet 4X EREPTIONM, opp WH bation tor ov, ow oi ' REDUCED RATES ining as, Wg shes Assccotion ___ (EI 41" wher howe' hE d " hoIRE FOREIRE, # nA 57687 8 4 BIDE wanted 0 Torn «ord ICOM and Hieyiie Bours diduiaiad |. Hy ul, y ' " 30% discount on {mos -- . Optometrists --- ---- inton district. KA # nis " 4 4 " # il i { ¥ is ' second A Ey oo iF daverds 75 p 1eisble' oport 9 Adeloid ke Enamel end Paint Business Opportunities fins a A aT ; " x a Bis : Tony apast Heme, dW rk Sole" In the ores 7h WE BBING HARDWARE | ENACK Bor tor rent, for forther fo hei Jutehased and I: Ha 0 vesinpts oi bgwniven Dominion WHEN ANSWERING " / oeks Lo 1riend dds gt Bey " { rman eal RA Buss Stree : | il nk or 74 Burk Breslin s ox E L ECTROI YSIS Aug enes i #4 bonrd for pe / apes y pe RA 3-4873 fo . geet Kap: RA 47034 mined ot home, isl BA 5-487 LA p94 S404 F anhi n wont ne Hoh ipah wale porking spas and id ore | HGHY Bow 1s the best Hime 19 MY BEEN promising vor enlidren # | " HELP WANTED ADS y v one ' § I Apt your (arin Take #4vep / 7 10 "Peis tor Bale Li wl. BICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Removal of super! is ha Frocks, bi 4 Todstria) wh HA 5618 sundry facilities, Apply MM TRady A400 fod bl TW) or Ba H i , Marte Musrduff pt Mantis] # ROOM snd board Tor 1asy In quiet pi. No. 2 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT "Farms fur sale 02 Cismnified section to 11nd met the FHM nage" 134" Einntten Sar send copies only of references Oshawa, Mar ih { IN EXCHANGE zr Ray RBER 0 ' gf A FOR RENT OR FOR SALE [16 et sour lier tn ne yy vir Evenings by sppointment. | y y : A ) RY ERIEREES wep he qT " EQUIP sour #lfice the pen tA 3-410) and other pepers, and eveld | th Fhone Ger § sekerpis ole p SLE ONE MO! | TH Hospital bed wher hairs Hie "a Hoan or the barking oles A ( NEY 10 1] KAN WEI CRO aptametrist . on 1 do f 517 4 Srihes & sis ir 0 vo aentiemen will = . . fie bedi ed phder Hilee Quip ent 5 Bulle §, The Dundpe Bldg, 36 Dundes Lig loss oF erign ' ment HOUSEREERER to take full charge ih pie leds. Bostd optional FREE Rf i IT nvalid walkers eqgeiaes day's Classified section A ) Weal, Whithy, MO 63671; Closed F eo inate . 7 0 " F Central, Nesr North commades crutches and OAN CW TUCK, BO, optometrist. Please! TY » Radio Repair FC DOPTION | 11, Je responsi person: Feiepione |Fias : ' eo f 4 N - lear te 8b downt Domipio ) 50169 i cal o olf eds yg aecounts at downtown Dominion CHILD IR ADOF IN HA B08 M end board ler gentlemen, nice room apartments, § and 84, sig rli-anay B JL (Wonk or 74 Burk treet dnvelids ex |TV: BARI, car radio N 1 # fq pl 4 -- TRAINED clerical help, for & [! Fhane Ald Rentals EA 5-164 smined st home. Dial BA §-4587 makes. Thompson t y Elllott Avenue, RA e, Kind home cooked Bett h Pi feel 0 office position. Myst be ' . J J i ' R #4 South for mare ! = " h] " I Ideas. kpeod, snd Laks short hand, Ir i} RA B-8676 Barristers MONEY -MAKER han rien Painting and Decorating SAMSON Telephone BA 49 I REIGHTON, FRASER, NEVNAN and | bo Buy FAINTING, Aebo P VD Oc : HES 2! Plant, Apply 892 King Street FUR WI PAA rial i Eni W. Berristers, Balle 8 Ne FULL OR PART TIME " ; gages na | pes cf ras! FAIS Hina, detorating ana ment ' c - R ) caled Eh we f PEEL Lary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg ie INCIUAING YAER / Eachern, Telephone BA b-1606 J TE N . IRA ? mm a | DEAYY irate hath, Phone RA 5g ncoe Slreet North, RA 3-346; T. K n 7 | short term marigage for = T V TOWERS N 3H nt i A 5) "AD arigag BROWNE through an od fashioned va Ye FOR LAW OFFICE | 42--Room & Boerd Wanted" preigiion, ol) 0 braseri i fee) TRAMP-Q-LEAP | Glider" fin" and "second [ets sire "tn sour" a 'ois sort RA 8.8180 . - - 44g AR Rad waaes ond agreements (Check the wavsugl offers under "Sale , working (MOTHER would like ream snd board FICE ¢ Al F KuEEs REVRAKE BY 4 C , wi { | Miscellaneous' tn Classified : ; Moi B11 a E SPACE A Bi HA CF 26 a ra TV h J» ; 3 conditions £g per LA i lor 4 NL wo pie OFF | [ P PON ALD N. Al ' ois ee gl JUMF CEN [ RE J) warty, 262 King Street PAINFING and oTApsThanking, Lites | OSHAWA + Y » surge 1h ng M F SWARTZ news Timer, nes | FOR RENT Velen ne Jusiness HA 2 ol: You tan: vet oR to 8150 1 3 Oshawa, Telephone RA (Weiephone Tih 671271 | 36) GIBBONS ST. tiles fl 2 : 43--Wanted To Rent / MANNING F, EWA RT Z, Berrigier,| daily, You con awn and ¢ | 3.4697 FROFERSIONAL painter aid paper | * ---- with ) 3 KING STREET EAST A ! 4 4 hanger, susraniesd work and male Bruee pt. 0mm | lots on hus Mar gh | £ UME cer as with ar alee be 14 o Faves ta temas. Write Comaien Wramn| New building. Centrelly lar | iock, 'apis King Biret East WA) [HEE FORUE SOM Bon! fo NEY TO LOAN ee |30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 truly a hin | RA 3-469) NATIONAL organization requires va Passenger elavator service Bolleliar, Notary Money be gon (aso gral 8 Tramp-O-Leap'! fi Gd Aanised work and mate 40' TOWERS $45 a i 4 hp : | o lowmown. Gree } 4607 Résidence, ial RA need ! INTERESTING [ites id: ain Gimieester Blrest)| 4 ole rent. Leases now JOSEPH ¥ WANGAN, GC Rervister| : 16,000 : f ludes a 2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for PAIN TERS 9 4 DECORA TORS 200 ROOF ANTENNAS $22 but loving HM ] H Ph Solicitor, Maney ta loan. Difice 144 me unit dealershis liate loar P , ; ee acting hi POSITION WOMAN with Uirke children urgently) @valle I OR ames. NA HE i / R 1960 " rat ond Industnal ' mmereial Completely Installed i needs 13 bediog apartment bh : Restaence HA Bust NOW | THI TIMI narigages. mestis mh and providing al March 31. Write Box #43 Oshave od « J ne f ale, on vacant and Repairs and Alterations With 2-Year Warranty Hon that will ears s lip? AVAILABLE Times THF [IME | BWM AN NAVIN 1, Barrister, Bellel | : d oat. resider A { ' ji a x p ith. RA 50502 Res! TO R AR J £ property, ) Wood Finishing Home if 30, @ ) GI A : WANTER, Ta Tei Wives bedroom i BUI PING an 8 if J PREF f and Industrial sity Hb and Office Furniture, | EN & LOU'S write Must possess good reading (Sees Phone RA 6-70 - . J MGIRBON snd BASTERD, Barristers, | the high profit seasor H 4 and country, and sum T. W. PHILPOTT CO had HE M abilit and be eccurgte | ligitns nis' funds available for | mel cottages "IR A ' ' IN the market for a Mobile Ho f 4 eel D s | @hesd he earl f ] DUNBARTOMN in PUL : neler Typing #ssential, aura to thetk the iu ve Contact 1. L. WILSON {a of might BA ed A if in en this exciting new port | immerland Securities Limi DAYS. MO 8.6729 CITY TV. RLIAME DIN me knowledge of She ofieked everyday In the Osha nies | ada. on 10 sw t 4 ited 112 Simcoe Street / 88 mm 9 ' Classified clion * Heer FF. Basteda, § | soon 1a sweep the hole EVENINGS TE 9.2364 ] ; - hand preferred. Apply Mr, & ra 4 J n Phone RF A 3 3474 JOUN" A. CAMERON, barrister, sollel:| gounts You've read ghout Nari) A Oshawa, Phene RA Hn , RA 5.7844 BR derw |i ng Personal Cheques NEATROM i ae ral PS nota alin, 16k King Street n Li ¢ Wa / 5.35¢ ~ ME 25-~Pets and Livestock | 9 SE nd & WY, 8 around April 1 Benhonabie| [tar and hotatt i and Br vate LIN Life, Lock, Wall Steel teen DODD & OUTER B02 SIMCOE ST, §, rent. Telephone Nish ulter § " ] Jayme! and Sports iy ated . - N . A : a A Bor of One and Two Bedroom [5h isases srrunged Ono Craton' pirated: Martgages PAINTING & DECORATING TV, Service Calls, $3.00 #x months eid f on A March 18 4 " - « | THOMAS M, BUNDLE harrister wok: | ou rE de gler y oF | -- CONTRACTORS I a > id WOODLYN Gurl Putian otis wets APARTMENTS iar "ahd nates "ihie, SNA Wing) SOMA etal! 1h 20 Shaw | ¢ oT Painting Paperhanging, TELEVISION SETS tan Dachshund pups Telephone MO BEAUTY L OUNGE | nen, Te Apt sh iaey LA SALLE COURT lw MANETS Bavehyn and Hillman ping Centres MORTGAGES Gyptex Full Wall Murals, HUMIDIFIERS aw siers. Aolieitars; WH. Do Hum . | Arranged, Beught, Sold Spray Paintin DEHUMIDIFIERS BEAUTIFUL Baby budgies ready far penis in 6xPRr: | am Manse, near rth Beer denen PHOMNE RA 5.3815 im Henk OK Woyehin, WA, WA ABSOLUTE PROCS | Command and Private Monies | 107 BYRON ST. 5, WHITBY RECORD PLAYERS braining. talking 8174 in Wpply MPS : Write Box 4380 Oshawe Himes | " \ ¥ |Hilman, ta dei King hiiset Kash RA 5.6544 DAYS MO 8-523] RADIOS & SUNLAMPS Brand, 114 Elgin Bireet East A rat r RA 8-645 (Phone: (fice "a WLEEE Heng JUN 1 ef centres paying for them e NIGHTS RA 5.7426 «PO XGHE dd § 1968 plus comm ) basis TWO - oF three : hedrons | of LL [4 Whithy, MO 8.87615 WA 58803 John A, J RRA CE MEAGHERS house Ir id ar selves In B 1a 10 weeks ONE thoroughlived ' f 1 Taunton or Cou i Phone RA Money la lan ' o B® 1 } ) 3 | : of areat additiongl profits for BOL A H 00 D Personal Servi 8 KING STREET WEST Balle! ! A raon vice A 3.342 aid. § Teluphaons A 1] : " 1h Land Kelly, Barrsters I REGITERED " wale female, 3! ! wn PARKWOOD {Ween and Welly, Bareistors: BRC | dealerships in home unit United Realios hid dll ot A TS ' ¥ A -- "Houses For Rent Dial WA 30078 WHesidenve phones | Member Ontarie Mértaa day, 6.00 ta 5.30, 881 Bi 'North - - -------- further 4 (37 Male Help Wanted [Wind RA wauih, Residents bo er " ember Ontario Mortgage 1 0 I Blmees Nor > ) i ( D Brokers Associatio WA §BA04 -- and BROOKE IN Thies roan hesied, MANOR hon Keith, FA, BOL, BA 86888 ANADIAN rakers Association 04; i a NOW d i ' hal oe Leni plans. hol waler; guile » (RALPW JONER, BA, Thomas M AMP O-L AP" Gardening and Supplies TRY OUR DAY AND 'NIGHT RAY = igh awe, Vale fo ale Toi lf 8 PR : uy tts ADARTMENTS [Be setts sates" s2h | TRAMP-Q-LE " BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN TV SERVICE phone Of 3d. ¥ . FOUR n il liar mi c : WONDERFUL opportunity for the right |¢ p ond fie ®) Chi 1 I PLUS SUNDAYS AVAL ONS white, NM FORER| T0 a dell § ankinte Nne of Rung a a Aotuni BL ON TAMER A Mash ANALY. WAT TER SHAWA hicken plate, half chicken li Qusenshorg, Ontario or App |! alerials to reall trade in the Osh-|yigp, hii [her nd Haticitar and Notary Fuh Biggest and mast experienced | | (YAA LANDSCAPING with french fries, fish and Complete Tube Test Sires ening Wh ares Commissslon can he # EAC YY / fie Whe Commeareial. miliding, 48 King] by far will give every a chips, hamburgs, het dogs, / a = As ; and Haw ranged. His Oumar s Times Ny #1 heck honiap. 04 IAGUENAY AVENUE West, Oaawn: Ontario. Client pak | sistance in logating, installing Pruning ef fruit trees and milk shakes LEN & LOU'S TV 1 iy | and Hinancine. For 'the best | amamentaly, tres surgery and RA 5.7844 or RA 8.5804 Teleahone RA 5 40 ani i appointment, RA (PARK RD. A KING 57 ' } remaval. Expert wark Bh MODERN GRILL 4 re ) ITs 14 KUBKELL J MURPHY, BA return on Wr Investment ¥ guar 5 REAR farm ue ' of i TOMORROW! s 111 " k bungalow, three hed PIRTRICT [phttininr end fies HA id i Aelia wiile | Sneed r WE DEER a hogy SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT a ; vo NAVAL OFFICER [fam hauthmead dinriet For mor Quisi,, wsidential 411 ea! (OWHAN, vid 1 Rarripier. Rai Carniian RA B.4366 SHIRT LAUNDERERS n % PAY OR NIGH Phone RA 4k | COULD BE YOU |Ho : Stoves, High TV. cutie, [Aedon nA ROHR Tramp O Leap Co. Lid ZIPPERS REPLACED Yi an 30--Swap & Barter ---- CO wir AIR LT i BL hi i g, el fn A T. SALMENS, BA, barrister, anliel 443 Lloycesier 3 EXPERT PRUNING Shorten or lengthen garments CALL RA 8.5286 Ottawa, Lntarl . Newly decorated, HA 86476 90 month! wr, se, (41% Simeos Blieel North 19 f -- CER Cuffs and pockets renewed E WILL swap equity in two slores, ane ROYAL [SPACE for vent, 38 x 18 8ultahie bor Rents from $90 mont Offien BA 83741; Realdenes: HA 3-043 | mee oF RVICE Complete stack of buttons A VK Snaranteed dustrial halld i ANY -Tepalr warkahan or Amal husiness PHONE er Cartage 5 4 ua LAR LRA rk AL CANADIAN LE sent. Phone HA Gai RA 5.7272 " NEA 5.85787 Building Trades [TOWN'S MOVInE And Bloragn, OWhaws Shaping, Thinning of Fruit cl ean FEARDY LTD ELECTRONICS fas WA Ra u784s NAVY [FARMWOURE nine rooms, modern h CERAMIC wall tie laid, ressonable (Whithy -- Weasonable rales, Fully and Qramental Trees, rT RA B.3588 newly decorated, immediate | posses Tales, work guarantend. Vien oail (equiped and insured. Phone RA B61 | V Belle G Plumbing He ting _---- | sion. Jack Wilson, MO 8371 | =p males. KA #0850 -- an Belle Ga dens } . 32--Aicles Wanted STUDENTS FIVE © oom TWO BEDROOM [FEAL i tie vars | Fuel and Wood MA 3.5757 . BOWMANVILE [Wath Repairs PLUMBING and L ae, near Naglan: all d Franns sanied, any maks or sae conveniences. $46 monthly. 1 A 5 C nahin tates. Fhane Al Stachel, MO (3 os § an } 2) Hngs, Nxtures, new an \ ; ? phi 1) ad : refstifahie thls Wad : dwond ands, suitable for fur miles East on Ne A FRIENDLY Ad Writer will help ¥0u | {ng from septle tank " Jone si 'Bett. | eile" p Pike, 130 On | The Royal Canadien Ne possession. Close 10 sehoals. Cal APARTMENTS #3008, hetwesn § a.m. and 8 p.m TRY harduand Ande Ae le wee | find 080 the prapecty you want nthe | olay Tora ane regs " gach vear makes available @ [+8 iH H i "Real Estate Wanted! columns, Dial i N 8 ! x ¢ i ALE plumbing and heating supplies [load deliverssd. Phone RA Ba014 S_- L. rales, Information and estim phone collect i A. limited number of navel NRW Che Te vw Excellent location. New build | RA 50a, Tarald BH SEATK |e Rug Uphels ry Service RA 33408 today, Any ley LL al i | p " ha dwar 0 Al on nag Dap officer cadetships to Gana: [B0rey, &il heated, all convealenpes,| ING WIth or without lease. 1G siimuing, heating and engineer [110 PIRCES af hardwaed fiewood VIHOLATERY at its best for less, Wi LALLLI 11 GASH FOR SCRAP 11 ' ) 8100 manihiy, goed location. Telsphons | - ing. 25% Blimeon Sireel Sauih (Faasanabie prices FOr BERer IWARmAT | SCriatise tn. shanterfields, | Fe-savered A dian_hign school gradusies HA 20 | LLOYD REALTY ROOFING repairs of all kinds, hew RA § a wr {roomy adelled, re pared, Free sstimates, WATCH REPA RS TY APPLIANCES E BUY mi Applications are being een. pave san Thies bedroom bunguio, | RA 8.5123 roaling aunlled. AL werk sain. | Food Frac er Services LL ] @& is BEA STEEL, METAL BA Ri ad NOV rom senior ane ail heated, hol water, large lawn and] ad ¥ tinal HA 3015 i, i PAPER. RA Ere junior matrieulation students garden, close ta schenl, $83 18 1 x 8 sailimatat fHETRRELELA sel eee : ornis h Boon "ESO Ligh nd h desiring 10 enter the Navy [WA Féin ae couric: toa" Se I¥huk Ys notes Mead [he new Ah' pay bier the tultk] 200 King S1, West Ivy . avestronih, chimneys, fireplaces, LAA hy y reasonable. Satlsfaptio \ATan > 2 Open All Day Saturda as officer cadets under the STORY ar office for vent, #70, 12 MODERN Io Wika stuns, BA 0304 Gordan May tte Wealinghiuse Franses and the, Aes tabulit oihaws Wpneliter Soecializi inate oll burners, hat water and 294 ) Hid 3 4 . , awaeurahle, hy Bohne of | . M GREENBERG & SONS | tema of the Regular Offer (Bees, Mtl" Hot "we ion [KAMEN wit tan nn youn Lie, OE BEAL "Wont Brnl Wan ial WA| Specialising, automa freed a Trnaren, bona LTD Training Plan or the Venture (adi APARTMENT innger-used firnishings Find hm Wane shopping eentre tn your Kllehen = - fixtures, parts and service | Plan FOUR Sg mopar eed [day with an inexpensive ha AY [Vaur thee months supply of food ae RURAL ne Feraired oe Huphol RA 3.4545 ARTNER 4 0 gale I | " ) fm | stared 8 Ur MAalerisis ar ve cove _RA 3.7333 308 Bloor §. F THE REGULAR OFFICER [an he seen at anime. Avaliable | ne dinens, kite [TOUR lackl shimney cleanest = Ehim: Shits hotter planned meals a1 AF 00 Ae ion R Dalian, 78 Enasies Siren PLUMBING AND HEATING V 4 Living room nays hull and repaired (han you are now paying TRAINING PLAN is nm hy Telephone Beane 30M for furines chen na bedroom lay wry Hated, furnh LL pl [Vving being sup As ff 1a, 18 fn onli HA 37813 (Mumbing and Heating ORONO 1782 Day or Ni LL ee ' " ) males. RA 3.3800 {fair Ya yourself and famil WYO CHESTERFIELD aol oR} WAN | El ) 1a the thee ' la STOREY fir hedroama| [90m facilities Ideal far ([X sal) EOONOMART, Mo 4381. Na hawn [$a 8E A Ane oi dhaliy ¥ . | a universit legree aiid ha \ rs, three moams| Dusing couple A ila! Payment Na Obligation. Our (ood e0R- op Madar Upholsterin a 2 " W a §, 143 Simeone SCRAP IRON. POULTRY education, at the Canadian Batis alin, Lnlohed ges April 1st, in the Burns Bul { HOME IMPROVEMENT [sultants wil wath AXplain any WAS 10) Sau ih Call RA 08080 NF a free Se . \ i epho A B07 > 8 ny satisfied AND FEATHER TICK! ervices Colleges JA Trieshave A 4380 | ing | SERVICE : I aur statement: Thre | TALE : versity, laving the foundation (FIGHT - mom house In North Osh | APPLY hatituies RUT you ean STOR dreaming of a business of your I. TURNER for a professional cares ANA, ehiidien weioaine, Cows to Ws Have your home remodelled [are many siiatides BEL a sal Ab RE a a snesning "Rasen on | DO YOU HAVE A HEATING PROBLEM ? avallanle Maron 18 Call HA S84 | BURNS and impravements done for a han 12 pound steak pack portunities" in Classified. Soon your RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 | THE 5 ENTURE PLAN is @ 'six roam hame, compels with iw vi by Beaver. From the dream Will he a reality ; USING TOO MUCH FUEL? NOT ENOUGH HEAT? f educal and Kilghens, twa three place hathyoams, | alle ning Sipe ialy signed | a: Weare sicko ass | SHOE STORE | flo™ing aod sttimering to | STOP | WHY NOT HAVE OUR HEATING EXPERTS GIVE houlevard. $84 monthly. Schofisid | ¢ WA Young men who want 18 {ieee Aasmelates, Lid, Harry Bins mly with Beaver -- Budg . YOU A COMPLETE SURVEY OF YOUR HEATING HAW a | with the fleet a al IRISH hy W Aan, RA 5.46 | Ry Shi i. Call He oe | HOMARY ET f | SEGERS SYSTEM FREE AMD WITHOUT OBLIGATION TO AUTO WRECKING CO at Wo Aronm bungalow far Tent Lumber. MO A.5818 | Freezer Compan fees are charged ' \ i ane RA 388% EE -------- Whithy. Offers the fi ' od | RUG and UPHOLSTERY YOu Wants s king Parts a . foi ° als i on and : : tank ah i » | WHIT BY Bookkeeping rvice WR eal Yond CLEANERS | We will gladly repair, remove or replace your pre: i n . ALL PHASES of off ark dene \ | ) : 3 : ate aN day A tx ; OF I IC f OR STORE 109 CRAY DON ROAD {home Boakkesping lpia, vo) roasts 10 delight the ¢ leaning at sent heating svstem--hot air hot water steam benefits ding full me [#lo. Tolaphons RA 884) low prices. Hind au out | Inwer_ pe | RA 5.2311 89 BLOC 1 4 f SPACE FOR RENT | and wraps hy, front RA Ch 7488 We are alse equipped to clean and ce your heating system, 12° by 3M | Netaim to We " ytd . | SCHAPEI HOI IMAN Ih; We have special ! average cleanout $7.50 plus parts y ¥ N HOMARKET » Employment Wanted | The a 1% | preferred and TV. outlet COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING a0 he. [CHROME CHAIRS | Wa will give you an sitimate before we stan rienced. and \ APPLY Ample ¢ $ ¢ s Vie 5 A anasi | a i ~ - "eteren TR . 23 C E | INA oY | MRUIPRe ! : boii TAR ik ta 8 We i RECOVERED it we building a home will help you plan your heating We Revel --r-- 1 beckoam $10 : and awn @ freezer for $16 FROM 3.78 UP | wa. LCL bis write 1 el / . 2 ta Ah afe OSLER STREET gor week ba on mation Eannet Waka | RCN. Recruiting Officer OFFICE or STORE Hachomm:1 ; OSHAWA. ONT |B at Waitt 0 OSHAWA AUTO TRIM | LORNE GOODMAN HEATING A piarment, 27 St. Clair, East FOR RENT ™ c | 8.4830 » 82 BOND ST. WEST 4 dood WOTAST TORONTO. 7. Ont * Th! ; N 'A 5.9953 Richard Ma ak RA 5.8042 SERVICE WA 2.0403 $70 il -- A -------- A ------ ------ -- ---- i ---- = ~ 3 » : - slept . } BOTREwARK vane an Rian chiles CHARTERED TRUST Auta Po orty Nursing Servic Women's Column artment for | Mortgage loans avaliahle mana A Nh ha pape N \ \ 2 3 RA So : : a On will 'be at CE 81 ¢ RENEE We 5 Tim, guaranteed du. INRIV TRL ALTERED or 8 . RTE 58 MARY ST. OSHAWA rou | the A I a 2.5, Monday SAI King, Next Dus sai TORONT( lomative paris and acossseries 143 each pers SUR ¥ ¢ 0 Spirella WILL de Uoniag 1a awn home of N 51, Dahan \ supervised. | Inques oi \ \ r. Hebatrshnl " maw H A Marsh dh Telephone RA 8 8178 I Me. Melvin == WA 2.413% IRE Ta, Sea th we a RA dle hb Hvis bl + | Admiral Road Hedderahe RA 5.1044 Two Phones to Serve You RA 8.4034 antl A am

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